Topic: BatzG - Aug 1915
The August Offensive
Gallipoli, August 1915
Australian Imperial Force
Roll of Honour: D - K
Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra
The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men known to have given their lives in service of Australia during the August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915.
Roll of Honour: D - K
William DODD, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Horace Francis DONALD, 15th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Oliver Ernest DONALDSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Archie Victor DONEHUE, 1st Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Robert DOUGHERTY, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Colin Langslow DOUGLAS, 4th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Morton Osborne DOUGLAS, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Horace Surry DOUGLASS, 1st Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Amos Leonard DOUST, 10th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
William DOW, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Edward Allan DOWLING, 15th Infantry Battalion, 9 August 1915.
William DOWNEY, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Frederick Ernest Michael DOWNIE, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
George Patrick DOWNING, 1st Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Archibald DOWNTON, 6th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Thomas Leonard DOWNWARD, 1st Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Percy Smedley DRAPER, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Thomas William DRAY, 14th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Frank Napier DREW, 9th Light Horse Regiment, 8 August 1915.
Alfred DRISCOLL, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Denis DU VAL, 10th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Fernand George Jules Marie DUBOIS, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Thomas Alfred DUDDERIDGE, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Sidney John DUFF, 15th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
James DUFFY, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Harry DUNCAN, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
John James DUNCAN, 15th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
William DUNHAM, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
James Bourke DUNLEAVY, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Arthur Sylvester DUNN, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Ernest Bryant DUNNE, 1st Infantry Battalion, 11 August 1915.
Ernest Albert Francis DUNNICLIFF, 12th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
James Gordon DUPUY, 14th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Edward Pearce DURHAM, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Rudley Ernest DUTHIE, 16th Infantry Battalion, 10 August 1915.
Jack DWYER, 5th Infantry Battalion, 11 August 1915.
John Francis DWYER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Thomas Leo DWYER, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Norman Charles DYER, 10th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Herbert Harold EAST, 11th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Robert Inglis EASTON, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Athol Bert EATHER, 1st Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Edgar James EDGAR, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Adolphus Bert EDGELEY, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Stanley EDMISTON, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Alfred EDWARDS, 12th Infantry Battalion, 12 August 1915.
Benjamin Noel William EDWARDS, 7th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Harold Eustace EDWARDS, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Jack EDWARDS, 7th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
James EDWARDS, 6th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
William Stanley EELES, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
William Henry ELLIOTT, 14th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
William Henry ELLIOTT, 3rd Field Artillery Brigade, 6 August 1915.
Herbert John ELLIS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Owen John ELLIS, 7th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Walter Sydney EMERY, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Ferdinand William ERSKINE, 6th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Frederick William ERSKINE, 6th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Mervyn Harold ESPOSITO, 7th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Wallace ESSAY, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
William Williamson EUSTACE, 10th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Albert Lacey EVANS, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Alexander George EVANS, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
John David EVANS, 16th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Nevill Gordon Gwynne EVANS, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Thomas Henry EVANS, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Henry EVERS, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Frederick William EWINGTON, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Herbert Ernest EYERS, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
John Charles EYRE, 10th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Robert Twentyman FAIRCLOUGH, 6th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Lake FALCONER, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Reginald FALKNER, 12th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Edwin Hercules FARDELL, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 9 August 1915.
Jesse Knight FARNCOMBE, 13th Infantry Battalion, 10 August 1915.
Thomas Patrick FARRELL, 6th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Allen Bertram FARRER, 7th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Ormond FATHERS, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Thomas Barclay FAULDS, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Albert Ernest FAWKNER, 14th Infantry Battalion, 9 August 1915.
Henry Wilfred FAWLEY, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
George James FEATONBY, 11th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Charles Frederick Roy FELL, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Basil Middleton FENWICK, 10th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Louis Godfrey FIANDER, 1st Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Samuel Douglas Johnstone FIGGIS, 5th Infantry Battalion, 10 August 1915.
Laurence Gerald FINN, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Athol Hugh FISHER, 12th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
David FISHER, 3rd Infantry Brigade Headquarters, 9 August 1915.
Edward Theophilus FISHER, 16th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
John Martin FISHER, 7th Infantry Battalion, 9 August 1915.
Vivian William FISHER, 15th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Thomas Vossey FITZGERALD, 8th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Michael FITZGIBBON, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Michael FITZGIBBON, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Michael FITZGIBBON, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 9 August 1915.
