In 1911, Lieutenant-Colonel P. L. Murray, produced a marvellous Boer War reference detailing all the contingents sent from Australia to South Africa, giving a brief history of the formation and finally, listing all the soldiers who saw service in South Africa with that unit. The book was called, Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa. It is now the standard reference and starting place for any person interested in pursuing information about Australian involvement in the Boer War.
Murray, P. L., Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, pp. 147 - 165.
2632 Trooper Lawrence ACKERMAN.
2682 Trooper James ACKLAND.
3645 Trooper Ernest Joseph ADAMS.
1093 Trooper Frederick Charles ADAMS.
5 Trooper George Oxley ADAMS.
2631 Trooper Laurence J ADRIAN.
3208 Shoeing Smith Hugh Jordan AHERN.
4001 Trooper Charles AINES.
3214 Trooper John ALDERTON.
1261 Trooper William John ALEXANDER.
3647 Trooper Walter ALFREDS.
215 Trooper Ernest ALGIE.
178 Trooper James Edward ALLEN.
105 Trooper Thomas ALLEN.
2527 Corporal George Robert ALLINGHAM.
104 Trooper Thomas Edward ALSOPP.
5001 Squadron Sergeant Major Aleck Tonkin ANDERSON.
2634 Trooper John Leslie ANDERSON.
217 Trooper William James ANDERSON.
3063 Trooper Arthur ANDREWS.
102 Trooper Arthur Edward ANGEL.
103 Sergeant Christopher Isaac ANNISON.
2234 Trooper William APPS.
2084 Trooper George ARCHER.
2117 Trooper Frederick ARMSTRONG.
2394 Trooper Thomas William ARMSTRONG.
216 Trooper William Alexander ARMSTRONG.
2569 Trooper Douglas James ARNDELL.
3160 Trooper Arthur Edward ASHWIN.
3 Sergeant Henry ASHWORTH.
3262 Trooper Michael Albert AVERY.
1120 Trooper William BAILEY.
112 Trooper John BAIN.
2271 Trooper John BAIRD.
158 Corporal James Henry BALDWIN.
3010 Trooper George Alfred BALL.
5114 Trooper Thomas Alfred BALL.
5008 Corporal Archibald BALMER.
2075 Trooper Albert Edward BANKS.
161 Trooper Henry BARNES.
2369 Trooper Thomas BARNES.
326 Trooper William BARNES.
326 Trooper William Arthur BARNES.
1304 Trooper William Arthur BARNES.
2600 Trooper William John BARNES.
3125 Lance Corporal George BARNETT.
220 Trooper George B BARNETT.
900 Trumpeter William BARNETT.
118 Trooper William Alfred BARRASS.
2701 Trooper Thomas William BARRETT.
2283 Trooper William BARRON.
3635 Corporal George BARTLETT.
180 Shoeing Smith Mic. Squire BARTLEY.
5115 Trooper Frederick William BASKERVILLE.
276 Trooper George BASTERFIELD.
277 Trooper William BASTERFIELD.
6001 Sqn.QMSgt. Henry John BEATTY.
319 Trooper James BEAUMONT.
218 Trooper Francis Charles BELL.
11 Trooper James William BELL.
2619 Trooper John Leo BELLAMY.
2560 Trooper Arthur Jules BENNETT.
181 Corporal John BENNETT.
3419 Trooper Herbert BERRIMAN.
2269 Corporal Arthur BETHUNE.
3239 Trooper Arthur John Thomas BIGGS.
179 Trooper William BIRKIN.
2700 Trooper Edward John BLACK.
2644 Trooper George BLACK.
3666 Trooper Hector Norman BLACK.
3075 Trooper Alfred Valentine BLACKMAN.
226 Trooper David John BLAKE.
2280 Trooper John BLAKE.
2649 Trooper Edward John BLAKENEY.
2635 Trooper Arthur William BLENCOWE.
Lieutenant Francis Victor BLOSSEY.
106 Trooper George Arthur BLOXHAM.
664 Sergeant Henry BLUNDEN.
2611 Sergeant Richard Henry Thomas BLUNT.
2389 Trooper George Livingstone BOLES.
3206 Corporal Arthur Benjamin BOLLARD.
2286 Trooper Alfred Edward BOOTH.
3206 Corporal Albert BORD.
20 Trooper William BORD.
4002 Shoeing Smith George BOSWORTH.
2694 Trooper Patrick James BOUCHIER.
3258 Trooper Stewart BOURKE.
67 Trooper William Cambell BOWDEN.
111 Trooper James BOWER.
2642 Trooper James BOWERS.
3204 Trooper Joseph Stanley BOX.
2675 Trooper Edward BOYD.
3601 Trooper Frederick Joseph BOYD.
288 Trooper Stanley Paget BRACEY.
162 Trooper George Royden BRACKENRIGG.
3456 Trooper John BRADDON.
157 Trooper John BRADNEY.aka John BRADING
2641 Trooper George BRANDON.
23 Trooper Benjamin Henry BRAUN.
2643 Trooper John Alexander BREMNER.
3641 Trooper Edward Patrick BRESNAHAN.
3542 Trooper William BRIDGES.
1619 Trooper William Frederick BRIDGES.
3550 Trooper Frank Albert BRIEN.
2652 Trooper PW BRITAIN.
3644 Trooper Victor Algin BRODIE.
2428 Trooper George BROUGHTON.
2728 Trooper Alfred George BROWN.
3224 Trooper Frederick BROWN.
2637 Trooper Frederick Arthur BROWN.
3224 Trooper Frederick Charles BROWN.
4 Corporal George BROWN.
2081 Trooper Horatio BROWN.
3566 Trooper James BROWN.
3250 Trooper John BROWN.
2412 Trooper John Albert BRUCE.
Lieutenant Donald BUCHANAN.
278 Trooper Norman BUHLER.
2640 Trooper Charles BULMER.
2076 Sqn.QMSgt. Henry Stephen BURCHER.
2599 Trooper George Herbert BURNS.
2563 Trooper John BURNS.
2739 Trooper Robert James BURNS.
2645 Trooper William BURROWS.
36 Trooper A BURTON.
44 Trooper Hubert James BURTON.
1183 Shoeing Smith Reuben Joseph BUTLER.
9 Lance Corporal Horace Dacre BUTTON.
946 Corporal Frederick Beaumont BYRNE.
2607 Trooper Charles Beresford CAIRNES.
Lieutenant Herbert CAIRNES.
