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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Sunday, 31 October 2004
9th/19th Australian Light Horse, Contents
Topic: Militia - LHV - 9/19

9th/19th ALH

9th/19th Australian Light Horse


Victorian Mounted Rifles [1885 - 1903]
9th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse [1903 - 1912]
19th (Yarrowee) Australian Light Horse [1912 - 1932]
17th/19th (Yarrowee) Australian Light Horse [1932 - 1933]
19th Light Horse Armoured Car Regiment [1933 - 1934]
1st (The Wimmera) Armoured Car Regiment [1934 - 1938]
101st (The Wimmera) Motor Regiment [1938 - 1944]
8th/13th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Armoured Regiment [1948 - 1960]
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles [1960 - ]

 Pro Gloria - For Glory

 South Africa 1899 - 1902

Allied with: King Edward's Horse (The King's Overseas Dominions Regiment).



Extracted from RK Peacock, Evolution of Australian Light Horse Regiments 1841-1935, p. 19:

The present regiment sprung from a body of mounted troops known as the Royal Volunteer Cavalry Regiment raised is Victoria in 1862. Troops numbering eight were distributed at various centres, those from Bacchus Marsh, Ballarat and Maryborough served through a unit styled the Prince of Wales Regiment of Light Horse (Hussars) during the years 1863-1874. On the formation of the Victorian Mounted Rifles in 1885 the troops from the foregoing places beloned to the 2nd Battalion of the V.M.R.

At the Federal re-organisation of 1903 the detachments of Victorian Mounted Rifles from Ballarat, Bacchus Marsh, Clunes, Talbot, Maryborough, Elmore and Wharparilla, together with the Rochester detachment of the Victorian Rangers were formed into the 9th Australian Light Horse Regiment (Victorian Mounted Rifles).

As such the 9th continued until the re-organisation of 1912 a division was made in the regiment, part going to the 20th L.H. (q.v.) the parent part continuing on as the 19th Light Horse Regiment (V.M.R. ) In 1913 it became the 19th (Yarrowee) Light Horse and brought with it part of the then 29th Light Horse (Port Phillip Horse) in 1921.




Yarrowee Light Horse, Members who served in the AIF

Regimental Structure 1903 -1920

This section explores the evolution of the Regiment from its first origins as a Commonwealth formation. Each year maps the movement of men and often locations of the various Squadrons and Troops. To get the flavour of the Regiment, it is best to begin the journey at 1903 and follow though each year till 1920.

9th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse

9th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse Regiment, December 1903

9th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse Regiment, 1904 

9th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse Regiment, 1905 

9th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse Regiment, 1906

9th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse Regiment, 1907 

9th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse Regiment, 1908

9th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse Regiment, 1909

9th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse Regiment, 1910 

9th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse Regiment, 1911

9th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse Regiment, June 1912


19th (Yarrowee) Australian Light Horse 

19th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse Regiment, December 1912

19th (Yarrowee) Australian Light Horse Regiment, 1913

19th (Yarrowee) Australian Light Horse Regiment, 1914

19th (Yarrowee) Australian Light Horse Regiment, 1915

19th (Yarrowee) Australian Light Horse Regiment, 1916

19th (Yarrowee) Australian Light Horse Regiment, 1917

19th (Yarrowee) Australian Light Horse Regiment, 1918

19th (Yarrowee) Australian Light Horse Regiment, 1919

19th (Yarrowee) Australian Light Horse Regiment, 1920


Roll of Honour

9th/19th Australian Light Horse, Roll of Honour
Lest we forget. 


Further Reading:

9th/19th Australian Light Horse

9th/19th Australian Light Horse, Roll of Honour

Victoria Militia - Light Horse 

Australian Militia Light Horse

Australian Light Horse Regimental Militia Field Force


Citation: 9th/19th Australian Light Horse, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Sunday, 11 July 2010 9:14 AM EADT
Saturday, 30 October 2004
9th/19th Australian Light Horse, Members who served in the AIF
Topic: Militia - LHV - 9/19

9th/19th ALH

9th/19th Australian Light Horse

Members who served in the AIF

Victorian Mounted Rifles [1885 - 1903]
9th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse [1903 - 1912]
19th (Yarrowee) Australian Light Horse [1912 - 1932]
17th/19th (Yarrowee) Australian Light Horse [1932 - 1933]
19th Light Horse Armoured Car Regiment [1933 - 1934]
1st (The Wimmera) Armoured Car Regiment [1934 - 1938]
101st (The Wimmera) Motor Regiment [1938 - 1944]
8th/13th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Armoured Regiment [1948 - 1960]
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles [1960 - ]

 Pro Gloria - For Glory

 South Africa 1899 - 1902

Allied with: King Edward's Horse (The King's Overseas Dominions Regiment).


