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Saturday, 6 August 2011
The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915, Contents
Topic: BatzG - Aug 1915

The August Offensive

Gallipoli, August 1915




Leane's Trench, 6 August 1915

Report of General Sinclair MacLagan, 6 August 1915

Report of Colonel Johnston, 6 August 1915 

The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915, Bean, Part 1, Leane's Trench 


Reports from Posts, 5 - 6 August 1915

The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915, General Reports, 6 August 1915 


Turkish General Staff Comments on the August Offensive, 1919

Gallipoli Campaign - 1915, Questions to the Turkish General Staff, Part 4

Gallipoli Campaign - 1915, Questions to the Turkish General Staff, Part 5

Gallipoli Campaign - 1915, Questions to the Turkish General Staff, Part 6


August Offensive Plans as at 6 August 1915

Notes on Proposed Operations of 1st Australian Division, 6 August 1915

Note on Proposed Attack by 1st Australian Division and Reply by General Birdwood.

Notes on the Attack of Lone Pine

Notes on the Proposed Operation of Including Kaba Tepe and Intervening Ridges in Our Defensive Links

Table "A", Order of Battle 

Army Corps Order No. 16.

Instructions for the New Zealand Army Corps

Additional answers by Skeen

Instructions for G.O.C. Australian Division

Table "Z"


Artillery Support

Naval Support

Artillery Support Memorandum


Lone Pine

The Battle of Lone Pine, Turkey, 6 - 9 August 1915, Outline  

The Battle of Lone Pine, Turkey, 6 - 9 August 1915, Bean Account Part 1

The Battle of Lone Pine, Gallipoli, 6 August 1915, Roll of Honour



The Nek, Turkey, August 7, 1915, Outline 

The Nek, 7 August 1915, Trench Map

The Nek, The Plan of Attack

The Nek, The Plan of Attack Orders

The Nek, Bean's Account

Colonel Hughes account of the Nek

The Nek - 7 August 1915 - Lest We Forget

Hughes asks for his son to be transferred, 8 August 1915 

The Nek - The massacre of the Turks

The Nek and Hill 60 - The massacre of the Australians 

The Nek, Gallipoli, 7 August 1915, Roll of Honour, Australian, British and Turkish


Hill 971

Hill 971, Turkey, August 8, 1915, Outline 



Aerial Reconnaissance over Lone Pine, 6 August 1915 

Aerial Reconnaissance Report, 17 August 1915


3rd Light Horse Brigade Signals

3rd Light Horse Brigade Signals, 11 August 1915 - Part 1

3rd Light Horse Brigade Signals, 11 August 1915 - Part 2



Roll of Honour

The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915, Australian Imperial Force, Roll of Honour 

Lest We Forget


Further Reading:

The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915

The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915, Australian Imperial Force, Roll of Honour 

Gallipoli Campaign

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 6 August 2011 1:56 PM EADT
Friday, 6 August 2010
The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915, Australian Imperial Force, Roll of Honour
Topic: BatzG - Aug 1915

The August Offensive

Gallipoli, August 1915

Australian Imperial Force

Roll of Honour

Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men known to have given their lives in service of Australia during the August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915.


Roll of Honour: 

The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915, Australian Imperial Force, Roll of Honour: A - D

The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915, Australian Imperial Force, Roll of Honour: D - K  

The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915, Australian Imperial Force, Roll of Honour: K - R

The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915, Australian Imperial Force, Roll of Honour: R - Z  

Lest We Forget


Further Reading:

The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915

Gallipoli Campaign

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915, Australian Imperial Force, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 6 August 2011 1:57 PM EADT
Thursday, 15 July 2010
The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915, Bean, Part 1, Leane's Trench
Topic: BatzG - Aug 1915

The August Offensive

Gallipoli, August 1915

Bean, Part 1, Leane's Trench


The area of action around Leane's Trench, 5-6 August 1915
[From: Bean, p. 487.]


