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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Wednesday, 10 September 2008
25th Light Horse - Officers and Men, 1914
Topic: Militia - LH


Hat badge for the 18th Australian Light Horse Regiment
Officers of the 25th fight Horse (Western Australian Mounted infantry)
Below is a series of brief biographies of the officers listed as serving with the 25th fight Horse (Western Australian Mounted infantry) compiled by Bryn Dolan.
Brazier, N. M. (Noel Murray), Lieutenant-Colonel, 25th Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted infantry. Sqn: HQ, Perth, WA; Commanding Officer. Commissioned to present rank 11/05/1913. Commanding officer.
Tenure of command from 16 May 1912 to 15 May 1917.
AIF Service: Lieutenant-Colonel, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Brockman, H. S. (Henry Spicer), Lieutenant, 25th Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted infantry). Sqn: B (Katanning - Wagin). Commissioned to present rank 14/10/1912.

Burch, B. R. P., 2nd Lieutenant, 25th Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted infantry). Sqn: Area Officer. Commissioned to present rank 01/11/1910. Unattached list.
Seconded from unit as Area Officer (Lieutenant), 21st Brigade, 85th Battalion Area (b); Northam, WA. Appointed 1 November 1910.

Corley, A. P. H. (Anthony Purdon Hagarty), 2nd Lieutenant (provisional), 25th Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted infantry). Sqn: B (Pingelly - Narrogin). Commissioned to present rank 09/12/1912.
AIF Service: Embarked as lieutenant, E Coy., 11th Infantry Battalion. When the 11th Battalion was reorganised in Egypt, Lieutenant Corley was appointed to command No. 10 Platoon, 'C' Company, from 1st January 1915. Appointed Temporary Captain 26th July 1915. KIA at Sniper’s Post, Silt Spur, Anzac, 17 September 1915.

Doust, C. R. (Clarence Raymond), 2nd Lieutenant (provisional), 25th Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted infantry). Sqn: B (Pingelly - Narrogin). Commissioned to present rank 01/07/1912.
AIF Service: Joined 10th Light Horse Regiment as trooper, 20th Reinforcements. Embarked Fremantle 20 July 1916.Stated had been a provisional 2nd lieutenant for 2 years in 25th Light Horse. Transferred to 11th Light Horse. Returned to Australia 1919.

Faulkner, F. L., 2nd Lieutenant, 25th Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted infantry). Sqn: A (Northam - Toodyay - York - Beverley). Commissioned to present rank 01/07/1912.

Fry, H. P. (Henry Phillip), 2nd Lieutenant (provisional), 25th Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted infantry). Sqn: B (Pingelly - Narrogin). Commissioned to present rank 13/09/1912.
AIF Service: Captain, B Sqn, 10th Light Horse Regiment. KIA Hill 60, Anzac, 29 Aug 1915.

Gibsone, K., 2nd Lieutenant (provisional), 25th Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted infantry). Sqn: B (Pingelly - Narrogin). Commissioned to present rank 01/03/1913.

Hamlin, H. B. (Herbert Bowen), 2nd Lieutenant (provisional), 25th Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted infantry). Sqn: B (Pingelly - Narrogin). Commissioned to present rank 16/11/1913.
AIF Service: 10th Light Horse Regiment. Attained rank of major. Awarded DSO. Died 30 May 1919, Egypt.

Harper, H. W. (Harold White), 2nd Lieutenant (provisional), 25th Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted infantry). Sqn: B (Pingelly - Narrogin). Commissioned to present rank 16/01/1913. Born Zeehan, Tasmania.
AIF Service: Embarked as Sergeant No. 216, B Sqn, 10th Light Horse Regiment. Transferred to 4th Light Horse Brigade Machine Gun Squadron. Rose to rank of major; appointment in AIF terminated 1919. Died before 1924.

