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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Sunday, 9 November 2003
1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales, Contents
Topic: BW - NSW - 1ACH

1st ACH (NSW)

1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales 






1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales, Outline


Nominal Roll

1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales, Nominal Roll



Roll of Honour

1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales, Roll of Honour

Lest we forget


Further Reading:

1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales

1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Monday, 10 May 2010 9:34 AM EADT
Saturday, 8 November 2003
1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales, Outline
Topic: BW - NSW - 1ACH

1st ACH (NSW)

1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales



Map illustrating the activities of the Australian Commonwealth Horse in South Africa, 1902.
[From: Chamberlain, M., The Australians in the South African War 1899-1902, Canberra, 1999.]


In 1911, Lieutenant-Colonel P. L. Murray, produced a marvellous Boer War reference detailing all the contingents sent from Australia to South Africa, giving a brief history of the formation and finally, listing all the soldiers who saw service in South Africa with that unit. The book was called, Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa. It is now the standard reference and starting place for any person interested in pursuing information about Australian involvement in the Boer War.

Murray, P. L., Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, pp. 166 - 167.


1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

After the Commonwealth had been established and the Australian Defences handed over to the Federal Government, it was decided to send further Contingents of Mounted Rifles to the war; and that battalions of a representative character should be formed, with squadrons from the different States. Then the first of these was made up of three units from New South Wales, one from Queensland, and one from Tasmania.

The establishment of each unit authorized was 121 of all ranks. Pay at cavalry rates for all ranks, viz., basis of 1s. 2d. for privates till date of embarkation, and from date of embarkation 5s. per diem for privates; other ranks at the rate allowed to Imperial (Australian) Contingents. Officers were granted an allowance of £30 to provide uniform, equipment, and saddlery. Vide also 2nd A.C.H., Victoria.

The men selected were required to be good shots and good horsemen; men of previous service having preference, if medically fit. Only single men were taken, and unmarried officers had preference, other conditions being equal.

The system of selection and purchase of horses was left to State Commandants, as with previous Contingents. Officers were allowed two horses; and 10 percent spare horses were to be sent with each unit.

The battalions were in the first instance known as “__ Battalion Commonwealth Contingent," but this was altered to "Australian Commonwealth Horse."

Details of Establishment.

1 Lieutenant Colonel,
1 Major,
1 Adjutant,
1 Quartermaster,
1 Medical Officer,
1 Veterinary Officer,
1 Regimental Sergeant-Major,
1 Regimental Quartermaster-Sergeant,
1 Orderly Room Sergeant.


Each company (or squadron):-
1 Major or Captain,
4 Subalterns,
1 Company Sergeant-Major,
1 Company Quartermaster-Sergeant,
1 Farrier-Sergeant,
4 Sergeants,
3 Shoeing-Smiths,
1 Saddler,
2 Buglers,
6 Corporals (including paid Lance-Sergeants) at the rate of two per battalion),
97 Privates, including 4 paid Lance-Corporals.

Reference to Orders.

Formation - G.O. 1/02
Establishment - G.O. 1 and 2/02
Pay and allowances - G.O. 1, 3, and 4/02
Conditions of service - G.O. 1/02
Allotment of pay - G.O. 1 and 10/02
Clothing - G.O. 1 and 2/02
Equipment officers - G.O. 4/02
Officers - G.O. 10/02
Paymaster - G.O. 24/02
Nomenclature - D.O. 239 of 22nd April, 1902
Personnel (N.S.W. units) - G.O. 39/02
Adjutant - G.O. 34/02
Embarkation - G.O. 31 and 32/02

Clothing etc.

Uniform consisted of F.S. jacket, pants, puttees, and hats.
Equipped with M.L.E. rifles, bayonets, bandoliers, and saddlery, and fully horsed.

Departure and Return

The 1st Australian Commonwealth Horse (New South Wales units) embarked at Sydney on the transport “Custodian” on 18th February, 1902, and disembarked at Durban on 19th March, 1902. It comprised 21 officers and 354 of other ranks, with 372 horses. Of these, 4 died, and 20 were struck off in South Africa. Twenty-one officers and 330 others returned by transport “Drayton Grange” which left Durban on 11th July, and arrived at Sydney on 11th August, 1902, having called at Albany and Melbourne on the way.


This battalion proceeded on 19th March, 1902, by train from Durban to Newcastle, and thence to Klerksdorp on 10th April, arriving at the latter place on the 13th. Joined Column under the command of Colonel De Lisle, which formed part of Thorneycroft’s brigade.

