"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess
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Map illustrating the activities of the 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles in South Africa, 1901-1902.
[From: Chamberlain, M., The Australians in the South African War 1899-1902, Canberra, 1999.]
In 1911, Lieutenant-Colonel P. L. Murray, produced a marvellous Boer War reference detailing all the contingents sent from Australia to South Africa, giving a brief history of the formation and finally, listing all the soldiers who saw service in South Africa with that unit. The book was called, Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa. It is now the standard reference and starting place for any person interested in pursuing information about Australian involvement in the Boer War.
Murray, P. L., Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, pp. 274 - 277.
The Fifth (Mounted Rifles) Contingent.
Enrolled in February, 1901, and consisted of eight companies of Mounted Rifles, enlisted under the following conditions:-
(1) Engagement to be for twelve months, or the duration of the war;
(2) preference to be given to those who had returned from active service in South. Africa;
(3) single men to be preferred;
(4) pay to be at the rate of 5s. per diem from date of joining the Camp of Instruction at Langwarrin.
No man over 12 stone in weight was eligible, and candidates to pass riding, shooting, and physical tests. Members of the Victorian Military Farces who fulfilled all conditions were accorded preference over civilians. For rates of pay vide 4th contingent.
Clothing, Etc.
Uniform consisted of khaki cloth F.S. jacket, pants, puttees, hat, F.S. cap. Greatcoats and boots were also provided. L.M. rifles and bayonets issued at Cape Town. Cartridge belts were issued in Victoria. Fully horsed and provided with saddlery.
Regimental transport was also provided.
Each man received a full kit, comprising clothing, boots, underclothing, necessaries, &c.
This was as follows:-
1 Staff-Commanding officer,
1 Adjutant,
1 Quartermaster,
2 Medical Officers,
2 Veterinary Officers,
1 Regimental Sergeant-Major (W.O.),
1 Regimental Quartermaster-Sergeant,
1 Orderly-Room Sergeant;
with 15 horses.
Detail of a company:-
Captain, 1;
Lieutenants, 4;
Company Sergeant-Major, 1;
Company Quartermaster-Sergeant, 1;
Sergeant-Farrier, 1;
Sergeant-Saddler, 1;
Sergeants, 5;
Corporals, 6;
Shoeing-Smiths, 3
Saddlers, 3.;
Bugler, 1;
Privates, 99.
Total, 126, with 131 horses.
Total of eight companies:-
40 officers,
56 staff sergeants and sergeants;
64 artificers;
8 buglers;
840 rank and file.
Total -1,008, with 1,048 horses.
Add staff as stated:-
Grand total-
46 Officers,
1 Warrant Officer,
58 Staff-Sergeants and Sergeants,
64 Artificers,
8 Buglers,
840 rank and file;
in all, 1,017, with 1,099 horses.
This return is exclusive of the Commanding Officer who was, in the first instance, detailed to take the troops to the Cape only.
Details of Departure and Return.
The Contingent departed on 15th February 1901, consisting of 46 officers, 971 other ranks, with 1,099 horses. Six officers, 48 other ranks were killed or died; 14 officers, 69 others were struck off in South Africa; 60 officers, 854 others returned to Australia.
The Orient embarking from Melbourne, 15 February 1901
[From: The Australasian, 23 February 1901, p. 420.]
This large Contingent required three transports to convey it to the war, namely, the Orient, the Argus, and the City of Lincoln, leaving 15th February, 1901. The bulk of the Regiment went in the former ship, the horses and a horse-deck guard of about 100 in the two latter. They also went different routes on arriving at Cape Town; for the horses (one shipment having rested at Maitland Camp) were sent along the coast to Durban, and there landed and entrained for Pretoria; whilst the men finally disembarked at Port Elizabeth and entrained there, proceeding through Cape Colony and Orange River Colony to Pretoria, where the Regiment was mobilized between 24th March and 4th April, 1901.
On the 10th, they went to Middelburg, East Transvaal, to join General Beatson's column, and started on the first trek, moving north from the Delagoa Bay line on the 13th. Between that date and 23rd, they were constantly in touch with the enemy, and captured a convoy of 21 wagons, 16 prisoners, at Leeuwfontein. The horses were greatly knocked up and many died from wounds received in action. Four companies returned to Middelburg for remounts, the other four remaining with the column.
On the 7th May, in action at Rhenoster Kop, Captain Kelly was mortally wounded, Lieutenant Johnston killed, and one N.C.O. and two men dangerously wounded. Lieutenant and Adjutant Patterson and Sergeant Carlisle were recommended in Army Orders for bravery.
On the 11th, the Regiment was divided into two wings; the right, "A," "B," "C," "D"squadrons, under Major Umphelby; the left, "E," "F," "G,” “H," under Major McKnight. They were united at Bronkhorst Spruit; and the total results of the trek were - 6 Boers killed, 124 prisoners, 17 surrenders, 183 rifles, 31,450 rounds small arms ammunition, 212 wagons, 58 Cape carts, 100 horses, 65 mules and donkeys, 2,460 cattle, 5,600 sheep, 800 trek oxen, 4,700 bags mealies, &c. - all the work of the Fifth. This return is presented as an example of what was usually accomplished in these treks.
On the 18th, the Regiment received 780 remounts, and Colonel Otter went into hospital. He was subsequently invalided to Australia; but Lord Kitchener cabled to the Governor of Victoria that this officer had done excellent work whilst in charge of the Contingent. Major Umphelby took over the command.
Between the 18th May and 10th June, there were constant engagements at Rhenoster Kop, Klippan, Kornfontein, and Drivelfontein, where Lieutenant Murphy was killed (29th May), besides one N.C.O. and two men. Major Daly, West Yorks, and Major Fraser, Bengal Lancers, took command of right and left wings.
The left wing moved out from Vandyke's Drift; and, on the 12th, encamped at Wilmansrust, where the camp was rushed by the Boers at 8 p.m., and the wing suffered severely; 1 officer (Lieutenant Palmer, M.S.), 18 N.C.O.'s and men were killed; 5 officers, 36 N.C.O.'s and men wounded. The Boer casualties were stated to be 11 killed and 14 wounded. On the 15th, at Nooitgedacht, the enemy again on all sides attacked the Column on the march, but were beaten off.
On the 18th, joined the Column under Sir Bindon Blood, including General Babington's, General W. Kitchener's, and Colonel Campbell's Columns at Kranspoort. The Regiment united again at Middelburg on 2nd July, and Major Umphelby went into hospital. From then until 9th August, constant trekking, and frequent encounters with the enemy. Sergeant-Major Keeble was recommended for bravery.
On 10th August, left General Beatson's command at Bronkhorst Spruit, and trekked to Wittebank; entrained to Newcastle, Natal, to assist in operations against General L. Botha. Joined Colonel Pulteney's Column, and made Newcastle, their base depot.
