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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Tuesday, 16 December 2008
The Toowoomba Chronicle - War Declared
Topic: GW - August 1914


5 August  1914, War is Declared, The Toowoomba Chronicle

Due to the time zone differences, the declaration of war by Britain against Germany, while officially recorded as 4 August 1914, in terms of Australia, did not happen until Wednesday, 5 August 1915. For the The Toowoomba Chronicle, this happened on Wednesday, 5 August 1915.

Apart from being a major regional agricultural centre, the Toowoomba region supported extensive military training facilities. The Militia formations throughout the region included: Toowoomba, 11th Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters and "A" Company (part); Toowoomba, 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section,  and "A" Squadron (part); Darling Downs Rifle Club; Oakey Rifle Club; Gatton, 11th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part); Gatton, Qld: 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part); Gatton Rifle Club; Laidley, 11th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part); Laidley, Qld: 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part); Laidley Rifle Club; Clifton, 39th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part); Clifton, 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part); Clifton Rifle Club; Allora, 11th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part); Allora, 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part); Allora Rifle Club; Dalby, 11th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "A" Company (part); Dalby Rifle Club; and, Crow's Nest Rifle Club.

Toowoomba was a regional centre which boasted of a daily newspaper  called The Toowoomba Chronicle which was priced at 1d [1 pence or in 2008 AUD, $1.70] per edition. The newspaper was circulated around the Toowoomba region including the locations and towns of Toowoomba, Oakey, Goombungee, Grapetree, Gatton, Laidly, Clifton, Allora, Millmerran, Dalby, and Crows Nest.

The area around the Toowoomba region is composed mainly of undulating pastures puctuated by stunning mountain ranges. The region presents a diverse landscape of agriculture mixed with wilderness. Toowoomba was the primary city in the region offering key services to sheep grazing activities and farming. The following two pages are indicative of the life experienced in the Toowoomba region when the Great War was declared.

War is Declared

This page explores the way The Toowoomba Chronicle dealt with the news.

The Toowoomba Chronicle, Wednesday, 5 August 1915, p. 2.

[Click on page for larger version -  1.117kb]

Light Horsemen from the Toowoomba Region

The following list is of the known men who enlisted in the Australian Light Horse during the Great War and saw overseas service. The enlistments are in regimental unit in which he enlisted, although not necessarily served.

