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Saturday, 29 May 2010
Australian Militia Force Structure, Contents
Topic: Militia 1899-1920

Militia, 1899 - 1920

Australian Militia Force Structure





Volunteer v Volunteer, Definitional matters within the Militia



17th Australian (Prince of Wales Light Horse) Machine Gun Regiment, Training Camp Film 


Militia Activities


Australian Militia activity location list 1910


Australian Militia activity location list 1913

1913 Re-organisation of the Militia - losses



The Oxford Companion to Australian Military History, Light Horse

The Oxford Companion to Australian Military History, Mounted Rifles v Mounted Infantry

The Oxford Companion to Australian Military History, Unit Numbering 

The Oxford Companion to Australian Military History, The Division



Australian Militia, Chronology



Light Horse Brigades

Australian Militia Field Force, 1st Australian Light Horse Brigade, 1903

Australian Militia Field Force, 2nd Australian Light Horse Brigade, 1903

Australian Militia Field Force, 3rd Australian Light Horse Brigade, 1903

Australian Militia Field Force, 4th Australian Light Horse Brigade, 1903

Australian Militia Field Force, 5th Australian Light Horse Brigade, 1903

Australian Militia Field Force, 6th Australian Light Horse Brigade, 1903

Infantry Brigades
Australian Militia Field Force, 1st Australian Infantry Brigade, 1903
Australian Militia Field Force, 2nd Australian Infantry Brigade, 1903
Australian Militia Field Force, 3rd Australian Infantry Brigade, 1903

Garrison Troops

Australian Militia Garrison Troops, New South Wales, 1903

Australian Militia Garrison Troops, Queensland, 1903 

Australian Militia Garrison Troops, South Australia, 1903 

Australian Militia Garrison Troops, Tasmania, 1903

Australian Militia Garrison Troops, Victoria, 1903 

Australian Militia Garrison Troops, Western Australia, 1903



Philip Fargher

John Charles Hoad 

William De Passey 

Henry William Pendlebury



Further Reading:

Australian Light Horse Militia

Australian Infantry Militia

Militia 1899 - 1920


Citation: Australian Militia Force Structure, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Tuesday, 3 May 2011 4:51 PM EADT
Saturday, 16 May 2009
John Charles Hoad
Topic: Militia 1899-1920

John Charles Hoad


Colonel John Charles Hoad.


The following biography is extracted from the article by Warren Perry, 'Hoad, Sir John Charles (1856 - 1911)',  published in the Australian Dictionary of Biography, Online Edition, Canberra 2006, ISSN 1833-7538. The photograph has been added from a private collection and is not part of the original ADB text.



Sir JOHN CHARLES HOAD,  (1856-1911), soldier, was born on 25 January 1856 at Goulburn, New South Wales, son of George Hoad, labourer and later baker, and his wife Catherine, née Kearney. Nothing is known of Hoad's boyhood or education, but it is believed that at 6 he was orphaned and brought up by relations in the Wangaratta district of Victoria.

On 1 January 1878 he entered the Victorian Education Department and was appointed head teacher at Gooramadda State School; in September he became an assistant at Wangaratta School and in April 1881 head teacher at Wangaratta North. Interested in sport, Hoad proved himself a keen horseman and good cricketer, footballer and athlete. His last teaching appointment was at Brighton Road, St Kilda, school.

On 5 December 1884 Hoad became a militia lieutenant in the 1st Battalion, Victorian Rifles. He resigned from the Education Department and joined the permanent staff of the Victorian Military Forces on 11 February 1886. Posted first to the Cadet Corps, on 4 June he became adjutant of the Victorian Mounted Rifles commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Tom Price. A captain since March 1887, Hoad was promoted major in April 1889.

In October Hoad left Melbourne for England where he underwent training courses in signalling, military engineering and musketry. He returned to Melbourne in March 1891 and in January 1892 was appointed second-in-command of the Victorian Mounted Rifles. He pushed ahead in the service and consolidated his position. In March 1895 he was promoted lieutenant-colonel and appointed assistant adjutant general at Victorian Headquarters—a post which had hitherto been reserved for a British Army officer.

In England again in 1897, Hoad attended Queen Victoria's diamond jubilee celebrations in London and served on the personal staff of Lord Roberts and the Duke of Connaught. He returned to Melbourne in October. On 28 April 1899 he attained the rank of colonel.

During the South African War Hoad served as a special service officer, and on arrival at Cape Town on 26 November 1899 was given command of the 1st Australian Regiment, the first force composed of troops from Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania. The regiment moved to the Orange River on 1 December and joined the Kimberley Relief Force. At Bloemfontein in April 1900 when the regiment was absorbed into the 1st Mounted Infantry Brigade, Hoad became assistant adjutant general to the brigade under Major General Sir Edward Hutton. In July Hoad was evacuated to hospital in Cape Town and from there was invalided to Australia, arriving in Melbourne on 26 August. For his services he was appointed C.M.G., awarded the Queen's Medal and mentioned in dispatches. He was aide-de-camp to the governor-general from August 1902 to October 1906.

During Hutton's period in command of Australia's military forces after Federation, Hoad was his principal staff officer with the title of deputy adjutant general and chief staff officer. From November 1903 to January 1904 he temporarily commanded the 6th Military District (Tasmania). Early in 1904 relations between himself and Hutton became strained because, against Hutton's advice, the Deakin government sent Hoad for attachment to the Japanese Army, as an observer, in the Russo-Japanese war in Manchuria. For his services he received the Japanese Order of the Rising Sun, 3rd class, and the Japanese War Medal.

When the Military Board was set up in January 1905 Hoad became its principal military member with the title of deputy adjutant general. In September 1906 he was appointed, temporarily, inspector general with the temporary rank of brigadier general. In January 1907 he was promoted major general and confirmed as inspector general.

In 1908 Hoad was sent to England to discuss the creation of an Imperial General Staff at the War Office, London, and to take part in the autumn manoeuvres of the British Army. Hoad was an ambitious officer and adept at cultivating friends in high places. During his absence in London (Sir) William Bridges's appointment as first chief of the Australian General Staff in January 1909 did little to improve their long-standing antipathy.

On Hoad's return in May (Sir) George Pearce, minister for defence, recommended that Hoad's recommendations for an Australian section of the Imperial General Staff be accepted and that Hoad be appointed chief of the Australian General Staff vice Bridges who was posted to the Imperial General Staff, London. On the creation of the Imperial General Staff Hoad, though not a staff college graduate, became concurrently, on 1 July 1909, chief of the Australian section of the staff.

On 21 December 1909 Hoad met Field Marshal Lord Kitchener at Darwin and accompanied him on his exhaustive tour of inspection of Australia's land defences which was completed in Melbourne on 12 February 1910. Later, while immersed in the planning for introduction of Australia's universal training scheme, his health deteriorated and he went on sick leave on 1 June 1911. On the occasion of the coronation of King George V on 22 June Hoad was appointed K.C.M.G. He was unable to attend the official opening of the Royal Military College, Duntroon, in June and died in Melbourne of heart disorder on 6 October 1911. He was buried with military honours in St Kilda cemetery.

By ambition, industry and sustained work at high pressure Hoad held the two highest posts open to an officer of his time in Australia's military forces. He had spent most of his official life as a staff officer as few opportunities existed in his time for a regular officer to gain command experience. Despite a 'spare military figure' Hoad was 'full of suppressed energy', and his manner was quiet, tactful and unpretentious. He was a good listener; he spoke little but at the appropriate time had 'a ready flow of speech'.

Hoad had married a widow, Sarah Denniston Sennetts, née Brown, at Wangaratta Post Office, with Wesleyan forms on 22 December 1881. They had a daughter, who died as a child, and two sons.

Their younger son OSWALD VICK (1888-1963), was born on 30 July 1888 at South Melbourne and educated at Melbourne Church of England Grammar School. He was commissioned in the militia in February 1907 and in May 1909 became an honorary aide-de-camp to his father. In 1910 he transferred to the staff of the permanent military forces.

In 1913-15 he was an exchange officer with the Canadian Army. After staff postings in Victoria and Tasmania he was seconded to the Australian Imperial Force as a captain and in 1917-18 saw active service on the Western Front with the 21st and 22nd Battalions. He was wounded in action on 5 October 1918 and invalided to Australia in May 1919.

Resuming duty with the permanent forces in June 1919, Hoad was promoted major in November and in October 1920 became one of the original officers of the newly formed Australian Staff Corps. From February 1921 to July 1922 he was director of drill at the Royal Military College, Duntroon. During World War II Hoad occupied staff positions in Australia; he was promoted temporary brigadier in 1942 and retired in March 1946. He died at Southport, Queensland, on 12 September 1963. On 10 June 1913 at St Peter's Church, Melbourne, he had married Sheila Mairi McDonald; there was one son of the marriage.


Select Bibliography

R. A. Preston, Canada and ‘Imperial Defense’, (Durham, NC, 1967);

C. D. Coulthard-Clark, A Heritage of Spirit, (Melbourne, 1979);

W. Perry, ‘The military life of Major-General Sir John Charles Hoad’, Victorian Historical Magazine, 29 (1959), no 3;

Lithgow Mercury, 18 October 1907;

Punch (Melbourne), 30 Decemeber 1909;

Age (Melbourne), 19 January 1912.

Print Publication Details:

Warren Perry, 'Hoad, Sir John Charles (1856 - 1911)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 9, Melbourne University Press, 1983, pp 311-312.

Further Reading:

The Australian Militia, 1899 - 1920


Citation: John Charles Hoad

Posted by Project Leader at 10:11 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 16 May 2009 11:21 AM EADT
Friday, 15 May 2009
South African War Veteran and Militia Officer, Henry William Pendlebury
Topic: Militia 1899-1920

Henry William Pendlebury

South African War Veteran and Militia Officer


Lieutenant Henry William Pendlebury, 5th Infantry Battalion, Victoria.

Henry William Pendlebury

Date of Birth:

15 May 1870

Victorian Defence Forces

Lieutenant, 4th Infantry Battalion, Victoria, 28 May 1894.

Captain, 5th Infantry Battalion, Victoria, 1 January 1900.


South African War Service


1st Victorian Mounted Infantry

Rank: Lieutenant

Unit: 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry

State: Victoria

Source: Murray page number - 226


Promoted to Captain, 1 January 1900.

Quartermaster, 1st Australian Regiment.


Australian Commonwealth Horse (ACH)

Rank: Captain

Unit: 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

State: Victoria

Notes: Murray Remarks: Served in 1st Victorian Contingent

Source: Murray page number - 309


Officer Commanding "B" Squadron, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse.


Summary of Actions:

Operations in Cape Colony, Orange River Colony and Transvaal. Actions at Houtnek, Vet River, Zand River, Johannesburg, Pretoria, Diamond Hill and Belfast. QSA with 6 clasps.

Australian Defence Forces

17 January 1901


30 November 1910


Summary of Appointments

Captain, Militia - 17 January 1901

Instructional Staff, 3rd Military District - 17 January 1901 to 31 December 1904.

Instructional Staff, 5th Military District - 1 January 1905 to 28 February 1910.

Instructional Staff, 1st Military District - 1 March 1910 to 30 June 1913.

Brigade Major, 1st Brigade Area - 1 July 1913 to 30 September 1913.

Brigade Major, 1st Light Horse Brigade - 1 October 1913 to 7 November 1914.

D.A.A.G. 1st Military District - 8 November 1914 to 15 January 1917.

D.A.A.G. 4th Military District - 16 January 1917 to 15 December 1918.

Brigade Major, 4th Brigade Area and Infantry Brigade - 7 August 1919 to 15 Janaury 1920.

Note: D.A.A.G. = Deputy Assistant Adjutant General.


Further Reading:

1st Victorian Mounted Infantry

Australian Commonwealth Horse (ACH), Victoria

Militia 1899 - 1920


Citation: South African War Veteran and Militia Officer, Henry William Pendlebury

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 19 July 2009 5:56 PM EADT
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Australian Militia activity location list 1913
Topic: Militia 1899-1920

Militia 1899 - 1920

Australian Militia Activity



1913 Militia Structure and Location of Activity List in Australia

During the re-organisation of the Militia as a consequence of the 1910 Kitchener Report, a new system of raising the forces occurred. In so doing, areas whose population altered and were unable to sustain any Militia activity had functions removed. Other areas had the units peculiar to the particular state disbanded or amalgamated with other units. In 1911 there were specific 1,527 Militia activities spread over the continent of Australia. This increased to 1,772 Militia activities in 1912. However, the transition was not always linear. In the shake-up, 236 Militia activities were removed from various centres. The major reason for the removal of an activity related to population issues. The main item removed from an area was the rifle club.

The following is a list of all Militia activities that were in operation from a particular location during the 1912 year.


