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Wednesday, 7 October 2009
3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour
Topic: AIF - 1B - 3 LHR

3rd LHR, AIF

3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment

Roll of Honour

Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men known to have served at one time with the 3rd Light Horse Regiment and gave their lives in service of Australia, whether as part of the 3rd Light Horse Regiment or another unit.


Roll of Honour


Benjamin David ALEXANDER, Killed in Action, 9 August 1916.

Alfred James ANGRAVE, Died of Wounds, 3 June 1916.

James Hamilton AYLIFFE, Died of Wounds, 7 November 1917.



Charles Ernest BAGOT, Died of Wounds, 9 November 1915 at sea.

John Arthur Alexander BAILEY, Killed in Action, 28 May 1915.

Reginald Michael BANNON, Died of Wounds, 27 October 1917.

Vivian Murray BARBER, Died of Accident, 1 November 1916.

David J. BARCLAY, Killed in Action, 4 August 1916.

Arthur John BARLOW, Killed in Action, 28 November 1916.

Frank Launsley BARNS, Died of Disease, 22 October 1918.

Henry Dundas BASHFIELD, Died of Wounds, 24 April 1917.

Victor Thomas Arthur BATTEN, Died of Disease, 11 February 1919

Alexander Hartley BAX, Died of Wounds, 30 May 1915.

Murray Charles BAX, Died of Wounds, 10 January 1917.

Horace Anthony BECK, Killed in Action, 3 May 1917.

Eric Chalcroft BELL, Killed in Action, 19 May 1915.

Leonard Cornelius BEMOLD, Died of Accident, 9 February 1916.

Charles Pryor BENNETT, Killed in Action, 9 January 1917.

John Robert BIGLANDS, Died of Wounds, 1 February 1917.

Owen Ernest Hugh BINGHAM, Killed in Action, 4 August 1916.

Arthur Leonard BIRCHETT, Died of Wounds, 28 May 1915 at sea.

Thomas Daniel BLAND, Died of Wounds, 9 May 1917.

Charles Frederick BLESING, Killed in Action, 8 October 1917.

William Belworthy BLUE, Died of Wounds, 13 October 1915.

Mervyn Stafford BLYTH, Killed in Action, 23 December 1916.

Allen Christopher BOLT, Killed in Action, 9 January 1917.

John Richard BOUNDEY, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917.

Stanley Ernest BOWYER, Killed in Action, 9 January 1917.

Francis John BRAMMALL, Died of Wounds, 30 September 1918.

Clarence Rosser BRANERGHAN, Killed in Action, 28 November 1916.

Halcombe Ferrier BROCK, Killed in Action, 2 June 1915.

Joseph BROWN, Killed in Action, 4 June 1915.

Roy William BROWN, Killed in Action, 9 January 1917.

William John BROWN, Killed in Action, 30 March 1918.

Harold Alfred BURRILL, Killed in Action, 4 August 1916.

Edwin BUTLER, Died of Wounds, 16 May 1915.

Henry Edward BUTLER, Died of Wounds, 9 January 1917.



Horace Alfred CADD, Killed in Action, 31 July 1917.

Colin Campbell CAMERON, Died of Disease, 18 November 1918.

Charles Bowcher CASS, Killed in Action, 2 September 1918.

Alexander Caird CHEAPE, Killed in Action, 1 July 1915.

Emil John Hamilton CLARKE, Killed in Action, 15 April 1917.

John Joyce CLARKE, Died of Wounds, 15 August 1915 at sea.

Frank Railton CLINCH, Killed in Action, 4 August 1916.

Charles Cahill COCKERILL, Killed in Action, 12 August 1916.

Sydney David COCKSHELL, Killed in Action, 3 May 1917.

David Henry COLES, Died of Wounds, 20 October 1917.

Leslie James CORRIGAN, Died of Disease, 24 October 1918.

Albert Victor COX, Killed in Action, 4 December 1917.

Norman Gilbert COX, Killed in Action, 4 September 1916.

Peter George CRUSE, Died of Disease, 15 August 1915.

Geoffrey Ivan CUMMINGS, Killed in Action, 11 April 1918.

Roland CURLIS, Killed in Action, 19 May 1915.



Clarence DAVIDSON, Died of Wounds, 26 June 1915.

Albert Alfred DAVIES, Died of Wounds, 25 April 1917.

Cecil Harold DAVIS, Killed in Action, 15 April 1917.

