Topic: Militia 1899-1920
Militia 1899 - 1920
Australian Militia - Activities Ceased
1913 Changes in the Militia Structure - Activities Lost
During the re-organisation of the Militia as a consequence of the 1910 Kitchener Report, a new system of raising the forces occurred. In so doing, areas whose population altered and were unable to sustain any Militia activity had functions removed. Other areas had the units peculiar to the particular state disbanded or amalgamated with other units. In 1911 there were specific 1,527 Militia activities spread over the continent of Australia. This increased to 1,772 Militia activities in 1912. However, the transition was not always linear. In the shake-up, 236 Militia activities were removed from various centres. The major reason for the removal of an activity related to population issues. The main item removed from an area was the rifle club.
The following is a list of all Militia activities that were removed from a particular location during the 1912 year.
Adelaide, SA: Australian Army Medical Corps SA Garrison Ambulance
Adelaide, SA: Australian Army Supply Corps SA Garrison Details
Adelaide, SA: Corps of Signallers No 7 Company
Adelaide, SA: Royal Australian Artillery No 10 Company (part)
Adelaide, SA: South Australian Scottish Infantry, 2 Companys
Albany, WA: Royal Australian Artillery No 10 Company (part)
Alexandra, Vic: 7th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 2 Squadron (part)
Allansford, Vic: 11th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 1 Squadron (part)
Areega, Vic: Areega and Carron Rifle Club
Ashfield , NSW: 1st Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "G" CompanyB
Beaconsfield, Vic: Rifle Club
Beeac, Vic: 11th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 3 Squadron (part)
Bell, Qld: 14th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 4 Squadron (part)
Bellerive, Tas: The Derwent Regiment 1st Battalion "D" Company (part)
Billinudgel , NSW: Rifle Club
Blackall, Qld: Rifle Club
Blackwood, SA: 17th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 4 Squadron (part)
Blackwood, Vic: Rifle Club
Box Hill, Vic: 10th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 5 Squadron (part)
Bransholm, Tas: Rifle Club
Brinkworth, SA: Rifle Club
Brisbane, Qld: Australian Army Medical Corps Qld Garrison Ambulance
Brisbane, Qld: Australian Army Supply Corps No 3 Infantry Transport and Supply Column
Brisbane, Qld: Australian Army Supply Corps Queensland Garrison Details
Brisbane, Qld: Commonwealth of Australia Staff
Brisbane, Qld: Corps of Signallers No 5 & No 6 Companys
Brisbane, Qld: Qld Rifles HQ & 3 Companys
Brisbane, Qld: Royal Australian Artillery "B" Instructional Cadre & No 8 Company (part)
Brisbane, Qld: Royal Australian Engineers No 3 Electric Company
Brisbane, Qld: Royal Australian Engineers No 5 FTE
Broken Hill, NSW: Australian Natives Association Rifle Club
Broken Hill, NSW: Machester Unity Oddfellows Rifle Club
Buangor, Vic: Vic Rangers 1st Battalion "D" Company (part)
Buddigower, NSW: Rifle Club
Buln Buln, Vic: Rifle Club
Burringbar, NSW: Rifle Club
Burrumbeet, Vic: Rifle Club
Byron Bay, NSW: Rifle ClubC
Camira, NSW: Rifle Club
Campbelltown, SA: Rifle Club
Capertee, NSW: Rifle Club
Carisbrook, Vic: Rifle Club
Casterton, Vic: Rifle Club
Chatswood, NSW: St George English Rifles Regiment 1st Battalion - "D" Company
Cheltenham, Vic: Vic Rangers 1st Battalion "G" Company (part)
Clarendon, SA: 17th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 4 Squadron (part)
Cobargo, NSW: 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment - No 3 Squadron (part)
Coolah, NSW: Rifle Club
Corack, Vic: Corack District Rifle Club
Coraki, NSW: 5th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 1 Squadron (part)
Coraki, NSW: Rifle Club
Corndale, NSW: Rifle Club
Cunnamulla, Qld: Rifle ClubD
Dapto, NSW: Rifle Club
Drummoyne, NSW: 1st Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion - "H" CompanyE
Echuca, Vic: Rifle Club
Elmore, Vic: Rifle ClubF
Ferntree Gully, Vic: Rifle Club
Forth, Tas: Tasmanian Rangers 1st Battalion "A" Company (part)
Frances, SA: Rifle Club
Fremantle, WA: 18th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 1 Squadron (part)
Fremantle, WA: Australian Corps of Signallers No 8 Company (part)
Fremantle, WA: West Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "F" CompanyG
Garfield, Vic: Rifle Club
Gatton, Qld: Qld Agricultural College Rifle Club
Gembrook, Vic: Rifle Club
Glen Thompson, Vic: Rifle Club
Gollan, NSW: Rifle Club
