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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Friday, 11 December 2009
General Service Reinforcements, AIF, Contents
Topic: AIF - DMC - GSR


General Service Reinforcements




General Service Reinforcements, Outline 


Embarkation Roll

Full Roll

Roll: A - C

Roll: D - J

Roll: K - Q

Roll: R - Z


Individual Rolls


New South Wales

General Service Reinforcements, 1st GSR, New South Wales 


General Service Reinforcements, 1st GSR, Victoria 


General Service Reinforcements, 1st GSR, Queensland 

South Australia

General Service Reinforcements, 1st GSR, South Australia 


General Service Reinforcements, 1st GSR, Tasmania 

Western Australia

General Service Reinforcements, 1st GSR, Western Australia 



New South Wales

General Service Reinforcements, 2nd GSR, New South Wales


General Service Reinforcements, 2nd GSR, Victoria


General Service Reinforcements, 2nd GSR, Queensland

South Australia

General Service Reinforcements, 2nd GSR, South Australia 


General Service Reinforcements, 2nd GSR, Tasmania

Western Australia

General Service Reinforcements, 2nd GSR, Western Australia 



New South Wales

General Service Reinforcements, 3rd GSR, New South Wales 


General Service Reinforcements, 3rd GSR, Victoria 


General Service Reinforcements, 3rd GSR, Queensland 

South Australia

General Service Reinforcements, 3rd GSR, South Australia 


General Service Reinforcements, 3rd GSR, Tasmania 

Western Australia

General Service Reinforcements, 3rd GSR, Western Australia 



New South Wales

General Service Reinforcements, 4th GSR, New South Wales


General Service Reinforcements, 4th GSR, Victoria 


General Service Reinforcements, 4th GSR, Queensland 

South Australia

General Service Reinforcements, 4th GSR, South Australia 


General Service Reinforcements, 4th GSR, Tasmania 

Western Australia

General Service Reinforcements, 4th GSR, Western Australia  



New South Wales

General Service Reinforcements, 5th GSR, New South Wales 


General Service Reinforcements, 5th GSR, Victoria 


General Service Reinforcements, 5th GSR, Queensland

South Australia

General Service Reinforcements, 5th GSR, South Australia 


General Service Reinforcements, 5th GSR, Tasmania 

Western Australia

General Service Reinforcements, 5th GSR, Western Australia 




General Service Reinforcements, 6th GSR, Victoria 


General Service Reinforcements, 6th GSR, Queensland 

South Australia

General Service Reinforcements, 6th GSR, South Australia



New South Wales

General Service Reinforcements, 7th GSR, New South Wales 


General Service Reinforcements, 7th GSR, Victoria 

South Australia

General Service Reinforcements, 7th GSR, South Australia


General Service Reinforcements, 7th GSR, Tasmania

Western Australia

General Service Reinforcements, 7th GSR, Western Australia  


Light Horse, February 1918 Reinforcement

Full Roll

A - Z

Individual Rolls

Australian Light Horse, AIF, Embarkation Roll, Light Horse, February 1918 Reinforcement





Roll of Honour

General Service Reinforcements, Roll of Honour

Lest we forget



Further Reading:

General Service Reinforcements, AIF

General Service Reinforcements, Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: General Service Reinforcements, AIF, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Thursday, 4 March 2010 1:34 AM EAST
Sunday, 6 December 2009
General Service Reinforcements, Outline
Topic: AIF - DMC - GSR


General Service Reinforcements



By late 1917, the pool of Australian volunteer recruits had dried up. This created difficulties for individual battalions and regiments as recruiting was specific to that particular formation. To overcome this problem, it was determined to place recruits into a pool from which the battalions and regiments could draw their reinforcements. In the latter part of 1917 and throughout 1918, men who enlisted with the Light Horse became part of this reinforcement pool known as the GSR (General Service Reinforcements).

For men who embarked with the latter regimental reinforcement, from the 33rd Reinforcements, the men in these cohorts were sent into the General Service Reinforcements pool and thence allotted on the same principle as those who entered specifically the GSR through the recruiting office.

As they arrived in Egypt, the men were allotted to a Light Horse Training Regiment, one being established for each of the four Light Horse Brigades. This system lasted until July when these training regiments were abolished and a single training camp was established for new recruits at Moascar, known as the ATD & DC (Australian Training Depot and Details Camp). From there they were allotted to a regiment, usually a regiment of the state from which the man originated. While this did not overcome the manpower shortages in the regiments, it was a system that allotted men according to the greatest need.

One peculiarity in recording the details of these men who enlisted within the Light Horse GSR that did not occur for the other GSR, no Embarkation Rolls were created as they existed for the infantry. This has meant that these particular soldiers do not show up in the major institutional data bases. It is through intensive research of individual service files held by the National Archives of Australia, the various unit Routine Orders and available ship rolls that the Light Horse GSR rolls on this site can be re-constructed and placed in their present form. The consequent rolls are a living monument to the research dedication of a small group of volunteers.


Further Reading:

General Service Reinforcements, AIF

General Service Reinforcements, Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: General Service Reinforcements, Outline

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Wednesday, 16 December 2009 10:56 AM EAST
Saturday, 5 December 2009
General Service Reinforcements, Roll of Honour
Topic: AIF - DMC - GSR


General Service Reinforcements

Roll of Honour


Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men from the Australian General Service Reinforcements known to have served and lost their lives during the Great War.


