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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Sunday, 5 October 2008
New South Wales Militia Unit Location, 1910
Topic: Militia - Inf - NSW

NSW Militia - Infantry



Towns throughout New South Wales with a Militia Unit, 1910

Below is an alphabetical list of all towns in New South Wales where a Militia Unit was located. These are all the units excluding the Australian Light Horse Regiments and Rifle Clubs which have their own particular lists. 

Albury - Australian Field Artillery No 4 New South Wales Battery (part)

Armidale - 4th Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "G" Company

Ashfield  - 1st Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "G" Company


Bathurst - 3rd Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "B" Company

Bowral - 2nd Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "H" Company


Chatswood - St George English Rifles Regiment 1st Battalion "D" Company

Corrimal - St George English Rifles Regiment 1st Battalion "H" Company


Drummoyne - 1st Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "H" Company


Gosford - Australian Rifles Regiment 1st Battalion "E" Company

Goulburn - 2nd Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "G" Company


Hunter's Hill - 1st Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "F" Company


Kiama - 2nd Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "E" Company

Kogarah - St George English Rifles Regiment  1st Battalion "C" Company


Lambton - 4th Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "H" Company

 Leichhardt - St George English Rifles Regiment  1st Battalion "H" Company

Lithgow - 3rd Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "E" Company


Maclean - New South Wales Scottish Rifles Regiment 1st Battalion "H" Company

Maitland - 4th Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "B" and "D" Companies

Manly - Australian Rifles Regiment 1st Battalion "F" Company

Mosman - St George English Rifles Regiment  1st Battalion "E" Company

Mudgee - 3rd Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "F" Company


Newcastle - 4th Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion Headquarters, Machine Gun Section and "A" Company

Newcastle - Australian Army Medical Corps New South Wales Garrison Ambulance (part)

Newcastle - Australian Army Medical Corps No 2 Light Horse Field Ambulance

Newcastle - Australian Corps of Signallers No 2 Company (part)

Newcastle - Australian Garrison Artillery No 3 Company

Newcastle - New South Wales Irish Regiment 1st Battalion "G" and "H" Companies

Newcastle - New South Wales Scottish Rifles Regiment 1st Battalion "G" Company

North Sydney - 1st Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "E" Company


Orange - 3rd Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "C" Company


Parramatta - 3rd Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion Machine Gun Section and "H" Company

Penrith - 3rd Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "G" Company


Richmond - 3rd Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion Headquarters and "D" Company

Richmond - Australian Army Medical Corps No 1 Light Horse Field Ambulance


Singleton - 4th Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "C" Company

Sydney - 1st Australian Infantry Brigade  Headquarters

Sydney - 1st Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion Headquarters, Machine Gun Section, and 4 Companies

Sydney - 2nd Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion Headquarters, Machine Gun Section, and 4 Companies

Sydney - Australian Army Medical Corps New South Wales Garrison Ambulance (part)

Sydney - Australian Army Medical Corps No 1 Field Ambulance

Sydney - Australian Army Medical Corps Permanent Section

Sydney - Australian Army Supply Corps New South Wales Garrison Company

Sydney - Australian Army Supply Corps No 1 and No 2 Light Horse Transport and Supply Column

Sydney - Australian Army Supply Corps Permanent Section

Sydney - Australian Corps of Signallers No 1 Company and No 2 Company (part)

Sydney - Australian Field Artillery Brigade  Staff

Sydney - Australian Garrison Artillery Staff

Sydney - Australian Intelligence Corps New South Wales District

Sydney - Australian Rifles Regiment 1st Battalion Headquarters and 6 Companies

Sydney - District Headquarters Staff

Sydney - New South Wales Irish Regiment 1st Battalion Headquarters and 6 Companies

Sydney - New South Wales Scottish Rifles Regiment 1st Battalion Headquarters and 6 Companies

Sydney - Ordnance Department

Sydney - Pay Branch

Sydney - Royal Australian Artillery Staff, "A" Instructional Cadre and Garrison Companies

