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Friday, 15 August 2003
3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry, Contents
Topic: BW - Qld - 3QMI

3rd QMI 

3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry





3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry, Outline 

Nominal Roll

3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry, Nominal Roll




Roll of Honour

3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry, Roll of Honour 

Lest we forget


Further Reading:

3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry

3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 9 May 2010 1:23 PM EADT
Wednesday, 13 August 2003
3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry, Nominal Roll
Topic: BW - Qld - 3QMI

3rd QMI 

3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry

Nominal Roll

In 1911, Lieutenant-Colonel P. L. Murray, produced a marvellous Boer War reference detailing all the contingents sent from Australia to South Africa, giving a brief history of the formation and finally, listing all the soldiers who saw service in South Africa with that unit. The book was called, Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa. It is now the standard reference and starting place for any person interested in pursuing information about Australian involvement in the Boer War.

Murray, P. L., Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, pp. 467 - 473.


3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry

2070 Trooper John Francis Henry ADAMS

177 Private Charles Stewart ABERCROMBIE

307 Private Alexander William ALLAN

107 Private William AMBROSE

25 Private Ernest William ANDERSON

275 Private Robert ANDERSON

Lieutenant James Whamond ANNAT

97 Private John ARMSTRONG

214 Private Reginald ARTHUR

90 Private Charles Edwin ATKINSON

230 Private Sydney AUSTEN

35 Private James Rudkin BACON

157 Private Arthur Thomas BAILEY

255 Private Thomas John BANNISTER

280 Private Arthur BARKER

144 Private John Charles BARKER

52 Private Hiram BARNES

21 Private Herbert Wilfred BARTLEY

118 Private Newton Hastings BARTON

64 Private William BARTON

137 Private John William BATES

183 Private Horace Walsh BELL

10 Private Henry William BENNETT

148 Private Jens BENSON

106 Private Arthur Francis BIRKBECK

251 Private Patrick BIRMINGHAM

175 Private Henry Wemyss BLACK

287 Private James BLAIR

63 Private Edward BOCOCK

306 Private William BOWTELL

86 Private Frederick BOYES

82 Private Henry Stewart BOYLE

99 Private William BRADSHAW

91 Private Charles Henry BRAND

262 Private Thomas BRANT

192 Private Thomas William BRAY

109 Private Charles BRIGGS

298 Private Archibald BROWN

15 Private John Roberston BROWN

88 Private David BRYCE

199 Private James BRYCE

302 Private James BUCHANAN

62 Private William BURNS

120 Private Thomas BURTON

254 Private George BUTLER

213 Private Thomas BYRNE

93 Private James Alfred CAIRNS

67 Private Erskine James CALDWELL

252 Private Charles Warwick CALLAGHAN

29 Private Archibald St. Clair CAMPBELL

250 Private Norman CARLISLE

300 Private Edward Gregson CARTER

267 Private Wharton CARTER

222 Private John CARVER

205 Private Aubrey Bruce Cooper CECIL

11 Private Archibald Duncan Campbell CHAPMAN

283 Private Martin CHRISTIANSEN

33 Private Arthur CHRISTIE

111 Private William Henry CLARK

132 Private Edward Charles CLARKE

50 Private John COBB

176 Private James Lloyd COE

84 Private Herbert Samuel CONDOR

196 Private Robert Edward COOPER

229 Private Joseph Edward COPE

124 Private William COPELAND

119 Private Arthur Cecil CORFE
Note: See - Captain and Adjutant Arthur Cecil CORFE, 10th New Zealand South Island Contingent

