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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Sunday, 31 October 2010
The Battle of Beersheba, Palestine, 31 October 1917, Contents
Topic: BatzP - Beersheba

 The Battle of Beersheba

Palestine, 31 October 1917



The taking of the wells at Beersheba on 31 October 1917 formed the single most thrilling image from the Great War. The Charge of the Light Horse is the lingering memory. Many legends have arisen about the Charge which have become embedded within the national story and now seem to have replaced the facts, both officially and unofficially. These legends are addressed. The Battle of Beersheba was not only the famous charge but many other actions all of which culminated in the victory.



Beersheba Chargers - Men who possibly charged

4th Light Horse Brigade

4th Light Horse Regiment

Men who possibly charged at Beersheba - 12th LHR


Official War History Accounts



New Zealand

Powles New Zealand Official History


Falls - the British Infantry

Falls - the fall of Beersheba


Australian Analytical Accounts

Foster account about the fall of Beersheba

Keogh account about the fall of Beersheba


British Analytical Accounts

Kearsey account about the fall of Beersheba


British General Accounts

Massey account about the fall of Beersheba

Lock account about the fall of Beersheba


German Accounts

Kress's account about the fall of Beersheba


Italian Accounts

Italian Forces at Beersheba


War Diaries

Australian War Diaries

General Staff Headquarters, Anzac Mounted Division, AIF, War Diary Account

RHA Headquarters, Anzac Mounted Division Account

1st Light Horse Brigade Account

1st Light Horse Field Ambulance Account

1st Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron Account 

1st LHR War Diary Account

2nd LHR War Diary Account

3rd LHR War Diary Account

2nd Light Horse Brigade Account

2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance Account 

2nd Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron Account

5th LHR War Diary Account

5th Mounted Brigade, War Diary, Account

6th LHR War Diary Account

7th LHR War Diary Account

Headquarters, Imperial Mounted Division Account

General Staff Headquarters, Imperial Mounted Division, AIF, War Diary Account

3rd Light Horse Brigade Account

3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance Account 

3rd Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron Account

8th LHR War Diary Account

9th LHR War Diary Account

10th LHR War Diary Account

4th Light Horse Brigade Account

4th Light Horse Field Ambulance Account 

4th Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron Account

Bourchier, CO 4th LHR War Diary Account

Grant, GOC 4th LH Bde War Diary Account

Cameron, CO 12th LHR War Diary Account


British War Diaries  

20th Corps, War Diary Account


Orders issued regarding the impending Beersheba battle

4th LH Bde, AIF, Operation Order No. 37

New Zealand War Diaries
New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade Account
Auckland Mounted Rifles Account
Canterbury Mounted Rifles Regiment Account
Wellington Mounted Rifles Account 


Unit History Accounts


1st LHR AIF account

1st Australian Armoured Car Section Account

1st Australian Signal Troop, AIF Account

2nd LHR AIF Account

2nd FSE, AIF Account

2nd Australian Signal Troop, AIF Account

3rd LHR AIF Account

3rd LH Bde, AIF Account

3rd LHFA, AIF Account

3rd LHMGS, AIF Account

4th LH Bde, AIF Account

4th LHFA, AIF Account

4th LHR, AIF Account

5th LHR, AIF Account

6th LHR, AIF Account

7th LHR, AIF Account

8th LHR, AIF Account

8th Sanitary Section, AIF Account

9th LHR AIF Account

9th Mobile Veterinary Section, AIF Account

10th LHR, AIF Account

11th LHR, AIF Account

12th LHR, AIF MSS 38 Account

ICC Account


New Zealand

AMR Account

CMR Account

WMR Account


British Unit Histories

20th Machine Gun Squadron Account

Fife and Forfar Yeomanry Account


Newspaper Accounts

Massey Times account about the fall of Beersheba

Sydney Mail account about the fall of Beersheba


Personal Diary accounts of the Beersheba battle

2639 Tpr Arthur Wilson Beatty account of Beersheba

Auchterlonie [8th LHR] account about the fall of Beersheba

Fowler [12th LHR] account about the fall of Beersheba

Idriess and his Beersheba Charge description


Lieutenant Colonel Hüseyin Hüsnü Emir, Yildirim

Part II Chapter III - Events during October in Palestine

Colonel Hüsnü, Yildirim, Page 96

Colonel Hüsnü, Yildirim, Page 97

Colonel Hüsnü, Yildirim, Page 98

Colonel Hüsnü, Yildirim, Page 99

Colonel Hüsnü, Yildirim, Page 100

Colonel Hüsnü, Yildirim, Page 101

Colonel Hüsnü, Yildirim, Page 102

Colonel Hüsnü, Yildirim, Page 103

Part III Chapter I - The Battle of Beersheba, 31 October 1917.