Michael FITZGIBBON, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 10 August 1915.
Michael FITZGIBBON, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 11 August 1915.
Michael FITZGIBBON, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 12 August 1915.
Joseph Michael FITZPATRICK, 14th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
David Archibald FLEMING, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
John FLEMING, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Valentine FLEMMING, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
William Edward FLETCHER, 11th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Jack FLUX, 10th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Arthur James FOAT, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Michael Vincent FOLEY, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Victor Joseph FOLEY, 7th Light Horse Regiment, 9 August 1915.
Norman Wakefield FOLKS, 14th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
James Martin FOLLENT, 1st Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
John Thomas FOOTE, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Benjamin FORBES, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Fergus Decimus FORBES, 1st Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Richard Andrew FORBES, 10th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Thomas Charles FORDE, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Percy Vivian FORRESTER, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Charles Stanley FORSTER, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Victor FORSTER, 8th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
William Henry FORSYTH, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
John FOSTER, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Reginald William FOSTER, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Herbert Leopold Arthur FOWLER, 16th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Walter Ernest FOWLES, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Charles Edward FOX, 11th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
David Thomas FRANCIS, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
John William FRANKLYN, 11th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Bromley Campbell Cadogan FRASER, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Donald Alexander FRASER, 1st Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Leslie FRASER, 7th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Leslie FRASER, 7th Infantry Battalion, 9 August 1915.
Robert William FRASER, 10th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
William Stanley FRAYNE, 10th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Henry FULLER, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
William Henry FULTON, 12th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Joseph Maultby FURNESS, 8th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Arthur William FYFFE, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Edward GAILLE, 1st Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Frederick George GALE, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
William Henry GALE, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
James GALLACHER, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Allan St Clair GALVIN, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Alexander GAMMIE, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Alfred John GARDINER, 7th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
John Archibald GARDNER, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Edward GARGET, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Rayner GARLAKE, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Herbert Frederick Edward GARLAND, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Gladwyn O'Brien GARNETT, 14th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Stanley Millwood GARNHAM, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Daniel GARRETT, 11th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
William Arthur GARTON, 14th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Frederick James GARWES, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
William GASKELL, 6th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
George Lewis GATONBY, 6th Light Horse Regiment, 8 August 1915.
Leonard James GATTY, 1st Field Company Engineers, 6 August 1915.
John GELL, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
William GELLATLY, 11th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Harold Leslie GEORGE, 6th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
John Lock GEORGE, 5th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Richard GEORGE, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Frederick William GERBER, 1st Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
John GERRY, 6th Infantry Battalion, 10 August 1915.
Thomas Bell GIBBONS, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Edward Buckley GIBBS, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
William David GIBLIN, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
James GIBNEY, 7th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Charles William GIBSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Francis Walter GIBSON, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Frederick William GIBSON, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Peter GIBSON, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Russell William GIBSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Aubrey William GIFFORD, 6th Infantry Battalion, 11 August 1915.
Arthur Mckellar GILES, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Henry Albert GILL, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
David Martin GILLIES, 15th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Ernest GILLIES, 1st Infantry Battalion, 11 August 1915.
Frederick Gilbert Young GIPPS, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 8 August 1915.
Walter Daniel GLADING, 1st Infantry Battalion, 10 August 1915.
Alfred Bertram GLASSON, 8th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Raymond Desmond GLEASON, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Arthur GLITHRO, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Alfred Percy GLOVER, 15th Infantry Battalion, 9 August 1915.
William GOBLE, 14th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Noel George GODFREY, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Gordon GOLDRING, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Walter GOODALL, 6th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Lynton GOODE, 15th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Arthur Willoughby GOODWIN, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
George Victor GOODWIN, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Hugh Garfield GORDON, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Reginald Charles GORDON, 1st Infantry Battalion, 10 August 1915.
Joseph GORMAN, 1st Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
James GORRIE, 4th Light Horse Regiment, 10 August 1915.
James GOUGH, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Ernest Samuel GOULDEN, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Wilfred Rotherham GOWER, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
John George Letcher GOYNE, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Hugh GRACE, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Gerald Lawrence GRAHAM, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Percy GRAHAM, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Geoffrey Treacher GRANT, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
George Muir GRANT, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
John Bede GRANT, 1st Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
John GRAY, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Charles GREAVES, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 9 August 1915.