Roll of Honour


Clive Edgar AFFLECK, Died of Disease 27 October 1918.

Joseph AUGER, Died of Disease 21 September 1918.


Stanley John Redvers BARKER, Died of Disease 29 November 1918.

Douglas Bruce BLACK, Died of Disease 12 December 1918.


John COLLINS, Died of Disease 13 October 1918.

Daniel Ruben CURTIS, Died of Disease 23 February 1919.


Matthew William DAWSON, Died of Accident 27 January 1919.


Alfred Sydney Douglas James Priestley ELDRIDGE, Died of Disease 25 November 1918.


John Frederick FERRY, Died of Disease 13 July 1919.


Alfred Edgar GRAY, Died of Disease 28 October 1918.


Henry Edgar HARE, Died of Disease 13 March 1919, and subsequently was buried at sea.

Robert Rueben HARVEY, Died of Disease 11 June 1919.


Walter James LEWIS, Killed in Action 25 September 1918.


William John Henry MARCH, Died of Disease 4 December 1918.

Roy Louis McGUIRE, Died of Disease 24 July 1918.

James Egbert MORRELL, Died of Disease 24 November 1918, and subsequently was buried at sea.

Stanley Robert MUDDELL, Died of Disease 14 October 1918.


William James RIDOUT, Died of Disease 28 November 1918.

Joseph Edmund RYAN, Died of Disease 4 December 1918.


Charles SMITH, Died of Disease 19 November 1918, and subsequently was buried at sea.

George James STODDART, Died of Disease 26 September 1918.


John TACHON, Died of Disease 22 October 1918.

Percival Stapleton THOMSON, Died of Disease 29 November 1918.


Marines Cornelius VAN DER KAADEN, Died of Disease 20 October 1918.


Lest We Forget


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

General Service Reinforcements, AIF

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: General Service Reinforcements, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Monday, 7 December 2009 9:39 PM EAST
Friday, 4 December 2009
General Service Reinforcements, Roll: A - C
Topic: AIF - DMC - GSR


General Service Reinforcements

Roll: A - C


The following is a composite alphabetical roll of all those Light Horse General Service Reinforcements who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.

Each man is listed with:

Service Number

Rank at Embarkation

First Names

Family Name

If applicable, the false name used


Each entry is linked to a specific Embarkation Roll which contains the following details:

Rank on embarkation;

Full name of the soldier

Declared age of the soldier;

The last occupation held;

The last address as a civilian;