Colonel Hüsnü, Yildirim, Page 104

Colonel Hüsnü, Yildirim, Page 105

Colonel Hüsnü, Yildirim, Page 106

Colonel Hüsnü, Yildirim, Page 107

Colonel Hüsnü, Yildirim, Page 108

Colonel Hüsnü, Yildirim, Page 109

Colonel Hüsnü, Yildirim, Page 110

Colonel Hüsnü, Yildirim, Page 111

Colonel Hüsnü, Yildirim, Page 112

Hüsnü’s observations and critiques on the Ottoman conduct of the capture of Beersheba, 31 October 1917.

Colonel Hüsnü, Yildirim, Page 113

Colonel Hüsnü, Yildirim, Page 114

Colonel Hüsnü, Yildirim, Page 115

Colonel Hüsnü, Yildirim, Page 116

Colonel Hüsnü, Yildirim, Page 117

Colonel Hüsnü, Yildirim, Page 118

Colonel Hüsnü, Yildirim, Page 119

Colonel Hüsnü, Yildirim, Page 120


Karm and surrounding supply stations

Karm, 25 October 1917

Tractor Park at El Gamli

Tractor Testing at El Gamli

Well at Khalasa


Train Timetable for October 1917

Desert Mounted Corps Operational Orders - Train Timetable


The Charge

Grant, GOC 4th ALHB, account about the fall of Beersheba

"Put Grant straight at it."

Hand drawn map of the 4th LHB prior to charging into Beersheba, 31 October 1917

Bourchier, CO 4th ALHR, account about the fall of Beersheba

Cameron, CO 12th ALHR, account about the fall of Beersheba

Colonel Cameron, 12th LHR, letter to Dr Bean


Official map of the Beersheba Charge

Pictures (taken 2006) of the route taken by the 4th LHB charge at Beersheba


The alleged Elliott photograph examined

9th LHR On Manoeuvres

9th LHR On Manoeuvres, Part 2

Fleas on fleas -The results from careless work - a case study


Ottoman Dispositions

Turkish map detailing troop dispositions and the battle at Beersheba

Turkish intelligence assessment of projected Allied attacks, August 1917


Roll of Honour

Australian and New Zealand Roll of Honour

British Forces Roll of Honour

Lest We Forget


Further Reading:

The Battle of Beersheba, Palestine, 31 October 1917

Australian and New Zealand Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The Battle of Beersheba, Palestine, 31 October 1917, Contents 

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 31 October 2010 10:08 AM EADT
Friday, 2 October 2009
The Battle of Beersheba, Palestine, 31 October 1917, Outline
Topic: BatzP - Beersheba



The Battle of Beersheba

Palestine, 31 October 1917



Aerial view of Beersheba, 1917.


Beersheba, the most famous mounted charge involving Australians, was carried out by light horsemen against Turkish fixed defences in Palestine on 31 October 1917. After two previous British failures that year to take the strategic coastal city of Gaza (q.v.), preparations were made for a third attempt by the newly appointed commander-in-chief of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, General Sir Edmund Allenby. The plan he devised entailed turning the left flank of the Turkish defensive line which rested on Beersheba, a small town situated in the desert about 43 kilometres south-east of Gaza. To this end British infantry corps were to make frontal attacks against both ends of the Turkish line simultaneously, while the Desert Mounted Corps (commanded by Australian Lieut.General Harry Chauvel) made a wide circling movement to approach Beersheba in the rear, from the east and north.


Beersheba sometime before 1914.


On 27 October the 15,000 Australian and New Zealand horsemen in the two divisions of the Desert Mounted Corps available to Chauvel embarked on a series of night marches which took them east, to concentration areas at the water-points of Khalasa and Asluj more than ten kilometres south of Beersheba. Three days later they were positioned in readiness for the 25,000 men of the British 20th Corps to begin their assault on Beersheba from the west and south-west at dawn on the 31st. Chauvel's first assigned objective was to capture enemy positions beside the Hebron road behind the town, thereby completing its encirclement. Stubborn resistance was overcome to take these posts by 3 p.m., by which stage the seizure of the town itself was becoming critical because of the attackers' need for water. With only two hours remaining before nightfall Chauvel decided to send in Brig.General William Grant's 4th Light horse Brigade, which so far had been hardly involved in the day's fighting: "Put Grant straight at it." was his terse instruction.


