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Wednesday, 7 October 2009
3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour
Topic: AIF - 1B - 3 LHR

3rd LHR, AIF

3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment

Roll of Honour

Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men known to have served at one time with the 3rd Light Horse Regiment and gave their lives in service of Australia, whether as part of the 3rd Light Horse Regiment or another unit.


Roll of Honour


Benjamin David ALEXANDER, Killed in Action, 9 August 1916.

Alfred James ANGRAVE, Died of Wounds, 3 June 1916.

James Hamilton AYLIFFE, Died of Wounds, 7 November 1917.



Charles Ernest BAGOT, Died of Wounds, 9 November 1915 at sea.

John Arthur Alexander BAILEY, Killed in Action, 28 May 1915.

Reginald Michael BANNON, Died of Wounds, 27 October 1917.

Vivian Murray BARBER, Died of Accident, 1 November 1916.

David J. BARCLAY, Killed in Action, 4 August 1916.

Arthur John BARLOW, Killed in Action, 28 November 1916.

Frank Launsley BARNS, Died of Disease, 22 October 1918.

Henry Dundas BASHFIELD, Died of Wounds, 24 April 1917.

Victor Thomas Arthur BATTEN, Died of Disease, 11 February 1919

Alexander Hartley BAX, Died of Wounds, 30 May 1915.

Murray Charles BAX, Died of Wounds, 10 January 1917.

Horace Anthony BECK, Killed in Action, 3 May 1917.

Eric Chalcroft BELL, Killed in Action, 19 May 1915.

Leonard Cornelius BEMOLD, Died of Accident, 9 February 1916.

Charles Pryor BENNETT, Killed in Action, 9 January 1917.

John Robert BIGLANDS, Died of Wounds, 1 February 1917.

Owen Ernest Hugh BINGHAM, Killed in Action, 4 August 1916.

Arthur Leonard BIRCHETT, Died of Wounds, 28 May 1915 at sea.

Thomas Daniel BLAND, Died of Wounds, 9 May 1917.

Charles Frederick BLESING, Killed in Action, 8 October 1917.

William Belworthy BLUE, Died of Wounds, 13 October 1915.

Mervyn Stafford BLYTH, Killed in Action, 23 December 1916.

Allen Christopher BOLT, Killed in Action, 9 January 1917.

John Richard BOUNDEY, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917.

Stanley Ernest BOWYER, Killed in Action, 9 January 1917.

Francis John BRAMMALL, Died of Wounds, 30 September 1918.

Clarence Rosser BRANERGHAN, Killed in Action, 28 November 1916.

Halcombe Ferrier BROCK, Killed in Action, 2 June 1915.

Joseph BROWN, Killed in Action, 4 June 1915.

Roy William BROWN, Killed in Action, 9 January 1917.

William John BROWN, Killed in Action, 30 March 1918.

Harold Alfred BURRILL, Killed in Action, 4 August 1916.

Edwin BUTLER, Died of Wounds, 16 May 1915.

Henry Edward BUTLER, Died of Wounds, 9 January 1917.



Horace Alfred CADD, Killed in Action, 31 July 1917.

Colin Campbell CAMERON, Died of Disease, 18 November 1918.

Charles Bowcher CASS, Killed in Action, 2 September 1918.

Alexander Caird CHEAPE, Killed in Action, 1 July 1915.

Emil John Hamilton CLARKE, Killed in Action, 15 April 1917.

John Joyce CLARKE, Died of Wounds, 15 August 1915 at sea.

Frank Railton CLINCH, Killed in Action, 4 August 1916.

Charles Cahill COCKERILL, Killed in Action, 12 August 1916.

Sydney David COCKSHELL, Killed in Action, 3 May 1917.

David Henry COLES, Died of Wounds, 20 October 1917.

Leslie James CORRIGAN, Died of Disease, 24 October 1918.

Albert Victor COX, Killed in Action, 4 December 1917.

Norman Gilbert COX, Killed in Action, 4 September 1916.

Peter George CRUSE, Died of Disease, 15 August 1915.

Geoffrey Ivan CUMMINGS, Killed in Action, 11 April 1918.

Roland CURLIS, Killed in Action, 19 May 1915.



Clarence DAVIDSON, Died of Wounds, 26 June 1915.

Albert Alfred DAVIES, Died of Wounds, 25 April 1917.

Cecil Harold DAVIS, Killed in Action, 15 April 1917.

John William DAWSON, Died of Wounds, 9 January 1917.

Robert Raymond DAWSON, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917.

John Herbert DEARMAN, Died of Wounds, 31 October 1917.

Edgar Frederick DeLATOUR, Killed in Action, 23 May 1915.

Charles Matthew DICKENS, Died of Disease, 21 September 1917.

Sydney John DODSON, Killed in Action, 8 August 1918.

William DONELLAN, Killed in Action, 9 January 1917.

Michael DOODY, Killed in Action, 11 December 1916.

David DOUGLAS, Killed in Action, 1 October 1917.

John DUELL, Killed in Action, 6 August 1916.

Roy Herbert DUNHAM, Died of Wounds, 16 July 1918.



Leonard Ridgeway EASTHER, Killed in Action, 4 August 1916.

Alexander ELLIS, Died of Wounds, 4 November 1916.

Herbert John ELLIS, Died of Disease, 7 August 1915.

Arthur ETTRIDGE, Died of Wounds, 30 November 1916.



Gordon Silas FIDLER, Died of Wounds, 19 August 1916.

Lindsay McRae FIELD, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917.

George Frederick Leslie FINN, Killed in Action, 11 April 1917.

Francis Gerald FITZGERALD, Died of Disease, 31 October 1918.

William Wallace FLOOD, Died of Disease, 18 August 1918.

Sydney Frederick FOWLER, Killed in Action, 31 March 1918.

William George FOX, Killed in Action, 11 November 1917.

Roy FRANCIS, Died of Disease, 19 October 1918.

Wilfred FRENCH, Killed in Action, 1 June 1916.

Edwin Henry FRY, Killed in Action, 16 October 1917.



Lawrence Mark GATTENBY, Died of Wounds, 14 January 1917.

Joseph George Lodwick GILBERT, Died of Wounds, 12 November 1917.

Thomas John GILLINGS, Died of Disease, 1 May 1918.

Gordon Powell GOODE, Died of Disease, 17 October 1915.

Harry GREEN, Died of Wounds, 1 November 1917.

Martin GREEN, Died of Disease, 20 October 1918.

Vernon Cameron GREGORY, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917.

David Edgar GRIFFITHS, Died of Disease, 23 January 1919.



Reginald HALL, Killed in Action, 15 April 1917.

Frederick HARVEY, Died of Accident, 12 November 1917.

James Alexander HAY, Died of Disease, 27 May 1915.

Frank Henry HICKS, Died of Disease, 10 October 1918.

Arthur Poyntz HIRST, Died of Accident, 21 June 1916.

Thomas Roydon HOGARTH, Died of Wounds, 1 November 1917.

Albert George HOLLICK, Died of Disease, 6 September 1915 at sea.

Arthur Ernest HOLT, Died of Disease, 27 September 1915.

Edmund John HOWARD, Killed in Action, 4 August 1916.

James Tolbouis HOWELL, Killed in Action, 16 August 1916.

Thomas Arthur HUTCHINS, Killed in Action, 14 May 1915.



Fergus Stanley IBBOTT, Died of Wounds, 6 August 1916.