Heller, T. J. (Thomas James), 2nd Lieutenant (provisional), 25th Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted infantry). Sqn: A (Northam - Toodyay - York - Beverley). Commissioned to present rank 01/07/1913.
AIF Service: Lieutenant, 10th Light Horse Regiment. KIA at The Nek, Anzac, 7 Aug 1915.

Jones, J. E., 2nd Lieutenant, 25th Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted infantry). Sqn: C (Katanning - Wagin). Commissioned to present rank 01/07/1912.

Manley, G. H., Hon. Lieutenant, 25th Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted infantry). Sqn: HQ, Perth, WA; Adjutant. Commissioned to present rank 01/04/1913. Quartermaster; A & I Staff 1 April 1913.

Needham, W. V., Hon. Lieutenant & Quartermaster, 25th Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted infantry). Sqn: HQ Perth WA; Quartermaster. Commissioned to present rank 04/09/1912.

Nicholas, C. L. (Clive Lanyon), Lieutenant, 25th Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted infantry). Sqn: Machine Gun officer. Commissioned to present rank 25/11/1912. Born 19 March 1884. First qualified as 2nd Lieutenant 1902.
AIF Service: Embarked as captain, B Sqn., 10th Light Horse Regiment. Attained rank of major (temp. lieutenant-colonel). RTA 1918, died 1919.

Norrish, J. W. (John William), 2nd Lieutenant, 25th Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted infantry). Sqn: C (Katanning - Wagin). Commissioned to present rank 01/07/1912.
AIF Service: 2nd Lieutenant, 11th Reinforcements, 10th Light Horse Regiment. Embarked Fremantle, 1 November 1915. Lieutenant 1916. Court-martialled for “using obscene and threatening language to a soldier, 1917. Sentenced to take rank and precedence in the 10th LHR and AIF as if his appointment as lieutenant bore date 9 February 1917, and to be severely reprimanded.” RTA 1918. Appointment terminated 31 July 1918.

Olden, A. C. N. (Arthur Charles Niquet), 2nd Lieutenant (provisional), 25th Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted infantry). Sqn: B (Pingelly - Narrogin). Commissioned to present rank 16/01/1913. 10th LHR Guildford, WA.
AIF Service: Embarked as lieutenant, C Sqn., 10th Light Horse Regiment. Awarded DSO. Attained rank of lieutenant-colonel. Appointment terminated 5 April 1920. Died 5 October 1949.

Oldham, I. R., 2nd Lieutenant, 25th Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted infantry). Sqn: D (Bunbury - Brookhampton - Bridgetown - Harvey). Commissioned to present rank 01/07/1912.

Piesse, H. V., Lieutenant, 25th Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted infantry). Sqn: C (Bunbury - Brookhampton - Bridgetown - Harvey). Commissioned to present rank 28/02/1913.

Piesse, V. F. (Vernon Frederick), 2nd Lieutenant, 25th Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted infantry). Sqn: A (Northam - Toodyay - York - Beverley). Commissioned to present rank 01/07/1912.
AIF Service: Embarked as 2nd lieutenant, A Sqn., 10th Light Horse Regiment. Captain 16 Jan 1915. KIA 7 Aug 1915 at The Nek, Anzac.

Rigby, E. H., Captain (provisional), 25th Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted infantry). Sqn: HQ; Medical Officer. Commissioned to present rank 01/07/1912.

Rockliff, W. H. (William Hudson), Lieutenant, 25th Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted infantry). Sqn: A (Pingelly - Narrogin). Commissioned to present rank 01/07/1913.
AIF Service: Served as lieutenant, 11th Battalion, on Gallipoli. Severely wounded, returned to Australia. Captain, Anzac, 26 July 1915.
Re-embarked as captain, C Coy., 44 Infantry Battalion, Fremantle, 6 June 1916.
Attained rank of major. Appointment terminated September 1919.