This Column was inspected by Lord Kitchener on 22nd April, who expressed himself as pleased with the appearance of men and horses.
The Column was employed clearing the district north of Klerksdorp, and took part in a drive which commenced on 7th May, moving westward to the Kimberley - Mafeking railway blockhouse line. In this, 251 prisoners, including General De la Rey's brother, were captured, also 300 horses, 144 rides and bandoliers, 6,000 rounds ammunition, and a large quantity of stock.

Colonel De Lisle, who was leaving for England, handed over his command to Colonel Williams. The Column then returned to Klerksdorp, reaching that place on the 21st May, where the regiment remained until the declaration of place, when they were ordered to Elandsfontein to prepare for return to Australia.

The regiment proceeded by rail to Newcastle on 29th June, and to Durban on 9th July, for embarkation.


Major J. H. Lee to Lieutenant Colonel, 5th June, 1902.

War Service.

The service which officers were untitled to reckon was:
Operations in Western Transvaal and British Bechuanaland, April to May, 1902, Queen's Medal with three clasps was awarded in most cases to officers who had not served before, but many of thorn had done so.

The majority of the N.C.O.'s and man had also served in previous details.



Further Reading:

1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales

1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales, Outline

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Monday, 10 May 2010 9:27 AM EADT
Friday, 7 November 2003
1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales, Nominal Roll
Topic: BW - NSW - 1ACH

1st ACH (NSW)

1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales

Nominal Roll


In 1911, Lieutenant-Colonel P. L. Murray, produced a marvellous Boer War reference detailing all the contingents sent from Australia to South Africa, giving a brief history of the formation and finally, listing all the soldiers who saw service in South Africa with that unit. The book was called, Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa. It is now the standard reference and starting place for any person interested in pursuing information about Australian involvement in the Boer War.

Murray, P. L., Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, pp. 168 - 174.