  • 446 Trooper Cyril Emery Campbell, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.
  • 462 Trooper John Herbert James, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.
  • 474 Trooper Thomas Orpen Edward King, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.
  • 17228 Trooper James Ryan, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance, 27th Reinforcements.
  • 504 Trooper Frederick Charles Wecker, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.
  • 454 Trooper Ernest Alfred Wiggins, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.
  • 2631 Trooper Francis Alfred Bell, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.
  • 2615 Trooper Sydney Joseph Gerald Cochrane, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.
  • 2627 Trooper James Robert Carson Devine, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.
  • 2614 Trooper Percy Lynn Gundry, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.
  • 2597 Trooper Frederick Cecil Henk, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.
  •  Lieutenant-Colonel Alex Horn, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.
  •  Trooper Cormac John Kenny, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance, 1st Reinforcement.
  • 6522 Trooper Arthur Vaughan Leamon, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance, 7th Reinforcement.
  • 2621 Trooper Hugh Norman McLeod, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.
  •  Trooper William McMullin, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance, 1st Reinforcement.
  • 2612 Trooper Arnold Bert Theodore Oehlmann, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.
  • 2620 Trooper Robert William O'May, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.
  • 2625 Trooper Ronald John Ramsay, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.
  • 2622 Trooper Sidney Edward Reilly, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.
  •  Trooper John Arthur Reynolds, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance, 1st Reinforcement.
  • 2617 Trooper William John Riordan, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.
  • 1698 Trooper Leslie James Rogers, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance, 4th Reinforcement.
  • 2624 Trooper Edmond Henry Scott, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.
  • 2613 Trooper Eric Edward Solley, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.
  • 2616 Trooper Joseph Wyatt Stark, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.
  • 18611 Trooper Norman Henry Coyne, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance Brigade, 31st Reinforcement.
  • 1541 Trooper George Edward Adams, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 12th Reinforcement.
  • 1542 Trooper Walter Henry Adkins, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 12th Reinforcement.
  • 972 Trooper Henry Albert Apelt, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 5th Reinforcement.
  • 3230 Trooper Michael Albert Avery, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 26th Reinforcement.
  • 2007 Trooper George Baker, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 14th Reinforcement.
  • 614 Trooper Stanley Balderson, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 1st Reinforcement.
  • 3381 Trooper James Charles Barker, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 28th Reinforcement.
  • 2151 Trooper John Black, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement.
  • 2009 Trooper Thomas Edward Brisbane, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 14th Reinforcement.
  • 1848 Trooper Thomas John Brown, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 13th Reinforcement.
  • 272 Trooper William John Brown, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, B Squadron.
  • 130 Trooper Lambert Stewart Bryen, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 51 Trooper Ernest John Alexander Cannons, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, Machine Gun Section.
  • 273 Trooper Frank Cartwright, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, B Squadron.
  • 2639 Trooper Edgar Challacombe, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 23rd Reinforcement.
  • 311 Corporal James Artemas Chambers, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, B Squadron.
  • 2243 Trooper Sydney Clunes, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement.
  • 1692 Trooper Henry Colbram, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 11th Reinforcement.
  • 2158 Trooper Alexander William Collins, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement.
  • 2157 Trooper Clarence Matthew Collins, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement.
  • 2247 Trooper William Coney, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement.
  • 3174 Trooper William Henry Cook, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 25th Reinforcement.
  • 1855 Trooper Walter Cooper, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 13th Reinforcement.
  • 3320 Trooper Reginald Alexander Cormack, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 27th Reinforcement.
  • 595 Trooper Herbert John Crowe, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, C Squadron.
  • 1567 Trooper Andrew Cummings, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 12th Reinforcement.
  • 1563 Trooper Louis Bertrand Cunneen, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 12th Reinforcement.
  • 1402 Trooper John Hallinan Dalton, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 11th Reinforcement.
  • 316 Trooper Michael Davis, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, B Squadron.
  • 1861 Trooper Bertie Dent, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 13th Reinforcement.
  • 594 Trooper Gordon Monroe Dingwall, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, C Squadron.
  • 314 Trooper Norman Dollin, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, B Squadron.
  • 3058 Trooper Wallace Stanley Fergus, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 23rd Reinforcement.
  • 3066 Trooper Robert Fleming, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 23rd Reinforcement.
  • 2997 Trooper Arthur Ernest Fraser, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 22nd Reinforcement.
  • 2031 Trooper Arthur Franklin Fry, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 14th Reinforcement.
  • 1767 Trooper Jack Geddes, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 12th Reinforcement.
  • 3382 Trooper Arthur Thomas Gibson, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 28th Reinforcement.
  • 1703 Trooper Ernest Edward Gibson, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 11th Reinforcement.
  • 1125 Trooper Francis Edmund Gillham, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 7th Reinforcement.
  • 3178 Trooper Sinclair Frederick Grant, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 25th Reinforcement.
  • 325 Trooper Sydney Anderson Greenbury, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, B Squadron.
  • 2177 Trooper Robert Hamilton, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement.
  • 1768 Trooper Henry William Harris, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 12th Reinforcement.
  • 1603 Trooper William Charles Harris, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 12th Reinforcement.
  • 1596 Trooper Louis Gilbert Hartwell, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 12th Reinforcement.
  • 2040 Trooper Frank Cleverdon Hickling, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 14th Reinforcement.
  • 1876 Trooper Ivor Henry Hicks, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 13th Reinforcement.
  • 1429 Trooper David Hope, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 11th Reinforcement.
  • 57 Trooper Frederick Stephen Hudson, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, Machine Gun Section.
  • 2815 Trooper Frank Kendrick Huxham, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 19th Reinforcement.
  • 167 Trooper Bertram William Jackson, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 60 Trooper Frank James, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, Machine Gun Section.
  • 25 Trooper William Denis James, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, Headquarters.
  • 2180 Trooper Alfred Cornelius Johnson, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement.
  • 3005 Trooper Arthur Charles Keable, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 22nd Reinforcement.
  • 3027 Trooper Edwin Knight Keable, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 22nd Reinforcement.
  • 2053 Trooper James Bernard Keenan, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 14th Reinforcement.
  • 2816 Trooper Robert John Kerrigan, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 19th Reinforcement.
  • 2052 Trooper Thomas James King, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 14th Reinforcement.
  • 3406 Trooper Samuel Chorlton Kirkpatrick, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 29th Reinforcement.
  • 346 Trooper Edward Sutton Lane, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, B Squadron.
  • 2184 Trooper Thomas Henry Lang, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement.
  • 2818 Trooper William Roy Lang, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 19th Reinforcement.
  • 1710 Trooper James Colin Hasty Lawton, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 11th Reinforcement.
  • 1616 Trooper George Albion Lewis, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 12th Reinforcement.
  • 1772 Trooper Thomas Arthur Lewis, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 12th Reinforcement.
  • 2820 Trooper Bert Linforth, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 19th Reinforcement.
  • 730 Trooper Colville James Lister, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 2nd Reinforcement.
  • 345 Trooper Frederick Lound, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, B Squadron.
  • 1883 Trooper Ivan Lucas, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 13th Reinforcement.
  • 1627 Trooper Alexander Mann, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 12th Reinforcement.
  • 2821 Trooper Kenneth Mansfield, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 19th Reinforcement.
  • 1254 Trooper Reginald Patrick McCarthy, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 9th Reinforcement.
  • 2197 Trooper Robert Malcolm McColl, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement.
  • 2430 Trooper Charles Leslie McConachy, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 16th Reinforcement.
  • 1716 Trooper Michael Leslie McGrath, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 11th Reinforcement.
  • 2201 Trooper Hector Palmer McIntyre, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement.
  • 1036 Trooper Robert Saunders McLaren, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 6th Reinforcement.
  • 2187 Trooper Geoffrey McLaughlan, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement.
  • 2188 Trooper William McLaughlan, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement.
  • 1453 Trooper James George McLean, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 11th Reinforcement.
  • 4 Trooper John McLennan, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, Headquarters.
  • 3185 Trooper Colin Norman McLeod, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 25th Reinforcement.
  • 2824 Trooper Martin Francis McMahon, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 19th Reinforcement.
  • 362 Trooper John James McQuade, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, B Squadron.
  • 2926 Trooper Alexander Meldrum, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 21st Reinforcement.
  • 3482 Trooper William Edward Menz, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 30th Reinforcement.
  • 2822 Trooper Charles Rudolph Mitchell, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 19th Reinforcement.
  • 2191 Trooper William Robert Mitchell, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement.
  • 1378 Trooper Albert John Morgan, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 11th Reinforcement.
  • 1448 Trooper Sidney Herbert Morgan, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 11th Reinforcement.
  • 2249 Trooper James William Mulholland, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement.
  • 1971 Trooper William John Munt, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 30th Reinforcement.
  • 1897 Trooper Walter Nolan, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 13th Reinforcement.
  • 1636 Trooper Albert Charles Olsen, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 12th Reinforcement.
  • 886 Trooper George James Olsen, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 4th Reinforcement.
  • 3488 Trooper Louis Albert Olsen, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 30th Reinforcement.
  • 2204 Trooper Robert Olof Olsen, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement.
  • 2068 Trooper Patrick Francis O'Neil, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 14th Reinforcement.
  • 2205 Trooper Michael O'Sullivan, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement.
  • 2203 Trooper James Edward Owen, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement.
  • 2478 Trooper John Harold Howell Owens, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 17th Reinforcement.
  • 2828 Trooper Edwin John Horton Pearce, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 19th Reinforcement.
  • 3490 Trooper James Edward Peardon, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 30th Reinforcement.
  • 1647 Trooper Christian Adolph Petersen, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 12th Reinforcement.
  • 2827 Trooper James Pitceathly, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 19th Reinforcement.
  • 3190 Trooper Michael Ravensby, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 25th Reinforcement.
  • 1264 Trooper Joseph Ward Redwood, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 9th Reinforcement.
  • 3252 Trooper James Sinclair Reid, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 26th Reinforcement.
  • 378 Trooper Gordon Holmes Robertson, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, B Squadron.
  • 380 Trooper William Hamilton Gibson Robinson, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, B Squadron.
  • 1653 Trooper Sydney Russell, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 12th Reinforcement.
  • 3312 Trooper Thomas Albert Scott, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 27th Reinforcement.
  • 3074 Trooper Francis Edward Sharry, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 23rd Reinforcement.
  • 739 Trooper Ernest Shaw, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 2nd Reinforcement.
  • 388 Trooper Harold Sinclair, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, B Squadron.
  • 1916 Trooper Henry Dennis Smith, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 13th Reinforcement.
  • 2073 Trooper Lawrence Evelyn Hoare Smith, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 14th Reinforcement.
  • 1914 Trooper Harry Snell, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 13th Reinforcement.
  • 2484 Trooper Wilfred Percible Stanley, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 17th Reinforcement.
  • 3168 Trooper William Stenhouse, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 25th Reinforcement.
  • 2076 Trooper Donald James Ross Stewart, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 14th Reinforcement.
  • 70 Trooper Jeffrey Stone, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, Machine Gun Section.
  • 713 Trooper Robert William Stower, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 2nd Reinforcement.
  • 3166 Trooper Patrick John Sullivan, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 25th Reinforcement.
  • 714 Trooper Henry Bailey Sutherland, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 2nd Reinforcement.
  • 1657 Trooper Bertie Svenson, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 12th Reinforcement.
  • 1119 Trooper Robert Thompson, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 7th Reinforcement.