On the 21st, Major Daly was badly wounded in an advance-guard action at Kambuladraai. The enemy were driven out of their position, and papers and Boer flag captured. Captain Hutton, commanding right wing, moved to Vryheid, and thence towards Zululand. The regiment was heavily engaged at H'lobane, where Lieutenant Coulter was killed (27th); and at Reit Vlei they camped at Good Hoek, L. Botha's farm, which was blown up There were constant operations until 6th September, when moved into Zululand at N'gutu; Major Vallentin taking command of the right wing. From thence to Dundee; entrained for Volkrust, and trekked to Wakkarstroom; and thence across the Drakensberg to Utrecht in heavy rain, taking three days, From Utrecht to Cattle Drift, Column was without blankets for six days, and on half rations; heavy rain most of the time.
On 25th, moved out with several Columns (General Clements in command) to De Jager's Drift; marched through N'gutu, Nondweni, Vryheid, Grootvlei, arriving at Utrecht on 14th October. On 16th October, in action at Luchiel's Nek, and on the 17th heavy fighting, holding Loch's Kraal. , The united Columns captured 200 prisoners and 8,000 head of cattle in the Pongola Bosch. On 23rd, marched through Limeberg over Intombi River in action. On very short rations. On the 28th, reconnaissance: Commandant Potgeiter captured. On the 28th, night march; several farms rushed; 16 Boers captured and many horses, saddles, and rifles.
On 3rd November, night march to Matjes Kop, and several farms rushed. Lieutenant Chrisp and two men killed, four wounded. 14th November, arrived at Vryheid; and on the 23rd, Lieutenant Maygar was recommended for the Victoria Cross (which he afterwards received), for bringing Saddler Short out of action. On 25th„ at Donkerhook, joined General Plumer. On 6th December. running fight of night march with big commando under Generals L. and C. Botha. From that date to 22nd December, constant operations. Captain Chomley was recommended for bravery in bringing Corporal Cummins out of action. Returned to Rotterdam, which had been previously occupied on the 19th. On 38th, Captain Hutton took over command of the right wind from Major Vallentin, who was appointed to command Colonel Sir John Jarvis's Column.
Major Daly took command of the right wing on 1st January. Night march and another commando chased. Moved from Balmoral on three days' reconnaissance, and encountered Chris. Botha and Opperman at Onverwacht; fighting all day. Advance guard (Queenslanders and Hants Mounted Infantry) suffered severely. The Fifth took up advance of flank guards. The Boers endeavoured to rush the pom pom, but were repulsed. Then suffered severely, Opperman being among the killed. The Victorians times complimented by General Plumer for their share in the day's work.
Arrived at Wakkerstroom on the 8th, where the Column rested until the 22nd owing to the loss of horses. Then night march through Grootfontein, and on the 24th, night march to Johnston Hoek. Engaged all day, and in conjunction with blockhouses, killed 3 and captured 55 Boers. Between that date and 8th February, when Lieutenant Patterson (Med. Staff) was promoted to Captain, night marches and running fights; and same to 13th, when night marches to Elandsberg, and alight fighting. Three days' reconnaissance followed.
On the 18th, Lieutenant McFarlane and party captured 12 Boers and 40 horses. Onp 19th, Lieutenants O'Reilly and Bell promoted to Captains. Sergeants Cochrane and Ball promoted to commissions. On 24th, night march to Wilhelm Hendricks on 25th, moved across Matuas; on 28th, night march; and following day engaged in running fight. 2nd March, moved towards Standerton; night march at 6.30 p.m., and held Roberts' Drift, “C,” and "D,” companies engaged. On the 8th, trekked to Standerton, where the Column broke up. Captain Hutton took command of the Regiment. He was promoted to Major on 27th March.
On 11th March the Fifth arrived at Cape Town.
Telegram from General Lord Kitchener, Commander-in-Chief to General Settle, Cape Town.
“Please convey to Australians my warm appreciation of their gallant and arduous service in this country. In the name of the army in South Africa, I wish them good luck and God speed.
On 27th March, two Companies embarked in the St. Andrew for Melbourne, and arrived on 25th April. The remainder on the following day embarked in the Montrose for Durban, there transhipped into the Custodian, end arrived at Melbourne on 26th April, 1902, shortly after which the Contingent was disbanded.
Leslie Cecil Maygar
Note.-The following is the official report of the deed for which Lieutenant Maygar received the Victoria Cross:-
"At Geelhoutboom, 23rd November, 1901, Lieutenant Maygar galloped out and ordered the men of a detached post, which was being outflanked, to retire. The horse of one of them being shot under him, when the enemy was within 200 yards, Lieutenant Maygar dismounted and lifted him upon his own horse, which bolted into boggy ground, causing both of them to dismount. On extricating the horse, and finding that it could not carry both Lieutenant Maygar again put the man on its back, and told him to gallop for cover at once; he himself proceeding on foot. All this took place under a very heavy fire."
In 1911, Lieutenant-Colonel P. L. Murray, produced a marvellous Boer War reference detailing all the contingents sent from Australia to South Africa, giving a brief history of the formation and finally, listing all the soldiers who saw service in South Africa with that unit. The book was called, Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa. It is now the standard reference and starting place for any person interested in pursuing information about Australian involvement in the Boer War.
Murray, P. L., Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, pp. 280 - 303.
