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Tuesday, 1 December 2009
General Service Reinforcements, Roll: R - Z
Topic: AIF - DMC - GSR


General Service Reinforcements

Roll: R - Z


The following is a composite alphabetical roll of all those Light Horse General Service Reinforcements who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.

Each man is listed with:

Service Number

Rank at Embarkation

First Names

Family Name

If applicable, the false name used


Each entry is linked to a specific Embarkation Roll which contains the following details:

Rank on embarkation;

Full name of the soldier

Declared age of the soldier;

The last occupation held;

The last address as a civilian;

Enlistment Date; and,



Embarkation Roll: R - Z


52740 Private Cecil Albert RABY.

51849 Private Alan Harvey RACKHAM.

57260 Private John Henry RACKLEY.

57558 Private Wilfred John RADFORD.

52843 Private Norman Robert RALSTON.

57291 Acting Corporal Eric James RANDALL.

57014 Private Harold Julian Wilberforce RAPHAEL.

57551 Private George Morris RAPP.

50356 Private Lewis RAYMOND.

64843 Private Alexander REDDEN.

52844 Private David REDFEARN.

52891 Acting Sergeant George William Melrose REECE.

56923 Private Bertie REED.

64727 Private Cyril Laver REGG.

50264 Private Reginald David REID.

64507 Private Sidney Bloomfield Wilson REID.

50457 Private Louis Clifton REIFFEL.

64844 Private John Creek Federation REILLY.

56922 Private Wylie Norman RENAUD.

57013 Private George Edward Henry RENWICK.

64091 Private George Albert Victor REYNOLDS.

57115 Private James Edmund REYNOLDS.

R812 Private Neil Standish REYNOLDS.

64939 Private Allan Cameron RICHARDSON.

57344 Private John Leigh RIDGWAY.

64897 Private Victor Milton RIDGWAY.

64376 Sergeant William James RIDOUT.

57015 Private William RILEY.

64509 Private Henry RISELEY.

50458 Private William Clyde ROACHE.

64508 5 IR Percy ROBART aka Percy ROBERTS.

