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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Friday, 1 October 2010
The British Army, Contents
Topic: AIF - DMC - British

The British Army




The Nature of the British Army prior to 1914

The Nature of the British Army prior to 1914, Something old, something new, Part 1

The Nature of the British Army prior to 1914, Eight 'undred fightin' Englishmen, the Colonel, and the Band, Part 2

The Nature of the British Army prior to 1914, Down in the lead with the wheel at the flog, Part 3

The Nature of the British Army prior to 1914, With the rank and pay of a Sapper, Part 4

The Nature of the British Army prior to 1914, Blow the trumpet, draw the sword, Part 5

The Nature of the British Army prior to 1914, As rations came to hand, Part 6

MacMunn, G. & Falls, C., Military operations: Egypt and Palestine, (London 1930)
EEF Order of Battle, April 1916.
Part 1, General Headquarters
Part 2, Australian and New Zealand Mounted Division
Part 3, IX Corps
Part 4, 42nd (East Lancashire) Division
Part 5, 54th (East Anglian) Division
Part 6, II Australian and New Zealand Army Corps
Part 7, 4th Australian Division
Part 8, 5th Australian Division
Part 9, 11th Division
Part 10, No. 3 Section Canal Defences
Part 11, Western Frontier Force
Part 12, North-Western Section
Part 13, South-Western Section
Part 14, General Headquarters Troops
Part 15, Lines of Communication Defence Troops


EEF Order of Battle, April 1917.

Part 1, General Headquarters

Part 2, Eastern Force

Part 3, 52nd (Lowland) Division

Part 4, 53rd (Welsh) Division

Part 5, 54th (East Anglian) Division

Part 6, 74th (Yeomanry) Division

Part 7, Desert Column

Part 8, Australian and New Zealand Mounted Division

Part 9, Imperial Mounted Division

Part 10, Northern Canal Section

Part 11, Delta and Western Force

Part 12, Alexandria District

Part 13, General Headquarters Troops

Part 14, Southern Canal Section

Part 15, Lines of Communication Units


Falls, C, Military Operations Egypt and Palestine from June 1917 to the end of the war, Part II

EEF Order of Battle, October 1917. 

Part 1, General Headquarters

Part 2, Desert Mounted Corps

Part 3, XX CORPS


Part 5, General Headquarters Troops


EEF Order of Battle, September 1918.  

Part 1, General Headquarters 

Part 2,  Desert Mounted Corps

Part 3,  XX CORPS

Part 4,  XXI CORPS

Part 5, Chaytor's Force

Part 6, General Headquarters Troops


History in the Sinai and Palestine

el Qatiya, 23 April 1916

Official British War History
Egypt in the Spring of 1916
The Advance into Sinai 
The Affair of Qatiya
The Composition of the Turkish Force at Qatiya
Sir A. Murray's Appreciation

British War Diaries

52nd (Lowland) Division, War Diary Account


Romani, 4-5 August 1916

Official British War History  

The British Occupation of Romani 
The Turkish Advance
The Turkish Attack on The 4th August 
The Pursuit on The 5th August 
The end of the pursuit 
The Results of the Battle 
Turkish and German Forces Engaged 
Distribution of E.E.F., 27 July 1916 
The State of The Royal Flying Corps in Egypt at the time of the Battle of Romani 
The Evacuation of the Wounded

British War Diaries

42nd (East Lancashire) Infantry Division War Diary Account

125th Infantry Brigade War Diary Account

126th Infantry Brigade War Diary Account

127th Infantry Brigade War Diary Account

52nd (Lowland) Division, War Diary Account

157th Infantry Brigade War Diary Account

157th Infantry Brigade War Diary Account, Appendix- The Mass Heatstroke March


Magdhaba, 23 December 1916
Official British War History  
Falls Account
British War Diaries 
52nd (Lowland) Division
156th Brigade
Rafa, 9 January 1916
Official British War History   
Falls Account
British War Diaries  
Commander Royal Artillery, War Diary Account 
5th Mounted Brigade, War Diary Account  
Medical Services
RAMC, EEF, Unit History, Account