5th Victorian Mounted Rifles
1555 Saddler Herbert James ABBOTT
942 Private Edward Ernest ADAMS
1459 Private Walter Hugh AITKEN
Lieutenant Charles Henry AKINS
1442 Private Albert Reddon ALEXANDER
1279 Private Ernest Plunkett ALEXANDER
1280 Private Frank Plunkett ALEXANDER
774 Private Frederick Humphrey ALLAN
1575 Private Percy James ALLAN
Trumpeter Andrew Bruce Robert ALLEN
1365 Trumpeter Bruce ALLEN
1618 Private Albert George AMOR
1617 Private Walter AMOR
1278 Farrier Sergeant David ANDERSON
1462 Private David ANDERSON
1355 Private Herbert ANDERSON
Lieutenant Herbert Alfred ANDERSON
1676 Private James Percy ANDERSON
1451 Private William ANDERSON
1233 Private Henry Thomas ANTHONY
Lieutenant Hubert Oliver APPLEBY, aka Herbert Oliver APPLEBY
923 Private Thomas ARCHER
861 Private William ARKLE
1630 Private Aubrey Frederick ASHLEY
1170 Farrier Edward Johnson ASHTON
1388 Private Horace Garrett ATKINSON
1274 Private Charles ATTFIELD
71 Private William Henry BAILEY
1672 Private James BAILLIE
1472 Private Walter Albert BAIN
1125 Sergeant Arthur Herbert BAKER
1196 Private George BAMBROOK
839 Corporal Alfred BANBROOK
1627 Saddler Michael Joseph Jacob BANDEWIG
1371 Private George Thomas BARBER
1509 Saddler Richard Dawson BARBOR
1463 Private Henry L BARKELL
1359 Private Stanley John BARNARD
1436 Private Alfred Ernest BARNETT
1329 Private Edwin Allan BARNETT
1104 Private John BARR
781 Private Edgar Charles BARRY
1490 Private Frederick William BARTLETT
593 Sergeant Henry BARTON
1251 Shoeing Smith William James BARTON
1180 Private Anthony BATES
1265 Private James Patrick BAULD
1616 Private Ernest George Nelson BAXTER
1189 Private William John BEAMISH
Lieutenant Kenneth James BEATTY
1437 Private John BECHAZ
928 Sergeant James Alexander BEECHER
933 Private William Walter BEECHER
Lieutenant George John BELL
778 Corporal Harry Henderson BELL
994 Private Richard Chambers BELL
844 Lance Corporal GA BENNETT
884 Private George Albert BENNETT
937 Sergeant James Ernest BENT
1094 Company Quartermaster Sergeant Archie James BERRY
1002 Private Ernest BIGGINS
1298 Corporal Algernon Burnett BIGGS
865 Private Benjamin Entwistle BIRAM
1237 Private James BIRCH
1491 Sergeant Ormond Winstanley BIRCH
939 Sergeant Claude Manston L BIRD
1158 Private Frank BIRD
886 Trumpeter Francis John BIRMINGHAM
1624 Farrier John BISCAYA
1153 Farrier Edward John BISHOP
816 Private Sidney Rupert BLACK
734 Sergeant William Biddulph BLACKWOOD
964 Private William John BLAIR
1438 Private Ernest Henry BLANDFORD
1447 Corporal Arthur Lyndhurst BLANNIN
1496 Private William BLOOM
1532 Private John BLYTH
917 Corporal Robert BLYTH
784 Sergeant Alfred Hogarth BOAKE
1064 Private George BOLTON
1324 Private Percy Herbert Alfred BOLWELL
1560 Private Louis BOND
1561 Private William Henry BOND
804 Private Alfred William BORCHAM
1059 Private Louis Boyd BORLAND
1432 Private Percy Harold BORN
1494 Private John William BOTT
1559 Private Frank BOURKE
1293 Private William BOWEN
1146 Private George Alfred BOWMAN
857 Private Walton BOWMAN
783 Private Henry John BOXALL
Lieutenant Joseph Henry BRABAZON
Lieutenant Edgar BRACE
1117 Private James BRACE
1205 Saddler Reginald Filson BRACE
1426 Private Charles BRADLEY
1288 Private Henry BRAILSFORD
1318 Private Frederick BREARLEY
1641 Private Ernest Raymond BREGENZA
1270 Private Frederick Charles Lionel BRIDGELAND
1689 Private William George BRIGGS
1084 Private Henry Ralph BROOKS
1362 Private Henry BROWN
1290 Private William BROWNE
1659 Private Joseph Henry BROWNHILL
1120 Private Herbert Samuel BROWNING
1214 Private Henry Homeward BRUCE
1155 Private Herbert Foster BRUNET
1425 Private William Thomas BRUNSDON
1052 Farrier Sergeant Harry Cornelius BRYANT
1217 Private Robert George BRYANT
1202 Private Walter BRYANT
1700 Sergeant Alfred GK BUCKINGHAM
779 Private Patrick Craig BUCKLEY
1525 Private Frederick James BUD
922 Private William James BUGG
770 Sergeant Percy Thurlow BULL
1483 Private Walter Herbert BULLUSS
1372 Private Charles BUNNEY
1157 Farrier Gavin BUNNY
1543 Shoeing Smith George E Ernest BUNTING
903 Private Albert Edward BURLEY
737 Sergeant Alfred Edward BURMAN
738 Private William BURMAN
1569 Corporal Thomas Ross BURROWS
1691 Private George Rowland BUTTON
1394 Private Thomas Frank BYFORD
1284 Private Thomas Francis CAHIR
1018 Private Herbert Victor CALLENDER
921 Private Donald CAMERON
1156 Private Addison John CAMPBELL
1029 Sergeant Donald CAMPBELL
1049 Private Garnet CAMPBELL
995 Private Ormond Leslie CAMPBELL
1184 Saddler William CAMPBELL
1090 Private Alexander CANTY
1690 Saddler Frederick Hanison CAPPER
809 Private Charles Henry CARDWELL
1587 Private Andrew CAREY
1510 Saddler James CAREY
785 Sergeant PT CAREY
1400 Private William CAREY
1096 Sergeant Robert CARLISLE
1294 Private William Brown CARNEGIE
1282 Trumpeter John Paul CAROLIN
1670 Private Arthur CARR
957 Corporal James Patrick CARR
1523 Corporal James William CARROLL
Captain Harold Grafton CARSTAIRS
1131 Private Alfred Percy CARTER
743 Lance Corporal William Henry CARTER
845 Corporal Walter Edmund CASS
1686 Private Harry CATTANACH
1576 Private Frederick H CAUGHEY
848 Private George CAVANAGH
1450 Private John Patrick CAVANAGH
1369 Private Claude CHALMERS
1596 Private Francis Joseph CHAMBERS
1085 Private Michael James CHAMBERS
1234 Private Samuel CHAMBERS
1171 Private William CHAMINGS
1604 Private Percival Samuel CHANDLER
1511 Sergeant John CHAPMAN
1467 Private John CHARLTON
1005 Private Arthur Augustine CHISHOLM
1418 Private Alexander Forbes CHIVERS
Captain George Grifith Ffloyd CHOMLEY
1513 Private Henry CHRIMES
Lieutenant John George CHRISP
1305 Corporal Valdemar Witt CHRISTENSEN
1286 Private Henry CHRISTIE
924 Private Peter John CLANCY
1352 Private Walter Charles Alfred CLAREBOROUGH
775 Private George Edward CLARK
Lieutenant William Forbes CLARK
953 Private Alexander CLARKE
1162 Private Arthur CLARKE
1579 Private David Joseph CLARKE
1011 Private James CLARKE
750 Private Arthur Herbert McCarthy CLEELAND
731 Private George Francis Hudson CLELAND
726 Corporal Henry Charles CLELAND
Lieutenant George Justin Hill CLEMENTS
1109 Private James Archibald CLINGIN
1138 Private George CLINTON