2666 Trooper Thomas CAKEBREAD.
2222 Trooper William CALDWELL.
Lieutenant Donald C CAMERON.
137 Corporal Arthur Leslie CAMPBELL.
87 Trooper Charles Ernest CAMPBELL.
3632 Trooper Charles Ernest CAMPBELL.
3247 Trooper Henry Albert CAMPBELL.
2658 Trooper James B CAMPBELL.
3545 Trooper Patrick Frederick CAMPBELL.
2659 Trooper William Valentine CAMPER.
3714 Trooper Michael James Joseph CANTWELL.
291 Lance Corporal Claude Charles CAPELL.
187 Trooper James Joseph CAREY.
Major Rupert CARINGTON.
105 Trooper George CARNEY.
509 Trooper Michael CARROLL.
10 Trooper George CARTER.
86 Trooper Henry CARTER.
2609 Trooper Henry CARTER.
2606 Squadron Sergeant Major Samuel Henry CARTER.
Lieutenant William B CARTER.
549 Squadron Sergeant Major William Henry CARTER.
119 Trooper Charles CARTIS.
160 Trooper Michael Augustine CARTWRIGHT.
1926 Trooper Alfred John CATT.
3234 Trooper William CAVANOUGH.
297 Trooper Charles William CHALMERS.
207 Lance Sergeant Albert Henry CHANDLER.
76 Sqn.QM.Sgt. Albert CHENERY.
3563 Trooper John CHRISTIE.
146 Trooper Edward Charles CHURCH.
15 Trooper Charles Leo CLARKE.
18 Sergeant George CLARKE.
4003 Trooper James R CLARKE.
120 Lance Sergeant John Wishart CLARKE.
Squadron Sergeant Major Walter CLARKE.
3558 Trooper William Robert CLARKE.
2309 Trooper Charles CLAYE.
318 Corporal George Holmes CLIBBORN.
2590 Trooper Albert CLIFF.
3245 Trooper George CLIFF.
2232 Trooper James CLIFFORD.
2098 Trooper George Arthur CLIVE.
3200 Trooper John William CLOUGH.
2522 Corporal Walter Henry CLUTTON.
68 Corporal Fred CLYDE.
2 Trooper James CLYDE.
226 Trooper William COADY.
1 Shoeing Smith John COBDEN.
2669 Trooper James COCHRANE.
2670 Trooper William Ernest COCKBILL.
221 Trooper Arthur William COCKROFT.
Lieutenant Harry Clark COGGINS.
2660 Trooper Henry MV COLE.
261 Trooper Henry COLLEY.
301 Trooper Morton COLLINGS.
28 Trooper Charles COLLINS.
196 Trooper Henry James COLLINS.
2333 Trooper James William COLLINS.
1237 Corporal John COLLINS.
3599 Trooper Henry CONNELL.
2598 Trooper Joseph CONNELLY.
2681 Corporal Stephen Henry CONNORS.
227 Trooper James CONWAY.
4005 Trooper George Paul COOK.
3248 Trooper Mountford COOK.
39 Sergeant James COOPER.
2494 Trooper Oswald Hunter COOPER.
224 Trooper Edward COPELAND.
2225 Trooper Herbert Fitzroy COPPOCK.
1022 Trooper Michael W COSTIGAN.
228 Trooper Arthur Frederick COULLS.
516 Trooper Edward Albert COULTER.
223 Trooper John Robert COUPLAND.
Lieutenant Carl Mackenzie COX.
665 Trooper George Henry F COX.
1010 Trooper Robert COX.
107 Corporal John Ebenezer CRAFT.
2306 Trooper Albert CRAIG.
2662 Trooper Charles CRAWFORD.
2656 Trooper John CRAWFORD.
2667 Trooper Thomas CRAWFORD.
878 Trooper William CRAYSHAW.
110 Corporal Edward CROCKETT.
2671 Trooper Lawrence CROCKETT.
2329 Trooper George CROSS.
2592 Trooper George Albert CROSS.
4004 Trooper Henry S CROSS.
33 Trooper Sydney James CROSS.
3161 Trooper William Edward CROSS.
2523 Trooper Wright CROSSLAND.
2521 Trooper Arthur Albert CRUMMY.
1718 Trooper George Walter CRUWYS.
281 Farrier Sergeant Henry CUE.
2654 Trooper Francis CULLEN.
322 Trooper George Henry CULLEN.
268 Trooper James CULLINAN.
294 Sergeant Edwin Joseph CUMMINGS.
2525 Trooper Alexander CUNNINGHAM.
6 Trooper John James CURTAIN.
2655 Trooper Alfred CUSKER.
2331 Trooper Frank DALE.
2667 Trooper Charles DALEY.
3002 Trooper Herbert DALEY.
229 Trooper Charles Sydney DALTON.
Lieutenant Arthur Ernest D'ARCEY.
2679 Trooper Edward DARKE.
117 Corporal George Orion DARTWELL.
4049 Trooper Charles DAVIDSON.
2314 Trooper Edward DAVIDSON.
123 Trooper David Ellis DAVIS.
116 Trooper George DAVIS.
230 Trooper Henry Cradoc DAVIS.
2074 Trooper Percy DAVIS.
Lieutenant Hurtle DE MESTRE.
3197 Trooper Albert George DEANE.
9776 Trooper Henry James DEEGAN.
3463 Trooper James DELANEY.
296 Corporal William Rowan DENMAN.
Sqn.QMSgt. James DIXON.
2672 Trooper Leslie DOBSON.
4007 Trooper James S DODDS.
115 Corporal Herbert Bede DONAHOE.
99 Trooper James DONALD.
2405 Trooper Leslie Sinclair DONALDSON.
3167 Trooper Percival Frederick DONE.
2366 Trooper Ernest Francis DONKIN.
228 Trooper James DONOVAN.
2676 Trooper John Charles DOUGLAS.
2409 Trooper Thomas Freman DOVEY.
3711 Trooper James V Stirling DOWNES.
2535 Orderly Room Sergeant Frederick Ernest DOWSETT.
2709 Trooper James DOY.
Lieutenant Richard Dines DOYLE.