Kenneth INGLIS, Died of Wounds, 5 June 1918.

Andrew John Cheyne INKSTER, Died of Wounds, 30 November 1916.

William John IVETT, Died of Disease, 9 November 1918.



Clement Belmore JACKA, Died of Accident, 16 October 1918.

Ernest JACKSON, Died of Wounds, 30 May 1915 at sea.

Sydney Arthur JACOBS, Died of Wounds, 1 June 1916.

John JAMISON, Died of Disease, 18 August 1915.

James Terence JENNER, Killed in Action, 3 May 1917.

Arthur John JOHNSTON, Died of Disease, 7 June 1916.

Walter William Robert JONES, Killed in Action, 9 August 1916.



Francis KELLY, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917.

John James KELLY, Died of Wounds, 6 May 1917.

William KEMP, Died of Wounds, 27 April 1917.

Basil KERSLAKE, Died of Wounds, 5 August 1916.

Phillip Darby KILLICOAT, Died of Wounds, 19 September 1915.

Fred Johnston KNOWLING, Died of Wounds, 12 November 1917.



Cyrus Havelock LADE, Died of Wounds, 23 April 1917.

Marshall John LADNER, Died of Disease, 4 June 1918.

Newton Frederick Seymour LANE, Killed in Action, 8 June 1917.

Oscar Michael LAWLER, Killed in Action, 22 December 1917.

William Nelson LAWRENCE, Killed in Action, 2 April 1917.

George Gray LAWSON, Died of Disease, 22 January 1917.

Frederick LEAHY, Killed in Action, 11 October 1917.

Donald Strangfield LEE, Killed in Action, 20 September 1917.

Bert Clive LINCOLN, Killed in Action, 30 March 1918 .

Walter LITCHFIELD, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917.

Edward Whitaker LOWNDES, Died of Wounds, 28 May 1915.

Wilford LUDBEY, Died of Wounds, 6 August 1916.

Arthur LYONS, Died of Wounds, 15 September 1915 at sea.

William Charles LYONS, Died of Accident, 9 March 1916.



Norman Harold McBRIDE, Killed in Action, 22 December 1917.

Reginald Joseph McCULLOUGH, Died of Disease, 30 December 1919 .

Alfred McDONALD, Died of Wounds, 3 June 1916.

Murdock McDONALD, Died of Wounds, 7 July 1916.

John Robert McINTOSH, Died of Wounds, 15 April 1917.

Norman Alexander Peter McINTYRE, Died of Disease, 22 October 1918 at sea.

Norman McKAY, Died of Disease, 20 August 1917.

Edward McPHERSON, Died of Wounds, 11 November 1917.

Alfred MELVILLE, Killed in Action, 9 August 1916.

Joseph Charles MERRITT, Died of Disease, 12 October 1918.

Stanley Roy MORGAN, Killed in Action, 11 April 1917.

Hervey Ira MORSE, Died of Wounds, 26 February 1917.

Malcolm MUDGE, Died of Disease, 11 October 1918.

Donald Stewart MUNRO, Killed in Action, 1 June 1916.

Douglas Beattie MURPHY, Died of Wounds, 25 June 1916.



Sydney John NELSON, Died of Disease, 24 October 1918.

Henrie Clarence NICHOLAS, Killed in Action, 4 August 1916.

Donald NICHOLSON, Died of Disease, 11 October 1918.

George NOBLE, Killed in Action, 14 November 1917.

Oliver NORMAN, Died of Wounds, 2 April 1918.



Lawrence Patrick O'DONNELL, Died of Wounds, 5 April 1918.

John Leslie OPIE, Died of Wounds, 31 July 1917.

John OSBORN, Died of Wounds, 1 November 1917.



William Stanley PAGE, Killed in Action, 28 November 1916.

Hubert PATERSON, Killed in Action, 11 August 1917.

Andrew Cameron PAUL, Killed in Action, 4 June 1915.

Bertram Wellesley PEARSE, Died of Wounds, 25 May 1915.

Claude Mellnoote PERRY, Killed in Action, 9 October 1917.

William Gordon PHYSICK, Died of Wounds, 28 October 1917.

Astley Ford PILKINGTON, Died of Wounds, 15 May 1915 at sea.

Frank Tasman POKE, Killed in Action, 15 August 1918.

John Daniel POTTER, Killed in Action, 1 June 1916.

William Lewis POWELL, Died of Disease, 26 October 1918.

Arthur Wakefield PRICE, Killed in Action, 28 September 1917.

Philip Edward PRIME, Died of Disease, 28 October 1918.

Andrew James PRIOR, Died of Wounds, 2 November 1917.

Noel Phillips PRITCHARD, Died of Wounds, 16 August 1918.

Cecil Roy PURKIS, Died of Disease, 15 February 1919.



Joseph Charles RADNELL, Killed in Action, 4 August 1916.

Charles Wilson RAGLESS, Killed in Action, 10 February 1917.

John Ernest RAMSAY, Killed in Action, 15 August 1918.

Clem RANFORD, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917.

Joseph Marmion RANFORD, Killed in Action, 21 June 1916.

Oswald Lewis RAYMOND, Died of Accident, 13 September 1917.

William Charles REID, Killed in Action, 11 April 1917.

George Ferdinand RICHARDSON, Killed in Action, 10 October 1917.

Richard Leslie ROADS, Died of Wounds, 21 June 1915 at sea.

Alan Chamberlin RODGERS, Died of Wounds, 2 November 1917.

Benjamin ROGERS, Died of Wounds, 1 June 1916.

Ernest Arthur ROGERS, Killed in Action, 9 January 1917.

John Stanley ROGERS, Killed in Action, 5 August 1917.

Leslie ROSS, Died of Accident, 7 April 1915.

Frank Milton ROWELL, Died of Disease, 8 August 1915 at sea.

Clancy Vernon RUFFELS, Died of Disease, 12 October 1918.

Victor Francis RULE, Died of Disease, 13 October 1918.



Frank Garfield SAINT, Died of Disease, 24 October 1918.

Douglas Elliott SCOTT, Died of Wounds, 20 May 1915 at sea.

Hobart Alfred SEYMOUR, Died of Wounds, 12 August 1915.

William Cecil SIBLEY, Died of Disease, 22 December 1918.

Arnold Lealand SIVIOUR, Killed in Action, 14 July 1918.

Ernest George SMITH, Died of Accident, 12 February 1916.

Percival Thorne SMITH, Died of Wounds, 6 June 1915 at sea.

Wilfred SMITH, Killed in Action, 4 August 1916.

Albert STANDJAN, Died of Wounds, 8 August 1915.

Gordon John STAUDE, Died of Disease, 25 October 1918.

William Leonard STEVENS, Died of Wounds, 16 April 1917.

Maxwell Graham STEWART, Died of Disease, 31 July 1917.

Sydney SULLIVAN, Died of Wounds, 25 April 1918.

Thomas John SYMES, Killed in Action, 1 June 1916.



Harold Hammond TAYLOR, Died of Disease, 13 June 1916.

Tom Braithwaite TAYLOR, Killed in Action, 9 January 1917.

Percy Croft TEMPLAR, Died of Wounds, 15 October 1917.

Walter Wesley TILBROOK, Killed in Action, 1 April 1918.

Gordon TIMBRELL, Killed in Action, 1 July 1915.

Gladstone James TODD, Died of Wounds, 20 April 1917.

Alfred Gibbs TOLMAN, Killed in Action, 4 August 1916.