50522 Private Harold William ROBBINS.

64728 Private Jack ROBERSON.

64377 Private Bob ROBERTS.

50278 Private Harry ROBERTS.

50506 Acting Corporal Louis Clifton ROBERTS.

56924 Private Pompey ROBERTS.

57192 Private Noel Raphael ROBERTSON.

64730 Private Noel Tertius ROBERTSON.

57456 Private Robert Valentine ROBERTSON.

57346 Private Archibald Clarke ROBINSON.

64925 Private Edward Walter ROBINSON.

64015 Private Thomas Henry RODWELL.

64378 Private Hector Edwin ROFF.

56925 Private Charles Albert ROGERS.

64090 Private Benjamin Albert ROLLES.

64726 Private Arthur Percival Markham ROOKE.

52742 Private Ralph Allan ROPER.

57196 Private William Francis ROPER.

64283 Private Alan Clifton ROSE.

57761 Private Frank ROSE.

52741 Private Raymond Charles ROSE.

64510 Private Thomas William ROSE.

64845 Private Andrew Roy ROSS.

64846 Private Malcolm ROSS.

64379 Private Spencer Liddle ROSS.

52946 Private Robert Henry ROSSENDELL.

64869 Private Hurtle Peters ROWE.

50355 Private Stanley Charles ROWE.

57345 Private Ewan Sutcliffe ROWNTREE.

50357 Private Frank ROYSTON.

52845 Private Arthur James RUSSELL.

64927 Private William Ian RUSSELL.

57038 Private Alexander RUTHVEN.

64729 Private Charles Ernest RUTTER.

57197 Private George Stephen RUTTER.

52846 Private Dermot De Moulin RYAN.

64848 Private Joseph Edmund RYAN.

57347 Private Malcolm Martin RYAN.

57262 Private Patrick RYAN.

50474 Private Philip Peter RYAN.


50359 Private Henry SAMPSON.

57016 Private Charles Leslie SAMUEL.

56273 Acting Corporal William Ernest SANDERS.

64735 Private Jack SANDERSON.

64738 Private Herbert Arthur SANSOM.

52749 Private Herbert Frank SATCHELL.

64380 Private Arthur Victor SAUNDERS.

50459 Private Leslie Hardwick SAVAGE.

57457 Private Carl Oswald SCHULTZE.

64094 Private Charles Edwin SCHULZ.

56932 Private Joseph Henry SCHUMACHER.

50481 Private Cyril James SCOTT.

56407 Private Felix Frank SCOTT.

57033 Private George Thomas William SCOTT.

64252 Private James Barr SCOTT.

57116 Private Robert Victor SCOTT.

52903 Private Theodore Edwin SCOTT.

50460 Sapper William Reynolds SCOTT.

57349 Private Raymond Theo SEABROOK.

64511 Private Alfred SEXTON.

64512 Private Gerald Brian SHANLY.

64731 Acting Corporal Abraham Kenneth SHANNON.

52744 Private Arthur Joseph SHARP.

64381 Private David Benjamin SHIP.

52932 Private Leslie William SHOLL.

64940 Private Claude Edward SHONE.

64734 Private Harry SIMES.

64513 Private Francis Augustus Ernest SIMMONS.

64514 Acting Corporal Arthur James SIMPSON.

64732 Private Frederick SIMPSON.

64733 Private George Gordon SIMPSON.

57458 Private James William SIMPSON.

50461 Private Kenneth SIMPSON.

64515 Private Archibald SINCLAIR.

52748 Private George SINCLAIR.

64561 Private Francis John SINGLETON.

57263 Private Arthur Ernest SKELLERN.

R797 Private James Patterson SKENE.