John William DAWSON, Died of Wounds, 9 January 1917.

Robert Raymond DAWSON, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917.

John Herbert DEARMAN, Died of Wounds, 31 October 1917.

Edgar Frederick DeLATOUR, Killed in Action, 23 May 1915.

Charles Matthew DICKENS, Died of Disease, 21 September 1917.

Sydney John DODSON, Killed in Action, 8 August 1918.

William DONELLAN, Killed in Action, 9 January 1917.

Michael DOODY, Killed in Action, 11 December 1916.

David DOUGLAS, Killed in Action, 1 October 1917.

John DUELL, Killed in Action, 6 August 1916.

Roy Herbert DUNHAM, Died of Wounds, 16 July 1918.



Leonard Ridgeway EASTHER, Killed in Action, 4 August 1916.

Alexander ELLIS, Died of Wounds, 4 November 1916.

Herbert John ELLIS, Died of Disease, 7 August 1915.

Arthur ETTRIDGE, Died of Wounds, 30 November 1916.



Gordon Silas FIDLER, Died of Wounds, 19 August 1916.

Lindsay McRae FIELD, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917.

George Frederick Leslie FINN, Killed in Action, 11 April 1917.

Francis Gerald FITZGERALD, Died of Disease, 31 October 1918.

William Wallace FLOOD, Died of Disease, 18 August 1918.

Sydney Frederick FOWLER, Killed in Action, 31 March 1918.

William George FOX, Killed in Action, 11 November 1917.

Roy FRANCIS, Died of Disease, 19 October 1918.

Wilfred FRENCH, Killed in Action, 1 June 1916.

Edwin Henry FRY, Killed in Action, 16 October 1917.



Lawrence Mark GATTENBY, Died of Wounds, 14 January 1917.

Joseph George Lodwick GILBERT, Died of Wounds, 12 November 1917.

Thomas John GILLINGS, Died of Disease, 1 May 1918.

Gordon Powell GOODE, Died of Disease, 17 October 1915.

Harry GREEN, Died of Wounds, 1 November 1917.

Martin GREEN, Died of Disease, 20 October 1918.

Vernon Cameron GREGORY, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917.

David Edgar GRIFFITHS, Died of Disease, 23 January 1919.



Reginald HALL, Killed in Action, 15 April 1917.

Frederick HARVEY, Died of Accident, 12 November 1917.

James Alexander HAY, Died of Disease, 27 May 1915.

Frank Henry HICKS, Died of Disease, 10 October 1918.

Arthur Poyntz HIRST, Died of Accident, 21 June 1916.

Thomas Roydon HOGARTH, Died of Wounds, 1 November 1917.

Albert George HOLLICK, Died of Disease, 6 September 1915 at sea.

Arthur Ernest HOLT, Died of Disease, 27 September 1915.

Edmund John HOWARD, Killed in Action, 4 August 1916.

James Tolbouis HOWELL, Killed in Action, 16 August 1916.

Thomas Arthur HUTCHINS, Killed in Action, 14 May 1915.



Fergus Stanley IBBOTT, Died of Wounds, 6 August 1916.

Kenneth INGLIS, Died of Wounds, 5 June 1918.

Andrew John Cheyne INKSTER, Died of Wounds, 30 November 1916.

William John IVETT, Died of Disease, 9 November 1918.



Clement Belmore JACKA, Died of Accident, 16 October 1918.

Ernest JACKSON, Died of Wounds, 30 May 1915 at sea.

Sydney Arthur JACOBS, Died of Wounds, 1 June 1916.

John JAMISON, Died of Disease, 18 August 1915.

James Terence JENNER, Killed in Action, 3 May 1917.

Arthur John JOHNSTON, Died of Disease, 7 June 1916.

Walter William Robert JONES, Killed in Action, 9 August 1916.



Francis KELLY, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917.

John James KELLY, Died of Wounds, 6 May 1917.

William KEMP, Died of Wounds, 27 April 1917.

Basil KERSLAKE, Died of Wounds, 5 August 1916.

Phillip Darby KILLICOAT, Died of Wounds, 19 September 1915.

Fred Johnston KNOWLING, Died of Wounds, 12 November 1917.



Cyrus Havelock LADE, Died of Wounds, 23 April 1917.

Marshall John LADNER, Died of Disease, 4 June 1918.