Enlistment Date; and,



Embarkation Roll: A - C


64887 Private William Charles ABBOTT.

57415 Private John Clive ACKERS.

59051 Private Clive Edgar AFFLECK.

64677 Private John Dickson AINSLIE.

64678 Private Charles ALDERTON.

57075 Private Wallace Sproule ALEXANDER.

57416 Private John Percy ALLAN.

57417 Private William John Hutchison ALLAN.

57127 Private Edgar ALLEN.

57253 Private Herbert Alexander ALLEN.

52972 Private Wiliam Henry ALLEN.

50246 Private Willie ALLEN.

50270 Private Charles ALLEY.

57517 Private Percy Walter ALTSCHWAGER.

57559 Private Archibald Francis ANDERSON.

50420 Sapper James Stanford ANDERSON.

57076 Private William ANDERSON.

64151 Private James Leslie ANDREW.

64152 Private Albert ANDREWS.

57418 Private Claude ANDREWS.

57300 Private Joseph Edmund John ANDREWS.

57299 Private Leslie Mancrief ANDREWS.

64153 Private Edward Norwood ARCHER.

57532 Private William Alexander ARCHIBALD.

57411 Sergeant William Reston ARKLAY.

64676 Private Francis Birkin ARMITAGE.

64307 Private Matthew James ARMITT.

64291 Private Tasman Leo ARMSTRONG.

52632 Sapper John ASKEW.

57533 Private William Henry AUCHETTL.

57077 Private Joseph AUGER.

64679 Private Andrew Edmund AUSTIN.

57368 Private Herbert AYRES.


64036 Private William Richard Frederick BABER.

64243 Private William Edward BACKSHALL.

57170 Private Alfred Paul Martin BAEHNISCH.

64244 Private Emil Oscar BAEHNISCH.

64562 Private Stephen Reginald BAGLEY aka Leslie BAGLEY.

50507 Private Jack Neetlee BAGOT.

64308 Private William Leslie BAGULEY.

64154 Private Richard Henry BAILEY.

64164 Private George Henry BAINES.

50302 Private William Fuller BAIRD.

64577 Private Alfred Edmeades BAKER.

52805 Private Leslie David BAKER.

64538 Private James Marshall BALDWIN.

52894 Private Wyn Frederick BANKS.

56961 Private William Doyle BANNAN.

57078 Private Ilford BARBER.

50382 Private Sidney James BARHAM.

56904 Private Richard William BARKER.

64796 Private Stanley John Redvers BARKER.

50557 Private Arthur Leslie BARNES.

57502 Private Alfred William Hurtle BARNS.

57503 Private Roger Cyril BARNS.

64309 Private Alfred Edward BARRACLOUGH.

63985 Private Frederick Peter BARRETT.

52907 Private Franis Bain BARRITT.

64031 Acting Corporal Norman Beresford BASSAN.

52684 Private Arthur James BASSETT.

64041 Private Richard BATEUP.

64037 Private Lionel Archibald BATTERHAM.

57242 Private Edward John BATTLE.

63984 Private Arthur Herbert BAUER.

57171 Private Cyril BAXTER.

64797 Private Reginald Forbes BEARDMORE.

56901 Private Arthur BEAUMONT.

52688 Private Harry BEAUMONT.

53211 Private Arthur John BEESTON.

64155 Private Ronald Morton BEGG.

52687 Private Edward Claude BELL.

64320 Private John Richard BELL.

63987 Private Walter Hardie BELL.

63986 Private William Harry BELL.

64317 Private Richard Henry BELLINGHAM.

52865 Private Richard Henry BELLINGHAM.

50536 Private Oliver Martin BENDER.

50422 Private Ernest BENGOUGH.

52664 Private Philip Morris BENJAMIN.

64045 Private Alfred Ernest BENNETT.

57177 Private Rupert Carlisle BENNETT.

64044 Private William John BENNETT.

64798 Private Daniel Edwin Goodwin BENNEY.

50301 Private Ryan BERNARD.

64688 Private Thomas Charles BERNARD.

56048 Private Robert John BERRY.

50011 Private Louis BERTRAM.

52806 Private Neil Colin Campbell BERTRAM.

50300 Private Robert George BERTRAM.

64156 Private Arthur John BETT.

57419 Private Frederick BETTS.

64314 Private Bertie Carl BEUTEL.

57028 Private Henry Percival BIGG.

64327 Private Kenneth Royan BIGNELL.

52895 Private Frank Edwin BISHOP.

52685 Private Albert Frederick BLACK.

64799 Private Douglas Bruce BLACK.

50766 Private James Robert BLACK.

64684 Private Stanley Oliver BLACK.

57420 Private George Raymond Wallice BLACKLEY.

57421 Private Wilfred Leslie BLACKLEY.

56958 Private William Thomas BLACKLEY aka Thomas BLACKWELL.

64324 Private Frederick John Henry BLANK.

57504 Private Henry Perrier BLUCHER.

64750 Private Harry BLUNDELL.

64321 Private Martin BLYTH.

64042 Private Edward BOFFINGER.

64412 Private Kennedy Cassillis BOGLE.

R246 Private William Charles BOHN.

64035 Private Maurice Dominick BOLAND.

64800 Private Michael James BOLAND.

56960 Private Brook BONARIUS.

64325 Private Harry BOOL.

57552 Private Edwin George BOON.

64681 Private William Charles BOOTES.

64033 Private Ralph Arnold BOOTS.

57501 Acting Sergeant Alick Le Roy BOUCAUT.

57505 Private Leslie Norman BOULTER.

50423 Private Bernard George BOWER.

64326 Private Stuart Leslie BOWERS.

57306 Private Donald Kenneth BOWYER.

64929 Private Thomas Albert BOYES.

52931 Private Herbert Benjamin BOYS.

64158 Private Keith Raymond BRADSHAW.

52663 Private Harold Albert BRADSTREET.

64310 Private Frank Gilbert Henry BRADY.

50271 Private Patrick BRADY.

64159 Private Herbert Frederick Richard BRAVINGTON.

64039 Private John Charles BRAY.

50480 Private Leslie James BRAY.

57211 Private William BRAY.

64311 Private William BRAZEL.

56955 Private William Angelo BREES.

57303 Private Charles John Edward BRENNAN.

50303 Private John Stanislaus BRENNAN.

57301 Private George Frederick BRENNING.

64686 Private Charles Henry Wilton BRETT.

64292 Private John Mac BRETT.

52941 Private James George BRICKNELL.

64816 Private William Frederick BRIGGS.

51304 Private Herbert John BRIGHT.

64685 Private Roy Gratton BRINDLE.

R345 Bombadier Thomas Leslie Cecil BROAD.