Below is a list of men who were known former members of the 9th/19th Australian Light Horse, who later served with the AIF during the Great War. The details listed are those at the time of AIF enlistment containing the rank, full name and unit in which he enlisted. 


343 Private Alexander Walter Andrew BARBER, 8th Light Horse Regiment

3785 Corporal Irvine Lindsay BARTLEY, Australian Flying Corps Reinforcements

5031 Private Frederick Percival Lancelot BAWDEN, 8th Battalion

6465 Private Edward Roy BLACKAM, 5th Battalion

1693 Private Alfred Alexander BLOMELEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment

25 Private Leslie BOOKER, 4th Light Horse Regiment

279 Private Robert Henry BORBRIDGE, 8th Light Horse Regiment

18782 Sapper William John BRAYBROOK , 3rd Division Signal Company

6228 Private Charles Reginald BRENT, 8th Battalion

378 Private Alexander BROWN, 4th Light Horse Regiment

379 Private Francis James BURTON, 4th Light Horse Regiment

398 Lance Sergeant Herman Frederick BUSH, 39th Battalion

2598 Private Alexander Morton CALDWELL, Imperial Camel Corps

383 Private Ralph Robert CLARK, 4th Light Horse Regiment

Lieutenant Arthur Thomas CLARKE, 8th Light Horse Regiment

3018 Private Sydney CLARKE, 8th Battalion

240 Private James CONWAY, 8th Light Horse Regiment

1065 Private Joseph Albert COOPER, 8th Light Horse Regiment

391 Squadron Sergeant Major Albert Edward COOPER, 4th Light Horse Regiment

Captain Cyril Arthur COURTNEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment

392 Private George Lindrun CROMIE, 4th Light Horse Regiment

Major Thomas Joseph DALY, 9th Light Horse Regiment

64571 Private Lewis Roland DAVIES, 6th General Service Reinforcements, Victoria

401 Private Walter DAWSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment

361 Private Herbert David DEAN, 8th Light Horse Regiment

6884 Private Harold David Selick DODD, 5th Battalion

45 Private Albert Louis DOMEYEE, 4th Light Horse Regiment

516 Private Alexander DOWIE, 4th Light Horse Regiment

2189 Private John DOWIE, 5th Battalion

2991 Private Conrad August DREHER, 8th Light Horse Regiment

363 Private William George DUGUID, 8th Light Horse Regiment

4388 Private James George DUNLOP, 23rd Battalion

401 Private William John Lawrence DYER, 4th Light Horse Regiment

3320 Private William George EDWARDS, 7th Battalion

6720 Sergeant William Henry EVANS, 4th Field Artillery Brigade

405 Farrier Corporal Jack Edward FARCKENS, 4th Light Horse Regiment

1223 Private Percy Thomas FRICKER, 22nd Battalion

2333 Private William John GRIGG, 4th Light Horse Regiment

515 Private Clarence Albert HANNEL, 11th Light Horse Regiment

1660 Private Denis Daniel HARDIMAN, 8th Light Horse Regiment

426 Private Walter Charles Stanley HARPER, 4th Light Horse Regiment

1910 Private George HARRIOTT, 24th Battalion

14706 Gunner Roderick Alexander HARRIS, 1st Division Ammunition Column

46788 Sergeant Major John Freeland HASTIE, Sea Transpot Service

2759 Private Michael Joseph HEALY, Imperial Camel Corps

420 Private John William HENDERSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment

1575 Private Athol Osbert HENDERSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment

6041 Private Charles Thomas HENDERSON, 8th Battalion

2030 Private Alfred James HOLT, 4th Light Horse Regiment

6356 Gunner Thomas Lionel HURLEY, 4th Field Artillery Brigade

435 Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant Robert Neilson JACK, 4th Light Horse Regiment

