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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Friday, 8 August 2003
4th QIB, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Nominal Roll
Topic: BW - Qld - 4QIB

4th QIB 

4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen

Nominal Roll


In 1911, Lieutenant-Colonel P. L. Murray, produced a marvellous Boer War reference detailing all the contingents sent from Australia to South Africa, giving a brief history of the formation and finally, listing all the soldiers who saw service in South Africa with that unit. The book was called, Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa. It is now the standard reference and starting place for any person interested in pursuing information about Australian involvement in the Boer War.

Murray, P. L., Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, pp. 479 - 486.


4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen

62 Private Frederick ACHILLES

374 Private Charles Langslon ADAMS

273 Private Charles Young ADAMSON

305 Private James Allen AKRED

289 Private John ALFORD

364 Private George ALLEN

375 Private Thomas George ALLEN

50 Private Hans Peter ANDERSON

174 Private Robert ANDERSON

25 Private William Albert ANDERSON

370 Private Alexander John ARLIDGE

1 Sergeant Major William ATWELL

Lieutenant Colonel Andrew AYTOUN

225 Private Eugene BAGLIETTO

7 Private Arthur BAILEY

90 Private John BANCROFT

199 Private William BARCLAY

159 Private Charles Grafton BARNES

29 Private James BARNETT

334 Private William Henry Augustus BARTLETT

157 Private Lionel Salter BARTON

251 Shoeing Smith Arthur Clarence BASSMAN

271 Private Frank Percy BEATTY

197 Private Sidney Stuart BEATTY

14 Private Wilson Dacres BEATTY

39 Private Malcolm BELL

Lieutenant Marmaduke Alexander Thomas BELL

287 Private Thomas BENDALL

185 Private George Henry BENNETT

164 Private William Charles BENNETT

42 Private Richard BERNARD

Captain James Kinkaid BERRY

285 Private Harry BETTANY

341 Private George Howard BIRT

338 Private Archibald Syme BLACK

357 Private Thomas BLAKEWAY

260 Private Richard Henry BLANK

360 Private Joseph BLOCK

219 Private John Robert BOLAM

81 Private Henry BOLTON

336 Private Arthur Clinton BOURKE

252 Farrier Sergeant John BOURKE

249 Private Charles Henry BOWES

36 Private Robert BOYD

205 Private William Pearce BOYDELL

348 Private James McKenzie BOYLE

172 Private Robert Hugh BRICKWOOD

365 Private Thomas George BRIDGES

184 Private William BROATCH

124 Private Vernon Bissett BRODIE

13 Private David BROWN

32 Private William BROWNE

91 Farrier William Robit BRUCE

100 Private George William BUCKLEY

38 Private William Castle BURN

94 Private George Alfred BURTON

322 Private William James BUSHER

328 Private Robert Thomas BUTLER

325 Private William BUTLER

Lieutenant Archibald William BUTTERWORTH

214 Private Albert CALLER

Captain John Walter Maxwell CARROLL

345 Private Joseph Richard CARTER

193 Trumpeter William Robert CARTER

61 Private Joseph CASTLES

103 Private Alfred Noble CAVE

95 Private James Francis CHAPMAN

201 Private Albert William CHRISTIE

279 Private Peter James CLANCY

335 Private Alexander CLARK

215 Private Raymond Joseph CLARK

188 Private Arthur Hill CLARKE

295 Private James CLARKE

266 Private Thomas CLARKE

321 Private Thomas COBON

69 Private John COLEMAN

282 Private William COLVILLE

210 Private Edward Christian COOK

146 Private Robert Henry CORNER

129 Private Martin COSTELLO

26 Private Robert Henry COTTAM

245 Private Harry Richmond COUSENS

