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Saturday, 17 November 2007
Australian Forces, 17 November 1899 - 1920, Roll of Honour
Topic: AIF - Honour Roll

17 November

Australian Forces

1899 - 1920

Roll of Honour


Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men within the Australian Forces known to have given their lives in service on this day, from 17 November 1899 to 1920.


Roll of Honour


William Henry ARNOLD, 21st Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Arthur George AUSTIN, 12th Light Horse Regiment, 1918.


Frederick Ivan BASTOW, 4th Machine Gun Company, 1919.

Rueben James Godfrey BENNETT, 24th Infantry Battalion, 1918.

Bertram Francis BERESFORD, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Thomas Edward BOWEN, 23rd Infantry Battalion, 1918.

Michael Francis BYRNE, 50th Infantry Battalion, 1916.


Claude CAMPBELL, 17th Infantry Battalion, 1915.

Thomas McKenzie CHALMERS, 27th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Abraham Joseph CLIFFORD, 53rd Infantry Battalion, 1917.

LLoyd Alexander CORLISS, 1st Light Horse Regiment, 1917.

James Burnett CRAIG, 48th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

John Henry Dickie CRAIG, 17th Infantry Battalion, 1918.

William CUDDIHY, 47th Infantry Battalion, 1916.


Herbert Stanley DUNN, Warriored Farm Depot, 1915.


Frank Norman EVANS, 26th Infantry Battalion, 1915.


Joshua Paul FIELD, 15th Field Artillery Brigade, 1916.

Alfred Claude Matthew FLEMMING, 51st Infantry Battalion, 1917.

Arthur Albert FREEMAN, 20th Infantry Battalion, 1917.

James FREEMAN, 4th Infantry Battalion, 1919.

Reginald Jack FREEMAN, 1st Division Train, 1918.


Michael Peter GALLWEY, 54th Infantry Battalion, 1917.

Norman Victor GORDON, 15th Infantry Battalion, 1917.

Thaddeus Victor GREEN, 1st Light Horse Regiment, 1917.

Lambert Adrian GUEST, 7th Light Horse Regiment, 1915.


John Patrick HANNAFEY, 1st Cyclist Battalion, 1918.

John Joseph HANRATTY, 2nd Field Artillery Brigade, 1916.

Alexander HERON, 27th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

George HILL, 1st Pioneer Battalion, 1916.

Joseph HOUGHT, 6th Infantry Battalion, 1917.

Frederick HUGHES, 2nd Division Signal Company, 1915.

William HUMPHRIES, 22nd Infantry Battalion, 1916.

William Thomas HYDE, 30th Infantry Battalion, 1915.


Wallace Crewe JULIAN, 22nd Infantry Battalion, 1916.


Frederick Berger KAPPLER, 21st Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Jacob KULLERHEIN, 53rd Infantry Battalion, 1916.


Cuthbert Francis LEACH, 37th Infantry Battalion, 1918.

Alfred LEVINGSTON, 11th Light Horse Regiment, 1917.

Richard Bright LITCHFIELD, 3rd Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron, 1917.

Vivian John LUCAS, 46th Infantry Battalion, 1916.


Alexander Cameron MACKAY, 17th Infantry Battalion, 1915.

Peter Anderson MALCOLM, 19th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Patrick Joseph MALONE, 3rd Pioneer Battalion, 1917.

Alexander Ronald Smart MCDUFF, 1st Division Train, 1917.

Arthur Alston MCGILL, Imperial Force G Headquarters, 1918.

Cecil Joseph MCMURRAY, 46th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Malcolm Walter MCPHERSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment, 1915.

John Howard MURPHY, 27th Infantry Battalion, 1916.


Joseph NEWPORT, 13th Light Horse Regiment, 1915.


John Patrick PIERCE, Australian Mining and Boring Company, 1918.

Arthur Henry POPE, 14th Brigade Australian Field Artillery, 1918.


Clarence QUARRELL, 28th Infantry Battalion, 1916.