Turkish map detailing troop dispositions, 31 October 1917

[Click on map for a larger version.]


Although the conventional use of light horse units was as mounted infantry only, the urgency of the situation prompted Grant to adopt the hazardous cavalry-style tactic of an open charge. Concealed behind a ridge some eight kilometres south-cast of' the objective, the two leading regiments of Grant's brigade - the 4th from Victoria on the right, and the 12th from New South Wales on the left - were drawn up in three lines 300-500 metres apart, with five metres spacing between men. As neither unit was equipped with the normal shock action cavalry weapons of lance or sabre, the troops were ordered to carry their long bayonets in their hands.


Beersheba as seen from the Turkish support trenches behind Hill 1069. The British were ordered to stop here at 1 p.m. despite nothing preventing them from taking the town.

[Photograph by Gal Shaine.]


At 4.30 p.m., just on sunset, the attack force moved off at the trot with Grant initially at its head. The 400-500 horsemen were already at the gallop when they crested the ridge and came into Turkish view, but the speed and momentum of their charge quickly carried them through the curtain of fire from enemy field-guns, machine-guns and rifles. The Turkish positions - unprotected by wire - were breached without difficulty by the leading ranks, who leapt their horses over the trenches before dismounting and engaging the defenders in brutal hand to hand combat. Two squadrons of the 12th Regiment raced on into the town, in time to prevent the destruction of all but two of seventeen wells by the fleeing Turks. Within an hour of the charge's commencement all resistance collapsed, as those defenders, who could made a rush for the safety of hills to the north and north-west. Nine guns and more than 1,000 prisoners were taken from the reinforced 27th Division occupying the town, and the commander of the Turkish 3rd Corps himself barely escaped capture. All this at a cost to the Australians of only 31 killed and 36 wounded.

The dramatic fall of Beersheba opened the way for the whole Turkish defensive line to be outflanked and rolled up from east to west. After further heavy fighting, the Turks abandoned Gaza on 6 November and began a northerly retreat deeper into Palestine. The charge was a truly memorable and heroic feat of arms, fully deserving of the epic status it has subsequently achieved. The absences of' the sort of casualties which might have been expected from an assault across nearly 6,000 metres of open ground swept by automatic weapons owed much to the speed of' the unexpected attack. This was later discovered to have caused many Turks to forget to make range adjustments on their weapon sights, with the result that during the final stages of the charge much of the defenders' fire had passed harmlessly over the Australians' heads.

The scene from Government House to the field (the green patch, top left) where the famous Charge occurred.


Extracted from the book produced by Chris Coulthard-Clark, Where Australians Fought - The Encyclopaedia of Australia's Battles, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1998, pp. 134-136.


Additional References cited by Chris Coulthard-Clark:

H.S. Gullett, (1944), The Australian Imperial Force in Sinai and Palestine, Sydney: Angus & Robertson.

A.J. Hill, (1978), Chauvel of the Light Horse, Carlton, Vic.: Melbourne University Press.


Further Reading:

The Battle of Beersheba, Palestine, 31 October 1917

Australian and New Zealand Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920

Citation: The Battle of Beersheba, Palestine, 31 October 1917, Outline

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 13 October 2012 2:10 PM EADT
Friday, 7 November 2008
The Battle of Beersheba, Palestine, 31 October 1917, Beatty Poem
Topic: BatzP - Beersheba

The Battle of Beersheba

Palestine, 31 October 1917

Beatty Poem

Watering the horses at Beersheba

[From: Auckland War Memorial Museum, Williams Album 213]


The poem written by 2639 Tpr Arthur Wilson Beatty soon after taking place in the charge at Beersheba.



(Written by 2639 Tpr Arthur Wilson Beatty, C Sqn, 4th LHR)

We left the "Wadey" at break of day,
We rode far into the night;
Our loads were heavy, our horses poor,
But we pushed them on as we'd done before,
And swallowed the dust, and growled and swore,
Till Esani came in sight.

Two days we rested, three days we rode,
While the 'planes buzzed overhead.
We left Khalasa at dead of night,
And we rode till dawn; then, streaked with white.
The mountains of Judah came in sight,
Like watchers o'er the dead.