The following extract is from Bean, C.E.W., The Story of Anzac, Vol. II , 1924, pp. 489 - 496:

Chapter XVII


The night of August 5th was a somewhat disturbed one. Preceding as it did the opening day of the offensive, it was, on the Anzac side, a time of anxious preparation. While part of the infantry was obtaining its last sleep before the battle, the 29th Indian and 29th British Brigades were being landed on the Beach. The last loads of stores were being hurried to advanced dumps close behind the points of attack. In the secret underground galleries in front of the Pimple, from which the first line of the attack on Lone Pine was to be launched, engineers and infantry were toiling by candle-light, taking out the packing of sandbags which had been temporarily left in the recesses, and preparing to break down the roof and make the openings from which that line would emerge. The minds of officers and men were full of excited anticipation of open warfare, a move to Maidos and the Narrows, and possibly to Constantinople. The previous week's attack upon Leane's Trench had been almost forgotten.

But, though the Australians did not realise it, the enemy had regarded the loss of Leane's as a serious reverse. Not only was it against his settled principle to yield any ground, but Birdwood's policy had succeeded in drawing his attention to the south of Anzac, and special orders had been given to the Turks to fortify that flank against the possibility of an outbreak of the Anzac force. The loss of Leane's at this juncture was taken deeply to heart. The two company commanders of the 48th Regiment who were held responsible are said to have been court-martialled, and one of them sentenced to death, while a third appears to have volunteered to retake the trench and to have expressed his willingness, in the event of failure, to allow the Turkish machine-guns to be turned upon himself and his men. Whether or not these statements, subsequently made by prisoners, are true, orders were given for the counter-attack. It was to be covered by artillery and by the machine-guns of the 47th Regiment on Lone Pine and Snipers' Ridge; "if the Turkish troops ... failed to stand firm ... or ran away," these machine-guns were to fire upon The trench was to be destroyed by artillery overnight and attacked at dawn on August 6th. A copy of the order by Rushdi Bey (commander of the 16th DIV.) to this effect was captured. The 77th and part of the 48th Regts., in the sector from Pine Ridge to Gaba Tepe, were also to cover the attack by firing upon the trencher opposite them. The 3/13th, part of the 5th Turkish Div., then acting as reserve for the Anzac zone, was to move to Pine Ridge to the position vacated by the attacking companies of the 48th.

At 6 p.m. on August 5th the Turkish artillery on Gun Ridge opened upon Leane's Trench, then occupied by part of a company of the 11th under Captain Rockliff. The bombardment was one of the fiercest experienced at Anzac, but the trajectory of most of the shells was too flat for them to be dangerous, their high-explosive merely blowing down the sandbag parapet. The Olive Grove battery, far more effective because it was firing in enfilade, opened also, but not so heavily. At 7 o'clock the bombardment ceased, only two men having been wounded.

Half the garrison of the trench consisted of reinforcements who had been poured in from Egypt in anticipation of the coming offensive. Rockliff went along the trench distributing the men alternately - old soldier – reinforcement - old soldier- reinforcement. No assault followed, but the bombardment had been so sharp that it seemed probable that one was impending. Yet five yards from the edge of the trench the valley fell so abruptly that it was impossible to see into it; the only means of detecting an enemy moving in the gully was therefore by sound. But the picks which were then busily at work, preparing the trench for the delivery of a fusillade the next day, prevented hearing. Rockliff explained this at battalion headquarters, but was told that the work, being connected with the next day's offensive, must proceed. Nevertheless, on returning to the trench, he stopped it. At midnight, when his company commander, Captain Boyd Aarons," relieved him on duty, it was recommenced.

About dawn someone in the trench heard an order given by a Turkish officer close beneath in the valley. Some of the 11th fired and threw bombs in the direction of the sound. A few minutes later a hail of machine-gun fire .burst upon the parapet; shells began to explode around it; heavy rifle-fire was poured upon the whole front; and a volley of Turkish bombs burst in the southern end of the trench. The enemy had crept unperceived up his old communication trenches and the Y-shaped washaway and was fiercely attacking.

One of the Turkish machine-gunners has recorded that they could see their men on the slope below Leane's harassed by a fierce bomb-fire, which at first appeared to prevent them from climbing over the parapet. Possibly also the Turkish artillery, which seems to have been shelling the southern end of the trench, at first kept the Turks back. But presently this fire lifted. A shell, or a volley of bombs, had killed or wounded almost every Australian at that end of the trench, and about thirty of the enemy scrambled over the parapet. One of the surviving Australians, by name Smith, ran back through the southernmost communication tunnel to Tasmania Post to bring supports; but, when returning through the tunnel, he heard in front of him the click of a rifle-bolt. Realising that the enemy was in the passage, he stationed himself with several comrades at a bend of the tunnel, preventing penetration. Meanwhile all the men who could be spared from Tasmania Post were rushed forward into Leane's through a tunnel farther north, led by Lieutenant Robertson,'" one of the newly-arrived reinforcements.