40a Private Percival JAMES, Hospital & Convalescent Home

430 Private Alfred JOHNSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment

171 Private Alexander JOHNSTON, 8th Light Horse Regiment

2185 Acting Corporal Harry George JONES, 8th Light Horse Regiment

1888 Acting Sergeant Allan Edward KIMBERLEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment

397 Private Stanley Hector KING, 7th Light Horse Regiment

436 Private Ernest Henry KOPKE, 4th Light Horse Regiment

777 Private Henry LANGE, 5th Light Horse Regiment

524 Private Walter Lancelot LAWRENCE, 13th Light Horse Regiment

Second Lieutenant James LAWSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment

11867 Driver Reginald Graham LINDSAY, 4th Field Artillery Brigade

1099 Private Allan McCulloch MacFIE, 11th Light Horse Regiment

246 Private William Alexander MacMILLAN, 1st Squadron Australian Flying Corps

1392 Acting Sergeant David Ritson MARK, 13th Light Horse Regiment

2040 Private Alanson Mathew Post MARTIN, 4th Light Horse Regiment

447 Private Leslie Walter MATE, 4th Light Horse Regiment

3340 Private Alexander Walter McALPINE, 5th Battalion

1387 Private Thomas McCARTNEY, 13th Light Horse Regiment

22948 Private Neil Malcolm McGILP, 8th Field Artillery Brigade

2708 Private Bradley McKAY, 24th Battalion

1495 Private William Fraser McKERROW, 4th Light Horse Regiment

7553 Private Norman McKINNON, 8th Battalion

454 Private James Gillan McNAUGHTON, 4th Light Horse Regiment

3112 Private Neill MITCHELL, 8th Battalion

452 Lance Sergeant John Thomas MOODIE, 4th Light Horse Regiment

6321 Private Charles Arthur MORRISON, 6th Battalion

448 Bugler Albert Herbert MULLER, 4th Light Horse Regiment

1102 Lance Corporal John Herman MULLER, 8th Light Horse Regiment

900 Private Louis Murdoch MURRAY, 8th Light Horse Regiment

6327 Private John Henry NEALY, 6th Battalion

4743 Acting Corporal Clarence John Raymond NEWTON, 24th Battalion

3490 Private Charles James NORMAN, 5th Battalion

1868 Private Mathew Charles ORTON, 5th Battalion

474 Private William Menzies PAGE, 4th Light Horse Regiment

Lieutenant John PARKIN, 4th Light Horse Regiment

3584 Private Charles Valentine PAYNTER, 4th Light Horse Regiment

473 Private Harold Edgar PECK, 4th Light Horse Regiment

Second Lieutenant William Stanhope PENDER, 9th Light Horse Regiment

478 Private Frank Hardy PHILLIPS, 4th Light Horse Regiment

2370 Private Arthur PICKFORD, 4th Light Horse Regiment

Lieutenant Stanley Fox POLLARD, 4th Light Horse Regiment

485 Private Herbert Edmund READ, 4th Light Horse Regiment

2154 Private Frederick William REDMAN, 8th Light Horse Regiment

6406 Driver William James RICHARDSON, 4th Field Artillery Brigade

977 Private Stanley Brough RIGBY, 38th Battalion

479 Corporal George ROBERTSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment

480 Private John Comber ROBERTSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment

3460 Private William Fraser ROBERTSON, 57th Battalion

Second Lieutenant Wilfred ROBINSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment

