The Battle of Broken Hill, New South Wales, 1 January 1915
The Battle of Broken Hill, New South Wales, 1 January 1915 « previous | index | next »
Mullah Abdullah (c.1855-1915) Suicide Note 

It reads:

I am a poor sinner in the sight of the Almighty, and I supplicate His mercy. I am a poor resident of this country. I gave another name for my own purpose. One day the inspector accused me. On another occasion I begged and prayed, but he would not listen to me. I was sitting brooding in anger. Just then the man Gool Badsha Mahomed came to me, and we made our grievances known to each other. I rejoiced and gladly fell in with his plans, and asked God that I might die an easy death for my faith, otherwise neither of us had any enmity against anybody. For my faith, and in obedience to the order of the Sultan and the order of the Koran; but owing to my grudge against the inspector it was my intention to kill him first. Beyond this there is no enmity against anybody, and we informed nobody. I swear this by God and on the Koran. (Signed) Mullah Abdullah.