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Wednesday, 31 December 2003
Boer War - New South Wales, Contingents sent, 1899 - 1902, Contents
Topic: BW - NSW

Boer War - New South Wales

Contingents sent, 1899 - 1902




Boer War - New South Wales, Contingents sent, 1899 - 1902, Outline

Boer War - New South Wales, Contingents sent, 1899 - 1902, Details


Australian newspaper accounts

Preparing the first Australian contingents for South Africa

Off to the war, the first NSW Contingent departs Sydney, Town and Country Journal, 4 November 1899

The NSW Lancers, Town and Country Journal, 9 December 1899

DAILY LIFE IN CAMP, Town and Country Journal, 10 February 1900 



Roll of Honour

Boer War - New South Wales, Contingents sent, 1899 - 1902, Roll of Honour

Lest We Forget


Further Reading:

Boer War - New South Wales

Boer War - New South Wales, Contingents sent, 1899 - 1902, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Boer War - New South Wales, Contingents sent, 1899 - 1902, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Saturday, 8 May 2010 6:17 PM EADT
Tuesday, 30 December 2003
Boer War - New South Wales, Contingents sent, 1899 - 1902, Outline
Topic: BW - NSW

Boer War - New South Wales

Contingents sent, 1899 - 1902




New South Wales Prefatory.

It has not been considered desirable to detail the preliminary training in the case of each Contingent or draft. It may readily be understood; however, that it would have been impossible to clothe, equip, drill, and despatch 6,000 men and horses to the seat of the war, readily and steadily, without perfect system and regularity of method. The first Contingents embarked were in reality drafts from the three New South Wales mounted regiments; the company of infantry was enrolled entirely from selected men of the Militia and Volunteer Battalions. These were, therefore, a superior class of individuals, from whom considerable was to be expected; and there was little trouble in getting them away. "A" Battery R.A.A. was, of course, under strict discipline; and the same may be said of the Army Medical Corps.

But much rougher material had to be dealt with in the Bushmen's and subsequent Contingents; though, of course, they ultimately became leavened with a proportion of men who had been to the war and gained valuable experience. Many of the recruits, however-a large majority in some cases-were mere rough bushmen, countrymen, handicraftsmen, farm, labourers, and the like, who had never soldiered before, and had everything to learn in the way of drill and discipline.

Camps of Instruction were established at Randwick and elsewhere; and the men, having been accepted, passed the tests, and enrolled, were put through such a rapid and comprehensive course as should fit them for duty. Horses were selected and purchased as rapidly as possible, consistently with fair accuracy of judgment, and handed over to their riders, who were taught the routine of stable duty. They were issued with uniforms and equipment, and organized into squadrons; squadrons subdivided into troops,, and troops into sections of four. The men were exercised in recruit drill, musketry, marching, and squadron work, and the duties of an irregular horseman, both mounted and dismounted. Finally, the battalion was paraded as such; and officers and sergeants tested in their work. Interior economy, as applied to the routine of camp life and the field, and discipline, also formed important subjects of instruction.

Duly qualified officers and staff-sergeants were selected for the training, and a Camp Commandant appointed for each Camp. Selected officers were likewise detailed to make the necessary arrangements for embarkation of men and horses in the transports available in each case; so that when the day arrived, all things being in readiness, there might not be any hitch.

By these means, and a severe course of what might be termed "forcing," the various Contingents were enabled to make quite a creditable appearance when they marched to the quay for embarkation; usually in the presence of thousands of interested and enthusiastic spectators. Great encomium was due to the Head Quarter Staff, both the A.A.G. and A.Q.M.G. Departments, and to the key Department, under Mr. J. B. Laing, upon which an unusually severe strain was placed. Also to the officers and sergeants instructors for the unanimity and energy with which they worked to bring about so desirable a consumption.

No horses were brought back from South Africa; they were handed over to Remount Depots prior to embarkation of each Contingent for Australia.

In addition to the articles of uniform noted as issued to Contingents, each man was supplied with boots and a full and complete kit, comprising clothing, underwear, necessaries, etc.