Sydney - Royal Australian Engineers Commonwealth of Australia Staff

Sydney - Royal Australian Engineers No 1 Electric Company

Sydney - Royal Australian Engineers No 1 Field Company

Sydney - Royal Australian Engineers No 1 Field Troop

Sydney - Royal Australian Engineers No 1 Fortress Company

Sydney - Royal Australian Engineers No 1 Submarine Mining Company

Sydney - Royal Australian Engineers No 1 Telegraph Company

Sydney - Royal Australian Engineers No 1, and No 2 New South Wales Companies

Sydney - Royal Australian Engineers No 1, No 2 and No 5 New South Wales Batteries

Sydney - Royal Australian Engineers Staff and No 1 Submarine Mining Company (Permenant Section)

Sydney - St George English Rifles Regiment  1st Battalion Headquarters and 2 Companies

Sydney - The Sydney University Scouts, 2 Companies


Tamworth - 4th Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "F" Company

Thirroul - St George English Rifles Regiment  1st Battalion "G" Company


Wagga Wagga - Australian Field Artillery No 3 New South Wales Battery (part)

Wallsend - 4th Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "E" Company

Windsor - 3rd Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "A" Company

Wollongong - Australian Garrison Artillery No 4 New South Wales Company


Yass - 2nd Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "F" Company


Young - Australian Field Artillery No 3 New South Wales Battery (part)


Further Reading:

NSW Militia - Infantry


Citation: New South Wales Militia Unit Location, 1910

Posted by Project Leader at 10:38 PM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 30 May 2009 2:47 PM EADT
NSW Light Horse location list 1910
Topic: Militia - LHN - NSW

NSW Militia - Light Horse



Towns throughout New South Wales with a Light Horse Troop, 1910

The 1903 re-organisation of the Light Horse expanded and consolidated the number of units throughout Australia. Below is a list of towns in New South Wales where a Light Horse troop was based. The towns are listed alphabetically with the particular Troop or Squadron noted next to it.

Albion Park - 1st Australian Light Horse - Pom Pom Section and No. 5 Squadron  (part)
Araluen - 3rd Australian Light Horse No. 1 Squadron  (part)
Armidale - 6th Australian Light Horse Head-Quarters, Pom-Porn Section, and No. 2 Squadron  (part)
Bangalow - 5th Australian Light Horse No. 2 Squadron  (part)
Bega - 3rd Australian Light Horse No. 3 Squadron  (part)
Berry - 1st Australian Light Horse -No. 3 Squadron  (part)
Braidwood - 3rd  Australian Light Horse Regiment No. 1 Squadron  (part)
Bungendore - 3rd Australian Light Horse - No. 2 Squadron
Camden - 2nd Australian Light Horse - No. 1 Squadron (part)
Canterbury - 2nd Australian Light Horse - No. 5 Squadron
Casino - 5th Australian Light Horse No.1 Squadron  (part)
Cessnock - 4th Australian Light Horse No. 1 Squadron
Chatswood - 1st Australian Light Horse - Machine Gun Section
Cobargo - 3rd Australian Light Horse - No. 3 Squadron (part)
Cooma - 3rd Australian Light Horse - No. 2 Squadron (part)
Cootamundra - 3rd Australian Light Horse Machine Gun Section and 4th Squadron (part)
Coraki - 5th Australian Light Horse No. 1 Squadron (part)
Dubbo - 2nd Australian Light Horse No. 4 Squadron (part)
Dungog - 4th Australian Light Horse No. 2 Squadron (part)
Forbes - 2nd Australian Light Horse No. 3 Squadron (part)
Glen Innes - 6th Australian Light Horse Machine Gun Section No. 1 Squadron (part)
Goulburn - 3rd Australian Light Horse Headquarters, Pom Pom Section, and No. 1 Squadron (part)
Grafton - 5th Australian Light Horse No. 3 Squadron
Gresford - 4th Australian Light Horse No. 3 Squadron
Guyra - 6th Australian Light Horse No. 2 Squadron (part)
Inverell - 6th Australian Light Horse No. 3 Squadron (part)
Lismore - 5th Australian Light Horse Headquarters, Pom Pom Section, Machine Gun Section, and No. 2 Squadron (part)
Little Plain - 6th Australian Light Horse No. 3 Squadron (part)
Maitland - 4th Australian Light Horse Headquarters, Pom Pom Section, Maching Gun Section and No. 1 Squadron (part)
Manilla - 6th Australian Light Horse No. 4 Squadron (part)
Michelago - 3rd Australian Light Horse No. 2 Squadron
Molong - 2nd Australian Light Horse No. 3 Squadron (part)
Mudgee - 2nd Australian Light Horse No. 2 Squadron
Murrumburrah - 3rd Australian Light Horse No. 4 Squadron (part)
Muswellbrook - 4th Australian Light Horse No. 4 Squadron (part)
Newcastle - 4th Australian Light Horse No. 1 Squadron (part)
Pambula - 3rd Australian Light Horse No. 3 Squadron (part)
Parramatta - 1st Australian Light Horse - Headquarters and No. 2 Squadron
Picton - 2nd Australian Light Horse No. 1 Squadron (part)
Raymond Terrace - 4th Australian Light Horse No. 2 Squadron (part)
Richmond - 1st Australian Light Horse No. 4 Squadron (part)
Robertson - 1st Australian Light Horse No. 3 Squadron (part)
Scone - 4th Australian Light Horse No. 4 Squadron (part)
Shellharbour - 1st Australian Light Horse No. 5 Squadron (part)
Singleton - 4th Australian Light Horse No. 3 Squadron
Sydney - 1st Australian Light Horse Brigade Staff
Sydney - 1st Australian Light Horse No. 1 Squadron
Sydney - 2nd Australian Light Horse Headquarters, Pom Pom Section and Machine Gun Section
Sydney - 2nd Light Horse Brigade Staff
Tamworth - 6th Australian Light Horse No. 4 Squadron (part)
Tenterfield - 6th Australian Light Horse No. 1 Squadron (part)
Ulladulla - 1st Australian Light Horse No. 6 Squadron
Unanderra - 1st Australian Light Horse Pom Pom Section
Wellington - 2nd Australian Light Horse No. 4 Squadron (part)
Windsor - 1st Australian Light Horse No. 4 Squadron (part)


