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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Thursday, 10 April 2003
3rd West Australian Bushmen, Contents
Topic: BW - WA - 3WAB

3rd WAB

3rd West Australian Bushmen






3rd West Australian Bushmen, Outline

Nominal Roll

3rd West Australian Bushmen, Nominal Roll



Roll of Honour

3rd West Australian Bushmen, Roll of Honour

Lest we forget


Further Reading:

3rd West Australian Bushmen

3rd West Australian Bushmen, Roll of Honour 

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 3rd West Australian Bushmen, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 2 May 2010 4:55 PM EADT
Wednesday, 9 April 2003
3rd West Australian Bushmen, Outline
Topic: BW - WA - 3WAB

3rd WAB

3rd West Australian Bushmen



Map illustrating the activities of the 3rd West Australian Bushmen in South Africa, 1900-1901.

[From: Chamberlain, M., The Australians in the South African War 1899-1902, Canberra, 1999.]


In 1911, Lieutenant-Colonel P. L. Murray, produced a marvellous Boer War reference detailing all the contingents sent from Australia to South Africa, giving a brief history of the formation and finally, listing all the soldiers who saw service in South Africa with that unit. The book was called, Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa. It is now the standard reference and starting place for any person interested in pursuing information about Australian involvement in the Boer War.

Murray, P. L., Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, pp. 408 - 410.


Third (Bushmen’s) Contingent.

Western Australian Government Gazette, of 16th February, 1900, contained

a General Order to the effect that the Government had sanctioned a further increase in the establishment of the Mounted Infantry Corps by 125 of all ranks. Pay, clothing, equipment, &c., as for previous Contingents.

It was notified that members of the Bushmen's Company who might provide their own horses and saddles, if passed fit for service by the military authorities, would be granted a sum of £16 as compensation, and a refund of any rail freight that might have been paid in bringing such horses to Perth. At the termination of hostilities, if the horses were sold, any excess over £15 obtained by such sale, would be given to the owner.

The same announcement was made in regard to pensions, etc., as previously (aide tad contingent).

Each man enlisted was required to be in possession of a certificate from a Committee appointed by the government as expert judges of the qualifications of an Australian bushman.

Departure and Return

The Contingent left on 13th March, 1900, with 7 officers, 109 others, and 397 horses. Four died or ware killed ; 6 officers, 13 others, were struck off in South Africa ; 2 officers, 91 others returned to Australia (1 officer promoted from ranks); 2 man died after return) ; 2 officers appointed to Imperial service.

Promotions, Etc.

Captain H. G. Vialls, to Major, 13th February, 1900; to Lieut.-Colonel (local rank in South Africa).

Lieutenant A. F. Thunder, to Captain, 8th May, 1901; posted to 6th Contingent.

Captain (Medical Staff) F. J. Ingoldby, to Major, 12th December, 1900. Company Sergeant-Major S. J. Chipper, to Lieutenant and Quartermaster, 18th June, 1900.

Private B. H. Andrews became Lieutenant and Quartermaster, 2nd Australian Commonwealth Horse, 11th February, 1902.

Private P. P. Strickland, to Lieutenant, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, 27th March, 1902.

Lieutenant R, R. C. Vernon accepted commission in City of London Regiment, 19th May, 1900.

Lieutenant M. R, P. Gledhill was commissioned in Lancashire Fusiliers, 39th May, 1900.

For promotions of N.C.O.'s and men, vide nominal roll.


The 3rd Company of Western Australian Mounted Infantry for the war, left Fremantle on 13th March, I900, in the transport Maplemore, and arrived at Beira on the 18th April. The Contingents which landed at Beira were divided into regiments as follows:- 1st Regiment, New South Wales; 2nd Regiment, Victorians sad Western Australians; 3rd Regiment, Queenslanders. But the Victorian and Western Australian Regiment was more generally designated the “3rd Bushmen." The different corps were very much mixed up before they had gone far into the Transvaal.

The 3rd Western Australians formed part of the force-of Bushmen which, under General Carrington, crossed Rhodesia and entered the Transvaal from Mafeking. They wowed in the first instance with General Carrington's Column through Rhodesia, until after the relief of Eland's River; afterwards with lord Methuen's Column, and subsequently with General Plumer's Force,

The Contingent, small as it was, was split up; but saw a great deal of fighting throughout July, August, and September, 1900, in the district between Mafeking in the west, and Warmbad, north of Pretoria, in the east. At Kostsr's River (19th, 21st, 22nd July) there was a prolonged engagement in which parties from the different Australian Colonies took a large share. The 3rd Western Australians, with a strength of about 70, had Captain (Medical Staff) F. T. lngoldby, and several others wounded. They were associated with the 3rd Victorians ; and, as before stated, formed the 3rd (sometimes called the 2nd) Regiment of Australian Bushmen.