  • 2836 Trooper Charles Edwin Trott, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 19th Reinforcement.
  • 2229 Trooper Herbert Valentine, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement.
  • 3194 Trooper George Volp, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 25th Reinforcement.
  • 3193 Trooper Henry Ernest Volp, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 25th Reinforcement.
  • 71 Trooper Alexander Herbert Walker, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, Machine Gun Section.
  • 71 Trooper Alexander Herbert * Walker, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 23rd Reinforcement.
  • 3138 Trooper Stanley Gordon Walker, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 24th Reinforcement.
  • 1930 Trooper Franki Wall, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 13th Reinforcement.
  • 3501 Trooper Charles William Oliver Walton, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 30th Reinforcement.
  • 2089 Trooper Leslie Ernest Wells, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 14th Reinforcement.
  •  Trooper Fitzwilliam * Wentworth, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 22nd Reinforcement.
  • 1540 Trooper Hughie Albion, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 12th Reinforcement.
  •  Trooper Leslie Thomas Atkinson, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 6th Reinforcement.
  • 3171 Trooper Leslie Joseph Barnes, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 25th Reinforcement.
  • 1378 Trooper James Cockburn Barrowman, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 11th Reinforcement.
  • 2930 Trooper Herbert Reginald Bayfield, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 21st Reinforcement.
  • 2931 Trooper Frederick John Bebbington, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 21st Reinforcement.
  • 1852 Trooper Maurice Bligh, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 13th Reinforcement.
  • 2991 Trooper Edward Stanley Breese, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 22nd Reinforcement.
  • 2155 Trooper William Bulfin, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement.
  • 3232 Trooper William Andrew Crane Carnie, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 26th Reinforcement.
  • 2934 Trooper William Caton, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 21st Reinforcement.
  • 1554 Trooper John Cornelius Conway, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 12th Reinforcement.
  • 3110 Trooper James Henry Cowan, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 24th Reinforcement.
  • 2869 Trooper William Charles Crisp, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 20th Reinforcement.
  • 1867 Trooper Bernard Murvyn Devlin, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 13th Reinforcement.
  • 1319 Trooper Alfred William Ditley, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 10th Reinforcement.
  • 1532 Trooper Charles Chisholm Dixon, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 12th Reinforcement.
  • 2011 Trooper John Joseph Dopson, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 14th Reinforcement.
  • 2010 Trooper Cecil George Dorman, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 14th Reinforcement.
  • 3249 Trooper George Henry Dougall, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 26th Reinforcement.
  • 352 Trooper Thomas Robert Evans, 5th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 3416 Trooper Bruce Skinner Ewen, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 29th Reinforcement.
  • 3417 Trooper Carl Fleischfresser, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 29th Reinforcement.
  • 614 Trooper Alfred Geo. Fogarty, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 2nd Reinforcement.
  • 2940 Trooper Edgar Coldham Fussell, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 21st Reinforcement.
  • 3226 Trooper Virgil Vincent Patrick Gallagher, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 26th Reinforcement.
  • 30 Trooper George Gazzard, 5th Light Horse Regiment, C Squadron.
  • 2942 Trooper George Gillis, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 21st Reinforcement.
  • 262 Trooper William Silvester Gilmour, 5th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 2182 Trooper Douglas Gordon, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement.
  • 2183 Trooper Kenneth Gordon, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement.
  • 870 Trooper Thomas Gormon, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 4th Reinforcement.
  • 354 Trooper Raymond Lester Hall, 5th Light Horse Regiment, C Squadron.
  • 1059 Trooper Robert Handley, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 6th Reinforcement.
  • 1113 Trooper Herbert Charles Hardwicke, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 7th Reinforcement.
  • 1884 Trooper Bertram Nigel Hartwell, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 13th Reinforcement.
  • 2469 Trooper Robert Ernest Hawes, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 17th Reinforcement.
  • 2030 Trooper Harold Michael Hogan, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 14th Reinforcement.
  • 2034 Trooper James William Holcroft, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 14th Reinforcement.
  • 534 Trooper Richard James, 5th Light Horse Regiment, Headquarters.
  • 3182 Trooper William Henry Jeffery, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 25th Reinforcement.
  • 1579 Trooper Ernest Alfred Keal, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 12th Reinforcement.
  • 3003 Trooper Frederick John Kirkup, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 22nd Reinforcement.
  • 1109 Trooper John Lane, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 7th Reinforcement.
  • 2326 Trooper George Leslie Leamon, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 16th Reinforcement.
  • 2951 Trooper Ernest George Lewis, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 21st Reinforcement.
  • 2953 Trooper John Gordon Luck, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 21st Reinforcement.
  • 1783 Trooper John Lyall, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 12th Reinforcement.
  • 3241 Trooper Archibald Frederick McGill, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 26th Reinforcement.
  • 1903 Trooper Richard McGrath, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 13th Reinforcement.
  • 2215 Trooper Leslie McPhail, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement.
  • 3138 Trooper Walter Robert Morris, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 24th Reinforcement.
  • 3425 Trooper Albert Henry Muller, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 29th Reinforcement.
  • 2216 Trooper Michael Ernest Murphy, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement.
  • 984 Trooper Denis John O'Donohue, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 5th Reinforcement.
  • 1101 Trooper William Joseph O'Grady, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 7th Reinforcement.
  • 1258 Trooper George Phillip Olsen, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 9th Reinforcement.
  • 1714 Trooper George Alfred Painter, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 11th Reinforcement.
  • 2830 Trooper William George Pickstone, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 19th Reinforcement.
  • 2226 Trooper Robert Pitceathly, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement.
  • 2478 Trooper Reuben Joseph Poxon, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 17th Reinforcement.
  • 174 Trooper Frank Ernest Gordon Pullen, 5th Light Horse Regiment, Machine Gun Section.
  • 3243 Trooper George Quinn, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 26th Reinforcement.
  • 1346 Trooper Bertram Harold Ranger, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 10th Reinforcement.
  • 890 Trooper Joseph Henry Rooks, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 4th Reinforcement.
  • 411 Trooper Nigel Grafton Ross, 5th Light Horse Regiment, C Squadron.
  • 353 Trooper Wilfred Wallace Ross, 5th Light Horse Regiment, C Squadron.
  • 372 Trooper Edward Rummel, 5th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 2311 Trooper William Edward Rynne, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 16th Reinforcement.
  • 3245 Trooper George Conrad Schafer, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 26th Reinforcement.
  • 68 Trooper Andrew Anderson Scott, 5th Light Horse Regiment, C Squadron.
  • 1439 Trooper Wallace Oakhampton Scott, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 11th Reinforcement.
  • 3131 Trooper Charles Smith, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 24th Reinforcement.
  • 3013 Trooper Robert Speed, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 22nd Reinforcement.
  • 3255 Trooper John Stanton, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 26th Reinforcement.
  • 2961 Trooper Walter Harold Stephson, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 21st Reinforcement.
  • 3014 Trooper John Thomas, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 22nd Reinforcement.
  • 3260 Trooper John Thompson, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 26th Reinforcement.
  • 1624 Trooper John Tomley, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 12th Reinforcement.
  • 2835 Trooper Peter Trapp, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 19th Reinforcement.
  • 1278 Trooper Francis Alwyn Walker, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 9th Reinforcement.
  • 1277 Trooper Harold George Walker, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 9th Reinforcement.
  • 1048 Trooper George Henry Ware, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 6th Reinforcement.
  • 1868 Trooper Arthur Williams, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 13th Reinforcement.
  • 2086 Trooper William Louis Willis, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 14th Reinforcement.
  • 1382 Trooper Aubrey Victor Wilson, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 11th Reinforcement.
  •  Second Lieutenant Hamilton St Clair Yaldwyn, 5th Light Horse Regiment, 11th Reinforcement.
  • 400 Trooper Thomas Joseph Daley, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 1st Reinforcement.
  • 796 Trooper George Alfred Leichney, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 3rd Reinforcement.
  • 805 Trooper Duncan Mclean, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 3rd Reinforcement.
  • 737 Trooper George Bishop Mason, 7th Light Horse Regiment, 2nd Reinforcement.
  • 1284 Trooper Frank Eason McWaters, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 10th Reinforcement.
  • 1565 Trooper Walter Henry Donovan, 10th Light Horse Regiment, 12th Reinforcement.
  • 1582 Trooper James Gwynne, 10th Light Horse Regiment, 12th Reinforcement.
  •  Captain Percival John Bailey, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Headquarters.
  •  Major Sydney William Barlow, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Headquarters.
  • 110 Trooper Edward John Bourke, 11th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 1542 Trooper Patrick Joseph Bourke, 11th Light Horse Regiment, 7th Reinforcement.
  • 1083 Trooper Samuel Bradshaw, 11th Light Horse Regiment, 5th Reinforcement.
  • 2309 Trooper Frederick David Compton, 11th Light Horse Regiment, 18th Reinforcement.
  • 2367 Trooper Frederick Alan Bruce Couper, 11th Light Horse Regiment, 19th Reinforcement.
  • 761 Trooper John James Dempsey, 11th Light Horse Regiment, 1st Reinforcement.
  • 267 Trooper William Dunlop, 11th Light Horse Regiment, B Squadron.
  • 1183 Trooper Albany Edmondson, 11th Light Horse Regiment, 6th Reinforcement.
  • 1325 Trooper William Emmert, 11th Light Horse Regiment, 7th Reinforcement.
  • 1326 Trooper Allen Melrose Ewen, 11th Light Horse Regiment, 7th Reinforcement.
  • 1553 Trooper Edgar Eyre, 11th Light Horse Regiment, 7th Reinforcement.
  • 270 Trooper John Falconer, 11th Light Horse Regiment, B Squadron.
  • 1829 Trooper William Norman Fowles, 11th Light Horse Regiment, 10th Reinforcement.
  • 764 Trooper Richard Alderson Frost, 11th Light Horse Regiment, 1st Reinforcement.
  • 1331 Trooper Richard Gilchrist, 11th Light Horse Regiment, 7th Reinforcement.
  • 391 Trooper Benjamin Cresswell Gillham, 11th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 390 Trooper Francis Edmund Gillham, 11th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 1834 Trooper Colin Fleming Hall, 11th Light Horse Regiment, 10th Reinforcement.
  • 767 Trooper John Edgar Hamilton, 11th Light Horse Regiment, 1st Reinforcement.
  • 1767 Trooper Albert Sheridan Hart, 11th Light Horse Regiment, 9th Reinforcement.
  • 290 Trooper Alexander Forbes Hogarth, 11th Light Horse Regiment, B Squadron.
  • 392 Trooper Thomas Martin Jones, 11th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 1562 Trooper Charles Leslie Karl, 11th Light Horse Regiment, 7th Reinforcement.
  • 2317 Trooper Kenneth Norman Kunkel, 11th Light Horse Regiment, 18th Reinforcement.
  • 376 Trooper John Colquhoun McLay, 11th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 1098 Trooper Donald Alexander McLeod, 11th Light Horse Regiment, 5th Reinforcement.
  • 2389 Trooper Maurice Messam, 11th Light Horse Regiment, 19th Reinforcement.
  • 1570 Trooper Cecil Victor Potter, 11th Light Horse Regiment, 7th Reinforcement.
  • 853 Trooper George Alexander Rae, 11th Light Horse Regiment, 2nd Reinforcement.
  • 1847 Trooper George Redford, 11th Light Horse Regiment, 10th Reinforcement.
  • 939 Trooper Daniel Allen Riley, 11th Light Horse Regiment, 3rd Reinforcement.
  • 942 Trooper William Edward Stevenson, 11th Light Horse Regiment, 3rd Reinforcement.
  • 796 Trooper George Svenson, 11th Light Horse Regiment, 1st Reinforcement.
  • 221 Trooper Leslie Charles White, 11th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 396 Trooper Wilfred Allen White, 11th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 2311 Trooper Benjamin Creswell Gillham, 12th Light Horse Regiment, 18th Reinforcement.
  • 251 Trooper Cecil Neal Anderson, 14th Light Horse Regiment, 1st Reinforcement.
  • 18 Trooper Cecil Vincent Armstrong, 14th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 19 Trooper Stanley Percival Bangs, 14th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 26 Trooper Alexander Battley, 14th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 29 Trooper William James Brown, 14th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 35 Trooper George Mark Cooling, 14th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 43 Trooper Charles Henry Day, 14th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 38 Trooper Matthew John Draydon, 14th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 53 Trooper Charles James Flutter, 14th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 57 Trooper Henry Thomas Garrahy, 14th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 54 Trooper Leonard James Gillespie, 14th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 64 Trooper William John Hutton, 14th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 72 Trooper William Frederick Tyler Jones, 14th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 15 Trooper Douglas Robert Lang, 14th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 94 Trooper John Francis McNulty, 14th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 257 Trooper Henry Edwin Miller, 14th Light Horse Regiment, 1st Reinforcement.
  • 87 Trooper Ernest Belmore Moody, 14th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 86 Trooper John Vivian Moody, 14th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 101 Trooper David William Orchard, 14th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 152 Trooper Edgar Parker, 14th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 109 Trooper Stephen Payton, 14th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 110 Trooper Arthur Knight Pengelley, 14th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 111 Trooper James Quinlan, 14th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 137 Trooper John Sheehan, 14th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron.
  • 265 Trooper Tom Wilde, 14th Light Horse Regiment, 1st Reinforcement.

