2. All “Area Officers" must reside within their areas, and, when these embrace several localities, at such locality as is appointed.
3. Appointments will be temporary, and will be subject to termination at any time, either by the holder of the appointment or by the Military Board.
4. Applications, together with the recommendations of Military Commandants and Commanding Officers, must reach the Military Board by 11th October, 1910.
5. "Area Officers," while holding the appointment, will be seconded from their units. Promotion may be recommended to such officers in the ordinary course, up to the rank of Captain in their units, notwithstanding that they are seconded.
6. "Area Officers" shall not retain a higher rank than that of Captain while holding the appointment.
7. "Area Officers" not holding commissions on appointment may be recommended for the rank of Lieutenant on the Unattached List, subject to the regulations governing such appointments.
8. Those selected for appointment by the Military Board will be required to attend a School of Instruction for a period of six weeks (1st November to 15th December, 1910), at Albury, New South Wales.
Applicants from Queensland and Western Australia, however, will be required to state whether they are prepared -
(a) to attend such School of Instruction at Albury, New South Wales, or
(b) to attend a similar School of Instruction within their own State.
Travelling expenses, as for the rank of Lieutenant, will be allowed to and from the School, and subsistence thereat, in accordance with Financial and Allowance Regulations.
9. "Area Officers" will be at liberty to follow their ordinary occupation; they will receive no military pay during appointment, but will be granted an allowance at the rate of £150 per annum.
10. The above allowance will include "horse" and all other allowances, except "travelling", and is subject to the necessary provision being made by Parliament.
11. "Area Officers" will be assisted by one or more Warrant or Non-Commissioned Officers of the Instructional Staff (permanent).
12. The following will be the duties of an Area Officer:-
(1) Supervision and direction of the registration, and training of the Senior Cadets.
(2) Inspection of Junior Cadet training in the schools.
(3) Administration of troops (all arms) provided by his area, including equipment, clothing, pay, and transfers.
(4) Supervision of training of all recruits within his area.
(5) Duty in any military appointment (e.g., adjutant), and attendance at the training of the unit in which such appointment is made.
(6) Supervision of general registration and charge of records for all persons registered within his area.
(7) Organization of reserve units.
(8) Attendance at a School of Instruction for not more than 14 days in each year after first appointment.
(9) Supervision of the Warrant and Non-commissioned Officers of the Instructional Staff attached to his area, and visits to the training centres of his area, provided that he shall not be required to be absent from his place of residence more than five days per month on the average for this purpose.
(10) To obtain a thorough knowledge of the distribution of population, conditions of employment, industries, and all matters affecting the interests of those liable to training within his area.
(11) Generally to assist, as laid down in Standing or other Orders, the carrying out of the provisions of the Defence Act, within his area.