A few Western Australians, acting under Captain Ham, 3rd Victorians, were in the Australian garrison which made a stiff defence at Eland's River in the Rustenburg district, 4th to 16th August. (Vide Now South Wales Citizen’s Bushmen, p. 73, and 3rd Queensland Contingent.) Another small detachment were with General Carrington, when he attempted to effect Hore's relief from the west; while the first troops to march into the place as the advanced scouts of Lord Kitchener's force, which relieved the garrison from the south-east, were men of the 1st Western Australians.

During the last few months of 1900, and up to April, 1901, the 3rd, as part of the 3rd Australian Bushmen with General Plumer's Force, saw much fighting in many parts of the seat of war; and, under the fine leadership of Major Vialls, always did well.

Received from Lord Roberts, 3rd December, 1900:

“Lord Kitchener informs me that General Paget has brought to his notice the great gallantry of Major Vialls, 3rd Western Australians, and of the magnificent behaviour of that regiment in a recent engagement. I offer to their relations and to the colony generally, my most hearty congratulations."

Captain Hurst remained in South Africa after the return of his Contingent to Australia. While attached to “G" Battery Royal Horse Artillery, then converted into Mounted Rifles, he was severely wounded in action at Boochbult, Western Transvaal, Slat March, 1902.

The 3rd left Cape Town on 9th May, 1901, in the transport Morayshire, and arrived in Fremantle on the 28th,

Disbanded, 18th August, 1901.

War Services and Honours.

Vialls, Lieut.-Colonel HG.- Operations in Rhodesia, Transvaal, orange River Colony, and Cape Colony, between April, 1900, and April, 1901. Despatches, London Gazette, 19th April, 1901. C.B. Queen's Medal with four clasps.

Hurst, Captain H. R.-Operations as stated. Served until the end of war. Action at Rhenoster Kop, special mention in Commanding Officer's despatches, 19th November, 1900. Queen's Medal with four clasps, Kings Medal with two clasps.

Vernon, Lieutenant R. R. C.-Operations as stated. Despatches, London Gazette, 19th April, 1901. D.S.O. Queen's Medal with four clasps.

Chipper, Lieut.-Quartermaster S. J. - Was present during operations in Rhodesia, and renewed Queen's Medal with two clasps.

Ingoldby, Major (Medical Staff) F. J. - Operations in Rhodesia and Transvaal. Despatches, London Gazette, 17th June, 1902. Queen's Medal with two clasps.

Lieutenants C. H. Ord, A. F. Thunder, and M. R. P. W: Gledhill were present during all, or portions of, operations stated, and received Queen's Medal with clasps. Lieutenant Ord was mentioned in despatches, London Gazette 10th September,1901.



Further Reading:

3rd West Australian Bushmen

3rd West Australian Bushmen, Roll of Honour 

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 3rd West Australian Bushmen, Outline

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 1 May 2010 1:41 PM EADT
Tuesday, 8 April 2003
3rd West Australian Bushmen, Nominal Roll
Topic: BW - WA - 3WAB

3rd WAB

3rd West Australian Bushmen

Nominal Roll


In 1911, Lieutenant-Colonel P. L. Murray, produced a marvellous Boer War reference detailing all the contingents sent from Australia to South Africa, giving a brief history of the formation and finally, listing all the soldiers who saw service in South Africa with that unit. The book was called, Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa. It is now the standard reference and starting place for any person interested in pursuing information about Australian involvement in the Boer War.

Murray, P. L., Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, pp. 410 - 412.