Rodsted, J. (James), 2nd Lieutenant, 25th Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted infantry). Sqn: B (Pingelly - Narrogin). Commissioned to present rank 01/07/1912. Born Rushworth, Victoria, 29 Nov 1878. School teacher. Married.
AIF Service: Embarked as lieutenant, 12th Reinforcements, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Fremantle, 22 November 1915.
Captain 1 December 1916. Died of wounds (multiple gunshot wounds), 14th Australian General Hospital, Abassia, Egypt, 6 November 1917.

Scott, E. C. G. (Ernest Charles Gordon ('Joe')), 2nd Lieutenant, 25th Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted infantry). Sqn: C (Katanning - Wagin). Commissioned to present rank 01/07/1912.
AIF Service: Embarked as 2nd lieutenant, B Sqn., 10th Light Horse Regiment. Promoted lieutenant 1 June 1915. Wounded, gunshot wound to brain, 15 July 1915. Died of wounds 19 July 1915, aboard HMHS Sicilia. Buried at sea between Gallipoli and Malta.

Sinclair, J. A. J., 2nd Lieutenant, 25th Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted infantry). Sqn: D (Bunbury - Brookhampton - Bridgetown - Harvey). Commissioned to present rank 01/07/1912.

Yates, W. P., 2nd Lieutenant (provisional), 25th Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted infantry). Sqn: A (Northam - Toodyay - York - Beverley). Commissioned to present rank 01/07/1913.
Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Bryn Dolan for the use of his work on this regiment.
Men of the 25th fight Horse (Western Australian Mounted infantry)
ABERLE George William Christian 2791 A/Sgt
ALLPORT Allen Keith 1014 Pte
ANDERSON William 1663 Pte
ANTHONY Hugh McPherson 1665 Pte
ASHWORTH Walter 1689 Pte
BACH Frank Lee 6 Sgt/Cook
BAIN Duncan Farquhar Grant 364 Sgt
BARRETT Harry 188 Pte
BLEAKLEY John thomas 6234 Pte
BLECHYNDEN Reuben John 2812 Pte
BOLTON Alexander 44 Dvr
BRADSHAW Eric 1687 Prov/Cpl
BRAZIER Noel Murray LtCol
BROCKMAN Frederick Locke 143 Pte
BROCKMAN Henry Spicer Lt
BRUCE-DRAYTON George Arthur Hungerford 1679 Pte
BUCKINGHAM Thomas Andrew 2636 Pte
BURKETT George Alexander Lt
BURLEY Frank Armstrong 774 Pte
BUTLER Joseph Leonard 380 Pte
BYFIELD Harold James 6275 Pte
BYFIELD Herbert William 2153 A/Cpl
CANDLER John 1790 Pte
CHARLES William 5549 Pte
CHIPPER Arthur Rupert 199 Pte
CLAYTON John Henry 195 Pte
COOK Claude Lorraine Colin 161 Dvr
COOPER Claude Francis 388 Pte
CORLEY Anthony Purdon Hagarty 2/Lt
CORNISH Albert Edward Spencer 1010 Pte
COVERLEY Aubrey Augustus Michael 1011 Pte
CRAIG Leslie Lt
CRAMPTON Victor Augustus 3647 Pte
DAY Charles William 865 Pte
DEMPSTER Reginald Garry 539 Pte
DENNER Leopold Basil 1813 Pte
DEWING Edward John 1993 Pte
DOUST Clarence Raymond 2874 Pte
DRAKE-BROCKMAN Elliott Leslie 1686 Prov/Sgt
DUNCKLEY Charles Gilmour Lt
EDWARDS Edwards Anwyl 6272 Pte
FAIRHEAD Lionel Claude 625 Pte
FARRIS Ernest Trafalgar 63 Pte
FINLAY Gilbert George 261 Gnr
FLYNN Mark Terrance 4055 Pte
FREARSON Clement Cook Junction 865 Pte
FROST James Malcolm 405 Pte
FRY Henry Phillip Capt
FULLER Walter Charles 1707 Pte
GARDINER Wilfred Cleveland 913 Pte
GIBLETT Jim 2194 Pte
GIBSON Harold Ernest 50537 Pte
GIBSONE Kenneth 2/Lt
GILMORE Kenneth William 50 Pte
GLYDE Guy England 811 Pte
GRIMWOOD Samuel Edward Byrne Capt
HAMLIN Herbert Bowen Lt
HANNAN Albert Charles 6773 Pte
