"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess
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South Coast Rifle Association Council meeting, 15 August 1900 Topic: MilitiaRC - NSW
South Coast Rifle Association Council
Meeting, 15 August 1900
South Coast Rifle Association 400 yard range on Kendall's Beach.
[From: Town and Country Journal, 23 June 1900, p. 26.]
The following item was extracted from the Town and Country Journal, 25 August 1900, p. 54.
The first meeting for the year of the South Coast Rifle Association's Council was held at Kiama on August 15, Major H. H. Honey presiding, and there being also present: Lieutenant Stevensen, Sergeant Bales and G. Knight (Kiama) ; Messrs. G. Lindsay and C. W Prott (Wollongong); and Mr. J. Sharpe (Gerringong). The treasurer's statement showed a credit balance of £217, which, considering the difficulties surrounding a first prize meeting, is most satisfactory. The membership of the association (915) is a record for a provincial association, and there was also a record number of competitors at the prize meeting. Major Honey was elected chairman for the year, and Lieutenant Stevensen hon. treasurer. The dates for the next prize meeting were fixed for March 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23, 1901. The association decided to place £200 at fixed deposit in the Government Savings Bank. It was resolved to at once apply to the Minister for Defence for the current year's grant of £250, and to ask him to push on with the resumption of the land for the range. Mr. R. O. Kendall and Miss C. Kendal were granted an honorarium of £5 for allowing the association to proceed with a prize meeting before the land was resumed.
The Coolamon Rifle Club promises to be a success, and already about 40 persons have signified their intention joining, including many of the leading men of the town.
1. The South Coast Rifle Association Council was formed at Kiama in June 1899.
2. For information about C. W Prott (Wollongong), see:
3. Coolamon Rifle Club was eventually formed on 27 August 1900, and affiliated with “G” Company, 1st Infantry Regiment which was located at Wagga Wagga.
Rifles Clubs, Charles William Prott, 1851 - 1926 Topic: MilitiaRC - NSW
Rifles Clubs
Charles William Prott, 1851 - 1926
CW Prott and G Lindsay from NSW came 1st and 2nd respectively at the Victorian Rifle Association "Queen's Cup".
[From: The Town and Country Journal, 23 December 1899, p. 38.]
Born 1851 at Bad Vilbel, a town near Frankfurt am Main in Germany, Charles William Prott was the son of George J (d. 1879) and Mary Margaret (d. 1903) Prott. His siblings were Frederick (d. 1919), Elizabeth A (d. 1922), George J. (d. 1916), Andreas Boysen (d. 1935). The Prott family emigrated to Australia on the "Commodore Perry" and landing at Sydney but settling in Kiama.
Charles William Prott found work with the New South Wales Post Office. He worked in Sydney and then Parramatta.
In 1876 Charles William Prott met Sarah Parsons in Parramatta where he was living and working with the New South Wales Post Office. Later that year Charles William Prott married Sarah Parsons in Parramatta.
A few years later Prott moved his family to Lithgow where his job took him. It was here, some nine years after their marriage that Sarah gave birth to their only child, William Charles in 1885 (d. 1970).
The Prott family eventually settled in Wollongong making it their home. It was here that Prott worked his way up to becoming the Wollongong Post Master.
The passion that consumed Prott was rifle shooting. He was instrumental in establishing the Wollongong Rifle Club, which came into being on 20 September 1893. Prott soon became the President of the Wollongong Rifle Club.
Rifle shooting in New South Wales was seen as a quasi military activity so many were affiliated with a Militia unit, and in this case, it was the Headquarters Company of the 2nd NSW Infantry Regiment. It was a member of the Southern Rifle Association located at Mossvale.
Over the years it was seen that the Southern Rifle Association was not able to represent the shooters on the south coast of New South Wales. In response during 1899, the local shooters formed the South Coast Rifle Association located at Kiama.
In the same year, he won the Victorian Rifle Association "Queen's Cup". The Age of 20 November 1899, p. 10 gave the following summary:
The winner, Mr. C.W. Prott, is about 48 years of age, and a native of Germany, but a colonist of very old standing. He has long been a devotee of rifle shooting, and during the past five years organised the Wollongong Rifle Club, which has made great advances under his tuition and encouragement. Mr. Prott won the New South Wales Championship in 1894, and carried off the Tasmanian Championship in the same year by very brilliant performances. In 1898 he won two challenge matches in connection to the infantry regiment to which he is attached, and also was the principal member of the champion team of the year. He is a very moderate smoker and drinker, and has a nerve as cool and steady as the best marksman to be found.
Mr. Lindsay, the runner-up, for the Queen’s, is of middle age, and, like the winner, has some very good performances to his credit, amongst them, being the New South Wales Championship, which he won in 1897.