Official British War History 

Falls - the British Infantry

Falls - the fall of Beersheba

British War Diaries 

The Battle of Beersheba, Palestine, 31 October 1917, 20th Corps, War Diary Account



Rolls of Honour

British Forces, EEF, Roll of Honour

Lest We Forget


Further Reading:

The British Army

British Forces, EEF, Roll of Honour

British Army involvement with the Desert Mounted Corps


Citation: The British Army, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Wednesday, 2 February 2011 7:25 AM EAST
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Bir el Abd, Sinai, 9 August 1916, Roll of Honour, British Forces
Topic: AIF - DMC - British

Bir el Abd

Sinai, 9 August 1916

Roll of Honour

British Forces

Poppies laid on the London Cenotaph


The following Roll of Honour, while incomplete, reflects the large number of casualties suffered by the British forces during the Battle of Bir el Abd. The Roll of Honour contains the soldier's full identity where ever possible, and the unit to which he was attached. The fate is detailed as to whether the soldier was Killed in Action on 9 August.


Roll of Honour

William DALGARNO, Ayrshire Battery, Royal Horse Artillery, Killed in Action 9 August 1916.

John GRAHAM, Ayrshire Battery, Royal Horse Artillery, Killed in Action 9 August 1916.

David RITCHIE, Ayrshire Battery, Royal Horse Artillery, Killed in Action 9 August 1916.

John WHITE, Ayrshire Battery, Royal Horse Artillery, Killed in Action 9 August 1916.

Lest We Forget


Further Reading:
The British Army

Battle of Romani, Sinai, August 4 to 5, 1916 

Bir el Abd, Sinai, 9 August 1916

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920

Citation: Bir el Abd, Sinai, 9 August 1916, Roll of Honour, British Forces

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Wednesday, 21 October 2009 8:31 AM EADT
Friday, 7 August 2009
Battle of Romani, Sinai, August 4 to 5, 1916, 5th Battalion, Highland Light Infantry, Unit History Account
Topic: AIF - DMC - British

Battle of Romani

Sinai, August 4 to 5, 1916

5th Battalion, Highland Light Infantry, Unit History Account


5th Battalion, Highland Light Infantry in bivouac at Er Rabah

[From Morrison, Ch VII, Illustration 12]


At the conclusion of the Great War, Colonel Frederick Lansdowne Morrison, the erstwhile Commanding Officer of the 1/5th Battalion Highland Light Infantry, 157th Infantry Regiment, 52nd (Lowland) Infantry Division asked his officers to provide accounts of their time in the Sinai and Palestine. Morrison collected the stories and edited them. In 1921, in printed in Glasgow for a limited private edition, the book The Fifth Battalion Highland Light Infantry in the War 1914-1918 finally came available. It included a section specifically related to the Battle of Romani and is extracted below.

Morrison, F.L., The Fifth Battalion Highland Light Infantry in the War 1914-1918, Glasgow, 1921. 

Chapter VII

The Sinai Desert - Mahamdiya, Romani, Katia

The peaceful life of our seaside resort was soon destroyed by rumours that the Turks were moving. On the evening of July 19th, an aeroplane reconnaissance discovered a considerable force of them at Bir el Abd, some twenty-five miles to the east of us, and noticed smaller parties much nearer. The Turkish feat of moving a force, then reckoned at from 8000 to 9000 men, fifty miles from El Arish without our being aware of it, was a very fine one, and when it is remembered that they attacked us at Romani, seventy-five miles from their base, with 18,000 men and artillery up to 6 inch howitzers, everyone who has felt what the desert is like in July will be full of admiration. Nor can one wonder at the fact established by our all-wise Intelligence, that prisoners captured had sore feet. The first ripples of the commotion produced by this report reached us at 1 a.m. on the 20th, when the Adjutant was summoned to Brigade Headquarters. At 2.45 a.m. half "C" Company moved out to take over Redoubt No. 10, and later in the morning "B" Company garrisoned No. 8 and "D" Company No. 11, while the rest of "C" Company occupied 10A. These redoubts, though habitable, were still unfinished. They were part of the defences mentioned above as being in the hands of the Egyptian Labour Corps, a chain of posts running south past Romani and then turning west among the sand hills. The garrisons had at once to set to and improve their position, strengthen their wire and finish off the fire bays. At 10A a signal station had to be established in mid-desert some hundreds of yards from the redoubt, owing to a temporary shortage of signal wire. Signallers are naturally imperturbable, but the officer in charge confessed to a thrill of horror when, having with some difficulty made his way to his signal station at midnight and been handed the receiver, even as he uttered the preliminary "Hullo," the instrument suddenly sprang from his grasp and rushed off into the darkness. Mastering an almost overpowering desire to run for the redoubt, he assisted two signallers to investigate and discovered that the wire had caught in the foot of a straying camel, which had proceeded on its thoughtless way with the receiver attached.