These supports found Leane's Trench a shambles. The southern end of it was paved with killed and wounded. The bags on the parapet had been cut to ribbons by machine-gun fire, and the sand and gravel poured into the trench. To show a head above the parapet was almost certain death. Mean- while, though the Turks had only entered its southern end, another force of them was so close to its central sector that their bayonets could be seen above the parapet, and also their hands as they flung bombs. The Australians in the trench had at this juncture only eight jam-tin grenades and no matches with which to light the fuses. An automatic cigarette-lighter was, however, obtained from Captain Boyd Aarons, and, as the last of the bombs was flung, a further supply came to hand.

The Australians, who by shooting into the trench-wall at a bend had been preventing the enemy from working north wards, now began throwing bombs over the angle, while Sergeant Wallish hastily piled across the trench a barricade over which bomb fighting continued. Robertson was killed. Wallish though was wounded, continued to fight on until his leg was shattered. Boyd Aarons, endeavouring to smother a Turkish bomb by covering it with a blanket and sandbag, was wounded in the knee.

About 6 o'clock, the Turks still being in the southern end of the trench, the officer commanding the 11th informed his brigadier, MacLagan, that the enemy could not be driven out. MacLagan ordered him to prepare a counter-attack, and, the matter seeming urgent, himself proceeded to Tasmania Post, where he took charge of the arrangements. Two parties, each of about twenty-five men, had been already organised under Lieutenants Prockter and Franklyn. MacLagan directed that Prockter's party should dash across the open from the southern end of Tasmania Post, while Franklyn's stood ready instantly to support it. The charge was at once made. Prockter's men, who were largely reinforcements, had no more than forty yards to traverse, but were met by heavy fire. Tunnels

Part of them, missing the trench, ran south of it into the gully, and were killed by the enemy's machine-guns. About half the party-mostly wounded and too few to assault the trench successfully-reached the parados and flung themselves down behind it. Two newly arrived reinforcements, named Johns and Morrison and could be seen coolly rising and firing rapidly into the trench or the gully and then sheltering again. A third, named Roper was near them, firing from a kneeling position and then turning to those in Tasmania Post and giving the signal to reinforce.

Turkish movement at Leane's Trench, 5-6 August 1915
[From: Bean, p. 491.]


As the first rush had failed, MacLagan ordered Franklyn to charge. This party was met with even heavier fire than the first, but most of it reached the parados and stood for a moment firing down. Then, as the enemy fell or spread, the survivors of both parties jumped into the trench. All the enemy in it were killed, but six were captured in the tunnel. Of the parties which made this gallant counter attack, both had suffered heavily. Both officers were mortally In Prockter's party of 26, 8 were killed and 18 wounded, the gallant Johns and Morrison both losing their lives.

Thus by about 7 o'clock the trench had been cleared of the enemy, but Turks were still clinging to the slope below its centre and northern end, although they had not yet made any rush over the crest. Their position was, in fact, one of extreme difficulty, since shortly after daylight the 10th Battalion on Silt Spur, which enfiladed the valley, had been ordered to maintain rifle-fire down the gully in rear of them, and at 5.30 some of the Anzac batteries also had been turned upon it. The Turks sheltered from this fire in the washaways close beneath the parapet of Leane's, but were not in a favourable position to continue the assault. Meanwhile two men of the 11th, Privates Cockings and Moran, who had found loop-holes from which they could see into parts of the washaways through certain breaks in their banks, were steadily shooting every man who passed. It was also observed that, when the Turks attempted to break back in twos and threes to the valley, their own machine-guns from the rear were cutting them down.

