Topic: Militia - LHV - 9/19
9th/19th ALH
9th/19th Australian Light Horse
Members who served in the AIF
9th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse [1903 - 1912]
19th (Yarrowee) Australian Light Horse [1912 - 1932]
17th/19th (Yarrowee) Australian Light Horse [1932 - 1933]
19th Light Horse Armoured Car Regiment [1933 - 1934]
1st (The Wimmera) Armoured Car Regiment [1934 - 1938]
101st (The Wimmera) Motor Regiment [1938 - 1944]
8th/13th (Victorian Mounted Rifles) Armoured Regiment [1948 - 1960]
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles [1960 - ]

Pro Gloria - For Glory
Allied with: King Edward's Horse (The King's Overseas Dominions Regiment).
Below is a list of men who were known former members of the 9th/19th Australian Light Horse, who later served with the AIF during the Great War. The details listed are those at the time of AIF enlistment containing the rank, full name and unit in which he enlisted.
343 Private Alexander Walter Andrew BARBER, 8th Light Horse Regiment
3785 Corporal Irvine Lindsay BARTLEY, Australian Flying Corps Reinforcements
5031 Private Frederick Percival Lancelot BAWDEN, 8th Battalion
6465 Private Edward Roy BLACKAM, 5th Battalion
1693 Private Alfred Alexander BLOMELEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment
25 Private Leslie BOOKER, 4th Light Horse Regiment
279 Private Robert Henry BORBRIDGE, 8th Light Horse Regiment
18782 Sapper William John BRAYBROOK , 3rd Division Signal Company
6228 Private Charles Reginald BRENT, 8th Battalion
378 Private Alexander BROWN, 4th Light Horse Regiment
379 Private Francis James BURTON, 4th Light Horse Regiment
398 Lance Sergeant Herman Frederick BUSH, 39th Battalion
2598 Private Alexander Morton CALDWELL, Imperial Camel Corps
383 Private Ralph Robert CLARK, 4th Light Horse Regiment
Lieutenant Arthur Thomas CLARKE, 8th Light Horse Regiment
3018 Private Sydney CLARKE, 8th Battalion
240 Private James CONWAY, 8th Light Horse Regiment
1065 Private Joseph Albert COOPER, 8th Light Horse Regiment
391 Squadron Sergeant Major Albert Edward COOPER, 4th Light Horse Regiment
Captain Cyril Arthur COURTNEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment
392 Private George Lindrun CROMIE, 4th Light Horse Regiment
Major Thomas Joseph DALY, 9th Light Horse Regiment
64571 Private Lewis Roland DAVIES, 6th General Service Reinforcements, Victoria
401 Private Walter DAWSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment
361 Private Herbert David DEAN, 8th Light Horse Regiment
6884 Private Harold David Selick DODD, 5th Battalion
45 Private Albert Louis DOMEYEE, 4th Light Horse Regiment
516 Private Alexander DOWIE, 4th Light Horse Regiment
2189 Private John DOWIE, 5th Battalion
2991 Private Conrad August DREHER, 8th Light Horse Regiment
363 Private William George DUGUID, 8th Light Horse Regiment
4388 Private James George DUNLOP, 23rd Battalion
401 Private William John Lawrence DYER, 4th Light Horse Regiment
3320 Private William George EDWARDS, 7th Battalion
6720 Sergeant William Henry EVANS, 4th Field Artillery Brigade
405 Farrier Corporal Jack Edward FARCKENS, 4th Light Horse Regiment
1223 Private Percy Thomas FRICKER, 22nd Battalion
2333 Private William John GRIGG, 4th Light Horse Regiment
515 Private Clarence Albert HANNEL, 11th Light Horse Regiment
1660 Private Denis Daniel HARDIMAN, 8th Light Horse Regiment
426 Private Walter Charles Stanley HARPER, 4th Light Horse Regiment
1910 Private George HARRIOTT, 24th Battalion
14706 Gunner Roderick Alexander HARRIS, 1st Division Ammunition Column
46788 Sergeant Major John Freeland HASTIE, Sea Transpot Service
2759 Private Michael Joseph HEALY, Imperial Camel Corps
420 Private John William HENDERSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment
1575 Private Athol Osbert HENDERSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment
6041 Private Charles Thomas HENDERSON, 8th Battalion
2030 Private Alfred James HOLT, 4th Light Horse Regiment
6356 Gunner Thomas Lionel HURLEY, 4th Field Artillery Brigade
435 Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant Robert Neilson JACK, 4th Light Horse Regiment
40a Private Percival JAMES, Hospital & Convalescent Home
430 Private Alfred JOHNSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment
171 Private Alexander JOHNSTON, 8th Light Horse Regiment
2185 Acting Corporal Harry George JONES, 8th Light Horse Regiment
1888 Acting Sergeant Allan Edward KIMBERLEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment
397 Private Stanley Hector KING, 7th Light Horse Regiment
436 Private Ernest Henry KOPKE, 4th Light Horse Regiment
777 Private Henry LANGE, 5th Light Horse Regiment
524 Private Walter Lancelot LAWRENCE, 13th Light Horse Regiment
