Topic: AIF - Misc Topics
The administration of Soldiers' pay consumed much time and effort in the AIF. The system was complex and required much care and attention to be devoted to maintaining the correct position of the pay book. The following sheet was an instruction issued by AIF Headquarters in Egypt for all units and formations that controlled the entries in the pay book.
[Click on document for larger version.]
Below is a transcription of this important document.
The following notes relating to the Financial arrangements of the Australian Imperial Force are published for information:
1. All casualties affecting Soldiers' Pay should appear in Battalion etc. Orders Part II, which must be issued and numbered separately and consecutively.
2. When punishments, promotions, reductions, etc., are published in Orders the Company etc., Number, Rank, and Name of the Soldier should be distinctly stated. In cases of Absence without Leave, the exact period of absence should he shown, and in cases of Detention the amount of pay forfeited.
3. Absence without leave for six consecutive hours or more out of 24 entails a forfeiture of one day's pay, and similarly absence from a duly which is thereby thrown on some other person.
4. Absence without leave, Detention, Field Punishment, necessarily entail Forfeiture of Pay, and no discretion is 'given to the Commanding Officer whether or not to enforce wholly or partly the forfeiture (see Army Act Section 138 and Nose 2 thereon). This forfeiture extends to the whole day's pay (irrespective of whatever Allotment may have been made or what amount is being actually issued to the Soldier), and the amount thereof exclusive of deterred pay only must be entered in Cash Column of Soldier's Pay Book and signed by O. C. Company.
"B" Co. 246 Pte. Smith, J. H. Absent without leave 10 p.m. 18. 2. 15 to 11 p. m. 20. 2. 15. Awarded 4 days detention.
Forfeiture 2 days absence 10/-, 4 days detention 20/-, Total 30/-.
(Deduction of amounts forfeited from Deferred Pay will be assessed on closing Soldier's account).
5. All Casualties affecting Pay must be entered immediately in Soldier's Pay Book. In case of Promotion or Reduction, Pay Book must be forwarded as soon as possible to Stall Pay Office for amendment and certification.
6. Fines. Attention is directed to Army Act, Sec. 44, Note. 18.
These are not authorised to be imposed for any offence except Drunkenness, and cannot exceed if imposed by a court martial one pound, or if imposed by a commanding officer ten shillings.
7. Venereal Disease. No pay will be issued while abroad for any period of absence from duty on account of Venereal Disease. Dates of admission to and discharge from Hospital must be shown in Part II Orders. The amount of pay withheld is to be entered in Soldier's Pay Book.
8. Allotments. No new Allotments can be made unless necessitated by change of rank, family distress, or by married men having failed to make provision for their wives and children as required by A. I. F. Orders.
Following rules should be observed regarding these:-
1. Actual date of payment most be inserted in each Roll.
2. Each Roll is to bear one Number only.
3. Such signatures as "Brown" or "Brown A. W," are incorrect, and cannot be admitted.
4. Imprest Holders only are entitled to sign certificate at foot of Roll.
5. The total amount acquitted is to he shown at end of each Roll. Amounts unpaid are to be deleted and excluded from total aquittance.
6. Fractions of pence are not admitted.
7. Any alteration to amount of cash advanced to Soldier is to be initialled by Payee. All other alterations are to be initialled by Officer signing Certificate.
8. Erasures are prohibited under any circumstances.
9. No Fines or Forfeitures should appear on Acquittance Rolls which should show the exact nest coot received by the Soldier only.
10. Names on Acquittance Rolls should be In same order as in Nominal Rolls.
11. Rolls may be furnished in ink or indelible pencil. Black lead pencil must not be used.
A. G. FARR, Major
Citation: Events effecting soldier's pay and pay book