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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Saturday, 9 December 2006
6th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, "A" Squadron
Topic: AIF - 2B - 6 LHR

6th LHR, AIF

6th Australian Light Horse Regiment

Embarkation Roll, "A" Squadron


HMAT A29 Suevic


6th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF, "A" Squadron, embarked from Sydney, New South Wales on board HMAT A29 Suevic 21 December 1914.

The HMAT A29 Suevic weighed 12,531 tons with an average cruise speed of 13 knots or 24.07 kmph. It was owned by the Oceanic SN Co Ltd, Liverpool, and leased by the Commonwealth until 9 September 1917.

The ensuing individual soldier's embarkation information contains the following details:

Rank on embarkation;

Full name of the soldier

Declared age of the soldier;

The last occupation held;

The last address as a civilian;

Enlistment Date; and,



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Embarkation Roll


550 Private Hastings Elwin A'BECKETT, a 24 year old Station Manager from Bathurst, New South Wales. He enlisted on 23 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 17 December 1918.

40 Sergeant Thomas William ALFORD, a 25 year old Farmer from Woodstock, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 29 April 1919.

72 Driver Bert ALLEN, a 19 year old Labourer from Orange, New South Wales. He enlisted on 3 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 13 October 1918.

75 Private Albert Ernest ATTRILL, a 26 year old Coach driver from Bega, New South Wales. He enlisted on 5 September 1914; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 13 November 1919.


88 Private David William BALDIE, a 22 year old Stockman from Teneriffe, Queensland. He enlisted on 8 September 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 9 June 1915, and subsequently was buried at sea.

81 Private Walter Lewis BARRETT, a 23 year old Labourer from Manilla, New South Wales. He enlisted on 4 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 3 September 1915.

588 Private Brian Templar BARTON, a 25 year old Grazier from Nanima via Wellington, New South Wales. He enlisted on 7 December 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 3 December 1917.

82 Private James Norman BENNETT, a 21 year old Station Overseer from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 7 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 4 October 1917.

79 Private Lewis Gordon BLACKMORE, an 18 year old Farmer from Wattamondara, New South Wales. He enlisted on 23 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 23 July 1916.

553 Private Giles Eyre BLAKE, a 26 year old Station Overseer from Haymarket, New South Wales. He enlisted on 26 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 28 August 1919.

78 Private Archibald Charles Jeffries BRITTEN, a 26 year old Accountant from Tamworth, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 1 April 1919.

70 Driver Frederick John BROOMHAM, a 32 year old Fitter’s mate from Chatswood, New South Wales. He enlisted on 16 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

84 Private Reginald Roy BROWN, a 24 year old Grazier from Dubbo, New South Wales. He enlisted on 27 October 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 31 October 1918.

87 Private William Henry BROWN, a 21 year old Farmer from Cowra, New South Wales. He enlisted on 8 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1915.

86 Private Arthur BULT, a 21 year old Slaughterman from Stone Creek, New South Wales. He enlisted on 8 September 1914; and subsequently Died of Disease, 15 February 1918.

80 Private William Roger BURGESS, a 21 year old Clerk from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 23 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 1 February 1918.

67 Lance Corporal Carlton Lewis BURRETT, a 19 year old Bank Clerk from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 6 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 3 July 1919.

85 Private George Edward BUSH, a 21 year old Farmer from Weddin, New South Wales. He enlisted on 4 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 February 1918.

83 Private Charles Robert BYRNE, a 23 year old Overseer from Bradleys Head, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 17 September 1915.


100 Private Lawrence CADELL, a 26 year old Stock agent from Quirindi, New South Wales. He enlisted on 8 October 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 13 April 1919.

96 Private Colin CAMPBELL, a 19 year old Labourer from Cootamundra, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

97 Private William Edward CAMPBELL, a 20 year old Labourer from Boggabri, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 October 1918.

94 Private Allan McArthur CARNE, a 27 year old Experimentalist from Mines Dept Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 30 September 1914; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 7 January 1916.

93 Private John CARRUTHERS, a 26 year old Station hand from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 16 May 1919.

Major William Thomas CHARLEY, a 47 year old Motor Rep from Mosman, New South Wales. He enlisted on 28 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 December 1918.

102 Private Harry Bertram CHISHOLM, a 25 year old Architect from Merilla, New South Wales / Chatswood, New South Wales. He enlisted on 10 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

Second Lieutenant John McKellar CHISHOLM, a 26 year old Grazier from Union Club Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 1 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 11 July 1917.

90 Private Henry Alfred CLOW, a 30 year old Chauffeur from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 30 January 1918.

95 Private Harold Timon COLDHAM, a 27 year old Grazier from Toorak, Victoria. He enlisted on 25 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 16 October 1916.

89 Driver Arthur Edward COLLINS, a 27 year old Boot maker / Farmer from Katoomba, New South Wales / St Leonards, New South Wales. He enlisted on 8 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 17 August 1916.

103 Private Herbert Ronald COLLINSON, a 24 year old Carpenter from New Lambton via Newcastle, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 24 September 1918.

101 Private Francis Clive CONRICK, a 23 year old Grazier from Coopers Creek, Victoria. He enlisted on 27 October 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 2 January 1919.

45 Private Frederick James COTTERELL, a 25 year old Carter from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 3 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 2 September 1918.

92 Private Malcolm Leslie CRANE, a 19 year old Overseer from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 13 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 26 December 1918.

91 Private William Leslie CRANE, a 21 year old Bank Clerk from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

69 Private Cyril Selwyn CROFT, a 20 year old Farm hand from North Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 2 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 5 July 1916.

Second Lieutenant Donald Gordon CROSS, a 23 year old Farmer from Cootamundra, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 October 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 7 June 1919.

98 Private Phillip CURTIS, a 20 year old Boundary rider from Crown law Dept Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 6 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 4 September 1915.


562 Private Charles Scrivener DALE, a 32 year old Auctioneer from Neutral Bay, New South Wales. He enlisted on 30 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 9 December 1918.

643 Private Douglas Poultney DALZELL, a 27 year old Squatter from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 20 December 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 7 August 1915.

105 Private William Bramwell DAVIES, a 29 year old Commission Agent from Lockhart, New South Wales. He enlisted on 1 October 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 17 March 1919.

104 Private Norman DICKSON, a 29 year old Station Overseer from Mitchell, Queensland. He enlisted on 25 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 28 June 1919.

63 Corporal William DIVALL, a 45 year old Guard from Tighe Hill, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 May 1916.

106 Private Robert Patrick DIXON, a 23 year old Labourer from Guyra, New South Wales. He enlisted on 7 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 19 June 1919.


61 Private Walter Herbert EDDISON, a 37 year old Farmer from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 October 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 1 November 1919.

108 Private George ELLIOTT, a 21 year old Farmer from North Gundagai, New South Wales. He enlisted on 3 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

110 Private Edwin William ETHERIDGE, a 38 year old Miner from Gloucester, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 12 November 1917.

109 Private Charles Joseph EVANS, a 26 year old Horse breaker from Yarrawonga, Victoria. He enlisted on 9 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 October 1918.

107 Private Frank EWIN, a 26 year old Grocer from Blayney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 28 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 October 1918.


111 Private Richard John FITZGERALD, a 24 year old Engineer from Kyneton, Victoria. He enlisted on 7 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

112 Private Herbert FORAN, a 22 year old Grazier from Gilgandra, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

113 Private Raymond FRANCIS, a 27 year old Labourer from Coonamble, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 3 May 1916.

114 Private Dick FRYER, a 25 year old Labourer from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 29 July 1915.


119 Private Tom Vernon GARRETT, a 28 year old Station hand from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 16 March 1916.

118 Private Arthur Eugene GATES, a 23 year old Overseer from Justice Dept Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 31 December 1915.

39 Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant George Lewis GATONBY, a 32 year old Quarter master from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 12 September 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 8 August 1915.

125 Private Henry Alfred GIBBONS, a 21 year old Farmer from Bulgandry via Albury, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 12 November 1917.

122 Private Matthew Rae GIBSON, a 24 year old Overseer from Inverell, New South Wales. He enlisted on 10 October 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 19 July 1915.

124 Private Cecil Bertram GIFFIN, a 26 year old Farmer from Manildra, New South Wales. He enlisted on 8 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 1 November 1918.

116 Private Keith Irvine GILL, a 27 year old Grazier from Moonbi, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 13 October 1918.

123 Private Alfred John GRAHAM, a 30 year old Stockman from Kyogle, New South Wales. He enlisted on 4 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

120 Private Francis GRIFFITHS, a 24 year old Grazier from Killara, New South Wales. He enlisted on 13 October 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 28 February 1919.

117 Private Arthur Bailey GURNEY, a 20 year old Bank Clerk from Coonamble, New South Wales. He enlisted on 30 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 28 June 1919.


139 Private Clifford Robert Lang HALLORAN, a 22 year old Reporter "Sun" from Arncliffe, New South Wales. He enlisted on 10 September 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 7 September 1915.

126 Private James Jarrett HAMILTON, a 19 year old Baker from Adelong, New South Wales. He enlisted on 8 October 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 13 November 1917.

