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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre aims to present an accurate history as chroniclers of early Australian military developments from 1899 to 1920.

The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre site holds over 12,000 entries and is growing daily.

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Thursday, 1 January 2009
Foundation Principles
Topic: AAB-Education Centre

Education Centre - Foundation Principles

The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre in conjunction with the various Education authorities in Australia, has embarked upon producing a program of instruction targeted initially towards the Later Adolescence band of scholars, characteristically those who are studying in Year 9 and 10 within Australia. Each lesson will be a self contained module. Some will be more difficult than others and graded accordingly.

Issues examined include:

1. The “White Guard” guerrilla force defending Australia
2. August 1914
3. Recruiting and training
4. Embarkation
5. Gallipoli
6. Sinai
7. Beersheba
8. Life in Australia during the Great War
9. Keep the home fires burning.
10. German Anzacs
11. Aboriginal Light Horsemen
12. Myths and Legends


The material will be arranged to allow the teacher the ability to choose a  module as a single lesson - it will have its own lesson plan - or part of an expansive conversation with the students. Included within the lesson plan are all the resource material required to complete the basic learning outcomes. In addition, other material on the will be referenced on the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre should the module be utilised as a larger theme.


The material is designed to enhance exploration rather than being didactic. An outline will be given with links to resource material. The material will require different levels of analytical ability to reach an outcome. Students are actively encouraged to work in groups with the purpose of task allocation, cooperation and discussion of the material. Apart from the material on the site, students will be encouraged to seek other sources too.


All material will be as authentic as possible. In addition, material for students will follow the parental guidance codes and thus be appropriate for the age group.


All lessons and material presented will comply with the Curriculum framework for ACT schools - Later adolescence, specifically dealing with the following learning principles:


21 LA.2. How government policies have affected Indigenous peoples and their pursuit of citizenship rights;
21.LA.3. The development of multiculturalism in Australia and changes in government policies on issues including immigration and their impact; and,
21 LA.4. The events, people and movements that shaped the development of Australia (e.g. colonisation and expansion, development of governments, participation in major wars) and the contexts in which events and actions occurred (e.g. social and economic context, motivation and beliefs of individuals).

Contemporary society

21.LA.5. Contemporary and future issues and challenges facing Australian society; and,
21 LA.6. Ways in which Australia is presented, nationally and internationally (e.g. stereotypes of Australian people and places).

In the later adolescence band of development, students have opportunities to learn to:

21. LA.7. Select and apply geographical tools and processes (e.g. maps, graphs, photographs, flow charts, fieldwork, action research) to gather, interpret and present geographical information on Australia;
21. LA.8: Analyse sources, perspectives, theories and gaps in narrative accounts of Australia and Australians; and,
21. LA.9. Sequence historical events and relevant contextual information to explain and create narrative accounts of Australia and Australians.

The topics are subject to change in accordance with demand and needs.


Educators and students are encouraged to give ideas as to the items they would like, problems with the site and any other issues. To do so, at the bottom right hand corner of this entry, is a link with the title: Post Comment. This is done to avoid spam filling the email address. Once the comment is logged, a response will be forthcoming as soon as possible.

Citation: Foundation Principles

Posted by Project Leader at 11:01 PM EAST
Updated: Tuesday, 3 March 2009 9:28 AM EAST
Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Life in Australia during the Great War
Topic: AAB-Education Centre

The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, in conjunction with the various Education authorities in Australia, has embarked upon producing a program of instruction targeted initially towards the Later Adolescence band of scholars, characteristically those who are studying in Year 9 and 10 within Australia or of the 14-15 year cohort. Each lesson will be a self contained module. Some will be more difficult than others and graded accordingly.

Each lesson is divided into six elements:
1.    Framework of the lesson within the curriculum requirements;
2.    A lesson plan;
3.    Teaching aids;
4.    A student guide;
5.    Age appropriate resources for student access; and,
6.    Reliable third party resources.

The lessons may be treated as one or expanded to a few lessons, depending upon the depth wished to be pursued. Students are able to follow up at their own pace should they wish to do so outside of any directed academic activity.

For the members of the worldwide audience who are interested in understanding the basic elements of the Australian Light Horse movement, the forms a simple gateway to that process and thus this section should not only be treated as exclusive to Australian school students but as part of a resource for the wider community.


Topic 6.

Life in Australia during the Great War
The Light Horse was able to perform the daring deeds in the Sinai and Palestine comfortable in the knowledge that their kin folk were cared for in Australia. However, all the plans to look after the families in Australia often went astray. Laws that were implemented with an eye to protection, such as rent control and debt recovery laws, often caused the servicemen and their families, great misery. Then there were the men who were unable to serve for one reason or another. The problems of supporting the men at the front lines split the Australian community through two referenda. Key to understanding the strength of the Light Horse requires an understanding of the support structure which is examined by this lesson.

Lesson Plan

Research Material

Advanced Material

Note: This Topic is still under construction.


 Back to: Education Centre

Citation: Life in Australia during the Great War

Posted by Project Leader at 11:01 PM EAST
Updated: Monday, 2 March 2009 9:28 PM EAST
Topic: AAB-Education Centre



The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, in conjunction with the various Education authorities in Australia, has embarked upon producing a program of instruction targeted initially towards the Later Adolescence band of scholars, characteristically those who are studying in Year 9 and 10 within Australia or of the 14-15 year cohort. Each lesson will be a self contained module. Some will be more difficult than others and graded accordingly.

