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Thursday, 20 February 2003
1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry, Contents
Topic: BW - Tas - 1TMI

1st TMI

1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry





1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry, Outline


Nominal Rolls

1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry, Nominal Roll


Photograph Albums

1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry

1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry, Album Contents 

1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry Draft

1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry Draft, Album Contents 





1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry, Departure


Roll of Honour

1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry, Roll of Honour

Lest We Forget



Further Reading:

1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry

1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Sunday, 5 February 2012 8:37 AM EAST
Wednesday, 19 February 2003
1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry, Outline
Topic: BW - Tas - 1TMI

1st TMI

1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry



Map illustrating the activities of the 1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry in South Africa, 1900.

[From: Chamberlain, M., The Australians in the South African War 1899-1902, Canberra, 1999.]


In 1911, Lieutenant-Colonel P. L. Murray, produced a marvellous Boer War reference detailing all the contingents sent from Australia to South Africa, giving a brief history of the formation and finally, listing all the soldiers who saw service in South Africa with that unit. The book was called, Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa. It is now the standard reference and starting place for any person interested in pursuing information about Australian involvement in the Boer War.

Murray, P. L., Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, pp. 546 - 548.


First (Tasmanian) Contingent.

This Contingent, which consisted of one company of Infantry (converted in South Africa into Mounted Infantry), was raised in October, 1899, under statute of the local Legislature, 63 Vict. No. 11, with an establishment of 4 officers, 1 warrant officer, 5 sergeants, 4 corporals, 2 buglers, and 64 privates. It was subsequently strengthened by a draft comprising 1 officer (Medical Staff), 2 sergeants, and 43 rank and file. Men were enlisted as far as possible from the local forces; and it was notified that officers and N.C.O.'s of such forces serving in the ranks whose Position and seniority had been altered, would resume their original position and seniority on their return to Tasmania.


The following were the rates of pay from date on which officers and others reported themselves in camp, to time of disembarkation in South Africa :-Privates and buglers, 4s. 8d. per diem; corporals, 7s.; sergeants, 8s.; colour-sergeants, 9s.; warrant officers, 11s. 6d.; lieutenants, 19s.; captains, 23s. 6d.

After the date of disembarkation in South Africa, the following was the rate of pay:-Privates, 3s. 6d.; buglers, 3s. 6d; corporals, 5s. 4d.; sergeants, 5s. 8d.; colour-sergeants, 6s.; warrant officers, 6s. 6d.; lieutenants, 10s.; captains, 8s. 11d.

The difference between the two rates was paid by the Imperial Government. Any member of the Contingent was authorized to make over his pay to an agent approved by the Defence Minister. A personal allowance of £5 was granted to commissioned officers towards the cost of kit; and the cost of the valise was also defrayed from funds specially provided.

Equipment Etc.

Uniform consisted of khaki cloth jacket, trousers, puttees, and field-service hat. Great-coats with capes, khaki cloth frock, and boats were also provided as wall as field-service cap, worsted cap, haversack, and a very complete kit, comprising underclothing and necessaries, water-bottles, clasp-knives, and mess-tins.

Rifle M.E. .303, with bayonet, &c., waist belts, ball-bags, and V.E. braces. Regimental transport was furnished.

It was estimated that the total weight of equipment was as follows:-For an officer-Articles carried on the person, 37 lbs. 0¼ ozs; articles carried in kit bag and kettles, 19 lbs. 10½ ozs.; total, 56 lbs. 10¾ ozs. For others-Articles carried on the person, 49 lbs.. 5¾ ozs.; articles carried in kit bag, 17 lbs. 3½ ozs.; total, 66 lbs. 9¼ ozs.

Departure And Return.

The Contingent left on the 27th October, 1899, comprising - 4 officers, 76 others, with 2 wagons. Six died or were killed; 2 were struck off in South Africa; 4 officers, 68 others, returned to Australia.

The draft was despatched on 18th January, 1900, of 2 officers, 45 others, with 2 wagons. Four died; 1 officer, 41 others returned. One officer was in charge to South Africa only.



