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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Wednesday, 8 October 2003
3rd Victorian Bushmen, Nominal Roll
Topic: BW - Vic - 3VB

3rd VB 

3rd Victorian Bushmen

Nominal Roll


In 1911, Lieutenant-Colonel P. L. Murray, produced a marvellous Boer War reference detailing all the contingents sent from Australia to South Africa, giving a brief history of the formation and finally, listing all the soldiers who saw service in South Africa with that unit. The book was called, Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa. It is now the standard reference and starting place for any person interested in pursuing information about Australian involvement in the Boer War.

Murray, P. L., Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, pp. 245 - 251.


3rd Victorian Bushmen

496 Private Ernest Charles ALLISON

455 Private William Woods ANDERSON

520 Corporal Frank Andrew Lewis BAILEY

623 Private Charles Henry BAILLOT

548 Shoeing Smith John Nicol BAIRD

553 Private Harman Edwin Collingwood BAKE

465 Company Sergeant Major Walter Mansel BALFOUR-OGILVY

394 Private William Henry BARTLETT

500 Private William Henry BASTIAN

473 Private Frederick Michael BATES

521 Private Walter Frederick BEARD

627 Company Quartermaster Sergeant James Patrick BEATTIE

557 Private George Andrew BEECHER

556 Shoeing Smith Henry Ward BEECHER

490 Trumpeter Alexander Duncan BELL

380 Private George BELLMER

435 Sergeant Henry BEST

536 Private Frank John BIRD

446 Private Charles BLANCHARD

558 Private Charles Walter BLANDFORD

477 Private Ivie BLEZARD

535 Private George William BOLDING

409 Private Edward John BOTTLE

554 Private Willam John BOULTON

503 Private William Henry BRAND

384 Sergeant Herbert BRENT

383 Private Sydney Benjamin BROOKER

537 Private Harry Alexander BROWN

388 Private Thomas BURT

381 Private Lilford Thomas BUTLER

392 Private Charles D'Arcy BYRNE

519 Private Frank Helps CAIN

703 Private Roy Hacking CALDER

723 Private Ewen CAMERON

Lieutenant John McLeod CAMERON

709 Private John Alexander CAMPBELL

538 Private Elfeck Arthur CANE

710 Private David Michael CANTY

487 Private Frank CARLILE

588 Saddler Sergeant Charles CAROLAN

510 Private Thomas CARROLL

Lieutenant Harold Grafton CARSTAIRS

489 Sergeant William Wilson CASEMENT

498 Private George Alfred CHADWICK

389 Private Henry McKean CHAMBERS

572 Private Henry CHESTER

705 Corporal Hugh McDonald CHRISP

529 Private Duncan Neil CHRISTENSEN

491 Private James William CHRISTIE

724 Private Horatio St. John CLARKE

468 Private William Ewart Gladstone CLARKE

401 Private Richard James CLINNICK

505 Private Frank Eardley COCHRAN

430 Private Charles Herbert COOPER

605 Corporal Sydney Ernest COURTIER

391 Private Alfred Percival CUTTRISS

542 Private Frank DALE

569 Private Charles Wylde D'ALTON

452 Private JM DAVEY

454 Private Arnold Mercer DAVIES

385 Saddler Sergeant Thomas Cecil DAVIS

376 Private Ernest Charles Hill DE BAUGH

414 Sergeant Thomas Lyttleton DE HAVILAND

560 Private Thomas Stephen DELANY

599 Private Stanley Fred Jenner DENNIS

Captain William Wood DOBBIN

457 Private Charles Hill DOBSON

711 Private Henry DOLAN

466 Private James DONLEAVEY

576 Private Arthur Henry DOUGLAS

631 Trumpeter Andrew James DWYER

550 Private George Bemjamin DYAMOND

549 Private John EBBS

707 Private William Rae EDGAR

632 Trumpeter William ESDALE

625 Private William Henry ESSEX

382 Private Charles Henry FENTON

