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Sunday, 5 October 2003
4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen, Contents
Topic: BW - Vic - 4VIB

4th VIB

4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen



4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen at Langwarren Camp.

[From: The Australasian,  28 April 1900, p. 927.]





4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen, Outline 

Nominal Roll

4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen, Nominal Roll


Roll of Honour

4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen, Roll of Honour

Lest We Forget


Further Reading:

4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen

4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen, Roll of Honour 

Boer War - Victoria

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Tuesday, 4 May 2010 3:26 PM EADT
Saturday, 4 October 2003
4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen, Outline
Topic: BW - Vic - 4VIB

4th VIB

4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen






Map illustrating the activities of the 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen in South Africa, 1900-1901.

[From: Chamberlain, M., The Australians in the South African War 1899-1902, Canberra, 1999.] 


In 1911, Lieutenant-Colonel P. L. Murray, produced a marvellous Boer War reference detailing all the contingents sent from Australia to South Africa, giving a brief history of the formation and finally, listing all the soldiers who saw service in South Africa with that unit. The book was called, Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa. It is now the standard reference and starting place for any person interested in pursuing information about Australian involvement in the Boer War.

Murray, P. L., Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, pp. 252 - 257.


A Busman saying farewell
[From: The Australasian,  5 May 1900, p. 981.]


The Fourth (Imperial) Contingent.

At the request of the Imperial Government, which desired that a corps of seasoned bushmen, bold riders, and sharpshooters, should be enrolled, capable of successfully contending with a guerrilla enemy, this Contingent as raised. The officers and men were to serve directly under the Imperial Government and be subject entirely to it. The period of service was limited to twelve months or the duration of the war.

General Order 16 (Victoria), 1900, notified that applications would be received from officers of the Forces and those who had previous military service as officers for appointment to this Contingent. Candidates were required to be capable horseman, and to have had a certain amount of bush experience.

Clothing, Etc.

Uniform consisted of khaki cloth F.S. jacket, pants, puttees, hat, F.S. cap. Greatcoats and boob were also issued; and a full kit (underclothing and necessaries).

Rifles and bayonets were supplied in South Africa. Cartridge belts, with supporting braces, issued in Victoria. Fully horsed and supplied with saddlery. Regimental transport was provided.


Pay was issued at Imperial rates. This, in the first instance, prior to service outside the borders of Cape Colony and Natal, varied from £1 1s. 6d. per diem, Lieutenant-Colonel, to 1s. 2d. private.

The rates of pay when serving in South Africa outside such borders were as follow:-

Brigadier-General, £2 10s. per diem, with 12s. field allowance;

Commandant, £1 5s. and 4s;

Major, £1 3s. and 4s.;

Captain. Adjutant, Quartermaster, each £1 1s. and 3s.

Subaltern, 15s. and 2s. 6d.;

Medical Officer, Veterinary Officer, each £1 and 3s.

Colonial allowance for all officers, 3s. per diem;

officers employed on Army Service Corps, 5s. per diem additional.

Warrant and N.C.O.'s and men.-

Regimental Sergeant-Major, 8s. per diem;

Quartermaster Sergeant, 8s. 6d;

Company Sergeant-Major, 8s.;

other Sergeants, 7s.;

Corporals, 6s.:

Privates, 5s.;

Buglers, Saddlers, and Farriers, 1s. per diem extra.

N.C.O.'s and men were entitled to a gratuity of £5 if discharged medically unfit, or on account of services being no longer required in connexion with the war, or on termination of engagement. In case of death when serving, the gratuity to be credited to the estate. This gratuity to be in addition to the gratuity (if any) at the end of the war. (A.O., July, 1900.)




March past of the 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen

[From: The Australasian,  5 May 1900, p. 981.]



The establishment authorized was as follows, being five companies of Mounted Rifles, with staff for one battalion of four companies:

Regimental staff.-
1 Lieutenant-Colonel,

1 Major,

1 Adjutant,

1 Quartermaster,

1 Medical Officer,

1 Veterinary Officer,

1 Regimental-Sergeant Major,

1 Regimental Quartermaster-Sergeant,

2 Orderly-Room Clerks,

2 Medical Orderlies,

12 Batmen;

total, 24, with 18 horses and 1 wagon.


Details of a company.-
1 Captain,

4 Lieutenants,

1 Colour-Sergeant,

1 Farrier Sergeant,

6 Sergeants,

3 Shoeing-Smiths,

1 Saddler,

6 Corporals,

2 Buglers,

97 Privates;

Total, 121, with 126 riding horses, 15 pack horses, and 2 wagons


Total of five companies.-
25 officers,

30 staff-sergeants and sergeants,

26 artificers,

10 buglers,

515 rank and file; in all, 605, with 630 riding, 75 pack 10 wagons. To these were added 50 spare riding horses, 5 pack horses.


Grand total, with staff:-
31 officers,

34 staff-sergeants and sergeants,

25 artificers,
10 buglers,

529 rank and file;

in all, 629, of all ranks, with 778 horses and 11 wagons.