The next year, from 12 - 16 June 1900, the South Coast Rifle Association held their first of many Annual Prize Meeting at Kiama. As a contestant, Prott was quite successful. Below is a listing of the events in which he took part.
The "Maccabe" on the 400 yards and 500 yards ranges with 7 shots at each. Prott 12th, prize money, £1.
The "Illawarra" on the 500 yards and 600 yards ranges with 7 shots at each. Prott 2nd, prize money, £4.
The "Campbells" on the 500 yards and 600 yards ranges with 7 shots at each. Prott 2nd, prize money, £4.
The "Illawarra" on the 500 yards and 600 yards ranges with 7 shots at each. Prott 2nd, prize money, £4.
The Rifle Clubs' Match included 14 teams. The Wollongong Reserves comprising CW Prott, G Lindsay, M Byron, T Byron and W Harrigan won 1st prize of £15.
The President's Match on the 800 yards with 10 shots. Prott 1st, prize money, £6.
The "Roberts" on the 900 yards with 10 shots. Prott 20th, prize money, £1.
The "French" on the 400 yards kneeling, 500 yards prone with 7 shots at each. Prott 1st, prize money, £5.
Rapid Firing, 500 yards kneeling or sitting with 10 shots in 100 seconds at targets 6 foot by 4 foot. Prott hit with 9 shots, prize money, £1.
Volley Firing, 10 volleys at unknown ranges, first five volleys in any military position, second five volleys kneeling or standing, open to teams of five and a commander from any squadron, battery, company, or rifle club in accordance, with the conditions governing the Rifle Clubs' Match, to be completed in 10 minutes. The Wollongong Rifle Club team was given a 5% handicap and came 4th, prize money, £4/10/-.
South Coast Champion Aggregate included all scores in all matches except the Teams and Beginners. The winner of the Gold Medal and £10 was Prott with a score of 370, 16 points ahead of his next rival, Private ER Armstrong of Kiama.
Prott's total prize money for the competition was £42, almost half a year's income for the average worker. This gives a good insight into Prott's ability as a shot.
The South Coast Rifle Association 500 yard range with shooters.
[From: The Town and Country Journal, 23 June 1900, p. 26.]
Prott's wife, Sarah died in 1914.
When the Great War broke out, the Prott family faced a major dilemma. At the outbreak, anti-German feeling ran high with many Germans being abused, insulted and assaulted. Others lost their jobs.
While Charles William Prott had been naturalised in Sydney on 18 August 1903, making him a British subject, it would appear that he never lost his German accent. To save himself some trouble, so to those who asked him about the accent, Prott told them that he was from Belgium. Rather than evoking the usual anti-German sentiment, he was seen as some sort of hero.
Things began to unravel when the Belgium Consul in Sydney heard of these claims by Prott through people wanting to ascertain their accuracy. They wrote to the Department of External Affairs on 16 February 1916 seeking clarification of the status of Prott. The truth came out although it is unsure as to the actual impact on Prott's life. There is no indication that the Belgium Consul actually pursued the subject any further.
In 1917, Prott remarried. His new wife was Ethel Mary James. The marriage too place in Burwood. Prott returned to Kiama where he spent the rest of his life, dying in 1926.
The legacy of Charles William Prott in the Rifle Club movement in the early twentieth century was quite profound. His shooting style was excellent and this inspired many men to copy his techniques and so improve their own shooting. Prott's active promotion of shooting also brought him into contact with many different levels of New South Wales with an impact that is hard to guage but certainly was regionally immense in his lifetime.
Acknowledgement: Thanks to the assistance from Andrew J. Kilsby, the author of, The Bisley Boys - The Colonial Contingents to Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee 1897 - The Victorian Rifle Team, (Melbourne 2008). Copies of this book may be obtained directly from Andrew who may be currently contacted at:
New South Wales Rifles Clubs, 1893 - 1901 Topic: MilitiaRC - NSW
Rifles Clubs
New South Wales, 1893 - 1901
Prott and G. Lindsay from NSW came 1st and 2nd respectively at the Victorian Rifle Association "Queen's Cup".
[From: The Town and Country Journal, 23 December 1899, p. 38.]
Rifles Clubs in New South Wales
One part of the strategy for defence of New South Wales was to develop an interest in rifle shooting. Rifle Clubs were established throughout New South Wales, most sponsored and supervised by an Infantry Regiment Company with its headquarters in the district. Members of the rifles clubs could be recognised as reservists and obtain weapons and ammunition through the military forces. Some clubs, without reservists, were directly supervised by the Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG). The table below lists the clubs formed between 1893 and 1901 in alphabetical order.
The Clubs
Aberdeen Rifle Club, formed on 9 December 1901, and affiliated with “G” Company, 4th Infantry Regiment located at Muswellbrook.
