"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess
The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre aims to present an accurate history as chroniclers of early Australian military developments from 1899 to 1920.
The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre site holds over 12,000 entries and is growing daily.
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WARNING: This site contains: names, information and images of deceased people; and, language which may be considered inappropriate today.
Friday, 1 July 2011
Donations - Keep our story ALIVE Topic: A - Using the Site
Keep our story
The Citizens' War Chest Fund collection box
[From: Sydney Mail, 28 July 1915, p. 7. ]
If you liked our work or an answer you have received then consider making a donation for this service. Our site is funded by public donations and your donation is essential. We have no government grants nor any other major sponsorship support. Our efforts are directed towards making up the large public information deficiency and so are busy adding to the site and answering all queries that arrive. The site has been built through the efforts of highly motivated volunteers. All people associated with the site get their rewards from service. As part of their spirit, the majority of costs needed to run the site are met by the generosity of these volunteers.
As the popularity of the site increases, so do our costs and your donation is vital to keep this site alive. Donations mean that we are free to pursue studies that produce authentic and accurate results. The result is that we are free from institutional biases that creep into those bodies who are reliant upon one source of funds. By being independent we are able to tell the story as it is. There are no embellishments or gimmicks which pander to the paying authority. The consequence is a story that truly reflects out history and so let us share a realistic and common heritage, one that allows everyone to join and become part of that story. This is the cement that glues our great country.
This is where you can come in. It is your chance to become part of this important work. By donating, you add your support to this growing work. Everyone available can help in their own way. Donating is an important part of the work. Funds help to keep this story alive. Become part and make your donation.
It’s easy. You can do it on the net. Just go to your banking site and make a deposit in our special account. Then send us a letter telling us of your generous participation. We acknowledge each donation personally. This ensures the right person gets the credit and you can be sure that your donation arrived safely and will be used in this great work.
Here are the details:
Donations may be paid to:
BSB: 641-800
Account Number: 200599615
When you have made your donation, please send an email to us to this address:
Thanks for your contribution and becoming part of this great national enterprise to pass on to out future generations an accurate story of our past. This is who we are and these are our values.
War Chest Depot
[From: Sydney Mail, 28 July 1915, p. 7. ]
Helping our soldiers: Citizens' War Chest.
The Citizens War Chest Fund, though not one of the largest of the patriotic funds has perhaps the greatest number of contributors. It was started with the idea of collecting the smaller offerings of the wage-earners, and now there are few factories, shops, or offices in New South Wales where the little War Chest is not a familiar sight.
Australians have always been a generous people and your donation confirms that belief. Thank you for your support.
From all of us at the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre.
Because of the complexity, volume and nature of the material, it is a difficult task producing a front end that is simple to use for the visitor. The solution has meant that some simplicity has been sacrificed for accuracy.
All that being said, once the logic of the site is understood, it is quite simple to navigate.
The Sidebar
The sidebar structure is quite simple. The first items relate to the AIF, followed by the Boer War, Battles, General information, Militia, Turkish items and then Weapons. Each item is clearly marked as a heading followed by subheadings which incorporate the heading detail.
AIF - Australian Imperial Force
Example: AIF - 2B - 7 LHR = Australian Imperial Force, 2nd Light Horse Brigade, 7th Light Horse Regiment - which will open with a contents page detailing the items on that particular thread which will include a regimental outline. This particular section details the entire Australian Order Of Battle in the Middle East and includes information upon other national units that played a role with the AIF. So primarily there is a large listing of NZ material as there will be eventually of British material. Included are the Italians, French and British West Indies, to name a few.
BW - Boer War
Example: BW - NSW - NSWCBC = Boer War, New South Wales, NSW Citizens Bushemen's Contingent. This thread deals with many issues relating to the formation and history of the NSW Citizens Bushemen's Contingent including nominal rolls and individual biographies of soldiers.