552 Private Henry Ivan HANMER, a 21 year old Grazier from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 23 November 1914; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 18 April 1915.

127 Private Edward Thomas HARDWICK, a 33 year old Horse breaker from Mt Adrah, New South Wales. He enlisted on 1 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 22 January 1917.

129 Private Holt HARDY, a 21 year old Station hand from Homebush, New South Wales. He enlisted on 11 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 30 August 1918.

133 Private Reginald Howarth HAYES, a 27 year old Solicitor from Melbourne, Victoria. He enlisted on 9 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 29 January 1916.

130 Private Henry HEATH, a 21 year old Station hand from Gravesend, New South Wales. He enlisted on 15 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 14 July 1918.

134 Private Townsend McGregor HILL, a 24 year old Drover from Morangarell, New South Wales. He enlisted on 30 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 15 July 1918.

137 Private George Henry HINCKS, a 28 year old Bushman from Kensington, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 December 1918.

138 Private James Finn HOLE, a 25 year old Labourer from Harrow, Victoria. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

135 Private George Ernest HOLYROYD, a 20 year old Station hand from Rosebery, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 6 December 1918.

Second Lieutenant Alfred Roy HORDERN, a 23 year old Merchant from Wahroonga, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 4 December 1915.

136 Private Richard Alfred HUGHES, a 21 year old Driver from Annandale, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 11 January 1919.

131 Private Darcy Collis HYNDMAN, a 25 year old Boundary rider from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 7 January 1919.


141 Private Lionel Mathew JAQUES, a 31 year old Merchant from Pott's Point, New South Wales. He enlisted on 2 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 February 1918.

646 Private Norman Stanley JEFFREY, a 35 year old Grazier from Tenterfield, New South Wales. He enlisted on 19 December 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 26 May 1915.

49 S/Smith Cpl George Thomas JONES, a 20 year old Farrier from Rutherglen, Victoria. He enlisted on 10 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

38 Squadron Sergeant Major Alfred Frederick JORDAN, a 39 year old Traveller from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 15 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 18 March 1918.


48 Farrier Sergeant William KINGHORN, a 38 year old Blacksmith from Killarney, Queensland. He enlisted on 16 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 7 January 1919.

142 Private William Allen KNIGHT, a 24 year old Grazier from Grenfell, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 21 December 1915.

57 Corporal Cuthbert Robert LAMROCK, a 24 year old Commission Agent from “Luckieth”, Upper Beaconsfield Victoria. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 13 May 1916.

54 Bugler Roy Augustus LAVENDER, an 18 year old Clerk from Wentworthville, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 May 1919.

144 Private Harry Grimshaw LOMAX, a 31 year old Drover from Neutral Bay, New South Wales. He enlisted on 10 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 25 December 1918.


147 Private Walter Stirling MacANSH , a 23 year old Stockman from Hunter's Hill, New South Wales. He enlisted on 2 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 28 June 1919.

151 Private James MacDONALD, a 20 year old Labourer from Branxholme, Victoria. He enlisted on 3 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 October 1918.

60 Signaller Corporal Loyal Clifford MARSH, a 27 year old Gentleman from Merriwa, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 August 1915.

157 Private Norman Edgar MATHEWS, a 19 year old Clerk from Goulburn, New South Wales. He enlisted on 22 August 1914; and subsequently Died of Accident, 4 February 1917.

160 Private Victor Leslie MATHEWS, a 30 year old Tram Driver from Rozelle, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 20 January 1916.

153 Private Frank Walter MATTHEWS, a 26 year old Policeman from Gloucester, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 17 September 1915.

59 Corporal Arthur Mainwaring MAXWELL, a 26 year old Station Manager from Hobart, Tasmania. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 16 June 1919.

1326 Private Edward Crofton MAXWELL, a 23 year old Stockman from Hunters Hill, New South Wales. He enlisted on 2 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 28 June 1919.

148 Private Francis John McCABE, a 23 year old Farmer from Spicers Creek via Wellington, New South Wales. He enlisted on 7 August 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 28 June 1919.

50 Shoeing Smith Eugene Prosper McCARTHY, a 30 year old Station hand from Meldrum via Armidale, New South Wales. He enlisted on 30 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 13 October 1918.

159 Private Henry Thorold McDONALD, a 27 year old Rail Guard from Manilla, New South Wales. He enlisted on 7 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

44 Sergeant Gilbert Roy McKEOWN, a 27 year old Farmer from Waverley, New South Wales / Wellington, New South Wales. He enlisted on 19 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 21 July 1917.

154 Private John Laidley MERIVALE, a 27 year old Overseer from Darling Pt, New South Wales. He enlisted on 21 October 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 6 August 1915.

521 Private Frank Stewart MILNES, a 30 year old Saddler from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 13 November 1914; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 26 March 1919.

43 Private Hayward Hugh MOFFATT, a 28 year old Pastoralist from “Camoola Park”, Longreach, Queensland. He enlisted on 4 October 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 21 September 1918.

149 Private Thomas MONTAGUE, a 26 year old Farmer from The Rock, New South Wales. He enlisted on 21 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 24 September 1918.

150 Private Henry Herbert MORELL, a 21 year old Grazier from Bathurst, New South Wales. He enlisted on 23 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 6 November 1918.

42 Sergeant Roy MORELL, a 25 year old Grazier from Bathurst, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 6 May 1919.

152 Private Reginald Faithful MUFFETT, a 28 year old Farmer from Glenorie via Goulburn, New South Wales. He enlisted on 13 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

155 Private James Patrick MURPHY, a 35 year old Station hand from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 10 October 1914; but did not embark and subsequently Deserted, 21 December 1914.


161 Private Charles Henry Ffrench NOBBS, a 21 year old Clerk from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 10 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Discharged in Britain, 16 March 1917.

162 Private George Rawdon Ffrench NOBBS, a 19 year old Teacher from Granville, New South Wales. He enlisted on 25 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 9 August 1916.


163 Private Dougald O'BRIEN, a 23 year old Shearer from Korong vale, Victoria. He enlisted on 10 September 1914; and subsequently Died of Disease, 7 November 1918.

Second Lieutenant Harold Ormond O'BRIEN, a 36 year old Station manager from Mosman, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 3 August 1918.

604 Private Harold Reath OLVER, a 24 year old Station Overseer from Chatswood, New South Wales. He enlisted on 21 November 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 4 August 1916.


164 Private Errol McLeod Nunn PATTRICK, a 25 year old Station Overseer from Ashfield, New South Wales. He enlisted on 7 October 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 1 June 1915, and subsequently was buried at sea.

55 Private Tom Fremantle PERRY, a 21 year old Farm Labourer from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 11 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 11 January 1918.

165 Private Richard PHILLIPS, a 29 year old Station Hand from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 10 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

64 Lance Corporal Frederick Coventry PLUNKETT, a 26 year old Clerk from Ascot Vale, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 August 1915.


58 Corporal Fletcher Evelyn QUINTAL, a 41 year old Superintendent Police from Newtown, New South Wales. He enlisted on 7 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 7 November 1915.


56 Corporal Edward Ernest RAWDON, a 26 year old Drover from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 10 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

46 Sergeant Rolland Arthur REID, a 24 year old Grazier from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 8 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 23 March 1919.

582 Private Aubrey REYNOLDS, a 20 year old Grazier from “Burrawang”, Cumnock via Molong, New South Wales. He enlisted on 6 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 26 December 1918.

66 Private Lancelot Lytton RICHARDSON, a 19 year old Grazier from Barraba, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 13 April 1917.

166 Private Henry ROBERTS, a 21 year old Station Hand from North Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 8 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

169 Private William David ROBERTSON, a 27 year old Labourer from Deniliquin, New South Wales. He enlisted on 1 October 1914; and subsequently Died of Disease, 29 July 1915.

168 Private Alan Montie ROBINSON, a 19 year old Under graduate from Oxford Hotel Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 28 September 1914; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 10 November 1915.

589 Private Herbert Reginald ROBINSON, a 34 year old Agent from North Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 7 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 October 1918.

554 Private Walter Edgar John ROBSON, a 27 year old Carpenter from Ballina, New South Wales. He enlisted on 25 November 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 24 July 1916.

170 Driver Parker Charles ROGERS, a 21 year old Labourer from Bankstown, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

171 Private Reginald Gordon ROSE, a 28 year old Grazier from Roma, Queensland. He enlisted on 22 October 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 29 January 1919.

167 Private Otto Cartwright ROSSITER, a 21 year old Station Hand from Darlinghurst, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 August 1917.

Captain Montague David RUSSELL, a 30 year old N/R from Adelong, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 October 1914; and subsequently disembarked in Fremantle where he was returned to Sydney and subsequently Discharged, 15 April 1915.


52 Shoeing Smith Alfred SAPSED, a 21 year old Labourer from Yundle, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

522 Private Cecil Stanley SCOTT, a 21 year old Farmer from Lockhart, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 November 1914; and subsequently Died of Disease, 25 November 1918.

173 Private Walter Lewis SCOTT, a 23 year old Bookkeeper from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 10 October 1914; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 6 August 1915.

172 Private Angus Edward SIMPSON, a 21 year old Salesman from Hay, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 24 June 1916.