2678 Trooper David DREUX.
290 Trooper William DRISCOLL.
4006 Trooper James DUBBE.
193 Squadron Sergeant Major Victor Sherman DUFFY.
9776 Trooper Edward DUGAN.
1106 Trooper James Francis DUNCAN.
5116 Trooper James Francis DUNCAN.
3112 Trooper Arthur DUNN.
2594 Trooper Thomas Henry DUNN.
3625 Trooper Walter Reuben DUNNING.
3684 Trooper Ellis DUNRICH.
7 Trooper Bert DUNSTAN.
2623 Trooper John DURBRIDGE.
124 Trooper Edwin James DUTTON.
5117 Trooper Henry Hazell EADE.
3468 Trooper Henry Ernest EASTCOTT.
231 Trooper James EATHER.
3568 Trooper William James EBERY.
121 Trooper Thomas EDMUNDS.
556 Trooper Arthur EDWARDS.
3598 Trooper Garrett John EDWARDS.
306 Trooper Louis Ernest EDWARDS.
2573 Trooper Samuel Robert EGAN.
1210 Farrier Sergeant Jobe Robin ELLIOTT.
8 Sergeant James Thomas EMERY.
122 Trooper Beecher ESPIE.
5118 Saddler Sergeant Alexander ESSLER.
125 Trooper Edgar EVANS.
2562 Shoeing Smith George Fitzroy EVANS.
479 Sqn.QMSgt. James EVANS.
Lieutenant Tyrell George EVANS.
2727 Trooper Richard FALLON.
232 Trooper Thomas Montague FARRANT.
2680 Trooper William FARRANT.
3610 Trooper John FARRELL.
2392 Corporal David FELTS.
176 Trooper Enoch Elijah FENN.
2693 Trooper James Thomas FENTON.
209 Corporal John Meredith FERRIER.
13 Trooper James George FINDLAY.
Sqn.QMSgt. George James FINLAYSON.
296 Trooper William FINN.
2685 Trooper William FINN.
1212 Farrier Sergeant James FISHER.
233 Trooper Walter FISK.
3709 Trooper John Henry FITZ.
234 Saddler Sergeant Sydney Martin FITZELL.
18 Trooper Alfred FITZGERALD.
108 Corporal Andrew FITZGERALD.
3665 Trooper Harry FITZGERALD.
4008 Trooper William FITZGERALD.
798 Trooper William FITZHARDINGE.
494 Trooper James FITZPATRICK.
3530 Lance Corporal Michael FITZPATRICK.
2495 Trooper Frederick FLACK.
190 Trooper John FLEMING.
38 Trooper George FLETCHER.
5127 Trooper Henry Leonard FLETCHER.
2083 Trooper Charles FOGGAN.
2633 Trooper Patrick FOLEY.
5119 Trooper John FORD.
Chaplain Henry Clifton FOREMAN.
Squadron Sergeant Major Francis Arthur FORTESCUE.
3141 Trooper Harold Campbell FRAZER.
2684 Trooper Richard FREEBAIRN.
3341 Trooper Oscar FREYBURG.
298 Trooper Paul Milton FREYBURG.
12 Trooper James Jacob FRIEND.
128 Trooper William FRIEND.
2633 Trooper Frederick William FURBER.
127 Lance Corporal Alfred George GALVIN.
2697 Trooper William GANDY.
2341 Trooper Henry Walter GARDINER.
229 Corporal James GARDINER.
14 Trooper Robert GARDINER.
2547 Trooper Leonard GARFORTH.
3231 Trooper George Frederick GARLING.
3452 Trooper John GARTLAN.
4011 Trooper Edward GAY.
3230 Trooper Harold Arthur GERMAN.
3229 Trooper John Phillip GERMAN.
130 Trooper Henry Edmond GIBBS.
313 Trooper William GIBSON.
2687 Trooper Robert Arthur GILCHRIST.
235 Trooper Robert John GILCHRIST.
2088 Trooper Thomas GILHAM.
238 Trooper George GILLANDERS.
2664 Trooper Alfred Charles GILLIGAN.
147 Trooper Ernest Claude GITTOES.
Lieutenant Charles E GJEDSTED.