50425 Private Alexander Patrick BROADWAY.

64682 Private Thomas BROBEN.

64313 Private Leslie BRODIE.

64687 Private Ronald Lindsay BRODIE.

52683 Private Louis Albert BROMHAM.

64801 Private Mark BROOKER.

54300 Private Arthur James Samuel BROOKS.

64163 Private William Henry BROOKS.

50508 Private Stewart Ross BROUGHTON.

64312 Private Charles BROWN.

51303 Private Clifford Michael BROWN.

52633 Private Edward Stanley Leitch BROWN.

56957 Private Henry Walter BROWN.

64032 Private Herbert Harrington BROWN.

64160 Private John Alfred BROWN.

56959 Private Norman Dinham BROWN.

64802 Driver Norman William BROWN.

52635 Private William Stanley BROWN.

64161 Private Charles Richard BROWNE.

64162 Private Thomas Edward BROWNE.

50424 Private William Herbert George BROWNLAW.

64038 Private Cecil BROWNLOW.

52634 Private Claude BRUCE.

52808 Private Harry BRUNET.

64322 Private James BRYCE.

57553 Private Thomas BRYCE.

57381 Private Alexander Robert BUCKLE.

57305 Private John Harold BUCKLEY.

64043 Private Keith Edman BUCKNELL.

50509 Private Ernest Victor BUICK.

50426 Private Alexander Stanley BULL.

64916 Private William James BUNT.

52255 Private Neil McKay BURBURY.

64318 Private George Merland BURKE.

63358 Private John Louis BURKE.

64040 Private Percival BURKE.

50247 Private Ulick BURKE.

52686 Private Wally Vincent BURN.

50773 Private Macrossin BURNS.

64245 Private Patrick Ignatius BURNS.

56903 Private Herbert Fletcher BUSHFIELD.

57128 Private Victor Alfred BUTCHER.

63230 Acting Corporal Benjamin Roe BUTLER.

57302 Private Cecil Aubrey BUTLER.

57304 Private Norman William BUTLER.

50427 Private Austin Jellard BYRNE.

64034 Private Daniel Joseph BYRNE.

52809 Private Frederick John BYRNE.

57243 Private Herbert Victor BYTH.


57773 Acting Sergeant George Thomas CAIN.

64803 Private William Joseph CAIN.

50419 Private Alan Bissett CALDWELL.

64804 Private George White Patrick CALVERT.

52861 Private Osborne CALVERT.

64166 Private Roy Ian CAMERON.

64167 Private Arthur Herbert CAMPBELL.

57212 Private Clyde CAMPBELL.

52922 Private John CAMPBELL.

57422 Private Norman Louis CAMPBELL.

57213 Private Percy John CAMPBELL.

64165 Private Thomas Joseph CANTY.

52637 Private Percy Seymour CARBERY.

52801 Private Gordon Wilfred CAREY.

64331 Private James Edward CARLSON.

64168 Private Cyril CARNIE.

57316 Private Stanhope Mason CARR.

52693 Private Vince CARR.

57079 Private Leo Patrick CARROLL.

62628 Private Arthur Allenby CARTER.

64169 Private Basil Delany CARTER.

57178 Private Leslie Albert CARTER.

64170 Private Phillip Gordon CARTER.

64171 Private Percy Hubert Locksley CARTLEDGE.

57423 Private Victor CASEY.

57307 Private William Francis CASEY.

57313 Private Charles Augustus CATES.

50510 Private John Harrison CATTERMOLE.

63988 Private Henry CAUNTER.

64047 Private Norman Grant CAVANAUGH.

64048 Private George Dewey CAYLOR.

64172 Private Thomas Albert CHAMBERLAIN.

52694 Private Cuthbert Evelyn CHAMBERS.

64173 Private Michael James CHAMBERS.

57314 Private Eric Edward CHAMPION.

64049 Private Richard Henry CHAMPION.

56176 Private Reginald Alexander CHANNING.

64405 Private Alexander John CHAPMAN.

52639 Sapper Charles Goodman CHAPMAN.

64330 Sergeant Francis Bruce CHARLTON.

57312 Private William Wallace CHATFIELD.

52910 Private David Humphrey CHEETHAM.

52698 Private Harold CHILDS.

64248 Private Frank Cyril CHIVELL.

64174 Private Peter Emil Ludvig Valerius CHRISTENSEN.

50311 Private Michael James CLANCY.

64051 Private Reginald CLARENCE.

56966 Private David Malcolm CLARK.

64560 Private Hamilton Warren CLARK.

52897 Private Henry Charles CLARK.

64329 Private James Ernest CLARK.

50556 Private Joseph Charles CLARK.

52810 Private Walter James CLARK.

50526 Private Albert Victor Bloxolm CLARKE.

50417 Private Cyril Melville CLARKE.

57044 Private Edward Gordon CLARKE.

57043 Private George Gladstone CLARKE.

64246 Private Roy Eustace Phipps CLARKE.

52896 Sapper Rupert Charles CLARKE.

57956 Private Samuel James CLAYDON.

64247 Private Sydney Elijah CLAYFIELD.

64755 Private Galvin Charles CLEARY.

57080 Private Frederick CLIFFORD.

52638 Private John Reginald CLIFT.