732 Corporal John Andrew Ross CLUGSTON
1268 Saddler Frederick John COCHRAN
1175 Private William Henry COCK
1675 Private Arthur COCKRAN
831 Private Clive Dana COLLES
819 Private Frank William COLLINS
1007 Private James COLLINS
1176 Private John COLLINS
728 Private Walter John COLLINS
1273 Private Willie Arthur COLLINS
1330 Private Ernest COMBE
1186 Private William Graham CONNAL
1193 Private James CONQUEST
1548 Shoeing Smith John CONWAY
1053 Private Charles William COOK
1684 Saddler Harold Victor COOK
1105 Private William Henry COOK
746 Corporal Charles Oscar COOPER
1581 Private John CORRIGAN
1580 Private Robert William CORRIGAN
914 Private Thomas James CORTEEN
952 Private John COSTELLO
1028 Private Thomas COTTRELL
1164 Sergeant Arthur William COUGHLAN
Lieutenant Sydney Richard COULTER
1013 Private Robert COUSTLEY
1317 Private John COWAN
1677 Private William COWARD
940 Corporal Harold COX
1206 Private John William COX
780 Private Andrew Frederick CRAIG
1218 Private Cowan James CRAIG
1020 Shoeing Smith Ernest CRANE
1643 Private Charles CRAPPER
1516 Private Willam Henry CRAVEN
859 Private Francis CREAN
980 Private Albert Hugh CROCKER
1428 Private Joseph Ernest CROCKER
1348 Private William Fowler CROSBY
1693 Private Frederick William Burney CROSS
981 Private George CROWL
1339 Private George CROWLE
1241 Private Joseph Gibson CROY
1680 Private William Davis CROY
1350 Private Thomas CULLEN
1565 Private William CULLEN
1262 Sergeant Frederick Samuel CULLITON
934 Lance Corporal Edward Francis CUMMINS
907 Lance Corporal Robert CUNNINGHAM
1168 Private William Sheeton CUNNINGTON
1642 Sergeant John Treloar CURNOW
1187 Private James CUTHBERT
1032 Private John Fawcett DAFF
905 Private Frederick Joseph DALGARNO
906 Private John Stockton DALGARNO
Lieutenant Peter James DALLIMORE
1431 Corporal Douglas Henry DARE
1035 Private James Nankiville DARE
1033 Private Samuel Carlisle DARE
1552 Private Percy DARGIE
1172 Private William DARTNALL
1223 Private George DATSON
1061 Private Leslie DAVEY
1034 Private Albert Benjamin DAVIDSON
1098 Private Charles DAVIES
998 Private John DAVIES
946 Private Peter DAVIES
919 Corporal George DAVIS
1254 Private Mark DAVIS
1599 Private Frederick DAWSON
838 Private William Gregory DAY
Captain Thomas L DE HAVILAND
1584 Corporal George Samuel DE TRACY
1027 Private Harold DE VALLE
1075 Saddler Charles DEACON
889 Corporal John Thomas DEAR
967 Saddler Thomas DEARDEN
1464 Private John DENNEHY
1395 Private Hubert James DENNIS
1594 Corporal Robert DENT
1673 Private Thomas DIBBS
773 Private Harry James DILLON
1613 Private Frank DODSON
1311 Private James Wilson DONALD
755 Saddler Ernest Anthony DOODT
391 Private E DOULTON
795 Private Frederick George DOW
1163 Private George DOW
1644 Private Robert Alexander DOW
1531 Private George DOWN
1608 Private James Henry DRIVER
984 Private John James DRYSDALE
1514 Private Robert Alexander DRYSDALE
1103 Private Edward James DUDLEY
1102 Private William DUDLEY
1591 Private David DUELL
1435 Private Sidney DUFFELL
1504 Private John DUGGAN
1635 Private George DUNCAN
Lieutenant Robert Lewis DUNCAN
1453 Private William Gordon DUNCAN
1518 Private Ernest Patrick DWYER
868 Private Philip DWYER
776 Private Samuel DYKE
Lieutenant Gus. EBELING
908 Private William Valentine EDEN
1611 Private John William Davis EDGE
1169 Private William James EDINGTON
1301 Private Frederick William EDWARDS
826 Private Robert Duncan EDWARDS
1403 Private L ELLIS
1314 Trumpeter George ELLSWORTH
965 Private Robert John EMMETT
1362 Private Henry ENGELKE
830 Private David Francis ENNIS
Lieutenant Hugh James ESLER
1392 Private Samuel ESLER
772 Private Bertie ESMORE
1185 Private Daniel ESPIE
851 Corporal Edmund ETHELL
1468 Private David EVANS
843 Private Graham Berry EVANS
1215 Private RM EVANS
1139 Saddler William John EVERALL
1631 Private John FANNING
1452 Private Hare FARGUSON
Lieutenant Frederick Charles Edward FARLOW
803 Private Fred William FARMER
863 Private John FAY
480 Corporal HL FENTON
1188 Corporal Kenneth FERGUSON
1374 Saddler Arthur FILCAR
1444 Private Bertram S FINN
1603 Private Henry M Matheison FISCHER
1357 Private Harold Arthur FISHER
1583 Private Maurice Dawson FITZGIBBON
1083 Private Samuel FITZPATRICK
1563 Private Michael Vincent FLANNERY
1379 Private Laurence FLEMING
1201 Private Charles Edward FLETCHER
911 Lance Corporal Gordon Mackie FLETCHER
1456 Private William Laurence FOLEY
1406 Private Duncan William FORBES
1198 Private Henry Edward FORD
1043 Private Robert FORRESTER
1637 Private Ernest Alfred FOSTER
1391 Private Arnold W FREEMAN
1152 Private George FREEMAN
1008 Private Percy FRY
885 Company Sergeant Major George Watson FULLARTON
1541 Shoeing Smith Harold Richard Napier FYANS
1692 Private James GALLAGHER
853 Private James Farrell GALLAGHER
1110 Corporal George Thomas GAMBOLD
1614 Private Robert Somerton GAMES
Lieutenant Charles Alfred Percy GARDINER
1512 Private William GARDNER
Lieutenant Richard Reginald GARLAND
1328 Private Thomas GAULD
1281 Trumpeter Charles John GAVAGAN
1477 Private Richard Horace GAY
1253 Private John GAYNOR
1588 Private Thomas Moore GEORGE
1295 Corporal William Albion GIBBS
999 Private Thomas Edward GIBSON
1114 Private Edmund Burke GILBERT
1423 Private Thomas Nicklas GILBERT
1087 Private Arthur Horace GILES
1660 Private Nathaniel Oliver GILES
1047 Private John James GILL
902 Private David GLASS
988 Private Carlyon GLINN
983 Private Henry GLOWSKI
1682 Corporal John Heitland GODBY
932 Private Roland Tapley GODFREY
897 Private Alfred James GONSALVES
1545 Private Herbert GOOD
1448 Private John GOODALL
Sergeant Major RS GOODE
828 Private William Alexander GOODSIR
752 Private Charles Henry GOODWILL
1640 Corporal George Craig GOODWIN
1121 Corporal John E GOODWIN
1291 Private Thomas GOONEY
880 Corporal George Grosvenor GORDON
1430 Private Laurence James Watt GOUDIE
1368 Private Albert William GOURLAY
1373 Corporal William Keir GRADY
1361 Private George GRAHAM
1208 Private Peter GRAHAM
1203 Private Alfred GRANT
975 Private Frederick GRASSHAM
1633 Corporal Matthew GRAY
1174 Private Henry Havelock GRAYTON
913 Private Frederick GREENAWAY
Lieutenant AN GREGG
807 Private Henry Ernest GREGORY