Batz - Battles
Example: BatzB - Buffels Hoek = Battles, Boer War, Buffels Hoek. This will give a contents page detailing all the items in the thread dealing with the battle at Buffels Hoek in which Australians saw action. There are close to about 130 battles in which Australians participated during the period 1899 - 1920 which included two in Australia itself. These are all recorded and detailed in this section.
GW - Great War
This section deals with the general issues relating to Australia and the Great War.
GM - German Items
This section deals with items specifically dealing with the German forces in the Middle East during the Great War.
Militia - Australian Militia 1899 - 1920
Example: Militia - LHN - 3/11/7 = Militia, Light Horse New South Wales, 3rd Australian Light Horse which became the 11th Australian Light Horse which finished as the 7th Australian Light Horse. The sub sub heading is under the subheading "Militia - LHN - NSW" highlighting the fact that this section is now dealing with New South Wales Light Horse Militia activities. This specific topic is of course about the Australian Horse.
Tk - Turkish
Example: Tk - Bks - Air Force = Turkish Items, Books, Air Force which opens to a transcription of Ole Nikolajsen's book, Ottoman Aviation 1911 – 1919.
Wp - Weapons
This section deals with the various weapon systems employed by the various combatant forces during the various conflicts.
The Search Engine
Every item on this site has been thoroughly indexed, a process which occurs daily to list new entries.
A search engine only works as well as the parameters placed in the search box. The wider the search term, the more results will be generated. The best hint is to be very specific with your search item.
If you have a general term, firstly examine the sidebar to establish if a thread already exists which covers the search parameters. Using a term like "Beersheba" will produce many hundreds of entries since apart from hundreds of individual items, it is also listed on the sidebar as a thread and as such has its own table of contents.
Your suggestions
We are always open to suggestions on making such a scheme more logical and simple without sacrificing accurate content description.
The following details the contents of the side bar found on the left of the page. Each heading leads to a thread covering a specific era within the Australian military during the early period of the Twentieth Century. The first item on each thread is a Contents page which provides links to all items that relate to that specific thread.
The Side Bar
All topics - Lists every post as it appears on the site in chronological order of posting.
A Latest Site News - Details all the latest news relating to changes and updates on the site.
AAA Volunteers - If you like what you see and feel that you can contribute to the site, think about volunteering some of your time to help out. This link allows you to walk through all the various issues.
AAB-Education Centre - For teachers who want prepared lesson plans and research material for class exercises in history.
AIF - DMC - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps
AIF - DMC - Or Bat - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - Order of Battle
AIF - DMC - Anzac MD - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - Anzac Mounted Division
AIF - DMC - Aus MD - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - Australian Mounted Division
AIF - DMC - British - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - British forces in the Middle East
AIF - DMC - French - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - French forces in the Middle East
AIF - DMC - Indian - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - Indian forces in the Middle East
AIF - DMC - Italian - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - Italian forces in the Middle East
AIF - DMC - Scouts - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - The Brigade Scouts nominal rolls and their role in the Middle East conflict
AIF - 1B - 1 LHB - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 1st Light Horse Brigade - 1st Light Horse Brigade outline
AIF - 1B - 6 MVS - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 1st Light Horse Brigade - 6th Mobile Veterinary Section
AIF - 1B - 1 LHMGS - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 1st Light Horse Brigade - 1st Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron
AIF - 1B - 1 Sig Trp - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 1st Light Horse Brigade - 1st Light Horse Signal Troop
AIF - 1B - 1 LHFA - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 1st Light Horse Brigade - 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance
AIF - 1B - 1 LHR - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 1st Light Horse Brigade - 1st Light Horse Regiment
AIF - 1B - 2 LHR - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 1st Light Horse Brigade - 2nd Light Horse Regiment