541 Private Stanley SINGLE, a 22 year old Labourer from Gunnedah, New South Wales. He enlisted on 26 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

47 Sergeant Stanley Sydney SMITH, a 21 year old Station Overseer from Manly, New South Wales. He enlisted on 4 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 4 September 1915.

62 Corporal Robert Henderson STEWART, a 35 year old Station Overseer from Taree, New South Wales. He enlisted on 8 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 21 January 1916.

174 Private Harry STOKES, a 28 year old Grazier from Blackheath, New South Wales. He enlisted on 22 October 1914; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 29 December 1915.


175 Private Charles Russell TEBB, a 24 year old Drover/ Driver from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 9 December 1919.

526 Private John Rowan THOMPSON, a 21 year old Telegraph Linesman from Korumburra, Victoria. He enlisted on 13 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 25 November 1918.


178 Private George VERNON, a 26 year old Interpreter from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 17 July 1916.


597 Private Alison Godlet Dight WALKER, a 26 year old Station Manager from Ballarat, Victoria. He enlisted on 10 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 1 November 1919.

180 Private Harold Lionel WALL, a 21 year old Stockman from North Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 1 June 1919.

513 Private Herbert Frazer WATSON, a 33 year old Grazier from Woollahra, New South Wales. He enlisted on 10 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia via America and Japan at own expense, 12 January 1920.


183 Private Geoffrey Heron YEOMANS, a 23 year old Grazier from Brewarrina, New South Wales. He enlisted on 5 October 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 22 July 1916.

184 Private John Henry YOUNG, a 20 year old Labourer from Hay, New South Wales. He enlisted on 3 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 17 September 1915.



Previous: Regimental Headquarters Section

Next: "B" Squadron


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

6th Light Horse Regiment, AIF

6th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 6th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, "A" Squadron

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Sunday, 17 January 2010 8:04 AM EAST
Friday, 8 December 2006
6th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, "B" Squadron
Topic: AIF - 2B - 6 LHR

6th LHR, AIF

6th Australian Light Horse Regiment

Embarkation Roll, "B" Squadron


HMAT A29 Suevic


6th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF, "B" Squadron, embarked from Sydney, New South Wales on board HMAT A29 Suevic 21 December 1914.

The HMAT A29 Suevic weighed 12,531 tons with an average cruise speed of 13 knots or 24.07 kmph. It was owned by the Oceanic SN Co Ltd, Liverpool, and leased by the Commonwealth until 9 September 1917.

The ensuing individual soldier's embarkation information contains the following details:

Rank on embarkation;

Full name of the soldier

Declared age of the soldier;

The last occupation held;

The last address as a civilian;

Enlistment Date; and,



Finding more about a service person.

See: Navigating the National Archives Service File 


Embarkation Roll


211 Corporal Kenneth Fitzgerald ALFORD, a 27 year old Farmer from Bundaberg, Queensland. He enlisted on 8 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 February 1918.

535 Private Albert ALLEN, a 22 year old Labourer from Kembla Heights via Wollongong, New South Wales. He enlisted on 1 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 August 1915.

536 Private Peter ALMOND, a 30 year old Labourer from Marrickville, New South Wales. He enlisted on 30 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 20 July 1915.

Lieutenant Warren Melville ANDERSON, a 20 year old Soldier / RMC Duntroon from Singleton, New South Wales. He enlisted on 3 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 17 July 1919.

224 Private Reginald ANDREW, a 27 year old Agent from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 10 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 13 October 1918.

223 Private Victor Wadsworth ASHWORTH, a 25 year old Bank clerk from Branxton, New South Wales Dubbo, New South Wales. He enlisted on 11 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 7 November 1917.


571 Private Cyril Hastings BACON, a 22 year old Grazier from Warrigal, New South Wales. He enlisted on 5 November 1914; and subsequently Died of Disease, 24 October 1915.

229 Private Percival Gilbert BARROW, a 34 year old Farrier from Old Junee, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 8 November 1917.

235 Private Frederick BEESON, a 34 year old Labourer from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 25 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 7 January 1919.

622 Private William BELL, a 25 year old Labourer from Dulwich Hill, New South Wales. He enlisted on 1 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 October 1918.

231 Private Burt BELLINGER, a 19 year old Labourer from Bondi, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 18 June 1915.

234 Private James Albert BENNETT, a 30 year old Labourer / Farm labourer from Charters Towers, Queensland. He enlisted on 10 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

578 Private Reginald BLACK, a 28 year old Grazier from Chatswood, New South Wales. He enlisted on 4 December 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 17 August 1917.

529 Private Richard Fortune BLACKWELL, a 32 year old Cattle dealer from Hyde Park Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 January 1919.

226 Private Alexander BRADSHAW, a 32 year old Miner from Clifton Hill, Victoria. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 28 March 1918.

191 Sergeant Robert BROWN, a 27 year old Drover from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 12 July 1918.

232 Private Ednott BURBANK, a 20 year old Farm hand from Cremorne, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

236 Lance Corporal Joseph George BURGESS, a 27 year old Tram Conductor from Redfern, New South Wales. He enlisted on 8 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

233 Private William Henry BURLACE, a 22 year old Farm hand from Mosman, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 28 March 1918.


241 Private William Henry CALLAN, a 27 year old Groom from Braidwood, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 1 May 1918.

242 Lance Corporal William Norman CAMERON, a 20 year old Fireman from Kiama, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 December 1918.

532 Private Cyril CASTLEDEN, a 25 year old Station hand from Newcastle, New South Wales. He enlisted on 26 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 16 December 1917.

687 Private Hubert Harold CHARLESWORTH, a 21 year old Farmer from Rosedale, New South Wales. He enlisted on 23 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 12 July 1918.

207 Corporal Francis CHEATER, a 26 year old Farmer from Wilds Meadow via Moss Vale, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

244 Private Frank CLEMENTS, a 23 year old Labourer from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 7 January 1919.

548 Private Harold CLEMENTS, a 21 year old Labourer from Kensington, New South Wales. He enlisted on 21 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 August 1915.

639 Private Cyril Ernest CONNORS, a 26 year old Horse breaker from Berry, New South Wales. He enlisted on 1 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

277 Private George Alfred COULTON, a 22 year old Farmer from Corella, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 20 October 1918.

240 Private Jack Nigel COX, a 24 year old Engineer from Coonabarabran, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 26 July 1919.

592 Private Harry Wolseley CROUCH, a 32 year old Farmer from Randwick, New South Wales. He enlisted on 8 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 January 1919.


248 Private Samuel Nathaniel DALLY, a 19 year old Butcher from Wollongong, New South Wales. He enlisted on 5 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 7 November 1915.

246 Private Herbert James DEW, a 25 year old Farmer from Temora, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

245 Private Gordon Vaughan DONNELLY, a 21 year old Sheep Overseer from Gumly Gumly, New South Wales. He enlisted on 26 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 December 1918.

Second Lieutenant Dugald DRUMMOND, a 45 year old Forwarding Agent from Marrickville, New South Wales / Warrawee, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 17 March 1916.


250 Private William Arthur ELLIOTT, a 22 year old Farmer from Canowindra, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 21 May 1917.

252 Private Alexander ELLISON, a 36 year old Groom from Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 28 August 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 5 September 1915.

253 Private Arthur Stokes EVANS, a 26 year old Farm labourer from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 1 April 1919.


257 Private Harold Eugene FARLEY, a 28 year old Stockman from Copeland via Gloucester, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 14 March 1919.

187 Lance Sergeant Marcus Gordon FAUNCE, a 29 year old Clerk from Newtown, New South Wales. He enlisted on 2 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 December 1918.

260 Private William Martin FENDER, a 27 year old Clerk from Ashfield, New South Wales. He enlisted on 10 September 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 19 April 1917.

193 Sergeant Albert FISHER, a 29 year old Driver from Erskineville, New South Wales. He enlisted on 11 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 28 January 1916.

258 Private Stanley Norman FISK, a 22 year old Station hand from Paddington, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 11 July 1917.

216 Private Francis Xavier FITZGERALD, a 28 year old Farmer from Manilla, New South Wales. He enlisted on 12 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

255 Private Gordon FLANAGAN, a 20 year old Grazier from Hillgrove, New South Wales. He enlisted on 10 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 3 August 1915.

331 Private William James Claude FOOTE, a 20 year old Farmhand from Chatswood, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 January 1919.

256 Private Frederick Spurgeon FOX, a 27 year old Labourer from Red Range, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 October 1918.


262 Private Leslie GODBER, a 28 year old Stockman from Windellama, Victoria. He enlisted on 10 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 7 January 1919.

264 Private Nathaniel Henry GODWIN, a 35 year old Timber getter from Failford, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 12 November 1917.

265 Private Gordon GREEN, a 32 year old Horse master from Armidale, New South Wales. He enlisted on 1 October 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 14 July 1919.

210 Corporal Ronald Frederick Herbert GREEN, a 29 year old Stock Inspector from Armidale, New South Wales. He enlisted on 1 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 30 June 1918.

261 Private Edwin Hill GUNN, a 28 year old Farmer from Glen Innes, New South Wales. He enlisted on 5 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 3 January 1916.

