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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Wednesday, 20 August 2003
2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry, Contents
Topic: BW - Qld - 2QMI

2nd QMI 

2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry





2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry, Outline 

Nominal Roll

2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry, Nominal Roll

Photograph Album

2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry


Roll of Honour

2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry, Roll of Honour  

Lest we forget


Further Reading:

2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry

2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Tuesday, 13 December 2011 7:11 PM EAST
Tuesday, 19 August 2003
2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry, Outline
Topic: BW - Qld - 2QMI

2nd QMI 

2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry



Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth HUTCHISON




This constituted the 3rd Company, Queensland Mounted Infantry, and it was raised under proclamation, dated 29th December, 1900, authorizing a further "Military Force of Volunteers," for service with Her Majesty's army in South Africa, of the establishment detailed hereafter.

Commanding offices ware directed to furnish fists of members of their corps, prepared to volunteer for service in South Africa. They were required to be trained men, expert abate, and good riders; end any mss in possession of a suitable horse might have same purchased by the Government, if services accepted.


Staff: - One major, 2 staff sergeants. 4 rank and file; total, 1 officer, 8 others: with 4 draught, 4 riding horses; total, 8.

No. 3 Company: - One captain, 4 lieutenants, 1 company sergeant-major, 4 sergeants, 1 sergeant-artificer, 5 artificers, 2 buglers, 9 corporals, 119 privates and driven; total, 6 officers, 138 others; 12 draught, 180 riding horse; total. 142. Grand total, 160 of all ranks, with the like number of horses.

Beyond the staff stated, however, there were a medical officer end a veterinary officer; besides 1 captain, 1 lieutenant, appointed supernumerary.

The Maori King embarking from Brisbane




The Contingent left on 13th January, 1900, comprising 14 officers, 144 others, with 178 home. Four died; 27 were streak off in South Africa; 11 officers (1 appointed in South Africa), 113 others returned.


Lieutenant HJI Harris, promoted Captain, 22nd November, 1900.

Private FG Newton, promoted Lieutenant, 1st May, 1900.

Private NT Seccombe, promoted Lieutenant, "D" Company, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse.

Private CB Holme, promoted Lieutenant, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse.

For promotions of NCO's and men, vide nominal roll.


The Contingent left Queensland by the transport Maori King on 13th January, 1900, anchored in Table Bay 22nd February, disembarked at 'Cape Town on 24th ; went to Maitland Camp, and entrained for Modder River on 28th (10 officers, 142 other ranks, and 175 homes), arriving on 3rd March. It proceeded at ones to join Lord Roberts' Field Force, and came under the command of Colonel Martyr.

The 2nd were present at the actions at Osfontein, Poplar Grove, Driefontein, and the various engagements leading to the occupation of Bloemfontein. They were then on outpost duties mend Bloemfontein until 9th April, 1900, when this Contingent came under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Ricardo, 1st Contingent, (vide that Contingent, under "Service.")

On the 8th April, the Australian Regiment (vide let Victorian Contingent), with several other corps, including the Queenslanders, was absorbed in the 1st Mounted Infantry Brigade, under the command of Major-General Hutton, C.B., A.D.C. ; this Contingent serving in 3rd Mounted Infantry Corps. The advance on Pretoria followed; and subsequent operations, including Val and Zand River, near Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Riet Vlei, and Zilikat's Nek (April to September).

Served to 9th November, under Major Chauvel ("Chauvel's Mounted Infantry"), in minor operations round Middelburg (Brigadier-General Barker's district), as far east as Belfast.

To 7th March,1901, under Captain H. J. L Harris (Australian Mounted Infantry), in minor operations, Machadodorp District (Brigadier-General Reeves), as far east as Krokodil Poort. Attached to Major-General W. Kitchener’s Column, 12th to 18th February.

The Contingent was in orders for Colonel De Lisle's Corps, December, 1900, but was not afforded an opportunity to join.



Pretoria, 8th October, 1900.
Major-General Hutton, in relinquishing command of the Force placed under his orders, desires to convey to the officers, N.C.O.'s and men of the various units who have served under his command during the campaign, his sincere and hearty congratulations upon the success that, under Providence, has attended their efforts throughout the operations in which they have been engaged. The units of Imperial troops selected for service with the Mounted Infantry and those of Colonial mounted troops, representative of Canada, of the six Colonies of Australia, and of New Zealand, have alike distinguished themselves, by their steadiness under fire, by their gallantry in the field, and by their uniform good conduct in camp. In the latter connexion it is a subject of the greatest satisfaction to note that since the formation of the lot Mounted Infantry Brigade, on 7th April, there has been almost an entire absence of military crime.

The mutual sympathy, admiration, and good will which have been so conspicuous between the Imperial and Colonial troops composing the command, must in the Major-General a opinion necessarily be conducive to that unity and solidarity of feeling which is an important and essential factor in the success of the Army of the British Empire.