Further Reading:

Boer War - New South Wales

Boer War - New South Wales, Contingents sent, 1899 - 1902, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Boer War - New South Wales, Contingents sent, 1899 - 1902, Outline

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Monday, 26 April 2010 2:12 PM EADT
Monday, 29 December 2003
Boer War - New South Wales, Contingents sent, 1899 - 1902, Details
Topic: BW - NSW

Boer War - New South Wales

Contingents sent, 1899 - 1902




New South Wales Lancers - 1st Draft    October 10, 1899    December 6, 1900
January 8, 1901
New South Wales Lancers - 2nd Draft    October 28, 1899    January 8, 1901
New South Wales Lancers - 3rd Draft    January 17, 1900    January 8, 1901
New South Wales Lancers - 4th Draft    February 16, 1900    January 8, 1901
1st New South Wales Army Medical Corps    October 28, 1899    December 8, 1900
January 8, 1901
2nd New South Wales Army Medical Corps    January 17, 1900    January 8, 1901
3rd Imperial Draft Army Medical Corps (NSW)    March 17, 1901    June 3, 1902
4th Commonwealth Army Medical Corps (NSW)    February 11, 1902    July 1902
New South Wales Mounted Rifles    November 3, 1899    January 8, 1901
New South Wales Infantry    November 3, 1899    January 8, 1901
1st Australian Horse (NSW)    November 14, 1899    May 2, 1901
2nd Draft 1st Australian Horse (NSW)    January 17, 1900    May 2, 1901
Royal Australian Artillery (NSW)    December 30, 1899    September 15, 1901
Royal Australian Artillery (NSW) - Draft    March 15, 1901    September 15, 1901
1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles    January 17, 1900    April 29, 1901
New South Wales Citizens' Bushmen    February 28, 1900    June 11, 1901
1st New South Wales Imperial Bushmen    April 23, 1900    June 17, 1901
2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles    March 15, 1901    June 4, 1902
3rd New South Wales Mounted Rifles    March 15 & 21, 1901    June 3, 1902
3rd New South Wales Mounted Rifles - Draft    April 5, 1901    June 3, 1902
3rd New South Wales Imperial Bushmen    ....    ....    ....    August 11, 1902
1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse    February 18, 1902    August 11, 1902
3rd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse    April 1, 1902    August 11, 1902
5th Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse    May 22, 1902    August 1, 1902


Further Reading:

Boer War - New South Wales

Boer War - New South Wales, Contingents sent, 1899 - 1902, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Boer War - New South Wales, Contingents sent, 1899 - 1902, Details

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Monday, 26 April 2010 12:44 PM EADT
Saturday, 27 December 2003
Boer War - New South Wales, Contingents sent, 1899 - 1902, Roll of Honour
Topic: BW - NSW

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Australian Forces

Roll of Honour

New South Wales

Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men known to have served at one time with the New South Wales forces and gave their lives in service of Australia, whether as part of the New South Wales forces or another unit during the Boer War.


Roll of Honour


Alexander McFarlane ABERLINE, NSW Imperial Bushmen Contingent, "F" Company.

William John ABRAHAMS, NSW Mounted Rifles, "A" Squadron.

Sydney AHRENS, 2nd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Alfred Edward Elkington ALLEN, NSW Mounted Rifles, "A" Squadron.

Alfred John ALLINGHAM, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, "B" Squadron.

John Alexander Stewart ANDREW, 1st Australian Horse.

Frank ANDREWS, NSW Imperial Bushmen Contingent, Headquarters.

Aubrey Vincent APTHORPE, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, "A" Squadron.

Douglas James ARNDELL, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Samuel Charles ATCHISON, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "E" Squadron.

Frederick AVARD, NSW Lancers.

William Myles AYRE, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, "B" Squadron.


Thomas Percy BARKER, 2nd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Dennis Joseph BARRETT, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, "D" Squadron.

Carl Oswald BASCHE, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "B" Squadron.