2706 Trooper John GLADDING.
2674 Trooper Herbert Frederick GLENNIE.
236 Trooper John Francis GLENNON.
3454 Sergeant Philip John GLOVER.
3541 Trooper William Norman GOODE.
88 Trooper Albert GOODMAN.
2701 Trooper Henry GOODRICH.
2704 Trooper Arthur GOSS.
171 Trooper Arthur James GRAHAM.
1934 Sergeant John Joseph GRAHAM.
3207 Trooper John GRANT.
308 Trooper James GRASSHAM.
2352 Trooper Edward GRAY.
4010 Trooper Henrty GRAY.
2705 Trooper Henry GRAY.
17 Trooper James GREEN.
2702 Trooper William GREEN.
303 Trooper Charles GREGORY.
237 Trooper Charles GRIER.
2696 Trooper Arthur GRIFFITHS.
2335 Trooper George GRIFFITHS.
2339 Trooper Percival O GRIFFITHS.
199 Trooper John William GRIMSHAW.
3713 Trooper Alick Everett GROOM.
18 Trooper Sydney GRUNDY.
293 Trooper Roland GUY.
4016 Corporal Alfred John HACKETT.
3450 Trooper Henry Foster HADFIELD.
317 Sergeant Matthew D HALES.
2740 Corporal Percival HALL.
3740 Trooper William HALL.
2395 Trooper George HALLIDAY.
131 Trooper Rowland HALLORAN.
2577 Trooper George FC HAMILTON.
2434 Trooper James Henry HAMILTON.
3159 Trooper William HAMILTON.
22 Trooper William David HANNA.
16 Trooper Joseph HANSELL.
2207 Shoeing Smith Robert HARBOURNE.
3220 Sergeant John HARDY.
2309 Trooper Thomas HARLEY.
3689 Trooper Charles William HARPUR.
2729 Trooper Thomas HARRINGTON.
2614 Trooper Alfred HARRIS.
135 Trooper James HARRIS.
4015 Trooper Sydney HARRIS.
114 Corporal William John HARRIS.
2718 Trooper William HARRISON.
3012 Trooper William Paul HARRISON.
800 Charles Edward HART.
4000 Corporal William HARTILL.
21 Trooper John HARVEY.
2371 Trooper James Edward HAWKSBY.
2375 Trooper Charles HAWLEY.
4013 Trooper James HAYES.
110 Lance Sergeant Florence Alfred HEALEY.
4014 Trooper William HEALEY.
3241 Shoeing Smith Patrick HEARNE.
3471 Trooper Samuel John HEATHWOOD.
2663 Squadron Sergeant Major George Jonas HEFFERNAN.
2330 Sergeant Lachlan Macalister HENDERSON.
2388 Trooper William HENDERSON.
3688 Trooper William HENDERSON.
2714 Sergeant James McTiernay HENRY.
4017 Trooper Charles HENSON.
298 Corporal Alfred HENWOOD.
2812 Trooper William HEPNER.
241 Trooper Frank Rupert HEWITT.
3462 Trooper Joseph HIBBERD.
115 Trooper George HICKS.
2345 Sergeant Thomas John HICKS.
4019 Trooper Thomas John HICKS.
210 Trooper Joseph Matthew HIGHAM.
2730 Trooper Arthur HILL.
134 Trooper Edwin Henry HILL.
307 Trooper James Henry HILL.
2710 Corporal Robert HILL.
201 Sergeant Thomas John HILL.
129 Trooper Albert HILTON.
19 Trooper Herbert HINDLE.
242 Trooper James Scott Hunter HISLOP.
2347 Trooper Charles William HOBSON.
3681 Corporal John Charles HOBSON.
3708 Trooper Mark HOBSON.
20 Trooper Edward HODGE.
1247 Saddler Sergeant Harry HODGES.
2163 Trooper Edward HOGAN.
3455 Corporal Edward John HOGAN.
2707 Trooper George A HOGAN.
2708 Trooper George M HOGAN.
2086 Trooper Walter Edward HOKIN.
2711 Trooper Frederick HOLFORD.
71 Trooper Frank HOLLAND.
3009 Trooper George HOLLAND.
2731 Trooper Charles Henry HOLMES.
292 Trooper Cyril HOLSWICK.
79 Corporal Thomas William HOLT.
2351 Trooper Arthur HOOD.
5110 Corporal John Ulrich HOOD.
2788 Trooper Charles William HOOPER.
78 Trooper Joseph John HORGAN.
208 Corporal Horace Russell HORNER.
240 Trooper Frederick A HORNING.
239 Trooper Charles HORTON.
3578 Shoeing Smith Alfred HOSKIN.
304 Trooper William John HOVE.
2733 Trooper Arthur HOWARD.
2378 Trooper Henry HOWE.
2367 Trumpeter James Henry HOWLETT.
231 Trooper L HOY.
133 Trooper William John HOYE.
126 Trooper Henry HUDSON.
23 Trooper Percy Horatio HUDSON.
4012 Trooper Phillip HUGHES.
2082 Trooper Richard Joseph HUGHES.
2281 Sergeant Thomas Joseph HUMPHRIES.
2445 Trooper Arthur Percival HURST.
2631 Trooper George HUTCHINSON.
229 Sergeant Allen Stephen HUTHWAITE.
3444 Trooper Albert HUXLEY.
243 Trooper William James HUXTABLE.
2716 Trooper James HYLAND.
Sergeant James Archibald HYNDMAN.
691 Trooper Richard Jeffrey INCH.
5120 Trooper Patrick Thomas IRVINE.
3022 Trooper Oram IRWIN.
138 Trooper David JACK.
89 Saddler Sergeant Frank JACKA.
3203 Trooper Frederick JACKSON.
2093 Trooper Victor JACOBSON.
842 Trooper William James JANSEN.
2410 Trooper Richard JARDINE.
1363 Trooper William Englis JARDINE.
2624 Trooper Samuel JARVIS.
132 Trooper David JENKINS.
75 Trooper John George JENNINGS.
442 Trooper Australian Peter JENSEN.
36 Trooper David JOHNS.
Captain Digby Noy JOHNS.
6000 Sqn.QMSgt. Alfred William JOHNSON.
137 Sergeant Charles B JOHNSON.
2090 Trooper Hubert JOHNSTON.
2507 Trooper Phillip JOHNSTON.
2406 Trooper Robert Arthur JOHNSTON.
4020 Trooper Robert James JOHNSTON.
163 Trooper Edward James JOLLEY.
325 Corporal Charles JONES.
3656 Trooper Edward John JONES.
596 Corporal Emil Henry JONES.
300 Trooper Ernest JONES.
3023 Trooper Frank JONES.
2422 Lance Corporal Frederick George JONES.
3232 Trooper Harold John JONES.
2393 Trooper Henry Arthur JONES.
195 Trooper James Ambrose JONES.
2413 Corporal Stanley Albert JONES.
2423 Trooper Thomas Edmund Norris JONES.
2424 Trooper Thomas Richard JONES.
3025 Trooper William JONES.
2578 Trooper Arthur Archibald JORDAN.
2089 Trooper John JORDAN.
25 Trooper Alfred JOSEPHS.
3069 Trooper Edward A JOSEPHSON.
3024 Trooper James JOYCE.
99 Trooper James JUDE.
2342 Trooper Henry John KAYSLEY.
Sergeant Major William Brookes KELK.
Sergeant George Edward Eccleston KELLY.
3070 Trooper John KELLY.
34 Trooper Michael O'Connor KELLY.
3070 Trooper Thomas Henry KELLY.
2346 Trooper William Patrick KELLY.
2653 Trooper Patrick KENNEDY.
27 Trooper Frederick KENNEWELL.
2435 Trooper James KERR.
2570 Trooper Thomas KERR.
294 Lance Corporal William Henry KESSELL.
Warrant Officer WB KILK.