57191 Private George Hayward CLIFTON.

57348 Private Leslie William CLOW aka William RYAN.

64328 Private Frank COBBIN.

64175 Private Edmund Donald COCK.

64052 Private Eric Innes COCKS.

57315 Private Wroughton Alexander CODRINGTON.

52697 Private Stephen COFFEY.

57081 Private Frederick Leonard COHEN.

64176 Private Victor Hubert COHEN.

52695 Private Charles Gilbert COLE.

64177 Private Frank Gordon COLE.

56906 Private William George Arthur COLEBROOK.

57082 Private James COLEMAN.

64690 Private John Charles COLEMAN.

57507 Private Bernard Young COLLETT.

52813 Private Thomas COLLIER.

50310 Private Arthur Albert COLLINS.

64546 Private Charles James COLLINS.

54871 Private Edward COLLINS.

52814 Private John COLLINS.

63253 Private Ronslie Russell COLLINS.

57310 Private Andrew COLLISON.

50248 Private Glen COMBARNGO.

57373 Private William John COMINS.

50308 Private Harold Edgar CONLIN.

57424 Private Oriel William Elizah CONN.

52696 Private Samuel CONNOLLY.

56968 Private Samuel Wallace CONNOLLY.

64178 Private Alfred John CONRON.

64179 Private Clifford Nerrier COOK.

56907 Private Fredrick COOLWELL.

56962 Private Edward John COOPER.

57241 Private James Henry COOPER.

57083 Private William John COOPER.

57084 Private Albert Reginald COPPIN.

64046 Private Leslie Charles CORAM.

52691 Private Thomas McDonough CORBETT.

57309 Private Charles William James CORK-WOODS.

64332 Private Leslie Boyce CORRIE.

50304 Private Henry Martin COSGROVE.

57244 Private James Michael COSTAR.

56967 Private Oliver Fitzroy COSTER.

56905 Private James Alfred COTTAM.

64806 Private Gordon COTTER.

56909 Private Aubrey Edward Upton COTTRELL-DORMER.

64050 Private Arthur Percy COULIN.

50428 Private Bertie Carlyle COUPER.

52815 Private Charles Cunningham COUTTS.

50307 Private Stanley COWAN.

64272 Private George COWDEN.

52640 Private Bert COX.

64181 Private Bertie Samuel COX.

52812 Private Charles Richard COX.

57378 Private Patrick COX.

57534 Private William Ewart Gladstone COXON.

64545 Private John Rupert COZENS.

64556 Private Edgar Wilfred CRABTREE.

64293 Private Montague Sydney CRANE.

64014 Private James Emmet CRAWFORD.

57245 Private Thomas John CRILLY.

52690 Private Douglas Hector Macdonald CROLL.

64182 Private John Robert CROOM.

57311 Private Arthur Pearce CROUCH.

64754 Private George William John CROUCHER.

56969 Private Albert Joseph CROWE.

52689 Pre Bede Stephen CROWE.

64183 Private James Douglas CRUICKSHANK.

64689 Private Clarence Heathcote CULL.

Second Lieutenant Hugh CULLY.

63989 Private Willie CUMMINGS.

50309 Private Cyril William CUMMINS.

64184 Private George Cedrick CUNDY.

57308 Private Robert CUNEO.

50296 Corporal Peter CUNNINGHAM.

53221 Private Thomas Duncan CUNNINGHAM.

64691 Private Norman Christopher CURLEY.

57246 Private Albert Thomas CURRAN.

50430 Private Charles Cloudsley Melbourne CURRIE.

56908 Private John CURRIE.

58084 Private Arthur Edward CURTIS.

64753 Private Daniel Ruben CURTIS.

52817 Private Lancelot Arthur CURTIS.

57426 Private William Thomas CUSHEN.

57086 Private Stanley Albert CUST.

64185 Private Edward William CUTTING.


Further Rolls:

Roll: A - C

Roll: D - J

Roll: K - Q

Roll: R - Z


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

General Service Reinforcements, AIF

General Service Reinforcements, Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: General Service Reinforcements, Roll: A - C

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Wednesday, 16 December 2009 10:18 AM EAST
Thursday, 3 December 2009
General Service Reinforcements, Roll: D - J
Topic: AIF - DMC - GSR


General Service Reinforcements

Roll: D - J


The following is a composite alphabetical roll of all those Light Horse General Service Reinforcements who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.

Each man is listed with:

Service Number

Rank at Embarkation

First Names

Family Name

If applicable, the false name used


Each entry is linked to a specific Embarkation Roll which contains the following details:

Rank on embarkation;

Full name of the soldier

Declared age of the soldier;

The last occupation held;

The last address as a civilian;