But as is usual in desert warfare, time passed and nothing happened. "B" Company were relieved in No. 8 by the 53rd Division and rejoined "A" Company in camp. The other garrisons got into tents which they pitched in the ground behind the redoubts, so that the majority of the men could have shelter by day. At night the trenches were manned, and all was ready for an attack at dawn. But with the exception of some bomb-dropping raids by their planes, the enemy remained passive. The Australian Light Horse reported that he was busy digging in on a line through Oghratina, some miles east of Katia, and we began to think that he intended to put the onus of attacking on to us. The fear, however, was unfounded, he was only completing his preparations, and on the night of August 3rd-4th he advanced and occupied Katia.

This movement was reported, and "A" and "B" Companies, who had by now relieved "C" and "D" in the redoubts, were warned that the attack was now almost certain. Before dawn on the 4th a bombardment began, but its entire force fell a mile or two to the south of us upon the Romani defences; the Turkish plan being to attack there and, if possible, to turn our right flank. All the morning the artillery fire continued, our reply being strengthened by the "crack of doom imitations" of a couple of monitors out at sea to the north of No. 11. Little or no news filtered through to us, and the redoubt companies spent a hot day in their trenches, which were but ill suited for permanent occupation, while the reduction in the water issue, made necessary by the fear of future difficulties in refilling the storage tanks, started a thirst which was not appeased for many days. During the night, however, we heard enough to assure us that things were going well, and early on the 5th we received orders to leave the redoubts to a garrison of the unfit and to rendezvous in the old camp, prepared for a "mobile."

About midday the Battalion moved off, "A" and "C" Companies having only just arrived from the redoubts after a wakeful night and a heavy morning's work, and already thirsty, though no more water could be issued. A single water bottle, once filled, is but a poor supply for a long day under the Egyptian sun. Marching over heavy sand in the hot hours, even when the haversack has replaced the pack, soon produces an unparalleled drought. Sweat runs into a man's eyes and drips from his chin. It runs down his arms and trickles from his fingers. It drenches his shirt and leaves great white streaks on his equipment. And while so much is running out, the desire to put something in grows and grows. The temptation to take a mouthful becomes well nigh irresistible, and once the bottle of sun-heated chlorine-flavoured water is put to the lips, it is almost impossible to put it down before its precious contents are gone. Then a man becomes hopeless and there is danger of his falling out. All honour to those, and they were many, who through age or sickness, had greater difficulty in keeping up than the rest of us, but who yet carried on indomitably to the end, or only gave in when they had reached a stage of complete collapse. How often in such hours have we felt that if only we could live where one may have an unlimited supply of water just by turning on a tap, we should be content for ever. But are we, my friends? I fear not.

One cannot help feeling that the comparison made with the performances of regular battalions in the heat of India before the war, are unfair. These were trained men, caught young and developed to a high standard of physical fitness, marching along the excellent Indian roads, with a certainty of a good water supply at their night's camping place, and accompanied in many cases by travelling canteens and soda water machines. In our ranks were to be found many men of middle age, unused to active life, and many boys whose physique had not had time to respond to military training. Some had but recently joined us and were not acclimatised, others had not recovered their strength after the dysentery of Gallipoli. Roads or canteens there were none. Of course British troops have often found themselves in such conditions and worse on active service. But it is interesting to find that that fine old soldier R.S.M. Mathieson, always said that he personally never suffered from thirst to anything like the same degree during the Egyptian campaign of 1882.