Lieutenant Campbell COWLEY

85 Private Robert Wilkinson CRAWSHAW

Captain Quartermaster Archibald Edward CRICHTON

Lieutenant Aubrey De Pree CRICHTON

139 Private Herbert Edward CRISP

293 Private James Knight CROSSMAN

171 Private Henry Carrington CUDMORE

65 Trooper Ernest CULLIFORD

12 Private Percy Richard CUMING

344 Private Alexander CUNNINGHAM

317 Private John Thomas CUNNINGHAM

148 Private Joseph CUNNINGHAM

291 Private William John DANIELS

283 Private George DAWS

60 Private George Henry Moss DAWSON

Hon.Captain CVP DAY

19 Private Nowell Barnard DE LANCEY-FORTH

Major William Thomas DEACON

8 Private Thomas Fox DECENT

331 Private Walter DERRETT

108 Private Percy George DETMOLD

269 Private Donald DEVINE

290 Private Edward Swain DODDS

116 Private Patrick Michael DOOLEY

218 Private Theophilus Thomas DOUGLAS

180 Private James Duncan DOWNIE

63 Private Nathan Esli DOWZER

240 Private Graham DOYLE

77 Private James DUGGAN

165 Private James Edward DURACK

Captain Herbert Rowland Pasley DURHAM

114 Private Arthur Ellis Icly DWYER

253 Private Francis Edgar EALES

346 Private Frank EASTON

128 Private Arthur Bowen ELLIOTT

131 Private Aubrey Thomas ELLIS

82 Private John Joseph FARRELL

Lieutenant William Isaac FERGUSON

236 Private Luke FLOOD

307 Private Norman FRAZER

208 Private John Joseph GALLIGAN

368 Private Stewart Edward GAMGEE

115 Private James Alexander GARDEN

163 Private Alfred William Gabriel GARDINER

31 Private John David GARDINER

230 Private Richard Edward GILBERT

6 Company Sergeant Major John Frederick GILL

87 Private James McBride GILLESPIE

166 Private William GILTROW

327 Private John Edward GLOVER

306 Private Stanley Jansen Prince GODDARD

244 Private David John GOODWIN

Lieutenant Dugald Maxwell Lockwood GRAHAM

84 Private Thomas GRAHAM

78 Private Thomas Alexander GRAHAM

92 Private Arthur Alva GRAY

Lieutenant William Alfred Goodall Esdaile GREEN

142 Private James Herbert GREENAWAY

83 Private Joseph Norman GREER

300 Private William Fraser GREIG

206 Private John Hay GRIEVE

332 Private Louis Gerald GRIFFIN

44 Private Thomas GRIMES

330 Private Martin GROGAN

46 Private Charles Wesley HACKWOOD

347 Private Victor Arthur HAIR

150 Private John Henry HAMILTON

196 Private James John HANLEY

178 Private Michael John HANNAN

3 Company Sergeant Major Henry George HARRIS

56 Private George HARROP

67 Private Peter Stewart HASTIE

320 Private Thomas HASTIE

242 Private James Joseph HEALEY

248 Private John Oliver HELDER

53 Private Edward William HENDERSON

229 Private James Douglas HENRY

16 Private John George HENRY

151 Private Robert HERKES

152 Private Harry Roy HERTH

349 Private Cecil Somerville HETHERINGTON

Lieutenant John HIGSON

213 Private Onslow Frederick Stanley HILL

125 Private Vutor Austin HILL

18 Private John Ernest HOBSON

220 Private Frank HOCKINGS

209 Private John HOLDWAY

117 Private Joseph Dowling HOLLIS

329 Private Archie HOLPEN

352 Private Frederick Ernest HOLPEN

239 Private John Stuart HOOD

362 Private Robert HOOD

207 Private Victor Thomas George HORE

98 Private George Turner HORSBURGH

27 Private Harry HOWARD

176 Private Samuel James HOWE

168 Private Robert Ernest HUSTON

126 Private Richard Charles HUTCHINSON

Lieutenant Charles Edward Whithorn HYDE

255 Private William James INGRAM
177 Private John JACKSON

353 Private Thomas Edward JARMAIN

132 Private George Essex JAUNCEY

106 Private Louis Victor JOHNSON

107 Private William Henry JOHNSTON

Captain Francis Lionel JONES

23 Private John JORDAN

Captain Ernest Joseph JOSEPH