Toowoomba Activities, 5 August 1914

While the war announcement was a significant story, the life of Toowoomba did not halt but just kept going on, as it did for the duration of the war. This page details quite clearly some of the life that occurred within the south Toowoomba region.

The Toowoomba Chronicle, Wednesday, 5 August 1915, p. 3.

[Click on page for larger version -  1.162kb]

The Crystal Palace Picture Gardens

The history revealed by a newspaper

A newspaper is a historical snapshot of a particular area on the day the newspaper was published. They contain a wealth of information which can be extracted and used according to the individual taste. The above extracts give an example of the depth of information contained within a simple rural newspaper. Every story contains many more stories, each layered upon each other like onion peels. As one peels away one skin, more appear to reveal a vibrant community brimming with history.

Do you want to take part in uncovering and writing Australian history?

If this entry or other entries inspires you to produce further insights, please feel free to post a response and it may become an acknowledged part of the article.


Further Reading:

Complete list of Newspaper References for 5 August 1914


Citation: The Toowoomba Chronicle - War Declared

Posted by Project Leader at 8:37 PM EAST
Updated: Saturday, 10 January 2009 12:55 PM EAST
Monday, 15 December 2008
The Monaro Mercury - War Declared
Topic: GW - August 1914


7 August  1914, War is Declared, The Monaro Mercury

Due to the time zone differences, the declaration of war by Britain against Germany, while officially recorded as 4 August 1914, in terms of Australia, did not happen until Wednesday, 5 August 1915. For the The Monaro Mercury, this did not happen until the end of the week, on Friday, 7 August 1914.

Apart from being a major regional agricultural centre, the Cooma region supported minor military training facilities. The Militia formations throughout the region included: Cooma, 11th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Machine Gun Section and "A" Squadron (part); Cooma Rifle Club; Adaminaby Rifle Club; Bombala Rifle Club; Nimitybelle Rifle Club; Berridale Rifle Club; and, Dalgety Rifle Club

Cooma was a regional centre which boasted of a weekly newspaper published every Friday called The Monaro Mercury incorporating the Cooma and Bombala AdvertiserThe Monaro Mercury was priced at 3d [3 pence or in 2008 AUD, $5] per edition. The newspaper was circulated around the Cooma region including the locations and towns of Cooma, Bombala, Nimmitabel, Berridale, Dalgety, Maffra, Coonerang, Adaminaby, Kiandra, and Bredbo.

The area around the Cooma region is composed mainly of undulating pastures puctuated by two alpine regions with snow peaked mountains in the winter. The region presents a diverse landscape of agriculture mixed with wilderness. Cooma was the primary city in the region offering key services to sheep grazing activities. The following two pages are indicative of the life experienced in the Cooma region when the Great War was declared.

War is Declared

This page explores the way The Monaro Mercury dealt with the news.

The Monaro Mercury, Friday, 7 August 1914, p. 2.

[Click on page for larger version -  938kb]

War! War!

Advertisers were quick to trivialise the ghastly business of war in order to turn a quick profit. It was an Australian wide phenomenon that lasted until the casualty reports began to filter in from Gallipoli. Until then, it was the Great Game and Great Adventure.

Murphy's on the corner of Vale and Sharp Streets, one of the prime locations in Cooma, used the "War!" motif to sell his goods.

Always ensure there is at least one cemetery in an electorate

The old Sussex Street Trades Hall saw that a good electorate should contain at least one, if not more cemeteries, seems to have been the target of Mr Palmer Sutton of Fontenoy. Suspicious that the Labor Party was utilising the cemetery vote to win the seat against the Liberal Party candidate, Sutton went through the electoral roll of his area and discovered many anomalies. So angered that the election might be stolen, he penned his letter to The Monaro Mercury with the intent to alert the public of his discovery. Below is his letter:

Mr Palmer Sutton
Fontenoy near Adaminaby
2 August 1914:

Allow me to send electoral list in which I find no mention of my name or my wife's. I cause inquiry to be made by the Adaminaby postmaster about a month since who stated that both names were on the list of electors. I find in said list that several names are omitted, also a few who have died which I mark in black ink, and some who have left this part a considerable time marked in coloured ink. The above mentioned irregularities are chiefly injurious to the Liberal interest. There are probably many more errors in the list sent. I only attend to those I know of as my circle of acquaintances is small. Our fair friends here are anxious in the Liberal interest.

The cemetery vote was always an important element in the New South Wales electoral system. With many dead people enrolled, party hacks would then vote in the name of the deceased. This common practice lead to the second adage: "Vote early and vote often."  Usually attributed to Mayor William Hale Thompson of Chicargo, it was well and truly embedded in the political process of the time. It took many decades for these corrupt practices to be excised from the electoral system ensuring a fair result.

The Cooma Rifle Club

The first round of shooting towards the Lovegrove Trophy and the NRA [National Rifle Association] Medal took place on Wednesday, 5 August 1914. The competition involved ten shots from 300 yards [274m]. A. Fallick and W Kaufline won the cash prizes. The other shooters who scored well included F Gunning, TW McRae, JA Goodwin and A McDonald.

The rifle clubs were an important source of trained recruits for the AIF. Many of the Light Horsemen who volunteered for overseas service with the AIF were members of the local rifle club.

Light Horsemen from the Cooma Region

The following list is of the known men who enlisted in the Australian Light Horse during the Great War and saw overseas service. The enlistments are in regimental unit in which he enlisted, although not necessarily served. The fate of the man is the last record.