1573 Private Herbert GRIMES
1572 Private William H GRIMES
956 Roy McNeill GRINHAM
Lieutenant Henry Chaplyn GROVER
Lieutenant Stamer GUBBINS
1470 Private Arthur GUY
847 Private Joseph HADDOCK
1446 Private Harry HADLEY
1568 Private Frank Leslie HALL
1310 Corporal Sidney HALL
1039 Private Frank HALSALL
955 Private John Melrose HAMILTON
854 Corporal Maxwell Charles Lefebre HAMMOND
1160 Private William HANDLEN
1537 Private William Thomas HANDLEY
1377 Private James Frew HARDIE
1439 Private Malcolm Kenneth HARDIE
1577 Private Timothy Patrick HARDIMAN
1145 Lance Corporal Walter HARKNESS
1195 Private Herbert HARRIS
968 Corporal Albert HARRISON
1366 Private Henry HARRISON
1570 Private Robert Glenn HARRISON
896 Farrier Thomas James Irwin HARRISON
1149 Private Edward HARTE
1622 Private John HASSETT
996 Private Robert HAWKES
763 Private John HAWKINS
1247 Private William George HAYES
797 Corporal Edwin HAYWOOD
1016 Private Kerwin HEAD
1674 Private Edward HEALEY
855 Private William James HEALY
1365 Private Arthur HEATH
1275 Private John HEDLEY
1493 Private Alexander HELLENS
1492 Private Richard HELLENS
1380 Private Herbert Henry HENDY
1360 Private Peter Francis HENNELLY
Lieutenant Victor Jerome Patrick HENNESSY
Lieutenant Harold HENWOOD
1300 Private Henry HERBERT
1567 Company Sergeant Major William Barker HERBERT
759 Private John HERON
1389 Private Leopold Francis HERRY
1235 Sergeant Henry Richmond HESKETH
1402 Private John T HEWETT
1455 Private Herbert Vincent HEWINS
1220 Private John HEWITT
969 Private John HICKEY
1657 Private Timothy HICKEY
1240 Corporal Sydney James HICKS
777 Private Leslie Lyndhurst HIGGINS
1212 Private George Thomas HILLARD
1664 Private William John HINTON
1226 Private Richard Francis HOBSON
1230 Private Bertram HOCKLEY
736 Sergeant Walter Norman HOCKLEY
1252 Private Charles Albert HODGES
1063 Private Frederick Charles HODGES
811 Private Henry William HODGSON
800 Private Frederick Victor HOFFMANN
1517 Private James Samuel HOGAN
1260 Private Albert Ernest HOLLIDAY
1242 Private Thomas HOLT
935 Private Frederick Charles HOMEL
1474 Sergeant Frederick George HONEYBONE
1347 Private Albert HOPKINS
769 Private Francis James HORNBY
974 Shoeing Smith Albert HOUGHTON
1485 Farrier Sergeant John Francis HOULIHAN
866 Private Edgar Ernest HOWELL
1528 Private Michael HUGHES
992 Private Herbert James HULME
900 Lance Corporal Henry Hall HUTCHINSON
1500 Private Oswald Nelson HUTCHISON
Captain Charles HUTTON
1551 Corporal William Liddordale HUTTON
1342 Private Andrew INGRAM
823 Private John IRELAND
808 Private Thomas William JACK
1181 Private William Walter JAMES
950 Private Cyril Charmers JARRETT
1345 Private Peter James JARVIE
799 Company Sergeant Major Albert JEFFERY
1088 Private Owen James JEFFERYS
1574 Private Ernest Otto JENCKE
1671 Private Fred JENKINS
1038 Private Thomas Walker JENKINSON
1685 Saddler George JEWELL
1648 Private David Allan JOHNSON
1649 Private Edmund Sheldrick JOHNSON
1638 Private Farmer JOHNSON
1341 Private Harry JOHNSON
765 Private James Newling JOHNSON
Lieutenant Alfred Gresham JOHNSTON
1655 Saddler Albert Ernest JOLLIFFE
1316 Private David Elliot JONES
1639 Corporal Hedley JONES
1259 Shoeing Smith James William Beever JONES
1148 Shoeing Smith Richard JONES
1440 Private William Sydney JONES
1696 Private D JORDON
1321 Private Frederick Daniel JOUGHIN
990 Private Thomas JUDD
849 Corporal William Walter Mitchell JUDD
910 Sergeant John Walter KEEBLE
1515 Private William KEEN
1183 Private Robert KELLAND
1154 Private James KELLY
Captain John KELLY
1612 Private William Albert KEMMIS
1476 Private Francis Hubert KEMP
1179 Private William Matthew KEMP
Vet. Captain EA KENDALL
801 Sergeant Cecil Taylor KENNEDY
954 Private James Robert KENNEDY
1003 Private Thomas KENNEDY
947 Private Thomas Henry KENNEDY
945 Private Albert George KERR
810 Private William Henry KERR
1004 Private Thomas Edward KERWIN
Lieutenant H KESSELL
877 Private Frederick KEYS
835 Sergeant Harold Leigh KIDDLE
930 Private Frank KIDSON
1385 Sergeant James KILBEG
1100 Private Harold Stanley KIMPTON
1079 Private George Albert KING
1081 Farrier Sergeant Percy Robert Henry Grierson KING
1668 Saddler James J KIRBY
753 Corporal Charles KISSANE
958 Sergeant William James KNIGHTS
1334 Private Verne KRODSTEDT
725 Sergeant Charles Frederick William KROSCHEL
1434 Private Augustus KUHLE
1497 Private Ernest George LAMARD
1399 Private Alexander Joseph LAMB
1358 Private Henry Spencer LAMB
754 Private Raymond Rivers LANYON
1346 Private Lionel Herbert LARPENT
744 Private John Cameron LAURIE
1101 Private John James LAWRENCE
1178 Private Walter Jack LAWTON
1127 Private Guy Wishart LEAR
949 Private John LEE
1376 Private Frank LEFFLER
1678 Private Robert William LEITH
986 Private Albert Francis LEWIS
1558 Private Henry James LEWIS
1022 Private John LEWIS
1540 Shoeing Smith Thomas Austin LIGHTFOOT
1062 Private James Abrahams LINACRE
1466 Private Charles Alexander LINDAN
1387 Saddler Charles LINDEN
1200 Private Arthur James LITTLEJOHN
864 Private Cecil LOCKHART
1378 Sergeant James Robert LOGAN
1010 Private James Roderick LORD
1390 Private Alexander Henry LOVE
756 Private Alfred John LOVELACE
1086 Private Arthur Albert LOWE
1353 Private Mark LOWENTHAL
948 Private Louis Anthony John LOWTHER
1336 Lance Corporal Gordon LUCAS
1383 Private Otto J. LUCKWALL
817 Company Quartermaster Sergeant Arthur Charles LUMLEY
1679 Private Michael James LYNCH
1332 Private Thomas Francis LYNCH
1194 Private Arthur Ernest LYON
742 Private Archibald MACARTHUR
1227 Private Laurence William MACDONALD
1557 Private William Hector MACDONALD
1610 Private Archibald Edward MACK
883 Private John MACKAY
882 Private Norman MACKAY
1313 Sergeant Robert Arch. MACKENZIE
1210 Private William MACKENZIE
1143 Private W MACKLEY
1433 Private William MACKLEY
874 Private Edward James MAGUIRE
1092 Private John MAHER
1249 Private William MAHER
1209 Private James Francis MAHONEY
1292 Shoeing Smith Thomas Henry MAHONEY
1119 Private Henry MAINE
814 Private William Alexander MALE
1445 Private William MANALLACK
821 Private James Patrick MANGAN
786 Private George MANNING
1681 Private James MANUELL
1424 Saddler Albert Henry MARSHALL