64 Private Alexander KEILAR

145 Private Eustace KELK

Lieutenant William John KELLAWAY

173 Private Michael Augustine KELLY

183 Private William KELLY

Lieutenant William Thomas KEMP

122 Private Patrick KENNEDY

17 Private George James KERCHER

54 Private Ambrose Ernest KING

154 Private Charles Ernest KING

24 Private Herbert Cyrus KINGSMILL

104 Private William KNOX

369 Private Harry LAKE

58 Private John Foster LAMB

224 Private George LAMROSE

262 Private Charles Henry LAWSON

45 Private Albert Forrest LEACH

243 Private William LEHMAN

288 Private James LEISHMAN

234 Private Horace William LINDLEY

222 Private James William LINDORE

10 Private George Frank LIVINGSTONE

265 Private William LIVINGSTONE

278 Private Edward LODER

276 Private Arthur Sidney LOVEGROVE

313 Private Frank William LUCAS

272 Private Guy Harold LUCK

363 Private Richard LUNN

254 Farrier Sergeant Charles LUXTON

147 Private James William LYND

89 Private John Kenneth MACDONALD

373 Private William Hogarth MACKENZIE

227 Private Donald MACRAE

170 Private George Hamilton Sydney MADDOCK

181 Private Rhys MAITLEND

268 Private Thomas James MALCOLMSON

51 Private John MANN

160 Private Edmondstone MARKWELL

191 Trumpeter Leopold Baptist MARLES

35 Private William MATHISON

141 Private William Adolphus MATTERS

202 Private Francis MAXWELL

312 Private Alexander MCDOUGALL

358 Private Fergus George MCFADZEN

264 Private William MCGLADDERY

52 Private Colin MCINNES

68 Private Charles John MCINTOSH

204 Private Donald John Roderick MCLEOD

Vet. Lieutenant John MCLEOD

73 Private Alexander MCPHERSON

274 Private John Fraser MCPHERSON

118 Private Frederick Maurice MEEK

308 Private John MELON

235 Private Charles MEREDITH

155 Private Lionel Offley MICKLEM

343 Private Richard Spencer MICKLETHWAITE

97 Private Andrew Reid MILLER

110 Private John MILLER

277 Private George McPherson MITCHELL

297 Private Maurice MITCHELL

294 Private William Cumming MONTGOMERY

21 Private Thomas Peat MOORE

371 Private Harold Collison MORLEY

15 Private George MORRICE

337 Private Herbert MORRIS

339 Private William Wilson MORRISON

298 Private William John MULHOLLAND

258 Private Richard MULRAY

311 Private George Stealey MUMFORD

158 Private Albert Charles MURCH

96 Private James MURPHY

138 Private Alfred Douglas MURRAY

187 Private Henry Baylis MURRAY

182 Private Alexander Stuart MYERS

120 Private William Francis NATTRASS

66 Private Walter NAYLOR

Major Walter Blake NISBET

232 Private George Tanner NOAKES

179 Private William Patrick NOLAN

5 Private Charles David O'BRIEN

256 Private Jack O'BRIEN

342 Private James O'CONNELL

48 Private Daniel Patrick O'CONNOR

59 Private James O'DONNELL

72 Private John Joseph O'NEILL

316 Private Francis O'SULLIVAN

Lieutenant Charles Albert PARKER

186 Private Martin PARKER

326 Private George Herbert PAYNE

140 Private John Joseph PERKINS

112 Private Arthur PERRETT

200 Private John Frederick PERSKE

302 Farrier Charles Frederick PETERSEN

250 Private William Henry PHILLIPS

Lieutenant Colin John Campbell PHILP

Lieutenant William Henry PICKBURN

143 Private Alfred PLOWMAN

284 Private William Shortly POOLE

223 Private Alfred Ernest POOLEY

79 Private James Charles POWER

127 Private John Joseph PURCELL

194 Private Godfrey Liddle PURVES

355 Private Oliver QUEALE

216 Private John Robert RAPPEL

80 Private Arthur Ernest RAYMOND

314 Private Peter William REARDON

22 Private George Harold REMFREY

111 Private Matthew Henry REYNALLT

292 Private Frank RICHARDS

361 Private Thomas RICHARDS