We left the Battalion moving off S.E. from the camp for the Brigade rendezvous. Here we received orders to attack a "hod" named Abu Hamrah, which lay between us and Katia. The distance was not great, hardly six miles as the crow flies, but we were not crows and had to adopt less direct as well as more laborious methods. The Battalion was on the right in support to the 7th H.L.I., and the march continued with but short halts till 4 p.m., when we had a somewhat longer pause, and a chance to reinforce our early breakfasts. Few men, however, can eat either bully beef or biscuit when they are thirsty, and that was all we had. It always seemed strange that we should not have made more use of food more suitable to the climate. Later on dried figs and occasionally little dried apricots were issued with the mobile ration. Doubtless these are not very sustaining, but they are the fruit of the country, and it is better to have a little you can eat than a full ration that you cannot, whatever the decrease in caloric value may be.

There was neither sound nor sign of enemy opposition, and the advance was resumed in artillery formation in an hour or so. Darkness began to fall and great difficulty was experienced in keeping touch with the battalion in front and even between the different companies, a difficulty increased by the first line camels of the 7th, who were perpetually, though inevitably, getting in our way. When daylight had actually failed it must be admitted the Brigade had become somewhat disintegrated. The Argylls did not regain touch till next morning. The Battalion, minus "A" Company, who had been cut off by some camels and thus entered Abu Hamrah on their own, got up on the right of the 7th, where the errant company eventually discovered it.

Immediately strings of camels now appeared on all sides marching and counter-marching across everybody's front, holding up exasperated and desperate platoon commanders, who finally ruthlessly cut them in two and forged ahead to a chorus of blasphemy from weary escorts and lamentations from terrified native drivers. The peaceful hod had become an inferno. No one knew anything except that there were no Turks. After superhuman efforts on the part of various exalted personages, things were straightened out, pickets detailed and posted, and the men, too tired even to swear, dropped where they were, and rapidly cooled down in the chilly dew. It was now nearly eleven o'clock, and a half bottle of water was issued, enough merely to whet the consuming thirst which gripped everybody. Tunics were disentangled from the damp congeries on our backs and we had a few hours' precious sleep.

At 3 a.m. we stood to and began to dig ourselves in, in positions sited with extreme difficulty, in unknown country, in the dark. Soon, however, orders were received to prepare to move, and in spite of every effort, not more than half the men had had their bottles filled before we had to continue the advance. It was a very hot steamy morning, and the coolness of dawn soon disappeared. The advance was slow, and we grew thirstier and thirstier whether we moved or halted. On reaching a ridge overlooking Rabah and Katia it was found that the leading battalions were too far to the left. We and the Argylls were therefore ordered to turn right-handed and occupy Katia. The dark line of palms appeared very enticing, if very far away, and the Battalion struggled manfully on, shedding the weaker brethren as it went and, very nearly "all out," reached its objective about 10 a.m.

Our troubles were now nearly over. There were no enemy, and the trees gave us a grateful shade, which only "B" Company, pushed forward to hold an outpost line on the far bridge, had to forgo. A fine stone well was found in the oasis with a good supply of cool, though curious tasting water, and canteens were soon being let down into it at the end of puttees in a hopeless effort to cope with our thirst, after which the bolder spirits went so far as to nibble a ration biscuit. But one cannot help reflecting on what might have been the consequences for us if the Turks had adopted the German policy of well-poisoning.

We afterwards heard that the Turks, evacuating Abu Hamrah on our approach, had taken up a strong rear guard position at Katia, and had beaten off the cavalry, who had retired behind us to water their horses and get a much needed night's rest. The Turks had seized their opportunity and slipped away during the night. As far as we were concerned they were welcome to slip.

The story of the Battle of Romani can be read elsewhere. It was not an infantry show—at any rate on our side—though elements of the 52nd Division saw some fighting. No praise can be too high for the endurance and fine fighting quality of our cavalry, both Anzac and English. And it is reckoned that the Turks lost a good half of their force, either killed or captured, before they outdistanced the mounted pursuit.