1480 Private William John MARSHALL
1023 Private Cecil Leslie MARTIN
973 Shoeing Smith John Frederick MARTIN
1297 Sergeant Willie MARTINSON
1190 Private Fred MARTYN
792 Private William MASSIE
1615 Private John Cameron MATHESON
898 Private Albert Edwin MATTHEWS
1093 Private Louis Henry MATTHEWS
1048 Sergeant Edward MAWLEY
1277 Corporal Edward Sherwood MAY
Lieutenant Leslie Cecil MAYGAR
824 Private John MAYNARD
1354 Private Harry Victor MAYS
1066 Private George MCALPINE
1562 Private George MCBRIDE
1553 Private Thomas MCCALLUM
893 Private John Bernard MCCANN
1667 Saddler H MCCASKILL
1519 Farrier Robinson Abram MCCLAREN
1687 Private John Joseph MCCLYMONT
727 Private John MCCORKELL
1129 Private Henry Charles MCCORMACK
805 Private William John MCCOY
867 Sergeant Ralph MCCRACKEN
931 Private William MCCUTCHAN
1312 Private Donald MCDONALD
1429 Private John George MCDONALD
936 Sergeant Michael Terence MCDONALD
764 Private William Nicol MCDONALD
1410 Farrier Sergeant John Thomas MCDONNELL
1191 Private Fred Aspinall MCFEE
741 Sergeant Ernest MCGEE
1036 Private Albert James MCGRATH
887 Private Patrick Daniel MCGRATH
825 Private Alexander MCGREGOR
1050 Private John Daniel MCINTOSH
1051 Private John Thomas MCINTOSH
Lieutenant Hector MCINTYRE
Lieutenant Edward James MCKAIGE
834 Private Charles MCKAY
873 Private David William MCKAY
858 Private William Henry MCKAY
1443 Private Francis Gurley MCKENZIE
1024 Private Ernest Edward MCKEOWN
1589 Private James MCKERLIE
788 Private Walter MCKIMMIE
Major William MCKNIGHT
872 Private Hector MCLACHLAN
1099 Private Alexander MCLEAN
1547 Shoeing Smith Archibald Hardy MCLEAN
1137 Private George MCLEAN
771 Private Ernest George MCLELLAN
1047 Farrier Sergeant Donald MCLENNAN
1546 Shoeing Smith William Joseph MCMAHON
976 Private Gilbert James MCMICKING
762 Private Joseph Rea MCMILLAN
1057 Private Alexander Stuart MCNABB
1089 Private John MCNALLY
1320 Private Albert Edward MCNAMARA
1625 Saddler Joseph MCNAMARA
1461 Private Colin MCNEILL
1124 Private James MCNEILL
890 Corporal Angus MCPHEE
991 Private Angus MCPHEE
1605 Private Archibald Robert MCPHERSON
1304 Corporal Ronald V MCPHERSON
972 Private Godfrey Francis MCRAE
Captain Abraham James Howlin MEADOWS
842 Private William Patrick MEAGHER
1521 Private Bernard MELANS
1327 Private David MELICAN
1529 Private Ralph Norman MESSEROY
1636 Private James MILES
1397 Private Thomas William MILES
1212 Private S MILLARD
1683 Private Albert MILLER
1415 Private Herbert MILLER
1014 Shoeing Smith Samuel MILLER
1351 Corporal William MILLER
1533 Private Arthur Lewis MILLS
1045 Private John Matthew MILLS
1488 Private Benjamin Francis MITCHELL
1067 Private James Bevan MITCHELL
1405 Private Frederick Harold MOLYNEUX
860 Private Arthur James MONK
850 Private George Wright MOORE
1177 Private Henry MOORE
1315 Corporal James Webber MOORE
1382 Private Frederick Thomas MOOREHOUSE
1199 Private Edward Dalton MORAN
899 Corporal John Thomas MORAN
1159 Private Walter MORGAN
1458 Private Thomas MORRISON
Captain Francis William MOSELEY
1556 Private Gordon Osborne MOULE
791 Private A M'PHEE
982 Private Ronald Thomas MUIR
943 Saddler William MUIR
970 Private Clarence Alka MULLEN
961 Private George Percy MULLEN
959 Private Leslie Miltiadies MULLEN
1077 Corporal Otto Emil MULLER
1646 Private Alexander MUNRO
Lieutenant Arthur Edward MURPHY
1600 Private William David MURPHY
1289 Private Alfred MURRAY
1499 Saddler Cecil Bertie MURRAY
1267 Private Charles MURRAY
1626 Saddler George William MURRAY
1417 Private James Robert MURRAY
1661 Private Richard Rooke NAYLOR
768 Private John Valentine NEEDHAM
1586 Sergeant Albert Henry NEWELL
1017 Lance Corporal Frederic Lord NEWELL
1243 Private Henry S NEWHAM
1662 Private William Herbert NEWHAM
1404 Corporal Henry NEWLANDS
1530 Private Abel Ernest NEWMAN
1653 Private Alfred John NEWTON
1001 Private John NEWTON
1144 Private Samuel NEWTON
1133 Private Nevin NEYLAND
1060 Private Donald NICOLSON
1285 Private John NOBLE
1106 Private Richard William NOBLE
1522 Private William NOLAN
1647 Private John James NOONAN
1416 Private Francis Elton NORWOOD
1478 Corporal Martin Herbert NOYE
1505 Private John Joseph NUGENT
1623 Private Matthew NUNAN
1645 Private Isaac NUTTALL
733 Private Mark Cyril NUTTALL
997 Private Michael O'BRIEN
1207 Private Timothy O'BRIEN
895 Corporal Thomas Michael O'DEA
729 Corporal Charles Edward Somerset O'DONNELL
1482 Private John O'DONOGHUE
1245 Private John O'FARRELL
1420 Private James William O'KEEFE
Lieutenant Bryan O'LOGHLEN
1009 Private James William O'LOUGHLAN
1484 Private Francis Errick OLSEN
820 Private William OLSEN
Lieutenant Thomas Stephen Leo O'REILLY
8870 Private Ernest Albert ORGILL
Lieutenant Henry Houston OSBORNE
1073 Private Richard OSBORNE
796 Private Terence Joseph OSBORNE
927 Company Sergeant Major Harry A OSGOOD
891 Corporal Thomas Martin O'SHEA
Colonel Alfred Emanuel OTTER
1255 Sergeant Joseph Guy OUTHWAITE
1227 Private William Gering PAGDEN
Lieutenant Herbert Appleton PALMER
798 Private John PARKER
1213 Private Henry PARROTT
1335 Private Herbert Henry PARRY
915 Private Alexander James PARSELL
812 Private Wesley PARSONS
1231 Private William Forest PASSMORE
878 Private Albert PATERSON
748 Private William PATRICK
751 Private Ernest Edward PATTERSON
806 Private James Benjamin PATTERSON
Lieutenant James Harold PATTERSON
912 Private Alfred Edward PAULETT
1248 Private Norman PAULIN
1116 Private Walter Ernest PAYNE
1056 Private William John PAYNE
1337 Private William Joseph PEARSALL
1216 Private Leslie Osbourne PEARSE
1507 Saddler William Gage PEDLER
813 Lance Corporal William Christie PENTLAND
1266 Private John Julius PETERS
929 Private George PETTIT
1364 Private Joseph V. PFEFFER
1080 Private Michael PHELAN
1225 Private Arnold PHILLIPS
985 Private Fennel PHILLIPS
1000 Private Francis Percy PHILLIPS
1473 Shoeing Smith Richard PHILLIPS
1287 Private Edward PIKE
1263 Private Thomas PITT
1539 Shoeing Smith Stephen Richardson PLEYDELL
1460 Private Samuel POLLOCK
894 Company Quartermaster Sergeant Albert E PONTIN
1367 Private Louis POPE
1486 Private Charles POTTER
Lieutenant Thomas Henry POWER
1019 Private Harry POWIS