Captain C. 9t. C. Cameron, promoted to Major, -- December, 1899. Lieutenant Wallace Brown, promoted to Captain.

Sergeants W. P. Lowther and F. B. Adams were promoted to Lieutenants, Bushmen's Contingent.

Corporal C. R. A. Chalmers, promoted Lieutenant, " E " Squadron, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse.

Sergeant H. Hallam, Privates C. O. Blyth, F. R. Chalmers, M. H. Swan, J. M'Cormiok, and G. F. Richardson became Lieutenants in 4th Contingent.


The First Tasmanian Contingent was under the command of Captain C. St. C. Cameron who, as an officer of the 9th Lancers, had taken part in Lord Roberts' great march across Afghanistan, and was therefore well qualified to lead theta when they figured in the mounted branch. The Company left Launceston, Tasmania, on 27th October, 1899, and embarked on board the transport Medic at Melbourne on the 28th arrived at Cape Town on 26th November. (Vide let Victorian Contingent).

The Contingent were at first on the De Aar-Modder line, where, with the remainder of the Australian Regiment, they garrisoned Enslin and other posts protecting the railways. At Naauwpoort, Cape Colony, on 1st February, 1900, they received horses, and joined General Clements' Force then holding the long line opposite the Boer position. They were engaged in operations around Colesberg, which was occupied on 28th February; but all their good service with the Australian Regiment has been narrated, under heading already referred to.

A draft of two sergeants and 43 rank and file, under Captain A. R. Riggall who took charge to Beira, and having with them Lieutenant (Medical Staff) C. Jamieson, left Hobart on 18th January, 1900; embarked in the transport Moravian at Melbourne on the 23rd., and arrived in South Africa on 20th February. They proceeded to Victoria West Road, where they were engaged on the lines of communication until the. 5th April, when they entrained for Bloemfontein, and joined the company there.

After their arrival at Bloemfontein, the Tasmanians, with the let and 2nd Victorians and the South Australians, were put under the command of Colonel Henry, whose Mounted Infantry were about the outpost line north of Glen Station. They took part in many reconnoitring patrols before the advance to Pretoria; and were in the action at Hout Nek, 30th April. Major Cameron, who had been wounded and taken prisoner (24th February) had been recaptured at Bloemfontein, and resumed command. During the march to Pretoria, which commenced on 2nd May, Colonel Henry's men were generally the screen in front of the centre and left-centre. They had very hard riding, often from 40 to 60 miles in a day, and took a prominent part in a number of skirmishes and engagements: notably Vet River (6th. Map); Zand. River (10th May), when Major Cameron was again wounded; at the coal mines on the banks of the Vaal; and in the fighting outside Pretoria.

After the occupation of Pretoria, the Mounted Infantry were mostly stationed on the eastern front. They were at the battle of Diamond Hill, and in the eastern advance from Pretoria. They were in the actions at Balmoral at the end of July, and near Belfast on 7th September. After some very hard. marching over rough country, where scouting was difficult, Komati Poort was entered on 24th September. They attended a review there on the 28th.

The total sere ice may be thus summarized :-Operatiotns round Colesberg under General Clements. Joined 4th Mounted Infantry Corps at Bloemfontein. Advance from Bloemfontein to Pretoria, with Hutton's Mounted Infantry Brigade and XI Division; including actions at gorse Kloof, Brandfort, Vet River, Zand River, Elandefontein, Johannesburg, and Diamond Hill. From Pretoria to Komati Poort with 18th Brigade, 11th Division; including actions at Belfast, and occupation of Kapsche Hoop.

In October, the Contingent was taken to Pretoria and there inspected by Lord Roberts.

Lieutenant J. C. Walch, S.T.A., who accompanied the Contingent as a Special Service officer, served with the Royal Horse Artillery, and was present with "Q" battery on 31st March, 1900, at Sanna's Post, when he was severely wounded on the right arm. It was at this action that, owing to the gallant conduct of the battery as a whole, four Victoria Crosses were awarded, for one officer, one N.C.O., and two gunners. Lieutenant Welch subsequently joined the Contingent.

The Contingent embarked on the transport Harlech Castle at Cape Town on 3rd November, 1900, and arrived in Tasmania on 7th December, having called at Albany, Adelaide, and Melbourne. Disbanded on 8th December.