1457 Private Matthew Francis RYAN, 8th Light Horse Regiment

Second Lieutenant Russell Eric SARA, 7th Battalion

Lieutenant William Ross SARA, 6th Battalion

3015 Private Alan Gordon SARA, 8th Light Horse Regiment

6415 Driver Frederick Lelwyn SCOTT, 4th Field Artillery Brigade

487 Private Alan Robertson SCOTT, 4th Light Horse Regiment

1610 Private Clarence Walter SHARP, 22nd Battalion

447 Private James Joseph SHEEHY, 8th Light Horse Regiment

488 Private Thomas Harold SIM, 4th Light Horse Regiment

500 Lance Sergeant William George SINCLAIR, 4th Light Horse Regiment

494 Private Colin Burton SINCLAIR, 4th Light Horse Regiment

230 Sergeant Thomas SINNOTT, 8th Light Horse Regiment

496 Sergeant Thomas Archibald SLAUGHTER, 4th Light Horse Regiment

Second Lieutenant Frank Noel SNOW, 1st Light Horse Regiment

1517 Private Walter Francis SPICER, 6th Light Horse Regiment

495 Private Laurence Barris STAMP, 4th Light Horse Regiment

642 Private Mervyn James STANNARD, 8th Light Horse Regiment

885 Driver Daniel James SWEENEY, 5th Battalion

465 Private Phillip Edwin TAYLOR, 13th Light Horse Regiment

1551 Private Percy Hamilton TAYLOR, 24th Battalion

539 Corporal Arthur Douglas THOMAS, 4th Light Horse Regiment

61a Private Charles Ralph THOMPSON, Australian Army Medical Corps

2072 Private Harry Gordon TINNEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment

1007 Private Samuel TORNEY, 8th Light Horse Regiment

473 Private William TURNER, 13th Light Horse Regiment

3909 Private John Cecil TURVEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment

1642 Private Warren Farr VAUGHAN, 8th Light Horse Regiment

3557 Aircraft Mechanic Second Class Louis Henry VERNON, Australian Flying Corps Reinforcements

150 Private Victor Kenneth WALTON, 8th Light Horse Regiment

479 Sergeant Cecil Sturt WILSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment

55704 Private Arthur Stanley WOMERSLEY, 7th General Service Reinforcements, Victoria

1988 Private David WRIGHT, 23rd Battalion



Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

9th/19th Australian Light Horse

9th/19th Australian Light Horse, Roll of Honour

Victoria Militia - Light Horse 

Australian Militia Light Horse

Australian Light Horse Regimental Militia Field Force


Citation: Yarrowee Light Horse, Members who served in the AIF

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 27 June 2010 9:33 AM EADT
Friday, 29 October 2004
9th/19th Australian Light Horse, Roll of Honour
Topic: Militia - LHV - 9/19

9th/19th ALH

9th/19th Australian Light Horse

Great War

Roll of Honour


Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men known to have served at one time with the 9th/19th Australian Light Horse and gave their lives in service of Australia, whether as part of the Australian Imperial Force or another unit during the Great War.


Roll of Honour

Alexander Walter Andrew BARBER, Died of Wounds, 22 June 1915

Frederick Percival Lancelot BAWDEN, Killed in Action, 4 October 1917

Francis James BURTON, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917

Herman Frederick BUSH, Killed in Action, 7 June 1917


James CONWAY, Killed in Action, 7 August 1915

Albert Edward COOPER, Killed in Action, 29 March 1917


Walter DAWSON, Killed in Action, 28 August 1915

John DOWIE, Killed in Action, 18 August 1916

William George DUGUID, Died of Wounds, 19 April 1917


Percy Thomas FRICKER, Died of Disease, 16 November 1915


Denis Daniel HARDIMAN, Died of Wounds, 3 May 1918

George HARRIOTT, Killed in Action, 4 October 1917

Athol Osbert HENDERSON, Died of Wounds, 26 August 1916


Reginald Graham LINDSAY, Killed in Action, 31 December 1916


Alexander Walter McALPINE, Died of Wounds, 13 April 1917

Bradley McKAY, Killed in Action, 25 August 1916

William Fraser McKERROW, Killed in Action, 4 May 1918

Neill MITCHELL, Killed in Action, 9 August 1918

Charles Arthur MORRISON, Died of Wounds, 23 February 1917

Albert Herbert MULLER, Killed in Action, 2 August 1915


Clarence John Raymond NEWTON, Killed in Action, 31 August 1918

Charles James NORMAN, Killed in Action, 20 September 1917


Frederick William REDMAN, Died of Wounds, 19 November 1917


William Ross SARA, Died of Disease, 10 January 1917

Russell Eric SARA, Killed in Action, 21 September 1917

Alan Robertson SCOTT, Died of Wounds, 29 April 1918

Clarence Walter SHARP, Killed in Action, 27 July 1916

Daniel James SWEENEY, Killed in Action, 7 December 1916


Phillip Edwin TAYLOR, Killed in Action, 26 March 1917

Percy Hamilton TAYLOR, Killed in Action, 3 May 1917


Victor Kenneth WALTON, Killed in Action, 7 August 1915

Cecil Sturt WILSON, Died of Wounds, 11 August 1915

Lest we forget. 