Walter Francis RADFORD, 16th Infantry Battalion, 1915.

Thomas RAWLINSON, Depot Battalion, 1915.

Charles John REACE, 3rd Pioneer Battalion, 1917.

Thomas Matthew ROBERTS, 13th Field Company Australian Engineers, 1916.

Colin Alexander ROBINSON, 30th Infantry Battalion, 1918.

Wallace ROSS, 5th Infantry Battalion, 1916.


William Royal SELKIRK, 4th Light Horse Regiment, 1917.

Frederick Richard SERGEANT, 4th Field Artillery Brigade, 1916.

Harry Gilbert SHAPLEY, 13th Field Ambulance, 1916.

Alec John SHEPARD, 5th Infantry Battalion, 1915.

James SHORT, 26th General Service Reinforcements, 1918.

Harold Arthur SILK, 23rd Infantry Battalion, 1918.

Alexander SMILEY, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles, 1900.

Arthur Roy SMITH, 2nd Division Salvage Corps, 1920.

David Henry SMITH, AIF, 1916.

Edward Charles STANTON, 25th Infantry Battalion, 1916.


George Henry TOLSON, 6th Motor Transport Company, 1918.

Frederick TRUELOVE, 25th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Frederick TURNER, 22nd Infantry Battalion, 1916.


Ernest Richard WARNECKE, Recruits Depot, 1917.

Edward John WHALE, 47th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Benjamin Victor WILLIAMS, 55th Infantry Battalion, 1919.

George Henry WILSON, 50th Infantry Battalion, 1916.


Neville Hunter YOUNG, Dental Corps, 1916.


Essington Lowther ZOUCH, 7th Light Horse Regiment, 1917.


Lest We Forget



Further Reading:

Australian Forces 1899 - 1920, Roll of Honour

The Boer War, A Short History

The Great War, August 1914

Armistice Day, 11 November 1918

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Australian Forces, 17 November 1899 - 1920, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Friday, 19 November 2010 4:36 PM EAST
Friday, 16 November 2007
Australian Forces, 15 November 1899 - 1920, Roll of Honour
Topic: AIF - Honour Roll

15 November

Australian Forces

1899 - 1920

Roll of Honour


Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men within the Australian Forces known to have given their lives in service on this day, from 15 November 1899 to 1920.


Roll of Honour


Lynton Vere ANDERSON, 2nd Machine Gun Battalion, 1918.

Leslie ANDREWS, 20th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Charles Courtney APPLEYARD, 23rd Infantry Battalion, 1916.


Hedley BALLARD, 25th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Frederick BERRY, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 1915.

William Thomas BONNER, 1st Australian Division Headquarters, 1918.

Alfred Arthur BOOTH, 2nd Field Artillery Brigade, 1917.

Thomas Henry BOWYER, Depot Company, 1915.

Fred Gladstone BRADY, 20th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Harold John BROWN, 9th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Norman Richard BROWN, 20th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Alexander Hamilton BRUCE, 5th Pioneer Battalion, 1916.

Charles Clive BRYANT, 5th Field Artillery Brigade, 1916.

Houston Stewart BRYSON, 3rd Battalion Imperial Camel Corps, 1917.

William Thomas BUTTRESS, 47th Infantry Battalion, 1916.


Thomas James CAFFREY, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 1917.

Stanley CALLAGHAN, 18th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Arthur Cecil CANTELLO, 2nd Tunnelling Company, 1916.

Randil Hugh Frederick CARLISLE, 20th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

James George CARROLL, 21st Infantry Battalion, 1916.

James Todd CHAMBERS, 28th Infantry Battalion, 1917.

Leonard John CHAMBERS, 50th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Herbert Robert Duncan CHERRY, 35th Infantry Battalion, 1918.

Alfred CLARE, 1916.

Elmer William CLARK, 49th Infantry Battalion, 1916.


Richard Henry DAFFON, 20th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Charles Langham DALE, 2nd Pioneer Battalion, 1916.