708 Private John Gordon FINLAY

427 Private William Randolf FINLAYSON

379 Private William Newton FISHER

Vet. Lieutenant Stanley FLETCHER

396 Private John Francis FORTUNE

567 Private George Edward FRYER

483 Private Thomas Henry FURNISS

403 Private James FYFE

433 Private John Fraser GARDINER

552 Private Thomas GARDINER

386 Private David GARING

Lieutenant Robert GARTSIDE

511 Private Aubrey Vivian GAYER

393 Private Ambrose GEARY

478 Saddler Richard GIBSON

620 Private Samuel GILBERT

486 Private William Thomas GILLESPIE

492 Private William John GILLETT

479 Private Thomas GLYNN

378 Private William Walter GODDARD

395 Sergeant Herbert John GOODMAN

387 Private Francis Christopher GORDON

518 Private Arthur Thomas GOULLET

585 Private Thomas Deloris GRACE

390 Private David Burgoyne GRAHAM

715 Private Henry GRAHAM

562 Private Worthey Bailey GRANT

624 Corporal John GREEN

495 Private Arthur James GREENAWAY

Captain James de Burgh GRIFFITH

713 Private Harry David GRIFFITHS

577 Private James Stirling GULLAN

Captain David John HAM

444 Private William Hugh HAMILTON

593 Private Stanley Forrest HAMMOND

546 Private Shelley HARRIS

476 Private William HARRIS

474 Private Wright HARRIS

438 Private Hugh Francis James HARTLEY

525 Private David James HAY

561 Private Harry HAYCROFT

517 Private Henry HAZEL

564 Corporal James Reginald HENTY

600 Private Frederick HEYWOOD

Lieutenant Charles HILL

485 Private Joseph Frederick HILLIER

512 Private Percy Herbert HISCOCK

Lieutenant John Henry Beard HOLDSWORTH

482 Private Thomas Henry HOLMAN

612 Private Robert James Carter HOLMES

528 Private Edward HONAN

718 Sergeant Herbert Roger HORNE

420 Private Richard James HOWARD

716 Sergeant Roderick William HOWE

530 Private John James HUGHES

565 Sergeant Percy Clark HUNT

399 Private James INWOOD

497 Corporal Albert Henry JAMES

462 Private Francis JAMES

522 Sergeant Frederick John Edward JAMES

543 Company Sergeant Major Holman JAMES

575 Driver Patrick Graham JAMESON

507 Private Norman Gerald JARRETT

534 Corporal Edward Charles JESSE

460 Shoeing Smith William JOHNSON

467 Private Arthur Charles JOHNSTON

458 Private Sidney John JOHNSTON

506 Private Andrew JOHNSTONE

428 Private Arthur JONES

434 Private John Joseph JONES

412 Private William Irvine KELLY

431 Private John KENNEDY

626 Company Quartermaster Sergeant Napier KENNEDY

516 Private James Ernest KIDGELL

450 Private Edwin KNOX

461 Private Frederick KNOX

526 Private Benjamin Peter LANG

614 Private Arthur McGregor LE PATOUREL

598 Private Frederick Roger LEACH

609 Private Leonard Jonathan LEE

614 Private Arthur McGregor LEPATOUREL

402 Driver William Henry LEWIS

442 Private John LLOYD

453 Private Thomas LLOYD

443 Private George Henry LOUTIT

Chaplain Smith MACBAIN

509 Private Archibald MACKENZIE

513 Private Robert Sime MACKENZIE

555 Private Arthur Alban MACKIN

717 Private John Davison MACLEOD

704 Private Alexander Campbell MACMILLAN

416 Private James Melrose MAILER

515 Private Henry MARTIN

449 Private John Campbell MCCALLUM

440 Private John Irwin MCCARTNEY

400 Private J MCCASTIE

422 Private Ancrum MCCAUSLAND

706 Private John Coleridge MCCAUSLAND

432 Lance Corporal James MCCLURE

Second Lieutenant William MCCULLOCH

611 Private Samuel John MCCURDY

447 Private Archibald MCDONALD

586 Private George MCELDREW

413 Private James Robert MCFARLANE

472 Private John MCINNES

499 Private John Hugh Robert MCKENZIE

Captain William MCKNIGHT