  • 232 Trooper Joseph Dermod Little, 1st Field Ambulance, returned to Australia.
  • 195 Trooper Charles Vivian Owers, 1st Field Ambulance, returned to Australia.
  • 21431 Trooper Pierre Marie Antoine Speet, 1st Field Squadron Engineers - January, 1918, Reinforcements, returned to Australia.
  • 288 Trooper Athol Robert Ashworth, 1st Light Horse Regiment, B Squadron, returned to Australia.
  • 1386 Trooper Francis Harold Burgess, 1st Light Horse Regiment, 11th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 3413 Trooper Richard John Collins, 1st Light Horse Regiment, 29th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 2465 Trooper Laurence John Delaney, 1st Light Horse Regiment, 17th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 3774 Trooper Edward George Dewdney, 1st Light Horse Regiment, 35th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 330 Trooper Monaghan Raymond Hayes, 1st Light Horse Regiment, B Squadron, Killed in Action at Gallipoli, 31 July 1915.
  • 1443 Trooper Leslie David Hurley, 1st Light Horse Regiment, 11th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 1890 Trooper Eric James Kelly, 1st Light Horse Regiment, 13th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 272 Trooper George Clifton Mcgregor, 1st Light Horse Regiment, B Squadron, returned to Australia.
  • 1102 Trooper Hugh Alfred Lawrence Mugridge, 1st Light Horse Regiment, 7th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 322 Trooper Robert Leslie Paton, 1st Light Horse Regiment, B Squadron, returned to Australia.
  • 366 Trooper Henry Francis Smith, 1st Light Horse Regiment, B Squadron, returned to Australia.
  • 674 Trooper Artemus Stendley Alexander, 2nd Light Horse Brigade, Headquarters, returned to Australia.
  • 2107 Trooper James Daniel Adams, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 14th Reinforcement, Killed in Action, Armentieres, France, 16 July 1916.
  • 1862 Trooper John James Constance, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 13th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 1866 Trooper Percy Thomas Constance, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 13th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • Second Lieutenant Reginald Charles David Garnock, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 2nd Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 2178 Trooper Harold Henry Gibbs, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 370 Trooper Charles Reginald Bede Gill, 6th Light Horse Regiment, C Squadron, returned to Australia.
  • 978 Trooper Leslie James Gurney, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 5th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 2104 Trooper Charles Stanley Jamieson, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 14th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 2103 Trooper David William Jamieson, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 14th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 3488 Trooper Merion Charles Moriarty, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 30th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 3138 Trooper Claude Mulhearn, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 24th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • Major Frederick Dudley Weedon Oatley, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 19th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 1646 Trooper William Francis O'Donnell, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 12th Reinforcement, Killed in Action, Ypres, Belgium, 27 October 1917.
  • 1106 Trooper Thomas William Plackett, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 7th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 3540 Trooper Percy Norman Ryan, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 31st Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 2106 Trooper Farquher Henry Suthern, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 14th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 2087 Trooper Howard Suthern, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 14th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 2090 Trooper Douglas Lewis Thomas, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 14th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 1524 Trooper Ernest James Toms, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 11th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 2312 Trooper Francis Charles Bonny, 7th Light Horse Regiment, 16th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 2157 Trooper Terry Patrick Bray, 7th Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 2311 Trooper Henry Broadhead, 7th Light Horse Regiment, 16th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 2636 Trooper Reginald James Brown, 7th Light Horse Regiment, 18th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 929 Trooper Conyers Clifford, 7th Light Horse Regiment, 5th Reinforcement, Killed in Action at Gallipoli, 5 August 1915.
  • 461 Trooper Albert James Filtness, 7th Light Horse Regiment, C Squadron, returned to Australia.
  • 2647 Trooper Thomas James Gearin, 7th Light Horse Regiment, 18th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 2663 Trooper Thomas William Hayes, 7th Light Horse Regiment, 18th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 2125 Trooper Robert Albert Jones, 7th Light Horse Regiment, 14th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 2833 Trooper Robert Matthews, 7th Light Horse Regiment, 19th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 1671 Trooper William Henry Mcdonald, 7th Light Horse Regiment, 12th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 3558 Trooper Patrick Cecil Mulhearn, 7th Light Horse Regiment, 31st Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 2409 Trooper Harrie Linden Murphy, 7th Light Horse Regiment, 16th Reinforcement, Killed in Action in Palestine, 30 August 1918.
  • 1409 Trooper Alfred Joseph Rolfe, 7th Light Horse Regiment, 11th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 1410 Trooper Arthur Lawrence Rolfe, 7th Light Horse Regiment, 11th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 2277 Trooper Herbert Smart, 7th Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 1771 Trooper Arthur Ephrone Staples, 7th Light Horse Regiment, 12th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 352 Trooper Stewart Stone, 11th Light Horse Regiment, B Squadron, returned to Australia.
  • 1373 Trooper Thomas Percy Barber, 12th Light Horse Regiment, 7th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • Captain Leslie Cowlishaw, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Headquarters, returned to Australia.
  • 470 Trooper Maurice Edward Dawson, 12th Light Horse Regiment, C Squadron, returned to Australia.
  • 142 Trooper James Arthur Gilbert, 12th Light Horse Regiment, A Squadron, and also 11th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • 1552 Trooper John Angus Muir, 12th Light Horse Regiment, 6th Reinforcement, returned to Australia.
  • Lieutenant George Richard Irving, Australian Remount Unit 2, Squadron 6, returned to Australia.
  • 1691 Trooper Charles Henry Stiles, Australian Remount Unit 2, Squadron 6, returned to Australia.
  • 1141 Trooper Francis George Townsend, Australian Remount Unit 1, Squadron 4, returned to Australia.
  • 17103 Trooper Arthur Lachlan Cochran, Australian Wireless Squadron 1, Reinforcement 7, returned to Australia.
  • 1657 Trooper Victor Edward Brown, Camel Corps, November 1916 Reinforcements, returned to Australia.
  • 1693 Trooper Harold Ronald Mcdonald, Camel Corps, November 1916 Reinforcements, returned to Australia.
  • 3348 Trooper Percy Ernest O'connor, Camel Corps, May 1917 Reinforcements, returned to Australia.
  • 3308 Trooper Arthur Sylvester Phillips, Camel Corps, May 1917 Reinforcements, returned to Australia.
  • 1698 Trooper John Ballantine Simpson Robbie, Camel Corps November 1916 Reinforcements, returned to Australia.
  • 1792 Trooper Boyd John Thurbon, Camel Corps November 1916 Reinforcements, returned to Australia.
  • 4483 Trooper Arthur Duncan, General Service Reinforcements, Light Horse, February 1918 Reinforcements, returned to Australia.

Cooma Activities, 7 August 1914

While the war announcement was a significant story, the life of Cooma did not halt but just kept going on, as it did for the duration of the war. This page details quite clearly some of the life that occurred within the south Cooma region.


The Monaro Mercury, Friday, 7 August 1914, p. 3.

[Click on page for larger version -  895kb]


Adaminaby Lands Board Meeting

There might have been a war on but the day to day details of life were maintained. For the projected meeting of the Adaminaby Lands Board at the Court House on Wednesday, 12 August 1914 at 11am, items regarding the community structure were placed on notice for public discussion.

To deal with funding various community projects, assessment of properties for rating formed the major part of the proceedings. At this meeting they were examining the ratings for Percy A Brooks with his 2,200 acres [890.34 ha], Louisa Matilda Pryee and her 140.25 acres [56.76 ha], William Hamilton's 300 acres [121.41 ha], David Henderson and his 150 acres [60.70 ha] and the 67.5 acres [27.3 ha] belonging to Margaret Creaser. In addition, new land needed appraisal of rental or cleared land value. The noticeable item is the role women played as land holders and so as rate payers.

Apart from rating issues, there was an application by Mary Ann Green to erect a "Give and Take" fence. Robert M Stuart wanted to enclose the roads through his property while Joseph Heywood want to put rabbit proof fencing across the road that traversed his property.

The concept of a the "Give and Take" fence is a curious one which was made possible under the Closer Settlement Act 1904 where the local topography prevented the boundary line being fenced exactly between large country properties. Hence the concept of "Give and Take" - "I'll give you some of my land and I will take some of yours when the fence line is placed in a convenient topographical location." Rugged cliffs and such items made exact boundary fences difficult and under these circumstances, provided that it was considered by the land's board, was a satisfactory arrangement for all parties.

The enclosure of a road was also an important item for a farmer. The open road was often a source of major disagreement and complaint between neighbours. This was most especially so when stock was being driven to market. Other times occurred when oxen or horse drawn wagons moved along the track. The animals were more than happy to trample over another person's property to access water or fodder or both. this was especially true if the property was bisected by a busy road.

The rabbit proof fencing was indicative of the spread of rabbits in the area and the damage they were doing to the soil and vegetation. The employment of rabbit proof fences was a short term answer to a difficult question. It gave the farmer a few years respite from the property being over run by rabbits, an inevitable outcome regardless of the fence.

The Cooma District Hospital

Cooma District Hospital Nurses Quarters after a snow storm

Hospital Board

R Craig (President)
George Kaufline (Vice President)
BL Lovegrove (Vice President)
WH Gurney (Hon Treasurer)
J Ferari
H Gunning
SM Osborne
WJ Osbmond
EH Litchfield
H F Faulkner
WH Thomson
EH Quodling
JA Norris
JC Ryrie
OK Silk
AE Darling
DJ O'Rourke
CJ Walmsley (Treasurer)
WK Bannister (Auditor)
HH Solomon (Auditor)
Dr Harvison (Medical Officer)
Dr L Cowlishaw (Medical Officer)
T Faulkner  (Medical Officer)
Dr Finley  (Medical Officer)
Miss G Phillips (Matron)
HVS Wells (Dental Surgeon)
CF Moses  (Dental Surgeon)

A few names stand out. The first is BL Lovegrove, after whom the Lovegrove Cup was named. [See Rifle Club above.]  Dr L Cowlishaw served with the AIF as a Medical Officer. JC Ryrie came from the well known Ryrie family who originally settled in the Michaelago area.

The history revealed by a newspaper

A newspaper is a historical snapshot of a particular area on the day the newspaper was published. They contain a wealth of information which can be extracted and used according to the individual taste. The above extracts give an example of the depth of information contained within a simple rural newspaper. Every story contains many more stories, each layered upon each other like onion peels. As one peels away one skin, more appear to reveal a vibrant community brimming with history.

Do you want to take part in uncovering and writing Australian history?

If this entry or other entries inspires you to produce further insights, please feel free to post a response and it may become an acknowledged part of the article.


