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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Thursday, 7 August 2003
Boer War, 1899 - 1902, Australian Forces, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Roll of Honour
Topic: BW - Qld - 4QIB

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Australian Forces

Roll of Honour

4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen

Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men known to have served at one time with the 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen and gave their lives in service of Australia, whether as part of the 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen or another unit during the Boer War.


Roll of Honour


Arthur Clinton BOURKE

William BUTLER


Peter James CLANCY


George DAWS



Peter Stewart HASTIE

John Oliver HELDER


James William LYND



Donald John Roderick MCLEOD



William Shortley POOLE




Alfred Edwin WRIGHT


Lionel Hugh Wardell YOUNG


Lest we forget


Further Reading:

4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 9 May 2010 2:04 PM EADT
Tuesday, 5 August 2003
5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Contents
Topic: BW - Qld - 5QIB

5th QIB 

5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen






5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Outline 

Nominal Roll

5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Nominal Roll




Roll of Honour  

5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Roll of Honour 

Lest we forget



Further Reading:

5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen

5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 9 May 2010 2:18 PM EADT
Sunday, 3 August 2003
5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Nominal Roll
Topic: BW - Qld - 5QIB

5th QIB 

5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen

Nominal Roll


In 1911, Lieutenant-Colonel P. L. Murray, produced a marvellous Boer War reference detailing all the contingents sent from Australia to South Africa, giving a brief history of the formation and finally, listing all the soldiers who saw service in South Africa with that unit. The book was called, Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa. It is now the standard reference and starting place for any person interested in pursuing information about Australian involvement in the Boer War.

Murray, P. L., Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, pp. 492 - 505.