Further Reading:

NSW Militia - Light Horse


Citation: NSW Light Horse location list 1910

Posted by Project Leader at 9:47 PM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 30 May 2009 2:42 PM EADT
NSW Rifle Clubs 1910
Topic: MilitiaRC - NSW

NSW Militia - Rifle Clubs



New South Wales Rifle Club List, 1910

One of the most important adjuncts to the militia system from 1903 to the re-organisation of 1912 was the role played by the Rifle Club movement in Australia. At the time, these clubs were seen as the reservoir of manpower for a potential guerrilla force should any invasion occur. The doctrine was almost a copy of that pursued by the Boer forces in South Africa which successfully held the Imperial Army at bay for nearly three years. For Australia, the invasion fear was uppermost in the minds of the population. This fear found its articulation in a novel written by Charles H Kirmess (the nom de plume for Frank Fox) called "Commonwealth in Crisis" which was first serialised in the "Lone Hand" magazine which was largely funded by the Commonwealth Government via Alfred Deakin. The story was about a Japanese invasion of the Northern Territory in 1912 requiring the Commonwealth to resist with a guerrilla force of irregulars trained through the rifle clubs.

So important were the rifle clubs for the defence of Australia that the Commonwealth provided the training staff, rifles and ammunition so the clubs could function. Members were drilled, wore uniforms and practised all the basic skills of soldiering as well as target shooting.

Below is the list of Rifle Clubs which existed in every town throughout New South Wales in 1910. The towns and cities are in alphabetical order. This particular date is the high point of the Rifle Club movement in Australia. With the coming of universal military training in 1912 and the Great War in 1914, the Rifle Clubs saw a decline in their importance within the Australian defence scheme.