Charles Albert TONQUEST, Died of Wounds, 1 June 1916.

Archibald Stuart TREGILGAS, Died of Wounds, 1 November 1917.

Walter Charles Douglas TREGONNING, Died of Disease, 25 January 1917.

William Ernest TRENORDEN, Killed in Action, 11 April 1917.

Henry Charles TROWBRIDGE, Died of Wounds, 1 November 1917.

Arthur Harold TUCKER, Died of Wounds, 22 December 1917.



Thomas WALKER, Killed in Action, 12 August 1915.

William John WALTER, Died of Disease, 20 March 1919.

Herbert Alexander WARD, Killed in Action, 9 August 1916.

Stanley WATKINS, Killed in Action, 16 October 1917.

Douglas Linly Roy WATSON, Killed in Action, 19 May 1915.

Roderick Noel White WEAVER, Killed in Action, 4 August 1916.

Tasman Laurence WEBSTER, Killed in Action, 31 May 1915.

Geoffrey Erskine WELLS, Died of Wounds, 6 October 1917.

William Horace WELLS, Killed in Action, 11 April 1918.

John Vernon WHITE, Died of Wounds, 12 January 1917.

Gordon Percy WHITFIELD, Died of Disease, 19 July 1915.

Arthur Ernest WILCOX, Killed in Action, 19 February 1917.

Lewis Frederick WILKINSON, Died of Wounds, 1 October 1917.

George Charles WILLIAMS, Killed in Action, 26 May 1915 .

Russell WILLIAMS, Killed in Action, 17 October 1917.

George James Argent WING, Died of Disease, 6 February 1915.

John Charles WISHART, Killed in Action, 6 August 1915.

Harold Victor WOODS, Died of Wounds, 12 November 1917.

Stewart Chris WOOLNOUGH, Died of Disease, 22 December 1916.


Lest We Forget


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.

Further Reading:

3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Friday, 26 March 2010 12:56 PM EADT
7th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour
Topic: AIF - 2B - 7 LHR

7th LHR, AIF

7th Australian Light Horse Regiment

Roll of Honour

Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men known to have served at one time with the 7th Light Horse Regiment and gave their lives in service of Australia, whether as part of the 7th Light Horse Regiment or another unit.


Roll of Honour


Leslie John ABBERTON, Died of Wounds, 30 November 1917.

Stanley Frank ALBON, Died of Disease, 21 August 1918.

Ralph ANDERSON, Died of Wounds, 8 June 1917.

Thomas ANDREW, Killed in Action, 6 August 1915.


Alfred Henry BARKER, Killed in Action, 5 November 1917.

James Henry BARTLETT, Died of Wounds, 20 October 1918.

Claude John BATEMAN, Killed in Action, 22 June 1915.

Albert BAXTER, Killed in Action, 16 May 1917.

Neil BEATON, Died of Wounds, 13 October 1915, and subsequently buried at sea.

Valentine Francis BEAZLEY, Killed in Action, 9 August 1918.

William Joseph BEER, Killed in Action, 19 September 1918.

Henry BELL, Died of Wounds, 6 August 1916.

Christie Archibald BENHAM, Killed in Action, 14 November 1917.

Cyril Arthur BENNETT, Died of Wounds, 8 July 1915, and subsequently buried at sea.

Roland Walter BENNETT, Died of Wounds, 22 June 1917.

Henry Norman BILSBOROUGH, Died of Wounds, 29 March 1917.

Arthur William BLACK, Killed in Action, 3 August 1917.

Thomas Harold BLOMLEY, Killed in Action, 6 November 1917.

Francis Patrick Lawrence BOWEN, Died of Wounds, 15 December 1917.

John BRAY, Died of Disease, 2 February 1919.

Terry Patrick BRAY, Died of Disease, 20 November 1918.

Walter Joseph BRODIE, Killed in Action, 8 November 1917.

Lawrence BRUNTON, Killed in Action, 4 July 1918.

Richard BRYANT, Died of Disease, 4 November 1918.

Alfred BUCKLEY, Died of Wounds, 14 March 1918.

Francis Tresilian BULL, Killed in Action, 7 May 1918.

Robert Cumming BUTTERS, Died of Wounds, 5 October 1915.


John CAMPBELL, Killed in Action, 28 June 1915.

John Thomas CAMPBELL, Killed in Action, 9 November 1917.

Roy Daniel CAMPBELL, Died of Wounds, 18 October 1918.

Frederick Wallace CANNAN, Killed in Action, 7 July 1915.

Edward Wilfred CANNONS, Killed in Action, 27 November 1915.

Joseph Leo CARNEY, Killed in Action, 10 October 1917.

Leslie Victor CHANDLER, Killed in Action, 8 August 1918.

Alfred CHAPMAN, Killed in Action, 5 November 1917.

Eric CHENEY, Killed in Action, 30 March 1918.

Raymond Horace CICOLINI, Died of Wounds, 3 June 1918.

Conyers CLIFFORD, Killed in Action, 5 August 1916.

George COLLINS, Died of Wounds, 12 August 1916.

William Galloway CONN, Killed in Action, 12 July 1915.

Roy Egerton COOKE, Killed in Action, 6 August 1915.

Percy Cecil COOPER, Died of Disease, 23 July 1916.

Volney Leonard COOPER, Died of Wounds, 11 July 1915, and subsequently buried at sea.

Arthur Joseph Harold CORBERT, Died of Disease, 11 October 1918.

Augustine COTTER, Killed in Action, 28 June 1915.

Joseph Francis COUGHLAN, Killed in Action, 3 July 1918.

Francis Reynolds COWDERY, Died of Disease, 10 August 1915.

James Paul Gee COX, Killed in Action, 19 September 1918.

William George COX, Killed in Action, 26 September 1917.

Francis Patrick CURRAN, Killed in Action, 4 August 1916.


James DALTON, Died of Disease, 19 December 1918.

Charles Henry DANIEL, Killed in Action, 14 November 1917.

George Douglas DAVIDSON, Died of Wounds, 15 August 1916.

Daniel DeLaHUNTY, Killed in Action, 16 August 1915.

Raymond Francis DEMPSEY, Killed in Action, 5 April 1918.

Leslie Oswald DOBBIE, Killed in Action, 28 June 1915.

Leonard Stanley DOBBS, Killed in Action, 17 August 1917.

Arthur William DRINKWATER, Killed in Action, 5 August 1916.

Thomas Park DUNBAR, Killed in Action, 7 July 1915.

Samuel James DUNKINSON, Killed in Action, 5 August 1916.

Offord William DUPREZ, Died of Wounds, 20 September 1916


Charles Edward ELDRIDGE, Died of Wounds, 25 September 1915, and subsequently buried at sea.

Thomas Patrick ELLIOTT, Killed in Action, 19 July 1916.

Claude ELTON, Died of Wounds, 29 March 1918.


James Hardy FAZIO, Killed in Action, 7 May 1918.

James Herbert FLOWER, Died of Wounds, 25 May 1915, and subsequently buried at sea.

Victor Joseph FOLEY, Killed in Action, 9 August 1915.

Peter Karin FOSTER, Killed in Action, 9 January 1917.

Aubrey Arthur FOWLER, Died of Wounds, 8 January 1917.

Horace Ernest FRAZER, Died of Wounds, 7 August 1916.

Clive Harris FROST, Died of Disease, 1 December 1918.

Edwin George FROST, Died of Disease, 19 October 1918.