Enlistment Date; and,



Embarkation Roll: D - J


64333 Private Percy Vivian DAHL.

57259 Private Allan DALE.

50431 Private Charles Albert DALE.

57317 Private John DALEY.

53229 Acting Corporal Ernest John DALTON.

57247 Private Horace Thomas DALTON.

64256 Private Alfred Ernest DANIELS.

64808 Private Carodoc Bevan DARBYSHIRE-ROBERTS.

52699 Private Robert Reginald DARGAN.

52923 Private Albert Raif DARLINGTON.

57074 Private Stephen DAUNT.

64694 Private Alexander Sutherland DAVIDSON.

57473 Private Redvers Oliver DAVIDSON.

50432 Private William Albert DAVIDSON.

64186 Private Crawford William DAVIES.

64571 Private Lewis Roland DAVIES.

64187 Private Samuel DAVIES.

64188 Private William Edwin DAVIES.

64053 Private Alan Charles DAVIS.

64692 Private Arthur Corrall DAVIS.

64055 Private Percy John DAVIS.

64693 Private Donald DAVISON.

57428 Private Edward Matthew DAW.

64337 Private Matthew William DAWSON.

57089 Private John Herbert DAY.

64334 Private Robert Nathaniel DAY.

57129 Private Rutherford DEANE-SMITH.

64189 Private George Alexander DEANSHAW.

64056 Private William DEARLING.

57684 Private Henry Charles DeCOURCY.

52701 Private George Victor DELANEY.

64190 Private Hugh John DELANEY.

52700 Private Joseph Thomas DELANEY.

52863 Private Thomas Theodore DELANEY.

64539 Private Oliver Comeford DEMPSEY.

50559 Private Ronald Bilton DENHOLM.

56975 Private William DENMARK.

57200 Private John Henry DENNIS.

64766 Private Samuel John DICK.

64696 Private Sidney DICK.

64335 Private William Charles DICKSON.

52641 Private Albert Richard Ferdian DIETZ.

64338 Private William Francis DILLON.

64695 Private John Fenwick DODD.

64054 Ptr Harold John DOHERTY.

50312 Private Jock Thompson DONALDSON.

64551 Private Francis George DONEHUE.

57382 Private James Laurence DONNELLY.

64191 Private John DONOGHUE.

57535 Private Valentine DONOVAN.

57429 Private John Thomas DORAN.

57365 Private John Keith DOWNIE.

64192 Private William Henry DOWNING.

57248 Private Cedric George DRAKE.

64336 Private William Rodney DRANEY.

57163 Private Arthur DUFFIELD.

57536 Private Bruce Stanford DUNCAN.

62079 Private James Colin DUNCAN.

64810 Private Albert Lancelot DUNDAS.

64259 Private William Ernest DUNK.

52819 Private Victor James DUNSTAN.

57318 Private John Matthew DWYER.

58091 Private Robert William DWYER.

52820 Private Christopher DYER.

64550 Private William Henry DYSON.


64058 Private Robert EARL.

64344 Private Oscar Aubrey EBELING.

50251 Private Charles Ross EDEN.

57091 Private Samuel Hawkins EDGE.

57249 Private Alfred George EDWARDS.

52892 Private David Eric EDWARDS.

64408 Private John EDWARDS.

64057 Private Richard Luther EDWARDS.

56974 Private Roy Archibald EDWARDS.

52704 Private William EDWARDS.

64342 Private Peter EHRLICH.

64341 Private Alfred Sydney Douglas James Priestley ELDRIDGE.

64339 Private Archibald Joseph ELLIOTT.

57092 Private Arthur Joseph Henry ELLIOTT.

64340 Private Melvin George ELLIOTT.

57215 Private Cecil George ELLIS.

63990 Private Joseph John ELLIS.

64343 Private Robert Alfred ELLWOOD.

64193 Private Norman Redvers ELY.

57138 Private William Richard EMMETT.

56973 Private Allan Percy Ray ERINBERG.

52703 Private Benjamin Willoughby ERRATT.

50249 Private Percy William ESSEX.

57130 Private James ESSON.

57168 Private George Tasker EVANS.

57555 Private John William George EWINGTON.


50433 Private Henry Berry FAIRWEATHER.

52705 Private Harrison Goodenough FALLON.

64350 Private Henry Joseph FALLON.