The Major-General desires especially to record his appreciation and thanks for the excellent service rendered by members of the staff connected with his Force, both Imperial and Colonial, but especially to Lieut: Colonel Martyr, D.S.O., Chief Staff Officer, and to those of his headquarters staff.

Lieut.-Colonel Hutchison, Q.M.L, performed the duties of assistant staff officer to the officer in charge of the let Mounted Infantry Brigade Transport, during the advance from Bloemfontein, Johannesburg, and Pretoria (inclusive).

(True COPY).

J. B. M., Major, C.S.O.,
General Hutton's Column.

Pretoria, 8th October, 1900

The Contingent embarked at Cape Town in the transport Tongariro on 31st March, 1901, called at Fremantle, 20th April, and Sydney, 29th April; left by rail, let May, arrived at Brisbane 3rd May, and were disbanded on the 10th.



Further Reading:

2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry

2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry, Outline

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Tuesday, 13 December 2011 7:09 PM EAST
Monday, 18 August 2003
2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry, Nominal Roll
Topic: BW - Qld - 2QMI

2nd QMI 

2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry

Nominal Roll


In 1911, Lieutenant-Colonel P. L. Murray, produced a marvellous Boer War reference detailing all the contingents sent from Australia to South Africa, giving a brief history of the formation and finally, listing all the soldiers who saw service in South Africa with that unit. The book was called, Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa. It is now the standard reference and starting place for any person interested in pursuing information about Australian involvement in the Boer War.

Murray, P. L., Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, pp. 459 - 462.