Second Lieutenant James LAWSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment
11867 Driver Reginald Graham LINDSAY, 4th Field Artillery Brigade
1099 Private Allan McCulloch MacFIE, 11th Light Horse Regiment
246 Private William Alexander MacMILLAN, 1st Squadron Australian Flying Corps
1392 Acting Sergeant David Ritson MARK, 13th Light Horse Regiment
2040 Private Alanson Mathew Post MARTIN, 4th Light Horse Regiment
447 Private Leslie Walter MATE, 4th Light Horse Regiment
3340 Private Alexander Walter McALPINE, 5th Battalion
1387 Private Thomas McCARTNEY, 13th Light Horse Regiment
22948 Private Neil Malcolm McGILP, 8th Field Artillery Brigade
2708 Private Bradley McKAY, 24th Battalion
1495 Private William Fraser McKERROW, 4th Light Horse Regiment
7553 Private Norman McKINNON, 8th Battalion
454 Private James Gillan McNAUGHTON, 4th Light Horse Regiment
3112 Private Neill MITCHELL, 8th Battalion
452 Lance Sergeant John Thomas MOODIE, 4th Light Horse Regiment
6321 Private Charles Arthur MORRISON, 6th Battalion
448 Bugler Albert Herbert MULLER, 4th Light Horse Regiment
1102 Lance Corporal John Herman MULLER, 8th Light Horse Regiment
900 Private Louis Murdoch MURRAY, 8th Light Horse Regiment
6327 Private John Henry NEALY, 6th Battalion
4743 Acting Corporal Clarence John Raymond NEWTON, 24th Battalion
3490 Private Charles James NORMAN, 5th Battalion
1868 Private Mathew Charles ORTON, 5th Battalion
474 Private William Menzies PAGE, 4th Light Horse Regiment
Lieutenant John PARKIN, 4th Light Horse Regiment
3584 Private Charles Valentine PAYNTER, 4th Light Horse Regiment
473 Private Harold Edgar PECK, 4th Light Horse Regiment
Second Lieutenant William Stanhope PENDER, 9th Light Horse Regiment
478 Private Frank Hardy PHILLIPS, 4th Light Horse Regiment
2370 Private Arthur PICKFORD, 4th Light Horse Regiment
Lieutenant Stanley Fox POLLARD, 4th Light Horse Regiment
485 Private Herbert Edmund READ, 4th Light Horse Regiment
2154 Private Frederick William REDMAN, 8th Light Horse Regiment
6406 Driver William James RICHARDSON, 4th Field Artillery Brigade
977 Private Stanley Brough RIGBY, 38th Battalion
479 Corporal George ROBERTSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment
480 Private John Comber ROBERTSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment
3460 Private William Fraser ROBERTSON, 57th Battalion
Second Lieutenant Wilfred ROBINSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment
1457 Private Matthew Francis RYAN, 8th Light Horse Regiment
Second Lieutenant Russell Eric SARA, 7th Battalion
Lieutenant William Ross SARA, 6th Battalion
3015 Private Alan Gordon SARA, 8th Light Horse Regiment
6415 Driver Frederick Lelwyn SCOTT, 4th Field Artillery Brigade
487 Private Alan Robertson SCOTT, 4th Light Horse Regiment
1610 Private Clarence Walter SHARP, 22nd Battalion
447 Private James Joseph SHEEHY, 8th Light Horse Regiment
488 Private Thomas Harold SIM, 4th Light Horse Regiment
500 Lance Sergeant William George SINCLAIR, 4th Light Horse Regiment
494 Private Colin Burton SINCLAIR, 4th Light Horse Regiment
230 Sergeant Thomas SINNOTT, 8th Light Horse Regiment
496 Sergeant Thomas Archibald SLAUGHTER, 4th Light Horse Regiment
Second Lieutenant Frank Noel SNOW, 1st Light Horse Regiment
1517 Private Walter Francis SPICER, 6th Light Horse Regiment
495 Private Laurence Barris STAMP, 4th Light Horse Regiment
642 Private Mervyn James STANNARD, 8th Light Horse Regiment
885 Driver Daniel James SWEENEY, 5th Battalion
465 Private Phillip Edwin TAYLOR, 13th Light Horse Regiment
1551 Private Percy Hamilton TAYLOR, 24th Battalion
539 Corporal Arthur Douglas THOMAS, 4th Light Horse Regiment
61a Private Charles Ralph THOMPSON, Australian Army Medical Corps
2072 Private Harry Gordon TINNEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment
1007 Private Samuel TORNEY, 8th Light Horse Regiment
473 Private William TURNER, 13th Light Horse Regiment
3909 Private John Cecil TURVEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment
1642 Private Warren Farr VAUGHAN, 8th Light Horse Regiment
3557 Aircraft Mechanic Second Class Louis Henry VERNON, Australian Flying Corps Reinforcements
150 Private Victor Kenneth WALTON, 8th Light Horse Regiment
479 Sergeant Cecil Sturt WILSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment
55704 Private Arthur Stanley WOMERSLEY, 7th General Service Reinforcements, Victoria
1988 Private David WRIGHT, 23rd Battalion
Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.
Further Reading:
9th/19th Australian Light Horse
9th/19th Australian Light Horse, Roll of Honour
Victoria Militia - Light Horse
Australian Militia Light Horse
Australian Light Horse Regimental Militia Field Force
Citation: Yarrowee Light Horse, Members who served in the AIF