Donald DAVIDSON, 20th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Jesse Adams DAVIS, 12th Infantry Battalion, 1918.

Oscar Raymond Stanley DAVIS, 19th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Charles Henry DAY, 4th Machine Gun Battalion, 1918.

Edward Joseph DICKENS, 5th Pioneer Battalion, 1916.

Walter DOODY, 47th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

James Edward DOWNER, 20th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Desmond McMahon Gavan DUFFY, 20th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Harold Clifford DUMBRELL, 20th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Frederick DUNBAR, 20th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Hellier Leslie Cecil DUNN, 1st Machine Gun Battalion, 1917.

William DWYER, 25th Infantry Battalion, 1917.


Alfred John EVANS, 5th Field Artillery Brigade, 1918.


Justin Bede FOX, 2nd Field Artillery Brigade, 1917.

Jack FREEMAN, 2nd Field Company Engineers, 1916.


Norman Herbert GALL, 20th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Bertie Cecil GILBERTHORPE, 20th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Victor Herbert GOSWELL, 20th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

John Francis GRABHAM, 51st Infantry Battalion, 1918.

William Albert GRADNER, 5th Machine Gun Battalion, 1918.

Russell Walker GRANT, 25th Infantry Battalion, 1916.


Ernest William HALL, 20th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

William HALL, 18th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

James Jarrett HAMILTON, 6th Field Artillery Brigade, 1917.

Paul Ernest HANHAM, 25th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Jacob HARRISON, 5th Field Ambulance Australian Army Medical Corps, 1916.

Claude Reginald Charles HENDERSON, 50th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Leslie Elizah HINCHCLIFFE, 46th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Raymond George HIND, 18th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Charles Harold HINTON, 25th Infantry Battalion, 1915.

Oliver HULL, 38th Infantry Battalion, 1917.

Albert William HUMPHRIES, 2nd Machine Gun Company, 1917.

Robert James HUNTER, 57th Infantry Battalion, 1917.


Christian Martin JOHNSON, 25th Infantry Battalion, 1916.


Elias Naself KEEAMI, 3rd Field Artillery Brigade, 1917.

Herbert Norman KELLY, 12th Light Horse Regiment, 1917.

James Francis KITE, 11th Infantry Battalion, 1917.

Leslie KNOX, 1st Infantry Battalion, 1916.


Herbert Reginald LATIMER, 46th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Elias LEVY, 50th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

William George LILWALL, 21st Field Artillery Brigade, 1916.

Frederick Keith LOOKER, 22nd Infantry Battalion, 1915.

Raymond Sylvester LORD, 18th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Paul LYNCH, 8th Infantry Brigade Headquarters, 1918.


James MARSHALL, 7th Light Horse Regiment, 1917.

Alfred MASKELL, 54th Infantry Battalion, 1918.

Edward Albert MCDADE, 2nd Tunnellers Depot, 1917.

Thomas Charles MCDONALD, 20th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Richard Livingstone MCDOWELL, 20th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Thomas Bruce MCFARLANE, 22nd Infantry Battalion, 1916.

David John MCKAY, 2nd Field Artillery Brigade, 1917.

Ivan William MCLACHLAN, 20th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

John Sydney Victor MCPHERSON, 59th Infantry Battalion, 1918.

Arthur Harold MORRISON, 20th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

William Herbert MURRAY, 6th Field Ambulance, 1915.

Abia George NEVILLE, 2nd Machine Gun Battalion, 1918.


Reginald Arthur NICKISSON, 20th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Francis Louis NINNIS, 46th Infantry Battalion, 1916.


William Lumsden PACKMAN, 4th Field Artillery Brigade, 1916.

Frederick George PIKE, Australian (Wireless) Signal Squadron, 1917.

Edward Ernest POTTER, 5th Field Ambulance, 1916.


Arthur Owen QUINN, 22nd Infantry Battalion, 1916.