266 Private Norman Cecil GURNER, a 24 year old Overseer from Hurstville, New South Wales. He enlisted on 25 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 31 October 1915.


596 Private Erith Sylvester HALLORAN, a 35 year old Agent from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 8 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

572 Private Hamlyn Layiscant Vernon HARRIS, a 19 year old Bank Clerk from “Wermalong”, Tumut, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

209 Sergeant John William HAYDON, a 38 year old Labourer from Bungendore, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 October 1915.

333 Lance Corporal Reginald Brierly HEDLEY, a 25 year old Farmer from Manly, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 26 December 1918.

268 Private Lawrence Lindsay HENDERSON, a 27 year old Farmer from West Melbourne, Victoria. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 21 January 1916.

269 Private John Leonard HEWITSON, a 25 year old Shearer from Wollongong, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 12 April 1919.

272 Private Henry HICKEY, a 39 year old Horse breaker from Paddington, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 March 1917.

197 Farrier Sergeant James John Thomas HIGGINS, a 28 year old Farrier from Bega, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 4 May 1915.

625 Private Norman Frederick HILL, a 23 year old Accountant from “Rothsay”, Neutral Bay, New South Wales. He enlisted on 27 November 1914; and subsequently was Discharged, 26 July 1915.

270 Private Sydney Matthew HOWLETT, a 21 year old Labourer from Gilgandra, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 7 January 1919.

273 Private William Beach HUBBARD, a 29 year old Farmer from Glenayre, New South Wales. He enlisted on 10 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 October 1918.

271 Private Paul Michael Joseph HUGHES, a 22 year old Labourer from Woollahra, New South Wales. He enlisted on 25 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 February 1918.


274 Private Frederick John ISTED, a 22 year old Stockman from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 5 July 1915.


277 Driver Benjamin JAMES, a 32 year old Labourer from Wyalong, New South Wales. He enlisted on 25 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 October 1915.


199 Private Reginald McLeay KEAST, a 19 year old Farmer from Frederickton, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 September 1916.

278 Private Horatio Joseph KELLY, a 22 year old Labourer from Wilton via Maldon, New South Wales. He enlisted on 8 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 11 May 1916.

279 Private Douglas Hamilton KENYON, a 26 year old Station Overseer from Mosman, New South Wales. He enlisted on 30 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 10 March 1918.

869 Private Walter James KING, a 21 year old Labourer from Salisbury Plains, New South Wales. He enlisted on 1 October 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 8 May 1919.

217 Lance Corporal Charles Leslie KINGSLEY, a 26 year old Baker Clerk from Sandy Bay, Tasmania North Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 16 March 1919.


559 Private Henry Etteong LANGBYaka George Robert WEAKLEY, a 23 year old Saddler from Pyrmont, New South Wales. He enlisted on 20 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 12 May 1918.

280 Private Oscar LAWSON, a 26 year old Stockman from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 28 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 October 1918.

284 Private Harold LIEBRAND, a 21 year old Drover from Smithfield, New South Wales. He enlisted on 10 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 7 January 1919.

222 Private Joseph Andrew LINAHAN, a 22 year old Cabinetmaker from Kempsey, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 October 1918.

28 Private Patrick Charles LITTLE, an 18 year old Station hand from Hillgrove, New South Wales. He enlisted on 15 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

281 Private Carlyle Alexander LONG, a 31 year old Bookkeeper from Neutral Bay, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 13 October 1918.

283 Private Stanley LUCAS, a 19 year old Farmer from Coolamon, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.


293 Private Harold Edgar MacDOUGALL, a 33 year old Bushman from Paddington, New South Wales. He enlisted on 11 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 20 January 1916.

297 Private Thomas Harold MARRIOTT, a 21 year old Law clerk from Nowra, New South Wales. He enlisted on 11 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

286 Private Henry Francis MARSDEN, a 28 year old Farmer from Glen Innes, New South Wales. He enlisted on 8 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 3 January 1916.

285 Private Charles John MAY, a 22 year old Cook from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 8 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 16 May 1919.

300 Corporal John William McDONALD, a 23 year old Stockman from Barrington, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 16 November 1915.

299 Private Wallace Owen McEWAN, a 22 year old Policeman from Murwillumbah, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 February 1918.

186 Squadron Sergeant Major John Simpson Horsburgh McGHEE, a 25 year old Commission Agent from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 5 December 1919.

218 Corporal John McKAY, a 45 year old Contractor from Blandford via Murrurundi, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 7 November 1915.

590 Private Roland Horsley McMAHON, a 31 year old Farmer from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 29 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 11 January 1919.

287 Private Stephen McMAHON, a 30 year old Labourer from Wee Waa, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

301 Private John MOCATTA, a 22 year old Grazier from Tooma, New South Wales. He enlisted on 30 September 1914; and subsequently Died of Disease, 3 March 1917.

291 Private George MORRIS, a 23 year old Labourer from Warialda Inverell, New South Wales. He enlisted on 21 September 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 30 July 1915, and subsequently was buried at sea.

640 Private Edward MULHOLLAND, a 25 year old Rail Shunter from Newcastle, New South Wales. He enlisted on 1 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

558 Private Thomas MURPHY, a 24 year old Horse breaker from Gudery via Cumnock, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 November 1914 ; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 3 October 1915.

302 Private Carlisle David MYERS, a 31 year old Station hand from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.


202 Private Leslie Clyde NEWMAN, a 39 year old Station hand from Bexley, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 24 August 1918.


Major Frederick Dudley Weedon OATLEY, a 30 year old Grazier from Umaralla, New South Wales. He enlisted on 1 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 31 July 1918.


220 Private Albert Edward PARKES, a 21 year old Barman from Spring Hill, Queensland. He enlisted on 16 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 29 July 1915.

188 Sergeant Stanley Ernest PARKES, a 36 year old Wool buyer from Waitara, New South Wales. He enlisted on 10 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 24 May 1915.

Second Lieutenant Norman Matthew PEARCE, a 33 year old Grazier from Stanhope, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 October 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 29 July 1916.

304 Private John Percy PETERSON, a 34 year old Labourer from Darlinghurst, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

305 Lance Corporal Harold George PICKERING, a 22 year old Blacksmith from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 11 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 October 1918.

303 Private Lionel Charles PILLAR, a 21 year old Farmer from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 30 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 January 1919.

306 Signaller William Wickford POTTER, a 24 year old Stockrider from Toowoomba, Queensland. He enlisted on 23 September 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 3 December 1917.


308 Private Alfred RAMSKILL, a 24 year old Ships steward from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 13 December 1915.

311 Private Reginald John RANDALL, a 24 year old Labourer from Mudgee, New South Wales. He enlisted on 1 October 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 May 1919.

309 Private Alfred Benjamin RIDGEON, a 26 year old Stockman from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 December 1918.

219 Lance Corporal John RITCHIE, a 24 year old Station hand from Coonamble, New South Wales. He enlisted on 28 August 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 4 August 1916.

214 Lance Corporal William ROSS, a 33 year old Station hand from Port Macquarie, New South Wales. He enlisted on 7 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 8 September 1919.

530 Private James Daniel RYAN, a 36 year old Labourer from Goulburn, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and subsequently Died of Accident, 10 June 1916.

212 Corporal Patrick Francis RYAN, a 30 year old Station hand from Smythesdale, Victoria. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 18 September 1918.

Second Lieutenant Harold Stewart RYRIE, a 36 year old Grazier from Cooma, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 3 August 1918.


205 Corporal Henry William SCOTT, a 38 year old Bushman from Winchendon Vale Old Junee, New South Wales. He enlisted on 10 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 20 January 1916.

318 Private Henry SEMMENS, a 26 year old Farmer from Gala via The Rock, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 22 January 1917.

189 Sergeant Fergus Manus SHANNON, a 26 year old Auctioneer from Tamworth, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 1 April 1919.

312 Private Percy Peel SHERIDAN, a 21 year old Farmer from Byyi, via Cowra, New South Wales. He enlisted on 25 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 January 1919.

313 Private Thomas Joseph SHERIDAN, a 20 year old Farmer from Byyi, via Cowra, New South Wales. He enlisted on 25 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

319 Private Norman Douglas SHERWIN, a 20 year old Labourer from Cargo via Orange, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 29 March 1918.

623 Private Arthur James SMITH, a 27 year old Drover from Mungindi, New South Wales. He enlisted on 2 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

190 Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant Frederick Thomas SMITH, a 36 year old Boundary rider from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 January 1919.

317 Lance Corporal Reginald SPENCER, a 23 year old Blacksmith from Leichhardt, New South Wales. He enlisted on 10 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

557 Private Reginald Walter SPINNEY, a 23 year old Rail worker / Labourer / Clerk from Farley via Maitland, New South Wales. He enlisted on 26 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 18 October 1919.

316 Private Sydney SPORNE, a 21 year old Labourer from Petersham, New South Wales. He enlisted on 25 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 October 1918.

624 Private Walter STANTON, a 21 year old Carter from Walcha, New South Wales. He enlisted on 4 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 3 October 1917.

320 Private Eddy Blackwood STEVENS, a 21 year old Farmer from Warrnambool, Victoria. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 28 September 1915.

