Topic: AIF - 1B - 2 LHR
The Battle of Beersheba
Palestine, 31 October 1917
2nd LHR, AIF, War Diary Account
The transcription:
31 October 1917
Bir el Hamman
1200 Regiment got orders to be prepared to meet Cavalry advancing in the left flank of the 1st Regiment.
At 1400 orders came for the remainder of the Regiment to go up on left flank at the trot and help the assault on Tel el Saba. As we advanced Major William Ernest Markwell DSO was killed by shrapnel. We occupied some mud huts but our own Artillery shelled us out of them. After having some casualties, amongst whom was Lieutenant John Wasson.The assault on Tel el Saba was successful and at dark the Regiment bivouacked on banks of Wadi Sabe near Hill 960.
Our total casualties for the day 1 Officer and 1 Other Rank killed and 2 Officers and eleven Other Ranks wounded.