Arthur Leeman FULTON, Killed in Action, 7 August 1916.


Stewart Courtney GADEN, Killed in Action, 6 August 1916.

Francis Joseph GANNON, Died of Wounds, 8 July 1915, and subsequently buried at sea.

Thomas GARDINER, Died of Wounds, 3 September 1915, and subsequently buried at sea.

William GEDDES, Killed in Action, 30 July 1915.

William John GEMMELL, Died of Wounds, 26 August 1915.

Arthur Clive GENTLE, Died of Disease, 21 October 1918.

Leslie Eden GEORGE,Died of Accident, 12 May 1918.

Alexander GIBSON, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917.

Horace William GILCHRIST, Died of Wounds, 29 June 1915, and subsequently buried at sea.

William GIRTON, Died of Wounds, 9 November 1917.

Herbert Sherlock GOOCH, Died of Wounds, 21 June 1915.

Milson GOUGH, Died of Disease, 21 January 1917.

George GRAHAM,Died of Accident, 13 January 1916.

Thomas GRAHAM, Died of Wounds, 9 November 1917.

Arthur Alexander GRANT, Killed in Action, 11 April 1917.

William GRAY,Died of Accident, 7 June 1917.

Clement John GRIBBLE, Killed in Action, 22 March 1917.

James Edward GRIFFIN, Killed in Action, 7 July 1915.

Charles Edward GRIMSHAW, Killed in Action, 2 June 1915.

Lambert Adrian GUEST, Died of Wounds, 17 November 1915.


Francis Patrick HALL, Killed in Action, 27 March 1918.

Armitage James HAMPSON, Killed in Action, 20 August 1915.

Thomas McNair HARVEY, Killed in Action, 16 May 1917.

Lawrence HEFFERNAN, Killed in Action, 8 August 1918.

Raymond Charles HENDY, Died of Disease, 9 August 1918.

Rex Edward Steven HEUSTON, Died of Wounds, 7 November 1917.

Victor George HILTON, Died of Wounds, 23 July 1915, and subsequently buried at sea.

Richard George HONEYMAN,Died of Accident, 12 May 1919.


David Matthew JACOMBS, Killed in Action, 17 September 1915.

Harry JOHNSTON, Killed in Action, 8 July 1918.

William JOHNSTON, Killed in Action, 26 May 1917.

Herbert Leslie JONES, Killed in Action, 29 September 1917.

Thomas JONES, Died of Wounds, 25 October 1917.

William Charles JONES, Died of Disease, 8 January 1919.


Oscar KAWLMACKER, Killed in Action, 2 June 1915.

Thomas Llewellen KEEN,Died of Accident, 12 March 1919.

Ernest Edward KELLY, Died of Disease, 11 September 1918.

Alfred KEMP, Killed in Action, 7 June 1917.

Guy Basil KENDALL, Died of Disease, 18 August 1915.

Edward Thomas KEOGH, Died of Disease, 11 March 1919.

David KING, Killed in Action, 27 March 1918.

Ernest John KINKADE, Died of Disease, 9 September 1916.

Edmond KIRBY, Killed in Action, 2 July 1915.


William Henry LACEY, Died of Wounds, 22 November 1917.

Samuel LANGWELL, Killed in Action, 7 May 1918.

Allen John LAVERTY, Died of Disease, 29 December 1917.

James Gordon LAWSON, Killed in Action, 30 March 1918.

Rowland Dennis Clark LEESON, Died of Wounds, 17 October 1918.

Michael LOGAN, Killed in Action, 27 March 1918.

Albert Victor LOUTTIT, Killed in Action, 7 October 1915.

Wilfred Dudley LOVEGROVE, Killed in Action, 6 November 1917.

Herbert Otto LULHAM, Killed in Action, 11 March 1917.


James Edward MacFARLANE, Died of Wounds, 30 July 1918.

Norman Dundonnell MacKENZIE, Died of Wounds, 17 September 1916

Phillip Anslem MADDEN, Killed in Action, 9 November 1917.

Ernest Lindsay MAGILL, Died of Wounds, 20 October 1915.

Edmund Bede MALONE, Died of Wounds, 1 December 1917.

James MARSHALL, Died of Wounds, 15 November 1917.

Thomas MAXWELL, Killed in Action, 7 May 1918.

Thomas James McAREE, Died of Disease, 22 May 1918.

Neil Hamilton McBRIDE, Died of Wounds, 12 January 1917.

William McCARTHY, Killed in Action, 5 November 1917.

William Henry McDONALD,Died of Accident, 5 July 1919.

Jack McFARLANE,Died of Accident, 30 May 1918.

George Francis McGUIRE, Killed in Action, 9 August 1916.

William James McKAY, Died of Disease, 16 August 1915, and subsequently buried at sea.

Montague Charles MELLY, Died of Wounds, 21 September 1916

Francis Frank MILLIGAN, Killed in Action, 26 September 1917.

Harrington Thomas Sterne MITCHELL, Died of Wounds, 30 July 1916.

Harold MOORE, Died of Disease, 28 May 1919.

Reginald George MOORE, Killed in Action, 17 August 1917.

Edwin Hezekiah MORRIS,Died of Accident, 16 August 1915, and subsequently buried at sea.

Frank Robert MORSE-KINCAID, Killed in Action, 9 January 1917.

Harrie Linden MURPHY, Killed in Action, 28 August 1918.

Joseph Henry MURRAY, Killed in Action, 9 January 1917.


William Henry NICHOLLS, Killed in Action, 7 May 1918.


Michael O'LOUGHLIN, Died of Wounds, 11 October 1915, and subsequently buried at sea.


Christopher John PARKER, Killed in Action, 9 November 1917.

Frederick Vance PARKES, Killed in Action, 7 May 1918.

William Arthur PEED, Died of Wounds, 29 March 1918.

Bertie James PEEL, Killed in Action, 7 May 1918.

Leslie PERRY, Killed in Action, 11 December 1915.

Wilfred Mirfield PLASKETT, Killed in Action, 31 March 1918.

Percy POIDEVIN, Killed in Action, 9 November 1917.

Daniel Mallen POLAND, Killed in Action, 6 November 1917.

Ralph POOLE, Died of Wounds, 20 November 1917.

Jack Diamond Sumners POTTS, Killed in Action, 4 January 1918.

Claude Hastings POUNTNEY, Killed in Action, 16 August 1915.

Alfred Edward PRESS, Died of Wounds, 27 March 1918.

Elias Saywell PRYOR, Died of Wounds, 11 December 1917.

Arthur PULLEN, Killed in Action, 26 September 1917.


Wenzel Harold RAYMONT, Died of Wounds, 12 October 1918.

William REID, Killed in Action, 6 November 1917.

Ernest Ambrose ROBERTS, Killed in Action, 17 September 1915.

Mark ROSENBERG, Killed in Action, 5 August 1916.

John Patrick RYAN, Died of Wounds, 9 November 1917.


Roy Edward Francis SADLER, Killed in Action, 14 June 1917.

Herbert Edward SAMUELS, Killed in Action, 9 August 1916.

Milton Harry SEALE, Died of Disease, 26 February 1919.

Alexander John SHERLOCK, Killed in Action, 17 July 1915.

Arthur Thomas SLAVIN, Killed in Action, 25 September 1918.

Archibald SMITH, Killed in Action, 6 November 1917.

Stuart Rutherford SMITH, Killed in Action, 5 August 1916.