AIF - 1B - 3 LHR - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 1st Light Horse Brigade - 3rd Light Horse Regiment
AIF - 2B - 2 LHB - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 2nd Light Horse Brigade - 2nd Light Horse Brigade
AIF - 2B - 7 MVS - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 2nd Light Horse Brigade - 7th Mobile Veterinary Section
AIF - 2B - 2 LHFA - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 2nd Light Horse Brigade - 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance
AIF - 2B - 2 LHMGS - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 2nd Light Horse Brigade - 2nd Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron
AIF - 2B - 2 Sig Trp - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 2nd Light Horse Brigade - 2nd Light Horse Signal Troop
AIF - 2B - 5 LHR - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 2nd Light Horse Brigade - 5th Light Horse Regiment
AIF - 2B - 6 LHR - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 2nd Light Horse Brigade - 6th Light Horse Regiment
AIF - 2B - 7 LHR - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 2nd Light Horse Brigade - 7th Light Horse Regiment
AIF - 3B - 3 LHB - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 3rd Light Horse Brigade - 3rd Light Horse Brigade
AIF - 3B - 8 MVS - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 3rd Light Horse Brigade - 8th Mobile Veterinary Section
AIF - 3B - 3 LHB Sigs - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 3rd Light Horse Brigade - 3rd Light Horse Signal Troop Signals
AIF - 3B - 3 LHFA - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 3rd Light Horse Brigade - 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance
AIF - 3B - 3 LHMGS - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 3rd Light Horse Brigade - 3rd Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron
AIF - 3B - 8 LHR - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 3rd Light Horse Brigade - 8th Light Horse Regiment
AIF - 3B - 9 LHR - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 3rd Light Horse Brigade - 3rd Light Horse Regiment
AIF - 3B - 10 LHR - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 3rd Light Horse Brigade - 3rd Light Horse Regiment
AIF - 3B - 3 Sig Trp - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 3rd Light Horse Brigade - 3rd Light Horse Signal Troop
AIF - 4B - 4 LHB - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 4th Light Horse Brigade - 4th Light Horse Brigade
AIF - 4B - 4 Sig Trp - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 4th Light Horse Brigade - 4th Light Horse Signal Troop
AIF - 4B - 9 MVS - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 4th Light Horse Brigade - 9th Mobile Veterinary Section
AIF - 4B - 4 LHFA - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 4th Light Horse Brigade - 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance
AIF - 4B - 4 LHMGS - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 4th Light Horse Brigade - 4th Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron
AIF - 4B - 4 LHR - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 4th Light Horse Brigade - 4th Light Horse Regiment
AIF - 4B - 11 LHR - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 4th Light Horse Brigade - 4th Light Horse Regiment
AIF - 4B - 12 LHR - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 4th Light Horse Brigade - 4th Light Horse Regiment
AIF - 5B - 5 LHB - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 5th Light Horse Brigade - 5th Light Horse Brigade
AIF - 5B - 10 MVS - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 5th Light Horse Brigade - 10th Mobile Veterinary Section
AIF - 5B - 5 LHFA - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 5th Light Horse Brigade - 5th Light Horse Field Ambulance
AIF - 5B - 5 Sig Trp - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 5th Light Horse Brigade - 5th Light Horse Signal Troop
AIF - 5B - ICC - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 5th Light Horse Brigade - Imperial Camel Corps (The fore runner to the 5th Light Horse Brigade.)
AIF - 5B - 14 LHR - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 5th Light Horse Brigade - 14th Light Horse Regiment
AIF - 5B - 15 LHR - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 5th Light Horse Brigade - 15th Light Horse Regiment
AIF - 5B - 1er Regt - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 5th Light Horse Brigade - 1er Regiment Mixte de Cavalerie Du Levant (the French cavalry regiment attached to the 5th Light Horse Brigade.)
AIF - 5B - 2 NZMGS - Australian Imperial Force - Desert Mounted Corps - 5th Light Horse Brigade - 2nd New Zealand Machine Gun Squadron
AIF - AASC - Australian Imperial Force - Australian Army Service Corps (the unit that moved all the material for the troops in the field.)