Bertie George GREEN, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Francis Henry GREEN, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Frederick Benjamin GREEN, 13th Infantry Battalion, 10 August 1915.
James GREEN, 1st Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
William GREEN, 11th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Harold John GREENAWAY, 5th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Robert GREENFIELD, 14th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
George William GREENGRASS, 14th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Frederick William GREENWOOD, 14th Infantry Battalion, 11 August 1915.
Clifton GRENFELL, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Louis Gerald GRIFFIN, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Alfred Henry GRIFFITHS, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 10 August 1915.
George Henry GRIFFITHS, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Hugh GRIFFITHS, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Mansel David GRIFFITHS, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
William Halsall GRIFFITHS, 1st Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
William Edward GROOM, 14th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
James Hubert GROVES, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
George GUNNING, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Harold Emslie GUNTHER, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Edward Charles GUPPY, 7th Infantry Battalion, 10 August 1915.
Alexander Richard GUTHRIE, 10th Light Horse Regiment, 6 August 1915.
Graham Buchanan GUTHRIE, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Harry Charles GUY, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Arthur Henry HADDON, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
William HAHN, 10th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Morris HAINS, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Frederick George HALL, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
George William HALL, 7th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Richard HALL, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Robert Bates HALL, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Sydney Gordon Leslie HALL, 11th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Robert Michael HALLIDAY, 16th Infantry Battalion, 11 August 1915.
Herbert Percival HAMILTON, 1st Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
James HAMILTON, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
John Harvy Grant HAMILTON, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Arthur Franklin HAMLYN, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
George Lewis HAMMOND, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Henry HAMMOND, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
William HAMMOND, 14th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Stuart Samson HAMP, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Arthur HANCOCK, 10th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Charles Evan HANCOCK, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Thomas Valentine HANCOCK, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Vivian Richard Claude HANCOCK, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Douglas Frederick HANDFORD, 3rd Field Artillery Brigade, 6 August 1915.
Robert HANDFORD, 11th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Patrick HANLEY, 4th Infantry Battalion, 9 August 1915.
Frederick HANNANT, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Henry Christian HANSEN, 15th Infantry Battalion, 10 August 1915.
Herbert Walter HANSEN, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Rasmus Robinson HANSEN, 3rd Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
George HANSLOW, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Horace HARBER, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
David Thomas HARBOTTLE, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
William HARDIE, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
George Ernest HARDING, 15th Infantry Battalion, 9 August 1915.
Edward George John HARKNESS, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Gresley Tatlock HARPER, 10th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Wilfred Lukin HARPER, 10th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Keith HARRINGTON, 4th Light Horse Regiment, 6 August 1915.
Albert Morgan HARRIS, 5th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Harold Robert HARRIS, 14th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Jack Bolton HARRIS, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
John Auguste Emile HARRIS, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Reginald Desmond HARRIS, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
William Locke HARRIS, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
William Reginald HARRIS, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Barnard Gregory HARRISON, 11th Infantry Battalion, 10 August 1915.
Philip Harry HARRISON, 16th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Thomas Hodgson HARRISON, 5th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
William HARRISON, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Hubert HARTNELL-SINCLAIR, 13th Infantry Battalion, 9 August 1915.
Herbert Wilfrid HARTRIDGE, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Jack HARVEY, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
William Edward HARVEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Oscar Donald Humfray HASSELL, 10th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Alfred James Hedley HASTINGS, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Robert Ellis HATRICK, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Andrew Charles HAUA, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 11 August 1915.
Stephen Ebenezer HAVARD, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
George John HAWKES, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
William Frank HAWKINS, 15th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Benjamin HAWORTH, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 10 August 1915.
Edward HAWTHORNE, 11th Infantry Battalion, 10 August 1915.
John HAY, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Harold HAYES, 13th Infantry Battalion, 10 August 1915.
William Francis HAYNES, 12th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
James Holmes HAZLETT, 3rd Field Ambulance, 9 August 1915.
William Roberts HEALEY, 6th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Harold Garnet HEARSEY, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Thomas Lloyd HEATH, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Walter James HEGARTY, 14th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Thomas James HELLER, 10th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Leslie Duncan HEMING, 16th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
David HENDERSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
John HENDRICK, 1st Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Edward Percival HENDY, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 9 August 1915.