Aberdeen , NSW: Rifle Club
Abermain, NSW: 14th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Adaminaby , NSW: Rifle Club
Adams town , NSW: 16th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Adams town , NSW: Australian Army Medical Corps 25th Australian Medical Corps (part)
Adams town , NSW: Rifle Club
Adelaide, SA:  Australian Army Supply Corps 19th and 31st Companies
Adelaide, SA: 19th Australian Infantry Brigade HQ
Adelaide, SA: 22nd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Headquarters Machine Gun Section
Adelaide, SA: 23rd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section,  "A" Squadron (part) and "B" Squadron (part)
Adelaide, SA: 76th Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters and 3 Companies
Adelaide, SA: 78th Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section and 4 Companies
Adelaide, SA: 8th Australian Light Horse Brigade HQ
Adelaide, SA: Adelaide Catholic Rifle Club
Adelaide, SA: Adelaide Rifle Club
Adelaide, SA: Adelaide University Rifle Club
Adelaide, SA: Advertiser Rifle Club
Adelaide, SA: Australian Army Medical Corps 19th Australian Medical Corps (part) and 31st Australian Medical Corps
Adelaide, SA: Australian Field Artillery 13th Battery
Adelaide, SA: Australian Garrison Artillery 10th Company
Adelaide, SA: Australian Intelligence Corps,  South Australian District
Adelaide, SA: Commercial Travellers and Warehousemen Rifle Club
Adelaide, SA: Cyclists Rifle Club
Adelaide, SA: District Headquarters Staff
Adelaide, SA: East Torrens Rifle Club
Adelaide, SA: Electric Tramways Rifle Club
Adelaide, SA: Hibernian Rifle Club
Adelaide, SA: Locomotive Rifle Club
Adelaide, SA: Ordnance Department
Adelaide, SA: Pay Branch
Adelaide, SA: Royal Australian Engineers  22nd and 23rd Company
Adelaide, SA: Royal Australian Garrison Artillery 10th Company
Adelaide, SA: School of Mines Rifle Club
Adelaide, SA: South African Soldiers' Association Rifle Club
Adelong , NSW: Rifle Club
Albany, WA: Australian Garrison Artillery 12th Company
Albany, WA: Plantagent Rifle Club
Albany, WA: Royal Australian Garrison Artillery 12th Company
Alberton, Qld: Rifle Club
Albion Park, NSW: 28th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Headquarters and "A" Squadron (part)
Albion Park, NSW: 39th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
Albion Park, NSW: Rifle Club
Albury, NSW: 43rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company
Albury, NSW: Australian Field Artillery 4th Battery
Albury, NSW: Rifle Club
Alford, SA: Tickera Rifle Club
Allora, Qld: 11th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
Allora, Qld: 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Allora, Qld: Rifle Club
Allumbah, Qld: Barrine District Rifle Club
Alphington, Vic: 29th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Alstonville, Qld: Rifle Club
Alvie, Vic: 20th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Amphitheatre, Vic: Rifle Club
Anaconda, WA: Rifle Club
Angaston, SA: 23rd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Angaston, SA: 79th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Angaston, SA: Rifle Club
Angle Vale, SA: 23rd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Anson (Norfolk Island), NSW: Rifle Club
Apollo Bay, Vic: Rifle Club
Araluen, NSW: 11th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Araluen, NSW: Rifle Club
Ararat, Vic: 19th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Ararat, Vic: 73rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "A" Company (part)
Ararat, Vic: Rifle Club
Armadale, WA: Rifle Club
Armidale, NSW: 14th Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section and "A" Company (part)
Armidale, NSW: 5th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section and "B" Squadron (part)
Armidale, NSW: Rifle Club
Artarmon, NSW: 18th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company
Arthur, WA: Arthur River Rifle Club
Arthur's Creek, Vic: Rifle Club
Ashford , NSW: Rifle Club
Ashton, SA: 23rd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Ashton, SA: 79th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
Atherton, Qld: Rifle Club
Aubrey, Vic: Rifle Club
Auburn , NSW: Rifle Club
Avenel, Vic: 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Avoca, Vic: Rifle Club
Avon Plains, Vic: Rifle Club
Ayr, Qld: 27th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Headquarters and "A" Squadron (part)
Ayr, Qld: 2nd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Ayr, Qld: Rifle Club


Baccus Marsh, Vic: 29th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Baccus Marsh, Vic: 66th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Baccus Marsh, Vic: Rifle Club
Bailieston, Vic: Rifle Club
Bairnesdale, Vic: 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Bairnesdale, Vic: 46th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Bairnesdale, Vic: Rifle Club
Balaklava, SA: 24th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Balaklava, SA: 81st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company
Balgownie, NSW: 39th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
Balhannah, SA: Ambleside Rifle Club
Balimba, Qld: 9th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
Balingup, WA: 25th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Machine Gun Section
Ballan, Vic: Rifle Club
Ballarat, Vic: 17th AIBde HQ
Ballarat, Vic: 19th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section,  and "A" Squadron (part)
Ballarat, Vic: 70th Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section,  "A",  "B",  "D" Companies and "C" Company (part)
Ballarat, Vic: 71st Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section,  "A" Company and "B",  D and "C" Company (part)
Ballarat, Vic: Australian Army Medical Corps 30th Australian Medical Corps and 17th Australian Medical Corps (part)
Ballarat, Vic: Ballarat Rifle Club
Ballarat, Vic: Canadian Rifle Club
Ballarat, Vic: Melbourne University Rifles "D" Company (part)
Ballaying, WA: Rifle Club
Ballina, NSW: 9th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company (part)
Ballina, NSW: Rifle Club
Balmoral, Vic: Rifle Club
Balranald , NSW: Rifle Club
Bangalow, NSW: 4th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Bangalow, NSW: 9th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company (part)
Bangalow, NSW: Rifle Club
Bangor, Tas: 92nd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Barcaldine, Qld: Rifle Club
Bardoe, WA: Rifle Club
Barmedman, NSW: Rifle Club
Barnawartha, Vic: Rifle Club
Barraba , NSW: Rifle Club
Barton, WA: Rifle Club
Bass Valley, Vic: Rifle Club
Bathurst, NSW: 41st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company
Bathurst, NSW: Rifle Club
Batlow, NSW: Rifle Club
Beaconsfield, Tas: 92nd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "A" Company (part)
Beaconsfield, Tas: Rifle Club
Bealiba, Vic: Rifle Club
Beaudesert, Qld: 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Beaudesert, Qld: 9th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "A" Company (part)
Beaudesert, Qld: Rifle Club
Beaufort, Vic: 71st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Beaufort, Vic: Rifle Club
Beeac, Vic: Rifle Club
Beech Forest, Vic: Rifle Club
Beechworth, Vic: 16th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron
Beechworth, Vic: 60th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Beechworth, Vic: Rifle Club
Beecroft, NSW: 18th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company
Beecroft, NSW: Pennant Hills Rifle Club
Beenleigh, Qld: 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Beenleigh, Qld: 9th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "A" Company (part)
Bega, NSW: 11th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Bega, NSW: 43rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company
Bega, NSW: Rifle Club
Bellerive, Tas: Rifle Club
Bellinger , NSW: Bellinger River Rifle Club
Belmore, NSW: Rifle Club
Benalla, Vic: 16th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section and "A" Squadron (part)
Benalla, Vic: 60th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Benalla, Vic: Rifle Club
Benambra, Vic: Rifle Club
Bendigo, Vic: 17th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Machine Gun Section and "A" Squadron (part)
Bendigo, Vic: 67th Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section and 4 Companies
Bendigo, Vic: Australian Army Medical Corps 17th Australian Medical Corps (part)
Bendigo, Vic: Bendigo Rifle Club
Bendigo, Vic: South Bendigo Rifle Club
Berridale , NSW: Rifle Club
Berrimal, Vic: Rifle Club
Berringa, Vic: Rifle Club
Berriwillock, Vic: Rifle Club
Berry, NSW: 28th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Berry, NSW: Rifle Club
Bethungra , NSW: Rifle Club
Beulah, Vic: Rifle Club
Beverly, WA: Rifle Club
Bigga, NSW: Rifle Club
Biggenden, Qld: 1st Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Biggenden, Qld: Burnett Rifle Club
Binalong, NSW: Rifle Club
Binda, NSW: Rifle Club
Bingara , NSW: Rifle Club
Binnaway, NSW: Rifle Club
Birchip, Vic: Rifle Club
Birregurra, Vic: Rifle Club
Black Ridge, Qld: Rifle Club
Blackheath , NSW: Rifle Club
Blackwood, SA: Rifle Club
Blayney , NSW: Rifle Club
Blumberg, SA: 23rd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Blumberg, SA: 79th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
Blyth, SA: Rifle Club
Bodangora , NSW: Rifle Club
Boggerup, WA: Rifle Club
Bombala , NSW: Rifle Club
Bonang, Vic: Border Rifle Club
Bongongo, NSW: Adjungbilly Rifle Club
Bonnie Doon, Vic: Rifle Club
Boogardie, WA: Rifle Club
Boolaroo, NSW: Rifle Club
Boolarra, Vic: Rifle Club
Booleroo Centre, SA: Rifle Club
Boonah, Qld: Rifle Club
Bordertown, SA: 22nd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Bordertown, SA: Tatiara Rifle Club
Boree Creek, NSW: Rifle Club
Bororen, Qld: Rifle Club
Bothwell, Tas: Rifle Club
Boulder , WA: 84th Australian Infantry Regiment,  C and "D" Companies
Boulder , WA: Rifle Club
Bouldercomb, Qld: Mount Usher Rifle Club
Bourke, NSW: Rifle Club
Bowen, Qld: 27th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Bowen, Qld: Rifle Club
Bowna, NSW: Rifle Club
Bowning, NSW: Rifle Club
Bowral, NSW: 43rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "A" Company (part)
Bowraville, NSW: Bowra Rifle Club
Boyagarra, WA: Rifle Club
Boyanup, WA: Rifle Club
Bracknell, Tas: 26th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Braidwood, NSW: 11th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Braidwood, NSW: 43rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company (part)
Braidwood, NSW: Rifle Club
Branxholme, Vic: Rifle Club
Braxton, NSW: 14th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company (part)
Breeza, NSW: Rifle Club
Brewarrina, NSW: Rifle Club
Briagolong, Vic: 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Briagolong, Vic: Rifle Club
Bridgetown, WA: 25th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  D Squadron (part)
Bridgetown, WA: Rifle Club
Bright, Vic: 16th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Bright, Vic: 60th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Bright, Vic: Rifle Club
Brighton, Tas: 26th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Brim, Vic: Rifle Club
Brim Springs, Vic: Rifle Club
Brisbane, Qld:  Australian Army Supply Corps 2nd and 24th Companies
Brisbane, Qld: 1st Australian Light Horse Brigade HQ
Brisbane, Qld: 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Headquarters &MGS
Brisbane, Qld: 3rd Field Artillery Brigade,  11th,  12th and 13th Batteries
Brisbane, Qld: 7th Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section,  and 5 Companies
Brisbane, Qld: 8th Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section,  and 6 Companies
Brisbane, Qld: Australian Army Medical Corps 2nd Australian Medical Corps
Brisbane, Qld: Australian Field Artillery Headquarters
Brisbane, Qld: Australian Garrison Artillery 2nd Company
Brisbane, Qld: Australian Intelligence Corps Queensland District
Brisbane, Qld: Australian Natives Association Rifle Club
Brisbane, Qld: Brisbane Rifle Club
Brisbane, Qld: Brisbane Tramways Rifle Club
Brisbane, Qld: City of Brisbane Rifle Club
Brisbane, Qld: District Headquarters Staff
Brisbane, Qld: Metropolitan Water and Sewerage Rifle Club
Brisbane, Qld: Ordnance Department
Brisbane, Qld: Pay Branch
Brisbane, Qld: Queensland Frontiersmen's Rifle Club
Brisbane, Qld: Queensland Irish Rifle Club
Brisbane, Qld: Queensland Police Rifle Club
Brisbane, Qld: Railway and Public Works Rifle Club
Brisbane, Qld: Royal Australian Engineers  Staff
Brisbane, Qld: Royal Australian Engineers 15th,  23rd and 32nd Field Companies
Brisbane, Qld: Royal Australian Field Artillery  3rd Battery
Brisbane, Qld: Royal Australian Garrison Artillery 8th Company
Brisbane, Qld: Speedwell Rifle Club
Brisbane, Qld: The Press Rifle Club
Brisbane, Qld: University of Queensland Rifle Club
Broad Arrow, WA: Borad Arrow and Paddington Rifle Club
Broadford, Vic: 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Broadford, Vic: Rifle Club
Broken Hill, NSW: 24th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Broken Hill, NSW: 81st Australian Infantry Regiment,  E and "F" Companies
Broken Hill, NSW: Australian Army Medical Corps 19th Australian Medical Corps (part)
Broken Hill, NSW: Barrier YMCA Rifle Club
Broken Hill, NSW: Broken Hill Rifle Club
Broken Hill, NSW: Royal Australian Engineers  12th Company
Broken Hill, NSW: Silver City Rifle Club
Broken Hill, NSW: United Tramways Rifle Club
Broken Hill, NSW: West Broken Hill Rifle Club
Brookhampton, WA: 25th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  D Squadron (part)
Brookton, WA: Rifle Club
Broome, WA: Rifle Club
Broome Hill, WA: Rifle Club
Brungle, NSW: Rifle Club
Bruthen, Vic: Rifle Club
Buchan, Vic: Rifle Club
Buckland, Vic: Rifle Club
Buckrabanyule, Vic: Rifle Club
Buffalo River, Vic: Rifle Club
Bulga, Vic: Rifle Club
Bulli, NSW: Rifle Club
Bulong, WA: Rifle Club
Bulumwaal, Vic: Rifle Club
Bumberry Siding, NSW: Rifle Club
Bunbury, WA: 25th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  D Squadron (part)
Bunbury, WA: 86th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company
Bunbury, WA: Rifle Club
Bundaberg, Qld: 4th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company
Bundaberg, Qld: Rifle Club
Bundaraba, Qld: St Helen's Rifle Club
Bungendore, NSW: 11th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Bungendore, NSW: Rifle Club
Bungonia, NSW: Rifle Club
Buninyong, Vic: 70th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company (part)
Buninyong, Vic: Rifle Club
Bunyip, Vic: 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Machine Gun Section
Bunyip, Vic: Rifle Club
Burnie, Tas: 81st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company (part)
Burnie, Tas: Rifle Club
Burra, SA: Rifle Club
Burrawang, NSW: Rifle Club
Burrowa, NSW: Rifle Club
Burtville, WA: Rifle Club
Busselton, WA: Rifle Club
Byaduk, Vic: Rifle Club