64737 Private Bertie Gordon SLADE.

50519 Private William Stafford SLATER.

64574 Private Wilfred Raymond SLEE.

64281 Private Arthur Lacey SMEED.

57296 Private Arthur James SMITH.

53264 Private Augustus Lionel SMITH.

64382 Private Charles SMITH.

57139 Private Charles Thomas SMITH.

64095 Private Chisholm Ross SMITH.

57541 Private Clement Campbell SMITH.

54510 Private Edward Joseph SMITH.

50268 Private Ernest Gilbert SMITH.

57350 Private Frederick Marbrook SMITH.

56926 Private George Edward SMITH.

57514 Private George Frederick SMITH.

64391 Private Herbert John SMITH.

64544 Private Howard Henry SMITH.

64516 Private John Patrick SMITH.

64009 Private John Patrick SMITH.

64926 Private Mervyn Dundonald SMITH.

64930 Private Stanley Edward SMITH.

56951 Private Terence SMITH.

64542 Private William Robert SMITH.

52904 Private Robert Cecil Mclennan SMYTH.

57542 Private David George SMYTHE.

64553 Private Albert John SNOW.

57252 Private Thomas William SOMERVILLE.

64563 Private Clifford Henry SOUTHCOMBE.

57264 Private William John SPALL.

64253 Private Walter Oliver SPENCER.

57265 Private John Henry SPRINGER.

57354 Private Hubert SPURWAY.

50523 Private Herbert William STACY.

64759 Private John Harold STAFFORD.

52763 Private Lot STAFFORD.

52743 Private William Henry George STAFFORD.

64383 Private William STAGG.

64384 Private Oscar Rywong STAINES.

52746 Private Edward Dalby STANIFORD.

50280 Private Alexander STANLEY.

57038 Private Harold STANTON.

64008 Private Eriv Gunner STEN.

50266 Private Augustus William STEPHAN.

50267 Private Herman William Frederick STEPHAN.

57459 Private William John STEPHENS.

64849 Private Mac STEWARD.

57133 Private Alexander STEWART.

56931 Private John Ernest STILL.

64899 Private Stanley George STIRLING.

57117 Private George James STODDART.

64385 Private Roy Henry STOKER.

52847 Private George Frederick STOKES.

64389 Sapper Thomas STONELEY.

64386 Private Douglas Graham Norman STOODLEY.

64517 Private Robert Joseph Leo STOREY.

52745 Private Walter Frank STOWE.

50462 Private James STUART.

64092 Private James Irwin STUART.

56928 Private Eugene STUBBERSFIELD.

64570 Private William Henry STUBBINGS.

57018 Private Roy Edward STURGISS.

64518 Private John Charles SULLIVAN.

52848 Private Robert SUMMERFIELD.

57266 Private Alexander Frederick SUTHERLAND.

64390 Private Alexander Joseph SUTTON.

64519 Private Arthur Harold SUTTON.

57017 Private Jack Memall SUTTON.

57460 Private John SUTTON.

64096 Private Oscar George SUTTON.

57165 Private William George SUTTON.

52747 Private Norman Daniel Reginald SWAIN.

57351 Private Alan Cleghorn SWALES.

64520 Private George William SWALLOW.

64521 Private Ernest Albert SWAYN.

64387 Private Edward SWAYSLAND.

57353 Private James Joseph SWEENEY.

57164 Private James Morris SYMONS.

57461 Private Eric Frank TABOR.


57198 Private John TACHON.

57926 Private Harold Benjamin TALBOT.

57019 Private John Francis Donohoe TAMPLIN.

64098 Private Ernest Dean TAYLOR.

57176 Private Frederick John TAYLOR.

64097 Private Herbert Amone Robert TAYLOR.

64392 Acting Corporal Richard TAYLOR.

50463 Private Walter Edward TAYLOR.

57267 Private Gideon Barry TELFORD.

64011 Private Alexander Mcdonald TERRY.

64573 Private William Francis TEYCHENNE.

50361 Private Roy Herbert Spencer THEW.

64742 Private James THICK.

50365 Private Arthur Ernest THOMAS.

57217 Private Harold Arthur Rhys THOMAS.

64393 Private Herbert THOMAS.

57462 Private Matthew Septimus THOMAS.

64522 Private Charles Samuel THOMPSON.

57463 Private Harold James THOMPSON.

64523 Private Harold Vincent THOMPSON.

57199 Private Roderick THOMPSON.

64394 Private Charles Stuart THOMSON.

64541 Private George Crawford THOMSON.

64900 Private Percival Stapleton THOMSON.

52905 Private Ronald Campbell THOMSON.

64524 Private Wilfred John THORNLEY.

50546 Private Sydney Leopold THORNTON.

50364 Private Martin James TICEHURST.

50362 Acting Sergeant Arthur TIERNEY.

57648 Private William James TIGHE.

64739 Private John Davison Clyde TILLMAN.

52850 Private Frederick TINNING.

52750 Private Albert Harold TOBY.

64242 Private William James TOSELAND.

57355 Private Edgar Thomas TOWNSEND.

57119 Private Percy George TREW.

64855 Private Stanley George TRITSCHLER.

50464 Private Charles Walter TROMP.

52862 Private George Addison TROTT.

52751 Private Cecil TUCKER.

52851 Private Dixon TURNBULL.

57515 Private Charles Selbourne TURNER.

57121 Private Ronald Ward TURNER.

64741 Private Samuel John TURNER.

64099 Private Thomas Alfred TURNER.


57516 Private Walter Clifton UNDERWOOD.

64525 Private Norman William UNTHANK.

57122 Private Frederick George UNWIN.

64526 Private George Edward UNWIN.

64396 Private Charles Walter UPTON.

64397 Private Harry Norman UPTON.

52852 Private James Clarence UREN.


52921 Private Marines Cornelus VAN DER KAADEN.

50465 Private George Knox VEITCH.

57180 Private Norman Edgar VENNING.

52853 Private Alfred Henry VEVERS.

57123 Private David Corbett VINERCOMBE.

64295 Private Stanley VINEY.

52658 Private Benjamin Von SENDEN.


57465 Private William WADSWORTH.

50467 Private Henry WAITE.

57357 Private Alfred Stanley Billingsley WALKER.

64398 Private James Farquarson WALKER.

Second Lieutenant John Reginald Halloran WALKER.