William John SMITH, Killed in Action, 30 August 1915.

William Norman SMITH, Died of Wounds, 9 November 1917.

Isaac SNEDDON, Died of Wounds, 12 August 1916.

Francis STANMORE, Died of Wounds, 25 May 1915, and subsequently buried at sea.

Walter STARR, Died of Wounds, 14 August 1916.

Frederick Ladson STEGGLES, Killed in Action, 25 September 1918.

George Grant STEPHEN, Killed in Action, 13 August 1918.

Rowland Clifford STEVENS, Died of Wounds, 30 April 1919.

John William STEWART, Killed in Action, 15 June 1915.

Frederick William STONE, Killed in Action, 30 March 1918.

Reginald Lucian STYLES, Died of Disease, 27 December 1915.


Charles David TAIT, Died of Wounds, 25 January 1916.

Ernest Alexander TAYLOR,Died of Accident, 10 April 1919.

James TAYLOR, Killed in Action, 6 August 1915.

William Thomas TAYLOR, Killed in Action, 21 July 1915.

Lancelot THOMPSON, Died of Wounds, 10 September 1915.

Alan THORNE, Killed in Action, 27 July 1915.

Campbell THROSBY, Died of Disease, 29 February 1916.

Frederick John TIMSON, Killed in Action, 9 November 1917.

Walter Rupert TINK, Killed in Action, 26 March 1917.

Victor TURNBULL, Killed in Action, 7 May 1918.

Charles Eustace TURNER, Died of Wounds, 1 May 1918.


Stanley VILLIS, Killed in Action, 7 August 1915.


Norman WALKER, Killed in Action, 4 December 1916.

William Albert WALKER, Died of Disease, 17 October 1918.

Gordon Hutton WARD, Died of Disease, 1 November 1918.

Francis Stanley WARREN, Killed in Action, 29 January 1917.

William Pickard WASLIN, Killed in Action, 12 November 1915.

John WATERHOUSE, Died of Disease, 20 April 1916, and subsequently buried at sea.

Cyril Anderson WATHERSTON, Killed in Action, 26 May 1916.

Robert Alfred WATSON, Died of Wounds, 10 November 1917 .

Joseph Stanley WELSH, Died of Disease, 2 April 1917.

Aubrey James WETHERALL, Killed in Action, 15 July 1918.

George James WHITE, Died of Disease, 18 October 1918.

Frank WILLIAMS, Killed in Action, 28 April 1917.

Harold Edwin WILLIAMS, Killed in Action, 5 November 1917.

Joseph Enoch WILLIAMSON, Killed in Action, 25 September 1917.

John WILSON, Died of Wounds, 20 September 1915, and subsequently buried at sea.

William John WOODBURY, Killed in Action, 19 October 1915.

Charles Edward WOOTTON, Killed in Action, 9 August 1915.


John Douglas YOUNG, Died of Wounds, 30 June 1915, and subsequently buried at sea.

Matthew O'Grady William YOUNG,Died of Accident, 28 December 1915.


Essington Lowther ZOUCH, Died of Wounds, 17 November 1917.


Lest We Forget


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.

Further Reading:

7th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 7th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Monday, 21 June 2010 10:24 AM EADT
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Topic: AIF - 2B - 2 LHB

2nd LH Bde, AIF

2nd Australian Light Horse Brigade




Corps Troops Australian & New Zealand Army Corps.



1. Operation orders - Acknowledgment and interpretation of.

(a) Operation orders are to be acknowledged by signal as well as by the messenger, without delay. Other communications are to he acknowledged by the' method best suited to their urgency. Each unit of the Brigade will send a mounted orderly to Brigade Headquarters at 6 p.m. every evening, to remain there during the night. He should bring with him the State mentioned in Ap. I. He should be fully acquainted with the whereabouts of his unit commander.

Routine Orders, will normally be issued at 12 noon, at which hour an officer from each unit will report at Brigade Headquarters. The officer will be prepared to give any information required regarding the command to which he belongs. Watches will be compared on this occasion.

(b) The term "Brigade Headquarters" in orders includes Headquarters of Brigade Signal Troop.

2. Brigade Orders.

Brigade orders will normally be distributed as under:

A.D.C. (for Brigadier) – 1 copy

Brigade Staff. – 2 copies

C.O's 3 regiments – 3 copies

O.C. Signal Troop – 1 copy

O.C. L.H.F. Ambulance – 1 copy

O.C. Train – 1 copy.

3. Detachments.

Detachments detailed in Army Corps orders will send reports direct to Army Corps Headquarters, repeating to the headquarters of the nearest formation, when it is concerned. When detachments (outposts, advanced, flank, rear guards, etc.) are detailed, and an officer is named to command them, the units detailed for such duties will send representatives at once to this officer for instructions unless the time and place of assembly have already been notified in orders.

Similarly when a commander is not named, but a certain unit is directed to detail him, orderlies will be sent to the headquarters of that unit, unless the time and place of assembly are notified in orders.

When times and places of assembly are notified in orders commanders or representatives of units will reach the rendezvous 15 minutes before their respective troops.

When the officer commanding a detachment is not detailed by name in Brigade orders, the commander responsible for his selection will immediately report his name to Brigade Headquarters.

4. Signal Service.

Every care will be taken to protect lines laid by the signal units. If a cable is found to be exposed, dragged from the side of the road, or liable to damage, it will be put back.

Permanent telephone and telegraph lines will not be cut or instruments damaged without definite orders from Brigade Headquarters or Higher Authority. Station calls for all units are shown in Appendix II.

5. Information.

All commanders must see that their system for reporting progress and for passing on important information is such, that these matters are not overlooked when their own attention is absorbed in handling their commands. All important information, whether regarding the enemy, or the position of our own troops, must be reported at once to Brigade Headquarters. Information must he passed not only to immediate superiors but also to all neighbouring troops to whom it may be of importance. Whether on the move or at rest it is the duty of all commanders to make themselves acquainted with what is going on around them, Find the position of all neighbouring troops.



6. Normal order of March.

Brigade Headquarters and Signal Troop will be at the head of the main body. Spare horses and 1st Line Transport (other than technical vehicles) of the above immediately in rear of the 1st Line Transport of the leading unit. 1st Line Transport will march in rear of units. Water carts in front, followed by G.S. limbered wagons, Maltese cart, Cook wagon and spare horses.

7. March Discipline.

Troops, vehicles and horses will keep to the right of the road.

Strict precautions are to be taken to prevent men leaving their units unless unfit In this case they will be given a sinned permit by an officer and will then remain on the near side of the road till the arrival of a field ambulance. Should they require attention, this will be arranged for by leaving men from the medical personnel of the unit.

No man, not the bearer of a message, is to be detached on a duty which takes him from the line of march, unless accompanied by another man, and furnished with in order indicating the duty he has been detached for. Such parties will always be armed.

On the march, no man, not belonging to the Provost Marshal's establishment, is to enter a house, unless furnished with a written authority by a commissioned officer. A proportion of the brigade mounted police will brink up the rear of the brigade, accompanied by such reinforcements of mounted men as may be necessary. The chief duty of these police will be to sweep up stragglers, in which duty they will enlist the assistance of the local authorities. The military police will be especially vigilant in repressing plunder and in protecting the inhabitants from ill-treatment by soldiers.