We kept our horses behind the rise,
We followed the "Wadey" round,
And sunset found us behind a hill,
Our horses tired, but ready still
To gallop again at their riders' will,
And watch for the broken ground.

Three miles of a wind-swept, shell-torn plain
Where death was sure to lurk!
The shrapnel screamed, the bullets whined,
Swift death spat out from the redoubts lined,
And red flame showed where the wells were mined
By the panic-stricken Turk.

The sun set red as we galloped on,
Our ranks thinned here and there,
As one dropped out who would ride no more
And a groan, as somebody galloped o'er
A foeman, battered and sick an sore,
Surrendering in despair!
Onward we rode till we reached the town,
At the end of the three-mile plain.
Empty and burning the old town lay;
The foeman beaten, had slunk away,
And left us there at the dawn of day,
To follow, and fight again.

The sun rose high on the saddest scene,
The last of the boys "gone West!"
They'd all gone out as the soldier dies -
We buried them out on a lonely "rise"
Where the mournful wind from the desert sighs
We left them there at rest.

Perhaps a cross, or a row of shells,
On wind-swept dusty "rise,"
Will mark where a brave man left the race
With a willing heart and a smiling face -
His grave a Bedouin camping place -
But memory never dies!



The poem Beersheba first appeared in the Melbourne Australasian, 21 September 1918, p. 577.

2639 Tpr Arthur Wilson Beatty was born at Bungaree, east of Ballarat in 1893 to William Arthur Beatty and Mary Jane Beatty nee Wilson. He enlisted with the 4th LHR, 4th Reinforcements, Regimental Number 860 and embarked to Egypt on 13 April 1915. He returned to Australia on 10 June 1915 and was confined to Langwarren where he was discharged as medically unfit for military service. He re-enlisted in the 4th LHR, 18th Reinforcements and embarked for Egypt, 11 July 1916. He served with the 4th LHR through the Sinai, Palestine and Syrian campaigns. He was at Beersheba to take part in the famous charge. He returned to Australia on 25 July 1919 and returned to Sassafras where he appears to have lived the rest of his life. He died at Melbourne on 16 September 1981 at the age of 87.


Further Reading:

The Battle of Beersheba, Palestine, 31 October 1917

Australian and New Zealand Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation:  The Battle of Beersheba, Palestine, 31 October 1917, Beatty Poem

Posted by Project Leader at 2:13 PM EAST
Updated: Wednesday, 7 October 2009 10:33 PM EADT
Friday, 31 October 2008
The Battle of Beersheba, Palestine, 31 October 1917, Australian and New Zealand Roll of Honour
Topic: BatzP - Beersheba

The Battle of Beersheba

Palestine, 31 October 1917

Roll of Honour

Australian and New Zealand


Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men known to have given their lives in service of Australia and New Zealand during the Battle of Beersheba. Each entry details the full name of the soldier, the last unit to which he was attached and the date of death.


Roll of Honour


Frank ANSELL, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, killed in action on 31 October 1917.

Sidney Charles ASHTON, Auckland Mounted Rifles, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.


John Stephen "Jack" BEAZLEY, 12th Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

Carl BECK, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

Harold Thomas BELL alias Harold Thomas WICKHAM, 4th Light Horse Regiment, died of wounds on 1 November 1917.

Cecil BLOONG, Auckland Mounted Rifles, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

James Lowry BODKIN, the 9th Light Horse Regiment, died of wounds on 1 November 1917.

John Richard BOUNDEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

William BRADBURY, 12th Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

Hugh Charters BROWN, Wellington Mounted Rifles, died of wounds on 2 November 1917.

Colin Brodie BULL, 12th Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

Reginald Hadderton BURROW,Auckland Mounted Rifles, died of wounds on 31 October 1917.

Harry BUNYAN, 12th Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

Francis James BURTON, 4th Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.


Frederic Michael CARNEY, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

Norman Allen CHALLIS, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

Bute Alfred CHARTERS, 12th Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

Edward Randolph CLEAVER, 4th Light Horse Regiment, died of wounds on 31 October 1917.

Harry Rex George COLEY, 12th Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

George Herbert COOKE, 12th Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

Albert COTTER, 12th Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

[SeeCotter and the Gezireh Sports Club and Cotter and the Gezireh Sports Club, Part 2]

Ernest James CRAGGS, 12th Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

John Currie CUMMING, 3rd Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.


Robert Raymond DAWSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

John Herbert DEARMAN, 3rd Light Horse Regiment, died of wounds on 31 October 1917.