213 Private Harold Edward STEVENS, a 24 year old Stockman from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 4 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

595 Private Shaw STRICKLAND, a 26 year old Grazier from Forbes, New South Wales. He enlisted on 8 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 October 1915.

208 Corporal James William SUFFOLK, a 33 year old Clerk from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 10 September 1914; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 5 May 1919.

621 Sergeant Laurence Joils Herbert SULLIVAN, a 30 year old Stockman from Stuart Town, New South Wales. He enlisted on 10 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 12 November 1917.


324 Private Clement Stanley THORNE, a 22 year old Farmer from Keepit via Manilla, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 December 1918.

323 Private Samuel TINDALL, a 36 year old Labourer from Cowra, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 21 May 1917.

195 Sergeant Frederick Robertson TRESILIAN, a 34 year old Station Manager from Paddington, New South Wales. He enlisted on 4 November 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 21 July 1915.

192 Sergeant Albert Ernest TRINDER, a 32 year old Labourer from Glen Innes, New South Wales. He enlisted on 4 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.


534 Private Daniel James WALSH, a 24 year old Labourer from Hyde Creek Bellingen, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 October 1918.

533 Private Patrick William WALSH, a 20 year old Labourer from Hyde Creek via Bellingen, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 24 September 1918.

329 Private George Richard WATERS, a 34 year old Labourer from Temora, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 18 December 1918.

206 Corporal Harold William WATTS, a 36 year old Stockman from Coolamon, New South Wales. He enlisted on 10 September 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 17 September 1915, and subsequently was buried at sea.

328 Private Leslie James WATTS, a 26 year old Labourer from Tuena, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

531 Private Arthur Edward WAYGOOD, a 22 year old Farmer from Wyall via Manilla, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 28 March 1918.

326 Private John Walker David WEEKLEY, a 21 year old Shearer from Dubbo, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 3 February 1915.

Captain Harold Albert Duckett WHITE, a 32 year old Grazier from Bondi, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 October 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 25 December 1918.

560 Private Hugh WILSON, a 24 year old Bushman from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 20 October 1915.

520 Private Herbert WINDLEY, a 21 year old Labourer / Clerk from Camira Creek via Grafton, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 19 January 1919.

327 Private Arthur Charles WOODROFFE, a 44 year old Labourer from Wilton via Maldon, New South Wales. He enlisted on 8 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 27 August 1917.

325 Private Joseph WOODS, a 21 year old Farmer from Glen Innes, New South Wales. He enlisted on 4 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.



Previous: "A" Squadron

Next: "C" Squadron


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

6th Light Horse Regiment, AIF

6th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 6th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, "B" Squadron

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Sunday, 17 January 2010 8:35 AM EAST
Thursday, 7 December 2006
6th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, "C" Squadron
Topic: AIF - 2B - 6 LHR

6th LHR, AIF

6th Australian Light Horse Regiment

Embarkation Roll, "C" Squadron


HMAT A29 Suevic


6th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF, "C" Squadron, embarked from Sydney, New South Wales on board HMAT A29 Suevic 21 December 1914.

The HMAT A29 Suevic weighed 12,531 tons with an average cruise speed of 13 knots or 24.07 kmph. It was owned by the Oceanic SN Co Ltd, Liverpool, and leased by the Commonwealth until 9 September 1917.

The ensuing individual soldier's embarkation information contains the following details:

Rank on embarkation;

Full name of the soldier

Declared age of the soldier;

The last occupation held;

The last address as a civilian;

Enlistment Date; and,



Finding more about a service person.

See: Navigating the National Archives Service File 


Embarkation Roll


371 Private Stanley ALLISON, a 22 year old Bushman from Leichhardt, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 April 1918.

372 Private Walter Lyle ANDERSON, a 32 year old Painter from Islington, New South Wales. He enlisted on 16 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

373 Private Lancelot ASPINALL, a 29 year old Clerk from Paddington, New South Wales. He enlisted on 1 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 28 January 1916.


527 Private David Murray BAIRD, a 21 year old Clerk from Port Macquarie, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 February 1918.

377 Private John Munro BARGH, a 44 year old Station hand from “Cuibar Station”, Whitton, New South Wales. He enlisted on 26 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 February 1918.

384 Private Peter Christian BARRIE, a 28 year old Veterinary Dentist from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 23 September 1914; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 19 June 1916.

481 Private James BENNETT, a 24 year old Boundary rider from Manly, New South Wales. He enlisted on 16 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 20 October 1915.

374 Private Rupert Wilhelm BERGELIN, a 30 year old Clerk from Mines Dept Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 October 1915.

610 Private Graham Campbell BODY, a 20 year old Grazier from Strathbogie Emmaville, New South Wales. He enlisted on 15 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 13 December 1918.

612 Private Theodore Campbell BODY, a 22 year old Grazier from Strathbogie Emmaville, New South Wales. He enlisted on 15 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 May 1916.

383 Private Richard Sutherland BOOTH, a 24 year old Horseman from Perthville via Bathurst, New South Wales. He enlisted on 12 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 4 August 1915.

379 Private George BOWERY, a 37 year old Drover from Currabubula, New South Wales. He enlisted on 16 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 7 January 1919.

376 Private Walter Edward BOWMAN, a 28 year old Fireman from Glebe, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; but did not embark and subsequently Deserted, 21 December 1914.

375 Private Henry Sangster BROWN, a 23 year old Labourer from Mordialloc, Victoria. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 28 May 1915.

346 Shoeing Smith Frederick BROWNE, a 22 year old Boundary rider / Farrier from Parramatta, New South Wales. He enlisted on 22 August 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 16 March 1919.

378 Private James Octavius BROWNHILL, a 31 year old Journalist from Bondi, New South Wales. He enlisted on 30 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 12 November 1917.

Captain Michael Frederick BRUXNER, a 32 year old Stock agent from Tenterfield, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 October 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 3 July 1919.

380 Private William Ronald BURCHILL, a 27 year old Driver from Manly, New South Wales. He enlisted on 16 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 18 December 1918.

382 Private Francis Newdegate BURNS, a 19 year old Shearer from Surrey Hills, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 21 January 1916.

385 Private Leslie BURNS, a 21 year old Farmer from Ardlethan, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 13 October 1918.

381 Private William BURNS, a 32 year old Farmer from Ardlethan, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 August 1917.

514 Private Alexander Lachlan BUSBY, a 22 year old Assistant Surveyor from Burwood, New South Wales. He enlisted on 12 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 18 February 1919.

517 Private Eric Arthur BUSBY, a 25 year old Grazier from Burwood, New South Wales. He enlisted on 13 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 28 June 1919.


388 Private Benjamin Frederick CALLAWAY, a 25 year old Farmer from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 12 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 13 October 1918.

397 Private John CAMPBELL, a 30 year old Labourer from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 16 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 13 October 1918.

518 Private Clive Ross CAPEL, a 20 year old Grazier from Derra Derra, Bingara, New South Wales. He enlisted on 13 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 23 December 1918.

519 Private Kenneth Christopher CAPEL, a 19 year old Grazier from Derra Derra, Bingara, New South Wales. He enlisted on 13 November 1914; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 5 May 1916.

398 Private William CARSLAKE, a 30 year old Station hand from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 19 August 1919.

395 Private Charles CLARK, a 36 year old Farmer from Ardlethan, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 19 November 1918.

389 Private William Henry CLENCH, a 25 year old Bushman from Darlinghurst, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 13 October 1918.

415 Private Douglas Campbell CLOSE, a 32 year old Overseer from Uni Club Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 22 October 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 27 June 1919.

339 Sergeant Edward Rupert COLLINS, a 27 year old Clerk from Sumer Hill, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 2 September 1916.

399 Private Frederick James COLLINS, a 20 year old Labourer from Albury, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 27 March 1918.

564 Private Henry George COLLINS, a 21 year old Wool classer from Albury, New South Wales. He enlisted on 29 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 22 November 1919.

386 Private Bert Harold COMBES, a 20 year old Station hand from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 10 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 12 March 1920.

360 Sergeant Myrt CONNELL, a 26 year old Traveller from Epping, New South Wales. He enlisted on 16 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 August 1917.

390 Private Wilmot COOKE, a 25 year old Station Manager from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 16 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 October 1918.

396 Lance Corporal Arthur Gordon CORDEROY, a 28 year old Storekeeper from Bowenfels, New South Wales. He enlisted on 25 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

516 Private Duncan Bertram CORFE, a 34 year old Civil Engineer from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 13 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 9 August 1919.

391 Lance Corporal Westley CORNISH, a 27 year old Farmer from Barrington via Gloucester, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 29 July 1915.

336 Sergeant Leslie Gordon COWAN, a 26 year old Labourer from Collingwood, Victoria. He enlisted on 11 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 30 January 1918.

394 Private Reginald Hugh COX, a 33 year old Clerk from Smithfield, New South Wales. He enlisted on 26 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 17 September 1915.

358 Corporal Francis Joseph CRAVEN, a 29 year old Builder from Woollahra, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 7 January 1919.

392 Private Errol Joseph Hart CREER, a 24 year old Overseer from Mayfield, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 12 July 1915, and subsequently was buried at sea.