HANNAN John Joseph Henry 101 A/L/Cpl
HARPER Harold White 216 Sgt
HART Thomas Charles 206 Pte
HELLER Thomas James Lt
HENDY Irwin John 1400 Pte
HERBERT Alan 1173 Pte
HICK Basil Bridgeford 54 Pte
HOLDSWORTH Edwin 819 Pte
HOLLAND Henry James 5608 Pte
HOLLAND Thomas Edwin 211 Pte
HOOPS Maitland 75 Cpl
HUMMERSTON Richard Goldsmith 1328 Pte
JEFFERY Alexander Harold 2767 Pte
JONES Arthur 2822 Pte
JUDD Charles Frederick George 1854 Pte
KEAY Thomas Crockett 55 Dvr
KIRSCH Frederick William 141 Pte
KLOPPER Louis Alfred 150 Pte
LADYMAN Frederick 3224 Pte
LADYMAN John Ford 201 Pte
LAILEY William Henry 33 Pte
LAKE William Joseph 572 Pte
LITCHFIELD Ernest 2429 Pte
LIVINGSTONE Mervyn Lewis 2358 Pte
LOGUE Arthur Major 2939 Pte
LOVELLE William George Arthur Capt
LUKE William John 2211 Pte
MANN Charles Harold John 438 Pte
McALIECE Ernest 170 Sgt
McCORRY Richard William 309 Pte
McDOWALL Stewart Arthur 6956 Pte
McMILLAN Robert 1343 Pte
McWHINNEY Arthur Charles 122 Arm/Sgt
MEGAN Richard 912 Pte
MILNER John James Edward 627 Pte
MOLLOY John Edward 174 Sig/Cpl
MOORE James Remy Fairburn 839 Cpl
MORROW Cyril Walter 883 Pte
MOURITZ Arthur Ernest 5634 Pte
MURRAY Adam Hope 2827 Pte
MYALIS Henry Samuel 902 Dvr
MYATT Henry Martin 2/Lt
NEWBY Joseph Elijah 14232 Spr
NICHOLAS Clive Lanyon Capt
NICOLSON Lachlan Archiblad Robert 1206 Pte
NORRISH Frederick Elworthy 149 Pte
NORRISH John William 2/Lt
NORTHEY William Reginald Eustace 80 Pte
OLDEN Arthur Charles Niquet Lt
ORMEROD John William 4100 Pte
PALMER Henry Geoffrey Lt
PEARCE Simon 16370 Pte
PIESSE Harold Vivian Lt
PIESSE Hector Gerald 1301 Prov/Sgt
PIESSE Vernon Frederick Capt
PRENTICE Frederick Samuel 196 Pte
PULFORD William James 3770 Pte
RADFORD John Francis 514 Pte
RAINE Thomas Edward 134 Pte
RANKINE Samuel Charles 1772 Pte
REDWOOD William Henry 3666 Pte
ROCKLIFF William Hudson Lt
RODSTED James Jacob Lt
SANDERS William Ernest 56273 A/Cpl
SAVORY Thomas Harold 2823 Pte
SCOTT Ernest Charles Gordon 2/Lt
SCOTT Felix Frank 56407 Pte
SCOTT John Andrew 226 Cpl
SMITH Charles Sydney 3123 Pte
SMITH Cyril Gordon 479 Pte
SMITH Ernest Albert 6711 Pte
STEEL Albert Edward 9438 Gnr
STEWART James Alexander 1671 Pte
STIRLING Herbert King 2832 Pte
STONESTREET Norman Claude 3927 Pte
STRANG Eric Oswald 10852 Cpl
STUBER Henry Louis 965 A/Sgt
SUTTON William John 1012 Pte
SWANSON Frederick 3434 Pte
SWEETAPPLE Arthur Henry 4 Sgt
TASSICKER Frank Scott 1040 Pte
TAYLOR Leonard Gordon 155 Dvr
TEMBY Horace Alfred 1047 Pte
THOMPSON Arnold William 1054 Sgt
THORNTON Francis Edward 901 Sgt
THROSSELL Harry Fermaner 2950 Pte
THROSSELL Hugo Vivian Hope 2/Lt
TIDDY Arthur George 84 Pte
TREASURE Henry Esperance 871 Pte
TREASURE Levi Elworthy 204 Pte
TREE Robert Edmonds 184 Sgt
TRIGWELL Leonard Frank 3562 Pte
TRIGWELL Mervyn Thomas 985 L/Cpl
TRINDALL Ernest Reginald 7255 Pte
VEAL Harold Stanley 498 Pte
WADDINGHAM Francis Henry 1152 Pte
WALLACE James Carmichael 17077 Spr
WARBURTON Pierce Edward Egerton 3672 Pte
WARD William Leslie 86 Pte
WEIGHT Havelock Elibank 18564 Spr
WHITE Arnold Harris 876 Pte
WHITTINGTON Selby Maurice 4433 Pte
WILLIAMS John Anthony 880 Sgt
WRIGHT Allan Stuart 4027 Pte
YATES WP Prov/2/Lt
Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker for producing this list of men and allowing it to be published here. Additional thanks to Chris Horvath for his assistance.