Cairns, Qld: 2nd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Cairns, Qld: Rifle Club
Caltowie, SA: Rifle Club
Cambridge, Tas: 26th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Camden, NSW: 43rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "A" Company (part)
Camden, NSW: 9th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Camden, NSW: Rifle Club
Campbell Town, Tas: 26th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Campbell Town, Tas: 92nd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "H" Company (part)
Campbell Town, Tas: Rifle Club
Campbelltown, NSW: 43rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "A" Company (part)
Campbelltown, NSW: Rifle Club
Camperdown, Vic: 20th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Machine Gun Section and "B" Squadron (part)
Camperdown, Vic: 71st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company
Camperdown, Vic: Rifle Club
Candelo, NSW: Rifle Club
Caniambo, Vic: Rifle Club
Canterbury, NSW: 28th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Canungera, Qld: Rifle Club
Carboor, Vic: Rifle Club
Carcoar, NSW: Rifle Club
Cardiff, WA: Mines Rifle Club
Cargo, NSW: Rifle Club
Carnarvon, WA: Rifle Club
Casino, NSW: 4th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Casino, NSW: 9th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Casino, NSW: Rifle Club
Cassilis, Vic: Rifle Club
Casterton, Vic: 20th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Casterton, Vic: 71st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company
Castlemaine, Vic: 17th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Castlemaine, Vic: 66th Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section,  "A" Company and "C" Company (part)
Castlemaine, Vic: Rifle Club
Cathkin, Vic: 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Central Tilba, NSW: Rifle Club
Cessnock, NSW: 14th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Cessnock, NSW: 6th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Cessnock, NSW: Rifle Club
Charleville, Qld: Rifle Club
Charlton, Vic: Rifle Club
Charters Towers, Qld: 2nd Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section and 3 Companies
Charters Towers, Qld: Rifle Club
Chatswood, NSW: 16th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Cheltenham, Vic: Rifle Club
Cheshunt, Vic: Upper King Rifle Club
Chewton, Vic: Rifle Club
Childers, Qld: 4th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Childers, Qld: Rifle Club
Chillagoe, Qld: Rifle Club
Chiltern, NSW: 43rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Chiltern, Vic: Rifle Club
Chinchilla, Qld: Rifle Club
Christmas Hill, Vic: Rifle Club
Chudleigh, Tas: 26th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Clare, SA: 24th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Clare, SA: 81st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company
Clare, SA: Rifle Club
Claremont, WA: 86th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Claremont, WA: Claremont and Cottesloe Rifle Club
Clarendon, SA: Rifle Club
Clermont, Qld: Rifle Club
Clifton, NSW: 39th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Clifton, Qld: 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Clifton, Qld: Rifle Club
Cloncurry, Qld: Rifle Club
Cloyna, Qld: Rifle Club
Clunes, Vic: 19th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Clunes, Vic: 71st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company (part)
Clunes, Vic: Rifle Club
Cobar, NSW: 41st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "H" Company
Cobar, NSW: Rifle Club
Cobargo, NSW: Rifle Club
Cobbora, NSW: Rifle Club
Cobden, Vic: Rifle Club
Cobram, Vic: Rifle Club
Cockburn, SA: Rifle Club
Coen, Qld: Rifle Club
Coff's Harbour, NSW: Rifle Club
Cohuna, Vic: Rifle Club
Colac, Vic: 20th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Headquarters and "A" Squadron (part)
Colac, Vic: 71st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Colac, Vic: Rifle Club
Coleraine, Vic: Rifle Club
Collector, NSW: Rifle Club
Collie, WA: 86th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Collie, WA: Collie Rifle Club
Collie, WA: Lyall's Mill Rifle Club
Columboola, Qld: Rifle Club
Comara, NSW: Rifle Club
Comet Vale, WA: Rifle Club
Concord, NSW: Rifle Club
Condoblin, NSW: Rifle Club
Coogardie, WA: 84th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company
Coogardie, WA: Rifle Club
Cooktown, Qld: Rifle Club
Coolac, NSW: Rifle Club
Coolamon, NSW: Rifle Club
Cooma, NSW: 11th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Machine Gun Section and "A" Squadron (part)
Cooma, NSW: Rifle Club
Coomera, Qld: Rifle Club
Coonabarabran, NSW: Rifle Club
Coonamble, NSW: Rifle Club
Cooparoo, Qld: 9th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
Coopernook, NSW: Rifle Club
Cooran, Qld: Rifle Club
Cooroy, Qld: Rifle Club
Cootamundra, NSW: 11th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Cootamundra, NSW: 43rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Cootamundra, NSW: Rifle Club
Coraki, Qld: 4th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Coraki, Qld: 9th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
Coraki, Qld: Rifle Club
Cordalba, Qld: Rifle Club
Corinda, Qld: 9th Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters and "C" Company (part)
Corndale, Qld: Rifle Club
Corowa, Vic: 16th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Corowa, Vic: 60th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Corrimal, NSW: 39th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Corryong, Vic: Upper Murray Rifle Club
Cottesloe, WA: 86th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Cottesloe, WA: Claremont and Cottesloe Rifle Club
Cowra, NSW: 41st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "H" Company (part)
Cranbrook, WA: Cranbrook and Frankland Rifle Club
Creighton Creek, Vic: Rifle Club
Creswick, Vic: 19th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Creswick, Vic: 71st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
Creswick, Vic: Rifle Club
Crookwell, NSW: Rifle Club
Crow's Nest, Qld: Rifle Club
Croydon, Qld: Rifle Club
Crystal Brook, SA: 24th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Machine Gun Section and "A" Squadron (part)
Crystal Brook, SA: Rifle Club
Cuballing, WA: Rifle Club
Cudal, NSW: Rifle Club
Cue, WA: Rifle Club
Cunderdin, WA: Rifle Club


Dalby, Qld: 11th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "A" Company (part)
Dalby, Qld: Rifle Club
Dalgety, NSW: Rifle Club
Dandenong, Vic: 46th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Dandenong, Vic: Rifle Club
Dapto, NSW: 28th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Dapto, NSW: 39th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
Dargo, Vic: Rifle Club
Darkan, WA: Darkan Rifle Club
Darkan, WA: West Arthur Rifle Club
Darnum, Vic: Rifle Club
Darwin, NT: Rifle Club
Datson, Vic: 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Davyhurst, WA: Rifle Club
Day Dawn, WA: Rifle Club
Daylesford, Vic: 66th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Daylesford, Vic: Rifle Club
Delegate, NSW: Rifle Club
Deloraine, Tas: 26th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Deloraine, Tas: 91st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Deloraine, Tas: Rifle Club
Denial Bay, SA: Rifle Club
Deniliquin, NSW: 17th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Deniliquin, NSW: 67th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Deniliquin, NSW: Rifle Club
Denman, NSW: Rifle Club
Derby, Vic: Rifle Club
Derby, WA: Rifle Club
Dergholm, Vic: Dergholm and Poolaijelo Rifle Club
Devonport, Tas: 91st Australian Infantry Regiment,  Machine Gun Section and "E" Company
Devonport, Tas: Rifle Club
Diamond Creek, Vic: Rifle Club
Digby, Vic: Rifle Club
Dimboola, Vic: 73rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company (part)
Dimboola, Vic: Rifle Club
Dingee, Vic: 17th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Dinton Vale, NSW: Rifle Club
Doctor's Creek, Qld: Rifle Club
Donald, Vic: 73rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
Donald, Vic: Rifle Club
Doncaster, Vic: Rifle Club
Donnybrook, WA: Rifle Club
Doodenanning, WA: Rifle Club
Dookie, Vic: 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Dookie, Vic: Rifle Club
Dopeworra, Vic: Rifle Club
Dorakin, WA: Rifle Club
Dorrigo, NSW: Rifle Club
Dowerin, WA: Rifle Club
Dowse's Wel, WA: Wurgabup Rifle Club
Drakesbrook, WA: Rifle Club
Drouin, Vic: 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Headquarters and "A" Squadron (part)
Drouin, Vic: 46th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Drouin, Vic: Rifle Club
Dubbo, NSW: 41st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "H" Company (part)
Dubbo, NSW: 9th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Dubbo, NSW: Rifle Club
Dumbalk, Vic: Rifle Club
Dungog, NSW: 14th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company pot
Dungog, NSW: 6th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Dungog, NSW: Rifle Club
Dunkeld, Vic: 20th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Dunolly, Vic: 73rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Dunolly, Vic: Rifle Club
Dunoon, NSW: Rifle Club


Eaglehawk, Vic: Rifle Club
East Greta, NSW: 14th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
East Metcalfe, Vic: Rifle Club
East Mount Erin, WA: Durawah Rifle Club
East Narrogin, WA: Wandering Rifle Club
East Pingelly, WA: Woyerling Rifle Club
Eastwood, NSW: 18th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company
Echuca, Vic: 17th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Headquarters and "B" Squadron (part)
Echuca, Vic: 67th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company
Echunga, SA: Rifle Club
Eden, NSW: Eden and Twofold Bay Rifle Club
Edjudina, WA: Rifle Club
Egerton, Vic: Rifle Club
Ellendale, Tas: Rifle Club
Elliston, SA: Rifle Club
Elmore, Vic: 17th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Eltham, NSW: Rifle Club
Emerald, Qld: Rifle Club
Emerald, Vic: Rifle Club
Emmaville, NSW: Emmaville District Rifle Club
Enfield, NSW: Rifle Club
Engelsburg, Qld: Rifle Club
Ensay, Vic: Rifle Club
Eradu, WA: Rifle Club
Esk, Qld: Esk Gordon Rifle Club
Eskdale, Vic: Rifle Club
Eton, Qld: Rifle Club
Euchareena, NSW: Rifle Club
Eucla, WA: Rifle Club
Eudunda, SA: Rifle Club
Eugowra, NSW: Rifle Club
Eumundi, Qld: Rifle Club
Euroa, Vic: 16th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Euroa, Vic: 60th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Euroa, Vic: Rifle Club
Evandale, Tas: 92nd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Everton, Vic: Rifle Club


Fairfield, NSW: 18th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "G" Company (part)
Farina, SA: Rifle Club
Farrell's Flat, SA: Rifle Club
Finch-Hatton, Qld: Rifle Club
Fingal, Tas: 26th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Fingal, Tas: Rifle Club
Finley, NSW: Rifle Club
Forbes, NSW: 41st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "H" Company (part)
Forbes, NSW: 9th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Forbes, NSW: Rifle Club
Forest Hill, Qld: 11th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Forest Hill, Qld: 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Forest Hill, Qld: Rifle Club
Forest Reefs, NSW: Rifle Club
Forster, NSW: Cape Hawke Rifle Club
Foster, Vic: Rifle Club
Fowler's Bay, SA: Rifle Club
Franklin, Tas: 93rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Franklin, Tas: Rifle Club
Frankston, Vic: Rifle Club
Freeling, SA: Rifle Club
Fremantle, WA: 86th Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section and "F" Company
Fremantle, WA: Australian Army Medical Corps 22nd Australian Medical Corps
Fremantle, WA: Australian Garrison Artillery 11th Company
Fremantle, WA: Fremantle District Rifle Club
Fremantle, WA: Royal Australian Engineers  35th Company
Fremantle, WA: Royal Australian Garrison Artillery 11th Company
Fulham, SA: Reedbeds Rifle Club