1143 Private William PRENTICE
1564 Private Richard PRESTON
761 Farrier Sergeant Charles Robert PROSSER
749 Lance Corporal Albert Hazelwood PURCHASE
987 Private William PURDEY
977 Corporal Harold Egbert PURDUE
978 Private Horace Josiah PURDUE
1542 Shoeing Smith Hugh Landler PURSE
1303 Private Robert PURVES
1044 Company Quartermaster Sergeant William Joseph PUZEY
1136 Saddler William Joseph QUINN
1271 Private Alfred George QUINTON
1232 Private Matthew RAFFERTY
1844 Private S RAMSAY
1544 Shoeing Smith Samuel John RAMSAY
1115 Company Quartermaster Sergeant Samuel William RAMSAY
1356 Private George RANKIN
1634 Shoeing Smith James RANKIN
822 Private Robert RANKIN
1165 Private William Henry RAWLINS
1487 Corporal Herbert William Leslie RAYNER
979 Private William Augustus RECKENBERG
1421 Private David William REDDAN
1628 Private Robert Boyle REDDOCH
Lieutenant Percy William REDFORD
1413 Private Charles Richard Henry REDSTON
1650 Shoeing Smith Ernest REETMAN
1238 Private John Coas REEVE
1006 Private Frederick George REID
785 Private Edward Alexander REISENANER
1414 Saddler George REVELL
1239 Private Stanley Moore REYNOLDS
1454 Private Alfred John RICE
1370 Private Edward Henry David RICE
1272 Private Arthur RICHARDS
829 Private Joseph RICHARDS
1326 Private John Henry RICKARDS
856 Private Charles William RIDD
1224 Private Henry John RIEKIE
Captain Edmond Edward RIGHETTI
1502 Private Marshall RILEY
1503 Private William Charles RILEY
1571 Private John Vernon RITCHARDS
793 Private Charles Herbert ROACH
1123 Sergeant Richard ROBERTS
1658 Private Ernest ROBERTSON
1344 Corporal Robert Patrick Norton ROBERTSON
Lieutenant Septimus Archdale ROBERTSON
841 Sergeant Arthur Leslie ROBINSON
1363 Private Edgar Edward ROBINSON
1597 Private George Morton ROGERS
1699 Sergeant C ROLFE
1135 Private George RONEY
1197 Private Harry Morgan ROSE
1629 Corporal Arthur William ROSS
Sergeant Callum ROSS
1112 Private David Bain ROSS
1134 Private John ROSS
1122 Sergeant Malcolm ROSS
1228 Private Thomas Scott ROSS
1076 Private William ROSS
1322 Private William ROSS
Lieutenant Andrew Percival ROWAN
1481 Private Ernest James ROWE
815 Private Arthur Exley RUDDLE
1204 Private Frank Ernest RUDDLE
1097 Corporal John Horace Douglas RUTLEDGE
1419 Shoeing Smith James Robert SADLER
1381 Private Charles Thomas SALMON
827 Company Quartermaster Sergeant John Henry William SALMON
1015 Private William Robert SAMERS
1299 Private Percy Fred. SAMPSON
1585 Private Otto Felix SAMUELS
38 Private J SANDERS
1025 Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant Andrew SARKIES
1449 Private Charles Alexander SAUNDERS
1566 Private Herman SCHOMAN
1384 Private Robert William SCOTT
1527 Private Walter Frost SCOTT
1070 Private Henry John Fenton SCRIVEN
1167 Farrier Sergeant William James SEABORN
1041 Private Frederick Herbert SEEKAMP, aka Frederick Herbert LEEKAMP
Lieutenant Sydney SELMAN
Lieutenant John E SERGEANT
1074 Shoeing Smith William Thompson SERJEANT
782 Private Charles Tudor SEYMOUR
766 Private Thomas SHANKS
1308 Private Charles Henry SHARPE
1411 Corporal Fred SHAW
1524 Private John SHAW
794 Private Alfred George SHEARER
739 Corporal Harry SHEEHAN
1465 Private Patrick SHEEHAN
1479 Corporal George Herbert SHEPPARD
1619 Private JJ SHEPPARD
789 Corporal C SHERAR
1211 Private EC SHERAR
1409 Private James Henry SHERAR
Vet. Captain Samuel SHERLOCK
1140 Private John SHIELDS
1132 Private Thomas Lackey Cunningham SHIELDS
1012 Private William Samuel SHIRLEY
740 Saddler Arthur James SHORT
963 Private Richard Lewis SIEVERS
1055 Private Henry Charles SIMCOX
1401 Private Albert SIMMONS
1236 Private Felix Leonard SIMONS
1457 Private Arthur Henry SIMPSON
1166 Private George Edward SIMPSON
1536 Farrier Henry SIMPSON
1068 Corporal Joseph SLATER
1617 Private Walter SLATER
1620 Saddler Seymour SLOPER
758 Private Arthur SMART
1593 Private Nathaniel Augustus SMART
1501 Private Charles Francis SMITH
1108 Private Ernest SMITH
1229 Private Frederick James SMITH
960 Private Guy Haddon SMITH
1111 Private Horace Fellowes SMITH
1688 Private John Hartley SMITH
Lieutenant Norman SMITH
1173 Private Robert Boyle SMITH
1398 Private Robert Sydney SMITH
1107 Private Shorland H SMITH
989 Private Theo. SMITH
1257 Private Thomas Cadzow SMITH
1550 Shoeing Smith William Alexander SMITH
818 Private William Edward SMITH
962 Private William Sydney SMITH
1489 Private William SOULTRY
1534 Private Arthur SOUTHERN
1592 Private Austin Jeremiah SPARK
1506 Private William Henry SPEARS
802 Private Isaac SPEERS
1538 Private George Watson SPENCE
1261 Private Albert Edward SPOWART
1609 Private James SPRIGG
1408 Private William Henry SPURR
1554 Private Ernest STAFFORD
837 Private Ernest William STAINBOROUGH
1498 Private Leslie Robert STAINSBY
1396 Private Alfred Henry STANBOROUGH
837 Private Ernest William STANBOROUGH
1256 Private William Charles STANLEY
1621 Private Atholstan STARK
1349 Private Frederick William STEAD
Lieutenant James Frederick STEBBINS
1246 Private Allan STEEGE
1258 Private George STEELE
875 Private Henry Darragh STEELE
1031 Private James STEELE
1142 Private James STEELE
1118 Private Thomas Alexander STEELE
971 Sergeant David John STEIN
1244 Private Edward Henry STEVENSON
1694 Private Charles John STEWART
881 Private James STEWART
1306 Private James Johnson STIRLING
Lieutenant Duncan STOCK
1151 Private Charles STRACHAN
1307 Private George William STRATTON
909 Sergeant Charles STREITBERG
1412 Private Ernest James STRIKE
Vet. Lieutenant Charles Denniston STRONG
846 Sergeant William Henry STRONG
832 Private George Daniel SULLIVAN
852 Company Quartermaster Sergeant William N SULLIVAN
5th Victorian Mounted Rifles, Roll of Honour Topic: BW - Vic - 5VMR
Boer War, 1899 - 1902
Australian Forces
Roll of Honour
5th Victorian Mounted Rifles
Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra
The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men known to have served at one time with the 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles and gave their lives in service of Australia, whether as part of the 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles or another unit during the Boer War.