On the march and especially during and after a long halt, the mounted police will be oil the alert against stragglers, and should search the villages and houses in the vicinity of the route followed. All ranks will be warned that if detached from their unit and unable to catch it tip the same night the surest way of rejoining is to return on their tracks and report to supply columns or reserve parks following up the troops, or to the nearest railhead on the line they have been following.

Should it be necessary to halt an ambulance wagon in order to pick up a casualty, the ambulance will pull to the side of the road and ,will rejoin the column in rear of any unit.

Vehicles that break down will not resume their proper places by passing the column, but will rejoin the column at the rear of any unit and will only resume their proper places during halts or by order of the Brigade Commander.

At the conclusion of a day's march the roadways must be cleared as soon as possible. When troops or trains are coming into quarters, no units are to send parties, horses water carts or other vehicles along the road on which troops, etc., are moving, without leave from a Brigade Commander.

8. Halts.

Every unit of the Brigade will be halted by its commander at 10 minutes before every clock hour, unless tactical exigencies forbid, and the march will be resumed at the clock hour. The first halt will be made irrespective of the time the unit concerned marched off.

Distances are not to be made up during halts without the orders of the Brigade Commander.

During halts no men, vehicles or horses are permitted to remain on the left side of the road, but officers will fall out on the left of the road provided that the roadway is not thereby blocked.

Riding horses will be kept to the right of the road, but with their heads turned inwards towards the centre of the road.



9. Billets. Billeting parties.

The brigade billeting party will consist of:

The Staff Captain.

An A.S.C. Officer for requisitioning (if necessary).

Billeting parties from units in accordance with F.S.R.L 51(3) will march in formed parties under the senior officer in rear of the Brigade Headquarters.

10. Allotment of Quarters.

Officers will be clotted quarters with their respective squadrons, companies, etc., which must be kept intact. Officers and soldiers are not permitted to leave their allotted unit areas except on duty, and then only in formed and armed bodies under adequate control, except in the case of orderlies. O.C. units will invariably issue orders in quarters on the following points:

Curfew regulation for troops.

Restrictions on entry into liquor shops and other undesirable places.

Horses and vehicles will be concealed as far as possible and regular formation will be avoided when horses have to be picketed or vehicles parked in the open.

When going into billets or when unloading transport care must be taken to avoid blocking the road for troops still on the march. This is especially necessary in narrow village streets.

11. Communications.

On reaching new quarters, an orderly from each unit will be sent to the Headquarters of the Brigade area. Orderlies sent to Brigade Headquarters will not leave without permission of the QC. Signal Troop.




When the Army Corps is oil the march and the Brigade or any part of it is on outpost duty, the officer commanding the outposts will not close or withdraw any part of their command until the officers commanding the advanced or flank guards have reported to them either personally or in writing that their troops are in position ready to take up the service of protection. Officers commanding advanced or flank guards will arrange to take over duties of protection in sufficient time to enable the outposts to resume their places oil the line of march, as detailed in operation orders.

13. Alarms.

The "Alarm" should be given through the ordinary channels of communication, i.e. the signal troop and orderlies without sounding bugles and as quickly as possible. In cases of great urgency and when the alarm has to be sounded by bugles (e. g. in scattered billets) this call will be taken up throughout the brigade, a report will be sent by the most rapid means and a officer to confirm this report will be dispatched immediately to Brigade Headquarters.

14. Rifles.

Unless otherwise ordered, all units on outpost, advanced, flank or rear guard duties or when going into action will march with their magazines charged.

15. White Flags.

The display or hoisting of a white flag the enemy is not a sign of surrender, but merely that he has a communication to make. If a white flag is displayed during an action firing will not be discontinued, but the appearance of the flag will be reported to Brigade Headquarters. The carrying on the person of white handkerchiefs or other white material is prohibited.

16. Aircraft.

When troops are halted such measures as are practicable will be taken for concealment from aircraft; but no movement is to be suspended in order to secure this object without the order of the officer responsible for the movement. Messages from aeroplanes are dropped in weighted canvas bags, with streamers of blue, yellow and red cloth 4½ feet long; these messages will be forwarded at once to the addressee, through Brigade Headquarters in the case of units outside the Brigade.



17. Documents, etc.

(a) Individuals in the possession of any maps or papers which would be of value to the enemy will at once destroy them if in danger of being captured.

Officers and soldiers detached on special missions will not can- any orders or instructions in writing.

(b) Any letters, papers or documents found on the march or in quarters will be collected and handed over to an officer for examination. Those of importance will be handed over to the nearest staff officer.

(c) Copies of orders are to be reduced to a minimum and all drafts, notes, etc., are to be burnt.

(d) Leakage of information. All ranks must be constantly on their guard against allowing any information which might be of use to the enemy becoming known to the inhabitants. Conversations with inhabitants in friendly countries should be limited to ordinary courtesy and oil no account are military affairs to be discussed.

In hostile countries there should be no conversation with the inhabitants except what is necessary for the carrying out of military operations and business. Military operations are not to he discussed by anyone in public places where there is any chance of the conversation being overheard.

18. Maps.

All errors and important omissions discovered in maps will be at once reported to Brigade Headquarters.

Photographs. No photographs will be permitted to be taken in the field.

19. Civilians, etc.

All civilians whose conduct gives rise to suspicion will be arrested, whether they have passes or not. Officers and soldiers are forbidden to give military information to military attaches, press correspondents or civilians.

20. Prisoners.

(a) Prisoners will be searched immediately on capture and will be interrogated for tactical information; otherwise they will not be questioned except by the General Staff Officers whose duty it is to examine them.

(b) If any officer or man in the Brigade is captured he will give no information except his name and rank. This is all he is bound to tell the enemy.

21. Cipher.

All cipher work will be burnt immediately the ciphering or deciphering is completed.

No record of the ciphering will be kept in writing.



22. Arrival of Train.

Units are responsible for guiding their own portion of the train from the line of march to quarters, they will leave guides at suitable points on the road for the purpose.

23. Details.

All details ordered to accompany the train will march in closed formations, except men told off to attend to the breaks and drag shoes. These men will march in rear of their respective vehicles; their packs may be placed on the vehicles at the discretion of the O.C. Train, but they will invariably carry their rifles themselves.

24. Establishment.

No horses, mules, cycles, motor cars or other vehicles not allowed in War Establishments, 1914, or by subsequent sanction of the army corps commander, will be permitted to accompany the troops. All such animals or vehicles found with units overseas will be confiscated and handed over to the nearest remount or transport depot. No compensation of any kind will be given in respect of such forfeiture.


To assist identification of vehicles at night, all horsed vehicles will have distinguishing boards prepared, painted white, with the:



Nature of contents

in large black lettering.

The shape of these boards is to be:

Australian Division - Square.

New Zealand & Australian Division – Oblong (length twice height)

Corps Troops - Diamond.

The boards should be made to screw or nail on so as to be readily removed in the case of a breakdown. Distinguishing colours now in use by units may be retained, if desired, in addition to these boards.


Baggage sections of the train will be quartered with their regimental units.

Supply sections will empty on arrival in billets and will be quartered with their company of the train.


O.C units will detail one man per vehicle for escort and loading duties to accompany the train. The party front each unit being under an NCO or oldest soldier. These parties should be changed as little as possible.



28. Rations.

(a) Rations for Army Service Corps drivers and men doing duty (one per wagon) with the train will be drawn by the unit with which they are quartered. The day’s rations both for the men and horses will be carried on the waggons to which they are allotted.