64401 Private Robert Lancelot WALKER.

64106 Private William George WALL.

50468 Private William WALLER.

50274 Private Callaghan Baird WALSH.

64013 Private Arthur WALSH.

64527 Private Charles Edward WALTERS.

64850 Private David Gordon WALTON.

50370 Private William Leslie WARBURTON.

57024 Private Ernest John WARD.

52661 Private George WARD.

57201 Private William WAREING.

64103 Private Allen Hamilton WARNER.

52854 Private William Charles WARR.

57467 Private Arthur Thomson WARTMAN.

57466 Private Alfred WASER.

50366 Private John Thomas WATKIN.

50369 Private Horace George WATKINSON.

64547 Private George Charles WATSON.

56954 Acting Corporal George John Mollsworth WATSON.

57468 Private John Alfred WATSON.

64851 Private Kenneth Maconochie WATSON.

57268 Private Percival Frederick WATSON.

57469 Private Leonard WATT.

52771 Sapper Bernard Hamilton WATTS.

50472 Private Frank Cecil WATTS.

50371 Sapper Harold WATTS.

57025 Private Francis Beauchamp WAYGOOD.

57124 Private George WAYMAN.

64743 Private Dudley John Duckenfield WEAVER.

64528 Private Richard Jules WEBB.

57034 Private Thomas WEEKES.

57356 Private Albert Horace WEEKS.

64852 Private Hezekiah Joseph Cameron WEEKS.

64101 Acting Corporal Richard Harrington Seymour WELLS.

57181 Private Harry WENHAM.

64744 Private Albert WEST.

57035 Private Asher Ebenezer WESTCOTT.

50469 Private William Henry WESTON.

57162 Private Samuel John WHALLAND.

50367 Private Claude Leopold Randolph WHEELER.

57040 Private George Lance WHEELER.

64529 Driver Frederick Stephen WHELAN.

64254 Private Ernest James WHELLER.

52660 Private Lionel Simons WHEREAT.

64399 Private Hector Redvers WHITAKER.

57020 Private Peter Thomas George WHITELEY.

57543 Private Frederick Gerard WICKENDEN.

64104 Private George WILKIE.

64530 Acting Sergeant Andrew Thomas WILKINSON.

64100 Acting Sergeant Clement Quinton WILLIAMS.

50378 Private Geoffrey Innes WILLIAMS.

57358 Private Gerald Davey WILLIAMS.

52855 Private Harry Edward WILLIAMS.

64403 Private John Francis WILLIAMS.

64747 Private Joseph George WILLIAMS.

64532 Private Arthur Leslie WILLIAMSON.

64108 Private Stanley Garnet WILLIAMSON.

64533 Private William Leslie WILLIAMSON.

57955 Private Frederick Samuel WILLIMOTT.

52948 Private Max WILLING.

64255 Private Carl John WILLINGTON.

64402 Private William George WILSHER.

64297 Private Albert Arthur WILSON.

57126 Private Arthur Ernest WILSON.

64746 Private Charles WILSON.

64534 Private George Harold WILSON.

64557 Private Hugh WILSON.

57934 Private John WILSON.

52856 Private Kevin WILSON.

57218 Private Lisle Christian Palliser WILSON.

57470 Private William Egar Gordon WILSON.

62373 Private Edward William Richard WILSON.

50269 Private George Meredith WILSON-GREEN.

52906 Private Philip WINDLE.

64854 Private John Henry WIRGES.

64258 Private Albert Clement WITHERS.

55704 Private Arthur Stanley WOMERSLEY.

57202 Private George Henry WOOD.

57471 Private Albert Watson WOODBURN.

64400 Private William WOODCROFT.

64102 Private Claude Clifton WOODLAND.

50374 Private Malachie WOODLOCK.

64298 Private Charlie WOODS.

64901 Private Gus Raymond WOODS.

64535 Private Lawrence Albert WOODS.

53110 Private William James WOODWARD.

57474 Private George Griffiths WOOLCOTT.

57022 Private William WOOLRIDGE.

56970 Private Henry Richard WORTHINGTON aka Henry Richard DERRETT.

57023 Private Hilton WRAY.

50471 Private George Henry WRIGHT.

64536 Private Reginald George WRIGHT.

56953 Acting Corporal William James Lockrey WRIGHT.

57036 Private David James WYKES.

57269 Private Allan Carswell WYLES.

50520 Private John WYMAN.

50368 Corporal John Harrington WYNN.


64902 Private Ronald Albert YARD.

64116 Private James YOUNG.


64749 Private Stanislas ZLOTKOWSKI.

57037 Private Frederick Beno ZOBEL.


Further Rolls:

Roll: A - C

Roll: D - J

Roll: K - Q

Roll: R - Z


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

General Service Reinforcements, AIF

General Service Reinforcements, Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: General Service Reinforcements, Roll: R - Z

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Wednesday, 16 December 2009 10:15 AM EAST

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900 - 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.

Please Note: No express or implied permission is given for commercial use of the information contained within this site.

A note to copyright holders

The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has made every endeavour to contact copyright holders of material digitised for this blog and website and where appropriate, permission is still being sought for these items. Where replies were not received, or where the copyright owner has not been able to be traced, or where the permission is still being sought, the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has decided, in good faith, to proceed with digitisation and publication. Australian Light Horse Studies Centre would be happy to hear from copyright owners at any time to discuss usage of this item.


Australian Light Horse Studies Centre

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