5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen

145 Private Charles Langlow ADAMS

471 Private Henry James ADAMS

95 Private Thomas Henry ADAMS

394 Private Joseph ALDER

400 Private Frederick Albert ALLARD

534 Private M ALLEN

114 Private Martin ALLEN

78 Private Charles ALLMANN

544 Private S ALVES

317 Private James ANDERSON

157 Private John Henry ANDERSON

91 Shoeing Smith Olaf Peter ANDERSON

489 Private Walter Andrew ANDERSON

56 Private John Harry ANNING

536 Private Thomas ANSTEN

428 Private William Harold ARMITSTEAD

213 Private Frank Ayerst ARMSTRONG

332 Private George ARMSTRONG

214 Private Herbert Victor ARMSTRONG

271 Private William Joseph ARMSTRONG

23 Private David Dalziel ARNOLD

Captain Colin AUSTIN

407 Private H Norman AUSTIN

2 Private Arthur Leslie AYSCOUGH

116 Private Frederick John BAARTZ

68 Private William Ernest BARBER

152 Private John BARKER

529 Private Georg BARLOW

392 Private George BARNARD

404 Private Arthur Clarence BASSMANN

340 Private Uglow BATCHELOR

375 Private Albert BATES

468 Private Joseph Maxwell BAUMAN

314 Company Sergeant Major Carl William August BAUMANN

531 Private AC BAYLES

240 Private William BEAVAN

201 Private William Joseph BECKETT

447 Private Arthur BEDFORD

140 Private Arthur Daniel BEDSOR

121 Private William BEED

229 Private Anders Gustav BELIN

9 Private Rae BELL

177 Private William BELL

Lieutenant Herbert Asher BENJAMIN

196 Private Sydeny Grace BENNETT

276 Private Percy George BENSON

259 Private Sidney James BERNARD

452 Private Robert Edwin BERRY

279 Private Thomas Harold BERRY

527 Private H BETTANY

183 Private Frederick Harrison BILLINGTON

325 Private William BIRD

258 Private Thomas BLEAKLEY

256 Private Frederick Gregg BLUNT

488 Private Herbert William BODMAN

212 Private John Nelson Tarplee BOOKER

82 Private John BOOTH

123 Private Tom BOYES

66 Private John Francis BOYLE

79 Private William BRACE

205 Private Arthur BRETHERTON

170 Private Albert Ernest BROOK

24 Private Thomas Edward BROOK

304 Private Langley BROOKES

217 Private George BROWN

383 Private George William BROWN

308 Private Richard BROWN

479 Private Charles Chambers BRYCE

353 Private Joseph Alexander BURGE

522 Private John BURGESS

Lieutenant George Hamilton BURNSIDE

358 Private John BURTON

8 Trumpeter William Norman BUSBY

405 Private John Jones BYERS

98 Private Charles BYRNE

491 Private Edward James BYRNE

538 Private A CALLER

109 Private Andrew CAMPBELL

230 Private Colin CAMPBELL

461 Private George CAMPBELL

334 Private William Dougald CAMPBELL

14 Private William Lachlan CAMPBELL

104 Private Joseph CARLESS

278 Private John Patrick CARMODY

430 Private Charles CARPENTER

363 Private Thomas Edward Page CARR

206 Private John Stewart CARRUTHERS

Lieutenant Hubert Reginald CARTER

377 Private Edward Chaplin CASEY

376 Private James John CASEY

Lieutenant Lachlan John CASKEY

432 Private William John CASTLES

Lieutenant James McLelland CAVAYE

533 Private J CHALMERS

362 Private Thomas CHAMBERLAIN

232 Private John Russell CHAPMAN

464 Private Charles CHARDON

513 Private George CHATFIELD

460 Private Robert CHISHOLM

396 Artificer George Howard CLARK

482 Private William George CLARKE

40 Private Robert CLEMENTS

502 Private William James CLEMENTS

Lieutenant Edward George CLERK

440 Private Stephen John CODY

497 Private Michael COLEMAN

163 Private Percy William COLLINS

472 Private William Henry COLLINS

289 Private Francis Patrick CONNORS

185 Private Arthur Armitage CONTI

150 Private John CONWAY

Lieutenant Bernard William COOK

219 Private John William COOTE

366 Private Arthur Brownlow CORBETT

367 Private Cuthbert Brownlow CORBETT

28 Private Frank CORDINGLEY

372 Private John COUSINS

Lieutenant William Ralph COWELL

45 Private Arthur Wilmot Napier CRAIG

530 Private Robert W CRAIG

439 Private Mickall CREEDY

382 Private Charles Henry CROOK

444 Private George Andrew CROWLEY

139 Shoeing Smith William Robert CRUMP

475 Private Robert Ross CUMMING

75 Private Patrick CURRAN

248 Private Matthew CURTIS