Nevertheless the existence of the enemy in force so close beneath the trench caused some anxiety. If reinforced. it seemed likely that he would attempt to rush the trench, in which case the field of fire, only five yards in width, gave little room for repelling him. Moreover the sound of picking, heard at about 8 o'clock from one of the tunnels, suggested that the Turks were driving a mine into the hillside. Major Clogstoun of the engineers was sent for, and endeavoured to discover what the Turks were about. In doing so he daringly leant over the parapet and was at once shot through the windpipe. MacLagan, who on hearing the same report had again gone forward to Leane's, could find no evidence of mining; but he saw that it was difficult to dislodge the enemy, since the jam-tin bombs thrown by the 11th rolled down the hill and burst out of range. "Throw some gun-cotton at them," he said to Boyd Aarons, who, though wounded, was still in charge. A small box of this explosive, prepared for use as a bomb, was accordingly rolled over the parapet. It exploded, killing some half-dozen of the enemy, and the threat of attack ended.


Franklyn Prockter's movement at Leane's Trench, 5-6 August 1915
[From: Bean, p. 492.]

Meanwhile, however, the commander of the 11th had ordered another step to be taken to oust the digging Turks. This was a charge over the open north of Tasmania Post by twenty-five men under a reinforcement officer, Lieutenant Hall. This party accordingly dashed forward through the Wheatfield. The morning was advanced. The whole area was on the alert. As they reached the edge of the slope the machine guns on Snipers' Ridge and the Knife Edge, and shrapnel-fire from a Turkish battery, were turned upon them. Hall was struck, and pitched headlong down the slope. A number of his men charged or stumbled down it, ten of their bodies being afterwards found near its foot. A body of the enemy, which they surprised, fled on their appearance, and, as it recoiled, the crackle of the Turkish machine-guns swelled into a deafening uproar. But of Hall's party only three wounded men managed to return to the northern end of Leane's.

In case the enemy might rally, the fire of howitzers was now directed upon the lower part of the Valley of Despair. A few bombs continued to be thrown by some of the enemy lingering beneath the trench. The action died out about 10.30. It had cost the Australians 55 killed and 100 wounded. The enemy's losses were probably equal.


Hall's movement at Leane's Trench, 5-6 August 1915
[From: Bean, p. 494.]

Urgent steps were at once taken to put Leane's Trench into such a condition that its garrison could that afternoon take their allotted part in helping to cover with rifle-fire the attack upon Lone Pine. The artillery was already carrying out the third and last day's programme of slow bombardment of the Pine and other positions. Since the previous night the 1st Infantry Brigade had been resting in its support line, the 2nd Brigade having been extended so as to take over its entire front. The 2nd Field Company, which for the past week had teen cutting a new sap to the Pimple, widening the old ones, and deepening and preparing the tunnels, was now in full force breaking open the roof of the underground firing line opposite the Pine. Water and supplies had been stored in Brown's Dip, immediately in rear of the Pimple. The men of the 1st Brigade had crammed their belongings into their packs and stacked these in convenient dBp8ts behind the lines. Bayonets had been sharpened; broad white patches of calico had been sewn by all troops round the sleeves and on the backs of tunics to serve as distinguishing marks by night. The plans had been explained by the officers to the men. At 2 p.m. the 2nd Field Company finished the opening of the underground line. At 2.30 p.m. the portion of the 2nd Brigade which had been garrisoning the Pimple was withdrawn to the flanks, and the 1st moved in to take up its allotted position for the attack upon Lone Pine. Meanwhile the 7th Battalion was held ready to launch, at short notice, an attack upon Johnston's Jolly, this provision being insisted on by General Birdwood, although General Walker was adverse. The powerful influence of Colonel White had been exercised, as on numerous occasions later in the war, for cutting-down any part of the plan which he considered tactically impracticable or beyond the power of the available troops. The opposition of himself, Walker, and Ryrie, maintained till the commencement of the offensive, undoubtedly caused a curtailment of the projected feint, which would otherwise have included both a prior assault on Holly Ridge and an attack on the Jolly simultaneous with that upon the Pine.



Further Reading:

The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915

The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915, Australian Imperial Force, Roll of Honour 

Gallipoli Campaign

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915, Bean, Part 1, Leane's Trench

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Tuesday, 27 July 2010 9:27 AM EADT
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915, Leane's Trench, Report of General Sinclair MacLagan, 6 August 1915
Topic: BatzG - Aug 1915

The August Offensive

Gallipoli, August 1915

Leane's Trench, Report of General Sinclair MacLagan, 6 August 1915



Signal from General Birdwood 

To Aust. Div., from Anzac.