Michael RAHILL, 47th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Leslie Mowbray RAINER, 21st Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Frederick Felix John RAPHAEL, 21st Infantry Battalion, 1916.

William James REILLY, 18th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Fred RENNIE, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 1915.

Stanley John RICHARDSON, 23rd Infantry Battalion, 1918.

Edward Victor RICHES, 1st Division Signal Company, 1917.

William ROBERTSON, 19th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Edward Leslie Graham ROWELL, 25th Infantry Battalion, 1917.

Horace Roy RUSH, 20th Infantry Battalion, 1916.


Edmund Leonard Roy SCHULTZ, 2nd Field Artillery Brigade, 1917.

William Charles SILVER, 24th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Henry Walter SMALLBONE, 3rd Depot Battalion, 1915.

John SMITH, 20th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

John Henry SMITH, 25th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Malcolm McIntosh SOUTHWELL, 20th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Reginald Clarence STEPHENS, 2nd Field Artillery Brigade, 1916.

William Johnstone STEVENS, Australian Army Chaplain Corps, 1917.

David Lumsden STRACHAN, 2nd Pioneer Battalion, 1916.

Charles Frederick SULLIVAN, 14th Australian General Hospital, 1918.

Thomas Bruce SULLIVAN, 24th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Frank William SYDER, 7th Infantry Battalion, 1918.

Edward John SYDES, Australian Army Chaplain Corps, 1918.


Robert Richardson TIDYMAN, 19th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Frank TOWNSON, 12th Machine Gun Company, 1916.


John William WAIN, 5th Field Ambulance, 1916.

George Frederick Howard WEBB, 10th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Joseph William WEBB, 21st Infantry Battalion, 1916.

John Joseph WEIR, 22nd Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Reginald Augustus WHIPHAM, 2 Light Horse Regiment, 1917.

Ernest Wickham WILLOWS, 11th Infantry Battalion, 1918.

Edward Roy WILSON, 50th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

William Charles WILSON, 2nd Australian Division Headquarters, 1916.

Henry Erasmus WREN, 1st Field Artillery Brigade, 1916.


Lest We Forget



Further Reading:

Australian Forces 1899 - 1920, Roll of Honour

The Boer War, A Short History

The Great War, August 1914

Armistice Day, 11 November 1918

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Australian Forces, 15 November 1899 - 1920, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Tuesday, 16 November 2010 7:34 AM EAST
Australian Forces, 16 November 1899 - 1920, Roll of Honour
Topic: AIF - Honour Roll

16 November

Australian Forces

1899 - 1920

Roll of Honour


Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men within the Australian Forces known to have given their lives in service on this day, from 16 November 1899 to 1920.


Roll of Honour


William AGNEW, 15th Infantry Battalion, 1919.

Frederick ANDREWARTHA, 23rd Infantry Battalion, 1915.

Charles ATTRIDGE, 26th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Roy AUSTIN, 14th Field Ambulance, 1917.

William Myles AYRE, New South Wales Citizens Bushmen Contingent, 1900.


Frederick Marinus BERNHARD, 50th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

William Robert BISHOP, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 1915.

William Thomas BOOTH, 20th Infantry Battalion, 1915.

Ernest Gordon BOURKE, 51st Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Nelson Lavercombe BOWEN, 2nd Field Artillery Brigade, 1918.

Leslie Aubrey BROWN, 7th Depot Battalion, 1915.

Edgar John BURGESS, 5th Pioneer Battalion, 1916.

Victor Raymond BURTON, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 1916.


Robert Singleton CAMERON, 45th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Dugold CAMPBELL, 4th Australian Light Horse, 1915.

John CLARKE, Australian Army Medical Corps, 1916.

Daniel Edward CORBETT, 18th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Stanley Gordon COULTON, 2nd Pioneer Battalion, 1916.

Lyle Hampden COX, 58th Infantry Battalion, 1918.


Percy Lionel DIGNAM, 19th Infantry Battalion, 1915.