47 Private Sydney Joseph COSSART

164 Private James COURTNEY

188 Private George COWELL

Trooper Norman COWLEY

139 Private Frederick William CRAIG

153 Private Edmund Cecil CRAVEN

147 Private John Adam CRAWFORD

34 Private Charles Henry CRICK

110 Private Edward Francis CROCKETT

136 Private Frederick CULVERHOUSE

130 Private Andrew Rudolph Leighton CUMMING

286 Private Donald CUMMING

273 Private William John CUMMING

160 Private George Henry CURTIS

Lieutenant George Walter DALGLEISH

30 Private Edward Arthur DALY

37 Private Leslie DAVIDSON

95 Private Norman Alexander DAVIDSON

248 Private David John DAVIES

83 Private Arthur Wilson DAVIS

113 Private Frederick Joseph DAVIS

256 Private Charles Edwin DEACON

140 Private William James DEAN

23 Private Emanuel DENMAN

38 Private Arthur Popham DESHON

6 Corporal GAC DOBS

195 Private Harold Nicholas DODDS

6 Private George Archibald Cowen DODS

7 Private Leslie DONKIN

244 Private John James DOUGHAN

122 Private Samuel Henry DREW

Captain Albert Theophilus DUKA

291 Private Leonard DURMAN

226 Private Henry John EARBY

41 Private Frederick Halson EARL

117 Private William Henry EARL

220 Private Sydney Ernest EASDON

232 Private Thomas EASLEA

180 Trooper Charles D EASTAUGHFFE

Captain Richard Boyd ECHLIN

27 Private William Ernest ELSTON

180 Private Charles Douglas ESTAUGHFFE

85 Private Alfred EVANS

66 Private Edward James EVANS

231 Private Arthur Reginald EXCELL

65 Private Richard FALLIS

46 Private David FALOON

156 Private William Robert FARRELL

219 Private Bernard Joseph FARRELY

159 Private Joseph FARRINGTON

138 Private Charles FERRIS

Lieutenant Percy Henry Guy FIELDEN

70 Private Patrick John FISHBOURNE

290 Private Hugh Addison FISHER

216 Private John FITZGERALD

154 Private John James FLAMANK

279 Private Thomas FLINT

297 Trumpeter Arthur Edward FORBES

284 Private George Richard FORREST

39 Private Harold Edmonds FORREST

278 Private Morton FOWLER

Lieutenant John Kentwell FOWLES

249 Private John FRANCIS

81 Private George FRENCH

221 Private Arthur FURNESS

207 Private Samuel John GARDNER

94 Private James GARNER

115 Private Thomas Chasely GITTENS

1 Private Alexander John GLASS

150 Private Frederick GOODWIN

68 Private James GOODWIN

247 Private Archibald Andrew GORDON

2 Private Archibald George GORDON

161 Private Henry Clement GORDON

201 Private Thomas Henry GORDON

13 Private William Francis GORDON

98 Private William GORE

60 Private Thomas GORMAN

80 Private Albert Edward GORST

9 Private Alfred John GORST

51 Private Collingwood McKenzie GRANT

224 Private Ernest Winser GRAY

73 Private Daniel GREENSLADE

75 Private John GREER

203 Private Charles William GROOM

112 Private Henry GRUBB

61 Private Robert James HALLETT

239 Private George HAMER

151 Private James HAMILTON

299 Private Frederick Grant HAMMOND

281 Private William Lawrence HANLON

Lieutenant John Matthew HANLY

282 Private Charles Henry Gonda HANNAM

Lieutenant Henry John HARRIS

292 Private William Myers HARTE

108 Private Frederick HARTH

96 Private Harold Leslie HARTLEY

72 Private Arthur Edgar HARVEY

103 Private Thomas William HAWES

121 Private Alfred John HENDERSON

45 Private Robert Arthur HERD

57 Private Harry HERMANN

189 Private William Henry HILL

Lieutenant Edwin Morton HOCKINGS

55 Private Aandres Joseph HOFFMANN

246 Private Benjamin HORE

184 Private George Cooper HORTON

215 Private Thomas Patrick HOWARD

294 Private George HULL

269 Private Robert Warrington HURFORD

174 Private George HUTCHINSON

227 Private Edwin HUXTABLE

266 Private Joshua Clare INNES

264 Private Norman Scott ISAACS

198 Private Walter Thomas JACKSON

217 Private Arthur JAMES

14 Private Harold JONES

191 Private George Matthew JORGENSEN

169 Private Francis George Victor JURY

Captain Charles Wauchope KELLIE

193 Trumpeter Herbert William KEOGH

167 Private Michael Patrick KIELLY

87 Private John KING

301 Private Mortimer James KING

69 Private Louis KINGSLEY

171 Private Robert KIRKPATRICK

141 Private Felix Bernard Theodor KOCH