Further Reading:

9th/19th Australian Light Horse

Victoria Militia - Light Horse 

Australian Militia Light Horse


Citation: 9th/19th Australian Light Horse, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 26 June 2010 10:42 PM EADT
Saturday, 16 October 2004
9th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse, December 1903
Topic: Militia - LHV - 9/19

9th ALH

9th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse

December 1903

Victorian Mounted Rifles [1885 - 1903]
9th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse [1903 - 1912]
19th (Yarrowee) Australian Light Horse [1912 - 1932]
17th/19th (Yarrowee) Australian Light Horse [1932 - 1933]
19th Light Horse Armoured Car Regiment [1933 - 1934]
1st (The Wimmera) Armoured Car Regiment [1934 - 1938]
101st (The Wimmera) Motor Regiment [1938 - 1944]
8th/13th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Armoured Regiment [1948 - 1960]
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles [1960 - ]

 Pro Gloria - For Glory


1903 Reorganisation, Victoria

The Rochester, Echuca, Kerang, and Macorna Detachments of Victorian Rangers, together with the Ballarat, Bacchus Marsh, Clunes, Talbot, Maryborough, Elmore, Wharparilla, Kerang, Durham Ox, and Pyramid Hill Detachments of Victorian Mounted Rifles, to be formed into the 9th Australian Light Horse Regiment (Victorian Mounted Rifles).



North Western Victoria


3rd Brigade



Honorary Colonel


Commanding Officer

Major TWC Riddell.


Lieutenant JA Brazenor



Medical Officer

Captain CC Salmon.

Veterinary Officer




1st Ballarat - Bacchus Marsh Squadron

Captain T Anderson
Lieutenant FB Royan
Lieutenant GAD Hoad  


2nd Clunes - Talbot Squadron

Lieutenant PW Salmon
Lieutenant JA Troup


3rd Elmore - Echuca Squadron

Lieutenant D McLennan
Lieutenant L Long
Lieutenant TW Howells


4th Kerang - Pyramid Hill Squadron

Captain E Tivey, DSO, (Major VMF)


Previous: 9th/19th Australian Light Horse

Next: 9th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse, 1904


Further Reading:

9th/19th Australian Light Horse

Victoria Militia - Light Horse 

Australian Militia Light Horse

Australian Light Horse Regimental Militia Field Force


Citation: 9th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse, December 1903

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 27 June 2010 11:33 AM EADT
Friday, 15 October 2004
9th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse, 1904
Topic: Militia - LHV - 9/19

9th ALH

9th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse


Victorian Mounted Rifles [1885 - 1903]
9th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse [1903 - 1912]
19th (Yarrowee) Australian Light Horse [1912 - 1932]
17th/19th (Yarrowee) Australian Light Horse [1932 - 1933]
19th Light Horse Armoured Car Regiment [1933 - 1934]
1st (The Wimmera) Armoured Car Regiment [1934 - 1938]
101st (The Wimmera) Motor Regiment [1938 - 1944]
8th/13th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Armoured Regiment [1948 - 1960]
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles [1960 - ]

 Pro Gloria - For Glory



North Western Victoria


3rd Light Horse Brigade



Honorary Colonel


Commanding Officer

Major TWC Riddell.


Lieutenant JA Brazenor.


Honorary Lieutenant WH Wallis, 1 March 1904.

Medical Officer

Captain CC Salmon.

Veterinary Officer

 Captain EW Mitchell.



1st Ballarat - Bacchus Marsh Squadron

Captain T Anderson
Second Lieutenant CA Courtney, 1 March 1904.
Second Lieutenant AH White, 1 March 1904.
Second Lieutenant J Halliday, 1 March 1904.
Second Lieutenant D Baird, 1 March 1904.


2nd Clunes - Talbot Squadron

Lieutenant PW Salmon
Lieutenant JA Troup


3rd Elmore - Echuca Squadron

Lieutenant D McLennan

Lieutenant L Long

Lieutenant TW Howells

Second Lieutenant RG Colee, 1 March 1904. 


4th Kerang - Pyramid Hill Squadron

Captain E Tivey, DSO, (Major VMF)


Previous: 9th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse, December 1903

Next: 9th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse, 1905 


Further Reading:

9th/19th Australian Light Horse

Victoria Militia - Light Horse 

Australian Militia Light Horse

Australian Light Horse Regimental Militia Field Force


Citation: 9th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse, 1904

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 27 June 2010 9:59 AM EADT

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900 - 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.

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