Leslie Victor DOUGLAS, 29th Infantry Battalion, 1918.

Reginald Kaye DUCKWORTH, Air Flying Corps, 1917.


Ernest Samuel Arthur EMMERSON, Australian Cyclist Corps, 1918.

David Edward ETCHES, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 1917.

John Martin EVISTON, 6th Battalion, 1915.


George Henry FERNANDEZ, 5th Field Artillery Brigade, 1918.

John Henry FINCH, 13th Light Horse Regiment, 1915.

John James FITZPATRICK, 28th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

William Edward FLANNERY, 13th Infantry Battalion, 1914.

Percy Thompson FRICKER, 22nd Infantry Battalion, 1915.

John FUNNELL, 49th Infantry Battalion, 1918.


Oswald GALLAGHER, 20th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Thomas GILBERT, 13th Light Horse Regiment, 1915.

John Thomas GILMOUR, 38th Infantry Battalion, 1918.

Thomas Rantin GORDON, 1st Light Horse Regiment, 1917.

William Ernest GREBER, 49th Infantry Battalion, 1917.

Edward Percy Malcolm GUTHRIE, 1st Field Ambulance, 1915.


Thomas HADDOCK, 2nd Field Artillery Brigade Ammunition Column, 1915.

Reginald Edward HANNAKER, 13th Field Artillery Brigade, 1917.

Jacob Sidney HANSEN, 54th Infantry Battalion, 1917.

Hilton George HARDCASTLE, Australian Army Pay Corps, 1919.

Ivan Hartlett HARRISON, 14th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Harry HEAD, 15th Infantry Battalion, 1914.

Edgar Cyril HICKS, 28th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Ivan Campbell Ker HIGGINS, HMAS Tingira, 1917.

Charles Patrick HINCHEY, Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force (AN & MEF), 1920.

John William HOPKINSON, 2nd Division Signal Company, 1916.

Robert HOUNAM, 47th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Francis Benjamin HUTTON, 46th Infantry Battalion, 1916.


William John JACKSON, 28th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Edward Joseph JONES, 20th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Frank Ainsley JONES, 20th Infantry Battalion, 1916.


Roy Oscar Claude KEENE, 2nd Field Artillery Brigade, 1917.

Thomas William KELLY, 40th Infantry Battalion, 1919.


James LAMB, New South Wales Citizens Bushmen Contingent, 1900.

William Percy LAMB, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 1919.

Robert LAUCHLAND, Australian Flying Corps, 1917.

Arthur LEE, 1st Field Artillery Brigade, 1916.

Alfred Burgess LONG, 22nd Infantry Battalion, 1915.

Thomas LONGMORE, 28th Infantry Battalion, 1916.


John Robert MACDONALD, 9th Infantry Battalion, 1915.

Walter Gordon MACKLEY, 13th Field Artillery Brigade, 1916.

George MANNS, New South Wales Citizens Bushmen Contingent, 1900.

James Storey MCANNALLEY, 28th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Charles Aloysius MCCANN, 14th Field Artillery Brigade, 1916.

Robert James MCCREEDY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 1915.

John William MCDONALD, 6th Light Horse, 1915.

Arthur MCEVOY, 28th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Joseph MCKEON, 18th Infantry Battalion, 1915.

John Joseph MCLOUGHLIN, 36th Group Heavy Artillery, 1916.

Donald MCQUEEN, 6th Trench Mortar Battery, 1917.

Thomas Aubrey MEADER, 38th Infantry Battalion, 1918.

Rowland Syril John MOILE, 6th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Robert Alexander MOODY, 16th Infantry Battalion, 1915.

Frank MOORE, 23rd Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Walter Garnet MORRIS, 28th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Ernest Samuel Gordon MYERS, 2nd Pioneer Battalion, 1916.

David James MYORS, 3rd Auxiliary Motor Transport Company, 1918.


Clair Christian NIELSEN, 2nd Tunnelling Company, 1918.