Further Reading:

Complete list of Newspaper References for 5 August 1914


Citation: The Monaro Mercury - War Declared

Posted by Project Leader at 8:33 AM EAST
Updated: Tuesday, 16 December 2008 6:01 PM EAST
Sunday, 14 December 2008
The Walhalla Chronicle - War Declared
Topic: GW - August 1914


7 August  1914, War is Declared, The Walhalla Chronicle


Due to the time zone differences, the declaration of war by Britain against Germany, while officially recorded as 4 August 1914, in terms of Australia, did not happen until Wednesday, 5 August 1915. For the The Walhalla Chronicle, this did not happen until the end of the week, on Friday, 7 August 1914.

Apart from being a major regional agricultural area, the Walhalla region supported minor military training facilities. The Militia formations throughout the region included only the Walhalla Rifle Club

Walhalla was a regional centre which boasted of a weekly newspaper published every Friday called The Walhalla Chronicle incorporating the Moondarra AdvertiserThe Walhalla Chronicle was priced at 3d [3 pence or in 2008 AUD, $5] per edition. The newspaper was circulated around the Walhalla region including the locations and towns of Walhalla, Happy Go Lucky, Erica, Jacob Creek, Moondarra, and Cooper's Creek.


Walhalla Chronicle Office, 2008

[From: By permission from Stevage]


Location of the Chronicle Office on Main Street, Walhalla, c. 1914


The area is mountainous with Walhalla located in a valley. The region presents a diverse landscape of alpine wilderness. In 1914, Walhalla was the primary city in the region with 15 hotels, 40 shops, two breweries, seven churches, a school with over 500 students. Its wealth was based upon gold which was discovered in 1863. At its peak, Walhalla had a population in excess of 4,000 people. It was classified as the wealthiest town in Victoria. Now with a population of about 20 people, it is a town frozen in time. The following two pages are indicative of the life experienced in the Walhalla region when the Great War was declared.


War is Declared

This page explores the way The Walhalla Chronicle dealt with the news.


The Walhalla Chronicle, Friday, 7 August 1914, p. 2.

[Click on page for larger version -  1.152mb]


Walhalla Directory

Federal Electorate - Gippsland
Federal Representative - Mr James Bennett

State Electorate - Walhalla
State Representative - Mr Samuel Barnes


Municipality of Walhalla - Founded in 1886

Councillors -

PH Miles (President)
H Hartrick
GV Morgan
AV Lundy
PF Hannan
Johnathon Lamont
James Barry
Hy Dedman
John Finlayson

Secretary and Rate Collector - H McC Kelly
Health Officer - Dr F Hayes
Inspector of Nuisances - John Butler

Public Halls
Oddfellows - W Trembath, Secretary
Foresters - G Masters, Secretary
Mechanics' Institute - AE Rodda, Secretary

Walhalla District Hospital


Walhalla District Hospital, c. 1900


Hospital Board

GD Smith, President

Committee -

PF Hannan
J Smith
H Hartrick
James Barry
Major Rigg
Johnathon Finlayson
W Gerrard
CS Atherton
W Swinler
C James
L Williams
Thomas Slavin
H Goodwin

M Riley, Medical Officer
JJ Smith, Treasurer
HH Ryan, Secretary
Miss Armstrong, Matron.


Editorial - Appalled by the War Declaration

The editorial of The Walhalla Chronicle is clearly indicating a devastation with the announcement and a dread at the result. The editorial bears full transcription.

The feelings of every man who thinks and who is capable of realising what a European war means under modern conditions of fighting, must have been thrilled during the past few days, as the declaration of war by one nation against another was announced in natural sequence, culminating in the news that the British Empire had been forced to join in the general eruption. The dreadful possibilities involved have temporarily paralysed the great nations of the earth, and business and commerce, even in Australia, on the remotest confines of the Empire, are soon likely to be seriously affected. It is an appalling condemnation of our boasted civilisation, that in this 20th Century we cannot find means of allaying the passions of men, and of settling our national misunderstandings, on the basis of equity and peace.

This editorial will never date. Some of the expressions are out dated. The term "thrilled" has taken on new meanings as the century progressed. In the context of this article, the term evokes the notion of horror and terror rather than the newer meaning which is more synonymous with exciting.


Things are different at Moondarra

In contrast to the reflective editorial, W. Whitney of Moondarra, penned this piece of doggerel on 4 August 1914 urging the British to join in the fight against the Germans. In Australia, the following day saw this wish come to fruition.



Draw the sword Britannia
The war-clouds darkly race,
Across thy sky of freedom
They ominously chase.

Draw the sword Britannia,
The ocean shouts to thee,
"Clear the decks for action,"
If you would still be free.

Remember Holstein, England,
Alsatia's mountains, blue
The hour to strike is on us
Or else for ever rue.

Draw the sword Britannia.
Speed on they trusty fleet,
Bear your part in British heart
Or bow at German feet.

Oscar Wilde's famous invocation comes to mind when reading this poem. Wilde said: "When the gods wish to punish us they answer our prayers." One can only speculate over thoughts of W. Whitney in August 1915, a year after this prayer was granted.


Light Horsemen from Walhalla

Below is the brief list of the men from Walhalla who served overseas with the Light Horse.

  • 1218 Trooper Robert William Chance, 13th Light Horse Regiment, 6th Reinforcement.
  • 2334 Trooper John Clements Guatta, 4th Light Horse Regiment, 16th Reinforcement.
  • 617 Trooper William Edwards, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 1st Reinforcement.  

All men returned to Australia. 

Walhalla Activities, 7 August 1914

While the war announcement was a significant story, the life of Walhalla did not halt but just kept going on, as it did for the duration of the war. This page details quite clearly some of the life that occurred within the south Walhalla region.


The Walhalla Chronicle, Friday, 7 August 1914, p. 3.

[Click on page for larger version -  1.12mb]


The year may be different but some things never change

Narnargoon boy James Patrick Canty, 13, watched his father blowing up stumps with gelignite. Impressed with the explosive power, he purloined some gelignite to demonstrate to his friends the explosive qualities of the material. He placed the gelignite on a stump and lit it. The resulting explosion was sufficient to damage the boy's face. In addition, he lost an eye. His friends escaped any injury by keeping a distance from the gelignite.


Again, some things never change.

The following was a letter purportedly sent to a Sydney newspaper.

NSW is a glorious country, bounded on the north by taxes, on the south by strikes, on the east by the Arbitration Court and on the west by the Trades Hall. It is noted for the high cost of living, sport worshippers, work shunners, never pays, prize fighters, land and mining swindles, red-tape and caucus rule. It is the best place on earth for drobes and idlers, who readily respond to the beck and call of paid agitators, for whom the industrious and thrifty are taxed, taxed, and taxed to desperation.

This particular complaint seems to appear every year in one form or another. It is updated to suit the times but the complaint is still the same. People are too lazy and no one wants to work. Unionists rule every aspect of life. Every honest person is taxed beyond endurance. The reality in 1914 was the same as in 2008, it was never true in any sense. But it makes for a wonderful grizzle and one things Australians do love to do, it is grizzle.


No golden era in Australian history

Two sisters driving their horse and sulky were bailed up by two armed robbers. Misses Catherine and Flora McLean had £2/19/- with them as they drove along the Stockton Road near Williamstown in NSW. After being bailed up, their money and sulky was stolen.

Many people reflect over the days of yore and imagine that there was a golden era in Australian history when people were law abiding and the streets were safe to travel. It was never true in 1914 any more than it is fact today. Despite all the troubles, Australian life is far safer today than a hundred years ago. But, it is hard to disprove the fantasy which believes the contrary. 


The history revealed by a newspaper

A newspaper is a historical snapshot of a particular area on the day the newspaper was published. They contain a wealth of information which can be extracted and used according to the individual taste. The above extracts give an example of the depth of information contained within a simple rural newspaper. Every story contains many more stories, each layered upon each other like onion peels. As one peels away one skin, more appear to reveal a vibrant community brimming with history.


Do you want to take part in uncovering and writing Australian history?

If this entry or other entries inspires you to produce further insights, please feel free to post a response and it may become an acknowledged part of the article.


Further Reading:

Complete list of Newspaper References for 5 August 1914


Citation: The Walhalla Chronicle - War Declared

Posted by Project Leader at 3:11 PM EAST
Updated: Sunday, 26 April 2009 1:22 AM EADT
The Queanbeyan Age - War Declared
Topic: GW - August 1914


7 August  1914, War is Declared, The Queanbeyan Age

Due to the time zone differences, the declaration of war by Britain against Germany, while officially recorded as 4 August 1914, in terms of Australia, did not happen until Wednesday, 5 August 1915. For the The Queanbeyan Age, this did not happen until the end of the week, on Friday, 7 August 1914.