28 Private Robert RICHARDSON

350 Private William Egbert RICHARDSON

135 Private Charles Henry RIDDELL

34 Private Arthur Campbell ROBERTSON

144 Private Hugh Clive ROBERTSON

267 Private James Alexander ROBINS

356 Trumpeter William James ROBINSON

101 Private Edward George RODD

149 Private Claudius Ralph Mackenzie ROSS

257 Private Reginald Roy Mackenzie ROSS

20 Private Frederick James ROWE

70 Trooper John Holland RULE

109 Private William RUMBELOW

133 Private Arthur George RUTTER

57 Private Charles James RUTTLEY

167 Private Edgar Thomas SACRE

333 Private William Frederick SAUNDERS

169 Private John Charles Frederick SCHIPKIE

233 Private Percy Burdett SCOUGALL

88 Private Frederick Henry SEARLE

241 Trumpeter Robert SELDON

Lieutenant Casimir Vaux SELLHEIM

280 Private Ernest Hollinworth SHADFORTH

340 Private Frederick SHAW

136 Private John Hooks SHEARER

130 Private Charles SHERMAN

175 Private David SIMPSON

217 Private John Telfer SKELTON

275 Private William Christopher SLOAN

30 Private Albert SMITH

226 Private Arthur SMITH

43 Farrier Clarence Sydney SMITH

75 Private Frederick Edward SMITH

55 Private George SMITH

203 Private James SMITH

324 Private Thomas Hope SMITH

270 Private John Adams SODEN

367 Saddler Ralph STEWART

113 Private David STIBBARDS

93 Private Robert STIRLING

195 Private James STRANG

246 Private William James STUART

487 Private Arthur STURGESS

47 Private George SUTER

238 Private Robert Ackland SUTER

237 Private August William SUTOR

228 Private Arthur Rowley Thomas SYMES

318 Private Thomas Henry TAGGART

102 Private Frederick Maurice Burden TAYLOR

372 Private Samuel Shaw TEMPLETON

49 Private James THOMAS

119 Private Theobald Edmond THOMAS

359 Private William John THOMASSON

301 Private Hiram Preston THOMPSON

192 Trumpeter Victor Emanuel THOMPSON

41 Private James Reily THOMSON

247 Private James THONE

323 Private George THORN

309 Private William John TIMEWELL

11 Private Alfred George TOWNER

99 Private Ernest TOWNSHEND

123 Private Henry Frederick Wallace TUCKER

211 Private Charles TURNER

86 Private James Arthur TURNER

4 Company Sergeant Major Charles Morris UPTON

 221 Private Joseph Francis VARDY

156 Private Thomas Paul VOLKMAN

198 Private Albert WAGNER

319 Private William John WALES

121 Private James Augustus WATKINS

161 Private Walter Henry WATSON

153 Private George WEATHERLEY

366 Private William George WEBB

311 Private Herbert Henry WELCH

76 Private John Henry Ernest WEST

231 Private Arthur Guy WHIPHAM

261 Private Alfred WHITE

71 Farrier Ernest Albert WHITE

40 Private Albert John WHYTE

9 Private Arnold WIENHOLT

190 Private Walter WILDIE

351 Private William James WILKINS

286 Private Meredith George WILLIAMS

259 Private Cedric Spencer WILLS

105 Private Frederick WILSON

162 Private Joseph Stephen WILSON

263 Private Peter WOOD

37 Private John Peter WORRALL

296 Private Alfred Edwin WRIGHT

2 Quartermaster Sergeant George Percival WRIGHT

Sergeant H St.C YALDWYN

299 Private Frederick YEATMAN

189 Trumpeter Allan Bell Renton YORSTON

74 Private Lionel Hugh Wardell YOUNG




Further Reading:

4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen

4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 4th QIB, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Nominal Roll

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Tuesday, 21 June 2011 11:45 AM EADT

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900 - 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.

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