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Monday, 23 July 2007
The Battle of Pozieres, France, 23 July to 5 August 1916, Roll of Honour, A - B
Topic: BatzWF - Westn Front

The Battle of Pozieres

France, 23 July to 5 August 1916

Roll of Honour

Australian Imperial Forces, A - B


Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men known to have given their lives in service of Australia during the Battle of Pozieres, France, 23 July to 5 August 1916.


Roll of Honour, A - B

Alexander Thomas ABASSIE, 6th Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

James Lawrence ABBOTT, 2nd Field Company Engineers, 23 July 1916

Robert ABBOTT, 11th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Richard ABRAM, 28th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Robert William Wyllie ADAM, 11th Infantry Battalion, 26 July 1916

Brian Harry ADAMS, 12th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

John ADAMS, 20th Infantry Battalion, 26 July 1916

Leonard Ray ADAMS, 27th Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

Raymond Axford ADAMS, 26th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Arthur George ADAMSON, 18th Infantry Battalion, 28 July 1916

Henry ADAMSON, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Robert ADERMANN, 9th Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

Aubrey Roland ADKINS, 22nd Infantry Battalion, 27 July 1916

William ADSHEAD, 17th Infantry Battalion, 2 August 1916

William AGGETT, 9th Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

Norman Leslie AGNEW, 19th Infantry Battalion, 27 July 1916

Herbert James AINSWORTH, 28th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

William AKERS, 17th Infantry Battalion, 26 July 1916

Edwin Robert ALAND, 25th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

John Lenard ALCORN, 25th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

William Thomas ALDER, 18th Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

Robert ALDERSON, 11th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Harold Leslie ALEXANDER, 27th Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

John ALEXANDER, 5th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Maurice Gordon ALEXANDER, 7th Field Company Engineers, 29 July 1916

William Henry ALEXANDER, 20th Infantry Battalion, 26 July 1916

Myrton Trangmar ALLAN, 20th Infantry Battalion, 27 July 1916

Robert McCombie ALLAN, 5th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Charles ALLANSON, 28th Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

Albert Edward ALLEN, 8th Infantry Battalion, 26 July 1916

Herbert Fosbery ALLEN, 20th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Isaac ALLEN, 5th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Jack ALLEN, 7th Infantry Battalion, 24 July 1916

John Norman ALLEN, 22nd Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Ronald Shadrick ALLEN, 12th Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

Thomas ALLEN, 25th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Clair Underwood ALLEY, 19th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Albert Victor ALLISON, 25th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Ernecliffe Paley ALLISON, 18th Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

Walter Cecil Claude AMBLER, 19th Infantry Battalion, 27 July 1916

Carl Christian ANDERSEN, 60th Infantry Battalion, 31 July 1916

Archibald Mitchell ANDERSON, 18th Infantry Battalion, 27 July 1916

Ernest ANDERSON, 11th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Frank ANDERSON, 22nd Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Frederick William ANDERSON, 12th Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

Henry ANDERSON, 25th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Herbert Arthur Neil ANDERSON, 25th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

James Alexander ANDERSON, 18th Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

John Thomas ANDERSON, 28th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Norman Cecil ANDERSON, 9th Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

Robert ANDERSON, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 24 July 1916

Thomas ANDERSON, 9th Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

Thomas Alfred ANDERSON, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 24 July 1916

Trevor David Lovell ANDERSON, 8th Infantry Battalion, 27 July 1916

Ralph Edgar ANDRESEN, 26th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Walter James Tristrail ANDREW, 26th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Alan Robert ANDREWS, 12th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Charles Grace ANDREWS, 17th Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

Ernest Edward ANDREWS, 22nd Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

James Martin ANDREWS, 25th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

John ANDREWS, 21st Field Artillery Brigade, 1 August 1916

Leslie James ANDREWS, 20th Infantry Battalion, 3 August 1916

Thomas Corlett ANDREWS, 18th Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

Henry Fyfe ANGUS, 5th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Edward Raymond ANSELL, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 24 July 1916

Frederick James ANTHONY, 17th Infantry Battalion, 28 July 1916

Lester ANTHONY, 31st Infantry Battalion, 26 July 1916

William Douglas ANTROBUS, 17th Infantry Battalion, 26 July 1916

Gerald Edward APLIN, 25th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

William Traill APPLETON, 7th Infantry Battalion, 24 July 1916

Robert Roy ARBUTHNOT, 25th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

George Augustus ARCUS, 28th Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

Theodore Bertram ARMFIELD, 9th Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