Apart from being a major regional agricultural area, the Queanbeyan region supported the primary officer training facility at Duntroon, Canberra, while also hosting minor military training facilities. The Militia formations throughout the region included: Bungendore, 11th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part); Bungendore Rifle Club; and, Queanbeyan Rifle Club under the command of Robert Thomson as Captain.

Queanbeyan was a regional centre which boasted of a bi-weekly newpaper published every Tuesday and Friday called The Queanbeyan Age incorporating the Bungendore Mirror and Captain's Flat Miner. But while the main newspaper, it had a competitor in the weekly newspaper called the Queanbeyan Leader. The Queanbeyan Age was priced at 1d [1 penny or in 2008 AUD, $1.70] per edition. The newspaper was circulated around the Queanbeyan region including the locations and towns of Queanbeyan, Bungendore, Majura, Canberra, Tuggeranong, Thawa, Captain's Flat, Hall and Sutton. The area was mainly composed of undulating pastures puctuated by two alpine regions with snow peaked mountains in the winter. The region presents a diverse landscape of agriculture mixed with wilderness. Queanbeyan was the primary city in the region while the national capital, Canberra began to grow. Now with the population in the many hunderes of thousands, Queanbeyan has become another satellite city of Canberra, although it still holds dearly onto its favourite newspaper, The Queanbeyan Age. The following two pages are indicative of the life experienced in the Queanbeyan region when the Great War was declared.

War is Declared

This page explores the way The Queanbeyan Age dealt with the news.

The Queanbeyan Age, Friday, 7 August 1914, p. 2.

[Click on page for larger version -  1.236mb]

Mobilisation Notice for the Queanbeyan Rifle Club

Members of the Queanbeyan Rifle Club were ordered to register for duty in their role within the Commonwealth mobilisation scheme. Captain Robert Thomson, Officer Commanding the Queanbeyan Rifle Club required the local members to attend the rear rooms of the Post Office at 7.30 that very night - 7 August 1914 - to register for service. The following night was set aside for men from the outlying areas.  The active members from the Queanbeyan Rifle Club were then placed under the immediate mobilisation command of the 28th (Illawarra) Light Horse, the Headquarters being at Albion Park, Sydney. Many members went on to convert from the Militia to the AIF while remaining light horsemen.

Quenabeyan enlistments for the AIF Light Horse

The following list is of the known men who enlisted in the Australian Light Horse during the Great War and saw overseas service. The enlistments are in regimental order, then in alphabetical order. The address of the man is listed followed by the unit in which he enlisted, although not necessarily served. The fate of the man is the last record. Only one man who enlisted in the Light Horse was killed in action. This was 1896 Trooper Walter John Moore who enlisted in the 1st Light Horse Regiment but transferred to the 5th Field Artillery Brigade as a driver. During the attack on the Hindenburg Line on 8 August 1918, Moore was killed in action. He was one of 31 men from Queanbeyan who died as a consequence of service on the Western Front. For those who remained with the Light Horse, their fate was happier as all returned to Australia. 

  • 4051 Trooper Theodore Erle Capes, Barracks Flat, Queanbeyan, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance, 6th Reinforcement, Returned to Australia.
  • 711 Trooper John Edward Cregan, Lanyon Station via Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 1st Light Horse Regiment, 2nd Reinforcement, Returned to Australia.
  • 73 Trooper Richard Roy Hetherington, Commercial Bank, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 1st Light Horse Regiment, Machine Gun Section, Returned to Australia.
  • 1441 Trooper Francis Joseph Humphries, McQuoid Street, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 1st Light Horse Regiment, 11th Reinforcement, Returned to Australia.
  • 3781 Trooper Ernest Roy Johnson, McQuoid Street, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 1st Light Horse Regiment, 35th Reinforcement, Returned to Australia.
  • 1896 Trooper Walter John Moore, Campbell Street, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 1st Light Horse Regiment, 13th Reinforcement, Killed in Action, Villers-Bretonneux, France, 8 August 1918.
  • 1705 Trooper Albert Charles Bell, McQuoid Street, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 11th Reinforcement, Returned to Australia.
  • 2154 Trooper Charles Herbert Chalmers, Garryowen, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement, Returned to Australia.
  • 3602 Trooper Alfred William Marchant, Bank of NSW, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 32nd Reinforcement, Returned to Australia.
  • 1183 Trooper Charles Longden Richardson, The Elms, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 8th Reinforcement, Returned to Australia.
  • 2228 Trooper Charles Victor Southwell, Cameron Street, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement, Returned to Australia.
  • 2229 Trooper James Southwell, Antill Street, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement, Returned to Australia.
  • 2828 Trooper James Brown Swan, Campbell Street, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 19th Reinforcement, Returned to Australia.
  • 2236 Trooper Gervaze Cosmos Thompson, McQuoid Street, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement, Returned to Australia.
  • 1958 Trooper Thomas Oswald Woodger, Monaro, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 13th Reinforcement, Returned to Australia.
  • 2817 Trooper James Grady, Tuggeranong, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 7th Light Horse Regiment, 19th Reinforcement, Returned to Australia.
  • 3605 Trooper William George Lee, Pound Hill, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 7th Light Horse Regiment, 32nd Reinforcement, Returned to Australia.
  • 1326 Trooper Edward Crofton Maxwell, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 7th Light Horse Regiment, 10th Reinforcement, Returned to Australia.
  • 1325 Trooper Patrick Michael Maxwell, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 7th Light Horse Regiment, 10th Reinforcement, Returned to Australia.
  • 2824 Trooper James Archibald Muir, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 7th Light Horse Regiment, 19th Reinforcement, Returned to Australia.
  • 2381 Trooper William Martin Pike, Rosecrea, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 7th Light Horse Regiment, 16th Reinforcement, Returned to Australia.
  • 642 Trooper John Michael Scannell, 'Canberra' via Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 7th Light Horse Regiment, 1st Reinforcement, Returned to Australia.
  • 642 Trooper Michael John Scannell, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 7th Light Horse Regiment, 26th Reinforcement, Returned to Australia.
  • 1382 Trooper Herbert Cantle, Mowatt Street, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 12th Light Horse Regiment, 7th Reinforcement, Returned to Australia.
  • 1390 Trooper Herbert Claude Dawson, Crawford Street, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 12th Light Horse Regiment, 7th Reinforcement, Returned to Australia.
  • 1392 Trooper Archibald Samuel Fitzgibbon, Crawford Street, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 12th Light Horse Regiment, 7th Reinforcement, Returned to Australia.
  • 1421 Trooper John Calude McGrogan, Antill Street, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 12th Light Horse Regiment, 7th Reinforcement, Returned to Australia.
  • 1626 Trooper Edward McInnes, Antil Street, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 12th Light Horse Regiment, 6th Reinforcement, Returned to Australia.
  • 1426 Trooper Bertram Herman Billet Naveau, Power House, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 12th Light Horse Regiment, 7th Reinforcement, Returned to Australia.
  • 1427 Trooper John James O'Rourke, Mowatt Street, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 12th Light Horse Regiment, 7th Reinforcement, Returned to Australia.
  • 1428 Trooper Joseph Patrick O'Rourke, Mowatt Street, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 12th Light Horse Regiment, 7th Reinforcement, Returned to Australia.
  • 1533A Trooper Ulric Harley Williams, 'Hillview', Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 12th Light Horse Regiment, 7th Reinforcement, Returned to Australia.
The seventy couples, or more, That adorned the ballroom floor

The Hospital Ball was the highlight of the social season. Held on Tuesday, 5 August 1914, on the very day Australia received word of the outbreak of war, the ball was a financial and social success. 

We know the types of dresses worn by the women who attended. Many women handed in their dress cards with a description of the clothing they wore. Here are a few examples.

  • Mrs Forster Rutledge nee Gidleigh wore black charmeuse with black trimmings and ornaments.
  • Mrs C Morcom wore a dress of pale blue satin trimmed with gold lace and adorned with gold medallions.
  • Mrs GJ Webb's dress was of cream ninon trimmed with beads.
  • Mrs Hetherington wore a dress made from black crepe-de-chine.

After doing the dress up at the ball to express an ability to wear something different and better than the other woman, it would appear as though there was a need to compare notes about the dresses worn. Those women who did not appreciate the dress worn by the particular woman on the night had the opportunity to examine the dress in detail in a post ball debriefing. One can only imagine the social fate that awaited those women who did not lodge their dress card. 

Queanbeyan Activities, 7 August 1914

While the war announcement was a significant story, the life of Queanbeyan did not halt but just kept going on, as it did for the duration of the war. This page details quite clearly some of the life that occurred within the south Queanbeyan region.

The Queanbeyan Age, Friday, 7 August 1914, p. 3.