2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry

66 Private Arthur BAKER

Captain Alfred William BARNES

89 Private John Robert BATES

95 Private William BENNETT

27 Sergeant William Henry BERRY

115 Private Frederick George BIRKBECK

65 Private Ralph Wemyss BLACK

43 Private Robert Henry Theodore BLUNT

102 Private Alfred BOTHAMLEY

125 Private William Jnr. BRADY

2 Colour Sergeant William Cunningham BRUCE

40 Private William Samuel BUCHANAN


50 Private Malcolm Livingstone CAMPBELL

63 Private Herbert Victor CARPENDALE

12 Private James McLelland CAVAYE

91 Trumpeter Thomas CLUTTERBUCK

92 Private John CONNOLLY

149 Private Charles COOK

1 Quartermaster Sergeant Teddes COONEY

133 Private Thomas CORCORAN

61 Private Eric George CRAN

Lieutenant Archibald Frederick CRICHTON

108 Private Edward CRONAN


34 Private John Florence DALY

88 Private John James DOBSON

124 Private Arthur William DODD

76 Private John Edward DONKIN

94 Private Joseph DOUGLAS

131 Private Noel Harnage DRURY

118 Private Richard Guy DUTTON


86 Private Joseph ENEVER

129 Private Harry John EVANS

26 Private Richard Edward EVANS

46 Private William EVANS

140 Private Reginald Horace EVES


130 Private Herbert Jermyn FARNSWORTH

136 Private Thomas Ernest FERNLEIGH

38 Shoeing Smith Walter Ingram FISHER

121 Private Malcolm FLEWELL-SMITH

69 Private Frederick FORD

103 Private Henry George FORDHAM

Lieutenant John Henry FOX


31 Private William James GABRIEL

47 Private John William GALLWEY

11 Private Edwin Francis GATLAND

81 Private Henry GAY

53 Private Joseph Samuel GILL

83 Private George Fernando GORDON

141 Private Edward Leslie GRANVILLE


111 Private Thomas HALLIGAN

44 Private Kenedon Jeffreys HALSE

107 Private Arthur HAMER

25 Private Edward Joseph HANSON

14 Private Andrew Alfred HARRIS

Lieutenant Hubert Jennings Imre HARRIS

100 Private Alfred Atherton HAYLOCK

150 Private Herbert William HEBERDEEN

4 Private Helge HEIBERG

45 Private John Bingham HIGGINSON

82 Private Frederick James HITCHINGS

41 Private George Hay HIVES

7 Private Charles Bretheton HOLME

87 Private Charles James HOPKINS

72 Private Jesse HORLEY

138 Private Frederick Harold HOSICK

17 Private Claude HUGONIN

Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth HUTCHISON


114 Private David INNES


3 Private Edmund Teasdale JOHNSON

146 Private John Peter JOHNSON

64 Private Ernest Llewellyn JONES


106 Private Archibald KERR

122 Private Sydney George KIBBLE

127 Private Archibald Edward KING

137 Private Wyndham Guy Fitzgerald KING


148 Private Thomas LAFFAN

128 Private Sidney Lutrell LANDSBOROUGH

21 Private Arthur James LEE

35 Private Robert Oates LENNOX, Did not embark

48 Private William Moyston LLOYD

24 Private Robert Henry LOCKE


104 Private James Burns MACFARLANE

56 Private Harry MANTEL

110 Private James Cloheny MCALLISTER

67 Private Thomas MCCABE

70 Private John MCDONALD

78 Private William Alexander MCDONALD

109 Private Charles MCGREGOR

96 Private William Alexander MCLEISH

59 Private John MCMAHON

85 Private Ewen MCSPORRAN

22 Sergeant Stephen MIDGELEY

5 Private Francis James MIDGLEY

126 Private James Herd MILLER

99 Private Egerton Charles MILLS

8 Private Frank Buckton MOSS

9 Private Thomas Gascoyne MUNRO

119 Private Charles MYATT


16 Private Frank Graham NEWTON

93 Shoeing Smith Peter NIELSON

Captain Herbert Russell NOLAN


90 Private James PARNELL

49 Private Montagu Gordon Charles PASCO

120 Private Harold PERRY-KEENE

143 Private Charles Frederick PETERSON, Did not embark

144 Private Alfred Thomas POWELL

80 Private Frank PRANGLEY

57 Private Soloman PRICE


71 Private Samuel Henry RAMSDEN

116 Private Lionel Reginald RAWSON

79 Private Charles REID

54 Private Charles Matthew REIMERS

42 Private Cecil Edward RICE

18 Private Frederick Adolphus RICHARDS

37 Private John ROBERTSON

62 Private St. John ROBINSON

112 Private Colin Hassel ROSS


6 Sergeant William Randolph Eppes SABINE

105 Private John Emerson SANDERSON

101 Private Harry SARGINT

74 Private Frederick Charles SCHUBERT

135 Private Frank SCHY

97 Trooper Norman Thorne SECCOMBE

98 Private William Thomas Thorne SECCOMBE

132 Private William SHAW

13 Private Arthur Charles SIMON, Did not embark

113 Private Young Peitland SIMPSON

151 Sergeant Major George SIMPSON

33 Private Edward SMITH

147 Private Robert Campbell SMITH

145 Private Rowland Siddons SMITH

32 Private George STENHOUSE

Captain Sir Edward STEWART-RICHARDSON, Baronet, 3rd Battalion, Black Watch

123 Private Colin Graham STEVENSON

55 Private Thomas STIBBARDS

Lieutenant Robert Mackay STODART


30 Private Francis TAMBLYN

75 Private Francis James THOMAS

Captain William George THOMPSON

58 Private George Edwin THORBURN

60 Private Albert George TIDEY

36 Private James John TRICKETT

142 Private Clifford Allan TRUMAN


68 Private Charles Robert Geoghegan VAUGHAN

51 Private Harold VENABLES


28 Private George Edward WALKER

Lieutenant James WALKER

73 Private Richard WALSH

134 Private George Abel WARD

117 Private Timothy WARNER

29 Private George William Thomas WATERTON

84 Private Edward Tarplee WHITE

20 Private Gustaf Adolph WIKNER

139 Private George WILDMAN

39 Private Lachlan Chisholme WILSON

15 Sergeant Alfred Edwin WINTERFORD

10 Private William Henry WINTERFORD

19 Sergeant Harry More WOLLSTEIN



Further Reading:

2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry

2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry, Nominal Roll

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Tuesday, 20 December 2011 2:53 PM EAST
Sunday, 17 August 2003
Boer War, 1899 - 1902, Australian Forces, 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry, Roll of Honour
Topic: BW - Qld - 2QMI

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Australian Forces

Roll of Honour

2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry

Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men known to have served at one time with the 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry and gave their lives in service of Australia, whether as part of the 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry or another unit during the Boer War.


Roll of Honour


Edward CRONAN, Died of Disease, Bloemfontein, 2 April 1900.


Sidney Lutrell LANDSBOROUGH, Died of Disease, Johannesburg, 15 June 1900.


James PARNELL, Died of Disease, Pretoria, 21 July 1900.


Charles Matthew REIMERS, Died of Disease, Bloemfontein, 24 April 1900.


Lest we forget



Further Reading:

2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Thursday, 15 December 2011 6:03 AM EAST
Saturday, 17 August 2002
3 Pte Edmund Teasdale Johnson 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry Contingent
Topic: BW - Qld - 2QMI

2nd QMI 

2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry

Edmund Teasdale Johnson


3 Private Edmund Teasdale Johnson, 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry Contingent

Born December 1872 at Rockhampton, Johnson enlisted in the 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry Contingent during late November 1899. He listed himself as being single from Gracemere, Rockhampton. Johnson was 1.69m tall, weighed 59kg, had brown eyes and hair. The contingent embarked from Brisbane on the Maori King, 13 January 1900. Johnson served 422 days on active service with the contingent in South Africa. He returned to Brisbane on the Tongariro. After a final medical check up he was discharged on 3 May 1901 with a month's pay.

Johnson's entry on the roll of Lieutenant-Colonel P. L. Murray, Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, p. 459. 


Further Reading:

2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry

2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 3 Pte Edmund Teasdale Johnson 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry Contingent

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 9 May 2010 1:19 PM EADT

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