Ejgie De NEERGAARD, 12th Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

Frederick DENNIS, Auckland Mounted Rifles, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

Thomas Stevenson DINSDALE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, died of wounds on 1 November 1917.

George Thomas DURHAM, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.


John Henry FIELDING, 12th Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

William Thomas FLOOD, 12th Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

Jack FOGWELL, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, died of wounds on 3 November 1917.


Frederick Charles GATES, Wellington Mounted Rifles, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

Walter Bede GREENHALGH, 12th Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.


Karl Fletcher HARGRAVE, 1st Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

William Henry HAWKINS, Auckland Mounted Rifles, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

Cecil Thomas HILLS, 12th Light Horse Regiment, died of wounds on 3 November 1917.

Thomas Roydon HOGARTH, 3rd Light Horse Regiment, died of wounds on 1 November 1917.

William Irvine HUTCHINSON, 3rd Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron, died of wounds on 31 October 1917.


William Henwood JOHNS, Auckland Mounted Rifles, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.


Francis KELLY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

William Edward KERRIGAN, 4th Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917. 

James Murray KILPATRICK, 12th Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

Walter Rodney KINGHORN, 4th Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.


Sydney Moor LAKE, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

William Roy LANG, 1st Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron, died of wounds on 31 October 1917.

Claude Michael LEAHY, 9th Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

Patrick Joseph LENEHAN, 1st Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

Walter LITCHFIELD, 3rd Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.


Sidney Alfred MADDISON, 1st Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

William Ernest MARKWELL, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

George Bernard MARTIN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, died of wounds on 1 November 1917.

Leslie Cecil MAYGAR, 8th Light Horse Regiment, died of wounds on 1 November 1917.

Alexander Thomas McCLYMONT, 1st Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

Francis Edmund McGRATH, 4th Light Horse Regiment died of wounds on 31 October 1917.

Thomas John MCMAHON , Engineering Field Troop, died of wounds on 4 November 1917.

Allan Gordon McMARTIN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, died of wounds on 1 November 1917.

Benjamin Peter George MEREDITH, 4th Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

Robert Thompson MILLER, Auckland Mounted Rifles, died of wounds on 31 October 1917.

Sidney Newman MITCHELL, 4th Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

Robert Herbert MORLEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

Donald James MORRISON, 9th Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.



Clem Lidsan RANFORD, 3rd Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

John REINEKE, 4th Light Horse Regiment, died of wounds on 1 November 1917.

George Henry RICHARDS, 12th Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

Alan Chamberlain RODGERS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment, died of wounds on 2 November 1917.


Morton Reginald SANDLAND, 3rd Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

Norman Edward Johnson SCHMIDT, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

Clifford SMITH, 12th Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

Joseph William SMITH, 12th Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

John Thomas STILL, 3rd Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron, died of wounds on 1 November 1917.

Robert William STOWER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, died of wounds on 31 October 1917.

Walter SWANSTON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, died of wounds on 1 November 1917.


Archibald Stuart TRELIGAS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment, died of wounds on 1 November 1917.

William George TRINDER aka William George PODMORE, 3rd Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron, Died of Wounds, 6 June 1918.

Henry Charles TROWBRIDGE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment, died of wounds on 1 November 1917.

Harold TUCK, 1st Light Horse Regiment, died of wounds on 1 November 1917.


Allan Stuart WALLACE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

George Rickart WEEKS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

Clifford Knapsey WHEELENS, 4th Light Horse Regiment, died of wounds on 4 November 1917.

Peter George WHITE, Auckland Mounted Rifles, killed in action on 31 October 1917.

Edward WOMERSLEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment, died of wounds on 2 November 1917.

Mervyn Cyrnos WOODD, 12th Light Horse Regiment, was killed in action on 31 October 1917.

Alfred Clive WOOSTER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, died of wounds on 2 November 1917.


Lest we forget


They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.


Further Reading:

The Battle of Beersheba, Palestine, 31 October 1917

Australian and New Zealand Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The Battle of Beersheba  Palestine, 31 October 1917, Australian and New Zealand Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Friday, 23 July 2010 8:43 AM EADT
The Battle of Beersheba, Palestine, 31 October 1917, Roll of Honour, British Forces
Topic: BatzP - Beersheba

The Battle of Beersheba

Palestine, 31 October 1917

Roll of Honour

British Forces

Poppies laid on the London Cenotaph


The following Roll of Honour, while incomplete, reflects the large number of casualties suffered by the British forces during the Battle of Beersheba. The Roll of Honour contains the soldier's full identity where ever possible, and the unit to which he was attached when Killed in Action on 31 October 1917.