Gaffney's Creek, Vic: Rifle Club
Garfield, NSW: Rifle Club
Garvoc, Vic: Rifle Club
Gatton, Qld: 11th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Gatton, Qld: 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Gatton, Qld: Rifle Club
Gawler, SA: 23rd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Gawler, SA: 79th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company (part)
Gawler, SA: Rifle Club
Gayndah, Qld: 1st Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Gayndah, Qld: Rifle Club
Geelong, Vic: 29th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Geelong, Vic: 70th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company and "F" Company (part)
Geelong, Vic: Australian Garrison Artillery 8th Company
Geelong, Vic: Melbourne University Rifles "D" Company (part)
Geelong, Vic: Rifle Club
Geeveston, Tas: 93rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Geeveston, Tas: Rifle Club
Geham, Qld: Rifle Club
Gellibrand, Vic: Rifle Club
Gelliondale, Vic: Rifle Club
Genoa River, Vic: Rifle Club
George Town, Tas: Rifle Club
Georgetown, SA: 24th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Georgetown, Qld: Rifle Club
Georgetown, SA: Rifle Club
Geraldton, WA: 88th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "H" Company
Geraldton, Qld: Rifle Club
Geraldton, WA: Rifle Club
Gerringong, NSW: Rifle Club
Gilgandra, NSW: Rifle Club
Gin Gin, Qld: Rifle Club
Gin Gin, WA: Rifle Club
Gindalbie, WA: Rifle Club
Girilambone, NSW: Rifle Club
Gisborne, Vic: Rifle Club
Gladesville, NSW: 18th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Gladesville, NSW: Gladesville Balmain Rifle Club
Gladstone, SA: 24th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Gladstone, Qld: Rifle Club
Gladstone, SA: Rifle Club
Glen Alvie, Vic: Rifle Club
Glen Cove, WA: Rifle Club
Glen Innes, NSW: 14th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "A" Company (part)
Glen Innes, NSW: 5th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Glen Innes, NSW: Glen Innes District Rifle Club
Glencoe, SA: Rifle Club
Glenelg, SA: 78th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Glenelg, SA: Rifle Club
Glengarry, Vic: Rifle Club
Glenora, Tas: Rifle Club
Glenorchy, Tas: 93rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Glenorchy, Vic: Rifle Club
Glenrowan, Vic: Rifle Club
Gobur, Vic: Rifle Club
Golden Gate, Qld: Rifle Club
Goodna, Qld: Gooodna District Rifle Club
Goodwood, SA: 78th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company
Goolma, NSW: Rifle Club
Goolwa, SA: Rifle Club
Goomalling, WA: Rifle Club
Goorambat, Vic: Rifle Club
Gordon, NSW: 18th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Gordon, Vic: Rifle Club
Gore Hill, NSW: 18th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Gormanston, Tas: 91st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "A" Company (part)
Gormondale, Vic: Rifle Club
Goschen, Vic: Rifle Club
Gosford, NSW: 16th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Gosford, NSW: Rifle Club
Goulburn, NSW: 11th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Headquarters and "A" Squadron (part)
Goulburn, NSW: 43rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters and "B" Company
Goulburn, NSW: Goulburn Railway Ambulance Rifle Club
Goulburn, NSW: Goulburn Rifle Club
Gracemere, Qld: 1st Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Grafton, NSW: 4th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Grafton, NSW: 9th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Grafton, NSW: Rifle Club
Granya, Vic: Rifle Club
Grattai, NSW: Rifle Club
Great Western, Vic: Rifle Club
Greenbushes, WA: The Timber Corporation Mill Rifle Club
Greenethorpe, NSW: Rifle Club
Greenmount, Qld: Rifle Club
Greenough, WA: Rifle Club
Grenfell, NSW: Rifle Club
Gresford, NSW: 6th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Greta, NSW: 14th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company (part)
Guerie, NSW: Rifle Club
Guildford, WA: 88th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Guildford, WA: Royal Australian Engineers  13th Company
Guildford, WA: Royal Australian Field Artillery  20th Battery
Gulgong, NSW: Rifle Club
Gumeracha, SA: 23rd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Gunbower, Vic: Rifle Club
Gundagai, NSW: 43rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Gundagai, NSW: Rifle Club
Gunnedah, NSW: 14th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Gunnedah, NSW: Rifle Club
Gunning, NSW: Rifle Club
Gunyah Gunyah, Vic: Rifle Club
Guy Fawkes, NSW: Rifle Club
Guyra, NSW: 5th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Gympie, Qld: 1st Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Headquarters and "C" Squadron (part)
Gympie, Qld: 4th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company
Gympie, Qld: Australian Army Medical Corps 24th Australian Medical Corps
Gympie, Qld: Rifle Club


Halifax, Qld: Rifle Club
Hambledon, Qld: Rifle Club
Hamilton, NSW: 16th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Hamilton, Vic: 20th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Hamilton, Vic: 71st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company
Hamilton, Vic: Rifle Club
Hamley Bridge, SA: 23rd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Hamley Bridge, SA: Rifle Club
Hampden, Qld: Rifle Club
Hanson, Vic: Rifle Club
Hargraves, NSW: Rifle Club
Harrietville, Vic: Rifle Club
Harrow, Vic: Rifle Club
Harvey, WA: 25th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  D Squadron (part)
Harvey, WA: Rifle Club
Hawker, SA: Rifle Club
Hay, NSW: 43rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Hay, NSW: Rifle Club
Heathcote, Vic: 60th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Heathcote, Vic: Rifle Club
Helensburgh, NSW: 39th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Hemmant, Qld: 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Henty, NSW: Rifle Club
Herberton, Qld: Rifle Club
Heywood, Vic: Rifle Club
Hill End, NSW: Rifle Club
Hillgrove, NSW: 14th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "A" Company (part)
Hillgrove, NSW: 18th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Hillgrove, NSW: Rifle Club
Hobart, Tas:  Australian Army Supply Corps 23rd Company
Hobart, Tas: 26th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Hobart, Tas: 93rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section and 3 Companies
Hobart, Tas: Australian Army Medical Corps 23rd Australian Medical Corps (part)
Hobart, Tas: Australian Field Artillery 16th Battery
Hobart, Tas: Australian Garrison Artillery 13th Company
Hobart, Tas: Australian Intelligence Corps Tas District
Hobart, Tas: Australian Natives Association Rifle Club
Hobart, Tas: District Headquarters Staff
Hobart, Tas: Metropolitan Rifle Club
Hobart, Tas: Ordnance Department
Hobart, Tas: Pay Branch
Hobart, Tas: Police Rifle Club
Hobart, Tas: Royal Australian Engineers  14th,  31st and 36th Companies
Hobart, Tas: Royal Australian Garrison Artillery 13th Company
Hobart, Tas: Tasmanian University Rifle Club
Hog Bay KI, SA: Dudley Rifle Club
Hollow Tree, Tas: Rifle Club
Holyoake, WA: Rifle Club
Hopetoun, Vic: Rifle Club
Hornsby, NSW: Rifle Club
Horsham, Vic: 19th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Horsham, Vic: 73rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company (part)
Horsham, Vic: Rifle Club
Howard, Qld: 4th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Howard, Qld: Rifle Club
Hughenden, Qld: Flinders Rifle Club
Hummock Hill, SA: Rifle Club
Humula, NSW: Rifle Club
Huonville, Tas: 93rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Huonville, Tas: Rifle Club
Hutton Park, Tas: 26th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)


Ida Hill, WA: Rifle Club
Illabo, NSW: Bethungra Park Rifle Club
Illewong, NSW: Rifle Club
Indooroopilly, Qld: 8th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Ingham, Qld: Herbert River Rifle Club
Inglewood, Vic: Rifle Club
Inverell, NSW: 14th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "A" Company (part)
Inverell, NSW: 5th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Inverell, NSW: Rifle Club
Ipswich, Qld: 11th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company and "D" Company (part)
Ipswich, Qld: 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Ipswich, Qld: Ipswich Railway Rifle Club
Ipswich, Qld: Ipswich Rifle Club
Ipswich, Qld: Royal Australian Engineers  2nd Eng
Iron Knob, SA: Rifle Club
Irrewillipe, Vic: Rifle Club
Irvinebank, Qld: Rifle Club
Islington, NSW: 16th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
Ithica, Qld: Rifle Club


Jamberoo, NSW: 39th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
Jamberoo, NSW: Rifle Club
Jamestown, SA: 24th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Jamestown, SA: 81st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company
Jamestown, SA: Rifle Club
Jarrahdale, WA: Rifle Club
Jennacubbine, WA: Rifle Club
Jerilderie, NSW: Rifle Club
Jerrara, NSW: Rifle Club
Jimbour, Qld: Rifle Club
Jullukar, Vic: Rifle Club
Jumbuk, Vic: Rifle Club
Junction Park, Qld: 9th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "A" Company (part)
Junee, NSW: 43rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Junee, NSW: Rifle Club


Kadina, SA: 24th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Kadina, SA: 81st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
Kaimkillenbun, Qld: Rifle Club
Kalgoorli, WA: 84th Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section and 2 Companies
Kalgoorli, WA: Australian Army Medical Corps 23rd Australian Medical Corps
Kalgoorli, WA: Rifle Club
Kaniva, Vic: Rifle Club
Kanowna, WA: Rifle Club
Kapunda, SA: 23rd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Kapunda, SA: 79th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company (part)
Kapunda, SA: Rifle Club
Karramomus, Vic: Rifle Club
Karridale, WA: Rifle Club
Katandra, Vic: Rifle Club
Katanning, WA: 25th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Katanning, WA: Rifle Club
Katoomba, NSW: 41st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "G" Company (part)
Katoomba, NSW: Rifle Club
Keith, SA: Rifle Club
Kellerberrin, WA: Rifle Club
Kempsey, NSW: Rifle Club
Kempton, Tas: Rifle Club
Kerang, Vic: 17th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Kerang, Vic: 67th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Kerang, Vic: Rifle Club
Keyneton, Vic: 17th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Keyneton, Vic: 66th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
Keyneton, Vic: Rifle Club
Kiama, NSW: 39th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
Kiama, NSW: Rifle Club
Kiewa Valley, Vic: Rifle Club
Kilkivan Junction, Qld: Rifle Club
Killarney, Qld: Rifle Club
Kilmore, Vic: 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Kilmore, Vic: 60th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Kilmore, Vic: Rifle Club
King Island, Tas: Rifle Club
Kingaroy, Qld: Rifle Club
Kinglake, Vic: Rifle Club
Kingscote KI, SA: Rifle Club
Kingston, Vic: 19th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Kingston, Vic: 71st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
Kingston  , Tas: 26th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Kingston SE, SA: 22nd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Kingston SE, SA: Port Caroline Rifle Club
Kojonup, WA: Rifle Club
Kookynie, WA: Rifle Club
Koondrook, Vic: 17th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Koondrook, Vic: 67th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Koondrook, Vic: Rifle Club
Koorboora, Qld: Rifle Club
Koroit, Vic: 71st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company
Koroit, Vic: Rifle Club
Kulpara, SA: Rifle Club
Kurri Kurri, NSW: Rifle Club
Kyabran, Vic: 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Kyabran, Vic: Rifle Club
Kyogle, NSW: 4th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Kyogle, NSW: 9th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Kyogle, NSW: Rifle Club


Laidley, Qld: 11th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Laidley, Qld: 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Laidley, Qld: Rifle Club
Lake Bolac, Vic: Rifle Club
Lake Cudgellico, NSW: Cudgellico District Rifle Club
Lake Darlot, WA: Rifle Club
Lamaroo, SA: Rifle Club
Lambton, NSW: 16th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company (part)
Lancefield, Vic: Rifle Club
Lancefield, WA: Rifle Club
Landsborough, Vic: Rifle Club
Landsdowne, NSW: Rifle Club
Latrobe, Tas: 91st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Launceston, Tas: 26th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  HQ
Launceston, Tas: 92nd Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section and 4 Companies
Launceston, Tas: Australian Army Medical Corps 23rd Australian Medical Corps (part)
Launceston, Tas: Australian Field Artillery 15th Battery
Launceston, Tas: Rifle Club
Launching Place, Vic: Rifle Club
Laura, SA: 24th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Laura, SA: Rifle Club
Lauriston, Vic: Rifle Club
Laverton, WA: Laverton District Rifle Club
Lawlers, WA: Lawlers Rifle Club
Lawlers, WA: Vivien Rifle Club
Lawson, NSW: Rifle Club
Leadville, NSW: Rifle Club
Learmonth, Vic: 19th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Learmonth, Vic: 71st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
Learmonth, Vic: Rifle Club
Leederville, WA: 86th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "A" Company
Leederville, WA: Rifle Club
Lefroy, Tas: Rifle Club
Leichhardt, NSW: 31st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C",  E and "F" Companies
Leigh Road, Vic: Bannockburn Rifle Club
Leighton, SA: Rifle Club
Lennonville, WA: Rifle Club
Lenora, WA: 84th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Lenora, WA: Lenora District Rifle Club
Leongatha, Vic: 46th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Leongatha, Vic: Rifle Club
Leopold, Vic: Rifle Club
Lexton, Vic: Rifle Club
Leyburn, Qld: Rifle Club
Lillydale, Tas: 92nd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Linda, Tas: Rifle Club
Linton, Vic: Rifle Club
Lismore, NSW: 4th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section,  and "B" Squadron (part)
Lismore, NSW: 9th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Lismore, NSW: Lismore Railway Rifle Club
Lismore, NSW: Lismore Rifle Club
Lismore, Vic: Rifle Club
Lithgow, NSW: 41st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company
Lithgow, NSW: Rifle Club
Lithgow, NSW: Small Arms Factory Rifle Club
Little Plain, NSW: Rifle Club
Little River, Vic: Rifle Club
Liverpool, NSW: 43rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "A" Company (part)
Loberthal, SA: 23rd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Loberthal, SA: 79th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
Loberthal, SA: Rifle Club
Lockrose, Qld: Rifle Club
Logan , Qld: Rifle Club
Longford, Tas: 26th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Machine Gun Section and "B" Squadron (part)
Longreach, Qld: Rifle Club
Longwood, Vic: 16th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Longwood, Vic: Rifle Club
Lorne, Vic: Rifle Club
Lovett (Port Cygnet), Tas: 92nd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "G" Company
Lovett (Port Cygnet), Tas: 93rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Lowood, Qld: 11th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Lowood, Qld: 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Lubeck, Vic: Rifle Club
Lucindale, SA: Rifle Club
Luddenham, NSW: 7th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Lynch's Creek, Qld: Rifle Club
Lyrup, SA: Rifle Club