Each lesson is divided into six elements:
1.    Framework of the lesson within the curriculum requirements;
2.    A lesson plan;
3.    Teaching aids;
4.    A student guide;
5.    Age appropriate resources for student access; and,
6.    Reliable third party resources.

The lessons may be treated as one or expanded to a few lessons, depending upon the depth wished to be pursued. Students are able to follow up at their own pace should they wish to do so outside of any directed academic activity.

For the members of the worldwide audience who are interested in understanding the basic elements of the Australian Light Horse movement, the forms a simple gateway to that process and thus this section should not only be treated as exclusive to Australian school students but as part of a resource for the wider community.


Topic 6.

After ten months of frustration, the Light Horse was unleashed at Beersheba. In cooperation with the British infantry, the Light Horse captured Beersheba after a memorable charge which was immortalised in the movie The Lighthorsemen. Beersheba is considered to be the pinnacle achievement of the Light Horse. Through the use of contemporary witnesses, students are encouraged to examine the story in detail.

Lesson Plan

Research Material

Advanced Material

Note: This Topic is still under construction.


 Back to: Education Centre

Citation: Beersheba

Posted by Project Leader at 11:01 PM EAST
Updated: Monday, 2 March 2009 9:29 PM EAST
Topic: AAB-Education Centre

The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, in conjunction with the various Education authorities in Australia, has embarked upon producing a program of instruction targeted initially towards the Later Adolescence band of scholars, characteristically those who are studying in Year 9 and 10 within Australia or of the 14-15 year cohort. Each lesson will be a self contained module. Some will be more difficult than others and graded accordingly.

Each lesson is divided into six elements:
1.    Framework of the lesson within the curriculum requirements;
2.    A lesson plan;
3.    Teaching aids;
4.    A student guide;
5.    Age appropriate resources for student access; and,
6.    Reliable third party resources.

The lessons may be treated as one or expanded to a few lessons, depending upon the depth wished to be pursued. Students are able to follow up at their own pace should they wish to do so outside of any directed academic activity.

For the members of the worldwide audience who are interested in understanding the basic elements of the Australian Light Horse movement, the forms a simple gateway to that process and thus this section should not only be treated as exclusive to Australian school students but as part of a resource for the wider community.


Topic 5.

It was in the Sinai that the Australian Light Horse acquired its true role. After the Jifjafa Raid, the British Commander in Egypt begged Kitchener to leave him the Light Horse despite all other units going to France. Romani, Bir el Abd, Bir el Mazar, El Arish, El Magdhaba and El Rafa were growing experiences which taught the Light Horse to fight as an independent formation. It was the year where the Australian Light Horse became amongst the best mounted infantry at that time.

Lesson Plan

Research Material

Advanced Material

Note: This Topic is still under construction.


 Back to: Education Centre

Citation: Sinai

Posted by Project Leader at 11:01 PM EAST
Updated: Monday, 2 March 2009 9:30 PM EAST
The White Guard guerrilla force defending Australia
Topic: AAB-Education Centre

The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, in conjunction with the various Education authorities in Australia, has embarked upon producing a program of instruction targeted initially towards the Later Adolescence band of scholars, characteristically those who are studying in Year 9 and 10 within Australia or of the 14-15 year cohort. Each lesson will be a self contained module. Some will be more difficult than others and graded accordingly.

Each lesson is divided into six elements:
1.    Framework of the lesson within the curriculum requirements;
2.    A lesson plan;
3.    Teaching aids;
4.    A student guide;
5.    Age appropriate resources for student access; and,
6.    Reliable third party resources.

The lessons may be treated as one or expanded to a few lessons, depending upon the depth wished to be pursued. Students are able to follow up at their own pace should they wish to do so outside of any directed academic activity.

For the members of the worldwide audience who are interested in understanding the basic elements of the Australian Light Horse movement, the forms a simple gateway to that process and thus this section should not only be treated as exclusive to Australian school students but as part of a resource for the wider community.


Topic 1.

The “White Guard” guerrilla force defending Australia


The origins of various Light Horse formations differ in each state. By the 1880’s most states had Volunteer Light Horse units operating although their efficiency was dubious and viewed by many as a social club. The Boer War and Federation focused the attention of Australians on the method of defending a lightly populated continent. The Light Horse was seen as pivotal in this defence scheme.

Lesson Plan

Research Material

Advanced Material

Note: This Topic is still under construction.


 Back to: Education Centre


Citation: The White Guard guerrilla force defending Australia

Posted by Project Leader at 11:01 PM EAST
Updated: Monday, 2 March 2009 9:43 PM EAST

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A note on copyright

The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900 - 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.

Please Note: No express or implied permission is given for commercial use of the information contained within this site.

A note to copyright holders

The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has made every endeavour to contact copyright holders of material digitised for this blog and website and where appropriate, permission is still being sought for these items. Where replies were not received, or where the copyright owner has not been able to be traced, or where the permission is still being sought, the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has decided, in good faith, to proceed with digitisation and publication. Australian Light Horse Studies Centre would be happy to hear from copyright owners at any time to discuss usage of this item.


Australian Light Horse Studies Centre

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