Gramzow, Qld: Rifle Club
Grenville, Vic: Rifle Club
Grove, Tas: The Derwent Regiment 1st Battalion "A" Company (part)
Guildford, WA: 18th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 1 Squadron (part)
Gulargambone, NSW: Rifle Club
Guyra, NSW: Rifle ClubH
Hastings, Tas: Rifle Club
Helensburgh, NSW: Rifle Club
Helidon, Qld: 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 4 Squadron (part)
Helidon, Qld: Rifle Club
Hindmarsh, SA: 10th Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "B" Company
Hobart, Tas: Corps of Signallers No 9 Company (part)
Hobart, Tas: Royal Australian Artillery No 10 Company (part)
Hobart, Tas: Royal Australian Engineers No 5 Electric Company
Hopevale, Vic: Rifle Club
Hoyleton, SA: Rifle Club
Hunter's Hill, NSW: 1st Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "F" CompanyI
Ingham, Qld: 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 5 Squadron (part)
Inglewood, Vic: Vic Rangers 1st Battalion "F" Company (part)
Inverleight, Vic: Rifle Club
Inverloch, Vic: Rifle Club
Irvingdale, Qld: 14th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 2 Squadron (part)J
Jung Jung, Vic: Vic Rangers 1st Battalion "C" Company (part)
Kangarilla, SA: 17th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 4 Squadron (part)
Kangaroo Valley, NSW: Rifle Club
Kanowna, WA: Goldfields Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "D" Company
Katamatite, Vic: Rifle Club
Kensington, SA: 10th Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "C" & "D" Companys
Killarney, Qld: 14th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 3 Squadron (part)
Kindred, Tas: Rifle Club
Kinimakatka, Vic: Kinimakatka Farmers' Rifle Club
Kogarah, NSW: Rifle Club
Kogarah, NSW: St George English Rifles Regiment 1st Battalion "C" Company
Kojonup, WA: 18th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 3 Squadron (part)
Kongwak, Vic: Rifle Club
Koorawatha, NSW: Rifle ClubL
Lang Lang, Vic: Rifle Club
Launceston, Tas: Corps of Signallers No 9 Company (part)
Lenora, WA: Gwalia Rifle Club
Little Plain, NSW: 6th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 3 Squadron (part)
Loch, Vic: Rifle Club
Lockhart, NSW: Rifle Club
Locksley, Vic: Rifle Club
Loganlea, Qld: Forest Rangers Rifle Club
Lynch's Creek, NSW: Rifle Club
Lytton, Qld: Royal Australian Engineers No 3 Submarine Mining CompanyM
Mamberkine, WA: 18th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 4 Squadron (part)
Manly, NSW: Australian Rifles Regiment 1st Battalion "F" Company
Manly, Qld: Manly and Wynnum Rifle Club
Margaret River, WA: Rifle Club
Mathoura, NSW: Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: Australian Army Medical Corps No 2 Field Artillery
Melbourne, Vic: Australian Army Medical Corps Victorian Garrison Ambulance
Melbourne, Vic: Australian Army Supply Corps Victorian Garrison Company
Melbourne, Vic: City Electric Supply Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: Collingwood District Municipal Corporation Rifle Club
Melbourne, Vic: Corps of Signallers - No 3 Company & No 4 Company
Melbourne, Vic: Royal Australian Artillery "C" Instructional Cadre & One Company
Melbourne, Vic: Royal Australian Engineers Commonwealth of Australia Staff
Melbourne, Vic: Royal Australian Engineers No 2 Electric Company
Melbourne, Vic: Royal Australian Engineers No 2 Field Company
Melbourne, Vic: Royal Australian Engineers No 2 Fortress Company
Melbourne, Vic: Royal Australian Engineers No 2 Submarine Mining Company (part)
Melbourne, Vic: Royal Australian Engineers No 3 Light Horse Field Troop
Melbourne, Vic: Sandringham Rifle Club
Mepunga, Vic: Rifle Club
Mittagong, NSW: Rifle Club
Moe, Vic: 10th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 2 Squadron (part)
Morchard, SA: 17th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 2 Squadron
Mosman, NSW: St George English Rifles Regiment 1st Battalion "E" Company
Mount Chalmers, Qld: 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 1 Squadron (part)
Mount Molloy, Qld: Rifle Club
Mount Pleasant, SA: Rifle Club
Moyhu, Vic: 8th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 3 Squadron (part)
Mt Jagged, SA: 16th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 2 Squadron (part)
Mt Lofty, SA: 16th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 5 Squadron (part)
Myponga, SA: 16th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 2 Squadron (part)N
Nagambie, Vic: Rifle Club
Nana Glen, NSW: Orara Rifle Club
Newcastle, WA: 18th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 4 Squadron (part)