Ma Ma Creek, Qld: 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Macarthur, Vic: Rifle Club
Mackay, Qld: 27th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Mackay, Qld: 2nd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company
Mackay, Qld: Rifle Club
Macksville, NSW: Rifle Club
Maclean, NSW: 9th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Maclean, NSW: Rifle Club
Macquarie Plains, Tas: 26th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Macquarie Plains, Tas: 93rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Macquarie Plains, Tas: Rifle Club
Maffra, Vic: Rifle Club
Magill, SA: 79th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
Magnet, Tas: Rifle Club
Maitland, NSW: 14th Australian Infantry Regiment,  B and "D" Companies
Maitland, NSW: 16th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Maitland, NSW: 6th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section and "A" Squadron (part)
Maitland, NSW: Rifle Club
Majorca, Vic: Rifle Club
Malcolm, WA: Rifle Club
Maldon, Vic: 66th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company (part)
Maldon, Vic: Rifle Club
Mallanganee, Qld: Rifle Club
Malmsbury, Vic: Rifle Club
Manilla, NSW: 5th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Manilla, NSW: Rifle Club
Maninga Marley, WA: Rifle Club
Manly, NSW: Rifle Club
Mannum, SA: Rifle Club
Mansfield, Vic: 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Mansfield, Vic: Rifle Club
Marburg, Qld: 11th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Marburg, Qld: 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Marburg, Qld: Rifle Club
Mardan, Vic: Rifle Club
Mareeba, Qld: 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  E Squadron (part)
Mareeba, Qld: Rifle Club
Marloo, Vic: Rifle Club
Marong, Vic: Rifle Club
Marrinup, WA: Rifle Club
Marulan, NSW: Rifle Club
Maryborough, Vic: 19th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Maryborough, Qld: 4th Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section and 3 Companies
Maryborough, Vic: 73rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Maryborough, Qld: Australian Army Medical Corps 1st Australian Medical Corps
Maryborough, Qld: Maryborough City Rifle Club
Maryborough, Vic: Rifle Club
Maryborough, Qld: Royal Australian Engineers  1st Eng
Mathoura, Vic: Rifle Club
Matlock, Vic: Rifle Club
Maylands, WA: 88th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "G" Company (part)
McLaren Vale, SA: 22nd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
McLaren Vale, SA: 78th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Meadowvale, Qld: Fairymead Rifle Club
Meekatharra, WA: Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic:  Australian Army Supply Corps 13th,  15th,  16th,  28th,  and 30th Companies
Melbourne, Vic: 16th Australian Infantry Brigade HQ
Melbourne, Vic: 29th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Headquarters,  "A" Squadron and "B" Squadron (part)
Melbourne, Vic: 46th Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section and 4 Companies
Melbourne, Vic: 49th Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters and 4 Companies
Melbourne, Vic: 51st Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section and 6 Companies
Melbourne, Vic: 52nd Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters and 4 Companies
Melbourne, Vic: 56th Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section and 6 Companies
Melbourne, Vic: 5th Australian Light Horse Brigade HQ
Melbourne, Vic: 60th Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section and 4 Companies
Melbourne, Vic: 63rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section and 6 Companies
Melbourne, Vic: 64th Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section and 6 Companies
Melbourne, Vic: 66th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part) and "F" Company (part)
Melbourne, Vic: 7th Australian Light Horse Brigade HQ
Melbourne, Vic: Ancient Order of Foresters
Melbourne, Vic: Australian Army Medical Corps 13th,  14th,  16th,  28th,  and 17th (part) Australian Medical Corps
Melbourne, Vic: Australian Field Artillery 2nd Field Artillery Brigade,  6th,  7th,  8th,  9th and 19th Batteries
Melbourne, Vic: Australian Garrison Artillery 7th and 9th Companies
Melbourne, Vic: Australian Intelligence Corps Victorian District
Melbourne, Vic: Boroondara Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: Brunswick Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: Coburg Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: Collingwood Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: District Headquarters Staff
Melbourne, Vic: Dunlop Rubber Company Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: Essendon and Flemington Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: Fitzroy Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: Footscray Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: Government Printing Office Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: Hawthorn Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: Kew Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: Malvern Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: Melbourne Cricket Club Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: Melbourne Department of Public Works and Agriculture Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: Melbourne Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: Melbourne Tramways Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: Melbourne University Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: Melbourne University Rifles Headquarters,  "A",  "B",  "C" Companies and "D" Company (part)
Melbourne, Vic: Ordnance Department
Melbourne, Vic: Pay Branch
Melbourne, Vic: Port Melbourne Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: Post and Telegraph Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: Prahan Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: Preston Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: Richmond Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: Royal Australian Engineers  7th,  8th,  19th,  21st,  26th,  34th and 38th Companies
Melbourne, Vic: Royal Australian Engineers  Staff and Details
Melbourne, Vic: Royal Australian Field Artillery 2nd Battery
Melbourne, Vic: Royal Australian Garrison Artillery 1 Company
Melbourne, Vic: South and Port Melbourne Thistle Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: South Melbourne Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: South Yarra Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: St Kilda Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: Training College Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: Victorian Police Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: Victorian Railways Rifle Club
Melrose, SA: Mount Remarkable Rifle Club
Melton, Vic: 29th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Meningie, SA: Lake Albert Rifle Club
Mentone, Vic: 46th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Menzies, WA: 84th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Menzies, WA: Rifle Club
Meredith, Vic: Rifle Club
Mereweather, NSW: 16th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "A" Company (part)
Merino, Vic: Rifle Club
Merredin, WA: Rifle Club
Merton, Vic: Rifle Club
Mertondale, WA: Rifle Club
Methul, NSW: Rifle Club
Metung, Vic: Rifle Club
Mia Mia, Vic: Rifle Club
Michelago, NSW: 11th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Midland Junction, WA: 88th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Midland Junction, WA: Rifle Club
Milbrook, SA: Rifle Club
Mildura, Vic: 73rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
Mildura, Vic: Rifle Club
Miles, Qld: Rifle Club
Milicent, SA: 22nd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Milicent, SA: 74th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Milicent, SA: Defence Rifle Club
Millchester, Qld: Rifle Club
Millthorpe, NSW: Rifle Club
Milne's Ridge, Vic: Rifle Club
Milong, NSW: Rifle Club
Milton, NSW: 28th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Milton, NSW: Rifle Club
Minapre, Vic: Rifle Club
Minmi, NSW: 16th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Minyip, Vic: 19th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Minyip, Vic: Rifle Club
Mirboo North, Vic: Rifle Club
Mitchell, Qld: Maranoa Rifle Club
Mitre Lake, Vic: Rifle Club
Mitta Mitta, Vic: Rifle Club
Mittagong, NSW: 43rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "A" Company (part)
Moama, Vic: 67th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Moe, Vic: Rifle Club
Mole Creek, Tas: Chudleigh and Mole Creek Rifle Club
Molong, NSW: 41st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "H" Company (part)
Molong, NSW: 9th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Molong, NSW: Molong District Rifle Club
Molyullah, Vic: Rifle Club
Monteagle, NSW: Rifle Club
Moodearup, WA: Rifle Club
Mooloo, Qld: Rifle Club
Moonah, Tas: 93rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Moonlight Head, Vic: Rifle Club
Moonta, SA: 24th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Moonta, SA: 81st Australian Infantry Regiment,  Band and "A" Company
Moonta, SA: Rifle Club
Moora, WA: Rifle Club
Moore, Qld: Rifle Club
Mooroopna, Vic: 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Mooroopna, Vic: 60th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Mooroopna, Vic: Rifle Club
Morang, Vic: Rifle Club
Mordalup, WA: Rifle Club
Morgan, SA: Rifle Club
Mornington, WA: Rifle Club
Mortlake, Vic: Rifle Club
Morwell, Vic: 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Mossman, Qld: Rifle Club
Mount Barker, WA: Rifle Club
Mount Campbell, Qld: Rifle Club
Mount Compass, SA: Rifle Club
Mount Cuthbert, Qld: Rifle Club
Mount Duneed, Vic: Rifle Club
Mount Elliott, Qld: Rifle Club
Mount Erin, WA: Rifle Club
Mount Ida, WA: Rifle Club
Mount Magnet, WA: Rifle Club
Mount Morgan, Qld: 1st Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron
Mount Morgan, Qld: 3rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company
Mount Morgan, Qld: Australian Army Medical Corps 1st Australian Medical Corps
Mount Morgan, Qld: Rifle Club
Mount Perry, Qld: Rifle Club
Mount Prospect, Vic: Rifle Club
Mount Sir Samuel, WA: Rifle Club
Mount Wills, Vic: Rifle Club
Moyston, Vic: Rifle Club
Mt Gambier, SA: 22nd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Mt Gambier, SA: 74th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company (part)
Mt Gambier, SA: Rifle Club
Mt Lofty, SA: Rifle Club
Mudgee, NSW: 41st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Mudgee, NSW: 9th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Mulgrave, Qld: Rifle Club
Mullewa, WA: Rifle Club
Mulline, WA: Rifle Club
Mullion Creek, NSW: Rifle Club
Mullumbimby, NSW: 9th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company (part)
Mullumbimby, NSW: Rifle Club
Mundaring, WA: Darling Range Rifle Club
Mundoora, SA: Rifle Club
Mungana, Qld: Rifle Club
Murat Bay, SA: Rifle Club
Murchison, Vic: 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Murchison, Vic: Rifle Club
Murgon, Qld: Rifle Club
Murray Bridge, SA: 74th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company (part)
Murray Bridge, SA: Rifle Club
Murray's Creek, Qld: Rifle Club
Murrin Murrin, WA: Rifle Club
Murrumbateman, NSW: Rifle Club
Murrumburrah, NSW: 11th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Murrumburrah, NSW: 43rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Murrumburrah, NSW: Rifle Club
Murrurundi, NSW: Rifle Club
Murton, Vic: 19th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Murton, Vic: 73rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company (part)
Murton, Vic: Rifle Club
Murwillumbah, NSW: 4th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Murwillumbah, NSW: 9th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company (part)
Murwillumbah, NSW: Rifle Club
Muswellbrook, NSW: 14th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company (part)
Muswellbrook, NSW: 6th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Muswellbrook, NSW: Rifle Club
Muttama, NSW: Rifle Club
Myall Creek, NSW: Rifle Club
Myrtleford, Vic: 16th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Myrtleford, Vic: Rifle Club


Nabiac, NSW: Wallamba River Rifle Club
Nagambie, Vic: 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Nagambie, Vic: 60th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Nambour, Qld: 7th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Nambour, Qld: Rifle Club
Nambucca Heads, NSW: Rifle Club
Nana Glen, Qld: Orara Rifle Club
Nananda, Qld: Many Peaks Rifle Club
Nanango, Qld: Rifle Club
Nangarah, NSW: Wood's Reef Rifle Club
Nannine, WA: Rifle Club
Naracoorte, SA: 22nd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Naracoorte, SA: 74th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Naracoorte, SA: Rifle Club
Naremburn, NSW: 18th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Narrabri, NSW: 14th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Narrabri, NSW: 5th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Narrabri, NSW: Rifle Club
Narracan, Vic: Narracan Valley Rifle Club
Narrandera, NSW: 43rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Narrandera, NSW: Rifle Club
Narre Warren, Vic: 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Narrogin, WA: 25th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Narrogin, WA: Rifle Club
Narromine, NSW: Rifle Club
Neerin, Vic: Rifle Club
Nerang, Qld: Rifle Club
Nerrigundah, NSW: Rifle Club
Netherby, Vic: Rifle Club
Neville, NSW: Rifle Club
New Norfolk, Tas: 93rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
New Norfolk, Tas: Rifle Club
Newbridge, NSW: Rifle Club
Newcastle, NSW:  Australian Army Supply Corps 25th Company
Newcastle, NSW: 16th Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section and "A" Company
Newcastle, NSW: 2nd Australian Light Horse Brigade HQ
Newcastle, NSW: Australian Army Medical Corps 4th Australian Medical Corps
Newcastle, NSW: Australian Garrison Artillery No 3 Company
Newcastle, NSW: Australian Natives Association Rifle Club
Newcastle, NSW: Newcastle Rifle Club
Newcastle, NSW: Newcastle Tramways Rifle Club
Newham, Vic: Newham District Rifle Club
Newstead, Vic: Rifle Club
Nhill, Vic: 73rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company (part)
Nhill, Vic: Rifle Club
Nimitybelle, NSW: Rifle Club
Noggerupp, WA: Rifle Club
Nook , Tas: Sheffield Rifle Club
Nookennillup, WA: Rifle Club
Noorat, Vic: Rifle Club
Norfolk Island, NSW: Anson Rifle Club
Normanton, Qld: Rifle Club
Norseman, WA: 84th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Norseman, WA: Rifle Club
North Adelaide, SA: 79th Australian Infantry Regiment,  C and "D" Companies (part)
North Pine, Qld: Rifle Club
Northam, WA: 25th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Northam, WA: Rifle Club
Northampton, WA: Rifle Club
Northcote, Vic: Rifle Club
Norwood, SA: 79th Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  "A" Company and "B" Company (part)
Nowra, NSW: Rifle Club
Nubesna, Tas: Rifle Club
Nudgee, Qld: 7th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Nudgee, Qld: St Joseph's College Rifle Club
Nullamana, NSW: Rifle Club
Numarkah, Vic: 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Numarkah, Vic: 60th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Numarkah, Vic: Rifle Club
Nundah, Qld: 7th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Nungarra, WA: Black Range Rifle Club
Nuriootpa, SA: 79th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Nyah, Vic: Nyah and District Rifle Club
Nyngan, NSW: Rifle Club
Nypo, Vic: Rifle Club