Departure and Return

The Contingent left on 1st May, 1900, consisting of 31 officers (and 2 Supernumeraries), 598 other ranks, with 778 horses and 11 wagons. One officer, 22 were killed or died; 14 officers, 9 others were transferred; 4 officers, 25 others were struck off in South Africa; 1 officer, 1 other were commissioned in the Imperial Army; 17 officers, 504 other ranks returned to Australia.


The transport Victorian




This Contingent left on 1st May, 1900, by the transport Victorian, and arrived on the 23rd at Beira; disembarked, entrained to Umtali, and marched to Marandellas, reaching there on 11th July.

"A" and "B" squadrons, under Lieutenant-Colonel Kelly, were sent to Buluwayo, and thence by rail to Mafeking. They were then despatched, to Ottoshoop, and formed part of Brigadier-General Lord ErrolI's Brigade, under Lieutenant General Sir Frederick Carrington.

The three remaining squadrons, "C," "D," and "E," under Major Clarke, remained in Rhodesia at Marandellus, Fort Charter, Fort Victoria, Tuli, and Buluwayo; being engaged on the lines of communication until the end of the year, when they were ordered to Cape Colony.

During the months of August and September, 1900, the Transvaal detachment assisted in clearing the enemy out of Ottoshoop; also in combined operations at Zeerust and Jacobsdal; defended convoy at Lowe's Farm, and assisted to capture a large convoy at Malopo Oog. In October a great quantity of supplies was taken, and the enemy driven from a strong position. From 24th October the detachment formed part of the 2nd Mounted Brigade of the 1st Division, under Lieutenant-General Lord Methuen.

On 9th November, surprised a laager at Wonderfontein, and after a lively skirmish, seized their wagons and took a number of prisoners. On 10th, at Manana, captured a pom pom and assisted to secure a large quantity of stock. During the remainder of the month at Lichtenberg, Ottoshoop, Leeuwfontein, Jacobsdal, and Zeerust, engaged in various operations.
During December, besides minor operations, assisted in repulsing an attack upon a convoy, and surprised and captured a laager-portion of De la Rey's.

On 7th January, 1901, relieved garrison at Schwezer Reneke, after some opposition, and captured a large convoy at Uitral's Kop. In February, the progress of the column was impeded by the enemy several times, with losses on both sides, especially at Doornbult. On the 11th and 12th, the Victorians occupied the town of Wolmaranstad, after some resistance, making many prisoners, and capturing arms, ammunition, and supplies. At Harteb, on the 18th, the enemy opened the attack at 7.30 am. The Victorians advanced on the left flank, and the enemy kept up a continuous fire until 1.30 p.m., when they were driven from their positions - losses very heavy on both aides. A huge convoy was brought safely into Klerksdorp, comprising upwards of 16,000 sheep, 6,000 cattle, besides horses, donkeys, wagons, &c.

There were continuous operations until 6th March, when the town of Wolmaranstad was again occupied. During the remainder of the month, and in April, the enemy was constantly engaged, the garrison at Hoopstad was released, and various operations ensued in Orange River Colony. On the 23rd, at Warrenton, ordered to join the other portion of the regiment in Cape Colony.

In October, 1900, “C” squadron left Buluwayo and marched to Tuli, arriving on the 18th. It was in garrison until 23rd November, when they marched to Pont Drift, arriving on 25th; garrisoned it, and patrolled the country until 12th December, when ordered to return to Buluwayo.

In Cape Colony.

"C," "D," and "E" squadrons, under Major Clarke, were engaged at Matjesfontein, collecting stock, removing undesirables, etc., until early in February, when they entrained for De Aar, being attached to Colonel Hon. A. H. Hennikar's column.

On 11th February, 40 man of "C" squadron, under Captain Tivey, made a forced march of 40 miles to Philipstown, and surprised the enemy, who numbered upwards of 300, occupying the adjacent kopjes, and who were driven back and kept in check until reinforcements arrived, when they retired. (Vide extract from Column Order, 14th February.) Captain Tivey subsequently received the D.S.O.

Engaged following up De Wet, and on the 23rd came in contact with the enemy at Reed's Drift, Orange River, where one 16-pr. B.L. gun and one pom pom fell into the hands of the Victorians; three troopers (Sheehan, Green, and O'Brien) being promoted for their share in this. The pursuit was still maintained; the Victorians marching 380 miles in 15 days, and being very highly complimented by Colonel Plumer.

On let March, at the junction of Orange and Sea Cow Rivers, Captain Dallimore and a party of 16 men surprised and captured a party of 33 armed Boers, and 54 horses. During the month the Victorians were operating in Colesberg district, in the vicinity of Fort Brown, and thence to Schoombes, and were in constant touch with the enemy. On the 30th, Sergeant Sandford, Lance-Corporal Wood, and Trooper Browning rescued, under fire, a comrade whose horse had been lost. Sergeant Sandford received D.C.M.; the others mentioned in despatches.

During the months of April and May, from Zurberg to Somerset East District pursued the enemy all the time, kept in touch with them, and prevented them joining forces or doing much damage to towns or farms. On 12th May, a party of 40 encountered a large number of the enemy near Doornbosch, and after a sharp engagement drove them back. From the 28th May to June 22nd, engaged in Queenstown, Tonkastad, and Dordrecht District.