173 Private Thomas James DALE

422 Private Charles DAMSIELL

65 Private Hubert John DANIELL

514 Private Ernest Ronald DAVES

194 Private George DAVIDSON

352 Private Archibald Henry Clark DAVIES

69 Private Walter Henry DAVIES

321 Private James DEAR

467 Private Osmond DENT

492 Sergeant Walter DERRETT

508 Private Wallace Victor DESCHAMP

237 Private Andrew DESMOND

539 Private LH DESTREE

36 Private William Francis DEVITT

90 Shoeing Smith James DICKSON

263 Private Leonard DIMMICK

151 Private John DINNAR

510 Private Henry DOBE

80 Private John DOBE

54 Private Sydney Richard DODDS

Captain Thomas H DODDS

167 Private George Olive DONALD

71 Private William Wallace DOWNIE

537 Private G DOYLE

72 Private Robert DOYLE

350 Private William DREW

448 Private John DUDLEY

535 Private W DUMBRELL

Lieutenant Richard Guy DUTTON

165 Private Alexander William EAGLETON

254 Private Edward EAMES

30 Private George EASLEA

19 Private Walter Arthur EDGAR

233 Private Mickel EGAN

476 Private Bertram Weatherly ELCOATS

236 Private Frederick ELLENTON

46 Private Reginald Aynsley ELLIOTT

57 Private Charles Edgar ELLISON

442 Private Philip ENEVER

490 Trumpeter Arthur Henry EVA

47 Private John Joseph EVANS

283 Private George Ephraim EZZEY

241 Private Arthur William FARMER

465 Private John Frederick FENWICK

360 Private James FERGUSON

191 Private John Norman Victor Mclean FERGUSON

Captain William Isaac FERGUSON

96 Private Arthur William FIELDING

516 Private William Nathaniel FINCHAM

449 Private John FITZSIMMONS

323 Private Frederick William FLEET

Lieutenant Colonel John Francis FLEWELL-SMITH

83 Private Herbert John Harry FOGG

174 Private Alexander FORBES

10 Private Joshua FORD

297 Private Edward Arthur FORDHAM

3 Private Henry George FORDHAM

265 Private Claude Arthur FORSTER

103 Private George Given FORSYTH

298 Private William Richard FOULSTON

288 Private James FOX

501 Private John FOX

499 Private Charles FRASER

5 Private James FRASER

257 Private Laurence Cartwright FREEMAN

341 Private Charles FRERE

466 Private Andrew Darling FRUS

88 Private George Philip FRY

85 Private William Wilson FULTON

378 Private William Robert FURNER

252 Private William GALLAWAY

49 Private Thomas GARELLA

399 Private Joseph Thomas GATFIELD

484 Private William GELLAN

Captain Charles George GERHMANN

425 Private Vincent GIBSON

142 Private John GODFREY

172 Private Herbert Sherlock GOOCH

74 Private Frederick Thomas GOODALL

313 Company Sergeant Major James GOODE

119 Private Robert GOODLIFFE

495 Corporal Lionel GOSS

361 Private John Claudius GOURGAUD

301 Private James GRANT

459 Acting Corporal Patrick Roger Fullerton GRANT

521 Private JG GRAY

100 Private Arthur William GREEN

541 Private RR GREEN

379 Private Michael GRIFFITHS

33 Private John David HALL

282 Private John Joseph HALL

277 Private John HALLAHAN

200 Private Thomas HALLEY

Lieutenant Kenedon Jeffreys HALSE

76 Private Herbert George HAMILTON

436 Private James Alfred HAMILTON

402 Private Richard Knox HARDWICK

523 Private Robert HARRISON

244 Private James HARVEY

224 Private John HARVEY

38 Private William Patrick HEALY

138 Private Albert James HEAP

234 Private William George HEASLIP

344 Private Denis HEENAN

480 Private Adolph Frederick HEINRICH

338 Private Claud Graham Morphett HENDERSON

53 Private Edward William HENDERSON

253 Private Henry HENDERSON

50 Private Thomas King HENDERSON

31 Private William Muir HENDY

63 Private Timothy HENNESSY

35 Private Frederick HENRICKSON

161 Private John Smith HENZEEL

Lieutenant John Bingham HIGGINSON

327 Private Albert Joseph HIND

176 Private Joseph HINDS

272 Private John Edward HINTON

417 Private Minchen James HOBART

445 Private John Henry HOBOURN

477 Private Edgar Septimus HOBSON

356 Private William HODGE

180 Private Alexander HOELSCHER

184 Private Mervyn Arthur HOLLAND

426 Private Edgar HOOPER

133 Private Clement HOPE

52 Private Hugh Joseph HORAN

17 Private Robert Alexander HORNE

171 Private Vincent HORSTMANN

195 Private William Henry HOWES