64273 Private James George FALLON.

50305 Private Archibald Leslie FARLEY.

52050 Private George Michael FARRELL.

56976 Private John Michael FARRELL.

64701 Private Thomas FARRELL.

64348 Private William Morris FAULKNER.

57141 Private Andrew Thomas FAULKNER aka John McGowen.

52143 Private William Harold FAULL.

57093 Private Hector Charles FAUVEL.

64059 Private Stanley Roy FAYLE.

64699 Private Sydney Hubert FELL.

64764 Private Leonard Keith FERGUSON.

62047 Acting Sergeant Sydney Eric FERRIS.

64274 Private John Frederick FERRY.

57135 Private Gilbert Henry FINLAY.

64346 Private William Frederick FISCHER.

50315 Private Roy Durrell FISHER.

64698 Private Herbert Cecil FITZROY.

50252 Private James Thomas FLANAGAN.

57027 Private Arthur James FLANAGAN aka Frank WILLIAMS.

62551 Private Edward Cooper FLEET.

52864 Private Arthur Burch FLETCHER.

57750 Private Harry Oliver FLETCHER.

50383 Private Gladstone FLINT.

64353 Private Walter Stanley FLOHR.

64347 Private William Patrick FLYNN.

50418 Acting Corporal Frank FLYNNE.

64351 Private Edward FOGG.

50545 Private Reginald D'Oyly FORBES.

64352 Private Eric Victor FORD.

52631 Private Philip McIlwraith FORREST.

57969 Corporal Walter Blake FORSTER.

52924 Private James FORWARD.

52930 Private Kenneth Ernest FORWARD.

64271 Sergeant Andrew FOSTER.

57094 Private James FOUND.

64194 Private Arthur Herbert FRANCIS.

64195 Private Samuel Oliver FRANCIS.

50313 Private George FRASA.

50273 Private Douglas Martin FRASER.

63991 Private Victor Douglas FRASER.

64241 Private Leigh McKenzie FRECKLETON.

50434 Private Alfred Frederick FREEMAN.

64811 Private Charles FREEMAN.

50560 Private Gordon Stewart FRENCH.

50314 Private Leslie FREW.

50316 Private William Charles FREW.

64349 Private Ronald Charles FRISKE.

64697 Private Arthur David FROST.

57430 Private Clement Havelock Buller FROST.

64700 Private Reginald Arthur FRY.

57508 Private Patrick William FURLONG.

52706 Private Harold Hughes FURNER.


50435 Private Clarence Henry GALE.

50321 Private Ross Percival GALL.

56929 Private Ronald Fraser GALLOWAY.

64249 Private Alfred Robert GARDNER.

52899 Sapper David Edward GARRETT.

52900 Driver Walter Samuel GARRETT.

64196 Private William Herbert GARSIDE.

56977 Private Edward George GARTH.

63992 Private Albert Victor GAYLARD.

57095 Private John Robert GELLATLY.

50253 Private Robert Henry GERAGHTY.

52942 Private Rupert Otto GERKE.

52943 Private Wilfred Ludwick GERKE.

57431 Private Leslie James GERRY.

50319 Private William George GIBBS.

52709 Private Edward Albert GIBSON.

50537 Private Harold Ernest GIBSON.

52642 Private James GIBSON.

50436 Private Albert Edwin GILBERT.

57096 Private George Samuel GILBERT.

52707 Private William GILCRIST.

57136 Private William GILES.

57752 Private William Charles GILLAM.

57195 Private William Edgar GILLVOYTE.

57320 Private James Henry Hercules GINN.

57414 Private Harold Thomas GLANVILLE.

50320 Private Thomas Percy GLEESON.

57321 Private William John GODBOLD.

64197 Private Alexander John GODING.

64198 Private John Baxter GOFF.

57030 Private Arthur Rudolf GOLDSMITH.

50511 Private Edward Vernon GOLDSMITH.

64199 Private Frank Henry GOODWIN.

57972 Private William Frederick GORDON.

64937 Private Allan Mervyn GORE.

64938 Private Robert James GORE.

52822 Private James Thomas GORRINGE.

56978 Private Herbert GOWER.

64060 Private Edward GRAHAM.

56910 Private James Robert GRAHAM.

57293 Private Alexander Wheatley William GRAY.

Second Lieutenant Alfred Edgar GRAY.