Officers of the 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

(Rear) Lieut. Mann, Lieut. Mason, Lieut. Boyd, Lieut. Gilpin, Lieut. Nicholl, Lieut. Coltman, Capt. Chalmers, Capt. Alfred (Quartermaster), Lieut. Lang (Medical Staff), Lieut. Pounds, Lieut. Embling, Lieut. Chomley.
(Centre) Lieut. Ffrench, Lieut. Coad, Lieut. Macdonald, Lieut. Purcell, Capt. Sturdee (Medical Staff), Major Clarke, Lt Col Kelly (Commanding Officer), Major O'Farrell (Adjutant), Capt. Tivy.
(Front) Capt. Wollaston, Capt. Downee, Lieut. Moseley, Lieut. Whidburn, Lieut. Cleveland, Lieut. Hutchings, Lieut. Ulbrick, Lieut. Gilpin.

[From: The Australasian,  28 April 1900, p. 927.]



Extracts from Orders

Column Order by Lieut.-Colonel Hon. A. Henniker, CB, Coldstream Guards.

Philipstown, 14th February, 1901.

"The officer commanding Column has great pleasure in expressing his appreciation of the excellent work carried out by squadron Victorian Imperial Regiment under command of Captain Tivey, on 12th inst. Captain Tivey, by his well-timed advance and skilful handling of his small force, prevented a greatly superior number of the enemy from occupying a position which forms the key to Philipstown, and forced them to evacuate the town with loss. The way in which the whole operation was executed speaks well for the good training and discipline of the Victorian Imperial Regiment."


Extract from Divisional Order, 16th April, 1901, by Lieut.-General Lord Methuen on His occasion of the departure of the detachment from his column.

"The Lieut: General cannot allow the occasion to peas without expressing to his mounted forces hiss heartfelt gratitude for the splendid service they have performed for their country. Their courage has been undeniable, and there has been an entire absence of any discontent; the hardships f a campaign, during which the division has trekked over 2,900 miles, having been cheerfully faced."


Extract from Brigade Order, 18th April, 1901, by Brigadier-General Lord Erroll.

“Brigadier-General the Earl of Erroll, regrets that the time has some when he must say good-bye to the mounted troops. He wishes to take this opportunity of thanking all ranks for the cheerful manner in which they have carried nut his orders during the time they have been under his command; and to express his admiration of the way they have behaved on all occasions, both in the camp and in the field."


Extract from Column Order, 26th April, 1901, by Lieut. Colonel Hon. A. Henniker, C.B.

"Colonel Henniker cannot permit the Victorian Imperial Regiment to leave his command without expressing to them his thanks for the way in which they encountered and overcome all difficulties during the time they have been with the Column and for their gallant conduct on all occasions. The Contingent has made a name for itself which will be second to none among the many fine bodies of men who have given their services to His Majesty from Australia."

Telegram from Lord Kitchener, Commander-in-Chief, 20th April 1901.

“Before Orient sails, please express to the Victorian Imperial Regiment my best the for their services to the Empire whilst in South Africa. I lose them with the greatest regret, and shall always remember with gratitude the good work they have done in this arduous campaign. Please say goodbye to all ranks for me, and wish them good luck."

On 22nd June, the regiment embarked at East London on the Orient transport and arrived at Melbourne on 12th July, having called at Albany on the way. They ware forthwith paid off.


Further Reading:

4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen

4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen, Roll of Honour 

Boer War - Victoria

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Tuesday, 4 May 2010 10:09 PM EADT
Friday, 3 October 2003
4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen, Nominal Roll
Topic: BW - Vic - 4VIB

4th VIB

4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen

Nominal Roll


In 1911, Lieutenant-Colonel P. L. Murray, produced a marvellous Boer War reference detailing all the contingents sent from Australia to South Africa, giving a brief history of the formation and finally, listing all the soldiers who saw service in South Africa with that unit. The book was called, Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa. It is now the standard reference and starting place for any person interested in pursuing information about Australian involvement in the Boer War.

Murray, P. L., Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, pp. 259 - 273.