Adaminaby Rifle Club, formed on 14 July 1893, and affiliated with “F” Company, 2nd Infantry Regiment located at Cooma.
Adamstown Rifle Club, formed on 16 November 1900, and affiliated with “H” Company, 4th Infantry Regiment located at Lambton.
Adelong Crossing Rifle Club, formed on 24 March 1893 and re-opened on 19 September 1901, and affiliated with “I” Company, 1st Infantry Regiment located at Young.
Albion Park Rifle Club, formed on 20 November 1 895, and affiliated with “E” Company, 2nd Infantry Regiment located at Kiama.
Albury Rifle Club, formed on 7 February 1896, and affiliated with “H” Company, 1st Infantry Regiment located at Albury.
Alexandria Rifle Club, formed on 20 March 1893, and affiliated with “A” Company, 2nd Infantry Regiment located at Headquarters.
Alstonville Rifle Club, formed on 31 Jan 1898, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG).
Armidale Rifle Club, formed on April, and affiliated with “J” Company, 4th Infantry Regiment located at Armidale.
Ballina Rifle Club, formed on 23 Apr 1901, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG).
Balranald Rifle Club, formed on 9 November 1900, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG) (no reservists.
Barmedman Rifle Club, formed on 12 December 1900, and affiliated with “B” Company Headquarters, 1st Infantry Regiment.
Bathurst Rifle Club, formed on 21 March 1893, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG) (no reservists).
Bega Rifle Club, formed on 20 March 1893, and affiliated with Bega Half-Squadron, NSW Mounted Rifles.
Bellinger River Rifle Club, formed on 12 December 1900, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG).
Bemboka Rifle Club, formed on 14 June 1901, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG) disbanded 4 November 1907.
Berry Rifle Club, formed on 6 March 1893, and affiliated with “E” Company, 2nd Infantry Regiment located at Kiama.
Bingara Rifle Club, formed on 6 November 1 895, and affiliated with Inverell Squadron, NSW Mounted Rifles.
Blackheath Rifle Club, formed on 8 March 1893, and affiliated with “E” Company, 3rd Infantry Regiment located at Lithgow.
Bombala Rifle Club, formed on 26 June 1901, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG).
Boolaroo Rifle Club, formed on 28 November 1901, and affiliated with “E” Company, 4th Infantry Regiment located at Wallsend.
Bourke Rifle Club, formed on 17 December 1901, and affiliated with “J” Company, 3rd Infantry Regiment located at Dubbo.
Braidwood Rifle Club, formed on 10 March 1893, and affiliated with “G” Company, 2nd Infantry Regiment located at Goulburn.
Brewarrina Rifle Club, formed on 25 Sep 1900, and affiliated with “G” Company, 3rd Infantry Regiment located at Wellington.
Broken Hill Rifle Club, formed on 26 June 1893, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG).
Brungle Rifle Club, formed on 28 November 1901, and affiliated with “I” Company, 1st Infantry Regiment located at Young.
Bulli & Woonona Rifle Club, formed on 19 April 1893, and affiliated with “C” Company Headquarters 2nd Infantry Regiment.
Burrawang Rifle Club, formed on 15 March 1893, and affiliated with “H” Company, 2nd Infantry Regiment located at Bowral.
Byron Bay Rifle Club, formed on 9 June 1899, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG).
Central Tilba Rifle Club, formed on 25 Se 1900, and affiliated with “F” Company, 2nd Infantry Regiment located at Ulladulla.
Cobar Rifle Club, formed on 7 March 1893, and affiliated with “J” Company, 3rd Infantry Regiment located at Dubbo.
Coolamon Rifle Club, formed on 27 Aug 1900, and affiliated with “G” Company, 1st Infantry Regiment located at Wagga Wagga.
Cooma Rifle Club, formed on 21 November 1901, and affiliated with “K” Company, 2nd Infantry Regiment located at Cooma.
Copeland North Rifle Club, formed on 26 November 1900, and affiliated with “D” Company, 4th Infantry Regiment located at East Maitland.
Corndale Rifle Club, formed on 13 November 1900, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG).
Dapto Rifle Club, formed on 1 June 1895, and affiliated with “C” Company Headquarters, 2nd Infantry Regiment.
Dorrigo Rifle Club, formed on 23 March 1901, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG) no reservists.
Eurongilly Rifle Club, formed on 15 Aug 1901, and affiliated with “G” Company, 1st Infantry Regiment located at Wagga Wagga.
Fairfield Rifle Club, formed on 31 December 1895, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG) (no reservists).
Forbes Rifle Club, formed on 20 March 1893, and affiliated with “C” Company, 3rd Infantry Regiment located at Orange.
Germanton Rifle Club, formed on 8 March 1893, and affiliated with “H” Company, 1st Infantry Regiment located at Albury.