Further Reading:

The British Army 

Battle of Romani, Sinai, August 4 to 5, 1916, Roll of Honour, British Forces

Battle of Romani, Sinai, August 4 to 5, 1916

Bir el Abd, Sinai, 9 August 1916

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Battle of Romani, Sinai, August 4 to 5, 1916, 5th Battalion, Highland Light Infantry, Unit History Account

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 25 October 2009 5:26 PM EADT
Thursday, 6 August 2009
Battle of Romani, Sinai, August 4 to 5, 157th Infantry Brigade War Diary Account, Appendix
Topic: AIF - DMC - British

 Battle of Romani

Sinai, August 4 to 5, 1916

157th Infantry Brigade War Diary Account, Appendix


War Diary, Appendix account of the 157th Infantry Brigade.


The transcription:


Appendix 1

(See: 157th Infantry Brigade War Diary Account )

In connection with these operations I think it well to bring to notice the following points:

A large number of men fell out from exhaustion. The minimum distance measured as the crow flies marched frost Chabrias Camp on the 5th inst, was 5½ miles, while the troops from Posts 10, 10a and 11 had much further to march, especially the latter. Owing to the absence of two battalions on Divisional Reserve the outpost work on the troops remaining in camp was arduous. A very large proportion of the men stood to arms at 0300 on the 5th, and from that hour until the evening of the 6th they may be said to have had no real rest. The march was carried out, and all preliminary work done in the heat of the day, and though the men were frequently sitting down during the advance, they never for a moment got any shelter from the heat of the sun. The outposts were in position about 2100, but not fully organised until much later; the men then had to dig in for a considerable time, and a large proportion were on sentry duty. At about 0345 to 0400 battalion commanders received orders to be ready to move at 0415, and the two leading battalions moved into preliminary formation shortly after this hour, as also did the 5th Highland Light Infantry in reserve. The 5th Argyle and Sunderland Highlanders, on outpost duty north of the railway line were much further away consequently orders took some time to reach these, and they had much further to go before they could take up their position: finally at about 0535 the whole force moved off from the advanced position where they had already assembled. Owing to the short notice received, it was quite impossible to give the men their tea and breakfast and all things considered I an fully satisfied that they did have an exceedingly trying experience; it must be remembered that they were carrying 32 lbs, dead weight over very heavy sand, and that this weight was on them for a long period. Many of them collapsed from want of water and exhaustion consequent on the heat.

As regards water, the men ought to have received, and naturally expected to receive 2 gallons for the 2 days; they received the 1 gallon for the first day, but none on the second day, and again naturally the larger portion of the first day's gallon was consumed on the first day, leaving for the second day only what was saved. Had it been possible to give the men hot tea and breakfast in even reasonable comfort before starting on the 6th I am quite certain that the casualties due to faintness and exhaustion would have been enormously reduced. I have personally interviewed the Medical Officer of the Field Ambulance through whose hands these casualties passed and he is emphatic that in nearly every case the men were ready done up, and physically unable to carry on; when pressed by me he admitted that there were a very few who might have gone a bit further, but only a very few; no less than 73 men were admitted to hospital.

By 0800 on 7th inst. the rations and water for the 7th were received, full rations less sugar, and only ½ gallon of water; but no rations or water for the 6th were over received (so the men had to eat their iron rations for this day).

The men were given their breakfast comfortably and all Commanding Officers and many Company Officers reported to me on the morning of the 7th that they were quite ready to move on again after the midday meal, and that they expected to do so.

I spoke to many men of each unit myself, and found them all very cheery and quite ready for further efforts; there was a most gratifying absence of any suspicion of complaint, or of the slightest tendency to grouse.

I have many exceptionally strong and athletic officers but it was quite obvious to me that many of then had nearly reached the end of their tether; if officers are really done, then it may be accepted as a fact that men must have had a very trying experience, and in this instance, much more trying than I was at first inclined to think.

I am of opinion that this practically experience though it has probably taken a bit out of the men towards the end of a hot season will in other respects have done them all a great deal of good.