Information received from South Africa reveals an unfortunate state of things in connection with the Fifth Contingent of Victorians now on service there. The contingent has, in more than one respect, seriously damaged the reputation of the Australian soldier in South Africa, for apart from the fact that until their arrival no large body of Australian troops had ever thrown down their arms to the enemy - a record of which all Australians were naturally proud and one which had been maintained at times by splendid acts of heroism, and self-sacrifice - there are statements current that cannot be ignored that these men have got thoroughly undisciplined and out of hand. That they were unfortunate in their brigade commanders is admitted, but that the mischief has been internal, too, is absolutely asserted.
The regiment had not been more than a week in the field when one of their number was court-martialled, and sentenced to 12 months' imprisonment for refusing to obey the commands of a sergeant. They were, under instructions, removing stuff from a rebel farm-house, when a sergeant ordered one of the men to come away he simply said "I won't," and for these two words got 12 months. To a civilian the sentence seems out of proportion to the offence, but a direct refusal to obey orders is a most serious misdemeanour on active serve.
Since then things have got much worse, and two of the contingent at least –possibly three, though as to the third there is some uncertainty have been sentenced to be shot. The sentence in each case been commuted by Lord Kitchener, the commander-in-chief, to 12 years' penal servitude, and the men have been sent to English prisons to serve heir sentence. In other cases sentences of two and three years have been inflicted.
Wherever the blame for early misdemeanour may be allotted there appears to be little doubt that the climax in the ill luck of the regiment was reached from the moment that the here made part of the brigade, commanded by a particular Imperial officer, and in an almost equally marked degree to the hostile and offensive attitude of their brigade major.
On the eve of Wilmansrust a detachment of the Fifth Contingent had returned from a long and arduous trek, and had no sooner settled down in camp than they were ordered out ors picket duty. They at first refused to obey orders but were finally persuaded to do so. Pickets were posted with long intervals, according to the orders already mentioned. Through one of these gaps the Boers crept, under cover of darkness, took the sleeping camp by surprise, and the disaster of Wilmansrust followed. And, as a necessary consequence, there followed, too, the questions of blame and the usual recriminations. The contingent had lost all faith in and respect for their commanding officer - the commanding officer was equally contemptuous of the contingent. Instead of being, as was expected, at once sent into Middleburg to refit, they were kept to the South, constantly harassed by the enemy, and forming regular Boer laagers with the waggons every night, while all the positions were thorough entrenched, a precaution which had not been taken at Wilmansrust. Seven days later, on rejoining Sir Bindon Blood they were at once sent in to Middleburg, but, in the meantime, the friction with their commanding officer had reached extreme tension.
On the march one day, and in the presence of the Australian officers - Major Harris and Captain Anderson are specifically named - the brigadier in the course of a conversation observed, "I tell you what I think the Australians are a fat, round - shouldered, useless crowd of wasters." Major Harris retorted, "I'm sorry to hear you say that and I intend to take down our words.” “Do that by all means," said the brigadier, "and you can add if you like that in my opinion they are a lot of white-livered curs." The statement was carried to Major M'Knight, who saw the brigadier, and asked for an apology. This, it was, understood, was given, the officer explaining hat he spoke in the heat of temper, and did not quite mean all he said. Some of the men had in the meantime come under the lash of his scorn. Some four days after Wilmansrust they were camped at a large farmhouse, where a lot of pigs were running about. The men asked for permission too kill some of them for fresh meat and the officer immediately in command had given them permission to do so. Pig-sticking, though a recognised branch of military sport, and often a very essential thing on service when rations are short and the great problem of something to eat always present - is not, of course, a very dignified thing in warfare. The free-speaking and always arrogant brigadier chanced to ride by while the men were trying to bayonet the pigs, and at once said, "Yes, that's just about what you men are good for. When the Dutchmen came along the other night you didn't fix bayonets and charge them, but you go for something that can't hit back." Some days later in Middleburg half-a-dozen men were sitting round the fire at talking of these matters, when one of them (Steele) said, "We'll be a lot of fools if we go out with him again,” meaning the brigadier. The words were overheard by a lieutenant of the contingent, who repeated them. The charge was made within the regiment, and Steele, being tried for inciting to mutiny, was found guilty, and sentence to be shot - a sentence afterwards commuted to imprisonment.
That the men had good reason to complain of their brigadier is clear, but they took an inexcusable way of showing it on service. Complaints had already made to Sir Bindon Blood, and, whether he thought that they were justified, or that, under all the circumstances, it was impossible to hope for good work, the contingent was taken from their former commander, and part of it sent to Newcastle and afterwards to Utrecht, where it seems to have shared in a minor disaster.
Wilmansrust left its aftermath in another direction. Some time after the disaster Major M'Knight was relieved of his command, and sent on other duty of an inferior kind. No reason for the change was suggested, and nothing of the results of the inquiry made public; but, the fact that rankled with the Australians was that their own officer, who was only second in command on the night of the disaster, was in some measure degraded; while Major Morris, who was in direct command, and senior to M'Knight, still retains command of the Horse Artillery battery. There may be circumstances unknown fully justifying the action in each case, but in their dissatisfied and captious – if not disorganised – mood the men of the contingent find in it another cause for complaint.
There is evidence of fault on both sides. A returned officer, in speaking of the Fifth Contingent, says; - “There is no disguising the fact they are not a good lot, and are, or were, disorganised. I saw them do things on active service for which, in our own defence force and in peace time, they would have been instantly cashiered."
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