Michael BASTICK, 2nd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Harry Monsell BAYLISS, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, "A" Squadron.

Henry Saint-John BEASLEY, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, "D" Squadron.

John Leo BELLAMY, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

William BENDER, NSW Mounted Rifles, "A" Squadron.

Arthur Thomas BENNETT, NSW Mounted Rifles, "A" Squadron.

Henry Augustus BENNETT, NSW Imperial Bushmen Contingent, "E" Company.

William Thomas BERRIMAN, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, "B" Squadron.

Isaac BEWLEY, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, "E" Squadron.

John Wright BIDDLE, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "B" Squadron.

David BLACK, NSW Imperial Bushmen Contingent, "D" Company.

Hector Norman BLACK, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

William Thomas BONNER, 1st Australian Horse.

Arthur BROWN, 2nd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Henry Martin BUDD, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "E" Squadron.

George Herbert BURNS, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.


Archibald Lochiel CAMERON, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "E" Squadron.

Norman Victor CAMERON, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, "E" Squadron.

Robert CAMERON, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, "C" Squadron.

Andrew McKenzie CAMPBELL, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, "E" Squadron.

Robert B CAMPBELL, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "C" Squadron.

George CHALLIS, NSW Imperial Bushmen Contingent, "B" Company.

Edward Brown CHESHER, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, "C" Squadron.

Alexander John Henry CHISHOLM, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, Machine Gun Section.

William Edward CLANCY, 2nd NSW Mounted Rifles.

John William CLOUGH, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Michael Joseph COMMINS, 1st Australian Horse.

Edwin Jas CONYBEARE, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "B" Squadron.

Granville Thomas COOPER, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, Headquarters.

Reginald Belmore COX, 1st Australian Horse.

George Francis COYLE, 2nd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Charles CRAWFORD, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Thomas Wentworth CRESSY, NSW Imperial Bushmen Contingent, "B" Company.

David Ross CRICHTON, 2nd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Charles G CRIPPS, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "B" Squadron.

Ralph CUMMING, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, "E" Squadron.

William Jospeh CUMMINGS, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent.


Edward DAGGAR, NSW Imperial Bushmen Contingent, "C" Company.

Joseph DALEY, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, "C" Squadron.

Verdi Robert DALY, NSW Mounted Rifles, "A" Squadron.

George William DAVIDSON, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, "D" Squadron.

George Jennings DICKSON, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, "C" Squadron.

James Stirling DOWNES, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Percy William Chanter DRAGE, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "D" Squadron.

Harold DRINKWATER, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, "C" Squadron.

Patrick J DRUM, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "D" Squadron.

James Daniel DUFF, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, "A" Squadron.


Alfred EBSWORTH, 1st Australian Horse.

Walter EDWARDS, A Battery Royal Australian Artillery.

Walter Melrose ELLIS, NSW Lancers.


James Joseph FAHEY, NSW Imperial Bushmen Contingent, "F" Company.

James FANTON, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "B" Squadron.

Martin FARRELL, 2nd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Franz Gustav A L FETTING, NSW Lancers.

James FINNIGAN, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, "C" Squadron.

Clive FLINT, NSW Mounted Rifles, "A" Squadron.

Robert FORAN, 2nd NSW Mounted Rifles.

John Francis FOREMAN, 2nd NSW Mounted Rifles.

George Brooke FORSTER, 2nd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Donald FRASER, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "E" Squadron.

Donald FRASER, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "E" Squadron.

Donald FRASER, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, "A" Squadron.

John Clarence FRASER, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "E" Squadron.

William FREEMAN, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "D" Squadron.

Thomas A FULTON, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "C" Squadron.


George GANDER, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, "D" Squadron.

Frederick James GARDINER, NSW Imperial Bushmen Contingent, ASC.

Edward GAY, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

George Henry Flood GIBSON, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, "A" Squadron.

Charles Anthony GILCHRIST, 1st Australian Horse.

Horace William GILCHRIST, 1st Australian Horse.