149 Private William Henry LANGFORD

125 Private John LAX

12 Private John LEACH

Lieutenant John LEASK

271 Private Charles Hill LEIGHTON

202 Private Walter Frederick LENTHAL

19 Private Charles Edward LIVESEY

26 Private Hampden Gibbon LIVESEY

258 Private Alan Barling LUSH

305 Private Robert LYONS

8 Private Thomas MABBUTT

28 Private Donald Kinneir MACDONALD

228 Private Harry MARSDEN

272 Private James MARTIN

197 Private Hugh Aier MASSIE

40 Private John Thomas MASTERTON

24 Trooper Edwin MATHIE

31 Private Alwyn Edward Francis Cornwallis MAUDE

274 Private George Albert MAYNE

204 Private Joseph MCCARTHY

Lieutenant MG MCCOLL

28 Private DK MCDONALD

162 Private David Gibb MCINTOSH

5 Private Donald MCINTYRE

143 Private Charles Richardson MCKELLAR

304 Trooper WA MCLAREN

43 Private Frank St. Clair MCNISH

17 Private Edward Eugene MCNULTY

92 Private John Joseph MCSHEA

308 Private James David MELLIFONT

304 Private Charles Arthur MIDSON

218 Private George Alexander Robert MILDOWN

58 Private Michael MILLETT

129 Private Eric Frederic MOLLE

22 Private John MORRISON

206 Private Richard Charles MORTIMER

53 Private Walter Lewis NICHOLS

74 Private George NICHOLSON

56 Private Frank Ernest NOTT

59 Private Walter Richard NOWLAND

100 Private Charles O'CALLAGHAN

293 Private John O'CONNOR

168 Private Alexander ORCHISON

179 Private George OWEN

20 Private William PARKINSON

165 Private Henry PEGG

173 Private John PETTIGREW

209 Private Charles Francis PHILLIPS

185 Private Charles Morrison PICKERING

101 Private John Joseph PIERCE

44 Private Sydney John PLUMMER

234 Private George Davidson PORTUS

48 Private George POTT

233 Private Gideon William POTT

126 Private James POWELL

102 Private Henry Carter POWTER

268 Private Charles Alfred PRESTON

146 Private William PRICE

210 Private Thomas Alexander RANKIN

260 Private James RICHARD

289 Private Albert Christopher ROBINS

190 Private John Henry ROBINSON

235 Private John James ROBINSON

145 Private Walter ROOTES

276 Private Thomas Brunton ROSS

49 Private William Carmichael ROSS

135 Private Enoch RUDD

76 Private Benjamin RUDHALL

257 Private Albert Edward RUNCORN

208 Private Charles RUSH

134 Private Arthur Albert RYAN

172 Private Alfred James SAWDY

71 Private Robert SCOVELL

163 Private Charles James SHAW

237 Private Frederick Clement SHAW

89 Private John SIMPSON

187 Private Bruce Aloysius SKELTON

296 Private Rowland SLEIGHT

238 Private David SMITH

285 Private John SMITH

212 Private William Henry SMITH

79 Private William SODEN

236 Private Edwin Egerton SOUTH

77 Private Archibald SPENCE

155 Private Arthur Bradford STEWART

158 Private Edward John STONE

133 Private Ernest Robert STUPART

295 Private John Phillip SUNNER

240 Private Henry Alexander SYKES

131 Private Edward John TANNOCK

265 Private Charles Eric THOMAS

243 Private John THORPE

3 Private David Walter TIMMS

170 Private Norman Vincent TOWNLEY

104 Private Horace TRAVERS

200 Private George Matthew TROWER

Trooper John TUBB

Major Walter Howard TUNBRIDGE

142 Private Leonard Sield TWINE

16 Private Charles King UNWIN

241 Private Henry Manning VIGORS

194 Private Charles William VIRGEN

263 Private William WALFORD

114 Private David WALKER

186 Private Harry Arthur WALKER

223 Private Frank James WALLACE

Lieutenant Richard Henry WALSH

182 Private Thomas WALTERS

105 Private Anthony WALTISBUHL

166 Private Albert Thomas WATSON

261 Private Robert WATSON

127 Trooper Edward Hutton WELCH

270 Private James William WELLS

288 Private Arthur WHITMEE

78 Private Charles Gordon WILLIAMS

18 Private John Thomas WILLIAMS

123 Private Frederick Herbert WILLOUGHBY

128 Private Alfred Henry WILLS

277 Private Matthew WILMOT

178 Private John WILSON

245 Private Wylie Andrew WILSON

242 Private James WILTSHIRE

54 Private Chard Massey WINNIETT

36 Private Walter Thursby WINTHROP

225 Private Arthur William WOODARD

181 Private James WRIGHT

4 Private William Leckey Ferguson WRIGHT

259 Private Albert YAPP


Further Reading:

3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry

3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry, Nominal Roll

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 9 May 2010 1:32 PM EADT
Tuesday, 12 August 2003
Boer War, 1899 - 1902, Australian Forces, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry
Topic: BW - Qld - 3QMI

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Australian Forces

Roll of Honour

3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry

Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men known to have served at one time with the 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry and gave their lives in service of Australia, whether as part of the 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry or another unit during the Boer War.


Roll of Honour


James Whamond ANNAT


Arthur Thomas BAILEY


George HULL




Douglas Kinneir MACDONALD


Alwyne Edward Francis Cornwallis MAUDE


Lest we forget


Further Reading:

3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Boer War, 1899 - 1902, Australian Forces, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 9 May 2010 1:23 PM EADT
Sunday, 10 August 2003
4th QIB, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Contents
Topic: BW - Qld - 4QIB

4th QIB

4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen






4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Outline 

Nominal Roll

4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Nominal Roll



Roll of Honour

4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Roll of Honour

Lest we forget



Further Reading:

4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen

4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 4th QIB, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Tuesday, 21 June 2011 11:42 AM EADT
Saturday, 9 August 2003
4th QIB, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Outline
Topic: BW - Qld - 4QIB

4th QIB

4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen



Map illustrating the activities of the 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen in South Africa, 1900.

[From: Chamberlain, M., The Australians in the South African War 1899-1902, Canberra, 1999.]


In 1911, Lieutenant-Colonel P. L. Murray, produced a marvellous Boer War reference detailing all the contingents sent from Australia to South Africa, giving a brief history of the formation and finally, listing all the soldiers who saw service in South Africa with that unit. The book was called, Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa. It is now the standard reference and starting place for any person interested in pursuing information about Australian involvement in the Boer War.

Murray, P. L., Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, pp. 474 - 477.


Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Aytoun


Fourth (Queensland Imperial Bushmen) Contingent.

It was the first Regiment of Imperial Bushmen raised in Queensland, and under conditions similar to those which obtained in New South Wales and Victoria (see under those States). Candidates were required to be good shots, good riders, and practical bushmen of experience, to have good eyesight and hearing and sound health. Age, 21 to 38 years; chest measurement, 34 inches; height, 5 ft. 6 in. to 5 ft. 11 in.; weight, not over 11 st. 10 lb.; to undergo physical examination and to be unmarried, for preference.

Rates of pay, until the Contingent came under the rates paid by the Imperial Government for service in South Africa outside Cape Colony and Natal, were as follows:- Lieutenant-colonel, £2 per diem; major, £1 10s.; captain, £1 5s.; lieutenant, £1 1s.; medical and veterinary officers, according to rank; staff sergeants, 10s.; company sergeant-major, 9s.; sergeant, 8s.; corporal, 7s.; artificer. 6s.; bugler, gunner, driver, or private, 4s. 6d.

For rates of pay when serving in South Africa beyond Cape Colony and Natal, vide 4th Victorian (Imperial) Contingent.

The companies were still numbered consecutively with those which had preceded them.

Clothing and Equipment.

Uniform consisted of khaki cloth F.S. jacket, pants, puttees, hat, F.S. cap. Greatcoats and boots were also issued; and a full kit of underclothing, necessaries, &c.

Rifles and bayonets were supplied in South Africa. Cartridge belts (bandoliers) and braces issued in Queensland. Fully horsed and supplied with saddlery. Regimental transport provided. Vide Appendix II., p. 578.


This was as subjoined:-

Battalion Staff.-1 lieutenant-colonel, 1 major, 1 adjutant, I quartermaster, 1 medical officer, 1 veterinary officer, 2 staff sergeants, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, 14 privates; total, 6 officers, 18 N.C.O.'s and men, 24 riding horses; in all, 24 of all ranks, 24 horses.

No. 6 Company.- 1 major or captain, 4 lieutenants, 1 company sergeant-major, 5 sergeants, 5 artificers, 2 buglers, 6 corporals, 97 privates; total, 5 officers, 116 N.C.O.'s and men; 50 draught, 121 riding horses. In all, 121 of all ranks, 171 horses.