Roll of Honour


George L ALBUTT, 2nd/15th Battalion, London Regiment (Prince Of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles).

Ralph Harry ALDIS, "C" Company 2nd/21st Battalion, London Regiment (First Surrey Rifles).

Charles Henry ASHCROFT, 25th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

John Stamford ASHFORD, 2nd/24th Battalion, London Regiment.

Noel James Hamilton ATKIN, 2nd/16th Battalion, London Regiment (Queen's Westminster Rifles).

Amos Harry Percival AVERY, 10th Royal East Kent and West Kent Yeomanry Battalion, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment).


James Edward BACKHOUSE, 24th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Frederick Charles BAKER, "B" Company 2nd/15th Battalion, London Regiment (Prince Of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles).

Leonard Harry BAKER, 2nd/24th Battalion, London Regiment.

Arthur BARNES, 2nd/22nd Battalion, London Regiment.

William John BARNES, 10th Royal East Kent and West Kent Yeomanry Battalion, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment).

John William BATCHELOR, 2nd/14th Battalion, London Regiment (London Scottish).

Frederick BEANEY, 10th Royal East Kent and West Kent Yeomanry Battalion, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment).

Alfred BEAVER, 1st/6th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Henry Herbert BENNETT, 2nd/22nd Battalion, London Regiment.

Reginald Edward BEVIS, 2nd/13th Kensington Battalion, London Regiment.

Percy William BILLS, 10th Royal East Kent and West Kent Yeomanry Battalion, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment).

George BLOWS, 2nd/24th Battalion, London Regiment.

Alaric Pinder BOOR, 113th Squadron, Royal Flying Corps.

William Frederick BOOTH, "D" Company 2nd/14th Battalion, London Regiment (London Scottish).

Richard BRAITHWAITE, 2nd/13th Kensington Battalion, London Regiment.

Sydney Ernest BRANFIELD, 24th Battalion, Welsh Regiment.

Thomas Harold BRISELDEN, 10th Royal East Kent and West Kent Yeomanry Battalion, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment).

Sydney John BROOK, 2nd/13th Kensington Battalion, London Regiment.

William Alfred BROWN, 2nd/24th Battalion, London Regiment.

Frederick George BUCKE, 2nd/24th Battalion, London Regiment.

Reginald Frederick BUNN, 24th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Edmund Alfred Henry BURN, 2nd/14th Battalion, London Regiment (London Scottish).

Joseph Robert BURTT, 2nd/15th Battalion, London Regiment (Prince Of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles).


George William CAMERON, 15th Suffolk Yeomanry Battalion, Suffolk Regiment.

Andrew CAPPER, 24th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Lionel Hubert CARR, "C" Company 2nd/21st Battalion, London Regiment (First Surrey Rifles).

Harry Scott CASE, "B" Company 2nd/16th Battalion, London Regiment (Queen's Westminster Rifles).

Thomas Edward CHAMPION, 10th Royal East Kent and West Kent Yeomanry Battalion, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment).

Percy CHANDLER, 25th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Christopher L CLEMENT, "C" Company 24th Battalion, Welsh Regiment.

James Hugh COLLON, 2nd/24th Battalion, London Regiment.

Charles COOPER, 2nd/24th Battalion, London Regiment.

J COOPER, 2nd/19th Battalion, London Regiment.

John CORFIELD, 25th Montgomeryshire and Welsh Horse Yeomanry Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Douglas John COULDREY, 24th Battalion, Attached to 2nd/22nd Battalion, London Regiment.

George John CRADOCK, 2nd/22nd, London Regiment.

Thomas CROSS, 2nd/15th Battalion, London Regiment (Prince Of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles).


William J DAVID, 24th Battalion, Welsh Regiment.

John DAWSON, 24th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

John DOYLE, 25th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Reginald Arthur DUCKETT, 24th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Ernest DUMBLE, 24th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Algernon Lionel DUNSTER, "D" Company 2nd/15th Battalion, London Regiment (Prince Of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles).

Jesse DURRANT, 16th Battalion, Royal Sussex Regiment.


Thomas ELLERY, 24th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Albert G ELLIS, 2nd/22nd Battalion, London Regiment.

Joseph O EVANS, 2nd/16th Battalion, London Regiment (Queen's Westminster Rifles).