AIF - Aboriginal LH - Australian Imperial Force - Aboriginal Light Horsemen. This thread deals with the contribution made by the Aboriginal people to the Australian Imperial Force.
AIF - Badges - Australian Imperial Force - Badges. Understanding the badges attached to the service uniforms awarded during the conflict.
AIF - Cars - Australian Imperial Force - 1st Australian Armoured Car Section.
AIF - Double Sqns - Australian Imperial Force - Double Squadrons. These were formed to participate in the defence of the Suez Canal in 1916.
AIF - Engineers - Australian Imperial Force - Field Engineer Squadron
AIF - Fr - 22 Corps - Australian Imperial Force - France - 22 Corps Cavalry. This was a composite regiment from the 4th Light Horse Regiment and the Otago Mounted Rifles which saw service in France.
AIF - Fr - 13 LHR - Australian Imperial Force - France - 13th Light Horse Regiment - which saw service in France finally under the name of Anzac Corps Cavalry.
AIF - HQ - 3rd Echelon - Australian Imperial Force - Headquarters - 3rd Echelon. This was the clerical side to the war.
AIF - Marching Songs - Australian Imperial Force - Marching songs. A selection of known tunes sung by the men as they marched.
AIF - Misc Topics - Australian Imperial Force - Miscellaneous Topics. These items are too diverse and individual to be placed under a particular catagory.
AIF - NZMRB - Australian Imperial Force - New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade.
AIF - NZMRB - AMR - Australian Imperial Force - New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade - Auckland Mounted Rifles.
AIF - NZMRB - CMR - Australian Imperial Force - New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade - Canterbury Mounted Rifles.
AIF - NZMRB - EFT - Australian Imperial Force - New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade - Engineering Field Troop.
AIF - NZMRB - OMR - Australian Imperial Force - New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade - Otago Mounted Rifles.
AIF - NZMRB - WMR - Australian Imperial Force - New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade - Wellington Mounted Rifles.
AIF - Ships - Australian Imperial Force - Ships. This thread contains a comprehensive listing of all transport ships used by the Australian Commonwealth during the Great War. Each ship, where possible, has a photograph and details relating to its date of manufacture, size and speed.
AIF - Ships - Encountr - Australian Imperial Force - HMAS Encounter - Specific details about the HMAS Encounter including the complete nominal roll of those who embarked upon this ship.
AIF - Ships - Una - Australian Imperial Force - HMAS Una - Specific details about the HMAS Una including the complete nominal roll of those who embarked upon this ship.
AIF - WFF - Australian Imperial Force - Western Frontier Force. This is one of the least documented actions in which Australian light horsemen took part as it was overshadowed by Gallipoli.
BatzG - Gallipoli - Battles, Gallipoli - Gallipoli. (This section deals with all the battles fought by Australians on the Gallipoli peninsular.)
BatzG - Anzac - Battles, Gallipoli - Anzac. (This section deals with all the battles from 25 April to 19 May when establishing the beachead and prior to the entrance of the light horse units.)
BatzG - Aug 1915 - Battles, Gallipoli - August 1915. (This section deals with all the various offensive activity undertaken by the Allies on the Gallipoli Peninsular during August 1915.)
BatzJ - Jordan Valley - Battles, Jordan Valley - Jordan Valley. (This section deals with the battles participated by Australians in the Jordan Valley, 1918.)
BatzJ - 1st Amman - Battles, Jordan Valley - The First Battle of Amman, March 1918.
BatzJ - 2nd Amman - Battles, Jordan Valley - The Second Battle of Amman, September 1918.
BatzO - Other - Battles, Other - These are battles in which Australians took part but were not part of any particular Australian campaign and thus difficult to catagorise but none the less had Australian participants during the action.)