Further Reading:

For the Western Australian Light Horse Militia establishment, see:

Light Horse structure 1903

1903 Reorganisation, Western Australia

Light Horse structure 1914

Militia Distribution in Australia, 1914, 5th Military District, Part 1

Individual Light Horse Regiments, see:

25th (Western Australian Mounted infantry) Australian Light Horse Regiment

25th Light Horse

25th Light Horse - Officers and Men, 1914

Peacetime and Wartime Regimental Establishments, see:

Peace establishment of Australian Light Horse, 1903-14 

5th Military District Staff Roster and Allocations, see:

5th Military District Staff Roster and Allocations, 1914, Part 1

5th Military District Staff Roster and Allocations, 1914, Part 2

For 1914 Infantry, Artillery and other service arms distribution, see:

Militia Distribution in Australia, 1914, 5th Military District, Part 1

Militia Distribution in Australia, 1914, 5th Military District, Part 2


Additional reference:

RK Peacock, Evolution of Australian Light Horse Regiments 1841-1935,  Unpublished MSS, c.1936. 

Grant, JR, From Captains to Colonels, Perth, 1991.


 Citation: 25th Light Horse - Officers and Men, 1914

Posted by Project Leader at 4:51 PM EADT
Updated: Wednesday, 29 October 2008 9:07 PM EADT
25th Light Horse
Topic: Militia - LH


5th Military District

Hat badge for the 18th Australian Light Horse Regiment

Collar badge for the 18th Australian Light Horse Regiment 

(Reversed swan) 