Ernest John ARMISTEAD, 22nd Infantry Battalion, 27 July 1916

Arthur Gordon ARMSTRONG, 24th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Arthur William ARMSTRONG, 24th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Frank Harvey ARMSTRONG, 23rd Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

George ARMSTRONG, 21st Infantry Battalion, 30 July 1916

Harry ARMSTRONG, 26th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Joseph ARMSTRONG, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

Robert ARMSTRONG, 28th Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

Herbert Sydney ARTER, 19th Infantry Battalion, 27 July 1916

Frederick Louis ARTHUR, 25th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Lionel Thomas John ARTHUR, 12th Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

Harold Charles ASHBURN, 25th Infantry Battalion, 2 August 1916

William ASHCROFT, 6th Infantry Battalion, 3 August 1916

Thomas Huntley ASHLEY, 24th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

William Hugh ASHMORE, 25th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Ellis Wordsworth ASHTON, 12th Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

John Robert ASPINALL, 27th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

William ASSAN, 11th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Thomas Hughes ATKIN, 25th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Harold Augustus Randolph ATKINS, 1st Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

Raymond John ATKINS, 27th Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

William James ATKINS, 12th Infantry Battalion, 24 July 1916

Francis Frederick ATKINSON, 11th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Raymond Leslie ATKINSON, 23rd Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

Frederick Herbert ATWELL, 12th Infantry Battalion, 26 July 1916

George Victor AUBREY, 22nd Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Charles Frederick AUMANN, 21st Infantry Battalion, 1 August 1916

Harry John AUSTIN, 5th Machine Gun Company, 31 July 1916

Reginald Victor AUSTIN, 5th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

George AVERY, 1st Pioneer Battalion, 25 July 1916

Albert AXTON, 26th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916


Onnie BACKMAN, 28th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Charles Henry BAILEY, 7th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

John Edward BAILEY, 5th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Robert Henry BAILEY, 24th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Benjamin George BAKER, 26th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Cecil Vivian BAKER, 12th Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

Charles Frederick BAKER, 12th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Harold Harry BAKER, 25th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Norman Selwyn BAKER, 17th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Percy Wadman BAKER, 26th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Russell William Henry BAKER, 9th Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

Samuel Charles BAKER, 23rd Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

William Charles BAKER, 17th Infantry Battalion, 26 July 1916

William Harold BAKER, 27th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

William BALDWIN, 25th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

William Harold BALDWIN, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 24 July 1916

Archibald Duncan BALL, 25th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Aubrey Roland BALL, 4th Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

Cyril Thornbury BALL, 9th Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

Allen Edwin BALLINGER, 19th Infantry Battalion, 27 July 1916

Henry Charles BANFIELD, 26th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Arthur BANKS, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Francis Thomas BANNAN, 23rd Infantry Battalion, 28 July 1916

George Frederick BANNER, 24th Infantry Battalion, 28 July 1916

Lionel BARBARY, 28th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Harold BARBER, 8th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Henry Matthew BARKER, 5th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

James BARKER, 26th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Oliver Albert Mortimer BARKER, 10th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

William Frederick Joseph BARKER, 17th Infantry Battalion, 27 July 1916

Daniel BARLOW, 5th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

George BARNABY, 28th Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

Stanley BARNARD, 6th Infantry Battalion, 26 July 1916

Arthur William BARNES, 22nd Field Artillery Brigade, 31 July 1916

John BARNES, 25th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Joseph William BARNETT, 8th Infantry Battalion, 24 July 1916

Arthur Waters BARRATT, 23rd Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Alfred Ernest BARRETT, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

James Herbert BARRETT, 5th Field Company Engineers, 25 July 1916

Edward Joseph BARRY, 9th Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

Percy Albert BARTLAM, 25th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Sydney Tremayne BARTLE, 4th Infantry Battalion, 26 July 1916

John Henry BARTLESON, 1st Field Artillery Brigade, 26 July 1916

James Stanley Forbes BARTLETT, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Herbert Pearson BATEMAN, 28th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Eric Hugh William BATESON, 18th Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

Allan Frederick BATH, 22nd Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Arthur Roy BATLEY, 28th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Frederick Charles BATTEN, 25th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Thomas Henry Bossence BATTEN, 26th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Walter Norman BAYLISS, 1st Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

David BEACOM, 25th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Stanley Walter BEASANT, 25th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Charles BEASLEY, 25th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Edward John BEASLEY, 9th Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