Gerringong Rifle Club, formed on 20 March 1893, and affiliated with “E” Company, 2nd Infantry Regiment located at Kiama.
Gladesville - Balmain Rifle Club, formed on 8 March 1896, and affiliated with “K” Company, 1st Infantry Regiment located at Hunter's Hill.
Glen Innes Rifle Club, formed on 25 March 1893, and affiliated with “K” Company, 4th Infantry Regiment located at Glen Innes.
Goulburn Rifle Club, formed on 7 March 1893, and affiliated with “G” Company, 2nd Infantry Regiment located at Goulburn.
Goulburn Railway Ambulance Rifle Club, formed on 4 June 1900, and affiliated with “G” Company, 2nd Infantry Regiment located at Goulburn.
Grafton Rifle Club, formed on 29 March 1893, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG).
Grattai Rifle Club, formed on 28 November 1901, and affiliated with “F” Company, 3rd Infantry Regiment located at Mudgee.
Grenfell Rifle Club, formed on 23 April 1901, and affiliated with “I” Company, 1st Infantry Regiment located at Young.
Greta & Branxton Rifle Club, formed on 14 February 1894, and affiliated with “C” Company, 4th Infantry Regiment located at Singleton.
Gulgong Rifle Club, formed on 15 Aug 1901, and affiliated with “F” Company, 3rd Infantry Regiment located at Mudgee.
Gundagai Rifle Club, formed on 28 March 1893, and affiliated with “F” Company, 1st Infantry Regiment located at Yass.
Gunnedah Rifle Club, formed on 24 March 1893, and affiliated with “F” Company, 4th Infantry Regiment located at Tamworth.
Hargraves Rifle Club, formed on 15 October 1900, and affiliated with “F” Company, 3rd Infantry Regiment located at Mudgee.
Hastings River Rifle Club, formed on 1 December 1899, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG).
Hawkesbury Agricultural College Rifle Club, formed on 29 June 1900, and affiliated with “D” Company, and Infantry Regiment located at Richmond.
Hill End Rifle Club, formed on 14 June 1901, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG).
Hillgrove Rifle Club, formed on 28 April 1896, and affiliated with “J” Company, 4th Infantry Regiment located at Armidale.
Hydonton Rifle Club, renamed Murrurundi Rifle Club, formed on 4 April 1893, and affiliated with “G” Company, 4th Infantry Regiment located at Muswellbrook.
Inverell Rifle Club, formed on 22 April 1893, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG) (no reservists).
Jamberoo Rifle Club, formed on 15 March 1893, and affiliated with “E” Company, 2nd Infantry Regiment located at Kiama.
Jindabyne Rifle Club, formed on 26 May 1893, and affiliated with “K” Company, 2nd Infantry Regiment located at Cooma.
Junee Rifle Club, formed on 20 December 1895, and affiliated with “I” Company, 1st Infantry Regiment located at Young.
Kangaroo Valley Rifle Club, formed on 3 December 1 895, and affiliated with “H” Company, 2nd Infantry Regiment located at Bowral.
Katoomba Rifle Club, formed on 7 March 1893, and affiliated with “D” Company, 3rd Infantry Regiment located at Richmond.
Kiama Rifle Club, formed on 22 May 1894, and affiliated with “E” Company, 2nd Infantry Regiment located at Kiama.
Lawson Rifle Club, formed on 6 September 1900, and affiliated with “E” Company, 3rd Infantry Regiment located at Lithgow.
Lismore Rifle Club, formed on 11 September 1895, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG).
Lithgow Rifle Club, formed on 8 March 1893, and affiliated with “E” Company, 3rd Infantry Regiment located at Lithgow.
Liverpool Rifle Club, formed on 23 June 1890, and affiliated with “D” Company Headquarters, 2nd Infantry Regiment.
Long Creek Rifle Club, formed on 27 May 1890, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG) (no reservists).
MacLean Rifle Club, formed on 26 Jul 1899, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG).
Maitland Rifle Club, formed on 23 February 1893, and affiliated with “B” Company, 4th Infantry Regiment located at West Maitland.
Manly Rifle Club, formed on 22 December 1900, and affiliated with “D” Company Headquarters, 1st Infantry Regiment.
Merriwa Rifle Club, formed on 10 July 1894, and affiliated with “G” Company, 4th Infantry Regiment -Muswellbrook.
Milton Rifle Club, formed on 7 July 1893, and affiliated with “F” Company, 2nd Infantry Regiment located at Ulladulla.
Moss Vale Rifle Club, formed on 2 March 1898, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG) (no reservists).
Mount Kembla Rifle Club, formed on 22 March 1997, and affiliated with “B” Company Headquarters, 2nd Infantry Regiment.
Mount Victoria Rifle Club, formed on 21 March 1893, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG) (no reservists).