Below is a brief historical outline from RK Peacock, Evolution of Australian Light Horse Regiments 1841-1935,  Unpublished MSS, c.1936, p. 10.  
The regiment sprung from the PINJARRA Mounted Rifles and the Wellington Mounted Volunteers raised in 1858. In 1887 there was a mounted corps known as Guildford Mounted Infantry detachment which formed part of the Guildford Rifles- Between the years 1895 and 1899 detachments of mounted troops were formed and disbanded at Perth. Than following in 1899 the mounted detachment of the Bunbury Rifles. The year 1900 saw the formation of the Western Australian Mounted Infantry as an organised body after the war in South Africa, with troops at Victoria Park, Perth, Carrington and Fremantle. On the Federal re-organisation of the troops in 1903 the Mounted troops of Western Auatralia became styled 18th Australian Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted Infantry), continuing as such until 1912 when their numerical designaiton became 25th Light Horse (WAMI) followed by the title 10th Light Horse (WAMI) in 1918, and again in 1921.  
25th (Western Australian Mounted infantry) Australian Light Horse Regiment
Head-Quarters - Perth
Lieutenant Colonel Noel Murray Brazier, 11 May 1913, Tenure of command from 16 May 1912 to 15 May 1917.
Adjutant - Honorary Lieutenant GH Manley, 1 April 1913, AIS
Quartermaster - Honorary Lieutenant WV Needham, 4 September 1912
Medical Officer - Captain EH Rigby
Second Lieutenant BRP Burch, Area Officer
Machine Gun Section - Perth
Lieutenant Clive Lanyon Nicholas, 25 November 1912
"A" Squadron -
Northam (A Troop and B Troop),
Toodyay (C Troop),
York and Beverley (D Troop)
Lieutenant William Hudson Rockliff, 1 July 1913
Second Lieutenant Vernon Frederick Piesse
Second Lieutenant FL Faulkner
Second Lieutenant WP Yates, 1 July 1913
Second Lieutenant Thomas James Heller, 1 July 1913

"B" Squadron -

Pingelly (A Troop and B Troop),

Narrogin (C Troop and D Troop)

Lieutenant Henry Spicer Brockman, 14 October 1912
Second Lieutenant James Rodsted
Second Lieutenant Clarence Raymond Doust
Second Lieutenant Henry Phillip Fry, 13 September 1912 (KIA Hill 60)
Second Lieutenant Anthony Purdon Hagarty Corley, 9 December 1912 (KIA 17 September 1915)
Second Lieutenant Arthur Charles Niquet Olden, 16 January 1913
Second Lieutenant Harold White Harper, 16 January 1913
Second Lieutenant K Gibsone, 1 March 1913
Second Lieutenant Herbert Bowen Hamlin, 16 Novemberr 1911 (DOI, 30 May 1919)

"C" Squadron -

Katanning (A Troop and B Troop),

Wagin (C Troop and D Troop)

Lieutenant HV Piesse, 28 February 1913
Second Lieutenant John William Norrish
Second Lieutenant JE Jones
Second Lieutenant Ernest Charles Gordon ('Joe') Scott

"D" Squadron - (Attached to 25th Light Horse.)

Bunbury (A Troop),

Brookhampton (B Troop),

Bridgetown (C Troop), and

Harvey (D Troop)

Second Lieutenant IR Oldham
Second Lieutenant JAJ Sinclair

The number of men who went onto serve with the AIF after the declaration of war is highlighted by the links to the individual service files of each man who enlisted or was commissioned. Click on the link and the service file held by the National Archives will open for that particular individual.


Further Reading:

For the Western Australian Light Horse Militia establishment, see:

Light Horse structure 1903

1903 Reorganisation, Western Australia

Light Horse structure 1914

Militia Distribution in Australia, 1914, 5th Military District, Part 1

Individual Light Horse Regiments, see:

25th (Western Australian Mounted infantry) Australian Light Horse Regiment

25th Light Horse

25th Light Horse - Officers and Men, 1914

Peacetime and Wartime Regimental Establishments, see:

Peace establishment of Australian Light Horse, 1903-14 

5th Military District Staff Roster and Allocations, see:

5th Military District Staff Roster and Allocations, 1914, Part 1

5th Military District Staff Roster and Allocations, 1914, Part 2

For 1914 Infantry, Artillery and other service arms distribution, see:

Militia Distribution in Australia, 1914, 5th Military District, Part 1

Militia Distribution in Australia, 1914, 5th Military District, Part 2


Additional reference:

RK Peacock, Evolution of Australian Light Horse Regiments 1841-1935,  Unpublished MSS, c.1936. 