55 Private Thomas Ashton HOYLAND

156 Private Arthur HUGHES

462 Private Edward Beverley HUGHES

Lieutenant Claude HUGONIN

34 Private Edward Henry HUNT

496 Private Alpha HUNTER

Lieutenant William Scott HUNTER

144 Private Arthur HUNTLEY

Captain Harold John HUTCHENS

251 Private James HUTCHISON

413 Private William HUTCHISON

351 Private William Frederick HYDE

77 Private Kenneth ISELIN

438 Private Robert Balfred JACKSON

190 Trumpeter Thomas William Joseph JEFFERSON

411 Private William JEFFREY

272 Private Harold JOHNSON

424 Private John JOHNSON

368 Private Harrison Dan JONES

124 Private Henry Matthew JONES

7 Private Horace Barkham JONES

387 Private John William JONES

293 Private Oswald Ker JONES

Lieutenant Alexander Wynyard JOSS

454 Private Albert Leura JUSTINS

506 Private Percy Darcy KEANE

Lieutenant George Alfred KEARY

48 Private Frederick Martin KEIGHTLEY

324 Private Edward James KELLS

441 Private Robert Shaw KELLY

443 Private Eric Alfred KENNEY

509 Private William Charles KIMMINS

493 Corporal Mark KIMPTON

371 Private Charles Frederick Victor KING

149 Private Colin Baumgardt KING

299 Private Leonard Wallace KING

545 Sergeant Louis KINGSLEY

135 Private Frank Edgar KIRKUP

296 Sergeant Frank Berners KNYVETT

Lieutenant Felix Bernard Theodor KOCH

Lieutenant George Hilfers KOCH

120 Private Charles Harold KOKKINN

290 Saddler Edward KRAUSE

359 Private Christian KRUCK

189 Private Henry LACEY

111 Private James Allen LAHEY

320 Private Henry William LAMBERT

306 Private Albert John LANCASTER

207 Private Charles Henry LANFER

59 Private Fred LANG

303 Private Alfred James LAPWORTH

168 Private George Arthur Thomas LATCHAM

102 Private George LAWSON

512 Private James LAWSON

427 Private John LEBHERZ

415 Private Harry LEE

246 Private Patrick LEE

305 Private Frank Grant LEES

286 Corporal Frederick William LEETCH

125 Private David Robert LILLEY

127 Private William LILLEY

221 Private Alfred LINSKI

302 Private Isidor George LISSNOR

182 Private William James LITTLE

388 Private Joseph LOCK

143 Private James LOCKE

32 Private John LOCKE

507 Private Albert Joseph LOEFFLER

115 Private John Christopher LOGAN

22 Private Walter LONGLAND

420 Private Ernest LOSEBY

Lieutenant James LOYNES

41 Private William John LUCAS

373 Private Herbert Thomas LYON

148 Private John MACARTIE

122 Private Warwick MACARTNEY

164 Private John MACFARLANE

62 Private Samuel MACGREGOR

130 Private Patrick MACMAHON

146 Private James MAHER

255 Private William MAIR

316 Private Fred MARKS

309 Private John MARMANT

473 Private Alfred MARSEN

433 Corporal Edgar George MARSH

294 Private John Gray MARTIN

335 Private Charles Henry MASLEN

27 Private James Edward MASON

357 Private Harold Rolleston MATHIAS

446 Private Henry Thomas MATTHEWS

401 Private Edward MCCABE

337 Private John Edward MCCABE

486 Private William MCCABE

326 Private Hugh James MCCARRY

366 Private Patrick MCCORMICK

463 Private Andrew John MCDONALD

515 Private James MCDONALD

374 Private William Alexander MCDONALD

260 Private Thomas MCELWAINE

18 Private Malcolm John MCGHIE

118 Private Alexander MCGREGOR

203 Private John MCILVEEN

159 Private William James MCINTOSH

318 Private John William MCKENZIE

132 Private Alexander McKenzie MCLEAN

262 Private John Hector MCLEAN

385 Private Donald MCLEOD

310 Private Frederick MCLEOD

Vet. Captain John MCLEOD

238 Private Michael MCMAHON

435 Private Henry MCNALLEY

137 Private Christopher Thornton MEALING

239 Private Henry Archibald MEARS

414 Private Francis MEIBUSCH

369 Private Charles Laurence MEREDITH

280 Private James Graham MIERS

429 Private Thomas MILLER

412 Private Charles Benjamin MILLS

331 Private Benjamin MILNER

267 Private Charles Edward MITCHELL

199 Private Cuthbert MOLLER

478 Private John MOLLOY

218 Private Daniel MOLONEY

243 Private John MONK

108 Private John MORLEY

520 Private Thomas Henry MORRIS

249 Private John MULHALL

330 Private Hugh Patrick MULLEN

300 Private Francis Charles MULLER

204 Private Gilbert Bryce MUNRO