Oakbank, SA: 74th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "A" Company (part)
Oakey, Qld: 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Oakey, Qld: Rifle Club
Oakleigh, Vic: 46th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Oatlands, Tas: 26th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Oatlands, Tas: Rifle Club
Ocean Grove, Vic: Rifle Club
O'Connell, NSW: Rifle Club
Omeo, Vic: Rifle Club
One Tree Hill, SA: Rifle Club
Ora Banda, WA: Rifle Club
Orange, NSW: 41st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company
Orange, NSW: Orange Railway Ambulance Rifle Club
Orange, NSW: Rifle Club
Orbost, Vic: Rifle Club
Orroroo, SA: 24th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Orroroo, SA: Rifle Club
Ouyen, Vic: Rifle Club
Ovens Valley, Vic: Rifle Club
Owen, SA: Dalkey Rifle Club


Pambula, NSW: 11th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Pambula, NSW: Rifle Club
Pamona, Qld: Rifle Club
Paradise, SA: 79th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
Parilla, SA: Rifle Club
Parkes, NSW: 41st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "H" Company
Parkes, NSW: Rifle Club
Parramatta, NSW: 18th Australian Infantry Regiment,  Machine Gun Section and "H" Company
Parramatta, NSW: 7th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Headquarters and "B" Squadron
Parramatta, NSW: Central Cumberland Rifle Club
Parramatta, NSW: Rifle Club
Peak Hill, NSW: Rifle Club
Peake, SA: Rifle Club
Penguin, Tas: 26th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Pennyroyal, Vic: Rifle Club
Penola, SA: 22nd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Penola, SA: Rifle Club
Penong, SA: Rifle Club
Penrith, NSW: 41st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "G" Company
Penrith, NSW: 7th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Penrith, NSW: Rifle Club
Perth, WA:  Australian Army Supply Corps 22nd Company
Perth, WA: 22nd Australian Infantry Brigade HQ
Perth, WA: 25th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  HQ
Perth, WA: 88th Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section,  and 5 Companies
Perth, Tas: 92nd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Perth, WA: Australian Army Medical Corps No 4 Field Ambulance
Perth, WA: Australian Field Artillery 14th Battery
Perth, WA: Australian Intelligence Corps West Australian District
Perth, WA: District Headquarters Staff
Perth, WA: Ordnance Department
Perth, WA: Pay Branch
Perth, WA: Perth Scouts Rifle Club
Perth, WA: Police Rifle Club
Perth, WA: Rifle Club
Perth, WA: Royal Australian Engineers  30th Company
Petersburg, SA: 24th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Petersburg, SA: 81st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Petersburg, SA: Rifle Club
Piabla, Qld: Rifle Club
Piangil, Vic: Piangil and District Rifle Club
Picton, NSW: 43rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "A" Company (part)
Picton, NSW: 9th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Picton, NSW: Rifle Club
Pie Creek, Qld: 1st Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Pimpama, Qld: Rifle Club
Pinaroo, SA: Rifle Club
Pingelly, WA: Rifle Club
Pittsworth, Qld: 11th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
Pittsworth, Qld: 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Pittsworth, Qld: Rifle Club
Plane Creek, Qld: Rifle Club
Pomborneit, Vic: 20th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Pomborneit, Vic: Rifle Club
Pomonal, Vic: Rifle Club
Pontville, Tas: Brighton Rifle Club
Popanyinning, WA: Rifle Club
Port Adelaide, SA: 76th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company
Port Adelaide, SA: Rifle Club
Port Augusta, SA: 81st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Port Augusta, SA: Rifle Club
Port Broughton, SA: Rifle Club
Port Campbell, Vic: Rifle Club
Port Douglas, Qld: Rifle Club
Port Fairy, Vic: Rifle Club
Port Germain, SA: Rifle Club
Port Lincoln, SA: Rifle Club
Port MacDonnell, SA: Rifle Club
Port Macquarie, NSW: Hastings Rifle Club
Port Moresby (Papua), Qld: Rifle Club
Port Phillip Heads, Vic: Royal Australian Engineers  No 2 Submarine Mining Company (part)
Port Phillip Heads, Vic: Royal Australian Garrison Artillery Staff and 2 Companies
Port Pirie, SA: 24th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Headquarters and "A" Squadron (part)
Port Pirie, SA: 81st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company (part)
Port Pirie, SA: Rifle Club
Port Wakefield, SA: Rifle Club
Portarlington, Vic: Rifle Club
Portland, NSW: 41st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company
Portland, NSW: Rifle Club
Portland, Vic: Rifle Club
Pratten, Qld: 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Pratten, Qld: Rifle Club
Preston  , Tas: Rifle Club
Preston Valley, WA: Rifle Club
Proserpine, Qld: Rifle Club
Pyramid Hill, Vic: 17th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)


Quairading, WA: Quairading District Rifle Club
Qualco, SA: Rifle Club
Quantong, Vic: Rifle Club
Queanbeyan, NSW: Rifle Club
Queenscliff, Vic: 70th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Queenscliff, Vic: Rifle Club
Queenstown, Tas: 91st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "A" Company (part)
Queenstown, Vic: Caledonia Rifle Club
Queenstown, Tas: Mount Lyall Rifle Club
Quirindi, NSW: 14th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Quirindi, NSW: Rifle Club
Quorn, SA: 81st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Quorn, SA: Rifle Club


Raglan, Qld: Rifle Club
Railton, Tas: Rifle Club
Rainbow, Vic: Rifle Club
Rapanyup, Vic: 19th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Rapanyup, Vic: Rifle Club
Ravensthorpe, WA: Phillips River Rifle Club
Ravenswood, Qld: Rifle Club
Raymond Terrace, NSW: 14th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
Raymond Terrace, NSW: 6th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Raymond Terrace, NSW: Rifle Club
Red Range, NSW: Rifle Club
Redhill, SA: Rifle Club
Renison Bell, Tas: Rifle Club
Renmark, SA: Rifle Club
Reynella, SA: 22nd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Rhyanna, NSW: Rifle Club
Richmond, NSW: 41st Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section and "D" Company
Richmond, NSW: 7th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Richmond, NSW: Australian Army Medical Corps 26th Australian Medical Corps
Richmond, NSW: Hawkesbury Agricultural College Rifle Club
Richmond, Qld: Richmond Downs Rifle Club
Richmond, Tas: Rifle Club
Ringarooma, Tas: 26th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Robertson, NSW: 28th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Rochester, Vic: 17th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Rochford, Vic: Rochford District Rifle Club
Rockdale, NSW: Rifle Club
Rockhampton, Qld: 1st Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Machine Gun Section and "A" Squadron (part)
Rockhampton, Qld: 3rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters and 3 Companies
Rockhampton, Qld: Central Railway Rifle Club
Rockhampton, Qld: Rockhampton Rifle Club
Rockley, NSW: Rifle Club
Rockton, NSW: Rifle Club
Roebourne, WA: Rifle Club
Roelands, WA: Rifle Club
Rolland's Plains, NSW: Rifle Club
Roma, Qld: 11th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "A" Company (part)
Roma, Qld: 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Roma, Qld: Rifle Club
Roseberry, Vic: Rifle Club
Roselands, WA: Rifle Club
Ross, Tas: 26th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Ross, Tas: 92nd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "H" Company (part)
Rossville, Qld: Annan Tinfields Rifle Club
Rouchel, NSW: Rifle Club
Rugby, NSW: Rifle Club
Running Stream, NSW: Rifle Club
Rushworth, Vic: 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Rushworth, Vic: Rifle Club
Rutherglen, Vic: 16th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Rutherglen, Vic: 60th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Rutherglen, Vic: Rifle Club
Ryde, NSW: 18th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Rye Park, NSW: Rifle Club
Rylstone, NSW: Rifle Club


Sale, Vic: 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Sale, Vic: 46th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Sale, Vic: Rifle Club
Salisbury, SA: 23rd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Salisbury, SA: Rifle Club
Samsonvale, Qld: Rifle Club
Sandford, Vic: Rifle Club
Sandgate, Qld: 7th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Sandy Flat, NSW: Rifle Club
Scone, NSW: 14th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company (part)
Scone, NSW: 6th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Scone, NSW: Rifle Club
Scottsdale, Tas: 26th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Scottsdale, Tas: 92nd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Sea View, Vic: Rifle Club
Selhelm, Qld: Rifle Club
Semaphore, SA: 76th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company
Semaphore, SA: Rifle Club
Seymour, Vic: 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Headquarters and Machine Gun Section
Seymour, Vic: 60th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Sheffield, Tas: 26th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Sheffield, Tas: 91st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Shellharbour, NSW: Rifle Club
Shepparton, Vic: 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Shepparton, Vic: 60th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Shepparton, Vic: Rifle Club
Silver Spur, Qld: Rifle Club
Singleton, NSW: 14th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company (part)
Singleton, NSW: 6th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Singleton, NSW: Rifle Club
Smeaton, Vic: Rifle Club
Smithfield, SA: 23rd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Smithton, Tas: Rifle Club
Smithtown, NSW: Rifle Club
Smythesdale, Vic: Rifle Club
Sofala, NSW: Rifle Club
Sorrento, Vic: Rifle Club
South Barwon, Vic: Rifle Club
South Kolan, Qld: Bingera and South Kolan Rifle Club
South Perth, WA: Rifle Club
Southern Cross, WA: 84th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Southern Cross, WA: Rifle Club
Southport, Qld: 9th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "A" Company (part)
Southport, Qld: Pacific Cable Rifle Club
Southport, Qld: Southport Rifle Club
Spalding, SA: Rifle Club
Spring Ridge, NSW: Rifle Club
Springhurst, Vic: Rifle Club
Springsure, Qld: Rifle Club
Springwood, NSW: Rifle Club
St Arnaud, Vic: 73rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
St Arnaud, Vic: Rifle Club
St George, Qld: Rifle Club
St Helena , Qld: Rifle Club
St Mary's, Tas: 26th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
St Mary's, Tas: Rifle Club
St Mary's , NSW: Rifle Club
St Patrick's River, Tas: Rifle Club
Stacey's Bridge, Vic: Rifle Club
Stanley, Tas: Circular Head Rifle Club
Stannary Hills, Qld: Rifle Club
Stanthorpe, Qld: Rifle Club
Stanwell, Qld: 1st Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Stawell, Vic: 73rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "A" Company (part)
Stawell, Vic: Rifle Club
Stirling, SA: 74th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "A" Company (part)
Stockton, NSW: Rifle Club
Stradbroke, Vic: Rifle Club
Strahan, Tas: Rifle Club
Stratford, Vic: 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Stratford, Vic: Rifle Club
Strath Creek, Vic: Rifle Club
Strathalbyn, SA: Rifle Club
Strathbridge North, Vic: Rifle Club
Strathbridge South, Vic: Rifle Club
Streaky Bay, SA: Flinders Rifle Club
Subiaco, WA: 86th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company
Sunny Corner, NSW: Rifle Club
Swan Hill, Vic: 67th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Swan Hill, Vic: Rifle Club
Swanpool, Vic: Rifle Club
Swansea, Tas: 26th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Swift's Creek, Vic: Rifle Club
Sydney, NSW: 18th Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters and 3 Companies
Sydney, NSW: 1st Royal Australian Field Artillery  Bde HQ
Sydney, NSW: 21st Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section,  and 6 Companies
Sydney, NSW: 24th Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section,  and 6 Companies
Sydney, NSW: 25th Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section,  and 8 Companies
Sydney, NSW: 29th Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section,  and 6 Companies
Sydney, NSW: 31st Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section,  and 3 Companies
Sydney, NSW: 33rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section,  and 8 Companies
Sydney, NSW: 39th Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section,  and 6 Companies
Sydney, NSW: 3rd Australian Light Horse Brigade Staff
Sydney, NSW: 6th Australian Infantry Brigade Headquarters
Sydney, NSW: 7th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Machine Gun Section and "A" Squadron
Sydney, NSW: 8th Australian Infantry Brigade Headquarters
Sydney, NSW: 9th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Headquarters and Machine Gun Section
Sydney, NSW: AMP Rifle Club
Sydney, NSW: Australian Army Medical Corps 6th,  7th and 8th
Sydney, NSW: Australian Army Medical Corps Permanent Section
Sydney, NSW: Australian Army Supply Corps 6th,  7th and 26th Companies
Sydney, NSW: Australian Army Supply Corps Permanent Section
Sydney, NSW: Australian Field Artillery No 1,  No 2,  No 5 and 18th Batteries
Sydney, NSW: Australian Intelligence Corps New South Wales District
Sydney, NSW: Australian Natives Association Rifle Club
Sydney, NSW: Clyde Engineering Works Rifle Club
Sydney, NSW: District Headquarters Staff
Sydney, NSW: Eastern Suburbs Rifle Club
Sydney, NSW: Lands Department Rifle Club
Sydney, NSW: Legion of Frontiersmen Rifle Club
Sydney, NSW: Metropolitan Railway Rifle Club
Sydney, NSW: New South Wales Post and Telegraph Department Rifle Club
Sydney, NSW: North Sydney Rifle Club
Sydney, NSW: Ordnance Department
Sydney, NSW: Pay Branch
Sydney, NSW: Randwick Rifle Club
Sydney, NSW: Royal Australian Engineers  5th,  6th,  16th,  17th,  24th,  25th,  33rd and 37th Companies
Sydney, NSW: Royal Australian Engineers  Staff
Sydney, NSW: Royal Australian Garrison Artillery No 1,  No 2 and No 6 Companies
Sydney, NSW: Royal Australian Garrison Artillery Staff and Garrison Company
Sydney, NSW: South African Soldiers Association Rifle Club
Sydney, NSW: South Sydney Rifle Club
Sydney, NSW: Sydney Rifle Club
Sydney, NSW: Sydney Training College Rifle Club
Sydney, NSW: Sydney Tramway Rifle Club
Sydney, NSW: The Sydney University Scouts,  Headquarters and 4 Companies
Sydney, NSW: Water and Sewerage Board Rifle Club
Sydney, NSW: Western Suburbs Rifle Club
Sydney, NSW: Yorkshire Society's Rifle Club