Aberdeen  - Rifle Club
Adaminaby  - Rifle Club
Adams town  - Rifle Club
Adelong  - Rifle Club
Albion Park - Rifle Club
Albury - Rifle Club
Anson (Norfolk Island) - Rifle Club
Araluen - Rifle Club
Armidale - Rifle Club
Ashford  - Rifle Club
Auburn  - Rifle Club
Ballina - Rifle Club
Balranald  - Rifle Club
Bangalow - Rifle Club
Barraba  - Rifle Club
Bathurst - Rifle Club
Bega - Rifle Club
Bellinger  - Bellinger River Rifle Club
Berridale  - Rifle Club
Berry - Rifle Club
Bethungra  - Rifle Club
Bigga ..  - Rifle Club
Billinudgel  - Rifle Club
Bingara  - Rifle Club
Blackheath  - Rifle Club
Blayney  - Rifle Club
Bodangora  - Rifle Club
Bombala  - Rifle Club
Bongongo - Adjungbilly Rifle Club
Boolaroo - Rifle Club
Bourke - Rifle Club
Bowraville - Bowra Rifle Club
Braidwood - Rifle Club
Brewarrina - Rifle Club
Broken Hill
Australian Natives Association Rifle Club
Barrier YMCA Rifle Club
Broken Hill Rifle Club
Machester Unity Oddfellows
United Tramways Rifle Club
West Broken Hill Rifle Club
Brungle - Rifle Club
Buddigower - Rifle Club
Bumberry Siding - Rifle Club
Bungendore - Rifle Club
Bungonia - Rifle Club
Burrawang - Rifle Club
Burringbar - Rifle Club
Burrowa - Rifle Club
Byron Bay - Rifle Club
Camden - Rifle Club
Camira - Rifle Club
Campbelltown - Rifle Club
Candelo - Rifle Club
Capertee - Rifle Club
Cargo - Rifle Club
Casino - Rifle Club
Central Tilba - Rifle Club
Cessnock - Rifle Club
Cobar - Rifle Club
Cobargo - Rifle Club
Cobbora - Rifle Club
Coff's Harbour - Rifle Club
Collector - Rifle Club
Comara - Rifle Club
Condoblin - Rifle Club
Coolac - Rifle Club
Coolah - Rifle Club
Coolamon - Rifle Club
Cooma - Rifle Club
Coonabarabran - Rifle Club
Coonamble - Rifle Club
Coopernook - Rifle Club
Cootamundra - Rifle Club
Coraki - Rifle Club
Corndale - Rifle Club
Crookwell - Rifle Club
Cudal - Rifle Club
Dalgety - Rifle Club
Dapto - Rifle Club
Delegate - Rifle Club
Deniliquin - Rifle Club
Denman - Rifle Club
Dinton Vale - Rifle Club
Dorrigo - Rifle Club
Dubbo - Rifle Club
Dungog - Rifle Club
Dunoon - Rifle Club
Eden - Eden and Twofold Bay Rifle Club
Eltham - Rifle Club
Emmaville - Emmaville District Rifle Club
Eugowra - Rifle Club
Finley - Rifle Club
Forbes - Rifle Club
Forest Reefs - Rifle Club
Forster - Cape Hawke Rifle Club
Garfield - Rifle Club
Gerringong - Rifle Club
Gilgandra - Rifle Club
Gladesville - Gladesville - Balmain Rifle Club
Glen Innes - Rifle Club
Gollan - Rifle Club
Goolma - Rifle Club
Goulburn Railway Ambulance Rifle Club
Goulburn Rifle Club
Grafton - Rifle Club
Grattai - Rifle Club
Greenethorpe - Rifle Club
Grenfell - Rifle Club
Guerie - Rifle Club
Gulargambone - Rifle Club
Gulgong - Rifle Club
Gundagai - Rifle Club
Gunnedah - Rifle Club
Gunning - Rifle Club
Guy Fawkes - Rifle Club
Guyra - Rifle Club
Hargraves - Rifle Club
Hay - Rifle Club
Helensburgh - Rifle Club
Henty - Rifle Club
Hill End - Rifle Club
Hillgrove - Rifle Club
Hornsby - Rifle Club
Illabo - Bethungra Park Rifle Club
Illewong - Rifle Club
Inverell - Rifle Club
Jamberoo - Rifle Club
Jerilderie - Rifle Club
Jerrara - Rifle Club
Junee - Rifle Club
Kangaroo Valley - Rifle Club
Katoomba - Rifle Club
Kempsey - Rifle Club
Kiama - Rifle Club
Kogarah - Rifle Club
Koorawatha - Rifle Club
Kurri Kurri - Rifle Club
Kyogle - Rifle Club
Lake Cudgellico - Cudgellico District Rifle Club
Landsdowne - Rifle Club
Lawson - Rifle Club
Leadville - Rifle Club
Lismore Railway Rifle Club
Lismore Rifle Club
Lithgow - Rifle Club