Isaac GOODSELL, Army Medical Corps.

Charles John GOSPER, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, "C" Squadron.

Bernard GOWING, A Battery Royal Australian Artillery.

James Mackey GRAY, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, Drafts.

Ernest William GREEN, 2nd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Arthur Percy Briton GREY, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, "A" Squadron.

George Allman GRIFFEN, 1st Australian Horse.


Belton Andrew HALLEY, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "E" Squadron.

Hugh Hunter HANDCOCK, NSW Imperial Bushmen Contingent, "C" Company.

Henry Cullum HARDY, NSW Imperial Bushmen Contingent, "A" Company.

Walter HARKER, 2nd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Rowland Edward HARKUS, NSW Lancers.

William Rupert HARRIOTT, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "C" Squadron.

Joseph HARRISON, Army Medical Corps Second Contingent.

James Thomas HAY, 2nd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Leslie Charles HILL, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "E" Squadron.

Frances Emma HINES, Nursing Service, Army Medical Corps.

James Archibald HYNDMAN, NSW Imperial Bushmen Contingent, "B" Company.


Richard Jeffrey INCH, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.


William Charles JACKSON, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, "C" Squadron.

James Henry JACOBS, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, "C" Squadron.

Walter Jospeh JAMES, 1st Australian Horse.

George JOHNSON, 2nd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Hugh Trevor JONES, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, Drafts.

Walter JONES, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, "B" Squadron.


John Joseph KELLY, Army Medical Corps Second Contingent.

Robert KELLY, NSW Imperial Bushmen Contingent, "B" Company.

William Patrick KELLY, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Frederick Isaac KILPATRICK, NSW Lancers.

Reuben KIMPTON, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Alexander KING, NSW Imperial Bushmen Contingent, "C" Company.

Wilfred John KIRKLAND, NSW Mounted Rifles, "A" Squadron.

George Harold KITE, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "B" Squadron.

Walter Henry KOHLER, 2nd NSW Mounted Rifles.


Edward Allister LAMB, 2nd NSW Mounted Rifles.

James LAMB, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, "B" Squadron.

William Arthur LASSETTER, NSW Imperial Bushmen Contingent, "D" Company.

Joseph Edward LEFOE, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, "D" Squadron.

Franklin H LEGGE, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "C" Squadron.

Thomas B LENNON, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "C" Squadron.

Herbert William LENON, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Alfred LINDNER, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Stanley LIPSCOMBE, NSW Imperial Bushmen Contingent, "D" Company.

James Miles LOGAN, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, "A" Squadron.

Walter H LONEY, Army Medical Corps Second Contingent.


William MACFARLANE, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Andrew Ross MACKELLAR, NSW Imperial Bushmen Contingent, "F" Company.

Keith Kinnaird MACKELLAR, 1st Australian Horse.

George MANNS, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent.

Walter MASON, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, Drafts.

Sydney Selwyn MAYO, 2nd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Norman MCCAULEY, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, Drafts.

Richard Webb MCGILL, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "B" Squadron.

George Reginald MCGUINNESS, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, "A" Squadron.

Thomas MCKAY, 2nd NSW Mounted Rifles.

J T MCKENZIE, A Battery Royal Australian Artillery.

William MCKERR, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Simon MCLENNAN, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "E" Squadron.

Simon MCLENNAN, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "E" Squadron.

Patrick John MCNAMARA, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Daniel Peter MEEHAN, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, "A" Squadron.

William Patrick MEEHAN, 1st Australian Horse.

D F MILLER, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

James MITCHELL, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, "A" Squadron.

William MONTGOMERIE, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, "E" Squadron.

George Arthur MONTGOMERY, NSW Imperial Bushmen Contingent, "A" Company.

Llewellyn MORGAN, NSW Imperial Bushmen Contingent, "F" Company.

Edward James MORRIS, NSW Imperial Bushmen Contingent, "D" Company.

J R MORRISON, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Denis Joseph MURRAY, NSW Imperial Bushmen Contingent, "F" Company.