(b) Parties on detached duties which cannot be supplied regularly with rations, will either pay cash (and account for it on AFP 1967) or give receipts (AFP 280 and AB361) as ordered.

Officers commanding parties will report the number of rations purchased or requisitioned to their respective supply officers.

29. Indents.

Unless otherwise ordered indents AB 55 will be furnished by units to their supply officers by 5 p.m. two days before the supplies are required.




All ranks are forbidden to divert their attention from the enemy in order to tend wounded officers or men. A wounded man who is unable to advance or take any further active part in an action will hand over his ammunition to the nearest soldier.

31. Evacuation of sick.

(a) On the march field ambulances form receiving stations. for. the sick of units in their vicinity. The sick who are to be evacuated to the lines of communication will be taken to refilling points. The O.C. Train will name the hour at which the sick are to be ready at these places.

The supply section of the train must not be unnecessarily delayed in order to pick tip sick on its return journey, and the empty waggons, etc., will not wait if the sick have not arrived at the appointed places in time.

Infectious cases are not to be carried in the supply waggons.

(b) When troops are stationary the same procedure will be adopted as the above, with the exception that the sick will if necessary, he taken direct to the various refilling points.

32. Sanitation. Evacuation of quarters.

(a) The attention of commanding officers is drawn to the regulations contained in FSR II 83(2) for the observation of which they will be held personally responsible.

(b) Except when tactical conditions forbid troops must fill in latrines and clear the ground before leaving.

(c) All paper, refuse, etc., will be burnt. Sign-boards, marks, etc., which would show strength of troops will be removed.

(d) Sites of latrines will be marked with a lame letter "L” formed with stones or with a notice board.

(e) Care will be taken that regimental units will employ in their sanitary detachments only NCO's and men who are trained in sanitary duties and their personnel should be charmed as seldom as possible.

(f) In order to ensure detection of cases of infectious diseases every individual suffering from fever or diarrhoea will be sent sick by O.C. units as early as possible.

33. Inspection of water.

Drinking water will only be taken from sources approved of by a medical officer and then only under the strictest supervision by the various RAMC detachments detailed for this duty.



34. Daily Duties.

(a) Inspections. Arms, ammunition and iron rations are to be inspected daily.

(b) Brigade Headquarters Guard, will be furnished as follows.

1 NCO and 9 other ranks will be detailed by the OC unit area in which the Brigade Headquarters are billeted or by the O. C orderly Regt. in camp. This guard will mount directly the camp, bivouacs or billets are reached.

(c) Fatigue and working parties are to parade fully armed.

(d) Fires. Fires will be concealed and grouped together as far as possible and extinguished when no longer required.

35. States.

OC units will furnish daily a consolidated state in the form given in appendix II. This is to reach Brigade Headquarters by 6 p.m. daily. A nil report being furnished in the case of no change having occurred. The states referred to in FSR II 131(1) will be furnished on Sunday by 10 a.m. containing information up to 12 noon of the previous Saturday. The other states referred to in FSR II 131(2), (3) will be rendered as may be necessary.

36. Messages.

(a) All messages should be written on AFC 2121 and will be numbered from 1 to 999 and then continence at No. 1 again.

(b) The following index letters will be used

Brigade Major - B.m.

Staff Captain - S. C.

37. Pay.

Units will notify any requirements in cash one week in cash one week in advance.

38. Time.

General staff time, which will be used throughout the army corps, will be obtainable from the officer i/c army signals or staff officers of the army corps headquarters.

39. Station Calls.

The station calls as detailed in Appendix 1 will be used.

40. Priority telegrams.

The OC 2nd Light Horse Brigade is authorised to frank "priority" messages.

41. Distinguishing badges.

The following distinguishing armlets will be taken into wear by staff officers of the army corps:

Army Corps - Red over white armlet, 4" wide lettering in black "A. & N. Z.”

Divisions - Red armlet, 4" wide, lettering in black: 1/ AUST. Div. or N. Z. & A.

Infantry Brigades and Light Horse or Mounted Rifle Brigades - Blue armlet, 4" wide, lettering in black:

1/ AUST.

2/ AUST.

3/ AUST.

4/ AUST.

N. Z.

N. Z. M. R.

1/ L. H.

Corps Troops - Blue armlet, lettering black

2/ L. H.

3/ L. H.

42. Correspondence.

Under no circumstances is specific reference to be made on post-cards, in letters, or matter posted in parcels or in private diaries sent home, to the place from which they are written or dispatched, to plans of future operations, to organisation, numbers and movements of troops, to the armament of troops and fortresses, to defensive works, to the moral or physical condition of the troops, officers or men, or personal criticisms thereon, to casualties, or to the service of maintenance.

43. Surplus or unserviceable equipment.

Surplus or unserviceable equipment will be returned daily by the supply columns. It should be noted that the OC Train will not he called on to give receipts for equipment so returned nor does lie demand one from the Authorities Railhead. Arrangements will also be made to collect and return sick or surplus animals to the advance base.

44. Aircraft.

An aeroplane requires an open and clear landing place and alights in the direct line in which it is travelling. The general rules for safety to be observed by troops in the event of aircraft fly in; low are as follows:

(a) Individuals or quarter parties will at once proceed to some fixed object such as a tree or house.

(b) Formed parties of troops will halt if possible not in the direct line of flight.

(c) Troops will not scatter in the open as this makes any decision on the part of the flyer impossible.

(d) Should it appear that au aeroplane flying low might strike any- individuals, these should lie down in order not to be struck by the propeller.

(e) When an aeroplane descends in the vicinity of troops the commander of the latter will take steps to keep spectators clear of the ground on which it is about to alight.

45. Variations of compass.

Magnetic variations for 1914 are:

Paris – 13½ degrees W.

Brussels - 13 degrees W.

Berlin - 8 degrees W.





2nd Light Horse Brigade Headquarters

Second L.H. Bde.


2nd Signal Troop

Second Sig. Troop


5th Light Horse Regiment

Fifth LH.


A Squadron



B Squadron



C Squadron



Machine guns



6th Light Horse Regiment

Sixth LH


A Squadron



B Squadron



C Squadron



Machine Guns



7th Light Horse Regiment

Sevenths LH.


A Squadron



B Squadron



C Squadron



Machine Guns



2nd Light Horse Brigade Train

Second L.H. Bde. Train


2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance

Second L. H. F. A.




Standing Orders for the Military Police


1. General. The usual routine police duties will be continued in the Camp pending embarkation. The military police will make themselves acquainted with the names or numbers of the various units comprising the Brigade, and with the names and ranks (and, as far as possible, the personal appearance) of officers of the headquarters of the A. & N. Z. Army Corps, and all senior officers of the Brigade.

2. Command. In the absence of the Assistant Provost-Marshal, military police attached Brigade Headquarters will act under the direction of Staff Captain.

3. Duties on March. On the march, the non-commissioned officer and military police (except those detailed to accompany the billeting parts etc.) will invariably march -with, and in the rear of, the first line transport of the rear unit of the Brigade, and will prevent straggling. Stranglers and animals will be collected and march back to their units at the first opportunity. Strap animals not identified will be handed over to the nearest mounted unit. No man except the driver is to be allowed to ride on a wagon, unless provided with a pass signed by the transport officer. When passing through towns and villages the military police will march in rear of the formations to which they are attached, collect and bring on all stragglers.