Little Plain - Rifle Club
Lockhart - Rifle Club
Lynch's Creek - Rifle Club
Macksville - Rifle Club
Maclean - Rifle Club
Maitland - Rifle Club
Manilla - Rifle Club
Manly - Rifle Club
Marulan - Rifle Club
Mathoura - Rifle Club
Methul - Rifle Club
Millthorpe - Rifle Club
Milong - Rifle Club
Milton - Rifle Club
Mimitybelle - Rifle Club
Mittagong - Rifle Club
Molong - Molong District Rifle Club
Monteagle - Rifle Club
Mullion Creek - Rifle Club
Mullumbimby - Rifle Club
Murrumbateman - Rifle Club
Murrumburrah - Rifle Club
Murrurundi - Rifle Club
Murwillumbah - Rifle Club
Muswellbrook - Rifle Club
Muttama - Rifle Club
Nabiac - Wallamba River Rifle Club
Nana Glen - Orara Rifle Club
Nangarah - Wood's Reef Rifle Club
Narrabri - Rifle Club
Narrandera - Rifle Club
Nerrigundah - Rifle Club
Newbridge - Rifle Club
Australian Natives Association Rifle Club
Newcastle Rifle Club
Newcastle Tramways Rifle Club
Nimbin - Rifle Club
Norfolk Island - Anson Rifle Club
Nowra - Rifle Club
Nullamana - Rifle Club
Nyngan - Rifle Club
O'Connell - Rifle Club
Ollara - Rifle Club
Orange Railway Ambulance Rifle Club
Rifle Club
Pambula - Rifle Club
Parkes - Rifle Club
Parramatta - Rifle Club
Peak Hill - Rifle Club
Penrith - Rifle Club
Picton - Rifle Club
Port Macquarie - Hastings Rifle Club
Portland - Rifle Club
Queanbeyan - Rifle Club
Quirindi - Rifle Club
Rhyanna - Rifle Club
Richmond - Hawkesbury Agricultural College Rifle Club
Rockdale - Rifle Club
Rockley - Rifle Club
Rockton - Rifle Club
Rolland's Plains - Rifle Club
Rouchel - Rifle Club
Rugby - Rifle Club
Running Stream - Rifle Club
Rye Park - Rifle Club
Rylstone - Rifle Club
Scone - Rifle Club
Shellharbour - Rifle Club
Singleton - Rifle Club
Smithtown - Rifle Club
Sofala - Rifle Club
Spring Ridge - Rifle Club
Springwood - Rifle Club
St Mary's  - Rifle Club
Sunny Corner - Rifle Club
AMP Rifle Club
Australian Natives Association Rifle Club
Clyde Engineering Works Rifle Club
Eastern Suburbs Rifle Club
John Sands Ltd Rifle Club
Lands Department Rifle Club
Metropolitan Railway Rifle Club
North Sydney Rifle Club
NSW Post and Telegraph Department Rifle Club
Randwick Rifle Club
South Sydney Rifle Club
Sydney Rifle Club
Sydney Training College Rifle Club
Sydney Tramway Rifle Club
Water and Sewerage Board Rifle Club
Western Suburbs Rifle Club
Wunderlich Employees Rifle Club
Yorkshire Society's Rifle Club
Tamworth - Rifle Club
Tarago - Tarago and Lake Bathurst Rifle Club
Taralga - Rifle Club
Tarcutta - Rifle Club
Taree - Rifle Club
Telegraph Point - Rifle Club
Temora - Rifle Club
Tenterfield - Rifle Club
Thyra - Rifle Club
Tingha - Rifle Club
Tomingley - Rifle Club
Tooloom - Rifle Club
Tooraweenah - Rifle Club
Towamba - Rifle Club
Towrang - Rifle Club
Tumbarumba - Rifle Club
Uki - Rifle Club
Urana - Rifle Club
Wagga Wagga - Rifle Club
Wallangra - Rocky Dam Rifle Club
Wallerawang - Rifle Club
Wardell - Rifle Club
Warialdi - Rifle Club
Warren - Rifle Club
Wauchope - Rifle Club
Wellington - Rifle Club
Wentworth - Rifle Club
Wentworth Falls - Rifle Club
Werris Creek - Rifle Club
White Cliffs - Rifle Club
Wilbetree - Rifle Club
Wilcannia - Rifle Club
Willawarrin - Rifle Club
Windsor - Rifle Club
Wingham - Rifle Club
Wollomombi - Rifle Club
Wollongong - Rifle Club
Wolumla - Rifle Club
Wongwibinda - Rifle Club
Woodenbong - Rifle Club
Woodhouselee - Rifle Club
Woolgoolga - Rifle Club
Wuuluman - Rifle Club
West Wyalong Rifle Club
Wyalong Rifle Club
Yarranerie - Rifle Club
Young - Rifle Club