Samuel McKenzie BEATON, 18th Infantry Battalion, 1 August 1916

Clarence Minto BEATTIE, 19th Infantry Battalion, 26 July 1916

John Rolston BEATTIE, 20th Infantry Battalion, 3 August 1916

Arthur BEAVEN, 1st Infantry Battalion, 27 July 1916

Harry Albert BECHT, 5th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Harold BEDFORD, 28th Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

Albert Charles BEESON, 1st Pioneer Battalion, 26 July 1916

Thomas BEGG, 9th Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

Bert Adams BELL, 28th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

James Elliott BELL, 1st Pioneer Battalion, 28 July 1916

John Henry Edward BELL, 26th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

John Richard BELL, 26th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Kenneth Allan BELL, 19th Infantry Battalion, 26 July 1916

Leslie Alfred BELL, 27th Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

Robert Harrington BELL, 17th Infantry Battalion, 26 July 1916

Ronald BELL, 26th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Thomas BELL, 18th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Thomas Henry BELL, 25th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

William BELL, 11th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Thomas Peter BELLINGHAM, 6th Infantry Battalion, 26 July 1916

Thomas Herbert BELPITT, 12th Infantry Battalion, 26 July 1916

Albert Lewis BENJAMIN, 24th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Herbert George BENNETT, 28th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

John Edward BENNETT, 17th Infantry Battalion, 26 July 1916

Albert Aubrey BENNIE, 8th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Leslie Edward BENNING, 1st Infantry Battalion, 24 July 1916

William BENNIS, 20th Infantry Battalion, 26 July 1916

Alfred Edward BENTON, 18th Infantry Battalion, 28 July 1916

William BENTON, 24th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Ernest Edward BERNARD, 5th Light Trench Mortar Battery, 28 July 1916

Charles Frederick BERRY, 7th Machine Gun Company, 5 August 1916

Henry Harold BERRY, 20th Infantry Battalion, 26 July 1916

Edwin James BERTWISTLE, 4th Pioneer Battalion, 4 August 1916

George BERZIN, 27th Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

Charles Leslie BETTLES, 22nd Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Roy Scott BETTLES, 23rd Infantry Battalion, 28 July 1916

Willie Watts BETTS, 28th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Frederic Richard BEVERIDGE, 5th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

George Anton BEYER, 25th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Henry Samuel BEYER, 1st Pioneer Battalion, 26 July 1916

Emile Victor BIART, 20th Infantry Battalion, 28 July 1916

James BICKLEY, 24th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Frank BILBY, 3rd Light Trench Mortar Battery, 25 July 1916

David Henry BINDOFF, 19th Infantry Battalion, 27 July 1916

Cecil John BIRCH, 22nd Infantry Battalion, 27 July 1916

Edwin Raymond BISHOP, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 28 July 1916

Percival William BISHOP, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 24 July 1916

John BISSET, 25th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Charles Henry BLACK, 18th Infantry Battalion, 26 July 1916

John Victor BLACK, 26th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Nesbitt William Thomas BLACK, 9th Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

Thomas BLACKBURN, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 24 July 1916

Lewis Gordon BLACKMORE, 1st Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

Percy James BLACKMORE, 20th Infantry Battalion, 27 July 1916

Andrew Paterson BLAIR, 9th Infantry Battalion, 24 July 1916

Arthur David BLAIR, 28th Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

Hugh McGill BLAIR, 5th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

John BLAIR, 20th Infantry Battalion, 26 July 1916

Frederick William BLAKE, 9th Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

George Joseph BLAKE, 1st Pioneer Battalion, 25 July 1916

Henry George BLAKE, 12th Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

James BLAKELEY, 5th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Archibald Evatt BLAND, 1st Field Company Engineers, 23 July 1916

Charles BLANKENSHIP, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

George Thomas BLATCHFORD, 9th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Arthur John Montgomery BLEAKLEY, 12th Infantry Battalion, 24 July 1916

Darrell Lorraine BLEECHMORE, 22nd Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Benjamin BLIGHT, 28th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Bristow Roding BLISS, 5th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Francis Michael BLOOMER, 22nd Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Herbert John BLUM, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Edward BLUNDEY, 7th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

William Thomas BODINNAR, 22nd Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

James BOGIE, 26th Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

Perris Henry BOLAND, 18th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Colin William BOLITHO, 8th Infantry Battalion, 28 July 1916

Ferderick Charles BOLTON, 9th Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