Mulgoa Rifle Club, formed on 6 October 1893, and affiliated with “K” Company, 3rd Infantry Regiment located at Penrith.
Mullumbimby Rifle Club, formed on 15 August 1901, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG).
Murrumburrah Rifle Club, formed on 24 September 1895, and affiliated with “I” Company, 1st Infantry Regiment located at Young.
Murrurundi Rifle Club, formed on 25 April 1893, and affiliated with “G” Company, 4th Infantry Regiment located at Muswellbrook.
Murwillumbah Rifle Club, formed on 1 October 1901, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG).
Muswellbrook Rifle Club, formed on 25 January 1895, and affiliated with “G” Company, 4th Infantry Regiment located at Muswellbrook.
Narrabri Rifle Club, formed on 20 March 1893, and affiliated with “F” Company, 4th Infantry Regiment located at Tamworth.
Narrandera Rifle Club, formed on 8 March 1893, and affiliated with “G” Company, 1st Infantry Regiment located at Wagga Wagga.
Newbridge Rifle Club, formed on 20 November 1895, and affiliated with “B” Company, 3rd Infantry Regiment located at Bathurst.
Newcastle Rifle Club, formed on 17 March 1893, and affiliated with “A” Company, 4th Infantry Regiment located at Newcastle.
Newrybar Rifle Club, formed on 18 November 1896, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG) (no reservists).
Nowra Rifle Club, formed on 16 March 1893, and affiliated with “F” Company, 2nd Infantry Regiment located at Ulladulla.
Old Newingtonians Rifle Club, formed on 25 August 1899, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG) (no reservists).
Parramatta Rifle Club, formed on 6 March 1893, and affiliated with “H” Company, 3rd Infantry Regiment located at Parramatta.
Penrith Rifle Club, formed on 21 February 1896, and affiliated with “K” Company, 3rd Infantry Regiment located at Penrith.
Plattsburg Rifle Club, formed on 24 September 1895, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG) (no reservists).
Queanbeyan Rifle Club, formed on 25 September 1900, and affiliated with “K” Company, 2nd Infantry Regiment located at Cooma.
Quirindi Rifle Club, formed on 6 November 1 895, and affiliated with “F” Company, 4th Infantry Regiment located at Tamworth.
Randwick & Coogee Rifle Club, formed on 27 June 1901, and affiliated with “A” Company Headquarters, 1st Infantry Regiment.
Rock Hall Rifle Club, formed on 31 March 1 896, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG) (no reservists).
Shellharbour Rifle Club, formed on 14 Sep 1898, and affiliated with “D” Company Headquarters, 2nd Infantry Regiment.
Singleton Rifle Club, formed on 4 July 1893, and affiliated with “C” Company, 4th Infantry Regiment located at Singleton.
St Leopards Rifle Club, formed on 3 March 1893, and affiliated with “E” Company, 1st Infantry Regiment located at North Sydney.
Sunny Corner Rifle Club, formed on 26 June 1901, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG).
Sydney Rifle Club, formed on 6 March 1893, and affiliated with “A” Company Headquarters, 1st Infantry Regiment.
Tamworth Rifle Club, formed on 20 March 1893, and affiliated with “F” Company, 4th Infantry Regiment located at Tamworth.
Taree Rifle Club, formed on 16 November 1900, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG) (no reservists).
Tumut Rifle Club, formed on 5 July 1901, and affiliated with “F” Company, 1st Infantry Regiment located at Yass.
Uralla Rifle Club, formed on 7 July 1893, and affiliated with “I” Company, 4th Infantry Regiment located at Armidale.
Wagga Wagga Rifle Club, formed on 8 March 1893, and affiliated with “G” Company, 1st Infantry Regiment located at Wagga Wagga.
Wallsend Rifle Club, formed on 16 November 1900, and affiliated with “E” Company, 4th Infantry Regiment located at Wallsend.
Wardell Rifle Club, formed on 23 Apr 1901, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG) (no reservists).
Warren Rifle Club, formed on 25 March 1898, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG) (no reservists).
Wentworth Falls Rifle Club, formed on 1 June 1893, and affiliated with “A” Company, 3rd Infantry Regiment located at Windsor.
West Broken Hill Rifle Club, formed on 7 September 1900, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG).
West Wallsend Rifle Club, formed on 12 July 1899, and affiliated with “E” Company, 4th Infantry Regiment located at Wallsend.
West Wyalong. Rifle Club, formed on 7 April 1897, and affiliated with “C” Company Headquarters, 1st Infantry Regiment.
Western Suburbs Rifle Club, formed on 13 March 1893, and affiliated with “J” Company, 2nd Infantry Regiment located at Ashfield.
Windsor Rifle Club, formed on 23 Apr 1901, and affiliated with “A” Company, 2nd Infantry Regiment located at Windsor.