Harold Benjamin HENNELL, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Victor Edmund John HENNELL, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Charles HENSLER, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Fred HENSON, 4th Infantry Battalion, 9 August 1915.
Edward Ellis HENTY, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
William HERON, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 11 August 1915.
Edward Edgar HERRING, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 9 August 1915.
George Frederick HEWET, 7th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Frank Bennett HEWETT, 14th Infantry Battalion, 10 August 1915.
Frederick Charles HEWITT, 15th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
John HEWITT, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Walter HEWITT, 7th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
John Augustus HIBBERD, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
John HIBBERT, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Edgar William HICKLING, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
William Albert HIDE, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Ernest HIDES, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
William Joseph HIGGINS, 13th Infantry Battalion, 9 August 1915.
William Clarence HIGSON, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Basil Richard HILDER, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Arthur Henry HILL, 10th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Ashworth HILL, 16th Infantry Battalion, 10 August 1915.
Bertie HILL, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Henry George HILL, 10th Light Horse Regiment, 11 August 1915.
John Thomas HILL, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Thomas Ninian Wardrop HILL, 14th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Arthur HILLIER, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Arthur John HILLIER, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
George HILLS, 1st Light Horse Regiment, 8 August 1915.
Norman Alfred HINCHCLIFF, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
William Arthur HIND, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Russell George HINDHAUGH, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
James Alexander HINDS, 15th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Joseph Charles HINSLEY, 7th Infantry Battalion, 9 August 1915.
Reginald John HINSLEY, 13th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Herbert Gerald HINTON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Edwin HOBBS, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Henry HODDER, 3rd Infantry Brigade Headquarters, 9 August 1915.
Francis Stephen HODGE, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Arthur Herbert HODGKINSON, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Henry HODGSON, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Alexander Forbes HOGARTH, 11th Light Horse Regiment, 6 August 1915.
George Alexander HOGARTH, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Francis Edwin HOGGARD, 4th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Harold Stanley HOKIN, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Thomas James HOLBUT, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
James HOLDEN, 1st Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
James Richard HOLLOWAY, 14th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Carl HOLMBERG, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 10 August 1915.
Frederick Nicholas HOLMES, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
David Lowson HOOD, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Claude HOOKER, 16th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Robert Murdoch Finlayson HOOPER, 5th Infantry Battalion, 9 August 1915.
George Reuben HOPE, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Thomas Frank HOPE, 14th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Charles Thomas HORAN, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
George Richard HORAN, 13th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
John Henry HORSBURGH, 6th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Cyril Aubrey HORTON, 1st Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Harry HOSKIN, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Cecil John HOWARD, 16th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Robert HOWARD, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Thomas Spencer HOWARD, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Thomas Henry HOWE, 1st Infantry Battalion, 9 August 1915.
Geoffrey Castell HOWELL, 10th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Raymond HOWELL, 10th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
George HOWES, 8th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Maxwell HOWITZ, 15th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Charles Forster HUDSON, 8th Infantry Battalion, 9 August 1915.
Frederick George HUDSON, 14th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Herbert Thomas HUDSON, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Alfred Thomas HUGHES, 16th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
George Thomas HUGHES, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
George Thomas HUGHES, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Harrison HUGHES, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Jesse HUMPHREY, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Leonard Hugh HUMPHREYS, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Reginald Angus HUMPHRYS, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Arthur George HUNT, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance, 7 August 1915.
William HUNTER, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
William HUNTER, 7th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Andrew Edward Albert HURLEY, 13th Infantry Battalion, 11 August 1915.
Robert HURRY, 11th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
William Macleod HURST, 3rd Field Artillery Brigade, 6 August 1915.
Hugh Herbert HUSK, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Lewis HUTCHINSON, 14th Infantry Battalion, 11 August 1915.
George James HUTHWAITE, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Laurence HYLAND, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Thomas Benedict HYLAND, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Peter INNES, 8th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
William INNES, 1st Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Sydney Clark IRVING, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
George Roy IRWIN, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Alfred Charles Harrop JACKSON, 6th Infantry Battalion, 9 August 1915.
Arthur William Panchand JACKSON, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
David Alexander JACKSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Henry JACOBS, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Robert Arthur JACOMB, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
David JAMES, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Percival Clarence Rodda JAMES, 16th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Samuel JAMES, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Trevor JAMES, 16th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Alexander JAMIESON, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Douglas JAMIESON, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
William JAMIESON, 7th Infantry Battalion, 12 August 1915.