105 Private Denis MURPHY

295 Private James MURPHY

322 Private John Frederick MURPHY

458 Private Arthur Ernest MURRAY

94 Private Charles Gerald Templeton MURRAY

285 Private Walter NAYLOR

474 Private John Thomas NEARY

117 Private Ernest NEILSON

186 Private George NEVILLE

131 Private William Frederick NICOLAUS

179 Private Henry NIMBLE

175 Private Ernest William NORMAN

Trooper OBAN

228 Private Nicholas O'BRIEN

494 Private Joseph McDall O'CALLAGHAN

364 Private James Joseph O'CONNOR

Lieutenant Quartermaster George Rusden OGG

421 Private Charles OLSON

92 Private Henry ORR

126 Private William Charles OWENS

192 Private Arthur OXFORD

155 Private William PALMER

431 Private Charles John PARISH

134 Private Albert PARRY

51 Private William PARSONS

517 Private Edgar George PARTRIDGE

349 Private James PATON

245 Private Thomas PATON

524 Private James Alfred PEART

264 Private George PENT

457 Private Otto PEPPLER

391 Private Adolphus Ernest Alfred PFUNDT

93 Private John Stewart PIERSON

242 Private Charles Henry PITT

281 Private Alfred James PLOWMAN

11 Private William PONTING

315 Private Frank POOLE

Lieutenant Alfred Ernest POOLEY

292 Private William POTTS

525 Private James Charles POWER

198 Private Ernest Leslie PRICE

311 Sergeant Major James George PRICE

37 Private Charles PRIDDLE

15 Private David William PRIEST

97 Private Edward Raven PRIEST

438 Private Anslem Charles PRINCE

136 Private George Harvey PROVAN

250 Private Thomas PURTELL

287 Private James QUIGLEY

333 Private James William RAMSAY

141 Private Charles Samuel RAPP

483 Private Arthur Albert RAYER

408 Private Benjamin REED

Lieutenant Charles Gustave Burgoyne REESE

395 Private Owen REILEY

380 Private William RICHARDSON

266 Private James RIDGELEY

419 Private Alexander ROBERTS

101 Private Egbert Mead ROBERTS

526 Private DJ ROBERTSON

29 Private John Charles ROBERTSON

269 Private Alfred ROBINSON

540 Private CS ROBINSON

487 Private George William ROCKLEY

346 Private George Richard ROGERS

107 Private William Hardy ROSS

12 Private William Leopold ROSSITER

532 Private M ROXBURGH

498 Private Henry RUDD

13 Private Walter Joseph RUFFIN

511 Private Edward Hugh SALT

307 Private William SANDERSON

220 Private Frederick Herbert SAVILL

223 Private George Daniel SAVILL

99 Private William SEALES

Captain Cassimir Vaux SELLHEIM

227 Private George Stanley SHADFORTH

485 Private Joseph SHANN

1 Private James Patrick SHANNON

328 Private Bertram Ormond SHEPHERD

384 Private Frederick SINCLAIR

215 Private Henry SKETCHER

89 Private Charles William SLATER

112 Private Dielmann Jacob SMITH

16 Private Edmund Brierley SMITH

270 Private Harold Herbert Kennedy SMITH

268 Private Harry SMITH

70 Private Henry Francis SMITH

178 Private Hilliard SMITH

231 Private James Olivant SMITH

128 Private John Clarence SMITH

160 Private John Edward SMITH

319 Private Malcolm SMITH

158 Private William James SMITH

193 Private Albert Thomas SMYTHE

181 Private Oliver Beauchamp ST. JOHN

6 Private Thomas Patrick STACK

169 Private William STEELE

409 Private William STEPHENSON

226 Private Henry STEWART

188 Private Philip Graham Annandale STEWART

110 Private Colin STIRLING

154 Private William Henry George STOCKWELL

403 Corporal Thomas Henry STRONG

21 Private Charles Henry STUART

222 Private John SUTHERLAND

503 Private George Edward SWAIN

397 Private Edmund SWEENEY

284 Private Quinton Leitch Anderson SYMINGTON

423 Private Hesparus May TACAY

416 Private James John TALLAN

106 Private Alfred Frank TAYLOR

453 Private Frank Seddon TAYLOR

339 Private Herbert Thomas TAYLOR

370 Private Sidney TAYLOR

73 Private Albert Ernest THATCHER

39 Private John THOMAS

355 Private Alfred THOMPSON

450 Private Frederick THOMPSON

275 Private James THOMPSON

365 Private Robert THWAITES

216 Private Frederick Richard TIBBETTS

500 Private Thomas Morgan TIERNEY

437 Private Robert TODD

390 Private William TODD

Captain Frederick William TOLL

347 Private John Frederick TOWERS

Lieutenant Norman Vincent TOWNLEY