Grant, JR, From Captains to Colonels, Perth, 1991.


Citation: 25th Light Horse

Posted by Project Leader at 4:09 PM EADT
Updated: Wednesday, 10 September 2008 6:52 PM EADT
1903 Reorganisation, Western Australia
Topic: Militia - LH

Light Horse Structure 1903

Hat badge for the 18th Australian Light Horse Regiment

Collar badge for the 18th Australian Light Horse Regiment 

(Reversed swan)

The Western Australian Mounted Infantry was formed into the 18th Australian Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted Infantry) with four squadrons, each contain 72 men making a total of all personnel, 294 men.


"A" Squadron - Northam (A Troop and B Troop), Toodyay (C Troop), York and Beverley (D Troop)

"B" Squadron - Pingelly (A Troop and B Troop), Narrogin (C Troop and D Troop)

"C" Squadron - Katanning (A Troop and B Troop), Wagin (C Troop and D Troop)

"D" Squadron - Bunbury (A Troop), Brookhampton (B Troop), Bridgetown (C Troop), Harvey (D Troop)


Further Reading:

For the Western Australian Light Horse Militia establishment, see:

Light Horse structure 1903

1903 Reorganisation, Western Australia

Light Horse structure 1914

Militia Distribution in Australia, 1914, 5th Military District, Part 1

Individual Light Horse Regiments, see:

25th (Western Australian Mounted infantry) Australian Light Horse Regiment

25th Light Horse

25th Light Horse - Officers and Men, 1914

Peacetime and Wartime Regimental Establishments, see:

Peace establishment of Australian Light Horse, 1903-14 

5th Military District Staff Roster and Allocations, see:

5th Military District Staff Roster and Allocations, 1914, Part 1

5th Military District Staff Roster and Allocations, 1914, Part 2

For 1914 Infantry, Artillery and other service arms distribution, see:

Militia Distribution in Australia, 1914, 5th Military District, Part 1

Militia Distribution in Australia, 1914, 5th Military District, Part 2


Additional reference:

RK Peacock, Evolution of Australian Light Horse Regiments 1841-1935,  Unpublished MSS, c.1936. 

Grant, JR, From Captains to Colonels, Perth, 1991.


Citation: 1903 Reorganisation, Western Australia

Posted by Project Leader at 10:55 AM EADT
Updated: Wednesday, 10 September 2008 5:10 PM EADT
Militia Distribution in Australia, 1914, 5th Military District, Part 2
Topic: Militia - LH
5th Military District

88th Infantry (Perth Battalion).
Head-Quarters - Perth
Machine Gun Section - Perth
"A" Company - North Perth
"B" Company - Perth, Perth University
"C" Company - Perth
"D" Company - Victoria Park, Maylands
"E" Company - Northam, York, Toodyay, Wagin, Katanning, Albany
"F" Company - Midland Junction, Guildford
"G" Company - East Perth
"H" Company - Geraldton, Cue, Day Dawn
84th Infantry (Goldfields Regiment).
(Attached for training, 1913-14, to 22nd Infantry Brigade.)
Head-Quarters - Kalgoorlie
Machine Gun Section - Kalgoorlie
"A" Company - Kalgoorlie
"B" Company - Coolgardie
"C" Company - Boulder
"D" Company - Boulder
"E" Company - Kalgoorlie
"F" Company - Lenora, Menzies, Southern Cross, Norseman
Head-Quarters - Perth
22nd Army Service Corps - Perth
21st Army Medical Corps (Field Ambulance)
Section "A" - Kalgoorlie
22nd Army Medical Corps (Field Ambulance)
Section "A" - Perth
Section "B" - Perth
Section "C" - Fremantle
Head-Quarters - Perth. 