BatzSe - Senussi - Battles, Senussi - Senussi. This particular section should be read in conjunction with AIF - WFF. The section deals with the various conflicts against the Senussi of Western Egypt in which Australians took part during December 1915 till March 1916.
BatzWF - Westn Front - Battles, Western Front - Western Front. This section details every major battle on the Western Front in which Australians took part. In each of these battles there too were some Light Horsemen.
Cavalry Information - This section aims to give military details specific to the operation of Cavalry and the Light Horse
Diaries - Personal - This section aims to transcribe personal diaries in chronological order as an additional witness to the events in which Australians took part.
Diary - Schramm - Diary - Schramm. This is the personal diary of Bert Schramm transcribed on a daily basis and set alongside the regimental war diary to give it a sense of place.
Egypt - This was the base for Australian activities.
Egypt - Heliopolis - Egypt - Heliopolis, the area of Cairo where Australian Light Horsemen trained.
Egypt - Mena - Egypt - Mena the area of Cairo near the pyramids where Australian Light Horsemen trained.
Great War
GW - 11 Nov 1918 - Great War - 11 November 1918. What Australia was doing when the war ended.
GW - Atrocities - Great War - Atrocities - Answering attrocity allegations.
GW - August 1914 - Great War - August 1914. What Australia was doing when the war began.
GW - We forgot - Great War - We forgot. These are stories of men who died in the service of Australia but have been forgotten about by the Australian authorities.
Gen - Legends - General - Legends. This thread deals with the many legends that have attached themselves to the Great War. Items like wearing emu plumes or the woman sniper at Gallipoli are dealt with as well as sloppy research.
Gen - Query Club - General - Query Club. This thread is derived from the newpaper question and answer column regarding the war.
Militia - LHN - 1/7/1 - Militia - Light Horse New South Wales - New South Wales Lancers, 1885-1903, 1st Australian Light Horse Regiment, 1903-1912, 7th Australian Light Horse Regiment, 1912-1919, 1st Australian Light Horse Regiment, 1919-1929, 1/21st Australian Light Horse Regiment, 1929-1935, 1st Light Horse Machine Gun Regiment, Royal New South Wales Lancers, 1936-1942, 1st Armoured Regiment, Royal New South Wales Lancers, 1942-1948, 1st Royal New South Wales Lancers, 1948-1956, 1/15th Royal New South Wales Lancers, 1956-
Militia - LHN - 2 - Militia - Light Horse New South Wales - 2 Australian Light Horse
Militia - LHN - 3/11/7 - Militia - Light Horse New South Wales - 1st Australian Horse [1897-1903], 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment [1903-11], 11th Australian Light Horse Regiment [1912-19], 7th Australian Light Horse Regiment [1920-35], 7th/21st Australian Light Horse Regiment [1936-57]
Militia - LHN - 4 - Militia - Light Horse New South Wales - 4 Australian Light Horse
Militia - LHN - 5 - Militia - Light Horse New South Wales - 5 Australian Light Horse
Militia - LHN - 6/5/12 - Militia - Light Horse New South Wales - 1st Australian Horse 6/5/12 Australian Light Horse
In order to navigate your way around the blog, every entry will be listed on the index page with a link to the particular post. The index is arranged to parallel the thread headers on the left side of your screen. The thread headers create discrete subject entities in which a particular area of history is logged. These entries are additionally layered into item headers and subtopics as and when the need is required.
The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900
- 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this
site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on
this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation
attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.
Please Note: No express or implied permission is given for commercial use of the information contained within this site.
A note to copyright holders
The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has made every endeavour to contact copyright holders of material digitised for this blog and website and where
appropriate, permission is still being sought for these items. Where replies were not received, or where the copyright owner has not been able to be traced, or where
the permission is still being sought, the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has decided, in good faith, to proceed with digitisation and publication. Australian Light
Horse Studies Centre would be happy to hear from copyright owners at any time to discuss usage of this item.