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William Thomas Leggett on horseback
William Thomas Leggett on horseback 

Local soldier the first killed in defence of Belgian town

A young soldier from Goulburn will forever be known in history as the first Australian to die in the defence of Ypres, in Belgium, during the early stages of the First World War.

Indeed, William Thomas Leggett was one of the first Australians to be killed on the Western Front.

His death on October 14, 1914, during the First Battle of Ypres is significant to the people of Goulburn and also those in the Belgian village of Geluwe where Corporal of Horse Leggett was shot from atop his Steed. His efforts in the battle are commemorated in both places.

William was serving with the British 1st Kings Life Guards when he led a group of cavalrymen in pursuit of fleeing enemy soldiers.

Records indicate a single fatal bullet dropped William from his horse at about 4pm on the property of a local farmer.

He was aged 23.

After the lighting the British moved on and the Germans reclaimed areas of the village. William was buried along with four Germans. In 1924, his body was moved along with British casualties to Harlebeke New British Cemetery.

William, born at Lithgow, was the eldest of 11 children and moved td Goulburn with his family in the early 1900’s when his father was transferred by NSW Railways, A trained electrician and telegraphist, William left Goulburn in 1910 and worked at an open air picture theatre in Sydney’s Surry Hills.

He Eater became a wireless operator on an ocean liner and settled in England where he joined the Life Guards in January 1912.