306 Trumpeter William KIMBEL.
3436 Trooper Reuben KIMPTON.
3189 Trooper Alfred Leslie KING.
3009 Trooper William Henry KING.
214 Trumpeter Edward KNIGHT.
2612 Trooper George Frederick KNIGHT.
183 Trooper Wilhelm Frederick KOENIG.
244 Trooper William KOHLER.
3006 Trooper Thomas LAFFAN.
3072 Trooper James S LAKE.
3071 Trooper Charles LAMBERT.
3071 Trooper Charles B LAMBERT.
184 Shoeing Smith Albert LAMPE.
183 Shoeing Smith Charles LAMPE.
3538 Trooper Richard Clifton LANE.
2420 Trooper Arthur LANGFORD.
3074 Trooper Martin LASERON.
139 Lance Corporal Alfred Joseph LATHAM.
3073 Trooper Patrick LAWLER.
2425 Trooper Charles LAWRENCE.
140 Trooper George LAWSON.
Captain Charles Albert LEE.
3095 Trooper James LEE.
4023 Trooper William LEE.
5006 Sergeant Thomas LEES.
2618 Trooper Samuel R LEITCH.
275 Shoeing Smith William LEONARD.
40 Trooper Sylvester Francis LESLIE.
136 Trooper Frank Ernest LEWITZ.
4021 Trooper Alfred LIBBY.
3076 Trooper Thomas LIGHTBODY.
2078 Trooper Alfred LILFORD.
2078 Trooper George LILFORD.
30 Trooper Alfred LINDNER.
29 Trooper Walter LINDNER.
1933 Trooper Jack Cuthbert LINDON.
28 Sergeant Colin Hunter LINDSAY.
212 Shoeing Smith John LINDSAY.
4022 Trooper James William LIPMAN.
1212 Trooper James L LITTLE.
285 Trooper Richard LLOYD.
26 Shoeing Smith James LOGAN.
3172 Trooper Frank LORD.
246 Trooper Daniel Alexander LOWERY.
247 Trooper Henry Arthur LURMAN.
2407 Trooper Martin LUTHER.
3094 Trooper James LYALL.
2621 Trooper Edmund Yates LYNAM.
3540 Trooper John Llewellyn LYONS.
3382 Trooper Charles MABERLEY.
2270 Trooper John James MACARTHUR.
2418 Trooper Bartholomew MACDONALD.
31 Trooper James MACDONALD.
2116 Sqn.QMSgt. James MACDONALD.
Lieutenant George MACFARLAND.
279 Trooper John MACFARLANE.
151 Trooper William MACFARLANE.
2616 Trooper Andrew William MACINTOSH.
143 Trooper William James MACINTOSH.
3166 Trooper John MACINTYRE.
74 Sqn.Sgt.maj. Andrew Hector MACKAY.
80 Lance Sergeant Eric Reay MACKAY.
3573 Trooper Walter Arthur MACKAY.
3008 Trooper Robert MACKENZIE.
2095 Lance Corporal William MACKIE.
5002 Sergeant John Ernest MADDISON.
4025 Trooper John MAGEE.
200 Trooper George MAGUIRE.
197 Trooper Hugh Peter MAGUIRE.
6002 Trooper James Peter MAHER.
2620 Trooper James MAIM.
185 Trooper Hamilton MALCOLM.
2097 Trooper James MALONEY.
4028 Trooper George MANNING.
5009 Sergeant Frederick Holmes MANSFIELD.
2474 Trooper Edward MARR.
3661 Trooper Joseph Amos MARSHALL.
2334 Trooper David Alexander MARTIN.
3097 Trooper Thomas MARTIN.
3158 Trooper James MASON.
204 Lance Sergeant Samuel Curtis MASTERS.
3096 Lance Sergeant James M MATHIESON.
3096 Trooper John MATHIESON.
2605 Trooper Alexander MATTHEWS.
32 Trooper Charles MATTHEWS.
2080 Sergeant William MATTHEWS.
2377 Corporal Hugh Arthur MAWHINNEY.
5003 Sergeant William Marley MAXWELL.
3164 Trooper Tasker MAY.
5112 Shoeing Smith Thomas Romanus Patricia MCALLISTER.
253 Corporal William MCALPINE.
2615 Trooper Henry MCARTHUR.
3652 Trooper Norman MCAULEY.
352 Trooper Alfred MCCARTHY.
341 Trooper Allen MCCARTHY.
2386 Trooper Ernest Edward MCCLELLAND.
3600 Corporal Peter MCCULLOCH.
2613 Trooper Archibald MCDOUGALL.
2471 Trooper Joseph Patrick MCGEE.
1607 Trooper Neal MCGOWAN.
811 Corporal Thomas MCGRATH.
2629 Sergeant FARC MCGREGOR.
Sergeant Neild Archibald MCGREGOR.
2446 Trooper Alexander Donald MCINTYRE.
2268 Sergeant Frederick MCINTYRE.
3573 Trooper Walter Arthur MCKAY.
62 Corporal Hamilton Kerr MCKELL.
Trooper W MCKENN.
3170 Trooper William MCKERR.
3710 Trooper William Henry MCLACHLAN.
144 Trooper James Arthur MCLEAN.
3168 Trooper Richard MCLEAN.
3233 Trooper Robert MCLEAN.
166 Trooper Arthur MCLENNON.
3169 Trooper Hugh MCLISTER.
174 Sergeant George MCMAHON.
3537 Lance Corporal Joseph Alexander MCNAB.
2087 Shoeing Smith Patrick MCNAMARA.
3249 Lance Corporal Patrick John MCNAMARA.
3649 Trooper Thomas Walker MCNAMARA.
142 Corporal Thomas Butler MCNEVIN.
141 Trooper Thomas MCNICHOLL.
331 Trooper Arthur MCPHEE.
390 Corporal Archibald MCSPEDDEN.
440 Sergeant Thomas Morris MCWILLIAMS.
35 Trooper John Joseph MEANEY.
4032 Trooper Matthew MELBY.
536 Trooper Louis MENSER.
3198 Trooper Rex MEREDITH.
249 Trooper Frank MEWS.
248 Trooper Leonard John MEYRICK.
3100 Trooper David MICHIE.
Captain Cecil Ernest Albert MIDDLETON.
3000 Trooper Charles MILES.
3143 Trooper Charles MILLER.
2427 Trooper Edward MILLER.
4027 Trooper Edward MILLER.
90 Trooper James MILLER.
96 Trooper John MILLER.
83 Trooper Joseph John MILLER.
4024 Trooper Arthur MILLIGAN.
3253 Trooper Thomas Martin MILLIGAN.
Lieutenant Charles George MILLS.
