Western Mail, Thursday 10 August 1933, page 2
Dear "Non.-Com." - One night on Anzac the corporal took five men with him to go out and look for some wounded. After crawling up the side of a hill we stood up and walked round a hummock. There a gigantic Turk seemed to loom up in from of us with his sword upraised. He greeted us with a throaty growl and appeared to dive into our midst. Startled out of our wits the six of us, headed by the corporal hopped back about 20 yards. We then stopped and assured ourselves we weren't afraid and cautiously crept back to have another look at our doughty foeman.
To our astonishment the Turk was lying face down dead and stiff. We then realised that the movement of the body and the threatening growl were caused by one of us stepping on his leg, which acted as a lever, and a swollen Turk, with his last breath, nearly frightened us to death! Needless to say there were no tales told out of school when we reported back to the mob.
"The Old Sixteenth," Mt. Hawthorn.