Phillip Marich PASSMORE, 19th Infantry Battalion, 1915.

Athol Eric Charles PERCY, 13th Field Artillery Brigade, 1916.

Reuben Frank PRITCHARD, 17th Infantry Battalion, 1917.


Arthur Aloysius QUINN, 22nd Infantry Battalion, 1916.


Edmond George REID, 28th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

John Thomas REYNOLDS, 11th Light Horse Regiment, 1917.

Perey Charles ROBERTS, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Thomas Patrick ROONEY, 59th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Donald ROSS, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry, 1900.

James Dartnell RUST, 28th Infantry Battalion, 1916.


Alfred SMITH, 18th Infantry Battalion, 1915.

Stanley Herbert SMITH, 28th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Mordaunt SPRY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, 1915.

James STEWART, 28th Infantry Battalion, 1916.


Herbert Lewis THOMPSON, 40th Infantry Battalion, 1918.


Keith John WADE, 7th Field Ambulance, 1916.

Norman Charles WALKER, 8th Brigade Australian Field Artillery, 1918.

Cuthbert Henry WARDLAW, 28th Infantry Battalion, 1916.

Norman Alexander WATT, 41st Infantry Battalion, 1917.

William Francis WIFFEN, 16th Infantry Battalion, 1918.


Lest We Forget



Further Reading:

Australian Forces 1899 - 1920, Roll of Honour

The Boer War, A Short History

The Great War, August 1914

Armistice Day, 11 November 1918

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Australian Forces, 16 November 1899 - 1920, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Friday, 19 November 2010 4:41 PM EAST
Thursday, 15 November 2007
2nd LHR, AIF, Denis Ramsay Needham Walker
Topic: AIF - 1B - 2 LHR

2nd LHR, AIF

2nd Light Horse Regiment

Denis Ramsay Needham Walker


Denis Ramsay Needham Walker
[Queenslander, 3 October 1914, p. 26.]


Denis Ramsay Needham Walker

Embarkation Age: 23.

Embarkation details: Unit embarked from Brisbane, Queensland, on board HMAT A15 Star of England on 24 September 1914.

Embarkation Rank: Trumpeter.

Embarkation Roll number: 10/7/1.

Embarkation Unit name: 2nd Light Horse Regiment, B Squadron.

Enlistment date: 25 August 1914.

Fate: Returned to Australia 15 November 1918.

Marital status: Single.

Next of kin: Eleanor Needham Walker, Glenbrook, Goondiwindi, Queensland.

Occupation: Auctioneer.

Rank from Nominal Roll: Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant.

Regimental number: 404.

Religion: Church of England.

Unit from Nominal Roll: 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment.


Sources Used:

The Queenslander, 1914.

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Further Reading:

2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF

2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour  

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 2nd LHR, AIF, Denis Ramsay Needham Walker

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Monday, 30 November 2009 11:32 AM EAST
2nd LHR, AIF, Frederick Ernest Stumm
Topic: AIF - 1B - 2 LHR



2nd LHR, AIF

2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment

Frederick Ernest Stumm


416 Trooper Frederick Ernest Stumm

 [From: The Queenslander, 3 October 1914, p. 26]


A brief military biography of Frederick Ernest Stumm from The AIF Project:

Regimental number416
Marital statusSingle
Age at embarkation29
Next of kinFather, Jacob Stumm, Gympie, Queensland
Enlistment date9 September 1914
Rank on enlistmentPrivate
Unit name2nd Light Horse Regiment, B Squadron
AWM Embarkation Roll number10/7/1
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Brisbane, Queensland, on board HMAT A15 Star of England on 24 September 1914
Rank from Nominal RollPrivate
Unit from Nominal Roll2nd Light Horse Regiment
FateReturned to Australia 15 November 1918


Further Reading:

2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF

2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 2nd LHR, AIF, Frederick Ernest Stumm

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Thursday, 8 October 2009 4:58 PM EADT

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900 - 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.

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