4031 Trooper William MINTON.
145 Trooper George James MINTY.
2599 Shoeing Smith Arthur Walter MITCHELL.
4026 Trooper George MITCHELL.
2285 Lance Corporal Henry MITCHELL.
3712 Trooper Robert Bruce MITCHELL.
3157 Trooper John Henry MITTEN.
3155 Shoeing Smith Christopher MORAN.
3144 Trooper Richard MORGAN.
2467 Corporal Fergus Richard MORRIS.
2467 Trooper Thomas MORRIS.
3165 Trooper Arthur MORRISON.
3176 Trooper Frederick MORRISON.
2610 Trooper Henry James MORRISON.
2628 Sergeant James MORRISON.
4029 Trooper Richard MORRISON.
4030 Trooper David Alexander MORTON.
2630 Sergeant George MORTON.
3223 Trooper Aubrey MOSS.
Squadron Sergeant Major Patrick Joseph MOY.
2419 Trooper William MUIRFIELD.
1734 Shoeing Smith James MULLAMPY.
3142 Trooper William MULLIGAN.
2340 Trooper Thomas Patrick MULVIHILL.
319 Pay Sergeant James MUNRO.
2855 Trooper James MUNROE.
3495 Trooper Augustus Wenceslaus MURNANE.
3099 Trooper Arthur S MURPHY.
3156 Trooper Charles MURPHY.
2734 Trooper Dennis MURPHY.
295 Trooper James Joseph MURPHY.
250 Trooper Michael MURPHY.
251 Trooper David MURRAY.
3162 Trooper James MURRAY.
Lieutenant Graham Ernest MYLNE.
2305 Trooper William Arthur NEILL.
881 Farrier Sergeant William Henry NELMES.
82 Trooper William Patrick NEVE.
3098 Trooper William NEWLAND.
Sergeant Robert George NEWLANDS.
Captain Joseph NEWMAN.
2485 Trooper Reginald Thomas NEWMAN.
2712 Trooper George Henry NEWTON.
39 Corporal John Edward NEWTON.
3572 Trooper Edward Alfred NICHOLLS.
37 Trooper John NICHOLLS.
76 Sergeant Edward NOLAN.
2657 Trooper Edward Joseph NOLAN.
81 Trooper Sydney Herbert NOLAN.
85 Trooper James NORMAN.
175 Trooper Lionel Dewhurst NORMAN.
3536 Trooper James Joshua NOTT.
38 Trooper William O'BRIEN.
194 Trooper William O'BRIEN.
3595 Trooper James O'CONNOR.
305 Trooper James O'DWYER.
213 Shoeing Smith John Henry O'HEY.
2234 Trooper Charles OLDHAM.
1681 Trooper John OLDHAM.
2537 Trooper Charles O'LOUGHLIN.
3171 Trooper Alfred OLSEN.
177 Trooper George William OLSEN.
173 Trooper Frederick O'NEILL.
2608 Trooper Matthew O'REILLY.
36 Trooper Charles OSBORNE.
3174 Trooper Patrick OSBORNE.
3093 Trooper Thomas Pierce O'SHEA.
Sergeant William Andrew O'SHEA.
109 Sergeant Arthur OWENS.
3175 Trooper Arthur William James OWENS.
88 Trooper Charles OWENS.
5121 Trooper James Henry OWERS.
3219 Trooper Horace Lelliott PADMAN.
2703 Trooper William Henry PAINTER.
153 Trooper William Thomas PALMER.
3631 Trooper Hilton Thomas PARKER.
156 Lance Corporal William Frederick PARKINSON.
44 Trooper Thomas William PARNABY.
3209 Trooper Samuel PARSONS.
1035 Trooper Hilton Harcourt PASCOE.
2626 Trooper AW PAUL.
41 Trooper John Edward PAYNE.
3679 Trooper Herbert William PEARSON.
145 Trooper William Clarence PEARSON.
3226 Trooper Francis Sydney PERKINS.
5000 Trooper Patrick PERRIN.
155 Trooper Alfred Samuel PERRY.
2717 Trooper Edward PERRY.
272 Corporal Edward John PERRY.
2716 Trooper Lawrence PERRY.
3205 Trooper James PETERSON.
3202 Lance Corporal William Henry PETHER.
202 Sergeant Thomas William PHILLIPS.
254 Trooper Thomas William PHILLIPS.
4033 Trooper Alfred PILLINER.
289 Trooper Adam PLATT.
50 Trooper John POPPLETON.
Warrant Officer James William PORTER.
3481 Sergeant Joseph Arthur PORTER.
255 Trooper Alfred Joseph POST.
42 Trooper Frederick James POWELL.
167 Trooper Claude Ashley POWER.
256 Trooper Frederick William PRESTWICH.
186 Trooper George Henry PRICE.
149 Trooper Alexander Frazer PRINGLE.
325 Sergeant Huntley Gordon PRINGLE.
4030 Trooper R PRINGLE.
78 Sergeant Thomas PRINGLE.
321 Sergeant Louis George PRITCHARD.
3210 Trooper Charles James PROVOST.
1833 Trumpeter John Hubert PRYOR.
257 Trooper Lawrence PRYOR.
280 Trooper Thomas Henry PULMAN.
3470 Trooper Donald PURDIE.
3553 Trooper David QUICK.
258 Trooper Frederick QUINE.
259 Trooper Samuel QUINE.
3212 Trooper Neil RANKIN.
85 Lance Corporal Thomas William RANSLEY.
33 Trooper Harold John RAWLINGS.
3211 Trooper Arthur REES.
299 Trooper John Bede REGAN.
54 Trooper Michael REGAN.
73 Sergeant Albert Henry REID.
3007 Trooper Alexander REID.
48 Trooper David REID.
260 Trooper Ernest REID.
2624 Trooper Frederick William REID.
2308 Trooper George Frederick REID.
2526 Corporal Henry David REID.
97 Sergeant Henry Laurie REID.
3519 Trooper James REID.
3489 Lance Corporal John Martin RENNELL.
47 Trooper Richard RENNIE.
3641 Corporal William Thompson RENNIE.
3547 Trooper Hubert REYNOLDS.
188 Sergeant Harry RHODENBACK.
606 Sergeant William James Reid RICHARDSON.
2473 Trooper Andrew William RILEY.
158 Sergeant James St.C RILEY.
Lieutenant Andrew McLean RITCHIE.
