Topic: BatzB - Driefontein
South Africa, 10 March 1900
The Times, 20 March 1900, Item 4
The Times, 20 March 1900, p. 9.
The account is transcribed below.
A great proportion of our losses at Driefontein yesterday were the result of a flagrant act of treachery on the part of the enemy.
A Boer commando was backing out of our artillery fire and nearing the open veldt, where they would be subjected to a severe raking from our guns, while a squadron of British mounted. infantry was hovering on their flank ready to pursue them. Recognizing the great peril of their situation, a large company. of Beers hoisted a white flag, held up their hands, and threw down their arms as a sign of surrender. The British thereupon advanced without hesitation to accept the surrender when another section of the enemy poured repeated volleys into our ranks.
The Field Marshal and several of his staff officers were eve-witnesses: of this treachery through their field-glasses.
An examination of deserted Boer positions has disclosed an abundance of explosive soft nosed and split-nosed ammunition.
Further Reading:
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920
Citation: Driefontein, South Africa, The Times, 20 March 1900, Item 4