Further Reading:

NSW Militia - Rifle Clubs



Citation: NSW Rifle Clubs 1910

Posted by Project Leader at 7:21 PM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 30 May 2009 5:29 PM EADT
Colonel Husnu, Yildirim, Page 90
Topic: Tk - Bks - Yildirim

Another entry from the book written by Lieutenant Colonel Hüseyin Hüsnü Emir, called Yildirim. Every day, one page of the book will be posted. This is Page 90.

Colonel Hüsnü, Yildirim, Page 90.

[Click on page for a larger print version.]

Citation: Colonel Hüsnü, Yildirim, Page 90

Posted by Project Leader at 3:51 PM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 5 October 2008 3:56 PM EADT
Diaries of AIF Servicemen, Bert Schramm, 5 October 1918
Topic: Diary - Schramm

Diaries of AIF Servicemen

Bert Schramm

5 October 1918


Bert Schramm


2823 Private Herbert Leslie SCHRAMM, a 22 year old Farmer from Whites River, South Australia. He enlisted on 17 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

During part of the course of his military service with the AIF, Bert Schramm kept a diary of his life. Bert was not a man of letters so this diary was produced with great effort on his behalf. Bert made a promise to his sweetheart, Lucy Solley, that he would do so after he received the blank pocket notebook wherein these entries are found. As a Brigade Scout since September 1918, he took a lead part in the September Offensive by the Allied forces in Palestine. Bert's diary entries are placed alongside those of the 9th Light Horse Regiment to which he belonged and to the 3rd Light Horse Brigade to which the 9th LHR was attached. On this basis we can follow Bert in the context of his formation.


The Diaries

The complete diary is now available on the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre Site at:

Bert Schramm Diary

Finding more about a service person. See:

Navigating the National Archives Service File 



Bert Schramm's Handwritten Diary, 5 - 11 October 1918

[Click on page for a larger print version.]

Bert Schramm

Saturday, October 5, 1918

Bert Schramm's Location - 2½ miles south west El Mezze

Bert Schramm's Diary -  Settled down to camp this morning but don't know how long it will last. Lots of men going sick and many of the horses have sore backs so a few days spell will be good for everyone.


9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary

9th Light Horse Regiment Location - 2½ miles south west El Mezze

9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - 0820 Moved to a bivouac site 1½ miles south of El Mudhamiye.

The fast marching of the past fortnight had caused many casualties in sore backs amongst the horses of the Regiment, particularly pack animals and rides in low condition. About 30 of these were placed on the sick horse lines and about 30 others were treated in the lines. Great credit is due to the assiduous manner in which Turner, Farrier Quartermaster Sergeant, and his assistants carried out their duties in attending to horse casualties. The greater number of these horses were fit again within a fortnight. Bone, 3592 Trooper E, died of illness.

9th LHR AIF War Diary, 5 October 



Darley, TH, With the Ninth Light Horse in the Great War, Adelaide, Hassell Press, 1924.

No entry



Previous:  Bert Schramm's Diary, 4 October 1918

Next:  Bert Schramm's Diary, 6 October 1918

Sources Used:

Bert Schramm's Diary

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8.

Australian War Memorial Roll of Honour

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.


War Diaries and Letters

All War Diaries and letters cited on this site should be read in conjunction with the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, War Diaries and Letters, Site Transcription Policy which may be accessed at:

Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, War Diaries and Letters, Site Transcription Policy 


Further Reading:

Bert Schramm Diary

Bert Schramm Diary, Album

Bert Schramm's Photo Album

9th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF

9th Australian Light Horse Regiment, War Diary, Day by Day Account

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Diaries of AIF Servicemen, Bert Schramm, 5 October 1918

Posted by Project Leader at 2:31 PM EADT
Updated: Tuesday, 7 June 2011 10:59 AM EADT

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Australian Light Horse Studies Centre

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