Wingham Rifle Club, formed on 7 March 1893, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG) (no reservists).
Wollongong Rifle Club, formed on 20 September 1893, and affiliated with Headquarters Company, 2nd Infantry Regiment.
Wolumla Rifle Club, formed on 11 May 1890, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG) (no reservists).
Woolgoolga Rifle Club, formed on 23 April 1901, and affiliated with Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG).
Wuuluman Rifle Club, formed on 1 October 1901, and affiliated with “G” Company, 2nd Infantry Regiment located at Goulburn.
Wyalong Rifle Club, formed on 10 February 1896, and affiliated with “F” Company, 1st Infantry Regiment located at Yass.
[From: Sutton, R., Thompson, K., and Storer, W., eds., Military Forces in New South Wales: An Introduction, Part 1, 1788 - 1904, 3rd Edition, The Army Museum Sydney Foundation, Sydney, 2000, pp. 103 - 106.]
1913 Militia Rifle Club Structure and Location of Activity List in New South Wales
During the re-organisation of the Militia as a consequence of the 1910 Kitchener Report, a new system of raising the forces occurred. In so doing, areas whose population altered and were unable to sustain any Militia activity had functions removed. Other areas had the units peculiar to the particular state disbanded or amalgamated with other units. In 1911 there were specific 1,527 Militia activities spread over the continent of Australia. This increased to 1,772 Militia activities in 1912. However, the transition was not always linear. In the shake-up, 236 Militia activities were removed from various centres. The major reason for the removal of an activity related to population issues. The main item removed from an area was the rifle club.
The following is a list of all Militia Rifle Club activities that were in operation from a particular location in New South Wales during the 1912 year.
Aberdeen, NSW: Rifle Club Adaminaby, NSW: Rifle Club Adams town, NSW: Rifle Club Adelong, NSW: Rifle Club Albion Park, NSW: Rifle Club Albury, NSW: Rifle Club Anson (Norfolk Island), NSW: Rifle Club Araluen, NSW: Rifle Club Armidale, NSW: Rifle Club Ashford, NSW: Rifle Club Auburn, NSW: Rifle Club
Ballina, NSW: Rifle Club Balranald, NSW: Rifle Club Bangalow, NSW: Rifle Club Barmedman, NSW: Rifle Club Barraba, NSW: Rifle Club Bathurst, NSW: Rifle Club Batlow, NSW: Rifle Club Beecroft, NSW: Pennant Hills Rifle Club Bega, NSW: Rifle Club Bellinger, NSW: Bellinger River Rifle Club Belmore, NSW: Rifle Club Berridale, NSW: Rifle Club Berry, NSW: Rifle Club Bethungra, NSW: Rifle Club Bigga, NSW: Rifle Club Binalong, NSW: Rifle Club Binda, NSW: Rifle Club Bingara, NSW: Rifle Club Binnaway, NSW: Rifle Club Blackheath, NSW: Rifle Club Blayney, NSW: Rifle Club Bodangora, NSW: Rifle Club Bombala, NSW: Rifle Club Bongongo, NSW: Adjungbilly Rifle Club Boolaroo, NSW: Rifle Club Boree Creek, NSW: Rifle Club Bourke, NSW: Rifle Club Bowna, NSW: Rifle Club Bowning, NSW: Rifle Club Bowraville, NSW: Bowra Rifle Club Braidwood, NSW: Rifle Club Breeza, NSW: Rifle Club Brewarrina, NSW: Rifle Club Broken Hill, NSW: Barrier YMCA Rifle Club Broken Hill, NSW: Broken Hill Rifle Club Broken Hill, NSW: Silver City Rifle Club Broken Hill, NSW: United Tramways Rifle Club Broken Hill, NSW: West Broken Hill Rifle Club Brungle, NSW: Rifle Club Bulli, NSW: Rifle Club Bumberry Siding, NSW: Rifle Club Bungendore, NSW: Rifle Club Bungonia, NSW: Rifle Club Burrawang, NSW: Rifle Club Burrowa, NSW: Rifle Club