Newton Frederick Seymour LANE, Killed in Action, 8 June 1917.

Oscar Michael LAWLER, Killed in Action, 22 December 1917.

William Nelson LAWRENCE, Killed in Action, 2 April 1917.

George Gray LAWSON, Died of Disease, 22 January 1917.

Frederick LEAHY, Killed in Action, 11 October 1917.

Donald Strangfield LEE, Killed in Action, 20 September 1917.

Bert Clive LINCOLN, Killed in Action, 30 March 1918 .

Walter LITCHFIELD, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917.

Edward Whitaker LOWNDES, Died of Wounds, 28 May 1915.

Wilford LUDBEY, Died of Wounds, 6 August 1916.

Arthur LYONS, Died of Wounds, 15 September 1915 at sea.

William Charles LYONS, Died of Accident, 9 March 1916.



Norman Harold McBRIDE, Killed in Action, 22 December 1917.

Reginald Joseph McCULLOUGH, Died of Disease, 30 December 1919 .

Alfred McDONALD, Died of Wounds, 3 June 1916.

Murdock McDONALD, Died of Wounds, 7 July 1916.

John Robert McINTOSH, Died of Wounds, 15 April 1917.

Norman Alexander Peter McINTYRE, Died of Disease, 22 October 1918 at sea.

Norman McKAY, Died of Disease, 20 August 1917.

Edward McPHERSON, Died of Wounds, 11 November 1917.

Alfred MELVILLE, Killed in Action, 9 August 1916.

Joseph Charles MERRITT, Died of Disease, 12 October 1918.

Stanley Roy MORGAN, Killed in Action, 11 April 1917.

Hervey Ira MORSE, Died of Wounds, 26 February 1917.

Malcolm MUDGE, Died of Disease, 11 October 1918.

Donald Stewart MUNRO, Killed in Action, 1 June 1916.

Douglas Beattie MURPHY, Died of Wounds, 25 June 1916.



Sydney John NELSON, Died of Disease, 24 October 1918.

Henrie Clarence NICHOLAS, Killed in Action, 4 August 1916.

Donald NICHOLSON, Died of Disease, 11 October 1918.

George NOBLE, Killed in Action, 14 November 1917.

Oliver NORMAN, Died of Wounds, 2 April 1918.



Lawrence Patrick O'DONNELL, Died of Wounds, 5 April 1918.

John Leslie OPIE, Died of Wounds, 31 July 1917.

John OSBORN, Died of Wounds, 1 November 1917.



William Stanley PAGE, Killed in Action, 28 November 1916.

Hubert PATERSON, Killed in Action, 11 August 1917.

Andrew Cameron PAUL, Killed in Action, 4 June 1915.

Bertram Wellesley PEARSE, Died of Wounds, 25 May 1915.

Claude Mellnoote PERRY, Killed in Action, 9 October 1917.

William Gordon PHYSICK, Died of Wounds, 28 October 1917.

Astley Ford PILKINGTON, Died of Wounds, 15 May 1915 at sea.

Frank Tasman POKE, Killed in Action, 15 August 1918.

John Daniel POTTER, Killed in Action, 1 June 1916.

William Lewis POWELL, Died of Disease, 26 October 1918.

Arthur Wakefield PRICE, Killed in Action, 28 September 1917.

Philip Edward PRIME, Died of Disease, 28 October 1918.

Andrew James PRIOR, Died of Wounds, 2 November 1917.

Noel Phillips PRITCHARD, Died of Wounds, 16 August 1918.

Cecil Roy PURKIS, Died of Disease, 15 February 1919.



Joseph Charles RADNELL, Killed in Action, 4 August 1916.

Charles Wilson RAGLESS, Killed in Action, 10 February 1917.

John Ernest RAMSAY, Killed in Action, 15 August 1918.

Clem RANFORD, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917.

Joseph Marmion RANFORD, Killed in Action, 21 June 1916.

Oswald Lewis RAYMOND, Died of Accident, 13 September 1917.

William Charles REID, Killed in Action, 11 April 1917.

George Ferdinand RICHARDSON, Killed in Action, 10 October 1917.

Richard Leslie ROADS, Died of Wounds, 21 June 1915 at sea.

Alan Chamberlin RODGERS, Died of Wounds, 2 November 1917.

Benjamin ROGERS, Died of Wounds, 1 June 1916.

Ernest Arthur ROGERS, Killed in Action, 9 January 1917.