Tailem Bend, SA: Rifle Club
Talbot, Vic: 19th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Talbot, Vic: Rifle Club
Tallangatta, Vic: Rifle Club
Tallebudgera, Qld: Rifle Club
Tallygaroopna, Vic: 5th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Tallygaroopna, Vic: Rifle Club
Tambulluh, WA: Rifle Club
Tamworth, NSW: 14th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company
Tamworth, NSW: 5th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  B (part)
Tamworth, NSW: Rifle Club
Tanjil, Vic: Rifle Club
Tantanoola, SA: Rifle Club
Taradale, Vic: Rifle Club
Tarago, NSW: Tarago and Lake Bathurst Rifle Club
Taralga, NSW: Rifle Club
Tarcutta, NSW: Rifle Club
Taree, NSW: Rifle Club
Tarnagulla, Vic: Rifle Club
Tatura, Vic: 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Tatura, Vic: Rifle Club
Teebar, Qld: Rifle Club
Telegraph Point, NSW: Rifle Club
Temora, NSW: 43rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Temora, NSW: Rifle Club
Ten Mile, Vic: Ten Mile Mountain Rifle Club
Tenterfield, NSW: 14th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "A" Company (part)
Tenterfield, NSW: 5th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  A (part)
Tenterfield, NSW: Rifle Club
Terang, Vic: 20th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Machine Gun Section (part)
Terang, Vic: 71st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Terang, Vic: Rifle Club
Terowie, SA: Rifle Club
Teven, Qld: Rifle Club
Thane's Creek, Qld: Rifle Club
The Leap, Qld: North Side Rifle Club
Thirroul, NSW: 39th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Thoona, Vic: 16th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Thornton, Vic: Rifle Club
Thorpdale, Vic: 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Thorpdale, Vic: Thorpdale and Narracan Rifle Club
Thursday Island, Qld: Royal Australian Garrison Artillery 9th Company
Thursday Island, Qld: Torres Straits Rifle Club
Thyra, Vic: Rifle Club
Tiaro, Qld: Rifle Club
Tighe's Hill, NSW: 16th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company
Tilba Tilba, NSW: 11th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Timboon, Vic: Rifle Club
Timmering, Vic: Rifle Club
Tingha, NSW: Rifle Club
Tintinara, SA: Rifle Club
Tomingley, NSW: Rifle Club
Toodyay, WA: 25th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Toodyay, WA: Rifle Club
Toogoolawah, Qld: Rifle Club
Tooloom, Qld: Rifle Club
Toora, Vic: Rifle Club
Tooradin, Vic: Rifle Club
Tooraweenah, NSW: Rifle Club
Toowoomba, Qld: 11th Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters and "A" Company (part)
Toowoomba, Qld: 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section,  and "A" Squadron (part)
Toowoomba, Qld: Darling Downs Rifle Club
Towamba, NSW: Rifle Club
Townsville, Qld: 27th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Townsville, Qld: Australian Army Medical Corps 1st Australian Medical Corps
Townsville, Qld: Australian Garrison Artillery 1st Company
Townsville, Qld: North Queensland Railway and Civil Service Rifle Club
Townsville, Qld: Royal Australian Garrison Artillery 8th Company (part)
Townsville, Qld: Townsville Rifle Club
Towrang, NSW: Rifle Club
Trafalgar, Vic: 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Trafalgar, Vic: 46th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Trafalgar, Vic: Rifle Club
Traralgon, Vic: 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Traralgon, Vic: 46th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Traralgon, Vic: Rifle Club
Traynor's Lagoon, Vic: Rifle Club
Trentham, Vic: Rifle Club
Truro, SA: Rifle Club
Tullah, Tas: Rifle Club
Tullooma, NSW: Rifle Club
Tumbarumba, NSW: Rifle Club
Tumby Bay, SA: Rifle Club
Tumut, NSW: Rifle Club
Tununda, SA: 23rd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Tununda, SA: 79th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Tununda, SA: Rifle Club
Two Wells, SA: 23rd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)


Uki, NSW: Rifle Club
Ulmarra, Qld: Rifle Club
Ultima, Vic: Rifle Club
Ulverstone, Tas: 26th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Ulverstone, Tas: 91st Australian Infantry Regiment,  Band and "D" Company (part)
Unanderra, NSW: 39th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
Unley, SA: 74th Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  "A" Company (part) and "B" Company (part)
Upper Traralgon Creek, Vic: Rifle Club
Uralgurra, NSW: Upper Macleay Rifle Club
Uralla, NSW: 14th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "A" Company (part)
Urana, NSW: Rifle Club


Victor Harbor, SA: 22nd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Victor Harbor, SA: Rifle Club
Victoria Park, WA: 88th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "G" Company (part)
Violet Town, Vic: 16th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)


Wagga Wagga, NSW: 43rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Wagga Wagga, NSW: Australian Field Artillery 3rd Battery (part)
Wagga Wagga, NSW: Rifle Club
Wagin, WA: 25th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Wagin, WA: Rifle Club
Wagra, NSW: Rifle Club
Wahgunyah, Vic: Murray River Rifle Club
Walhalla, Vic: Rifle Club
Wall, Vic: Rifle Club
Wallangra, NSW: Rocky Dam Rifle Club
Wallaroo, SA: 24th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Wallaroo, SA: 81st Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters,  Machine Gun Section and "B" Company (part)
Wallaville, Qld: Wallaville and Currjong Rifle Club
Wallerawang, NSW: Rifle Club
Wallerawang, NSW: Wallerawang Railway Ambulance Rifle Club
Wallsend, NSW: 16th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
Wallumbilla, Qld: Rifle Club
Walmer, NSW: Rifle Club
Walwa, Vic: Rifle Club
Wandiligong, Vic: Rifle Club
Wangaratta, Vic: 16th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Wangaratta, Vic: 60th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Wangaratta, Vic: Rifle Club
Wangrabelle, Vic: Rifle Club
Waratah, Tas: 91st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
Waratah, Tas: Rifle Club
Wardell, Qld: Rifle Club
Warracknabeal, Vic: 73rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters and "C" Company (part)
Warragul, Vic: 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Warragul, Vic: 46th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Warragul, Vic: Rifle Club
Warrandyte, Vic: Rifle Club
Warratah, NSW: Rifle Club
Warren, NSW: Rifle Club
Warrnambool, Vic: 20th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Warrnambool, Vic: 71st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Warrnambool, Vic: Australian Field Artillery 10th Battery
Warrnambool, Vic: Rifle Club
Warwick, Qld: 11th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
Warwick, Qld: 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Warwick, Qld: Rifle Club
Wasleys, SA: Rifle Club
Watervale, SA: Rifle Club
Watsonville, Qld: Rifle Club
Wauchope, NSW: Rifle Club
Waverley, WA: Rifle Club
Wedderburn, Vic: Rifle Club
Wellington, NSW: 41st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "H" Company (part)
Wellington, NSW: 9th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Wellington, NSW: Rifle Club
Wellington, NSW: Wellington Railway Ambulance Rifle Club
Wellington Mills, WA: Rifle Club
Welshpool, Vic: Rifle Club
Wentworth, NSW: Rifle Club
Wentworth Falls, NSW: Rifle Club
Werribee, Vic: 29th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Werribee, Vic: Werribee Rifle Club
Werris Creek, NSW: Rifle Club
Weston, NSW: 14th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "E" Company (part)
White Cliffs, NSW: Rifle Club
Wickham, NSW: 16th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
Wickham, NSW: 4th Australian Medical Corps (part)
Wickham, NSW: 6th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Wilcannia, NSW: Rifle Club
Willaura, Vic: 19th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Willaura, Vic: Rifle Club
Willawarrin, NSW: Rifle Club
Williamstown, SA: 23rd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Williamstown, Vic: Australian Garrison Artillery 7th Company
Williamstown, SA: Rifle Club
Willoughby, NSW: 18th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Willunga, SA: Rifle Club
Wilmington, SA: Rifle Club
Wilmot, Tas: 26th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Wiluna, WA: Rifle Club
Windsor, NSW: 41st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "A" Company
Windsor, NSW: 7th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "C" Squadron (part)
Windsor, NSW: Rifle Club
Wingham, NSW: Rifle Club
Winiam, Vic: Rifle Club
Winton, Qld: Rifle Club
Wirrabara, SA: 24th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Wirrabara, SA: Wirrabara and Forest Rifle Club
Wodonga, Vic: 43rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Wollomombi, NSW: Rifle Club
Wollongong, NSW: 39th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
Wollongong, NSW: Rifle Club
Wolumla, NSW: Rifle Club
Wondai, Qld: Rifle Club
Wongan Hills, WA: Rifle Club
Wongwibinda, NSW: Rifle Club
Woodenbong, Qld: Rifle Club
Woodend, Vic: 66th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Woodend, Vic: Rifle Club
Woodhill, Qld: 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Woodhouselee, NSW: Rifle Club
Woodmilling, WA: Rifle Club
Wood's Pond, Vic: Rifle Club
Woodstock, NSW: Rifle Club
Woolgoolga, NSW: Rifle Club
Woondum, Qld: Rifle Club
Woonona, NSW: 39th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Wooraloo, WA: Rifle Club
Worsley, WA: Rifle Club
Wrightville, NSW: Rifle Club
Wyalcatchem, WA: Rifle Club
Wyalong, NSW: 43rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Wyalong, NSW: West Wyalong Rifle Club
Wyalong, NSW: Wyalong Rifle Club
Wyearbah, Qld: 1st Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Wynnum, Qld: 9th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "B" Company (part)
Wynyard, Tas: 26th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Wynyard, Tas: 91st Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company (part)
Wynyard, Tas: Rifle Club


Yackandandah, Vic: Rifle Club
Yalgoo, WA: Rifle Club
Yanac-a-Yanac, Vic: Rifle Club
Yandaran, Qld: Rifle Club
Yangan, Qld: Rifle Club
Yankallila, SA: 22nd Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "A" Squadron (part)
Yanyarrie, SA: Rifle Club
Yarloop, WA: Rifle Club
Yarragon, Vic: Rifle Club
Yarram, Vic: Rifle Club
Yarrawonga, Vic: 16th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Yarrawonga, Vic: 60th Australian Infantry Regiment,  "F" Company (part)
Yarrawonga, Vic: Rifle Club
Yass, NSW: 43rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "C" Company (part)
Yass, NSW: Rifle Club
Yea, Vic: 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
Yea, Vic: Rifle Club
Yeulba, Qld: Rifle Club
Yielima, Vic: Rifle Club
Yongala, SA: 24th Australian Light Horse Regiment,  "B" Squadron (part)
York , WA: Rifle Club
Yorketown, SA: Rifle Club
Youanme, WA: Rifle Club
Young, NSW: 43rd Australian Infantry Regiment,  "D" Company (part)
Young, NSW: Australian Field Artillery 3rd Battery (part)
Yundamindera, WA: Rifle Club


Zeehan, Tas: 91st Australian Infantry Regiment,  Headquarters and "B" Company (part)
Zeehan, Tas: Rifle Club
Zillmere, Qld: JC Hutton and District Rifle Club


Further Reading:

Australian Light Horse Militia

Australian Infantry Militia

Militia 1899 - 1920


Citation:  Australian Militia activity location list 1913

Posted by Project Leader at 2:25 PM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 2 January 2010 12:45 PM EAST
1913 Re-organisation of the Militia - losses
Topic: Militia 1899-1920

Militia 1899 - 1920

Australian Militia - Activities Ceased



1913 Changes in the Militia Structure - Activities Lost

During the re-organisation of the Militia as a consequence of the 1910 Kitchener Report, a new system of raising the forces occurred. In so doing, areas whose population altered and were unable to sustain any Militia activity had functions removed. Other areas had the units peculiar to the particular state disbanded or amalgamated with other units. In 1911 there were specific 1,527 Militia activities spread over the continent of Australia. This increased to 1,772 Militia activities in 1912. However, the transition was not always linear. In the shake-up, 236 Militia activities were removed from various centres. The major reason for the removal of an activity related to population issues. The main item removed from an area was the rifle club.

The following is a list of all Militia activities that were removed from a particular location during the 1912 year.