[Click on page for larger version -  1.077mb]


War! War!

Advertisers were quick to trivialise the ghastly business of war in order to turn a quick profit. It was an Australian wide phenomenon that lasted until the casualty reports began to filter in from Gallipoli. Until then, it was the Great Game and Great Adventure.

Hayes and Russell used the uncertainty of war and the expectation of profiteering to market their products. One of their signature products was their special blend of tea called The Canberra. Originally, Hayes and Russell Ltd, were ironmongers, but like stores of this type, expanded out to become general stores and some even departments stores. Hayes and Russell Ltd was a major feature in Queanbeyan for many years.

Whiz! Bang!

Shoot straight for the Protestant Hall on August 14th and attend the Grand Plain and Fancy Dress Ball in aid of the Federal Sports Club. Catering by Mrs JA Shaw. Music by Misses Meredith Orchestra. Built in 1877, the Protestant Hall went through many transformations of which included a Salvation Army barracks, Masonic hall and a picture theatre. It is now home to St Illia's Macedonian Orthodox Church demonstrating the cosmopolitan flavour of Queanbeyan.

The remorseless beat of Life and Death goes on

Road accidents have always been killers. Regardless of the era, any use of a vehicle for rapid transport has brought with it the potential for injury. The horse drawn sulky was just as likely to produce fatalities as is the motor vehicles of today.

Bywong Creek, 11 am, Sunday, 22 July 1914, Claude Joseph Harriott, a 4 month old child, died as a direct consequence of a sulky accident. On Monday, 16 July 1914,  the sulky contained the Harriott family as they travelled upon the main road from Bungendore after a visit to the town. With them was their dog who followed in front and back of the sulky. Near the 12 mile post on the main road, the dog went between the legs of the horse who took fright who gallopped off the road towards a fence. Claude Joseph  was in the arms of his mother. The jolting caused the seat bolts to sever forcing the mother to swerve towards the sulky wheel. During this involuntary action, the head of Claude Joseph was struck against the wheel. The child never recovered from his head wound and died six days later. 

The history revealed by a newspaper

A newspaper is a historical snapshot of a particular area on the day the newspaper was published. They contain a wealth of information which can be extracted and used according to the individual taste. The above extracts give an example of the depth of information contained within a simple rural newspaper. Every story contains many more stories, each layered upon each other like onion peels. As one peels away one skin, more appear to reveal a vibrant community brimming with history.

Do you want to take part in uncovering and writing Australian history?

If this entry or other entries inspires you to produce further insights, please feel free to post a response and it may become an acknowledged part of the article.


Further Reading:

Complete list of Newspaper References for 5 August 1914


Citation: The Queanbeyan Age - War Declared

Posted by Project Leader at 7:15 AM EAST
Updated: Sunday, 14 December 2008 11:07 AM EAST
Saturday, 13 December 2008
The Toodyay Herald - War Declared
Topic: GW - August 1914


8 August  1914, War is Declared, The Toodyay Herald

Due to the time zone differences, the declaration of war by Britain against Germany, while officially recorded as 4 August 1914, in terms of Australia, did not happen until Wednesday, 5 August 1915. For the The Toodyay Herald, this did not happen until the end of the week, on Saturday, 8 August 1914.

Apart from being a major regional agricultural and forestry area, the Toodyay region supported minor military training facilities. The Militia formations throughout the region included: Toodyay, 25th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part); Toodyay Rifle Club; and, Goomalling Rifle Club

Toodyay was a regional centre which boasted of a weekly newpaper published every Saturday called The Toodyay Herald incorporating the Bolgart and Wyening Districts' Chronicle. It was priced at 3d [3 pence or in 2008 AUD, $5] per edition. The newspaper was circulated around the Toodyay region including the locations and towns of Toodyay, Bolgart, Wyening, Bindoon, Dewars Pool, Buckland, Mumberkine and Goomalling. Apart from some of the most breathtakingly beautiful forests and rural landscapes dotted by wonderfully rustic villages and hamlets, the area contains Swan/Avon River whose rugged terrain forms the basis of the Australian White Water Classic, the Avon Descent. The following two pages are indicative of the life experienced in the Toodyay regionwhen the Great War was declared.

War is Declared

This page explores the way The Toodyay Herald dealt with the news.

The Toodyay Herald, Saturday, 8 August 1914, p. 3.

[Click on page for larger version -  1.211mb]

German ship siezed at Fremantle

On the morning of 7 August 1914, a telegram was received through the news service stating that the German steamer, SS Griefswald, arrived at Fremantle and was immediately siezed by the military authorities.

War Time Profeteering

On Friday, 7 August 1915, the Western Australian Legislative Assembly pushed through three readings of a bill in an to prevent the social destabilisation and dislocation that occurs through hoarding and profiteering within a society. The law meant business in this matter by imposing a huge maximum fine of £1,000 or a period of imprisonment should a person, having three months or more supplies, refuses to sell these foodstuffs on demand at current prices. Prior to getting the Governor's assent and proclaimation through the Government Gazette, the bill still had to pass through the Legislative Council which was always a difficult prospect for any Western Australian government. 

War Coverage versus the Federal Elections

In a comment upon the visit by Senator Pearce to give a speech at the Toodyay Town Hall on Friday evening, 7 August 1914, the reporter for the occasion made a comment about the approach to reporting the speech: "For the sake of brevity in these piping times of war, we will condense as far as possible..." This was either a tongue in cheek comment or the editor did not appreciate the irony of the comment but the space devoted to the ensuing Federal election campaign was equal to the coverage given to war news. Indeed, the newspaper used the balance of the page to detail the local football match between the Toodyay team and the Federals. The only other news on the page related to the Comedy performance and the winning raffle tickets.

Football players

Many men who played football at Toodyay on Saturday, 1 August 1914 subsequently enlisted in the AIF and saw overseas service.

Toodyay: Boxall, Meredith, Tidswell, K Wroth, L Wroth, J Ellery, McDermott, S Davey, Pember, Robinson, Bedall,  Kingston, Wroth, Smith, Rogers, Manthorpe, Harrison and A Ellery.

Federals: Nicholson, Richards, Caddy, Dempster, Forward, Minson, Peake, McMahon, Gibson, Mayersbeth, Stephens, Bell, Young, Foster, Quinn and Dhu.

On Saturday, 8 August 1914, the Toodyay football team was off to play against the Northam Unions. The eighteen were to be chosen from the following potential team members:

F Atwall, CA Bedall, J Boxall, L Davey, S Davey, A Ellery, J Ellery, V Harrison, F Kingston, H Manthorpe, R McCallum, P McDermott, H Meredith, F Pember, M Robinson, T Rogers,  Smith,  Smith, W Tidswell, J Wroth, K Wroth, and L Wroth.

Toodyay Activities, 8 August 1914

While the war announcement was a significant story, the life of Toodyay did not halt but just kept going on, as it did for the duration of the war. This page details quite clearly some of the life that occurred within the south Toodyay region.

The Toodyay Herald, Saturday, 8 August 1914, p. 2.

[Click on page for larger version -  1.178mb]


War is in the air

So are those Horrid Flies.

Householders may protect their homes from invasion by purchasing from Padbury Stores Ltd collapsible meat safes, meat covers, wire gauze and doors.

Meat Safe

So read the advertisement by Padbury Stores Limited. The shop was owned by William Padbury who listed his business as being "merchants, importers, iron-mongers, drapers & grocers, machinery and implement importers. The main place of business was located at 114 Terrace Road in Guildford. The building still remains although now has been converted into a restaurant bearing the owner's name, Padburys Cafe Restaurant. Padbury also had branch stores at Moora and Toodyay. The innovative advertisement dealt with a perrenial problem - flies, an iconic symbol of Australian life. Meat safes were always an important part of pre-refrigeration homes in Australia.


The St John the Baptist Church planned to hold a euchre and dance party on 19 August 1914. The funds raised on the night was to contribute towards the running of the church. 

The history revealed by a newspaper

A newspaper is a historical snapshot of a particular area on the day the newspaper was published. They contain a wealth of information which can be extracted and used according to the individual taste. The above extracts give an example of the depth of information contained within a simple rural newspaper. Every story contains many more stories, each layered upon each other like onion peels. As one peels away one skin, more appear to reveal a vibrant community brimming with history.

Do you want to take part in uncovering and writing Australian history?

If this entry or other entries inspires you to produce further insights, please feel free to post a response and it may become an acknowledged part of the article.


Further Reading:

Complete list of Newspaper References for 5 August 1914


Citation: The Toodyay Herald - War Declared

Posted by Project Leader at 4:03 PM EAST
Updated: Saturday, 13 December 2008 9:56 PM EAST

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900 - 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.

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