393 Private Thomas CROCKER, a 26 year old Bushman from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 24 August 1918.


402 Private Ernest DEVESON, a 37 year old Stockman from Annandale, New South Wales. He enlisted on 23 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.


404 Private Albert Ernest EDDY, a 34 year old Mine Manager from Emmaville, New South Wales. He enlisted on 25 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

407 MT Dvr John EDWARDS, a 28 year old Labourer from Northcote, Victoria. He enlisted on 16 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

406 Private Richard EDWARDS, a 22 year old Labourer from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 9 July 1919.

508 Corporal Frederick George ELLIS, a 24 year old Jackeroo from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 5 November 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 12 July 1915.

405 Private Sydney James ELLIS, a 20 year old Farmer from Parkes, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

403 Private Thomas EWING, a 26 year old Tram Dept from Boogong, New South Wales. He enlisted on 21 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 October 1918.


411 Private Alan Francis FARRAR, a 27 year old Station hand from Stanmore, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 23 July 1915.

528 Private Claude Lionel FENNER, a 22 year old Clerk from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

463 Private Harry Ockendon FLETCHER, a 20 year old Grazier from Glen Innes, New South Wales. He enlisted on 23 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 3 March 1916.

409 Private Roderick Charles FOORD, a 33 year old Clerk from Roseville, New South Wales. He enlisted on 15 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

410 Private Robert James FOSTER, a 26 year old Labourer from Uralla, New South Wales. He enlisted on 16 September 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 6 November 1917.

509 Private Frederic George FRIZELL, a 24 year old Grazier from Strathfield, New South Wales. He enlisted on 5 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 21 May 1919.


414 Private Arthur GEE, a 38 year old Vent Shaft assistant from Forest Lodge, New South Wales. He enlisted on 19 October 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 13 September 1915.

370 MT Dvr Charles Reginald Bede GILL, a 21 year old Labourer from Jindabyne via Cooma, New South Wales. He enlisted on 15 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 18 December 1918.

412 Private George Richard GILL, a 28 year old Butcher from Balgownie, New South Wales. He enlisted on 1 October 1914; and subsequently Died of Disease, 19 September 1918.

413 Private Raymond GILMOUR, a 19 year old Station hand from Bathurst, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 27 June 1919.

408 Private Reginald GRAHAM, a 23 year old Grocer from Henty, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 5 August 1917.

342 Farrier Sergeant John Munro GWYNNE-WILLIAMS, a 20 year old Labourer from Oberon, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1915; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.


418 Private David George HAMPTON, a 33 year old Labourer from Grenfell, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 7 January 1919.

335 Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant Samuel John HANTON, a 36 year old Carpenter from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 25 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 28 June 1919.

369 Signaller Leslie Rupert HENDERSON, a 28 year old Tram Conductor from Tooradin, Victoria. He enlisted on 15 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

417 Private Robert Murdoch HENRY, a 21 year old Station hand from Grundy via Scone, New South Wales. He enlisted on 11 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 22 August 1919.

347 Private Wallace James HILLIER, a 21 year old Saw miller from Granya, New South Wales. He enlisted on 16 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 December 1918.

421 Private Harry Greenwood HIRD, a 35 year old Labourer from Balmain, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 22 January 1917.

423 Private James Sutton HOPE, a 38 40 year old Station Manager from Wellington, New South Wales Trangie, New South Wales. He enlisted on 16 September 1914; and subsequently Killed in Action, 21 March 1918.

420 Lance Corporal Leonard HOWE, a 24 year old Labourer from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 7 May 1919.

422 Private Harold Ernest HUMPHRIES, a 26 year old Labourer from Goulburn, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 12 April 1916.

Lieutenant Cyril William HUXTABLE, a 21 year old Soldier from La Perouse, New South Wales. He enlisted on 3 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 March 1917.


601 Private Albert JAMES, a 35 year old Striker from Redfern, New South Wales. He enlisted on 30 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 22 January 1917.

629 Private Major JOHNSTON, a 25 year old Farmer from Baldry, New South Wales. He enlisted on 28 September 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 18 August 1916.


426 Private Leslie Frank KEMMIS, a 33 year old Farmer from Greenwich, New South Wales. He enlisted on 25 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 2 January 1919.

427 Private John Ernest KEMP, a 22 year old Farm labourer from Henty, New South Wales. He enlisted on 16 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

428 Private Frederick John KLEIN, a 29 year old Farmer from Alectown via Parkes, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 21 December 1916.


361 Lance Corporal George LAMBOURNE, a 22 year old Carrier from Bullby Wang Wark, Mt Nabiac, New South Wales. He enlisted on 25 September 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 25 July 1915, and subsequently was buried at sea.

520 Private Raymond LARKIN, a 24 year old Labourer from Molong, New South Wales. He enlisted on 12 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 4 November 1915.

365 Corporal David LIVINGSTONE, a 24 year old Labourer from Gympie, Queensland. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

430 MT Dvr Frank LOCKYER, a 22 year old Farmhand from Leichhardt, New South Wales. He enlisted on 8 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 28 April 1919.


343 Farrier Sergeant Arthur Orpen MacGILLYCUDDY, a 22 year old Farmer from Gladesville, New South Wales. He enlisted on 20 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 28 April 1918.

Second Lieutenant Keith Leslie MacKENZIE, a 24 year old Electrical Engineer from Homebush, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 October 1914; and subsequently was Discharged, 5 February 1917.

433 Private McAllister Chatfield MacKENZIE, a 29 year old Station Overseer from Parramatta, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 29 April 1919.

345 Shoeing Smith Corporal John MADDIGAN, a 22 year old Farrier from Ultimo, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

340 Squadron Sergeant Major Frank Howard MARKS, a 32 year old Dentist from Mudgee, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

432 Private Donald MATHESON, a 28 year old Labourer from Tamworth, New South Wales. He enlisted on 25 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

555 Lance Sergeant Harry Arthur MAXWELL, a 29 year old Seaman from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 13 June 1918.

364 Lance Corporal Thomas Joseph McGRATH, a 26 year old Boundary rider from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 16 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

602 Shoeing Smith Joseph McGUINESS, a 27 year old Farrier from Waverley, New South Wales. He enlisted on 11 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 4 October 1918.

356 Corporal Stanley Gordon Napoleon Bonaparte McNAIR, a 29 year old Painter from Penshurst, New South Wales. He enlisted on 16 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

337 Sergeant Stewart McDonald MENZIES, a 27 29 year old Grazier from Brandon Glen Innes, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

298 Private James Morgan MILLER, a 19 year old Farmer from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 8 September 1914; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 12 May 1919.

434 Private Michael MINAHAN, a 26 year old Driver from Milparinka, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

431 Private Henry George MOORE, a 24 year old Labourer from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 October 1918.

436 MT Dvr James Francis MORGAN, a 26 year old Labourer from Auburn, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 10 September 1917.

439 Private Ernest MORTON, a 19 year old Labourer from Dookie, Victoria. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 3 December 1918.

440 Private Percy Clifton MUDFORD, a 22 year old Labourer from Teronee, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 12 June 1919.

626 Private Thomas Patrick MULHOLLAND, a 27 year old Traveller from Bondi, New South Wales. He enlisted on 28 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 4 March 1919.

437 Private Arthur MURRAY, a 22 year old Ironworker from Darlington, New South Wales. He enlisted on 16 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 13 October 1918.


442 MT Dvr George Bernard NASH, a 23 year old Platelayer from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 25 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

441 Private Carl NORDEN, a 19 year old Glassblower from Darlinghurst, New South Wales. He enlisted on 8 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.


443 Private William Harold O'BRIEN, a 20 year old Stock agent from Forbes, New South Wales. He enlisted on 26 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 12 July 1915.


341 Sergeant William Harvey Nunn PATTRICK, a 23 year old Station Overseer from Ashfield, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 January 1919.

448 Private Carrick Stewart PAUL, a 22 year old Assistant Surveyor from Mundoora, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Drowned at Sea while Returning to Australia, 22 January 1919.

445 Private Edmund PEAKE, a 23 year old Fireman from Marrickville, New South Wales. He enlisted on 16 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 27 September 1917.

449 Private John Augustus PEPPARD, a 33 year old Farmer from Kingaroy, Queensland. He enlisted on 11 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

446 Private Charles Ernest PERROTTET, a 22 year old Grazier from Trangie, New South Wales. He enlisted on 16 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

447 Private William Frederick Thomas POLLETT, a 39 year old Miner from Cobar, New South Wales. He enlisted on 16 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 30 August 1918.


Lieutenant Rupert Noel RICHARDSON, a 25 year old Grazier from Barraba, New South Wales. He enlisted on 1 November 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 17 September 1915.

455 Private Cardinal Horace RIDLEY, a 24 year old Horse breaker from Hornsby, New South Wales. He enlisted on 25 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 2 August 1917.

456 Private Augustus William ROACH, a 32 year old Labourer from Ganmain, New South Wales. He enlisted on 12 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 12 November 1917.

368 Private Sydney George ROBBINS, a 21 year old Stockman from Rylstone, New South Wales. He enlisted on 23 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 2 January 1919.