John Stanley ROGERS, Killed in Action, 5 August 1917.

Leslie ROSS, Died of Accident, 7 April 1915.

Frank Milton ROWELL, Died of Disease, 8 August 1915 at sea.

Clancy Vernon RUFFELS, Died of Disease, 12 October 1918.

Victor Francis RULE, Died of Disease, 13 October 1918.



Frank Garfield SAINT, Died of Disease, 24 October 1918.

Douglas Elliott SCOTT, Died of Wounds, 20 May 1915 at sea.

Hobart Alfred SEYMOUR, Died of Wounds, 12 August 1915.

William Cecil SIBLEY, Died of Disease, 22 December 1918.

Arnold Lealand SIVIOUR, Killed in Action, 14 July 1918.

Ernest George SMITH, Died of Accident, 12 February 1916.

Percival Thorne SMITH, Died of Wounds, 6 June 1915 at sea.

Wilfred SMITH, Killed in Action, 4 August 1916.

Albert STANDJAN, Died of Wounds, 8 August 1915.

Gordon John STAUDE, Died of Disease, 25 October 1918.

William Leonard STEVENS, Died of Wounds, 16 April 1917.

Maxwell Graham STEWART, Died of Disease, 31 July 1917.

Sydney SULLIVAN, Died of Wounds, 25 April 1918.

Thomas John SYMES, Killed in Action, 1 June 1916.



Harold Hammond TAYLOR, Died of Disease, 13 June 1916.

Tom Braithwaite TAYLOR, Killed in Action, 9 January 1917.

Percy Croft TEMPLAR, Died of Wounds, 15 October 1917.

Walter Wesley TILBROOK, Killed in Action, 1 April 1918.

Gordon TIMBRELL, Killed in Action, 1 July 1915.

Gladstone James TODD, Died of Wounds, 20 April 1917.

Alfred Gibbs TOLMAN, Killed in Action, 4 August 1916.

Charles Albert TONQUEST, Died of Wounds, 1 June 1916.

Archibald Stuart TREGILGAS, Died of Wounds, 1 November 1917.

Walter Charles Douglas TREGONNING, Died of Disease, 25 January 1917.

William Ernest TRENORDEN, Killed in Action, 11 April 1917.

Henry Charles TROWBRIDGE, Died of Wounds, 1 November 1917.

Arthur Harold TUCKER, Died of Wounds, 22 December 1917.



Thomas WALKER, Killed in Action, 12 August 1915.

William John WALTER, Died of Disease, 20 March 1919.

Herbert Alexander WARD, Killed in Action, 9 August 1916.

Stanley WATKINS, Killed in Action, 16 October 1917.

Douglas Linly Roy WATSON, Killed in Action, 19 May 1915.

Roderick Noel White WEAVER, Killed in Action, 4 August 1916.

Tasman Laurence WEBSTER, Killed in Action, 31 May 1915.

Geoffrey Erskine WELLS, Died of Wounds, 6 October 1917.

William Horace WELLS, Killed in Action, 11 April 1918.

John Vernon WHITE, Died of Wounds, 12 January 1917.

Gordon Percy WHITFIELD, Died of Disease, 19 July 1915.

Arthur Ernest WILCOX, Killed in Action, 19 February 1917.

Lewis Frederick WILKINSON, Died of Wounds, 1 October 1917.

George Charles WILLIAMS, Killed in Action, 26 May 1915 .

Russell WILLIAMS, Killed in Action, 17 October 1917.

George James Argent WING, Died of Disease, 6 February 1915.

John Charles WISHART, Killed in Action, 6 August 1915.

Harold Victor WOODS, Died of Wounds, 12 November 1917.

Stewart Chris WOOLNOUGH, Died of Disease, 22 December 1916.


Lest We Forget


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.

Further Reading:

3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Friday, 26 March 2010 12:56 PM EADT

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900 - 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.

Please Note: No express or implied permission is given for commercial use of the information contained within this site.

A note to copyright holders

The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has made every endeavour to contact copyright holders of material digitised for this blog and website and where appropriate, permission is still being sought for these items. Where replies were not received, or where the copyright owner has not been able to be traced, or where the permission is still being sought, the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has decided, in good faith, to proceed with digitisation and publication. Australian Light Horse Studies Centre would be happy to hear from copyright owners at any time to discuss usage of this item.


Australian Light Horse Studies Centre

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