War Service and Honours.

Cameron, Major C. St. C.-Afghan campaign, '78-'79-'80, with 5th Lancers. Medal with clasps. Bronze star - "Kabul to Candahar." Operations in Cape Colony, Orange Free State, and Transvaal, between November, 1899, and October, 1900; including advance on Kimberley, actions round Colesberg, and at Vet River, Zand River, Karee Kloof, Brandfort, and Belfast. Twice wounded Despatches, London Gazette. C.B. Queens Medal with three clasps. Aids-de-Camp to Governor-General, 8th August, 1902

Brown, Captain W.- Operations as stated, including actions round Colesberg and at Belfast. Specially mentioned in Commanding Officer's report, 7th December, 1900. Queen's Medal with three clasps.

Heritage, Lieutenant F. B.- Operations as stated; including advance on Kimberley, and actions round Colesberg, Karee Kloof, Brandfort, Vet River, Zand River, Johannesburg, Pretoria, Diamond Hill, and Belfast. Specially mentioned in Commanding Officer's report, 7th December, 1900. Queen's Medal with five clasps.

Reid, Lieutenant G. E.- Operations and actions as stated. Specially mentioned in Commanding Officer's report, 7th December, 1900. Queen's Medal with clangs.

Jamieson, Lieutenant S. C. (Medical Staff).- Operations and actions as stated except Colesberg. Specially mentioned in Commanding Officer's report, 7th December, 1900. Queen's Medal with five clasps.



Further Reading:

1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry

1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry, Outline

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Friday, 7 May 2010 11:53 AM EADT
Tuesday, 18 February 2003
1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry, Nominal Roll
Topic: BW - Tas - 1TMI

1st TMI

1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry

Nominal Roll


In 1911, Lieutenant-Colonel P. L. Murray, produced a marvellous Boer War reference detailing all the contingents sent from Australia to South Africa, giving a brief history of the formation and finally, listing all the soldiers who saw service in South Africa with that unit. The book was called, Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa. It is now the standard reference and starting place for any person interested in pursuing information about Australian involvement in the Boer War.

Murray, P. L., Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, pp. 549 - 550.


1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry


68 Private Herbert Benjamin Thomas ABBOTT.

84 Sergeant Frank Bertram ADAMS.

16 Private Thomas ANDERSON.

5 Trumpeter William Henry ARMSTRONG.


71 Private Elliot Henry BAILEY.

60 Private Andrew BALLANTYNE.

56 Private Thomas William BARKER.

13 Sergeant Arthur BARNES.

62 Private Robert Henry BARNES.

99 Sergeant Cyril Walter BERRESFORD.

103 Private Frank BEST.

110 Private Morris BEST.

12 Private Henry Allwright BETTS.

46 Private Henry Mitchell BLACK.

61 Private James BLOWER.

48 Private Charles Oscar BLYTH.

93 Private George BLYTH.

26 Private William Daniel BRANAGAN.

3 Private Frederick Charles BRIANT.

58 Private Charles BROTHERS.

Lieutenant Wallace BROWN.

120 Private Walter BURTON.

104 Private Joseph BUTLER.

30 Private Alfred BUTTON.


Captain Cyril St. Clair CAMERON.

2 Corporal Cyril Roderick Alleyne CHALMERS.

10 Private Frederick Royden CHALMERS.

78 Private Henry Douglas CHEPMELL.

100 Private Arthur Farrell CHEVEUX.

105 Private Arthur CHILCOTT.

44 Private Charles David CHILCOTT.

51 Private William Richard COLES.

28 Private Charles Eustace COLLINS.

29 Private Vivian Gowan COLLINS.

25 Private Archibald COOMBE.

Sergeant Major James COSTELLO.