Well done LEANE'S TRENCH. BIRDWOOD addressed 3rd Brigade repeat Aust Divn.


Report by Brigadier-General E.G. Sinclair-MacLagan


To Head Quarters A. & N.Z. Army Corps from 1st Aust Div.

I beg to forward for the information of the Lieutenant General Commanding, the report by Brigadier-General E.G. SINCLAIR-MACLAGAN, D.S.O., upon the measures taken on the 6th August to defeat the attempt of the enemy to retake the works known as LEANE'S TRENCH, and originally as TURKISH DESPAIR NORTH.

2. The enemy efforts were frustrated, and although we suffered a considerable number of casualties the loss inflicted on the enemy was greater.

The steps taken by the Brigadier-General Commanding 3rd Inf. Brigade were prompt and entirely commendable.

3. May the resort be returned, please?


To 1st Aust. Div., from 3rd Inf. Brigade.

I have to report that at about 0430 this morning, the enemy commenced an attack on LEANE'S POST, by bombarding it with high explosive and shrapnel shells which partially demolished the parapets and caused severe casualties. At about 0400 a very heavy rifle and machine gun fire was opened from TURKISH DESPAIR WORKS (South) - PINE RIDGE - RIDGE South of SNIPERS RIDGE - SNIPERS RIDGE - LONE PINE. In addition some 100 of enemy who had crept up in the dead ground below the post with great accuracy, killing and wounding many of the garrison. A party of some 25 of enemy obtained a footing in the right, or southern end of LEANE'S POST, and tried to drive out the garrison. They also seized the right communication tunnel to TASMANIA POST, trough a few men at once blocked this with bags, and defended it until retaken. On receiving the information from O.C.11th Battalion that the every could not be driven out of their hold on LEANE'S POST, I proceeded to TASMANIA POST, and, having sent instructions to that effect prior to leaving my head quarters, found a counter-attack in progress of being organized. I personally supervised and wave orders as to how the counter stroke was to be carried out. About 25 men under 2nd Lieut. Prockter (killed) dashed over the parapets towards the portion of try LEANE'S POST in possession of the enemy, and gallantly led, about half reached the parades under a very heavy shell, machine gun and rifle fire. Some missed the trench and were mown down by enemy machine gun fire and killed. Seeing that this party failed to dislodge the enemy, I ordered a second party, held ready to follow up, to retake the trench. This party also gallantly  dashed over the parapets of TASMANIA POST, and order a terrific fire, jumped into the trench, and killed all enemy found therein, bottling up some six Turks in the right communication trench.

These eventually surrendered. 2nd Lieut. Frankyn was dangerously wounded leading this attack. Meanwhile at 0455, 10th Battalion were instructed to assist by fire down VALLEY OF DESPAIR this was of great assistance, and it is thought, did some damage to enemy reinforcements. 0550 one Company 12th Battalion (in reserve) was sent to trenches in rear of TASMANIA POST. 0630, 10th Battalion resorted very heavy rifle fire on their front. 0650 trench retaken, reported to Div. at 0710, at about which time I returned to my headquarters, having given instructions as regards reorganisation, clearing trench, etc. etc. At 0830, I received a report that enemy was heard digging on the left of LEANE'S POST, in the dead ground below, and close to the parapet. I arranged for an Engineer Officer to investigate, and again visited the post, but could see, or find, no signs of enemy digging, on the other hand many of enemy were close to and under the work, and shot any periscope or anything showing above the parapet. Having personally put things straight, I returned to Hqrs, and soon after received a report that O.C. 11th Battalion had sent Lieut. Hall and about 25 men to counter-attack on ground North of LEANE'S POST. At 1630, only 3 of this party had returned, and I am afraid Lieut. Hall and the majority were killed. At 0915 enemy again attempted a further attack, but was repulsed. At 1000, howitzer fire opened from our howitzer on lower (S.E.), slopes of HOLLY RIDGE, and had a great moral effect on the enemy. Bombing by enemy was kept up until about 1030, and shell fire from several enemy guns kept playing on TASMANIA POST, and LEAN'S POST, and communication trenches to them, all morning. I regret to retort that the casualties were very heavy. I have not yet received definite numbers, as men are still lying out wounded (1630) but there are approximately:

9th Battalion Officers, killed, nil, Wounded nil, O.R. 5 wounded.