Camden, NSW: Rifle Club Campbelltown, NSW: Rifle Club Candelo, NSW: Rifle Club Carcoar, NSW: Rifle Club Cargo, NSW: Rifle Club Casino, NSW: Rifle Club Central Tilba, NSW: Rifle Club Cessnock, NSW: Rifle Club Cobar, NSW: Rifle Club Cobargo, NSW: Rifle Club Cobbora, NSW: Rifle Club Coff's Harbour, NSW: Rifle Club Collector, NSW: Rifle Club Comara, NSW: Rifle Club Concord, NSW: Rifle Club Condoblin, NSW: Rifle Club Coolac, NSW: Rifle Club Coolamon, NSW: Rifle Club Cooma, NSW: Rifle Club Coonabarabran, NSW: Rifle Club Coonamble, NSW: Rifle Club Coopernook, NSW: Rifle Club Cootamundra, NSW: Rifle Club Crookwell, NSW: Rifle Club Cudal, NSW: Rifle Club
Dalgety, NSW: Rifle Club Delegate, NSW: Rifle Club Deniliquin, NSW: Rifle Club Denman, NSW: Rifle Club Dinton Vale, NSW: Rifle Club Dorrigo, NSW: Rifle Club Dubbo, NSW: Rifle Club Dungog, NSW: Rifle Club Dunoon, NSW: Rifle Club
Eden, NSW: Eden and Twofold Bay Rifle Club Eltham, NSW: Rifle Club Emmaville, NSW: Emmaville District Rifle Club Enfield, NSW: Rifle Club Euchareena, NSW: Rifle Club Eugowra, NSW: Rifle Club
Finley, NSW: Rifle Club Forbes, NSW: Rifle Club Forest Reefs, NSW: Rifle Club Forster, NSW: Cape Hawke Rifle Club
Garfield, NSW: Rifle Club Gerringong, NSW: Rifle Club Gilgandra, NSW: Rifle Club Girilambone, NSW: Rifle Club Gladesville, NSW: Gladesville Balmain Rifle Club Glen Innes, NSW: Glen Innes District Rifle Club Goolma, NSW: Rifle Club Gosford, NSW: Rifle Club Goulburn, NSW: Goulburn Railway Ambulance Rifle Club Goulburn, NSW: Goulburn Rifle Club Grafton, NSW: Rifle Club Grattai, NSW: Rifle Club Greenethorpe, NSW: Rifle Club Grenfell, NSW: Rifle Club Guerie, NSW: Rifle Club Gulgong, NSW: Rifle Club Gundagai, NSW: Rifle Club Gunnedah, NSW: Rifle Club Gunning, NSW: Rifle Club Guy Fawkes, NSW: Rifle Club
Hargraves, NSW: Rifle Club Hay, NSW: Rifle Club Henty, NSW: Rifle Club Hill End, NSW: Rifle Club Hillgrove, NSW: Rifle Club Hornsby, NSW: Rifle Club Humula, NSW: Rifle Club
Illabo, NSW: Bethungra Park Rifle Club Illewong, NSW: Rifle Club Inverell, NSW: Rifle Club
Jamberoo, NSW: Rifle Club Jerilderie, NSW: Rifle Club Jerrara, NSW: Rifle Club Junee, NSW: Rifle Club
Katoomba, NSW: Rifle Club Kempsey, NSW: Rifle Club Kiama, NSW: Rifle Club Kurri Kurri, NSW: Rifle Club Kyogle, NSW: Rifle Club
Lake Cudgellico, NSW: Cudgellico District Rifle Club Landsdowne, NSW: Rifle Club Lawson, NSW: Rifle Club Leadville, NSW: Rifle Club Lismore, NSW: Lismore Railway Rifle Club Lismore, NSW: Lismore Rifle Club Lithgow, NSW: Rifle Club Lithgow, NSW: Small Arms Factory Rifle Club Little Plain, NSW: Rifle Club
Macksville, NSW: Rifle Club Maclean, NSW: Rifle Club Maitland, NSW: Rifle Club Manilla, NSW: Rifle Club Manly, NSW: Rifle Club Marulan, NSW: Rifle Club Methul, NSW: Rifle Club Millthorpe, NSW: Rifle Club Milong, NSW: Rifle Club Milton, NSW: Rifle Club Molong, NSW: Molong District Rifle Club Monteagle, NSW: Rifle Club Mullion Creek, NSW: Rifle Club Mullumbimby, NSW: Rifle Club Murrumbateman, NSW: Rifle Club Murrumburrah, NSW: Rifle Club Murrurundi, NSW: Rifle Club Murwillumbah, NSW: Rifle Club Muswellbrook, NSW: Rifle Club Muttama, NSW: Rifle Club Myall Creek, NSW: Rifle Club
Nabiac, NSW: Wallamba River Rifle Club Nambucca Heads, NSW: Rifle Club Nangarah, NSW: Wood's Reef Rifle Club Narrabri, NSW: Rifle Club Narrandera, NSW: Rifle Club Narromine, NSW: Rifle Club Nerrigundah, NSW: Rifle Club Neville, NSW: Rifle Club Newbridge, NSW: Rifle Club Newcastle, NSW: Australian Natives Association Rifle Club Newcastle, NSW: Newcastle Rifle Club Newcastle, NSW: Newcastle Tramways Rifle Club Nimitybelle, NSW: Rifle Club Norfolk Island, NSW: Anson Rifle Club Nowra, NSW: Rifle Club Nullamana, NSW: Rifle Club Nyngan, NSW: Rifle Club