Frederick Walter JANES, 14th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Alfred Henry JARVIS, 11th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Thomas John JASPER, 13th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Harold JEFFERY, 11th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Harold Anchor JEFFERY, 16th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
John JEFFREY, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
John JEFFREY, 1st Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Frederick JELLETT, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Roy JENKINS, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Lawrence Francis JENSEN, 1st Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Ernest John JETSON, 15th Infantry Battalion, 9 August 1915.
Benjamin Davies JOHNS, 11th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Arthur JOHNSON, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Charles Frederick JOHNSON, 6th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Donald Mathieson McGregor JOHNSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Edward Victor JOHNSON, 13th Infantry Battalion, 10 August 1915.
Francis JOHNSON, 7th Infantry Battalion, 11 August 1915.
Stanley JOHNSON, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Thomas JOHNSON, 7th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Alexander Thomas JOHNSTON, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Allan JOHNSTON, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Leslie William JOHNSTON, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Reginald JOHNSTON, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Hugh JOHNSTONE, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Thomas Valentine JOHNSTONE, 14th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
John Joshua JOLLY, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Arthur M JONES, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Edward George Rooke JONES, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Frederick Harold JONES, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Henry Lloyd JONES, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Ivor JONES, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
John Wilson JONES, 7th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Leslie Theophilus JONES, 7th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Michael JONES, 7th Light Horse Regiment, 6 August 1915.
Richard Henry Phillip JONES, 12th Infantry Battalion, 9 August 1915.
Roger Montgomery JONES, 8th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Stanley Herbert JONES, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Sydney Fisher JONES, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Thomas JONES, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Thomas Christopher JONES, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
William Frederick JONES, 11th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Robert JORDAN, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Elias JUDELL, 9th Light Horse Regiment, 9 August 1915.
Stanley Ivan KAIZER, 1st Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
William James KANE, 7th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Francis Lawrence KAY, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Joseph Patrick KEEFFE, 1st Field Artillery Brigade, 8 August 1915.
Joseph KEEGAN, 4th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
John KEENAN, 14th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Herbert Spencer KEEPENCE, 1st Infantry Battalion, 9 August 1915.
Harold KEERS, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
John KEIGHLEY, 1st Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Leonard Jean KELLE, 1st Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Charles KELLY, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 8 August 1915.
Frederick KELLY, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Herbert KELLY, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Patrick KELLY, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Patrick KELLY, 7th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Patrick Joseph KELLY, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Thomas James KELLY, 16th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
William KELLY, 4th Infantry Battalion, 11 August 1915.
William Joseph KELSALL, 14th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Norman KELSO, 19th Infantry Battalion, 9 August 1915.
John Russell KEMMIS, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Frank Winterburn KEMP, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Russell Stacey KEMPE, 1st Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Sydney Thomas KEMPSON, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Edward Francis KENDRICK, 11th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
John KENNEDY, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
John Michael KENNEDY, 4th Light Horse Regiment, 6 August 1915.
Martin KENNEDY, 10th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Derrick William KENNEDY-TAYLOR, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Leon Patrick KENNELLY, 14th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
William KENNERICK, 16th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Archibald KENNETT, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Arthur Leslie KENYON, 15th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Claude Septimus Selborne KENYON, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Thomas William Hoyles KENYON, 11th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Harold Younger KERR, 1st Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Robert KERR, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Charles KEYS, 11th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Frederick KIBBEY, 1st Infantry Battalion, 11 August 1915.
Sidney John Claud KIDD, 13th Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Albert Arthur KIERNAN, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance, 11 August 1915.
Edmund KILEY, 1st Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
Henry Robert KIMBER, 11th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Alexander KING, 9th Light Horse Regiment, 6 August 1915.
Charles KING, 10th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Charles Leslie KING, 16th Infantry Battalion, 10 August 1915.
Hainsworth KING, 7th Infantry Battalion, 8 August 1915.
Herbert Henry KING, 4th Infantry Battalion, 6 August 1915.
Martin Frederick KING, 8th Light Horse Regiment, 7 August 1915.
William Ernest KING, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 7 August 1915.
Lest We Forget
Further Reading:
The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915
The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915, Australian Imperial Force, Roll of Honour
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920
Citation: The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915, Australian Imperial Force, Roll of Honour: D - K