4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen

248 Private Soren Martin ABRAHAMSON

45 Corporal William John ADAMS

370 Private Louis Charles AESCHLIMANN

25 Corporal Francis Robert ALDER

Captain William ALFRED

433 Private Thomas William ALLEN

22 Private John ALLSOP

333 Private Andrew Percival ANDERSON

194 Private Bright Oliver ANDERSON

501 Private George Whitfield ANGUS

324 Sergeant Hubert Oliver APPLEBY, aka Herbert Oliver APPLEBY

44 Trumpeter Thomas APPLEBY

129 Private William Henry ARNOTT

546 Private Thomas AXFORD

325 Private James AYRE

120 Private Andrew BAILEY

39 Private George BAIRD

37 Private Matthew BAIRD

397 Private Thomas BALDWIN

249 Corporal James BALL

51 Private Thomas BANNISTER

190 Private Bertram Frederick BARLOW

24 Private Herbert BARRY

542 Private Robert James BARTLETT

123 Private Frederick St. John BARTON

593 Corporal Henry George BARTON

122 Farrier Edwin Charles Matthew BAWDEN

132 Private Francis Patrick BEATTIE

569 Corporal Francis Joseph BEAUVAIS

504 Private Angus BEGGS

535 Private John BELL

315 Private John Isaac BENNETT

428 Private George BERRY

363 Trumpeter John Henry Maldon BIRD

88 Private William Robert BISHOP

481 Private Ernest Edward BLACK

6 Corporal Henry Charles BLAIR

528 Private James Patrick BLOOMFIELD

31 Private Andrew BLOXHAM

126 Private Charles Enos BLOXSOME

410 Private Mathew George BODEY

405 Private Walter BODEY

391 Private Edwy BOLTON

548 Private John BONNER

108 Private William Heron BORWICK

Lieutenant Charles James Kingsley BOYD

479 Private William BOYD

127 Private Robert Edward BRADFORD

356 Private Joseph BRADSTREET

538 Private James BRENNAN

184 Private James BROWN

431 Private Reuben Frank BROWNING

458 Private George Alexander BRUCE

455 Private George Richmond BRUCE

384 Private Hugh Andrew BRUCE

238 Private Thomas Reid BRYMER

456 Private James Robert BUCKHAM

292 Private Philip Percival BUCKLAND

595 Corporal William Joseph BURGESS

413 Private William Servant BURGESS

339 Private James John BURGOYNE

332 Private Edmund Peter BURKE

341 Private Joseph Bernard BURKE

366 Private John BURKITT

23 Private Thomas BURLEY

30 Private Robert BURNS

463 Private Albert BURROWS

172 Private Benjamin BUSHBY

430 Private John Jerimiah BUTLER

64 Private Cecil Harncis BUTTON

131 Private William Archer BYRON

189 Private Thomas CALDIN

373 Private Alexander CAMERON

219 Private Ewen CAMERON

90 Private John CAMERON

462 Private John CAMERON

32 Private John Alexander CAMERON

426 Private Archibald CAMPBELL

198 Private Clive Ogilvy CAMPBELL

316 Private Norman CAMPBELL

279 Private Arthur James CANDY

319 Private Charles Henry CANDY

67 Private Timothy John CANTWELL

72 Private William Henry CAPLE

303 Private Frederick CAPP

597 Private Frederick Howard CARTER

118 Private James Desmond CASEY

170 Private Thomas James CASTLE

451 Private Francis John CAUGHEY

Captain Henry Black CHALMERS

452 Private Charles Ernest CHAPMAN

Lieutenant William Burgh CHOMLEY

544 Private William CHRISTIE

406 Private James Edward CLARIDGE

460 Private James CLARK

477 Corporal James CLARK

Major Lancelot Fox CLARKE

209 Private Thomas Mathew CLARKE

227 Private James Alexander CLAY

Lieutenant Lancelot Arthur CLEVELAND

468 Private Robert CLINTON

186 Private Alfred COCKROFT

Lieutenant Frederick George CODE

547 Private Daniel COLEMAN

219 Private John COLLIE

454 Private Francis William Packenham COLLINS

56 Private William Henry COLLINS

427 Private David George COLLISTER

Lieutenant Charles Stanley COLTMAN

55 Private Patrick CONNELL

192 Private Clement Herbert Kernot COOKE

47 Private Joseph Henry COOKE

124 Private Richard COSTIN

139 Private Spencer Drummond COX

251 Sergeant Alfred COYNE

570 Private David CRAIG

52 Private William John CREELMAN

402 Private John Wyllie CRIGHTON

581 Private Henry CRISFIELD

61 Private Robert Jarratt CROSTHWAITE

441 Private William John CROWDER

360 Private James CULLEN

408 Private John Phillip CURREY

553 Private Peter Charles CUTTON

Captain Joseph DALLIMORE

255 Private Cecil DALTON

53 Private Sydney Atkins DALTON

394 Private John DARCY

50 Private Charles Bingham D'ARCY

346 Private Thomas Mathew DAVEY

425 Private Alfred Alexander DAVIS

354 Private Arthur Henry DAVIS

388 Private Henry Ernest DAVIS

161 Private Spencer Augustus DAWE

306 Private Charles Stanley DENNIS

515 Farrier Cornelius Patrick DINEEN

65 Private Daniel Joseph DINNEEN

582 Private Mark Edward DONALDSON

Captain Herbert Major DOWNES

383 Private George DRANE

379 Private John Robert DRANE

483 Private Robert Reid DRUMMOND

493 Private James Thomas DUNCAN

178 Corporal Robert Lewis DUNCAN

449 Private Matthew DUNLOP

66 Private Alfred Peter DURBRIDGE

63 Private Thomas DWYER

117 Private Thomas DWYER

580 Private Edwin Thomas EDDY

