The photographs in this album form the Joseph McKinnon Photograph Album.
17647 Sapper Joseph McKINNON, a 21 year old Telegraphist from Yarragon, Victoria. He enlisted on 30 October 1916; and embarked from Sydney, New South Wales, on board HMAT A15 Port Sydney 9 May 1917. At the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 12 April 1919.
A complete listing of photographs may be found at:
Joseph McKinnon Photograph Album Contents
Acknowledgement: The photograph which made this album possible was kindly provided by Anthony Liston.
Members of the D Field Troop Engineers, Royal Australian Naval Bridging Train, inspects on horseback the remains of a German Albatros D.III fighter, which was brought down a few miles from Sheikh Nuran, within Allied lines. Only the engine and tail remain.