John Rowan MURRAY, NSW Imperial Bushmen Contingent, "A" Company.

Walter MURRAY, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, "B" Squadron.

Walter MYLES, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, "D" Squadron.


John Francis NEARY, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, Drafts.

William NEWLAND, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.


Ernest Chalmer OGLE, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "C" Squadron.

Patrick O'GRADY, NSW Imperial Bushmen Contingent, "E" Company.

John Ernest O'KEEFE, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, "B" Squadron.

Charles OLDHAM, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Charles O'LOUGHLIN, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

John ORAM, Army Medical Corps First Contingent.


Jospeh PALAZZI, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "E" Squadron.

Francis Sydney PERKINS, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Oswald Saunders PITT, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, Machine Gun Section.

Thomas Hilton POWELL, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, "B" Squadron.


Benjamin Joseph QUIGLEY, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, "D" Squadron.


Edwin Horace RANSLEY, NSW Mounted Rifles, "A" Squadron.

George RAWE, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "D" Squadron.

Phillip John REILLY, NSW Mounted Rifles, "A" Squadron.

Alfred RICHARDS, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, "A" Squadron.

Robert RICHARDS, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, Drafts.

James RICHARDSON, 2nd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Claude William ROBERTSON, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, "B" Squadron.

Thomas C ROBERTSON, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "D" Squadron.

John E ROWE, 2nd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Frederick Winter RUSSELL, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, "A" Squadron.

James Henry RUSSELL, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Joseph RUSSELL, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, "B" Squadron.


Edwin SAMS, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, "C" Squadron.

William SCOTT, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

James SEYMOUR, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Charles James SHAW, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Albert William SISLEY, 2nd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Alexander SMILEY, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "D" Squadron.

Albert Edward SMITH, NSW Mounted Rifles, "A" Squadron.

Cecil Selwyn SMITH, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, "B" Squadron.

Frederick Victor SMITH, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "E" Squadron.

Sydney James SMITH, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, "D" Squadron.

Thomas SMITH, Army Medical Corps First Contingent.

William SMITH, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Walter Laishlty SPIER, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, "B" Squadron.

Harry SPIERS, 2nd NSW Mounted Rifles.

J H STARR, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Arthur J STEVENS, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

William STRACHAN, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Thomas STURGEON, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, "E" Squadron.

Edward John SULLIVAN, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, Headquarters.


Henry TAME, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Herbert Bernden TAME, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Walter TAME, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

George TAYLOR, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

William Graham TAYLOR, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "C" Squadron.

Norman E THOMPSON, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "B" Squadron.

William Edward John THORPE, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent.

Frank TOOHEY, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, "C" Squadron.

Graham Voller Dalhousie TREATT, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, "C" Squadron.

Leslie Dagworth TUNKS, NSW Lancers, First Contingent.

Charles Thomas Elisha TURNER, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, Drafts.


Charles Edward UMPHELBY, Royal Australian Artillery Special Service Officer.


Patrick VERDON, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, "A" Squadron.


Herbert William WADDELL, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, "B" Squadron.

John WADDELL, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent.

James Edwin WALKER, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, "A" Squadron.

Harold WALSH, 2nd NSW Mounted Rifles.

John Nathanial WALTON, NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, "C" Squadron.

Richard WEEKS, 2nd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Frederick William WHINFIELD, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "B" Squadron.

Robert James Little WHITE, NSW Imperial Bushmen Contingent, "C" Company.

Henry WILLIAMS, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, Headquarters.

David WILLIS, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "E" Squadron.

Charles WILSON, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, "D" Squadron.

Robert Frank WILSON, 1st Australian Horse.

William WOOD, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, "A" Squadron.


William Frederick YOUNG, 1st NSW Mounted Rifles, "D" Squadron.


Lest We Forget


Further Reading:

Boer War - New South Wales

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Boer War - New South Wales, Contingents sent, 1899 - 1902, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Monday, 26 April 2010 12:42 PM EADT

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