595 Private Patrick William MCMANUS

424 Private David MCMURTRIE

469 Corporal William MCNAMARA

524 Private Duncan MCPHERSON

410 Private Frank MCPHERSON

501 Private William MCPHERSON

621 Private Roderick MCSWAIN

451 Private Frederick James MELDRUM

494 Private Walter MERRITT

470 Private James Edward MEYER

471 Private Percival Benjamin MILES

463 Corporal Albert James Robert MILLAR

502 Private Leslie John MILLAR

559 Private George Henry MILNE

523 Private William MITCHELL

464 Private George MOFFATT

Lieutenant George Alfred MOORE

573 Driver Alfred Charles MOREY

568 Private James Matthew MOREY

429 Private David James MORPHETT

441 Private Frederick MORRIS

545 Private Henry Robert MORRIS

571 Private John Joseph MOYLE

514 Private Francis MURPHY

574 Private Peter William MURPHY

702 Private Joseph Francis NEGRI

594 Private John Thomas NEWTON

722 Private Athelstone NICHOLLS

419 Private George NICHOLSON

583 Corporal Charles William NORTON

628 Farrier Sergeant Palmer OCKENDEN

418 Private Samuel Joseph OLIVER

547 Private Brian O'LOGHLEN

407 Private Alfred ORCHARD

615 Private William Edmund O'TOOLE

617 Private Richard PALMER

408 Private Percy PERRY

540 Private John James William Errol PETERS

616 Private William PETTY

721 Private Louis Eleazer PHILLIPS

582 Private Frederick John POWELL

404 Sergeant David Hamilton PRUDEN

405 Shoeing Smith Thomas Henry RAGGATT

421 Private Charles REAPER

610 Private Jabez RICHARDS

601 Private Charles RIDLEY

411 Private Matthew Henry ROBERTS

566 Private Thomas Frederick ROBERTS

539 Private George Victor ROBERTSON

581 Private Hugh James RONALD

437 Corporal Andrew ROSS

484 Private William RUDD

544 Private Louis RYAN

397 Private Lewis Arthur SADLER

590 Private Edwin Sutherland SEYMOUR

596 Private George James SHANKS

415 Private Thomas SHANNON

720 Private Robert SHARKEY

445 Farrier Michael Thomas SHARRY

701 Corporal Arthur James SHAW

570 Corporal Harold Herbert SHERLOCK

591 Private John SIDDLE

481 Private Stephen SMITH

417 Private William Raymond SMITH

398 Driver Charles Walter SPEERS

603 Private Charles Henry STEVENS

714 Private James Oliver Alexander STILL

Lieutenant William John Whitley STRONG

425 Private Benjamin SUTHERLAND

406 Private John SUTHERLAND

584 Private John Campbell Duncan McPerson SWAN

579 Private Henry Joseph THOMPSON

622 Private James THOMPSON

618 Private William Samuel THOMPSON

531 Private Thomas Edward THOMSON

808 Private Walker Henderson THOMSON

619 Private George Farquharson THORBURN

606 Private Frederick Beal THORPE

597 Saddler Alfred John TINKER

439 Private Ernest Alfred Thomas TOWERS

527 Corporal Cornelius TRACEY

Lieutenant Henry Freame TREW

580 Private Charles Wentworth TURNER

719 Private Alexander VALANTINE

613 Private Alfred Sydney WAINWRIGHT

488 Private Henry Oliver WALFORD

630 Lance Corporal James Adelbert WARD

551 Private Richard WELLAN

589 Private George Wheadon WILLIAMS

604 Private William Ernest WILLIAMS

629 Farrier Sergeant James William Nicholas WILLIAMSON

578 Private Walter WILLIAMSON

508 Private Gervase Mason WILSON

602 Private James WILSON

712 Private Stephen YUILLE


Further Reading:

3rd Victorian Bushmen

3rd Victorian Bushmen, Roll of Honour 

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 3rd Victorian Bushmen, Nominal Roll

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Tuesday, 4 May 2010 3:19 PM EADT

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