198 Trooper William Henry ROACH.
2370 Trooper John ROBERTS.
2811 Trooper Thomas ROBERTSON.
2528 Trooper Cecil ROBEY.
Lieutenant George Masfield ROBINSON.
2508 Trooper Sydney ROBINSON.
2099 Trooper William Ralph ROBINSON.
2636 Trooper Thomas ROCHE.
53 Trooper Bernard ROHRICK.
1229 Trooper Henry RONALD.
944 Sergeant William Arthur ROOTS.
1317 Trooper Henry ROSS.
49 Trooper Hugh Benjamin ROSS.
84 Trooper Joseph ROWLAND.
3669 Trooper William Henry ROWLAND.
2350 Trooper Phillip Charles RUSH.
2279 Sergeant Alexander Nicholas RUSSELL.
Sergeant Christopher Stuart RUSSELL.
4035 Trooper James Henry RUSSELL.
43 Trooper Edward RYAN.
5496 Sergeant George Edward RYAN.
159 Trooper Henry RYAN.
2625 Trooper John Alexander RYAN.
3199 Trooper Phillip RYAN.
46 Trooper Thomas RYAN.
2495 Trooper Charles RYDER.
3261 Corporal Thomas RYDER.
3677 Sergeant Wallace RYRIE.
439 Sqn.QMSgt. Frederick SALE.
3240 Trooper Thomas George SANDEMAN.
264 Trooper George SANDERS.
1386 Corporal Ewen Addoin SANDSTROM.
323 Farrier Sergeant Major Thomas SARGENT.
263 Trooper William SAUNDERS.
2426 Corporal John O'Brien SAVAGE.
Regimental Sergeant Major Edward JC SCOTT.
2571 Trooper William SCOTT.
2789 Trooper William Frederick SCOTT.
2622 Trooper Daniel SCULLY.
3238 Trooper John Henry SEABROOK.
5111 Lance Corporal William Mervyn SEDGEWICK.
433 Lance Sergeant James SELLARS.
2221 Trooper George SEXTON.
1044 Sergeant James SEYMOUR.
95 Trooper Richard SHANNON.
57 Trooper Robert SHANNON.
94 Lance Corporal William SHANNON.
113 Trooper Charles James SHAW.
329 Trooper Oswald Robert SHAW.
2627 Trooper Edward John SHEEDY.
3163 Trooper Thomas SHEEHAN.
3216 Trooper Charles SHEEN.
3201 Corporal Cecil Harcourt SHELLEY.
56 Trooper Daniel SHELLEY.
211 Trooper Alfred George SHEPPARD.
169 Trooper Charles SHEPPARD.
Sergeant Norman Hugh SHEPPARD.
152 Trooper Walter Leslie SHEPPARD.
55 Trooper William SHEPPARD.
2097 Trooper Samuel Alexander Patrick SHERIDAN.
3215 Trooper Joseph SHIELD.
2582 Trooper Robert Henry SHIRLEY.
2574 Trooper Septimus Arthur SHORTER.
267 Trooper John SILCOCK.
2496 Trooper Edward SIMONS.
52 Trooper Archibald SIMPSON.
2465 Trooper Louis Vivian SIMPSON.
97 Trooper Hector SINCLAIR.
3227 Trooper James SINCLAIR.
3225 Trooper Charles SKERRY.
72 Sergeant Basil Lionel SMALE.
3154 Trooper Abraham Gordon SMITH.
3539 Trooper Albert Edward SMITH.
3194 Trooper Alfred George SMITH.
51 Trooper George Sylvester SMITH.
3217 Trooper James SMITH.
206 Lance Sergeant John Henry SMITH.
Sergeant Rex SMITH.
2732 Trooper Richard William SMITH.
261 Trooper Robert SMITH.
1086 Sergeant Robert SMITH.
2092 Trooper Robert SMITH.
3386 Trooper Sydney Fletcher SMITH.
2561 Trooper Thomas F SMITH.
3237 Trooper Walter Charles SMITH.
789 Trooper William SMITH.
3655 Trooper William SMITH.
3222 Trooper Alfred SMYTH.
3244 Trooper William SNOXHILL.
262 Trooper Richard SODEN.
77 Corporal Solomon SOLOMON.
920 Trooper John Samuel SOMERVILLE.
2617 Trooper James R SOUTER.
Lieutenant Clifford Melville SOUTHEY.
3218 Trooper William SPARKES.
266 Trooper Henry William SPARSHOLT.
265 Trooper Bernard HA SPENCER.
4036 Trooper John SPOONER.
5004 Sergeant Robert William SPURWAY.
3686 Trooper Arthur ST. GEORGE.
2673 Trooper Frederick ST. GEORGE.
2484 Trooper Frederick Henry STACK.
3228 Trooper Percival STAPLETON.
2387 Lance Corporal George STEELE.
256 Trooper Robert John STEPHENSON.
4453 Trooper Arthur J STEVENS.
101 Sergeant Charles Henry STEVENS.
3242 Trooper James Frederick S STEVENS.
3231 Trooper Donald STEWART.
5122 Corporal Donald STEWART.
3561 Trooper Henry Norman STIBBERD.
3243 Trooper George STIMPSON.
434 Trooper James STIRLING.
205 Lance Corporal William S STOCKLEY.
58 Trooper Samuel Pitt STOKES.
107 Sergeant Stephen STRETTLES.
3614 Lance Corporal William STUART.
3445 Squadron Sergeant Major Eric Mackay SULLIVAN.
2619 Shoeing Smith Thomas SULLIVAN.
3510 Trooper Edward SUMMERFIELD.
310 Trooper Edward SUMMONS.
584 Corporal Daniel William SWADLING.
172 Trooper Thomas Edward SWANSBOROUGH.
3235 Trooper Henry James SYMMONDS.
168 Trooper John Joseph TALBOT.
3618 Farrier Sergeant Albert Edward TAME.
3616 Sqn.QMSgt. Henry TAME.
3692 Farrier Sergeant Herbert Bernden TAME.
3617 Trooper Walter TAME.
4039 Saddler Harrie TANNER.
3257 Trooper Arthur James TAYLOR.
2647 Trooper Charles TAYLOR.
323 Lance Corporal Charles Henry TAYLOR.
2648 Trooper Edward TAYLOR.
2650 Corporal George TAYLOR.
Lieutenant John Sinclair TAYLOR.