Second Lieutenant Henry ROBSON, a 48 year old Auctioneer from Lismore, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 October 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 24 July 1915.

454 Private William Francis ROCK, a 23 year old Horse breaker from Tenterfield, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 2 September 1916.

451 Private Robert James RODD, a 26 year old Labourer from Tremayne via Manilla, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 20 October 1918.

452 Private Kenneth McGeorge RONALD, a 19 year old Student from Nap Nap via Hay, New South Wales. He enlisted on 26 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 12 July 1915.

453 Private Robert Bruce RONALD, a 26 year old Station Overseer from Nap Nap via Hay, New South Wales. He enlisted on 26 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 February 1918.

457 Lance Corporal Gordon King ROSS, a 21 year old Station Overseer from Glen Innes, New South Wales. He enlisted on 20 October 1914; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 27 December 1915.

350 Private Matthew ROSS, a 23 year old Engineer from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 5 March 1919.

464 Private Stanley Edward RUTLEDGE, a 32 year old Estate agent from Manly, New South Wales. He enlisted on 21 October 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 25 September 1919.


468 Private Alexander Britton SAMUELS, a 26 year old Grazier from Trangie, New South Wales. He enlisted on 16 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 11 April 1917.

473 Private Henry SINCLAIR, a 21 year old Labourer from Dripstone, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 2 January 1919.

467 Private Charles George SIVEWRIGHT, a 23 21 year old Horse breaker from Stanmore, New South Wales. He enlisted on 25 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 16 March 1919.

472 Private Edgar Campbell SMART, a 29 year old Electrical Trimer from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 12 March 1918.

349 Private Arthur Hope SMITH, a 22 year old Saddler from Hawthorn, Victoria. He enlisted on 15 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 October 1918.

460 Private Arthur James SMITH, a 24 year old Farmer from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 8 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 3 January 1916.

458 Private Arthur John SMITH, a 27 year old Carpenter from Grenfell, New South Wales. He enlisted on 7 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

469 Private Charles SMITH, a 27 year old Labourer from Collarenebri, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

465 Private James Vernon Clive SMITH, a 23 year old Stable owner from Manilla, New South Wales. He enlisted on 16 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 7 November 1915.

459 Private Richard Robert Bloomfield SMITH, a 23 year old Labourer from Walmer via Wellington, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 October 1918.

466 Private Walter Archibald SMITH, a 21 24 year old Stockman / Horse breaker from Manilla, New South Wales. He enlisted on 26 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 30 October 1919.

542 Private Francis Leslie SPENCER, a 27 year old Grazier from Barraba, New South Wales. He enlisted on 19 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

355 Corporal Alan Woodburn STEVENSaka Alan Woodburn STEPHENS, a 19 year old Bank Clerk from Coolamon, New South Wales. He enlisted on 16 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

462 Private Ernest Augustus STIEBEL, a 25 year old Station hand from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 October 1918.

461 Private Sydney Benedict STOUGIE, a 25 year old Farmer from Moone Bar, Macleay River, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 12 July 1918.

471 Private Arthur James STUART, a 22 year old Farmer from Galong, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 7 November 1915.

470 Private Clement SWEENEY, a 27 year old Labourer from Bungendore, New South Wales. He enlisted on 21 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 12 November 1917.


357 Corporal Peter TAIT, a 30 year old Butcher from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 21 July 1917.

474 Private Leslie James TALBOT, a 20 year old Boundary rider from Berowra, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 25 January 1919.

348 Shoeing Smith Henry Alexander TAYLOR, a 22 year old Horse breaker from Gundy via Scone, New South Wales. He enlisted on 25 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 17 July 1915.

367 Lance Corporal Harry THOMLINSON, a 22 year old Farmer from Northcote, Victoria. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 7 November 1915.

476 Private George TOLLEY, a 24 year old Labourer from Parramatta, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

362 Corporal John Alfred TOOMEY, a 21 year old Farm labourer from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 15 September 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Discharged in Britain, 21 January 1919.

549 Private John Leslie TOOTH, a 20 year old Drover from Kent Brewery Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 21 November 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 8 June 1917.

475 Private Owen William TOOTH, a 25 year old Grazier from Bundarra, New South Wales. He enlisted on 12 October 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 3 December 1917.

352 Sergeant Stewart Archibald TOOTH, a 31 year old Station Manager from Caringbah, New South Wales. He enlisted on 6 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 28 June 1919.


580 Private Harold Victor WALKER, a 23 year old Station hand from Darlinghurst, New South Wales. He enlisted on 1 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 26 November 1918.

477 Private William WARBY, a 21 year old Labourer from Beni via Bathurst, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 1 May 1919.

341A Farrier Sergeant Joseph Samuel WATT, a 44 year old Farrier from Forest Lodge, New South Wales. He enlisted on 21 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 29 July 1918.

611 Private Athol Baines WEARNE, a 21 year old Grazier from Bingara, New South Wales. He enlisted on 15 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 21 March 1919.

478 Private Gordon WEAVER, a 36 year old Traveller from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 7 November 1915.

354 Corporal William James Alexander WEIR, a 24 year old Plantation Overseer from Suva Fiji. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

Major James Frederick WHITE, a 38 year old Grazier from Shannon Vale via Glenn Innes, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 3 January 1916.

479 Private Charles Ernest WIDSTALL, a 29 year old Horse breaker from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 25 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

363 Lance Corporal Charles Robert WINDEYER, a 19 20 year old Teacher Student from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 12 October 1917.

351 Private Francis Maitland WOODS, a 19 year old Engineer's fitter from “St. Augustines”, Ariah Park, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and subsequently was Discharged in Egypt, 3 March 1918.



Previous: "B" Squadron

Next: Machine Gun Section


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

6th Light Horse Regiment, AIF

6th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 6th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, "C" Squadron

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Monday, 22 March 2010 5:50 PM EADT
Wednesday, 6 December 2006
6th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, Machine Gun Section
Topic: AIF - 2B - 6 LHR

6th LHR, AIF

6th Australian Light Horse Regiment

Embarkation Roll, Machine Gun Section


HMAT A29 Suevic


6th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF, Machine Gun Section, embarked from Sydney, New South Wales on board HMAT A29 Suevic 21 December 1914.

The HMAT A29 Suevic weighed 12,531 tons with an average cruise speed of 13 knots or 24.07 kmph. It was owned by the Oceanic SN Co Ltd, Liverpool, and leased by the Commonwealth until 9 September 1917.

The ensuing individual soldier's embarkation information contains the following details:

Rank on embarkation;

Full name of the soldier

Declared age of the soldier;

The last occupation held;

The last address as a civilian;

Enlistment Date; and,



Finding more about a service person.

See: Navigating the National Archives Service File 


Embarkation Roll


617 Private Edward William BELL, a 24 year old Bushman from Brewarrina, New South Wales. He enlisted on 25 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

627 Private Charles Edward BOOKER, a 35 year old Boundary rider from North Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 14 July 1916.

485 Private Percy BOTTOMLEY, a 21 year old Commercial Traveller from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 26 December 1918.


490 Driver Edward John CARNS, a 26 year old Engine driver from Avoca Bondi, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; but did not embark and subsequently Deserted, 21 December 1914.

489 Private Frederick Sydney CORNETT, a 20 year old Station hand from Trundle, New South Wales. He enlisted on 12 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 26 December 1918.

488 Private William Melbourne COUSINS, a 22 year old Farmer from Myola via Trundle, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 29 October 1918.


650 Private Thomas DONELEY, a 26 year old Stockman from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 23 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 August 1915.


491 Driver Hugh Wagner FARMER, a 21 year old Farmer from Robertson, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 1 November 1919.


568 Private Bernard Lowden HOLLOWAY, a 24 year old Stockman from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 16 November 1914; and subsequently was Returned to Australia, 16 March 1918.

493 Corporal Ernest Arthur HORNE, a 39 year old Farmer from Bathurst, New South Wales. He enlisted on 30 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

494 Private Stanley HUDSON, a 24 year old Surveyor from Leura, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 May 1916.

565 Private Hugh Montgomery HUTTON, a 40 year old Grazier from Bomen, New South Wales. He enlisted on 25 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 19 January 1916.


563 Private Ralph Gore LAMBERT, a 26 year old Shipping Clerk from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 30 November 1914; and subsequently was Cashiered, 1 September 1918.

Lieutenant William LANG, a 21 year old Soldier RMC Duntroon from Burwood, New South Wales. He enlisted on 3 November 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 13 August 1915, and subsequently was buried at sea.

505 Private Carl Lindsay LILLYMAN, a 27 year old Livery stable from Narrabri, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 28 January 1916.


594 Private David Rankin MacKAY, a 25 year old Manager from Wallsend, New South Wales. He enlisted on 8 December 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 2 September 1915.

651 Private Peter McCLUSKEY, a 27 year old Farm hand from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 23 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 27 March 1920.

499 Private Daniel McCULLOUGH, a 29 year old Boundary rider from Coonamble, New South Wales. He enlisted on 11 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.


506 Driver William James O'NEILL, a 21 year old Farmer from Cessnock, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 October 1918.


498 Driver John PHILLIPS, a 20 year old Baker from Goulburn, New South Wales. He enlisted on 10 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.