Royston BOLTON, 26th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Thomas BOND, 1st Pioneer Battalion, 25 July 1916

William BOND, 12th Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

Stanley Albert Corbett BOOTH, 19th Infantry Battalion, 28 July 1916

Albert BOOTHBY, 28th Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

Alexander BORET, 19th Infantry Battalion, 27 July 1916

Robert BORTHWICK, 27th Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

Russell George BOSISTO, 27th Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

Harold Thomas BOSTOCK, 25th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Thomas Henry BOTTOMLEY, 18th Infantry Battalion, 1 August 1916

Norman BOUGEN, 3rd Light Trench Mortar Battery, 25 July 1916

John Cecil BOUNDS, 26th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Albert Herbert BOUQUET, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

Bernard BOURKE, 19th Infantry Battalion, 28 July 1916

Geoffrey BOURKE, 21st Infantry Battalion, 30 July 1916

Thomas BOURKE, 18th Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

Thomas BOURKE, 27th Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

William Alan BOURKE, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Alfred Harlow BOWDEN, 8th Infantry Battalion, 26 July 1916

George Malcolm BOWDEN, 5th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

William George BOWDEN, 22nd Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

John Charles BOWERS, 25th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Bertie Frederick BOWLER, 11th Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

William Alexander Bennett BOWLEY, 24th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

James Lynn BOWMAN, 7th Machine Gun Company, 5 August 1916

William McClelland BOWN, 22nd Infantry Battalion, 27 July 1916

Frank BOWSER, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 24 July 1916

Percy George BOX, 25th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Bertram Allanby BOYCE, 5th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

James Roy BOYD, 24th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Leslie David BOYD, 5th Light Trench Mortar Battery, 28 July 1916

John BOYLE, 18th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Walter Granleese BOYS, 25th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Sydney Hamilton BRABAZON, 4th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Albert Victor BRACHER, 25th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Milton BRADBURY, 20th Infantry Battalion, 28 July 1916

Alfred Norman BRADFORD, 23rd Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

Charles Henry BRADHURST, 18th Infantry Battalion, 26 July 1916

John Simeon BRADIE, 5th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Allan Woulds BRADLEY, 22nd Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Clarence Eugene BRADLEY, 10th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

George BRADLEY, 24th Infantry Battalion, 28 July 1916

John BRADSHAW, 25th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Samuel Thomas BRADSHAW, 1st Pioneer Battalion, 24 July 1916

William James BRAGG, 9th Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

James BRAITHWAITE, 18th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Charles Henry BRAME, 8th Infantry Battalion, 28 July 1916

Arthur Walter BRAMICH, 12th Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

Lance Wray BRANFORD, 27th Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

James Thomas BRAY, 25th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Edward John BRENNAN, 28th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Edward Michael BRENNAN, 2nd Pioneer Battalion, 2 August 1916

Alfred BRETT, 4th Pioneer Battalion, 3 August 1916

Charles BRETT, 2nd Field Company Engineers, 23 July 1916

David BRETTLE, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 24 July 1916

William BREWARD, 26th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Percy BRIGGS, 24th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

William John BRIMBECOM, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

Eric Thomas BRIND, 23rd Infantry Battalion, 28 July 1916

Sidney Francis BRIND, 25th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Hugh BRINSMEAD, 23rd Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

George Herbert Hampton BRISCO, 28th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Norman Walter BRITT, 28th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Robert John BRITTEN, 28th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Fred Stephen BRITTENDEN, 27th Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

Bertie BRITTON, 4th Pioneer Battalion, 3 August 1916

Lionel BRIZZOLARA, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Clement Gordon BROCKIE, 5th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

John Middleton BRODIN, 5th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Joseph Leslie BROMILOW, 28th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

William BROMLEY, 4th Infantry Battalion, 24 July 1916

Frederick Albert BROOK, 20th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

James Edward Blythe BROOK, 28th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Albert Arthur BROOKES, 5th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Julian BROOKES-BALL, 26th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Horace BROOKS, 28th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

John Elkanah BROOKS, 27th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Thomas BROOKS, 20th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

John BROSNAN, 12th Infantry Battalion, 24 July 1916

Albert BROWN, 23rd Infantry Battalion, 28 July 1916

Alfred Lancelot BROWN, 20th Infantry Battalion, 27 July 1916

Arthur John BROWN, 28th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Claude BROWN, 11th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Edwin Thomas Edison BROWN, 22nd Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Ernest BROWN, 17th Infantry Battalion, 2 August 1916