Appendix 2

The following table gives details of casualties.

Strength Started2,579 
Fell out in the two days37414.5%
Admitted to Hospital732.75%
Not yet rejoined but mostly accounted for2027.75%



Further Reading:

The British Army 

Battle of Romani, Sinai, August 4 to 5, 1916, Roll of Honour, British Forces

Battle of Romani, Sinai, August 4 to 5, 1916 

Bir el Abd, Sinai, 9 August 1916

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Battle of Romani, Sinai, August 4 to 5, 157th Infantry Brigade War Diary Account, Appendix

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 24 October 2009 7:05 PM EADT
Battle of Romani, Sinai, August 4 to 5, 52nd (Lowland) Division, War Diary Account
Topic: AIF - DMC - British

Battle of Romani

Sinai, August 4 to 5, 1916

52nd (Lowland) Division, War Diary Account


War Diary account of the 157th Infantry Brigade.


The transcription:

3 August


Anzacs report 2,000 Turks advancing from Waset, they are entrenching old battlefield of Qatia. Turkish line near Katia was defined now as on the high ground north west of Er Rabah and east and south east of Katia. The enemy are entering the Hods of Katia. It would appear that attack is now imminent.

4 August

0430 - Anzacs report that they are being attacked from the direction of Hod el Enna - Mount Meredith to just south of No.1 Post.

0505 - Enemy pressing Anzacs hard, latter have fallen back from Mt Meredith. 2 enemy aeroplanes over camp bombing one bomb killed 7 and wounded 3 of our Yeomanry horses, another killed 1 royal Engineer Officer (Lieutenant Aitken) and wounded Major Spence. Turks shelling Romani hard with High Explosive shells.

0600 Anzacs driven off Wellington Ridge. The attack might now be said to have commenced. Turkish plan as was always expected seemed to be an attack on Romani from the south and holding attacks from the east. Turks made 3 distinct attacks,

(1) Against Work 23.

(2) Against Work 21a and 22.

(3) Against Works 4 and 5.

Works 4, 5 and 6 were subjected to a very heavy bombardment and suffered a number of casualties. No.5 work had 87 High Explosive shells within the wire. In one or two cases the Turks managed to cut the barbed wire between the posts, but their attacks met with no success and their casualties near No. 23 were very heavy.

1200 - Our stationary battery opened fire on the Turks in Abu Hamra. 5th and 7th Highland Light Infantry in Divisional Reserve ordered to mobilise and proceed to a position west of Hill 88 just west of No.8 Post.

1400 - Brigade Major sent to guide Battalions to correct place.

1600 - Battalions in position behind Hill 88.

1700 - Received notification of big counter attack against enemy to the south of Romani. 127th Brigade from Pelusium to move to Mount Royston. Anzac from their left to Mount Meredith. 156th Brigade from Anzac left to 156th Brigade Posts. Attack was very successful and about 2,000 prisoners taken. The Turks seemed to be played out and only too ready to surrender. It appears that a large force of Turks went towards Pelusium but met the 127th Brigade and suffered heavily. A great number of prisoners were kept for the night at our post at Canterbury Hill.

5 August

0300 - Received orders that we were to mobilise and hold ourselves in readiness to move at short notice, the posts in front were to be taken over by weak men not fit enough for the mobile column. All preparations were made and at 1115 Brigade moved off to the rendezvous in accordance with instructions received.

6 August

The full account of the action taken by the 157th Brigade during the advance to Katia is attached. See:
Battle of Romani, Sinai, August 4 to 5, 157th Infantry Brigade War Diary Account.


Roll of Honour

Battle of Romani, Sinai, August 4 to 5, 1916, Roll of Honour, British Forces 

Lest We Forget


Further Reading:

The British Army 

Battle of Romani, Sinai, August 4 to 5, 1916, Roll of Honour, British Forces

Battle of Romani, Sinai, August 4 to 5, 1916 

Bir el Abd, Sinai, 9 August 1916

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Battle of Romani, Sinai, August 4 to 5, 52nd (Lowland) Division, War Diary Account

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 24 October 2009 5:29 PM EADT

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