42 Private Henry James COX.


43 Trumpeter Herbert James DAVIS.

70 Private Arthur Walter DENNIS.

76 Corporal Robert Percy DOOLIN.

82 Private James Arthur DOUGLAS.

69 Private Stephen William DUCIE.


11 Private John EDWARDS.

38 Private John Theop ELLIOTT.

85 Private Leslie Morton ELLIS.

88 Private Ernest Chambers EVANS.


80 Private Hedley Hastings FACY.

90 Private Thomas Henry FITZALLEN.

24 Private Clarence Albert FREMLIN.


32 Private Reginald Wigmore GABY.

96 Private Thomas Joseph GALVIN.

8 Colour Sergeant Alan Vincent GIBLIN.

50 Private Atherly GILHAM.

27 Private Angus GILLIES.

67 Private Edward Leonard GREENBANK.


40 Private Gordon Frank HALL.

1 Sergeant Harry HALLAM.

37 Private Frederick John HARRIS.

88 Private Edward Charles HAYS.

47 Private Lionel Vicary HEADLAM.

Lieutenant Francis Bede HERITAGE.

22 Private Alfred Desormeaux HOLMWOOD.

64 Private John HOPE.

77 Private Algernon Babington HORTIN.

55 Private Alfred William James HOUGH.

53 Private John HUTTON.

54 Private Cecil William HYNES.


Lieutenant Stanley Connebee JAMIESON.

4 Private Alexander Hill JEPHSON.

111 Private Leslie William JOHNSTONE.

107 Private George JUDGE.


14 Sergeant Maurice KEYS.


57 Private Cyrus LADE.

98 Private Harry Elvin LARNER.

63 Private Arthur James LATHEY .

86 Private Alexander LAWSON.

45 Corporal Edgar Hepburn LEE.

35 Private George Markham LOWTHER.

36 Sergeant William Ponsonby LOWTHER.

94 Private Alfred LUPTON.

52 Private Francis Bernard LYNCH.

89 Private William LYON.


101 Private Samuel Charles MACANALLY.

39 Private Hugh Cathcart MADDOX.

79 Private John MCCORMICK.

17 Private Edgar MCGUINESS.

21 Private Hugh Charles MCGUINESS.

115 Private George Frederick MCGUINNESS.

59 Private Frederick MCGUIRE.

20 Private Frank Edward MORRISBY.

65 Private James MORSE.

116 Private Alexander Paul MURDOCK.


108 Private Edwin PACKETT.

66 Private Julian Lambert Russel PAGE.

92 Private Charles Arthur PARISH.

18 Private Alfred James PARKER.

49 Corporal Frederick PARSELLE.

19 Private Charles Frederick PEDDER.

15 Private Victor Stanley PEERS.

114 Private Albert Edward PEGG.

119 Private Roland Philip PITT.

106 Private Arthur William POTTER.


118 Private Rupert Anstice RAFFERTY.

Lieutenant George Elliot REID.

23 Private Alban John REYNOLDS.

113 Private George Fairbrass RICHARDSON.

Captain Arthur Horton RIGGALL.

109 Private Samuel RILEY.

34 Private John ROBERTS.


117 Private Herbert SMALLHORN.

72 Private Fenton Magnus SMITH.

95 Corporal Richard Percival SMITH.

75 Private Robert Arthur SMITH.

102 Private Pitman John STAGG.

33 Private Charles Morrison STEPHENSON.

9 Private Morton Henry SWAN.


91 Private Arthur James TILLEY.


81 Private Oswald De Wit VAUGHAN.


73 Private George Arthur WALKER.

7 Private Frederick WEEDING.

91 Private Gilbert WELLARD.

41 Corporal John Henry WHITELAW.

6 Private Stanley James Salter WILLIAMS.

87 Private William Joseph WILLIAMS.

112 Private Reginald Colin WILSON.

74 Private Robert Benjamin WILSON.

3 Private James WRIGHT.


Further Reading:

1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry

1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry, Nominal Roll

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Sunday, 5 February 2012 9:54 AM EAST
Monday, 17 February 2003
Boer War, 1899 - 1902, Australian Forces, 1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry, Roll of Honour
Topic: BW - Tas - 1TMI

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Australian Forces

Roll of Honour

1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry

Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men known to have served at one time with the 1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry and gave their lives in service of Australia, whether as part of the 1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry or another unit during the Boer War.