Francis John BROWN, 26th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Frank Grierson BROWN, 26th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Frederick BROWN, 10th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

George Robert BROWN, 25th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Henry Jesse Trimmer BROWN, 7th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Herbert BROWN, 22nd Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

James Centennial BROWN, 10th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

James Joseph BROWN, 9th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

James Monteagle BROWN, 25th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

John BROWN, 9th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

John Franklin BROWN, 20th Infantry Battalion, 26 July 1916

John Lawrence BROWN, 5th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Leonard James BROWN, 12th Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

Leslie John BROWN, 4th Infantry Battalion, 26 July 1916

Percival John BROWN, 5th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Roy Edwin BROWN, 26th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

William BROWN, 23rd Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

William Harris BROWN, 24th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

William Robert Grierson BROWN, 25th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Hedley Alexander BROWNE, 19th Infantry Battalion, 27 July 1916

Henry Gordon BROWNE, 18th Infantry Battalion, 2 August 1916

Tom BROWNE, 11th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Stanley Robert BROWNING, 25th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Jack BROWNJOHN, 26th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Henry Homewood BRUCE, 11th Infantry Battalion, 26 July 1916

Adrian Dan BRUMBY, 26th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Harold BRUNSKILL, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

James William BRYAN, 23rd Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

Henry BRYANT, 17th Infantry Battalion, 26 July 1916

Henry William BRYANT, 7th Field Company Engineers, 29 July 1916

Alexander William BRYCE, 7th Field Company Engineers, 29 July 1916

William Martin BUCCI, 11th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Kenneth Shaw BUCHAN, 23rd Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

Walter David BUCHAN, 20th Infantry Battalion, 26 July 1916

William Patrick BUCHAN, 9th Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916

Alexander BUCHANAN, 26th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Eric Thomas BUCHANAN, 7th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Harry Valentine BUCK, 28th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

William BUCKINGHAM, 25th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Charles BUCKLAND, 25th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Frank Renald BUCKLE, 24th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Frank Willoughby BUCKLE, 23rd Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

George Henry BUCKLEY, 20th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Michael BUCKLEY, 25th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Thomas Alexander BUCKLEY, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 27 July 1916

John Ronald BUCKMASTER, 11th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Ernest Bernard BUDGON, 20th Infantry Battalion, 26 July 1916

Henry BULMAN, 22nd Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

Robert Allan BUNNING, 7th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

William Claude BURFORD, 4th Pioneer Battalion, 3 August 1916

Ebenezer BURGESS, 21st Infantry Battalion, 31 July 1916

John Robert BURGIS, 17th Infantry Battalion, 30 July 1916

William James BURKE, 22nd Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Frank Armstrong BURLEY, 12th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Robert Allan BURLEY, 28th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Alexander BURNS, 21st Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916

John Albert BURNS, 25th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

John Dempster BURNS, 28th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916

Albert Norman BURROWES, 18th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916

Richard Stewart BURSTAL, 1st Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

John Rickatson BURTON, 11th Infantry Battalion, 25 July 1916

Lionel George Fuller BURTON, 1st Field Company Engineers, 25 July 1916

Thomas Bradbury BURTON, 5th Field Company Engineers, 26 July 1916

William BURTON, 25th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916.

Horace Reginald BUSBY, 19th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916.

Reginald Arthur BUSSELL, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 27 July 1916.

George Henry BUTCHER, 8th Infantry Battalion, 26 July 1916.

John Samuel BUTCHER, 24th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916.

Horace John BUTLER, 25th Infantry Battalion, 5 August 1916.

William BUTLER, 25th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916.

George Arthur BUTTERICK, 10th Infantry Battalion, 23 July 1916.

Leslie Monah BUTTERICK, 27th Infantry Battalion, 4 August 1916.

Alfred Fredrick BUTTERS, 19th Infantry Battalion, 28 July 1916.

Frank Joseph BUTTERWORTH, 4th Pioneer Battalion, 4 August 1916.

Alfred Peter BYASS, 24th Infantry Battalion, 29 July 1916 .


Lest We Forget


Further Reading:

The Battle of Pozieres, France, 23 July to 5 August 1916, Contents

The Battle of Pozieres, France, 23 July to 5 August 1916, Roll of Honour

Western Front, France and Belgium, 1916 - 1918 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The Battle of Pozieres, France, 23 July to 5 August 1916, Roll of Honour, A - B 

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Friday, 6 August 2010 10:09 AM EADT

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