Topic: AIF - 3B - 10 LHR
Apart from the War Diary which presents a reflected view of Regimental history, one of the best sources of understanding the immediate challenges facing a regiment is to be found in the Routine Orders. They are a wealth of detail. Over the following weeks, the Routine Orders for the 10th Light Horse Regiment will be posted. They are an almost complete collection from commencement as 7th Light Horse Regiment, "C" Squadron to reformation as the 10th Light Horse Regiment. It tells the story of the regiment in a way never touched by a unit history. What is revealed is the day to day lives faced by the men in the Regiment. It lists the highs and lows but in so doing, is the history of the common man.
"C" Troop, "C" Squadron
In terms of tracing the roles played by people during the various actions, this RO gives away a goldmine of information. The allocation of men to "C" Troop, "C" Squadron allows a person to trace the fate of their relative from inception. This allottment was subject to change due to the needs of the Regiment. The men did not necessarily remain in "C" Squadron during their whole service period.
Here are a few names identified:
445 Pte Philip Lester Moran
430 Pte Thomas Victor Lakeland, KIA 10 September 1915
219 Sgt William Lauchlan SANDERSON
89 Pte Francis McMahon, KIA 29 August 1915
Lest We Forget
Alfred Aylemore and CA Whyatt were both discharged from the 10th LHR as unlikely to become efficient soldiers. These are two men who served with the 10th LHR, albeit for a short period, but do not make it onto the rolls. Without this RO, their names would be lost as would their role in this conflict.
Transport Wagons
Corporal Brown with five men was ordered to obtain one day's rations and report mounted for the purposes of leaving camp and obtaining the newly available transport wagons. These are the first wagons allocated to the Regiment.
Citation: 10th LHR Routine Order No 4, 2 November 1914