No. 7 and No. 8 Companies.-The same. Spare horses, 13.

Total.-1 lieutenant-colonel, 1 major, 3 company commanders, 1 adjutant, 12 lieutenants, 1 quartermaster, 1 medical officer, 1 veterinary officer, 2 staff sergeants, 3 company sergeant-majors, 16 sergeants, 15 artificers, 6 buglers, 19 corporals, 305 privates. In all, 21 officers, 366 N.C.O.'s and man; 150 draught, 400 riding horses. Grand total - 387 of all ranks; 550 horses.


The SS Manchester Port embarking with the 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen



Departure and Return.

Left on 18th May, 1900, comprising - 26 officers, 368 of other ranks, with 512 horses. Fifteen were killed or died; 5 officers were transferred; 2 officers, 63 others, were struck off in South Africa; 2 were commissioned in Imperial Army; 20 officers, 288 others, returned to Australia.

Promotions, etc.

Captain F. L. Jones was Adjutant, 17th November, 1900, to 7th August, 1901.

Lieutenant A. W. Butterworth, promoted Captain, 18th November, 1900.

Lieutenant W. I. Ferguson, Acting Adjutant, temporarily.

Sergeant A. Bailey, promoted Lieutenant and Quartermaster, 15th January, 1901, vice Crichton, returned to Australia.

Sergeant N. B. DeLancy Forth, received a commission in the Imperial Service, but returned invalided to Australia.

Private H. C. Morley received a commission in the Imperial Service; struck off Contingent, 17th January, 1901.

Private J. D. Henry became Lieutenant, “D" Company, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse.

Private V. B. Brodie became Lieutenant, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse.

For promotions of N.C.O.'s and men, vide nominal roll.

Note:- The following promotions and transfers from 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, appeared in South African Army Orders, 7th July, 1901:

Captain J. W. M. Carroll, to 6th Contingent (Major from the same date. Army Order, South Africa, 12th October, 1901).

Lieutenant MAT Bell to 5th Contingent as Captain.

Lieutenant CV Sellheim to 5th Contingent as Captain

Lieutenant WI Ferguson to 5th Contingent as Captain

Lieutenant J McLeod (Veterinary Officer) to 5th Contingent as Captain

Sergeant AC Robertson to 5th Contingent as Lieutenant.

Sergeant H. St.C. Yaldwin 5th Contingent as Lieutenant.

Sergeant A. Smith 5th Contingent as Lieutenant.

Sergeant G. F. Livingstone 5th Contingent as Lieutenant.

Sergeant-Major A. E. Pooley 5th Contingent as Lieutenant.

All to be supernumerary to Establishment.

It does not appear, however, that all these officers joined the Contingents in question, vide nominal rolls of such Contingents; also, vide Note to "Promotions," 4th Victorian Contingent, p. 254.


The 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen started for the war on the 18th May, 1900, in the transport Manchester Port, and arrived at Beira on the 14th June. Proceeded by order to Port Elizabeth; arrived there on the 20th; thence sent to Cape Town, and disembarked there on the 23rd, having anchored in Table Bay on the previous day, and sent ashore baggage and stores. After a short rest at Maitland Camp, entrained to Kroonstad towards Lindley, and from thence to Pretoria, and-joined General Ian Hamilton's force.

On the 13th July at Honen's Nek, occurred their first casualty. A patrol having been sent out to escort guns to Wonderboom, Private Duggan was shot dead in a skirmish. 16th July.- Eastern advance, and engagement at De Waggen Drift. From 21st July to 20th August.- Advance to Rustfontein, and engagements at Honen's Nek and Zilikat's Nek. Returned to Commando Nek, marched to Rustenburg, up Maghatie's Valley, vid Zeekoe Hoek, and Oliphant's Nek, in pursuit of De Wet. Advanced towards Warmbad, and skirmish en route at Krokodil Drift. Returned to Pretoria on the 28th, and remained until 10th September.