1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales

183 Trooper Garnet ABEL

325 Corporal John McNabb ABEL

239 Trooper Mathew AKHURST

138 Shoeing Smith William ALEXANDER

356 Trooper John ALICK

168 Trooper Sidney ALLASON

57 Trooper Peter ALMOND

225 Trooper Archie AMOR

267 Trooper David James ANDERTON

268 Trooper Thomas ANNETTS

310 Corporal William Thomas ANNISON

Lieutenant James APPS

112 Trooper Archibald C ATKINS

162 Trooper Frederick AUSLING

13 Trooper Edward AYSHFORD

3 Trooper Arthur BAKER

73 Saddler Thomas BAKER

251 Trooper Bert BARBER

Vet.Officer Estevan BARBETA

199 Trooper David L BARNARD

248 Trooper Jabez BARRETT

171 Trooper Henry W BARSLEY

1 Lance Corporal James BARTLETT

386 Trooper Alexander BEATTY

375 Trooper James BEATTY

391 Trooper Maurice J BEHAN

149 Trooper Charles BIDDLECOMBE

209 Trooper George BLACKMAN

350 Orderly Room Sergeant Harry N BOAM

59 Lance Corporal Harry A BOHLSON

213 Trooper Harry BOLTON

217 Trooper Ernest E BOSWELL

218 Company Quartermaster Sergeant Adolphus BOWLER

2 Lance Corporal George W BOWLING

148 Corporal Alfred E BRADDOCK

193 Trumpeter George BREARS

313 Corporal Benjamin William BRIDGE

44 Squadron Sergeant Major Charles M BRITTSWORTH

178 Lance Corporal Albert H BROWN

340 Trooper Harry William BROWN

206 Trooper Robert T BROWN

208 Trooper William BROWN

367 Trooper Patrick James BYRNE

120 Trooper Timothy P CAHILL

210 Trooper Thomas H CALLAN

347 Trooper Jack Leslie CAMPBELL

258 Trooper James CAMPBELL

334 Trooper Frank CARSONS

100 Trooper George H CHAMPION

107 Trooper Robert CHARLES

43 Trooper Albert G CHARLETON

318 Trooper Charles CLARK

4 Trooper Thomas COBAN

247 Trooper Daniel COLLINS

270 Trooper Henry COMBEN

185 Trooper Ernest H COULCHER


222 Trooper William CROOME

296 Trooper James Robert CROSS

241 Trooper Arthur C CROUCHER

377 Trooper George A CROWLEY

374 Trooper Thomas G CUNNINGHAM

Lieutenant Hubert CURR

343 Trooper William Joseph CURRIE

147 Sergeant Thomas CURRY

46 Lance Corporal William DALTON

163 Saddler Colin R DANSEY

76 Trooper Archibald DAVIDSON

321 Shoeing Smith Percy DAVIS

317 Trooper Sydney DAWES

5 Trooper Walter H DAWSON

298 Trooper Percy Loftus DENMEAD

261 Trooper Archibald DONALDSON

110 Trooper J DONALDSON

315 Trooper John Joseph DOPSON

230 Sergeant Edward H DUFFY

74 Trooper Norman A DUMONT

6 Farrier Sergeant Edward DWYER

103 Trooper John RJ DWYER

370 Trooper Frank William Austin EAGAR

117 Warrant Officer John R EDNEY

7 Trooper George ELLEY

191 Saddler Howard EVANS

151 Trooper Sidney EVANS

40 Trooper Walter E EVANS

105 Trooper Thomas E FARDELL

109 Corporal Roger B FEEHILY

91 Trooper JP FEENEY

45 Corporal Edward FENTON

Lieutenant Carlo Ferruccio FIASCHI

361 Trooper Charles FINERAN

118 Trooper Edward FISK

93 Trooper John FLEETWOOD

113 Trooper Frederick J FOAT

380 Trooper George FOGARTY

177 Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant William FOLEY

89 Trooper Arthur FORD

Captain Arthur E FORREST

104 Trooper Alfred FRANKLIN

271 Trooper Robert FREER

189 Lance Corporal Sydney FROST

67 Trooper Cecil G GALL

47 Corporal Frank J GALL

389 Trooper Edward K GALWAY

234 Trooper William GEER

41 Trooper Montague S GILDEA

302 Trooper Alfred Percy GILES

331 Trooper Alfred Henry GILLEN


295 Trooper Thomas D GLANHAM

8 Trumpeter Edward S GLASSCOCK

99 Trooper William GLASSON

172 Lance Corporal Alfred GLENN

263 Trooper Ernest GLESSNER

294 Trumpeter Sydney GOODFELLOW

Lieutenant Harry George GRACE

Captain James GREEN

50 Trooper John GREEN

235 Shoeing Smith George GREY

324 Trumpeter Lairman Ashby GREY

77 Trooper Frederick W GROVE

92 Trooper Richard GUNN

9 Trooper Thomas N GUNTER

227 Trooper Samuel HACKETT

224 Trooper John E HADDEN

164 Trooper Frank HAGNEY

272 Trooper Arthur HALEY

14 Lance Sergeant Joseph G HAMILTON

364 Trooper William HAMILTON

246 Trooper Frederick HANDY

322 Lance Corporal Herbert Edward HARPER

333 Trooper Arnold Joseph HARRIS

Lieutenant Geoffrey Hamlyn Savincount HARRIS

332 Trooper William David HARRIS

381 Trooper Herbert William HART

358 Trooper Thomas Francis HART

346 Trooper William John HART

190 Trooper Percy HAYBITTLE

11 Trooper Sidney HEALEY

60 Trooper Eden H HERON

311 Sergeant Christopher HETHERINGTON

252 Trooper T HICKSON