350 Private Henry EDE

342 Private Edward EDWARDS

26 Private Edward Emmanuel EDWARDS

237 Private Henry John EDWARDS

206 Private William Thomas EGAN

330 Private James Hugh Clifford ELDER

89 Private Edward Patrick ELLIGATE

121 Private Harold Edward ELLIOTT

492 Corporal James ELLIS

48 Private Thomas ELLIS

Lieutenant Herbert Arthur Austin EMBLING

429 Private Michael ENRIGHT

5 Sergeant Hugh James ESLER

58 Private Alfred EVANS

572 Corporal Tyrrell George EVANS

573 Corporal William Turrell EVANS

119 Private William FAGAN

526 Private Alexander FARRELL

557 Private James Farish FARRER

60 Private Frank Best FELSTEAD

480 Private Henry Clarke FENTON

116 Private Samuel Cornelius FERGUSON

185 Private Duncan FERRIES

Lieutenant Evelyn Alexander Wilson FFRENCH

369 Private Robert FFRENCH

407 Private Albert Edward FIDGE

412 Private Henry Francis FIELD

409 Private Matthew James FIELD

128 Corporal John McKay FINLAYSON

33 Corporal Thomas William FINLAYSON

300 Corporal Edward FISHER

521 Private Henry FITZGIBBON

459 Private John FITZPATRICK

396 Private Cyrus Frederick FORD

296 Private Herbert George James FORD

464 Private Thomas Henry FORD

367 Private Thomas Barham FOSTER

505 Private Theodore Percival FOWLER

424 Private Willaim Collier FRANCIS

2 Corporal Samuel FRAZER

598 Corporal Joseph FRIEND

329 Private Frank FRY

368 Private David FULLER

326 Private George Mitchell GANGE

565 Private Robert GARDINER

541 Private Robert Thomas GARDNER

167 Private William John GARDNER

84 Private David Lord GARLICK

344 Private Edmund GEARY

323 Private James GEDDES

349 Sergeant Thomas Hyland GERMAINE

70 Private Richard Ernest GESSNER

559 Private Alexander John GILLANDERS

Lieutenant Alexander George GILPIN

Lieutenant Thomas John GILPIN

130 Sergeant Edward John GLENNON

135 Private Charles John GOEBEL

571 Private Richard GOMALLE

371 Private James McMillan GOOD

386 Private Frank GOODING

552 Private Adolphus GORDON

239 Corporal Henry GORDON

168 Private Robert GORE

97 Private George Henry GORMAN

212 Private Thomas GORMAN

331 Sergeant George Joseph GREEN

76 Private James GREEN

423 Private Ernest GREENWOOD

136 Lance Corporal Angus Nicholson GREGG

228 Private Edwin GUEST

537 Private George Francis Arthur William GUYTHER

438 Private Arthur Graham HADDEN

103 Private William HAIGH

115 Private John HALL

352 Private Robert HALLIDAY

400 Private Edward George HALSE

240 Private William Gladstone HAMMOND

233 Private George HAMPTON

589 Private George Aaron HARDING

308 Private Thomas HARRISON

188 Private Herbert William HARVEY

299 Private Thomas HARVEY

404 Corporal John Joseph HASSETT

293 Private Mark HAWKER

380 Private John Thomas HAYES

583 Private William Joseph HAYES

210 Private Patrick HEALY

147 Trumpeter Lestue James HENDERSON

512 Trumpeter John Wren HERSCHELL

560 Private John Smith HESKETH

Sergeant HESLER

295 Corporal Hector Norman Simson HEWITT

313 Private Percy George HEYWOOD

495 Private John Alexander HICKS

475 Private Charles HIERONS

196 Private Alexander William HILL

533 Private John Richard HOARE

436 Private Oliver Foster HODDEN


280 Private James Edward HOLLAND

264 Private William Edward HOLLINGSWORTH

133 Private Francis George HOLLINGTON

268 Private Reginald James HOLLOWAY

285 Private Gordon Du Be Dat HOLMES

291 Private John HOOPER

310 Private Ernest HORSBURGH

201 Private Sydney HORSLEY

75 Private William HOWARD

1 Private Charles Thomas HOWAT

551 Private William Henry HOWE

87 Corporal John Stephen HURST

Lieutenant Frederick Hawthorn HUTCHINGS

586 Private Louis HYLAND

465 Private Frank IRELAND

584 Private Frederick William IRVINE

101 Corporal William IRVINE

262 Private John JACOBS

529 Private James Young JAMIESON

498 Private George Edminstone JEFFERY

503 Private John JEFFERYES

81 Corporal Samuel Sampson Joseph JENKINS

193 Private Walter Herbert JENKINS

102 Private Thomas JENNER

448 Private Alfred Herbert JOHNSON

195 Corporal William JOHNSON

46 Corporal Arthur Leslie JOHNSTONE

273 Private David Henry JONES

338 Private George JONES

298 Private John JONES

381 Private Jephthah JONSON

585 Private James JORDAN

393 Private James JUDE

205 Private Thomas John KAVANAGH

155 Private George Arthur KELLY

487 Private Joseph Peter KELLY

561 Private Mark John KELLY

Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas William KELLY

534 Private Frederick James KEMMIS

278 Private John KERR

418 Private John KILEY

450 Private Maurice Gerald KILLEEN

444 Private Peter Augustus KILLEEN

236 Private Alexander Trevelyn KING

389 Private Thomas Henry KING

442 Private Robert Creteny KINLEY

385 Private John KIVLIGHON

12 Private Thomas KIVLIGHON

77 Private Frederick Paul KOLLOSCHE

340 Private Leslie Francis LANCASHIRE

411 Private Aubrey John LANCASTER