Richard EVANS, 25th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Thomas EVANS, 25th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.


George H FATHERS, 2nd/22nd Battalion, London Regiment.

Frank Henry FEAKES, 15th Suffolk Yeomanry Battalion, Suffolk Regiment.

Henry FENDER, 24th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Godfrey FITZHUGH, 25th Montgomeryshire and Welsh Horse Yeomanry Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

George Henry FROST, 2nd/21st Battalion, London Regiment (First Surrey Rifles).


Henry GRAYSTON, 25th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Charles Frederick GREENAWAY, 10th Royal East Kent and West Kent Yeomanry Battalion, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment).

David GRIFFITHS, "D" Company 24th Battalion, Welsh Regiment.


Jack HARDMAN, 180th Company, Machine Gun Corps.

Leonard HARRY, 2nd/24th Battalion, London Regiment.

Robert HAWKES, 15th Suffolk Yeomanry Battalion, Suffolk Regiment.

John R HENSHALL, 2nd/24th Battalion, London Regiment.

William HICKS, 2nd/24th Battalion, London Regiment.

George Harry HILL, 25th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Frederick George HODGE, 2nd/21st Battalion, London Regiment (First Surrey Rifles).

Alfred HODGES, 2nd/24th Battalion, London Regiment.

Charles Cecil HOLTOM, 161st Company, Machine Gun Corps.

Harold HOWES, 2nd/24th Battalion, London Regiment.

George Nixon HOWLETT, 15th Battalion, Suffolk Regiment.

Edward HULFORD, 2nd/15th Battalion, London Regiment (Prince Of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles).

John Jules HURST, 2nd/22nd Battalion, London Regiment.

Cyril Hugh HUTHWAITE, 2nd/15th Battalion, London Regiment (Prince Of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles).

Edward Daines HUTT, 25th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.


John INGRAM, 25th Montgomeryshire and Welsh Horse Yeomanry Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.


Thomas Charles JACKS, 24th DENBIGHSHIRE Yeomanry Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

James Henry JAMES, "C" Company 2nd/22nd Battalion, London Regiment.

Stanley Herbert JARVIS, "B" Company 2nd/13th Kensington Battalion, London Regiment.

William George JENKINSON, 24th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Harry JOHNSON, 2nd/23rd Battalion, London Regiment.

Caradoc JONES, "B" Company 24th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

David JONES, 25th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

David A JONES, 24th Battalion, Welsh Regiment.

Edward Henry JONES, 25th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Edward Thomas JONES, 25th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Thomas JONES, 24th Battalion, Welsh Regiment.

Christopher C JUNIPER, 2nd/15th Battalion, London Regiment (Prince Of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles).


Jesse KENDRICK, 25th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Alfred H KING, 2nd/24th Battalion, London Regiment.

Gilbert Geoffrey KING, 12th Norfolk Yeomanry Battalion, Norfolk Regiment.


William Gunstone LANG alias William GUNSTONE, 25th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Gordon Conrad LAMBERT, 2nd/22nd Battalion, London Regiment.

Emile Louis LANOE, "B" Company 2nd/21st Battalion, London Regiment (First Surrey Rifles).

Frederick LEA, B Company 2nd/21st Battalion, London Regiment (First Surrey Rifles).

William Thomas LEES, 2nd/21st Battalion, London Regiment (First Surrey Rifles).

William LEWIS, 25th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

John LOFTUS, 24th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.


Cyril Francis MALKIN, 24th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

David Edward MATTHEWS, 2nd/15th Battalion, London Regiment (Prince Of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles).

James MCCULLOCH, 5th Battalion, King's Own Scottish Borderers.

John MCGRATH, 2nd/15th Battalion, London Regiment (Prince Of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles).

Charles A MILTON, 2nd/22nd Battalion, London Regiment.

Albert Ross MITCHELL, 2nd/22nd Battalion, London Regiment.

IM MORGAN, 2nd/15th Battalion, London Regiment (Prince Of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles).

George MOUNT, 10th Royal East Kent and West Kent Yeomanry Battalion, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment).

John H MULLER, 113th Squadron, Royal Flying Corps.


Harry NAYLOR, 24th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Edward Mortimore NEWBURY, Posted to 2nd Dragoon Guards (Queen's Bays).

Joseph Hayden NICHOLAS, "D" Company 2nd/15th Battalion, London Regiment (Prince Of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles).

John Herbert NIXON, 2nd/15th Battalion, London Regiment (Prince Of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles).