3rd West Australian Bushmen


17 Corporal Frank Gustavus ALNUTT

45 Private William ANDERSON

100 Private Benjamin Henry ANDREWS

105 Private Thomas Hotspur ANGEL

24 Private Alfred Warner BISHOP

53 Corporal Alexander BLACK

93 Private Richard BOLITHO

92 Private William E BUCKNELL

21 Lance Corporal Arthur Benjamin BUNNING

58 Private Charles BURROWS

66 Private Thomas George BURROWS

40 Private William BUSHBY

109 Private Thomas James BYRNE

71 Private Charles James CARROLL

Sergeant Major Stephen James CHIPPER

43 Private William Alfred CLAIR

108 Private George Henry COATMAN

57 Private James Edward COFFIN

47 Private John Patrick COTTER

7 Private Robert COWAN

5 Private William David COWLEY

15 Private Edmund COX

33 Private Philip CRAGG

74 Private William Henry CROSS

37 Private Alfred DAVIDSON

38 Farrier Sergeant George DAY

9 Corporal Arthur Robert DEIGHTON

18 Private Gilbert DEVENEY

23 Lance Corporal Alexander DRUMMOND

102 Trumpeter Ernest Frederick DYMOCK

44 Corporal Bertram James FORBES

39 Private Allen FULLARTON

66 Corporal William Augustus GEORGE

97 Private Edward William GILLILAND

Lieutenant Major Reginald Percy William GLEDHILL

76 Private George Augustus GLEN

68 Corporal Lionel GOULY

72 Private Arthur Ellis Wrixon GREESON

19 Private Richard A GRIFFITH

62 Private Ernest William HALL

95 Private Henry HALL

76 Private Edgar Anthony HAMBLY

31 Private Edward James HARDY


104 Private Charles Richard HAZELL

61 Private Joseph Hatchell HOGARTH

88 Private Hubert Edward HOOLEY

82 Private James HUME

Captain Howard Edwin HURST

Captain Frederick John INGOLDBY

96 Private Frederick JACKSON

107 Private Arthur Thomas JONES

73 Private George JONES

6 Private William Oliver JONES

99 Private Edward KEENAN

11 Private William LAIDLOW

12 Private Sydney LEE

52 Private Joseph LEESON

59 Private de Courcy Gerald LEFROY

83 Private Dugald LEITCH

90 Private Robert Clarke LESLIE

106 Private John LINDSAY

85 Private Charles Allen LYON

77 Private William MAHOOD

3 Sergeant Norman Maxwell MALCOLM

70 Private John MANNERS

63 Farrier Frederick Gibson MANNING

49 Private Albert Edward MARTIN

60 Private John Fowley MCDONALD

91 Private Arthur MCKAY

10 Lance Corporal John Alexander Nicholl MCLEOD

22 Private Michael MCMAHON

41 Private Robert John MCMANUS

30 Private Robert H MCMURTRIE

28 Private Hector H MCPHEE

67 Private William John MCPHEE

26 Corporal William Wigmore MONGER

103 Trumpeter Wilfred MORTON

13 Private James MUIRHEAD

35 Sergeant Edward NAIRN

84 Private Hedley Tresawna NICHOLLS

93 Private Robert NUGENT

8 Private Frank James O'DONNELL

51 Private George William O'HERN

Lieutenant Craven Harry ORD

80 Private Michael Joseph O'SULLIVAN

42 Private Frederick George PARTRIDGE

24 Sergeant Richard Henry PILMER

27 Private Richard Lionel PREENE

16 Private John RALPH

64 Corporal Arthur RICHARDSON

89 Corporal John Hamilton ROLLINGS

81 Private John ROSCOE

14 Private George Albert SAUNDERS

20 Private Jeremiah SCOTT

4 Corporal Michael James SHEA

69 Private Sydney Howard SINCLAIR

32 Private Alexander Robert SMITH

46 Private Walter Jackson SMITH

29 Private Ernest Hubert STEPHENS

55 Private Tom STIRLING

79 Private Frederick Philip STRICKLAND

2 Private Alfred A THOMAS

94 Private William Morris THOMAS

78 Private William THOMPSON

Lieutenant AF THUNDER

86 Private Mark TRAVERS

48 Private Harry Edward Moore TULLY

Lieutenant Rupert R Charles VERNON

Captain Harry George VIALLS

101 Trumpeter William WALLIS

87 Private Herbert WARE

50 Private Edmund Hebblewhite WATKIN

110 Private Alexander Patrick WHITE

34 Private Henry WHITE

25 Private Richard Corke WILD

36 Private James Henry WILSON


Further Reading:

3rd West Australian Bushmen

3rd West Australian Bushmen, Roll of Honour 

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 3rd West Australian Bushmen, Nominal Roll

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 1 May 2010 9:14 AM EADT
Monday, 7 April 2003
Boer War, 1899 - 1902, Australian Forces, 3rd West Australian Bushmen, Roll of Honour
Topic: BW - WA - 3WAB

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Australian Forces

Roll of Honour

3rd West Australian Bushmen

Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men known to have served at one time with the 3rd West Australian Imperial Bushmen and gave their lives in service of Australia, whether as part of the 3rd West Australian Imperial Bushmen or another unit during the Boer War.


Roll of Honour


Thomas Hotspur ANGEL


Edgar Anthony HAMBLY

James HUME


William John MCPHEE






Lest we forget


Further Reading:

3rd West Australian Bushmen

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Boer War, 1899 - 1902, Australian Forces, 3rd West Australian Bushmen, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 1 May 2010 1:58 PM EADT

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