Adelaide, SA: Australian Army Medical Corps SA Garrison Ambulance
Adelaide, SA: Australian Army Supply Corps SA Garrison Details
Adelaide, SA: Corps of Signallers No 7 Company
Adelaide, SA: Royal Australian Artillery No 10 Company (part)
Adelaide, SA: South Australian Scottish Infantry, 2 Companys
Albany, WA: Royal Australian Artillery No 10 Company (part)
Alexandra, Vic: 7th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 2 Squadron (part)
Allansford, Vic: 11th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 1 Squadron (part)
Areega, Vic: Areega and Carron Rifle Club
Ashfield , NSW: 1st Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "G" Company


Beaconsfield, Vic: Rifle Club
Beeac, Vic: 11th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 3 Squadron (part)
Bell, Qld: 14th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 4 Squadron (part)
Bellerive, Tas: The Derwent Regiment 1st Battalion "D" Company (part)
Billinudgel , NSW: Rifle Club
Blackall, Qld: Rifle Club
Blackwood, SA: 17th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 4 Squadron (part)
Blackwood, Vic: Rifle Club
Box Hill, Vic: 10th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 5 Squadron (part)
Bransholm, Tas: Rifle Club
Brinkworth, SA: Rifle Club
Brisbane, Qld: Australian Army Medical Corps Qld Garrison Ambulance
Brisbane, Qld: Australian Army Supply Corps No 3 Infantry Transport and Supply Column
Brisbane, Qld: Australian Army Supply Corps Queensland Garrison Details
Brisbane, Qld: Commonwealth of Australia Staff
Brisbane, Qld: Corps of Signallers No 5 & No 6 Companys
Brisbane, Qld: Qld Rifles HQ & 3 Companys
Brisbane, Qld: Royal Australian Artillery "B" Instructional Cadre & No 8 Company (part)
Brisbane, Qld: Royal Australian Engineers No 3 Electric Company
Brisbane, Qld: Royal Australian Engineers No 5 FTE
Broken Hill, NSW: Australian Natives Association Rifle Club
Broken Hill, NSW: Machester Unity Oddfellows Rifle Club
Buangor, Vic: Vic Rangers 1st Battalion "D" Company (part)
Buddigower, NSW: Rifle Club
Buln Buln, Vic: Rifle Club
Burringbar, NSW: Rifle Club
Burrumbeet, Vic: Rifle Club
Byron Bay, NSW: Rifle Club


Camira, NSW: Rifle Club
Campbelltown, SA: Rifle Club
Capertee, NSW: Rifle Club
Carisbrook, Vic: Rifle Club
Casterton, Vic: Rifle Club
Chatswood, NSW: St George English Rifles Regiment 1st Battalion - "D" Company
Cheltenham, Vic: Vic Rangers 1st Battalion "G" Company (part)
Clarendon, SA: 17th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 4 Squadron (part)
Cobargo, NSW: 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment - No 3 Squadron (part)
Coolah, NSW: Rifle Club
Corack, Vic: Corack District Rifle Club
Coraki, NSW: 5th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 1 Squadron (part)
Coraki, NSW: Rifle Club
Corndale, NSW: Rifle Club
Cunnamulla, Qld: Rifle Club


Dapto, NSW: Rifle Club
Drummoyne, NSW: 1st Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion - "H" Company


Echuca, Vic: Rifle Club
Elmore, Vic: Rifle Club


Ferntree Gully, Vic: Rifle Club
Forth, Tas: Tasmanian Rangers 1st Battalion "A" Company (part)
Frances, SA: Rifle Club
Fremantle, WA: 18th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 1 Squadron (part)
Fremantle, WA: Australian Corps of Signallers No 8 Company (part)
Fremantle, WA: West Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "F" Company


Garfield, Vic: Rifle Club
Gatton, Qld: Qld Agricultural College Rifle Club
Gembrook, Vic: Rifle Club
Glen Thompson, Vic: Rifle Club
Gollan, NSW: Rifle Club
Gramzow, Qld: Rifle Club
Grenville, Vic: Rifle Club
Grove, Tas: The Derwent Regiment 1st Battalion "A" Company (part)
Guildford, WA: 18th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 1 Squadron (part)
Gulargambone, NSW: Rifle Club
Guyra, NSW: Rifle Club


Hastings, Tas: Rifle Club
Helensburgh, NSW: Rifle Club
Helidon, Qld: 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 4 Squadron (part)
Helidon, Qld: Rifle Club
Hindmarsh, SA: 10th Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "B" Company
Hobart, Tas: Corps of Signallers No 9 Company (part)
Hobart, Tas: Royal Australian Artillery No 10 Company (part)
Hobart, Tas: Royal Australian Engineers No 5 Electric Company
Hopevale, Vic: Rifle Club
Hoyleton, SA: Rifle Club
Hunter's Hill, NSW: 1st Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "F" Company


Ingham, Qld: 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 5 Squadron (part)
Inglewood, Vic: Vic Rangers 1st Battalion "F" Company (part)
Inverleight, Vic: Rifle Club
Inverloch, Vic: Rifle Club
Irvingdale, Qld: 14th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 2 Squadron (part)


Jung Jung, Vic: Vic Rangers 1st Battalion "C" Company (part)


Kangarilla, SA: 17th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 4 Squadron (part)
Kangaroo Valley, NSW: Rifle Club
Kanowna, WA: Goldfields Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "D" Company
Katamatite, Vic: Rifle Club
Kensington, SA: 10th Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "C" & "D" Companys
Killarney, Qld: 14th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 3 Squadron (part)
Kindred, Tas: Rifle Club
Kinimakatka, Vic: Kinimakatka Farmers' Rifle Club
Kogarah, NSW: Rifle Club
Kogarah, NSW: St George English Rifles Regiment 1st Battalion "C" Company
Kojonup, WA: 18th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 3 Squadron (part)
Kongwak, Vic: Rifle Club
Koorawatha, NSW: Rifle Club


Lang Lang, Vic: Rifle Club
Launceston, Tas: Corps of Signallers No 9 Company (part)
Lenora, WA: Gwalia Rifle Club
Little Plain, NSW: 6th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 3 Squadron (part)
Loch, Vic: Rifle Club
Lockhart, NSW: Rifle Club
Locksley, Vic: Rifle Club
Loganlea, Qld: Forest Rangers Rifle Club
Lynch's Creek, NSW: Rifle Club
Lytton, Qld: Royal Australian Engineers No 3 Submarine Mining Company


Mamberkine, WA: 18th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 4 Squadron (part)
Manly, NSW: Australian Rifles Regiment 1st Battalion "F" Company
Manly, Qld: Manly and Wynnum Rifle Club
Margaret River, WA: Rifle Club
Mathoura, NSW: Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: Australian Army Medical Corps No 2 Field Artillery
Melbourne, Vic: Australian Army Medical Corps Victorian Garrison Ambulance
Melbourne, Vic: Australian Army Supply Corps Victorian Garrison Company
Melbourne, Vic: City Electric Supply Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: Collingwood District Municipal Corporation Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: Corps of Signallers - No 3 Company & No 4 Company
Melbourne, Vic: Royal Australian Artillery "C" Instructional Cadre & One Company
Melbourne, Vic: Royal Australian Engineers Commonwealth of Australia Staff
Melbourne, Vic: Royal Australian Engineers No 2 Electric Company
Melbourne, Vic: Royal Australian Engineers No 2 Field Company
Melbourne, Vic: Royal Australian Engineers No 2 Fortress Company
Melbourne, Vic: Royal Australian Engineers No 2 Submarine Mining Company (part)
Melbourne, Vic: Royal Australian Engineers No 3 Light Horse Field Troop
Melbourne, Vic: Sandringham Rifle Club
Mepunga, Vic: Rifle Club
Mittagong, NSW: Rifle Club
Moe, Vic: 10th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 2 Squadron (part)
Morchard, SA: 17th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 2 Squadron
Mosman, NSW: St George English Rifles Regiment 1st Battalion "E" Company
Mount Chalmers, Qld: 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 1 Squadron (part)
Mount Molloy, Qld: Rifle Club
Mount Pleasant, SA: Rifle Club
Moyhu, Vic: 8th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 3 Squadron (part)
Mt Jagged, SA: 16th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 2 Squadron (part)
Mt Lofty, SA: 16th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 5 Squadron (part)
Myponga, SA: 16th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 2 Squadron (part)


Nagambie, Vic: Rifle Club
Nana Glen, NSW: Orara Rifle Club
Newcastle, WA: 18th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 4 Squadron (part)
Newcastle, NSW: Australian Army Medical Corps NSW Garrison Ambulance (part)
Newcastle, NSW: Corps of Signallers - No 2 Company (part)
Newcastle, NSW: NSW Irish Rifles Regiment 1st Battalion "G" & "H" Companys
Newcastle, NSW: NSW Scottish Rifles Regiment 1st Battalion "G" Company
Newcastle, WA: Rifle Club
Nimbin, NSW: Rifle Club
Ninyeunook, Vic: Rifle Club
Nirranda, Vic: 11th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 1 Squadron (part)
Noradjuha, Vic: Noradjuha District Rifle Club
North Brighton, Vic: Vic Rangers 1st Battalion "G" Company (part)
North Sydney, NSW: 1st Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "E" Company


O.K., Qld: Rifle Club
Ollara, NSW: Rifle Club


Palmerston, SA: Rifle Club
Penguin, Tas: Rifle Club
Penguin, Tas: Tasmanian Rangers 1st Battalion "A" Company (part)
Penhurst, Vic: Rifle Club
Penola, SA: South Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "E" Company
Perth, WA: Australian Army Medical Corps WA Garrison Ambulance (part)
Perth, WA: Australian Corps of Signallers No 8 Company (part)
Perth, WA: Commonwealth of Australia Staff
Pigeon Ponds, Vic: Rifle Club
Pinkenba, Qld: Qld Meat Export and Agency Company Rifle Club
Pontville, Tas: 12th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 5 Squadron (part)
Poowong, Vic: Rifle Club
Prospect, SA: 10th Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "H" Company (part)


Queenscliff, Vic: Royal Australian Engineers No 2 SM Company (part)


Redhill, Vic: Rifle Club
Ringwood, Vic: 10th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 5 Squadron (part)
Rockhampton, Qld: Australian Army Medical Corps Qld Garrison Ambulance (part)
Rockhampton, Qld: Corps of Signallers No 6 Company
Romney, Vic: Rifle Club
Rosewood, Qld: Rifle Club


Samaralia (Papua), Qld: Rifle Club
Sea Lake, Vic: Rifle Club
Second Valley, SA: 16th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 2 Squadron (part)
Seymour, Vic: Rifle Club
Shellharbour, NSW: 1st Australian Light Horse Regiment No 5 Squadron (part)
Shoreham, Vic: Rifle Club
Somerville, Vic: Vic Rangers 1st Battalion "G" Company (part)
Southbrook, Qld: Rifle Club
Steiglitz, Vic: Rifle Club
Stowport, Tas: Tasmanian Rangers 1st Battalion "E" Company (part)
Strathmerton, Vic: Strathmerton Rifle Club
Sydney, NSW: 2nd Australian Light Horse Brigade Staff
Sydney, NSW: Australian Army Medical Corps NSW Garrison Ambulance (part)
Sydney, NSW: Australian Army Supply Corps NSW Garrison Company
Sydney, NSW: Commonwealth of Australia Staff
Sydney, NSW: Corps of Signallers - No 1 Company & No 2 Company (part)
Sydney, NSW: John Sands Ltd Rifle Club
Sydney, NSW: Royal Australian Artillery Staff, "A" Instructional Cadre & Garrison Companys
Sydney, NSW: Royal Australian Engineers No 1 Electric Company
Sydney, NSW: Royal Australian Engineers No 1 Fortress Company
Sydney, NSW: Royal Australian Engineers No 1 Field Company
Sydney, NSW: Royal Australian Engineers No 1 Light Horse Field Troop
Sydney, NSW: Royal Australian Engineers No 1 Submarine Mining Company
Sydney, NSW: Royal Australian Engineers No 1 Telegraph Company
Sydney, NSW: Wunderlich Employees Rifle Club


Talgarao, Vic: Rifle Club
Terror's Creek, Qld: 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 1 Squadron (part)
Thebarton, SA: 10th Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "B" Company (part)
Thursday Island, Qld: Royal Australian Artillery No 9 Company (part)
Thyra, NSW: Rifle Club
Tolmie, Vic: Rifle Club
Tongala, Vic: Rifle Club
Toogoolawah, Qld: 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 2 Squadron (part)
Tooloom, NSW: Rifle Club


Ulladulla, NSW: 1st Australian Light Horse Regiment No 6 Squadron


Violet Town, Vic: Rifle Club


Wardell, NSW: Rifle Club
Warialdi, NSW: Rifle Club
Waterford, Qld: Rifle Club
Werribee, Vic: Werribee Metropolitan Farm Rifle Club
Wesley Vale, Tas: Tasmanian Rangers 1st Battalion "C" Company (part)
Wilbetree, NSW: Rifle Club
Wodonga, Vic: Rifle Club
Wollongong, NSW: Australian Garrison Artillery No 4 NSW Company
Woodenbong, NSW: Rifle Club
Wunghnu, Vic: Rifle Club
Wuuluman, NSW: Rifle Club
Wycheproof, Vic: Rifle Club


Yalca, Vic: Rifle Club
Yandoit, Vic: Yandoit District Rifle Club
Yangan, Qld: 14th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 3 Squadron (part)
Yarraby, Vic: Rifle Club
Yarragon, Vic: 10th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 3 Squadron (part)
Yarranerie, NSW: Rifle Club
Young, NSW: Rifle Club


Further Reading:

Australian Light Horse Militia

Australian Infantry Militia

Militia 1899 - 1920


Citation:  1913 Re-organisation of the Militia - losses

Posted by Project Leader at 10:32 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 2 January 2010 12:46 PM EAST

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