Roll of Honour


Elliot Henry BAILEY

Thomas William BARKER

Henry Allwright BETTS

Henry Mitchell BLACK




Robert Percy DOOLIN



Atherly GILHAM


Roland Philip PITT


Lest we forget


Further Reading:

1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Friday, 7 May 2010 11:56 AM EADT
Sunday, 16 February 2003
1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry, Departure
Topic: BW - Tas - 1TMI

1st TMI

1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry



Men of the 1st Tasmanian Contingent receive the bugle and colours from Mrs Dodds.



The following is a transcription of an article that appeared in The Hobart Mercury, Friday 27 October 1899, at page 3.






Shortly after 6 o'clock this morning the members of the Tasmanian contingent will leave Hobart, en route to South Africa. The event is certainly a unique one in the history of the colony, and for that reason, as well as for the stirring sentiment that surrounds the mission upon which the troops are engaged, the public have been aroused to an unusually high pitch of enthusiasm. A parade of troops is always an impressive scene. The memories and traditions which are inseparably associated with military life naturally stir public feeling; and such feeling becomes intensified when a parade of troops is a movement preparatory to the departure of soldiers for the scene of active warfare.

The knowledge that a contingent of men have during the past week been drilled seven hours daily to render them efficient for duty on a field of battle has certainly excited the sentimental feelings of the people of Hobart.

The men were busy at the barracks yesterday in completing all detailed arrangements connected with their equipment. A certain amount of drill was done, and the men have creditably mastered the difficulties of the various movements.

Colonel Legge speaks very highly of the marked improvement in the appearance of the troops, who have been most attentive to their instructors.

The men, headed by the Headquarters Band, marched to Franklin-square at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and were inspected by His Excellency the Administrator. Possibly, on no previous occasion was the square a scene of greater interest. As early as 4 o'clock people secured prominent positions, which they retained until the contingent arrived. All who could possibly get positions in the square did so, and Macquarie-street was also crowded with spectators. Every available window that afforded a sight of the square was likewise occupied, and waving handkerchiefs and encouraging cheers could he seen and heard in all directions.

Among others present on the steps of the Law Department were the members of the Ministry, various Members of Parliament, Colonel Legge, and staff officers.

The contingent was drawn up in front of the entrance to the Law Department, and as his Excellency the Administrator, accompanied by Mrs. Dodds and Mr. Warren Dodds (Private Secretary) arrived the Royal salute was given, and the Headquarters Band played the National Anthem.