Further Reading:

For the Western Australian Light Horse Militia establishment, see:

Light Horse structure 1903

1903 Reorganisation, Western Australia

Light Horse structure 1914

Militia Distribution in Australia, 1914, 5th Military District, Part 1

Individual Light Horse Regiments, see:

25th (Western Australian Mounted infantry) Australian Light Horse Regiment

25th Light Horse

25th Light Horse - Officers and Men, 1914

Peacetime and Wartime Regimental Establishments, see:

Peace establishment of Australian Light Horse, 1903-14 

5th Military District Staff Roster and Allocations, see:

5th Military District Staff Roster and Allocations, 1914, Part 1

5th Military District Staff Roster and Allocations, 1914, Part 2

For 1914 Infantry, Artillery and other service arms distribution, see:

Militia Distribution in Australia, 1914, 5th Military District, Part 1

Militia Distribution in Australia, 1914, 5th Military District, Part 2


Additional reference:

RK Peacock, Evolution of Australian Light Horse Regiments 1841-1935,  Unpublished MSS, c.1936. 

Grant, JR, From Captains to Colonels, Perth, 1991.


Citaiton: Militia Distribution in Australia, 1914, 5th Military District, Part 2

Posted by Project Leader at 9:43 AM EADT
Updated: Wednesday, 10 September 2008 5:11 PM EADT
Militia Distribution in Australia, 1914, 5th Military District, Part 1
Topic: Militia - LH
5th Military District
25th fight Horse (Western Australian Mounted infantry)
Head-Quarters - Perth
Machine Gun Section - Perth
"A" Squadron - Northam (A and B), Toodyay (C), York and Beverley (D)

"B" Squadron - Pingelly (A and B), Narrogin (C and D)

"C" Squadron - Katanning (A and B), Wagin (C and D)

(Attached to 25th Light Horse.)

"D" Squadron - Bunbury (A), Brookhampton (B), Bridgetown (C), Harvey (D)


37th Battery, Field Artillery - Perth

38th Battery, Field Artillery - Perth


11th Garrison Artillery - Fremantle

12th Garrison Artillery - Albany


13th Field Company (Engineers) - Guildford

30th Signal Company (Engineers) - Perth

35th Fortress Company (Engineers) - Fremantle



Brigade Head-Quarters - Perth.

86th Infantry (Western Australian Rifles).

Head-Quarters (less Band) - Fremantle

Band - Subiaco

Machine Gun Section - Fremantle

"A" Company - Collie

"B" Company - Bunbury

"C" Company - Subiaco

"D" Company - Claremont, Cottesloe

"E" Company - Leederville

"F" Company - FremantIe

Further Reading:

For the Western Australian Light Horse Militia establishment, see:

Light Horse structure 1903

1903 Reorganisation, Western Australia

Light Horse structure 1914

Militia Distribution in Australia, 1914, 5th Military District, Part 1

Individual Light Horse Regiments, see:

25th (Western Australian Mounted infantry) Australian Light Horse Regiment

25th Light Horse

25th Light Horse - Officers and Men, 1914

Peacetime and Wartime Regimental Establishments, see:

Peace establishment of Australian Light Horse, 1903-14 

5th Military District Staff Roster and Allocations, see:

5th Military District Staff Roster and Allocations, 1914, Part 1

5th Military District Staff Roster and Allocations, 1914, Part 2

For 1914 Infantry, Artillery and other service arms distribution, see:

Militia Distribution in Australia, 1914, 5th Military District, Part 1

Militia Distribution in Australia, 1914, 5th Military District, Part 2


Additional reference:

RK Peacock, Evolution of Australian Light Horse Regiments 1841-1935,  Unpublished MSS, c.1936. 

Grant, JR, From Captains to Colonels, Perth, 1991.


Citaiton: Militia Distribution in Australia, 1914, 5th Military District, Part 1

Posted by Project Leader at 9:31 AM EADT
Updated: Wednesday, 10 September 2008 5:11 PM EADT

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