Lieutenant PH LANG

234 Private Thomas George LANG

395 Private James Circuit LANGLEY

153 Private Richard Charles LANGSLOW

248 Corporal John LATHAM

532 Private Ernest LEDGERWOOD

16 Private Herbert Frank LEE

180 Private John LEE

337 Private Orla Gustav LEHMANN

Vet. Lieutenant John Black LEITCH

576 Corporal John LENNOX

510 Private Frank LINDSAY

143 Private William LINDSAY

57 Corporal Alfred William LONG

104 Corporal Herbert LOVE

175 Private Andrew H LOVERIDGE

522 Private Rupert LOWE

514 Trumpeter James Samuel LUGG

274 Private Adam Murray LUMSDEN

71 Private John LYONS

523 Private Thomas LYONS

283 Private Henry George William LYSAGHT

Lieutenant Alexander Campbell MACDONALD

222 Private Ronald MACDONALD

596 Farrier Andrew Symington MACKENZIE

29 Private Wilfred MADDEN

256 Private Arthur MAHONEY

54 Private Robert Alfred MALLETT

Lieutenant Frederick Wollaston MANN

100 Private Laurence George MARSHALL

166 Corporal John MARTIN

Lieutenant Charles Joseph Conway MASON

486 Private John Willmore MASON

445 Private William David MAYS

220 Private Edward MCCAUGHEY

276 Corporal James MCCLELLAND

208 Private Alexander MCCOLLEY

224 Private James MCCORMACK

261 Private John William MCCULLOCH

374 Private Findlay Norman MCDONALD

416 Private James Stephen MCDONALD

259 Corporal John MCFARLANE

439 Private Thomas Walter MCGRATH

577 Corporal James MCGURGAN

62 Private Jonathan MCINTOSH

226 Private Alexander MCINTYRE

254 Corporal Hector MCINTYRE

241 Corporal Edward James MCKAIGE

485 Sergeant Samuel MCKAY

187 Private Samuel Bates MCKEE

525 Private Henry James MCKENZIE

68 Private Charles MCKINNON

80 Private George William MCKINNON

513 Trumpeter Duncan James MCLENNAN

42 Private John Francis MCNAMARA

28 Private Alfred William Glenelg MCPHERSON

511 Private John MCPHERSON

419 Private Christopher Albert MCRAE

277 Lance Corporal Roderick MCRAE

564 Private John Joseph MCSWEENEY

141 Corporal George MESLEY

508 Private Alexander Thomas MICHAEL

17 Private George MIDDLEDITCH

524 Private Charles Victor MIDGLEY

3 Corporal Percival Edwin MIDGLEY

376 Private George Leighton MILLAR

591 Private Andrew MILLER

540 Private Robert MILNE

230 Corporal Thomas Peter MOHAN

225 Private Edward Patrick MOLLOY

567 Private Daniel James MOLONEY

301 Private Charles MOORE

518 Private Thomas MORRIS

107 Private Charles John MORRISON

590 Private James Charles MORRISON

539 Private William MORTON

422 Private William John MORTON

Lieutenant Francis William MOSELEY

232 Private Charles MULAVIN

531 Private Joseph Ignatius MULCAHY

545 Private Claude Bland MUNRO

588 Corporal John Nelson MUNTZ

434 Corporal Denis MURPHY

244 Corporal Frederick Henry NAYLOR

347 Private Charles Frederick NEAL

334 Private Alexander NEILSON

160 Sergeant Edgar John NELSON

474 Private George Albert NEVILLE

18 Private Henry Percy NEVILLE

587 Corporal Frederick NEWMAN

361 Private Herbert George NEWTON

8 Corporal John William NEYLAND

Lieutenant James Alexander NICHOLL

312 Private Reginald Walter NICHOLLS

207 Private Ernest Charles NICHOLSON

398 Private Michael NOLAN

461 Private Edward Joseph NOONAN

478 Private Reginald Percy NORTON

83 Private Edward Howard O'BRIEN

27 Private James O'BRIEN

82 Private James O'BRIEN

34 Corporal Percy O'BRIEN

472 Private William Henry ODGERS

Captain Michael O'FARRELL

156 Private John O'KEEFE

345 Private James Henry OLIVER

543 Private Charles Advent OLLE

137 Private Louis O'NEILL

473 Private James O'REILLY

92 Private John O'REILLY

94 Private Laurence Joseph O'REILLY

214 Private Patrick Michael O'ROURKE

517 Private Arthur Patrick O'SHEA

568 Private Walter O'SHEA

182 Private William OUSLEY

265 Private William John OUSLEY

470 Private John Dennis PACHOLLI

507 Private Andrew PARK

15 Private Richard Wilson PARKER

Lieutenant Thomas PARKIN

562 Private Andrew PATERSON

336 Private Arthur Thomas Abraham PATTINSON

173 Private Andrew Cameron PAUL

275 Corporal Henry PAUL

432 Trumpeter Charles PEARSON

469 Private Joseph Kirkby PEARSON

216 Private Charles Thomas PENDLEBURY

353 Private Jacob PERRY

59 Private George William PEVERIL

263 Private Arthur James PHILLIPS

527 Private Charles William PIKE

375 Private James William PITCHES

574 Corporal William Thomas POOLE

282 Private Oscar Vincent POOLEY

466 Private John Henry POPPLETON

91 Private Peter James POST

358 Private William Lockyer POTTER

328 Private Francis Herbert POULTER

Lieutenant Herbert Healy POUNDS

266 Corporal James POWELL

269 Corporal James Llewellyn POWELL

318 Corporal Alfred Howard PRESS

305 Private George PRITCHARD

Lieutenant Frederick George PURCELL

446 Corporal Joseph Howell QUINEY

594 Corporal Patrick John QUINLAN

21 Private Robert QUINN

258 Private Peter RAFFERTY

320 Corporal John Robert RANKIN

112 Private William RANKIN