496 Driver Arthur Vincent REIN, a 25 year old Rail fireman from Redfern, Victoria. He enlisted on 1 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 28 December 1917.


500 Private Charles Ronald SHERWIN, a 27 year old Fitter from Ashfield, New South Wales. He enlisted on 26 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 2 September 1916.

504 Private Victor SMITH, a 21 year old Station Hand from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 1 October 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 4 June 1919.

502 Driver Frank Alfred STEWART, a 19 year old Farmer from Parkes, New South Wales. He enlisted on 16 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 7 August 1915.

501 Private Sydney STOUT, a 22 year old Labourer from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 20 October 1918.


630 Private Richard WHITBY aka Jean LeFEBRE, a 34 year old Stockman / Engine Fitter from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 13 July 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 May 1918.

483 Acting Sergeant Ruben WHITING, a 28 year old Blacksmith from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 18 March 1916.



Previous: "C" Squadron

Next: 1st Reinforcements


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

6th Light Horse Regiment, AIF

6th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 6th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, Machine Gun Section

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Tuesday, 6 March 2012 10:30 AM EAST
Tuesday, 5 December 2006
6th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, 1st Reinforcement
Topic: AIF - 2B - 6 LHR

6th LHR, AIF

6th Australian Light Horse Regiment

Embarkation Roll, 1st Reinforcement


HMAT A41 Bakara


6th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF, 1st Reinforcement, embarked from Sydney, New South Wales on board HMAT A41 Bakara 22 December 1914.

The HMAT A41 Bakara weighed 5,930 tons with an average cruise speed of 10.5 knots or 19.44 kmph. The Bakara was previously a captured German vessel called Constaff. It was manned by Australia officers and crew and transferred to Commonwealth Government Line, 1 May 1918.

The ensuing individual soldier's embarkation information contains the following details:

Rank on embarkation;

Full name of the soldier

Declared age of the soldier;

The last occupation held;

The last address as a civilian;

Enlistment Date; and,



Finding more about a service person.

See: Navigating the National Archives Service File 


Embarkation Roll


598 Private Alfred Edward ALLMAN, a 27 year old Overseer from CSR, Lautoka Fiji. He enlisted on 9 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 26 December 1918.

571 Private Harold Joseph AUSBURN, a 24 year old Expert from Penrith, New South Wales. He enlisted on 21 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.


227 Private Edward BREEN, a 35 year old Farm Hand from Braidwood, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 28 December 1917.

486 Private James BROWN, a 22 year old Contractor from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

608 Private Neil BROWNING, a 23 year old Clerk from Cremorne, New South Wales. He enlisted on 15 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 5 March 1919.


638 Acting Corporal John Joseph CASEY, a 35 year old Labourer from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 23 September 1919.

566 Private Eric Leslie CHAUNCEY, an 18 year old Farmer from Narrandera, New South Wales. He enlisted on 1 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 25 December 1918.

525 Private William Edward CHRISTIAN, a 23 year old Labourer from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 13 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 13 October 1918.

239 Private Stephen COLLARD, a 21 year old Cook from Annandale, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 16 October 1915.

661 Private Alfred CORNELIUS, a 26 year old Labourer from Kent Town, South Australia. He enlisted on 10 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 28 June 1919.

637 Private Hugh John COURT, a 26 year old Book keeper from Cessnock, New South Wales. He enlisted on 20 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 September 1916.

666 Private Thomas Ernest CROCKETT, a 23 year old Jockey from Glebe Pt, New South Wales. He enlisted on 1 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 21 May 1917.

567 Private John Simpson CULLEY, a 20 year old Station Overseer from Narrandera, New South Wales. He enlisted on 1 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 October 1915.


400 Private Thomas Joseph DALEY, a 30 year old Farmer from Toowoomba, Queensland. He enlisted on 21 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 1 November 1917.

523 Private Arnold Lorimer DENNY, a 20 year old Farmer from “Wondarry”, Forbes, New South Wales. He enlisted on 15 November 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 26 July 1916.

656 Private Walter DeVAUX, a 30 year old Telegraph conductor from Alexandria Egypt. He enlisted on 2 February 1915; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 3 December 1917.


538 Private James Lewis Llewellyn EDWARDS, a 23 year old Clerk from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 1 February 1918.


115 Private Thomas FARRELL, a 26 year old Farmer from Fish Creek, Victoria. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

424 Acting Corporal Arnold Marius FREDERIKSENaka John JOHNSTON , a 25 year old Farmhand from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 7 August 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 25 October 1919.


653 Private Alfred GREEN, a 21 year old Labourer from Hargraves, New South Wales. He enlisted on 1 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 September 1916.


581 Private Benjamin Bernard HARRIS, a 21 year old Farmer from Wee Waa, New South Wales. He enlisted on 19 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 22 July 1917.

605 Private Lewis Charles Henry HARRIS, a 20 year old Railway Fireman from Penshurst, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 January 1919.

10 Private Herbert HARTLEY, a 20 year old Machinist from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 1 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 1 November 1918.

613 Private Carlton HERPS, a 20 year old N/R from Haberfield, New South Wales. He enlisted on 15 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 11 July 1917.

657 Acting Corporal Alexander HOLE, a 40 year old Station Overseer from Wee Waa, New South Wales. He enlisted on 26 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

554 Acting Sergeant William O. HUG, a 29 year old Storekeeper from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 10 June 1916.


546 Private Donald JAMES, a 26 year old Storekeeper from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 June 1916.

524 A/SSM Leslie Johnston JARVIS, a 21 year old Electrician from Haberfield, New South Wales. He enlisted on 16 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 January 1919.


221 Private Lawrence Alfred KELLY, a 19 year old Farmhand from Neutral Bay, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 20 October 1918.

495 Private William John Cyril KIDMAN, a 22 year old Stock Clerk from Manly, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 12 July 1915.


282 Private Sidney Alfred LEARY, a 29 year old Traveller from Mosman, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 October 1918.

614 Private Maxwell David LEES, a 25 year old Bank Clerk from Goulburn, New South Wales. He enlisted on 10 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 26 December 1918.

663 Private Charles Henry LIVINGSTONE, a 22 year old Tram Conductor from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 1 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.


615 Private Henry Harold MacCARTHY, a 19 year old Squatter from Bothwell, Tasmania. He enlisted on 16 December 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 23 July 1916.

198 Private Thomas Henry MAWER, a 21 year old Clerk from Bulli, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

628 Private Eugene McCARTHY, a 24 year old Postal worker from Carrington via Newcastle, New South Wales. He enlisted on 13 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 10 June 1916.

585 Private Lawrence McCORMACK, a 31 year old Engineer from South Woodburn, New South Wales. He enlisted on 2 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 18 June 1916.

664 Private William Joseph McGUINNESS, a 19 year old Butcher from Trangie, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 24 September 1918.

158 Private James Atkinson McNEILLY, a 20 year old Clerk from Orange, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 10 September 1917.

609 Private Victor Alfred Freeman MEEKS, a 30 year old Sales Manager from Darling Point, New South Wales. He enlisted on 15 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 29 July 1915.

662 Private William George MERREY, a 31 year old Driver from Hay, New South Wales. He enlisted on 4 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

584 Private Henry Allen MOSELEY, a 22 year old Station hand from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 1 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 10 March 1918.


570 Private Horatio Victor Forbes NELSON, a 24 year old Wool classer from Queenscliff, New South Wales. He enlisted on 21 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 1 May 1918.


654 Private Albert Edley PAGE, a 23 year old Stockman from Muswellbrook, New South Wales. He enlisted on 3 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 November 1918.

655 Private William Victor PENROSE, a 23 year old Labourer from Moonie Ponds, Victoria. He enlisted on 27 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 28 June 1919.

537 Private William PLATER, a 22 year old Butcher from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 30 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 4 August 1915.

665 Private Cyril Joseph PORTER, a 21 year old Station hand from Lidcombe, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 21 December 1917.


573 Private William Boyd ROSE, a 33 year old Station hand from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 2 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 1 November 1919.


659 Private Jesse Booth SHARPLEY, a 27 year old Station Overseer from Willawillingbah via Brewarrina, New South Wales. He enlisted on 30 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 25 December 1918.

74 Private Edward Cameron SMITH, a 27 year old Labourer from Launceston, Tasmania. He enlisted on 9 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

556 Private James SMITH, a 26 year old Farmer from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 8 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 October 1918.

569 Private David Charles STIBBARD, a 19 year old Bank Clerk from Henty, New South Wales. He enlisted on 12 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 3 July 1919.

545 Private Reginald Noel SWANN, a 26 year old Accountant from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 November 1914; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 11 August 1916.


660 Private Victor Harold TICKLE, a 24 year old Labourer from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 8 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 October 1918.


574 Private William YOUNG, a 19 year old Tailor from Hawthorn, Victoria. He enlisted on 24 August 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 29 August 1916.



Previous: Machine Gun Section

Next: 2nd Reinforcements


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

6th Light Horse Regiment, AIF

6th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 6th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, 1st Reinforcement

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Sunday, 17 January 2010 7:58 AM EAST

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900 - 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.

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