4. Sale of Liquor. Non-commissioned officers and men of the Brigade are forbidden to enter any, or restaurant abroad for the purpose of buying liquor of any kind. The proprietors of such places (which are placed out of bounds) will be warned not to sell liquor to the troops, and the names and addresses of any proprietors or purchasers infringing this rule will be noted and reported to the Assistant Provost-Marshal.

5. Close touch and mutual cooperation will be maintained between the military police attached to the Brigade Headquarters and the regimental police belonging to the units of those formations.

6. Great care will be taken to protect the persons and property of the inhabitants from any violence or plundering, and they are to be treated courteously.

7. The military police will always endeavour to get into touch with and co-operate with the civil police in maintaining order.

8. Illegal Requisitioning. Only supply officers Army Service Corps, and ordnance officers are authorized to make requisitions for supplies and material, &c, for current requirements.

Indiscriminate requisitioning by other individual officers, warrant officers, non-commissioned officers and men and the granting of requisition receipt notes, is strictly forbidden and will be treated as plundering under the Army Act.

9. Sutlers. Traders and sutlers endeavouring to accompany and deal with the troops, unless provided with a pass signed by the Assistant Provost-Marshal, will be placed in custody and handed over to the civil police.

10. Powers of arrest. The military police may at any time arrest and detain for trial persons, subject to the military law, committing offences, and are authorised in cases of emergency, to call on any troops to assist them by supplying them with guards, sentries or patrols.

11. Charge reports. When handing over an offender to his unit for disposal, care will be taken to hand in a charge report at the same time. A duplicate charge report will be rendered to the Non-commissioned officer 1/c of the detachment of military police and by him to the Assistant Provost Marshal. It is particularly necessary that the names and addresses of all civilians whom the military- police may have to give in custody, or call as witnesses, should be carefully noted at the time, and also the names of the places where they mat- he found. The military police will likewise take steps to procure at the time, (or within 24 hours) a charge report duly signed for each person handed over to them for custody.

12. Field punishment. When an offender is handed over to the military police for execution of sentence of field punishment, or otherwise, a return is to be rendered by the officer by whom he his handed over showing the name and description of the offender, the offence, the date of award of punishment the punishment awarded and the name of the awarding officer. A committal warrant is not required for a sentence of field punishment. A register will be kept by the non-commissioned officer in charge of the military police with each formation of all punishments inflicted by them and how the offenders were disposed of after punishment. An extract dealing with the period of Sunday to Saturday will be sent to the Assistant Provost-Marshal each Sunday morning.


Further Reading:

2nd Light Horse Brigade, AIF 

Double Squadrons   


Citation: 2nd LH Bde, AIF,  STANDING ORDERS

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Monday, 26 October 2009 4:53 PM EADT
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Bir el Mazar, Sinai, 17 September 1916, Contents
Topic: BatzS - El Mazar

Bir el Mazar

Sinai, 17 September 1916




Bir el Mazar, Sinai, 17 September 1916, Outline  


Roll of Honour

Bir el Mazar, Sinai, 17 September 1916, Roll of Honour

Lest We Forget



Bir el Mazar

1:40,000 map of Bir el Mazar area 


Official Turkish War History

Official Turkish Account


German History

Friedrich Freiherr Kress von Kressenstein Account 


Official Australian War History 

Gullett Account
Official British War History
Falls Account


War Diaries

Australian War Diaries
General Staff Headquarters, Anzac Mounted Division, AIF, War Diary Account
RHA HQ, Anzac MD, AIF, War Diary Account 

1st Light Horse Brigade Account

1st Light Horse Field Ambulance Account

1st Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron Account 

1st Light Horse Regiment Account

2nd Light Horse Regiment Account

3rd Light Horse Regiment Account

2nd Light Horse Brigade Account

2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance Account 

2nd Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron Account

5th Light Horse Regiment Account

6th Light Horse Regiment Account

7th Light Horse Regiment Account

3rd Light Horse Brigade Account

3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance Account

3rd Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron Account

8th Light Horse Regiment Account
9th Light Horse Regiment Account 
10th Light Horse Regiment Account
Imperial Camel Corps Account  - No report on Mazar available


Unit History Accounts


1st LHR Unit History Account 

2nd LHR, AIF, Unit History Account

3rd LHR, AIF, Unit History Account

5th LHR, AIF, Unit History Account

6th LHR, AIF, Unit History Account

7th LHR, AIF, Unit History Account

8th LHR, AIF, Unit History Account

9th LHR, AIF, Unit History Account

10th LHR, AIF, Unit History Account

Imperial Camel Corps Unit History Account


Personal Accounts

Idriess Account


Additional Reading:

Bir el Mazar, Sinai, 17 September 1916

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1919


Citation: Bir el Mazar, Sinai, 17 September 1916, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Monday, 12 October 2009 9:24 PM EADT
Saturday, 3 October 2009
The Second Battle of Gaza, Palestine, 19 April 1917, Contents
Topic: BatzP - 2nd Gaza

The Second Battle of Gaza

Palestine, 19 April 1917





Official War History Accounts


Gullett Account Part 1

Gullett Account Part 2

New Zealand

Powles New Zealand Official History

Keogh Account 


War Diaries

Australian War Diaries
Headquarters, Anzac Mounted Division Account

General Staff Headquarters, Anzac Mounted Division, AIF, War Diary Account

1st Light Horse Brigade Account

1st Light Horse Field Ambulance Account

1st Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron Account 

1st Light Horse Regiment Account

2nd Light Horse Regiment Account

3rd Light Horse Regiment Account

2nd Light Horse Brigade Account

2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance Account 

2nd Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron Account

5th Light Horse Regiment Account

6th Light Horse Regiment Account

7th Light Horse Regiment Account

Headquarters, Imperial Mounted Division Account

General Staff Headquarters, Imperial Mounted Division, AIF, War Diary Account

3rd Light Horse Brigade Account

3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance Account 

3rd Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron Account

8th Light Horse Regiment Account
9th Light Horse Regiment Account 
10th Light Horse Regiment Account

4th Light Horse Brigade Account

4th Light Horse Field Ambulance Account 

4th Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron Account

4th Light Horse Regiment Account
11th Light Horse Regiment Account 
12th Light Horse Regiment Account
New Zealand War Diaries
New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade Account
Auckland Mounted Rifles Account
Canterbury Mounted Rifles Regiment Account
Wellington Mounted Rifles Account 


Unit History Accounts


1st LHR Unit History Account 

2nd LHR, AIF, Unit History Account

3rd LHR, AIF, Unit History Account

5th LHR, AIF, Unit History Account

6th LHR, AIF, Unit History Account

7th LHR, AIF, Unit History Account

8th LHR, AIF, Unit History Account

9th LHR, AIF, Unit History Account

10th LHR, AIF, Unit History Account

4th LHR, AIF, Unit History Account

11th LHR, AIF, Unit History Account

12th LHR, AIF, Unit History Account


New Zealand

New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade, Unit History Account

Auckland Mounted Rifles Regiment, Unit History Account

Canterbury Mounted Rifles Regiment, Unit History Account

Wellington Mounted Rifles Regiment, Unit History Account


Roll of Honour

Allied Forces, Roll of Honour

Lest We Forget


Further Reading:

The Second Battle of Gaza, Palestine, 19 April 1917

Allied Forces, Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The Second Battle of Gaza, Palestine, 19 April 1917, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 10:33 PM EADT
Updated: Wednesday, 2 March 2011 7:38 PM EAST

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900 - 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.

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Australian Light Horse Studies Centre

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