4037 Trooper Sydney H TAYLOR.
Squadron Sergeant Major Thomas George TAYLOR.
2084 Trooper William TAYLOR.
2360 Trooper William TAYLOR.
3252 Trooper Henry TENDT.
325 Corporal Hubert Alfred TEPPER.
3490 Trooper Edward TEW.
2338 Trooper Herbert THACKERY.
3640 Trumpeter Edward JC THOMAS.
3111 Trooper George THOMAS.
2850 Trooper Henry James THOMAS.
Sergeant Herbert W THOMAS.
Lieutenant Albert Charles THOMPSON.
2085 Trooper David THOMPSON.
3256 Trooper George THOMPSON.
2277 Trooper James William THOMPSON.
3678 Trooper Joseph THOMPSON.
2368 Trooper Robert Hubert THORNLEY.
2692 Trooper Charles THURLOW.
309 Trooper William TIMEWELL.
3246 Trooper Frank TOLLIS.
268 Corporal James Samuel TONKIN.
60 Trooper Frank William TOOTH.
100 Trooper Duncan John TOPPRELL.
150 Trooper William McPherson TOPPRELL.
5123 Corporal Edgar Austin TOWLE.
4038 Trooper James TOWLER.
457 Trooper Alfred L TRAVERS.
4009 Trooper William TRAVIS.
4049 Trooper Henry J TRIGWELL.
3251 Trooper William PJ TULLY.
2591 Trooper John TURNBULL.
2583 Trooper Albert TURNER.
3068 Trooper Alfred TURNER.
3643 Trooper James TURNER.
59 Trooper Frederick Robertson TUSCILIAN.
3255 Trooper James TUVEY.
2593 Trooper George Arthur UHR.
64 Trooper John UNDERWOOD.
5124 Trooper Septimus Richard UNDERWOOD.
309 Trooper Alfred Ernest URIL.
203 Farrier Sergeant Sydney George VARNEY.
65 Trooper Frederick Henry VERNON.
3263 Trooper Joseph VESPER.
3502 Trooper Richard Henry VINCE.
3196 Trooper Brighton St. Kilda WALKER.
2536 Trooper John WALKER.
3254 Trooper John Thomas WALL.
5125 Corporal Alexander WALLACE.
4044 Trooper Edward WALLACE.
4042 Trooper Thomas WALLACE.
154 Trooper George Henry WALLER.
3569 Trooper Arthur Winifred WALSH.
2466 Lance Corporal Christopher WALSH.
66 Trooper James WALSH.
4043 Trooper Henry Charles WALTER.
3383 Trooper Benjamin Thomas WARD.
3383 Lance Corporal Bernard Thomas WARD.
4047 Trooper James WARD.
3448 Trooper James WARNE.
3236 Trooper Johnston WASSON.
62 Lance Corporal Alfred James WATSON.
2633 Trooper Algernon Bemerton WATSON.
4045 Trooper Frederick Robert WATSON.
61 Trooper William John WATSON.
191 Farrier Sergeant Joseph WATT.
3260 Sergeant Robert Graham WATT.
5126 Trooper William Redfern WATT.
Lieutenant Albert Ernest WEARNE.
Lieutenant WS WEARNE.
3520 Lance Sergeant Aleck WEBB.
71 Trooper Michael WEBB.
3446 Trooper William WEBB.
3446 Trooper William Robert WEBB.
4048 Trooper Victor P WEBBER.
5002 Sqn.QMSgt. Sidney WEEKS.
315 Trooper John Arthur Ernest WELLS.
148 Trooper William Henry WELSH.
69 Trooper Thomas WEST.
63 Shoeing Smith Frederick Henry WESTHORPE.
324 Trooper William Chester WESTON.
137 Trooper James Joseph WHARTON.
24 Trooper John WHEELER.
3609 Trooper Robert John WHEELER.
4041 Trooper David Charles WHISKIN.
274 Corporal Edward Henry WHITE.
3385 Trooper Lawrence D WHITE.
3384 Trooper Edward B WHITFORD.
3437 Trooper William S WILKIE.
3449 Trooper Edward WILKINSON.
271 Trooper Arthur WILLIAMS.
2268 Corporal F WILLIAMS.
2595 Trooper James WILLIAMS.
3543 Trooper John WILLIAMS.
3447 Trooper John Richard WILLIAMS.
4046 Trooper Peter WILLIAMS.
3619 Trooper Robert WILLIAMS.
98 Trooper James WILLIAMSON.
3518 Trooper Leslie Cecil WILLIAMSON.
272 Corporal Franklyn Henry Eardley WILMETTE.
3515 Trooper Frederick Horace WILMOTT.
3579 Trooper David WILSON.
172 Trooper David Patrick WILSON.
93 Lance Sergeant Edwin Thomas WILSON.
92 Trooper Ernest James WILSON.
189 Trooper George Theophilus Warby WILSON.
192 Trooper James Wentworth Gordon WILSON.
77 Sergeant Norman WILSON.
327 Lance Corporal Bernard WILTSHIRE.
3420 Trooper James WINGER.
322 Trooper Frederick M WINTERS.
Squadron Sergeant Major William Edward WINTLE.
2596 Trooper Henry WISEMAN.
273 Lance Corporal Charles Matthew WOLSTENHOLME.
4040 Trooper John WONTERS.
3663 Trooper Randolph Colin WOOD.
165 Trooper Robert Benjamin WOODHOUSE.
3451 Trooper Arthur WOODS.
3601 Trooper Edward WOODS.
3507 Trumpeter Allen Valentine WORTHINGTON.
270 Lance Corporal Frank WW WREN.
164 Sergeant Edward WRIGHT.
269 Trooper John WRIGHT.
3387 Trooper David JA WYATT.
3580 Trooper Edward Stuart YOUNG.