O'Connell, NSW: Rifle Club Orange, NSW: Orange Railway Ambulance Rifle Club Orange, NSW: Rifle Club
Pambula, NSW: Rifle Club Parkes, NSW: Rifle Club Parramatta, NSW: Central Cumberland Rifle Club Parramatta, NSW: Rifle Club Peak Hill, NSW: Rifle Club Penrith, NSW: Rifle Club Picton, NSW: Rifle Club Port Macquarie, NSW: Hastings Rifle Club Portland, NSW: Rifle Club
Queanbeyan, NSW: Rifle Club Quirindi, NSW: Rifle Club
Raymond Terrace, NSW: Rifle Club Red Range, NSW: Rifle Club Rhyanna, NSW: Rifle Club Richmond, NSW: Hawkesbury Agricultural College Rifle Club Rockdale, NSW: Rifle Club Rockley, NSW: Rifle Club Rockton, NSW: Rifle Club Rolland's Plains, NSW: Rifle Club Rouchel, NSW: Rifle Club Rugby, NSW: Rifle Club Running Stream, NSW: Rifle Club Rye Park, NSW: Rifle Club Rylstone, NSW: Rifle Club
Sandy Flat, NSW: Rifle Club Scone, NSW: Rifle Club Shellharbour, NSW: Rifle Club Singleton, NSW: Rifle Club Smithtown, NSW: Rifle Club Sofala, NSW: Rifle Club Spring Ridge, NSW: Rifle Club Springwood, NSW: Rifle Club St Mary's, NSW: Rifle Club Stockton, NSW: Rifle Club Sunny Corner, NSW: Rifle Club Sydney, NSW: AMP Rifle Club Sydney, NSW: Australian Natives Association Rifle Club Sydney, NSW: Clyde Engineering Works Rifle Club Sydney, NSW: Eastern Suburbs Rifle Club Sydney, NSW: Lands Department Rifle Club Sydney, NSW: Legion of Frontiersmen Rifle Club Sydney, NSW: Metropolitan Railway Rifle Club Sydney, NSW: New South Wales Post and Telegraph Department Rifle Club Sydney, NSW: North Sydney Rifle Club Sydney, NSW: Randwick Rifle Club Sydney, NSW: South African Soldiers Association Rifle Club Sydney, NSW: South Sydney Rifle Club Sydney, NSW: Sydney Rifle Club Sydney, NSW: Sydney Training College Rifle Club Sydney, NSW: Sydney Tramway Rifle Club Sydney, NSW: Water and Sewerage Board Rifle Club Sydney, NSW: Western Suburbs Rifle Club Sydney, NSW: Yorkshire Society's Rifle Club
Tamworth, NSW: Rifle Club Tarago, NSW: Tarago and Lake Bathurst Rifle Club Taralga, NSW: Rifle Club Tarcutta, NSW: Rifle Club Taree, NSW: Rifle Club Telegraph Point, NSW: Rifle Club Temora, NSW: Rifle Club Tenterfield, NSW: Rifle Club Tingha, NSW: Rifle Club Tomingley, NSW: Rifle Club Tooraweenah, NSW: Rifle Club Towamba, NSW: Rifle Club Towrang, NSW: Rifle Club Tullooma, NSW: Rifle Club Tumbarumba, NSW: Rifle Club Tumut, NSW: Rifle Club
Uki, NSW: Rifle Club Uralgurra, NSW: Upper Macleay Rifle Club Urana, NSW: Rifle Club
Wagga Wagga, NSW: Rifle Club Wagra, NSW: Rifle Club Wallangra, NSW: Rocky Dam Rifle Club Wallerawang, NSW: Rifle Club Wallerawang, NSW: Wallerawang Railway Ambulance Rifle Club Walmer, NSW: Rifle Club Warratah, NSW: Rifle Club Warren, NSW: Rifle Club Wauchope, NSW: Rifle Club Wellington, NSW: Rifle Club Wellington, NSW: Wellington Railway Ambulance Rifle Club Wentworth, NSW: Rifle Club Wentworth Falls, NSW: Rifle Club Werris Creek, NSW: Rifle Club White Cliffs, NSW: Rifle Club Wilcannia, NSW: Rifle Club Willawarrin, NSW: Rifle Club Windsor, NSW: Rifle Club Wingham, NSW: Rifle Club Wollomombi, NSW: Rifle Club Wollongong, NSW: Rifle Club Wolumla, NSW: Rifle Club Wongwibinda, NSW: Rifle Club Woodhouselee, NSW: Rifle Club Woodstock, NSW: Rifle Club Woolgoolga, NSW: Rifle Club Wrightville, NSW: Rifle Club Wyalong, NSW: West Wyalong Rifle Club Wyalong, NSW: Wyalong Rifle Club
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