221 Trooper Charles HILL

304 Trooper Frederick HODGES

339 Trooper Reuben Levy HOEY

116 Trooper William H HOLLAND

83 Trooper Lewis H HOLM

Lieutenant Richard John HOLMES

273 Trooper Edward HOPKINS

54 Company Sergeant Major James William HOPKINS

228 Trooper Charles HORNBY

12 Corporal James H HULBERT

170 Trooper John E HUMPHREYS

256 Trooper John C JACKSON

96 Trooper John H JACKSON

64 Trooper John S JACKSON

378 Trooper John JOHNSON

15 Trooper R Morrison JOHNSON

Lieutenant Sedbar Bradshaw JOHNSON

264 Trooper Percy H JOHNSTON

382 Trooper LR JOHNSTONE

97 Trooper Henry KAY

392 Trooper Searle F KAY

274 Trooper Thomas KENNEDY

338 Trooper Walter Osmond KNIGHT

349 Trooper Thomas Watson KNOWLER

265 Trooper Charles Henry KOHN

197 Trooper Cecil KREMER

337 Trooper Charles Albert LACHMUND

49 Trooper Malcolm J LAMB

387 Trooper John E LAYCOCK

345 Trooper Maurice Connell LAYCOCK

385 Trooper James Freeland LEACOCK

275 Trooper Edward Charles LEAMAN

135 Corporal George S LEAPE

Major John Henry Alexander LEE

136 Trooper James LEEKE

351 Trooper George LEWIS

39 Trooper George B LINFOOT

276 Trooper George Edward LITTLEWOOD

78 Trooper Hugh LONG

257 Trooper William F LONG

169 Sergeant Frank LORENZO

101 Trooper Edwin LOVE

327 Corporal Lawrence Arthur LOVEDAY

17 Trooper Robert J LUXTON

394 Trooper Patrick M LYNCH

383 Trooper PJ LYNCH

394 Trooper PM LYNCH

Lieutenant Colonel James Sanderson LYSTER

255 Trooper George S MACKAY

94 Trooper Duncan MAGUIRE

156 Trooper James MALONE

335 Trooper Francis Joseph MANGAN

143 Company Sergeant Major Horatio MANSFIELD

278 Trooper Ernest Edward MASCORD

279 Trooper George MASON

312 Trooper Henry MASTON

277 Trooper Angus MATHESON

196 Sergeant James Hamilton MAUND

18 Trooper Alfred MAYNE

240 Trooper Narcissi MCALISTER

238 Trooper William MCALLUM

150 Sergeant Archibald MCALPINE

125 Trooper Alexander MCANDREW

114 Trooper William MCCARTHY

141 Trooper William MCCARTHY

19 Sergeant James MCCONNELL

121 Trooper George MCDONALD

146 Trooper William V MCJANNETT

314 Trooper Donald MCKENZIE

354 Trooper William John MCKINNON

357 Trooper John MCLEAN

300 Trooper Neal MCLEAN

134 Sergeant William MCMAHON

68 Shoeing Smith William T MCMILLAN

299 Trooper Hugh Duncan MCPHEE

396 Trooper Harold MEAGHER

119 Trooper George MEALING

106 Trooper H MEALING

144 Farrier Sergeant Joseph MEANEY

379 Shoeing Smith Joseph Angus MEEVE

281 Company Quartermaster Sergeant Christian MILLER

53 Trooper George MILLWOOD

21 Trooper Arthur MITCHELL

192 Trooper Leonard MITCHELL

344 Corporal Thomas Dewar MITCHELL

166 Trooper George H MOATE

280 Trooper Archie Patrick MOONEY

85 Shoeing Smith William T MOORE

72 Trooper Frank G MORGAN

69 Trooper Arthur T MORRIS

20 Trooper Thomas L MORRIS

242 Trooper Joseph MULHALL

226 Trooper Lionel MURPHY

82 Trooper Arthur J MURRAY

102 Trooper James E NEAL

363 Trooper Bernard James NEWLAND

282 Trooper George Charles NEWPORT

188 Trooper Robert Hastings NOAKES

188 Trooper Robert R NOAKES

160 Trooper Alfred NORRIS

Captain Spencer OAKES

52 Trooper Albert O'BRIEN

173 Trooper Edward J O'BRIEN

Lieutenant Harold O'BRIEN

95 Trooper Walter B O'MALLEY

283 Trooper William O'MALLEY

320 Trooper Hugh Leslie OSBORN

51 Trooper Arthur E OSBORNE

366 Trooper Frank PAGE

286 Corporal Sydney PARRY

23 Trooper G PAUL

216 Trooper Henry H PAUL

139 Corporal George PAYNE

285 Trooper John Henry PAYNE

165 Trooper Frederick PHILPOTT

262 Trooper William PHINN

336 Trooper William Rowland PICKETT

34 Trooper Frederick POOLE

159 Trooper James PORTEOUS

236 Trooper John PORTER

243 Trooper George POWELL

348 Trooper Garner GW RAE

309 Trooper Samuel RALPHS

63 Trooper William FW RANDELL

266 Trooper Ralph RAPHAEL

38 Trooper Arthur L READ

305 Trooper Edward REIMAR

220 Trooper Ernest REYNOLDS

326 Trooper Percy RICE

26 Trooper John RICHARDSON

323 Trooper William RIDGE

Lieutenant Ward Francis Egbert ROBERTS

25 Trooper James R ROBERTSON

167 Trooper Aubrey D ROBINS

88 Trooper James W ROBINSON

187 Trooper Robinson William ROBINSON

24 Corporal Frank ROSE

108 Trooper Thomas ROSEWELL

48 Trooper Charles ROSS

249 Trooper Walter C ROWLEY

231 Trooper Henry RUSHWORTH

253 Trooper William RYAN

186 Corporal William SARE

245 Lance Corporal Matthews SAUNDERS

384 Shoeing Smith GE SAYERS