142 Trumpeter Percy RAWSON

288 Private Donald Charles Leonard REID

246 Corporal William Arnold Vivian REID

140 Corporal Charles James RHODES

20 Trumpeter Harold RHODES

355 Private Edmund Press RICH

554 Trumpeter Charles RICHARDS

40 Corporal William Charles RICHARDS

164 Private George Edward RICHARDSON

252 Private George William RICKARD

440 Private William RILEY

113 Private William Henry RILEY

536 Private James Archibald RISEBOROUGH

490 Private Edward Bruce ROBERTSON

176 Private Mortimer Harold ROBINS

284 Private Ernest ROCKLIFF

304 Private Robert RODGERS

183 Private Frank ROGERS

297 Private Arthur ROGERSON

267 Private Alfred ROSCOE

378 Private Henry Thomas ROW

13 Private William ROWAN

309 Private Rupert RUDD

231 Corporal Donald Allen RULE

496 Private John Trewin RUNNALLS

203 Private Arthur Dudley RUSH

403 Corporal James Paul RUSSELL

417 Private James Cue RYAN

516 Private John RYAN

592 Private John Laurence RYAN

98 Corporal Michael Francis RYAN

69 Corporal David SANDFORD

191 Private John Windridge SANDFORD

556 Private Frederick Owen SANDS

154 Sergeant Henry George SAVAGE

550 Private David SCHAECHE

35 Private George Robert SCOTT

169 Private John Thomas SCOTT

215 Sergeant Edwin Henry SCOULLER

390 Private Charles John SEARLE

41 Corporal Edward SEDUNARY

152 Private Percy Callan SEYMOUR

272 Private Thomas SHARP

482 Private Edward John SHARPE

257 Private William Thomas SHEEHAN

497 Private William Frederick SHEPHERDSON

286 Private Thomas Herbert SHERIDAN

Vet. Lieutenant Samuel SHERLOCK

471 Private Peter Edward SHINNICK

287 Private Alfred James SHOWERS

414 Private Edward John SIMS

125 Private Charles SIMSEN

146 Private Percy Edward Turton SINCLAIR

476 Private Edmund Robert SKINNER

229 Private Gustav Vasa SKOGLUND

488 Private Charles Silverwood SLATTER

217 Private John Exley Crowther SLEDDON

114 Private Hamilton Hughes SLOAN

179 Private Walter SMALE

93 Private Duncan William SMALL

4 Corporal Alexander William SMARTT

491 Private Frankland SMITH

435 Private George Barnett SMITH

204 Private James Anderson SMITH

49 Private Robert Golding SMITH

415 Trumpeter Robert James Holderness SMITH

500 Private Thomas Ignatius SMITH

74 Farrier William Rennie SMITH

73 Private Richard Joseph SMYTH

489 Private Philip James SOMER

260 Private John Lindsay SONES

199 Private Alfred SOUTH

399 Private Charles William Henry SOUTHERN

387 Private Thomas SPENCER

106 Corporal William SPOONER

38 Private Eugene Bolingbroke ST. JOHN

530 Private Ernest STANLEY

159 Private William Walter Jewell STENING

502 Private Rowland Joseph STEPHENSON

96 Private Ernest Joseph STONE

78 Private Ernest William STONE

Captain Alfred Hobart STURDEE

457 Private Alfred A SULLIVAN

290 Private Robert SUTHERLAND

10 Private Edward Charles SWEENEY

321 Corporal Lewellyn Claude SYMONDS

421 Private Edward Thomas TAUER

499 Private Robert William TAYLOR

177 Private George TEBBS

494 Private Charles Alexander TELFORD

163 Private Arthur James TENNANT

14 Private Percy Ponsonby TENNANT

174 Private John Bevan THOMAS

171 Private Vernon Albert Edward THOMAS

105 Private William THOMAS

200 Private William THOMAS

36 Private Peter William THOMPSON

578 Corporal Christopher THOMSON

362 Private Cornelius THOMSON

382 Private Arthur Hale THORPE

365 Corporal Arthur Henry THORPE

250 Corporal Cecil James THORPE

235 Corporal James THRELFALL

579 Private William TIDYMAN

Captain Edwin TIVEY

165 Private John TOPE

242 Corporal Ralph Stephens TOY

247 Corporal Edward TREVETHICK

79 Private Arthur TRIPPITT

151 Private Leslie Joseph TROTMAN

150 Private Gerald George TULLOCH

245 Corporal Edgar TURRELL

443 Private John Anderson TWEEDIE

317 Private Alfred TYSON

Lieutenant Frederick William ULBRICH

322 Corporal Thomas UNSWORTH

520 Private James Robert VALENTINE

555 Corporal Charles VAUGHAN

519 Private Frederick George VERNON

43 Private Thomas VOGEL

138 Private Henry WAKEMAN

9 Sergeant Percy Babbington WALKDEN

223 Corporal Alexander WALKER

335 Private Henry Andrew WALKER

145 Private John Robert Milne WALKER

563 Private William Francis WALKER

484 Private James Joseph WALL

7 Corporal William Samuel WALL

221 Private Alexander Henderson WALLACE

549 Private Andrew Henderson WALLACE

294 Private Charles WALSH

218 Private Charles Stewart WALTON

327 Private Ewan WANLISS

558 Private Christopher Norman WARD

85 Private James Ernest WARD

211 Private Ronald William WARMAN

467 Private Frederick WATKINS

506 Private John WATKINS

157 Private Anthony Edwin WATSON

359 Trumpeter Charles George Arthur WATSON

99 Sergeant Bertram AG WATTS

447 Private Horace WATTS

197 Corporal Ralph Wilson WAUGH

270 Farrier Alexander WEBSTER

148 Private Lewis Sumner WEIBYE

149 Private Thomas William WEIBYE