Newcastle, NSW: Australian Army Medical Corps NSW Garrison Ambulance (part)
Newcastle, NSW: Corps of Signallers - No 2 Company (part)
Newcastle, NSW: NSW Irish Rifles Regiment 1st Battalion "G" & "H" Companys
Newcastle, NSW: NSW Scottish Rifles Regiment 1st Battalion "G" Company
Newcastle, WA: Rifle Club
Nimbin, NSW: Rifle Club
Ninyeunook, Vic: Rifle Club
Nirranda, Vic: 11th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 1 Squadron (part)
Noradjuha, Vic: Noradjuha District Rifle Club
North Brighton, Vic: Vic Rangers 1st Battalion "G" Company (part)
North Sydney, NSW: 1st Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "E" CompanyO
O.K., Qld: Rifle Club
Ollara, NSW: Rifle ClubP
Palmerston, SA: Rifle Club
Penguin, Tas: Rifle Club
Penguin, Tas: Tasmanian Rangers 1st Battalion "A" Company (part)
Penhurst, Vic: Rifle Club
Penola, SA: South Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "E" Company
Perth, WA: Australian Army Medical Corps WA Garrison Ambulance (part)
Perth, WA: Australian Corps of Signallers No 8 Company (part)
Perth, WA: Commonwealth of Australia Staff
Pigeon Ponds, Vic: Rifle Club
Pinkenba, Qld: Qld Meat Export and Agency Company Rifle Club
Pontville, Tas: 12th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 5 Squadron (part)
Poowong, Vic: Rifle Club
Prospect, SA: 10th Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "H" Company (part)Q
Queenscliff, Vic: Royal Australian Engineers No 2 SM Company (part)R
Redhill, Vic: Rifle Club
Ringwood, Vic: 10th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 5 Squadron (part)
Rockhampton, Qld: Australian Army Medical Corps Qld Garrison Ambulance (part)
Rockhampton, Qld: Corps of Signallers No 6 Company
Romney, Vic: Rifle Club
Rosewood, Qld: Rifle ClubS
Samaralia (Papua), Qld: Rifle Club
Sea Lake, Vic: Rifle Club
Second Valley, SA: 16th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 2 Squadron (part)
Seymour, Vic: Rifle Club
Shellharbour, NSW: 1st Australian Light Horse Regiment No 5 Squadron (part)
Shoreham, Vic: Rifle Club
Somerville, Vic: Vic Rangers 1st Battalion "G" Company (part)
Southbrook, Qld: Rifle Club
Steiglitz, Vic: Rifle Club
Stowport, Tas: Tasmanian Rangers 1st Battalion "E" Company (part)
Strathmerton, Vic: Strathmerton Rifle Club
Sydney, NSW: 2nd Australian Light Horse Brigade Staff
Sydney, NSW: Australian Army Medical Corps NSW Garrison Ambulance (part)
Sydney, NSW: Australian Army Supply Corps NSW Garrison Company
Sydney, NSW: Commonwealth of Australia Staff
Sydney, NSW: Corps of Signallers - No 1 Company & No 2 Company (part)
Sydney, NSW: John Sands Ltd Rifle Club
Sydney, NSW: Royal Australian Artillery Staff, "A" Instructional Cadre & Garrison Companys
Sydney, NSW: Royal Australian Engineers No 1 Electric Company
Sydney, NSW: Royal Australian Engineers No 1 Fortress Company
Sydney, NSW: Royal Australian Engineers No 1 Field Company
Sydney, NSW: Royal Australian Engineers No 1 Light Horse Field Troop
Sydney, NSW: Royal Australian Engineers No 1 Submarine Mining Company
Sydney, NSW: Royal Australian Engineers No 1 Telegraph Company
Sydney, NSW: Wunderlich Employees Rifle ClubT
Talgarao, Vic: Rifle Club
Terror's Creek, Qld: 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 1 Squadron (part)
Thebarton, SA: 10th Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "B" Company (part)
Thursday Island, Qld: Royal Australian Artillery No 9 Company (part)
Thyra, NSW: Rifle Club
Tolmie, Vic: Rifle Club
Tongala, Vic: Rifle Club
Toogoolawah, Qld: 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 2 Squadron (part)
Tooloom, NSW: Rifle ClubU
Ulladulla, NSW: 1st Australian Light Horse Regiment No 6 SquadronV
Violet Town, Vic: Rifle Club
Wardell, NSW: Rifle Club
Warialdi, NSW: Rifle Club
Waterford, Qld: Rifle Club
Werribee, Vic: Werribee Metropolitan Farm Rifle Club
Wesley Vale, Tas: Tasmanian Rangers 1st Battalion "C" Company (part)
Wilbetree, NSW: Rifle Club
Wodonga, Vic: Rifle Club
Wollongong, NSW: Australian Garrison Artillery No 4 NSW Company
Woodenbong, NSW: Rifle Club
Wunghnu, Vic: Rifle Club
Wuuluman, NSW: Rifle Club
Wycheproof, Vic: Rifle ClubY
Yalca, Vic: Rifle Club
Yandoit, Vic: Yandoit District Rifle Club
Yangan, Qld: 14th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 3 Squadron (part)
Yarraby, Vic: Rifle Club
Yarragon, Vic: 10th Australian Light Horse Regiment No 3 Squadron (part)
Yarranerie, NSW: Rifle Club
Young, NSW: Rifle Club
Further Reading:
Australian Light Horse Militia
Citation: 1913 Re-organisation of the Militia - losses