Arthur Edward NORRIS, 10th Royal East Kent and West Kent Yeomanry Battalion, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment).

Frederick R NURSE, 2nd/15th Battalion, London Regiment (Prince Of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles).


John Edward OLIVER, 24th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Leonard J ONSLOW, 2nd/21st Battalion, London Regiment (First Surrey Rifles).

Maurice O'REGAN, 10th Royal East Kent and West Kent Yeomanry Battalion, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment).

Owen Rawson OWEN, 25th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Owen T OWENS, 25th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.


Henry Charles PARKER, 2nd/23rd Battalion, London Regiment.

Victor Charles PERRY, "D" Squadron 1st/1st, Warwickshire Yeomanry.

George Vincent PETERS, 24th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Frederick Heaton PIGHILLS, 25th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Frederick POWELL, 24th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Stanley POWELL, 24th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

William POWELL, 2nd/22nd Battalion, London Regiment.

William POWIS, 25th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Reginald Sidney PRICE, 25th Montgomeryshire and Welch Horse Yeomanry Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

John PRITCHARD, 25th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.


R READ, 25th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Maldwyn RICHARDS, 24th Pembroke and Glamorgan Yeomanry Battalion, Welsh Regiment.

William G RIEPLE, 24th Battalion, Welsh Regiment.

Herbert Henry ROBERTS, 25th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Harold Lancaster ROBERTS, 2nd/16th Battalion, London Regiment (Queen's Westminster Rifles).

Harry N ROBERTS, 2nd/24th Battalion, London Regiment.

Kenneth ROBERTS, 10th Royal East Kent and West Kent Yeomanry Battalion, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment).

Rowland John ROBERTS, 179th Company, Machine Gun Corps.


T George SCANE, 2nd/22nd Battalion, London Regiment.

Otto Louis SCHERF, 10th Royal East Kent and West Kent Yeomanry Battalion, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment).

Frederick Albert SCOTT, "B" Company 24th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

William SELWOOD, 2nd/24th Battalion, London Regiment.

Charles Rickard SHEEN, 10th Royal East Kent and West Kent Yeomanry Battalion, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment).

Frederick Charles SHEPHERD, 2nd/15th Battalion, London Regiment (Prince Of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles).

Charles Edward SMALL, "A" Battery 302nd Brigade, Royal Field Artillery.

Frank Clement SMART, 16th Sussex Yeomanry Battalion, Royal Sussex Regiment.


Frank TAYLER, 2nd/23rd Battalion, London Regiment.

Rees Manney THOMPSON, 24th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

William Firth THOMPSON, 210th Company, Machine Gun Corps.

Percy Richard TODD, 2nd/24th Battalion, London Regiment.

Alfred Frederick TOMPKINS, 2nd/24th Battalion, London Regiment.

Albert G TREE, 2nd/23rd Battalion, London Regiment.

William G TRUSTHAM, 2nd/14th Battalion, London Regiment (London Scottish).

Percy John TURTLE, 2nd/13th Kensington Battalion, London Regiment.


William UNSWORTH, 24th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.


Richard VAUGHAN, 10th Company, Machine Gun Corps.

Joseph Richard VICARY, 2nd/24th Battalion, London Regiment.


Ivan Louis WAKELEY, 10th Battalion, King's Shropshire Light Infantry.

Duncan McEwan WALLACE, 181st Company, Machine Gun Corps.

David WATKIN, 25th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Thomas George WESTACOTT, 2nd/22nd Battalion, London Regiment.

Alfred Edward WHITWORTH, 2nd/22nd Battalion, London Regiment.

Albert Edward WICKS, 2nd/15th Battalion, London Regiment (Prince Of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles).

Henry Thomas WILKINS, 2nd/23rd Battalion, London Regiment.

Sydney Tilley WILKS, 24th Denbighshire Yeomanry Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Roland WILSON, 2nd/14th Battalion, London Regiment (London Scottish).

Edward WOOD, 2nd/23rd Battalion, London Regiment.

Herbert WRIGHT, 2nd/22nd Battalion, London Regiment.


Frank YEANDLE, 24th Battalion, Welsh Regiment.


Lest We Forget



Further Reading:
The British Army

The Battle of Beersheba, Palestine, 31 October 1917

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920

Citation: The Battle of Beersheba, Palestine, 31 October 1917, Roll of Honour, British Forces

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Thursday, 8 October 2009 7:11 AM EADT

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