11th Battalion, Officers killed, 3. Wounded 2. O.R. killed, 50. Wounded 100.

Engineers, 1 wounded. Major Clogstoun.

It is estimated that enemy lost over 50 killed (over 40 actually in view), and six prisoners, 3 of whom were killed by enemy shrapnel whilst being brought to Head Quarters. I cannot speak to highly of the tenacious way the Junior officers and N.C.O's and men, held on to their positions under very trying circumstances and tremendous fire, and words are unable to picture the unselfish gallantry with which the counter-attacks to retake the trench were made, and carried to a successful conclusion. The Post has been rebuilt, cleared as far as possible, and put in a state of defence; though owing to the fierce rifle and machine gun fire from close range, opened on any movement, it has been impossible to bring in dead and wounded in all cases. I attach report of O.C. 11th Battalion. I will forward names of Officers and others, in a further report, as soon as I am able to obtain them, for gallantry and devotion to duty.



Further Reading:

The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915

Gallipoli Campaign

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915, Leane's Trench, Report of General Sinclair MacLagan, 6 August 1915

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 18 July 2010 10:20 AM EADT
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915, Leane's Trench, Report of Colonel Johnston, 6 August 1915
Topic: BatzG - Aug 1915

The August Offensive

Gallipoli, August 1915

Leane's Trench, Report of Colonel Johnston, 6 August 1915



To 3rd Inf. Brigade. From Lieut. Col. J.L. Johnston, 11th Infantry Battalion.

Reporting briefly that the enemy made an attack in force on LEANE'S TRENCH this morning. About 0430, they crept up on our right, and made an attack by bombs. The attack was so intense that a large number of the men in that section were either killed or wounded. The enemy then rushed the trench and succeeded in getting possession of it from the extreme right Sap 1a to Sap 2. The bomb attack was maintained right along our front. Capt. Aaron was in command of this section of the de fences. When the enemy obtained a foothold, our men at once blocked up la Sap with sandbags, and then defended the communication trench. The men in the trench kept up an incessant attack on the Turks, by rifle fire and bombs, but could not displace them.

Meanwhile supports had been hurried up from the rear, and a starring party was organized to rush the trench from TASMANIA POST - About 30 under 2nd Lieut. Prockter, were detailed for this duty, and under a withering fire from machine guns and rifles, they rushed that portion of the trench held by the enemy. They had suffered so severely in getting across the open, that the number who got to the trench, were not considered strong enough to turn the enemy out, and hold the position, so another party of 25 under 2nd Lieut. Franklyn, was detailed to follow on. This they did in a gallant manner, and completed the capture of the trench, shooting and bayoneting all the Turks left there.

A party of six Turks had retired into 1a Sap, where for some time they held out, but then were ultimately taken prisoners, and sent back to headquarters under escort unfortunately while passing through the communication trench, three of the six were killed by their own shrapnel fire. The other three were sent on to headquarters.

Meanwhile reinforcements were hurried up to the Turks from the trenches they hold in front of the 2nd L.H. Brigade, also from the left front of LEANE'S TRENCH, and here they were discovered to be so close to our trenches that it was impossible to dislodge them although a large number of bombs were fired at them. Here also they started to dig, probably with the view of under mining our trenches and blowing them up.

I then decided to launch a counter attack from the right of the CORNFIELD, and 2nd Lieut. Hall with 25 men were detailed to carry it out. The result of this was that the enemy retired from this flank.

The general attack continued for about six hours, during which a fierce bombardment by heavy guns took place, as well as incessant rifle and machine gun fire. The trenches and parapets were badly knocked about by shell fire, but with the assistance of the engineer Company, these have been repaired to a great extent and the work is still proceeding. I regret to say the casualties are very heavy, it is difficult to estimate the number killed, as several companies are very mixed up in the firing line - Probably about 50 killed, and about 100 wounded. About 50 dead Turks are to be seen round that portion of the trench they seized.



Further Reading:

The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915

Gallipoli Campaign

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915, Leane's Trench, Report of Colonel Johnston, 6 August 1915

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 18 July 2010 10:21 AM EADT

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