109 Private George Nicholas Gustav Vasa WEIDEMANN

110 Private George Murray WELLS

111 Private Thomas Henry WELLS

19 Trumpeter Benjamin WEMYSS

437 Private Francis Charles WESTERGUARD

202 Private Arthur James WHELAN

Lieutenant Henry Elderton WHIDBORNE

575 Corporal James Marchant WHIDBURN

372 Private Ernest William WHITAKER

95 Private Arthur Alfred WHITE

11 Private Albert Clarence WHITING

213 Private Arthur George WILLIAMS

243 Corporal George Stanley WILLIAMS

144 Private Thomas Frederick WILLIAMS

420 Private Wilfred Wall WILLIAMS

392 Private William WILLIAMSON

158 Private Justin William WILLING

143 Private William Organ WILLIS

364 Private Geoffrey Edwin Winchester WILMOT

401 Private Henry Alfred WILSON

377 Private James Joseph WILSON

314 Private Thomas William WILSON

86 Corporal George Ramsdale WILTON

566 Private Charles WINCHESTER

181 Private Edward James WINDSOR

509 Private Robert John WINGATE

Captain Herbert Newton Spencer WOLLASTON

271 Corporal Sydney WOODLAND

343 Private Andrew Thomas WOODMAN

307 Private James McKenzie WOODS

302 Private William York WOOLCOTT

162 Private George Hadfield WYATT

281 Private David Alma WYNES

253 Private Thomas YATES

289 Trumpeter William Gleadow YELLAND

351 Private Arthur Charlton YOUNG

311 Private Gilbert Benjamin YOUNG

357 Private James William Coffey YOUNG

453 Private Walter Ivan YOUNG


Further Reading:

4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen

4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen, Roll of Honour 

Boer War - Victoria

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen, Nominal Roll

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Tuesday, 4 May 2010 5:28 PM EADT
Thursday, 2 October 2003
4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen, Roll of Honour
Topic: BW - Vic - 4VIB

4th VIB

4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen

Roll of Honour

Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men known to have served at one time with the 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen and gave their lives in service of Australia, whether as part of the 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen or another unit during the Boer War.



Roll of Honour

Edwin Charles Matthew BAWDEN

William John CREELMAN

John Wyllie CRIGHTON

Thomas Barham FOSTER

Alexander George GILPIN


William David MAYS


Thomas Peter MOHAN

James Llewellyn POWELL

Percy Callan SEYMOUR

Duncan William SMALL

James Anderson SMITH

Eugene Bolingbroke ST. JOHN

Geoffrey Edwin Winchester WILMOT

Thomas YATES

Lest we forget



Further Reading:

4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen

Boer War - Victoria

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Tuesday, 4 May 2010 10:54 AM EADT
Boer War, 1899 - 1902, Australian Forces, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen
Topic: BW - Vic - 4VIB

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Australian Forces

Roll of Honour

4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen

Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men known to have served at one time with the 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen and gave their lives in service of Australia, whether as part of the 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen or another unit during the Boer War.


Roll of Honour


Edwin Charles Matthew BAWDEN


William John CREELMAN

John Wyllie CRIGHTON


Thomas Barham FOSTER


Alex George GILPIN

Charles John GOEBEL


John Smith HESKETH

John Stephen HURST


Jephthah JONSON




William David MAYS


Thomas Peter MOHAN

Charles MOORE


James Llewellyn POWELL


John Laurence RYAN


Percy Callan SEYMOUR

Duncan William SMALL

James Anderson SMITH

Eugene Boling Broke ST JOHN




Andrew Thomas WOODMAN


Thomas YATES


Lest we forget


Further Reading:

4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Boer War, 1899 - 1902, Australian Forces, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Monday, 3 May 2010 11:20 PM EADT

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900 - 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has made every endeavour to contact copyright holders of material digitised for this blog and website and where appropriate, permission is still being sought for these items. Where replies were not received, or where the copyright owner has not been able to be traced, or where the permission is still being sought, the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has decided, in good faith, to proceed with digitisation and publication. Australian Light Horse Studies Centre would be happy to hear from copyright owners at any time to discuss usage of this item.


Australian Light Horse Studies Centre

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