223 Trooper John SAYERS

201 Trooper Henry D SEE

184 Corporal Martin SHEEDY

111 Trooper Alphonso N SHEEHAN

250 Trooper James SHEEHAN

287 Lance Corporal Albert Ezekiel SHEPHERD

30 Trooper George SHEPHERD

126 Trooper Henry Ernest SHEPHERD

214 Trooper Charles SHERRITT

56 Trooper Andrew SHIRLEY

288 Trooper Patrick SKEHAN

308 Trooper Clements Joseph SKELLY

123 Trooper Thomas G SLACK

80 Trooper Arthur SLATER

202 Trooper Arthur SMITH

254 Trumpeter James F SMITH

75 Trooper John SMITH

98 Trooper Thomas SMITH

28 Trooper Sydeny SPENCER

355 Lance Corporal Samuel Thomas STAFFORD

140 Trooper John STANTON

233 Corporal Oscar STAUNTON

174 Trooper John STEWART

373 Trooper Arthur STOKES

362 Trooper John STOKES

303 Trooper William Hugh STOKES

37 Trooper George W STOPP

145 Trooper John STOPPELBEIN

219 Trooper Alexander STRANG

61 Trooper Hector J SUTHERLAND

328 Trooper John Thomas SUTHERLAND

29 Corporal Joseph H SUTTON

27 Lance Sergeant Michael JP SYMONDS

87 Trooper Edgar TAMSETT

353 Trooper William TANKO

290 Sergeant Thomas Kells TAPLIN

368 Trooper George Henry TAYLOR

Captain Herbert James Cox TAYLOR

31 Trooper William CF THOMAS

158 Sergeant Edwin J TIPPER

161 Trooper Stewart A TOOTH

352 Trooper James John TOVEY

86 Trooper Patrick W TROY

359 Trooper George Marshall TRULOCK

137 Sergeant Herbert TULLIDGE

329 Trooper James Thomas UPTON

81 Trooper George VALLINS

79 Trooper John W WALL

360 Trooper James WALLACE

259 Trooper Walter WALTERS

297 Sqn.QMSgt. Frank H WARD

200 Trooper Horton WARD

204 Trooper Martin WARD

393 Trooper James WATKINS

84 Trooper William J WATKINS

42 Trooper Charles W WATSON

229 Trooper Walter WATSON

33 Trooper Thomas R WATT

Lieutenant Frank Valentine WEIR

388 Trooper Matthew G WELLS

293 Sergeant James Albert WESTON

65 Trooper Thomas WHALLEY

66 Trooper Robert J WHEELER

260 Trooper Arthur J WHITBREAD

154 Trooper James WHITE

198 Farrier Sergeant John WHITE

195 Trooper Joseph WHITE

292 Trooper John WHITTON

237 Trooper Phillip WICKERSON

372 Trooper Amos Edward WILLIAMS

291 Trooper Austin WILLIAMS

122 Trooper John WILLIAMS

232 Trooper RH WILLIAMS

71 Trooper William J WILLIAMS

124 Trooper Farquhar G WILLIAMSON

182 Trooper Herbert WILSON

90 Trooper John G WILSON

180 Trooper Joseph WILSON

155 Trooper William WILSON

215 Trooper Arthur WISE

319 Trooper Edward Francis WISEMAN

244 Trooper Alfred WITTON

205 Trooper Thomas WOOD

181 Trooper Edward WOODGATE

390 Trooper Harry WOODHAM

365 Lance Corporal Frederick Talbot WOODS

371 Trooper Henry Robert WOODS

341 Trooper Victor Henry WOODS

62 Trooper William WOODS

35 Trooper Percival J YATES

Captain Richard Essington ZOUCH



Further Reading:

1st Australian Commonwealth Horse (NSW)

1st Australian Commonwealth Horse (NSW), Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales, Nominal Roll

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Monday, 10 May 2010 9:30 AM EADT
Thursday, 6 November 2003
Boer War, 1899 - 1902, Australian Forces, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales, Roll of Honour
Topic: BW - NSW - 1ACH

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Australian Forces

Roll of Honour

1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales 

Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men known to have served at one time with the 1st Australian Commonwealth Horse (NSW) and gave their lives in service of Australia, whether as part of the 1st Australian Commonwealth Horse (NSW) or another unit during the Boer War.



Roll of Honour 

William CROOME, Died of Disease, 14 August 1902. 


John GREEN, Died of Disease, 14 August 1902.


George S MACKAY, Died of Disease, 15 May 1902.


Edward J O'BRIEN, Died of Disease, 10 March 1902.

Thomas Kells TAPLIN, Died of Disease, 12 July 1902.


Phillip Henry WICKERSON, Died of Disease, 12 June 1902.

Lest we forget


Further Reading:

1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales 

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Monday, 10 May 2010 9:40 AM EADT

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900 - 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.

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Australian Light Horse Studies Centre

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