His Excellency then inspected the men, after which he delivered the following address:-
Officers and Men of the Contingent, I congratulate you upon your smart and soldierly appearance, and I notice with great satisfaction the improvement which a week's training has made in you. As Her Majesty's representative in this colony I wish to thank you for this proof of your devotion to your Queen and your loyalty to the British Empire. Each one of you is leaving his home to bear the privations of a soldier's life, not so much because his help is needed, but because he wishes to show England that her sons are ever ready to help her cause. The rising in South Africa is not one that threatens in the least degree the stability of the Empire, and a comparatively small number of British soldiers probably would be quite adequate to assert British rights and protect British interests. Already a handful of British troops at Glencoe have balanced the account of Majuba Hill, and have shown what valour can accomplish against heavy odds. But you, as British subjects, feel that you would like to share in your nation's work in the cause of right, and be more than silent spectators of her victories. And England has accepted your services, not because she needs them, but much as a loving parent accepts with proud feelings a service of affection and devotion from an offspring. But you have done rightly in offering your help, if only in grateful appreciation of the protection you receive, and. the privileges you enjoy under the great Empire to which you belong. You have done more than this; you have given an object lesson to the whole world of the homogeneousness of our Empire, and you have encouraged the hopes of
"All the loyal hearts who long
To keep our English Empire whole."
You may rest assured that wherever the English flag waves the action of these colonies in sending men for service in South Africa will be viewed with national pride. You have touched the chord of national sentiment, and it will reverberate throughout the world. I will not presume to attempt to instinct you as to your duties. The Commandant, Colonel Legge, has already given you sound advice as to what is necessary to make a good soldier, but this much I may say without presumption, willing obedience to orders, and strict attention to every duty, form the groundwork of success. Each man must perform his allotted task thoroughly, oven in matters of the smallest detail, and leave the rest in charge of a stronger hand. To the men of the contingent I think that I can confidently say, you are commanded by a soldier whose fitness for the position is undoubted, whose personal courage is beyond question. In Captain Cameron you have a tried soldier, who has seen active Service under one of England's greatest Generals, Field-Marshal Lord Roberts of Kandahar. It is more than probable that you will be the only company of all the Australian forces enjoying the proud distinction of being led by a man who, with his regiment, went to the relief of Kandahar in that memorable and historic march from Cabul. Your captain will no doubt require from you strict attention to discipline, because he knows how much depends upon it, but he will, in return, see that you are well cared for, and that others do their duty by you, and there will be no danger, no privation to which you are exposed that he will not share with you. Exemplifying the motto on his crest – Pro Rege et Patria - he has, like you, offered his services for patriotic reasons, and if I freely translate that motto as meaning on this occasion "for my Queen and my Country," I shall rightly express the sentiment which moves every man of this contingent, a sentiment which throughout our history has produced the most splendid deeds of heroic bravery and unselfish devotion. Your other officers and non commissioned officers have been specially selected on account of their qualifications for their duties, and I think that, long before the campaign is over, officers and men »ill mutually respect and feel confidence in each other. I dare not trust m\self to speak of the inhuman conduct of our enemies, lest I should express myself in terms unsuited to this occasion, but I glory in the knowledge that whatever others may do, helpless women and children wounded and defenceless men, are, to British troops, objects of compassionate care and protection rather than victims of racial hatred and barbaric cruelty We have been forced into this quarrel for, true to her traditional policy, England has shown the must patient forbearance in her endeavours to preserve peace. The issue is not doubtful, for this is no Titanic struggle. The time is not yet when even the most powerful enemy can with impunity insult the British nation, or when the insignificant authors of a turbulent rising can without chastisement, yelp at the British flag. The braggarts who talked at chasing Englishmen into the sea will understand the fatuity of then boasting, and feel then utter helplessness when confronted with British guns. The rights of our countrymen will be maintained and their liberties assured. And if, perchance, sacrifices have to be made, the punishment meted out to the wrongdoer will be correspondingly severe. Ere long the English flag will again float peacefully and triumphantly over British possessions in South Africa, and order will be restored. All questions of racial supremacy will be settled, and when peace and prosperity again rest upon the land, they will make their abiding home under the protecting influences of a mighty Empire, whose beneficent rule has always made for peace and civilisation, and the happiness of the world. I wish you "Godspeed." Yon leave us .Filled with admiration at your noble example. You remind us how the manhood of a country should uphold the national honour, and we know that the fair fame of Tasmania is safe in your keeping. We recognise in your action the patriotism of kinship with all its passionate affection, and all its generous sacrifice. We shall watch with the keenest interest your every movement, and we shall pray for your safe return; and when the time comes we shall receive you back with full hearts. And now it only remains forme to give you the crowning honour of this occasion, a message from your Queen. Her Majesty commands me to deliver to you this message: - “Her Majesty the Queen desires to thank the people of Tasmania for their striking manifestation of loyalty and patriotism in their voluntary offer to send troops to co-operate with Her Majesty's Imperial Forces in maintaining her position and the rights of British subjects in South Africa. She wishes the troops God-speed and a safe return." The contingent gave a second Royal salute at the conclusion of His Excellency's address as a special mark of their respect.

Mrs. Dodds then presented a silver bugle to Captain Cameron for the bugler of the contingent. She said:
“It gives me great pleasure to present to you this bugle. May it always call you to a service of honour and devotion, such as that you now undertake I feel proud of you, my fellow countrymen, who are setting such a noble example, and I wish you God-speed."
The bungle was the gift of Mr. H. E. Smith, late lieutenant and adjutant of tho Buckingham Rifles, who, in the course of a letter to the Minister of Defence, asked permission to present the bugle to the contingent.

After the bugle had been presented loud cheers were given for the members of the contingent.

The members of the contingent were then marched to the Temperance-hall to the reception given by the Mayoress.


Further Reading:

1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry

1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry, Departure

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Friday, 7 May 2010 11:54 AM EADT

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