Vet. Lieutenant George TUCKER

381 Private Reginald Francis TURNBULL

166 Private Edward Vernon TURNER

386 Private Arthur TYTHERLEIGH

410 Private Donald URQUHART

4 Private Vincent VANZA

291 Private Alfred Milchor VAUGHAN

389 Private Albert Alfred WAGNER

470 Private Ernest Ralph Percy WAINWRIGHT

235 Private James WAKEFIELD

147 Private Charles WALDEN

518 Private Alfred William WALKER

64 Shoeing Smith Arnold Conrad WALL

113 Private William WALL

543 Private FW WALLIS

354 Private Charles James WALSH

87 Private George WALSH

274 Private William James WALSH

455 Private James Oliver WALTERS

197 Private William WARLOW

542 Private E WARMINGTON

481 Private George William Thomas WATERTON

329 Private Richard WEPPLER

225 Private Stephen WEST

418 Private William John WHEATLY

61 Private James Augustus WHITAKER

345 Private Colin WHITE

202 Private George Henry WHITE

261 Private Herbert John WHITE

153 Private William Henry WHITE

451 Private Andrew WHITESIDE

247 Private Frederick WHITLOCK

86 Private Charles Frank Lewis WHITTINGTON

434 Private James WHITWORTH

20 Private William Alexander WIGHTMAN

208 Private Albert WILLIAMS

312 Company Sergeant Major George Alfred WILLIAMS

519 Private Arthur WILSON

528 Private JH WILSON

58 Private William Thomas WILSON

129 Private William WINDOW

393 Private John Arthur WOOD

84 Private William WOOD

187 Private Charles Keith Elphinstone WOODS

162 Private Albert Edward WOOLARD

469 Private Albert Henry WORTHINGTON

81 Private Francis George WYATT

43 Private Allan Malcolm WYLIE

42 Private James WYLIE

398 Private William Henry YESBURG

26 Private James Aquilla YOUNG

44 Private Walter ZIEBELL



Further Reading:

5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Nominal Roll

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 9 May 2010 2:14 PM EADT
Saturday, 2 August 2003
Boer War, 1899 - 1902, Australian Forces, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Roll of Honour
Topic: BW - Qld - 5QIB

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Australian Forces

Roll of Honour

5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen

Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men known to have served at one time with the 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen and gave their lives in service of Australia, whether as part of the 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen or another unit during the Boer War.


Roll of Honour



John Harry ANNING


Anders Gustav BELIN

Robert Edwin BERRY

Frederick Gregg BLUNT


Lachlan John CASKEY


George Howard CLARK

William George CLARKE


Robert Ross CUMMING


Alexander William EAGLETON


George Given FORSYTH


Frederick Thomas GOODALL


William Muir HENDRY

Edward Henry HUNT


Robert Shaw KELLY


William LILLEY




James Edward MASON


Benjamin MILNER

Cuthbert MOLLER





Alfred Ernest POOLEY

James Charles POWER


Alexander ROBERTS


Edward Hugh SALT


James Patrick SHANNON



George Henry WHITE

Herbert John WHITE


Lest we forget


Further Reading:

5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 9 May 2010 2:20 PM EADT
Wednesday, 30 July 2003
6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Contents
Topic: BW - Qld - 6QIB

6th QIB 

6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen






6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Outline 

Nominal Roll

6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Nominal Roll




Roll of Honour

6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Roll of Honour 

Lest we forget



Further Reading:

6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen

6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Roll of Honour 

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 9 May 2010 4:43 PM EADT

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900 - 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.

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Australian Light Horse Studies Centre

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