52708 Private George Harold GRAY.

50317 Private George William GRAY.

56952 Private Robert Paul GREER.

50540 Private Edward Hamilton GREGSON.

52682 Private William GREY.

50318 Private Albert Thomas GRICE.

50538 Private Ivan Robert GRIFFITHS.

57250 Private Ronald Thomas GRIMLEY.

64812 Private Louis Edward GRINHAM.

57537 Private John GROVES.

64813 Private William John GUNN.

52823 Private John Livingstone GUNSON.

64859 Private Ernest Thomas GUNTON.

57032 Private Victor GUPPY.

57319 Private Francis William Heyden GURNEY.

64702 Private John GWALCHMAI.


57977 Acting Sergeant Reginald HADDOCK.

57323 Private Edward Patrick HADDON.

56983 Private Francis Cecil HAINES.

57097 Private George Eric HALE.

64275 Private Donald Jarvis HALL.

52824 Private Francis Richard HALL.

57377 Private Walter Alexander HALL.

56982 Private James HALLENAN.

64576 Private George Crompton HALLIDAY.

64358 Private Alexander Kenneth HAMILTON.

64357 Private George Balcarras HAMILTON.

56088 Private George Edward HAMILTON.

56985 Private Charles Stuart Fitzgerald HANDFIELD.

56984 Private Alexander Forrester HARDIE.

64356 Private Arthur Henry HARDING.

50512 Private George HARDY.

64208 Private Percival Embling HARDY.

52825 Private Henry Edgar HARE.

57433 Private Henry Arthur HARKNESS.

52827 Private Harrie Alexander HARLEY.

56980 Private Geoffrey HARLUM.

64294 Private John Stanfield HARPER.

64204 Private Edward Hamilton HARRATT.

50255 Private Victor William HARRINGTON.

57071 Private Edward Charles HARRIS.

50437 Private George Albert HARRIS.

56986 Private Joseph HARRIS.

57531 Private William Richard HARRIS.

57098 Private Frank HARRISON.

57434 Private James HARRISON.

52925 Private Reginald Hughes HART.

50438 Private Robert Reubin HARVEY.

62614 Acting Corporal Stanley Norman HASKARD.

64703 Private Bruce Everard HASSALL.

64065 Private Hector HASSALL.

52714 Private James Albert HAUBER.

56981 Private Henry HAWKINS.

50322 Private Stanley Thomas HAWKINS.

57322 Private William Gordon HAWKINS.

64205 Private James Robert HAY.

52716 Private Keith HAYES.

64864 Private Merton Elliston HAYES.

52828 Private Harold Eric Roy HAYTER.

52662 Private William Walter HEAD.

64206 Private Robert Huzzy HEARD.

52646 Private John HEDGES.

56911 Private William Henry HEDGES.

50324 Private Patrick August HEFFERNAN.

52898 Private Stanley Gordon HEFFRON.

52944 Private Robert William HEMPSEED.

64066 Private Ernest Francis Geary HENDERSON.

57556 Private Frederick Fleming HENDERSON.

50524 Private Gilbert Bruce HENDERSON.

52715 Private Malcolm McGregor HENDERSON.

50327 Private Thomas HENDERSON.

64889 Private John Paul HENDRICKSON.

52645 Private Henry Norman HENRICKSON.

50439 Private Thomas Samuel HENRY.

52945 Private William Bertram HEPBURN.

64705 Private Gerard Patrick HESPE.

50385 Private Henry Ernest HEWITT.

64064 Private Robert William HEWITT.

57324 Private Albert James HIBBS.

57101 Private Daniel Joseph HICKEY.

52829 Private Frederick Laurence HIGGINS.

64359 Private John Denis William HIGGINS.

64207 Private Leslie Victor HILL.

64862 Private Robert Alfred HILL.

64858 Private William George HILL.

63993 Private William HINTON.

52717 Private Patrick HOARE.

64817 Private Joseph Stanley HOCKING.

64360 Private Cyril Kingsley HODGE.

63994 Private James HODGE.

52644 Private Victor Albert HOFFMANN.

64209 Private Matthew Leo HOGAN.

50325 Private Richard Bernard HOGAN.

57509 Private Arthur Joseph Edgar HOGBEN.

64818 Private Alan Bruce HOLDSWORTH.

50440 Private John Albert HOLLAND.

50256 Private Alfred William HOLLINGSBEE.

57325 Private Cedric William HOLLOWAY.

57510 Private William James Stanbrook HOLMAN.

64062 Sapper Joseph HOLMES.

52647 Sapper William Henry Hilless HOLMES.

57435 Private Edgar Arthur HOLTHAM.

63995 Private Alfred Charles HOMER.

64918 Private Stewart HOOD.

64112 Private James Edward Balford HOOKER.

57193 Private Albert HOPKINS.

52857 Private William Gwynne HOPKINS.

50514 Private William John HOPKINS.

64211 Private Henry Ernest HORNE.

50513 Private Horace Glen HORNHARDT.

64704 Private Ronald James Robert HORTON.

50475 Private Francis George HOSKING.

64820 Private Leslie George HOWARD.

64210 Private Russell HOWARD.

50384 Private Henry Ernest HOWELL.

50275 Private Hunter Maitland HOY.

57360 Private Colin Bruce HUDSON.

52830 Private Charles Vincent HUGHES.

50441 Private Clifford Beresford HUGHES.

56913 Private Frank Cameron HUGHES.

52831 Private Frederick HULL.

57172 Private Frank Lavington HUMPHRIES.

52643 Private John Edward HUMPHRYS.

64706 Private Alexander HUNT.

64061 Private Clarence William HUNT.

64063 Private Claude James HUNT.

52710 Private George Joseph Patrick HUNT.

64821 Private Morris James HUNT.

57102 Private Albert Stanley HUNTINGTON.

57131 Private Edgar HUNTLY-DAVIS.

52947 Private Charles Henry HURD.

56912 Private James HURLEY.


64472 Private Herbert Francis HUTCHISON.

57327 Private William Gordon HUTCHISON.

57364 Private Patrick James HYLAND.

57557 Private Herbert Percy HYNES.


56914 Private Eric Ronald INGLIS.

52718 Private Sefton Errol INGRAM.

64067 Private William Henry INGRAM.

50443 Private Jack Samuel INMAN.

52648 Private Robert Thomas IRELAND.

64361 Acting Sergeant William George IRELAND.


56557 Private Rene Maurel JACK.

57103 Private David Lleweyln JACKSON.

56988 Private Lionel JACKSON.

64710 Private William Fenton JACKSON.

57169 Private Alfred JAENSCH.

64822 Private Stanley Orlando Marke JARMAN.

52803 Private Cecil Henry Trethowan JEFFREY.

64276 Private Jack JEFFREY.

57366 Private Henry Joseph JEFFRIES.

56987 Private George Henry Edward JENNINGS.

64365 Private Alexander JENSEN.

50331 Private Harry JEWELL.

64886 Acting Sergeant William Francis JOHNS.

64070 Private Bernard Frederick JOHNSON.

57194 Private Edward JOHNSON.

50539 Private Ernest Alfred JOHNSON.

64709 Private Vere Hazar JOHNSON.

64476 Private Maxwell Rimmer JOHNSTON.

64711 Private Norman Arthur Ronald JOHNSTONE.

64475 Private Stanley JOHNSTONE.

50375 Private Roy Aldous JONAS.

64364 Private Albert JONES.

50329 Private Albert Lindon JONES.

50516 Private Arthur JONES.

50330 Private Ebenezer Roy JONES.

57104 Private Harry JONES.

52832 Private Leslie Samuel JONES.

64707 A/Cpl QMS Rupert Herbert Struthers JONES.

64473 Private Stanley Trehearne JONES.

64068 Private Thomas JONES.

64474 Private William JONES.

57166 Private Leslie Oscar JONSSON.

57436 Private Numa Ferdinand JOUBERT.

50561 Private Percy JOWETT.

64823 Private Vincent Elliott JOYCE.

64363 Private Allan Charles Berkley JOYNER.

50754 Private Ernest Frederick JUILLERAT.

57179 Private Edward JURY.


Further Rolls:

Roll: A - C

Roll: D - J

Roll: K - Q

Roll: R - Z


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

General Service Reinforcements, AIF

General Service Reinforcements, Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: General Service Reinforcements, Roll: D - J

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Wednesday, 16 December 2009 10:17 AM EAST

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900 - 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.

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Australian Light Horse Studies Centre

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