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Western Mail, Thursday 23 November 1933, page 2


Dear "Non-Com." - Negligence in reading has sometimes produced whimsical coincidences, especially with “Blue," that celebrated unshaven dag of the A.I.F.

In the little Sussex-town of Sompting, on a very hot August evening in 1917, Blue had been doing the rounds of the pubs. Feeling a trifle elevated with the juice of the hop, he had a sudden inspiration to go to church and to the great astonishment of the congregation he staggered up the aisle and dropped into a seat. A Bible was handy and Blue opened it and read aloud from a chapter in Genesis. The last sentence on the page happened to be "and the Lord gave unto Adam a wife." Turning the next two leaves together, he started at the top and read on in an audible voice, "and she was pitched within and without."

Unhappily he had blundered into the middle of a description of Noah's Ark!

W.J.T., Menzies.