Topic: AIF - 3B - 10 LHR
Apart from the War Diary which presents a reflected view of Regimental history, one of the best sources of understanding the immediate challenges facing a regiment is to be found in the Routine Orders. They are a wealth of detail. Over the following weeks, the Routine Orders for the 10th Light Horse Regiment will be posted. They are an almost complete collection from commencement as 7th Light Horse Regiment, "C" Squadron to reformation as the 10th Light Horse Regiment. It tells the story of the regiment in a way never touched by a unit history. What is revealed is the day to day lives faced by the men in the Regiment. It lists the highs and lows but in so doing, is the history of the common man.
This Routine Order is filled with new enlistees and men who finally joined the ranks after arriving from country centres. One names stands out immediately: that of the new recruit 68 Trooper Ross Richard Vivian Chipper who died at the Nek during that fateful charge, 7 August 1915.
In addition to the recruits, there is a list of men who were discharged for medical reasons, failing the riding test and for their own personal reasons.
It would appear as though there was some trouble at the Quartermaster's Store as a new rule was introduced ordering any person entering the store required written permission from the Quarter Master. It doesn't take much imagination to work out the events that led to this situation.
Citation: 10th LHR Routine Order No 8, 6 November 1914