A detachment of 4 officers and 50 men then joined General French's eastern movement; the remainder, after refitting, joined General Ridley's Column, General Clements' command. 15th to 23rd September.- Operations at Maghatie's Valley; on 26th, skirmish at Zandfontein, where Lieutenant Higson was dangerously wounded. From that date to 15th October, Rustenberg, vid Magata Pass; operations in Maghatie's Valley. Left General Clements' command, and joined General Paget's, as part of Colonel Hickman's corps; General Plumer's Column at Jericho. 24th October, a telegram was received from General Paget by Colonel Hickman, "Please inform Colonel Aytoun how gratified I am by the accounts of the results achieved by the Queensland Imperial Bushmen in so short a time, and I trust his wounded are doing well."

From that date, operations west of Rustenburg on Zelons, Koster, and Eland's Rivers, till 11th November; during which time there were several skirmishes with the enemy. Operations east of Pretoria and north of the railway; skirmishes at Oybrand's Kraal, Roodepoort, and Hartebeestfontein.
On 19th November, Lieut.-Colonel Aytoun was admitted into hospital at Pretoria, suffering from enteric; and was subsequently invalided to Australia. Major Deacon assumed command of the Battalion.

On the 29th, there was a heavy engagement at Rietfontein (Rhenoster Kop) with Ben Viljoen, from 5.30 a.m. until about 10 p.m. (vale 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry " Service "), and the enemy evacuated the position on the night of the 30th.

Operations in the vicinity until 17th December; then between Rustenburg and Pretoria until 14th January, 1901. Colonel Hickman's brigade was broken up on the 18th, and the Battalion then became part of Lieut.-Colonel Craddock's brigade. Operations included a sweeping eastern movement as far as Balmoral; and operations in vicinity until 2nd February, 1901. On 24th January, by Divisional Orders, the Contingent was separated from Lieut: Colonel Craddock's command, and formed part of Lieut: Colonel H. B. Jeffrey's corps. Craddock's and Jeffrey's brigades were officially designated "Plumer's Force." On 31st, joined Colonel Jeffrey's corps above Balmoral, and camped there. On 1st February, 10 officers, 135 N.C.O.'s and men were available for the firing line; 53 dismounted men were shown in the weekly state. The Queenslanders had been in constant touch with the enemy, and there had been many casualties, both of men and horses; remounts being, of course, obtained from time to time.

On 3rd February, entrained at Balmoral to Naauwpoort, Cape Colony, arriving there on 7th; drew remounts, refitted, and started in pursuit of De Wet on 9th. Skirmishes, 12th, 13th, and engagement on 14th at Wolvekuilen. On the 13th the enemy were engaged twice during the afternoon, once very heavily. Lieutenant Kellaway was severely wounded. On 15th, De Wet's heavy transport ammunition wagons, over 30 (mostly full), and a maxim, were captured, having been bogged and abandoned. About twelve prisoners were also taken. Crossed the railway line at Houtkraal. Colonel Crabbe's and Colonel Henniker's Columns joined on the 16th; engagement at Geeluck's Poort on the following day. On the 23rd, the main body came in touch with the enemy about 12 noon, near Pompean Pan, Orange River, and pushed them very hard until 8 p.m.; they had to abandon a 15-pr. and a pom-pom. Thirty prisoners were taken; trekked about 40 miles this day.

Arrived at Hopetoun on 24th, obtained remounts, marched to Orange River station, and entrained there on 36th; and detrained at Springfontein on let March. From that date until 15th, the route was by Philippolis, Fauresmith, Pietersburg, to Winburg. Entrained at Smolldiel on 20th, and arrived at Pretoria on 22nd.

Commenced advance on Pietersburg on 26th; occupied Warmbad, 30th; Nylstroom, lot April; Pietpotgeitsr's Rust, 5th; Marabastad, 7th; and Pietersburg, 8th; after slight opposition. Left Pietersburg, vid Chune's Poort, 14th, to hold drifts in Oliphant's River, and operations in vicinity; returned to Pretoria, 6th May. Refitted and marched on 13th; sweeping movement towards Bethel, with almost daily skirmishes. On the 20th, orders were received to march at 6 a.m. to the vicinity of Bethel. Some resistance was made, and large parties of Boers could be seen on every skyline. Bethel was reached at 2 p.m., and a considerable number of the enemy surrendered when their stronghold was occupied. Orders were issued at 5 p.m. to burn the town; and after the women and children had been removed, the town was soon in a mass of flames.

Quitted Bethel on 22nd, and marched to Rietpan, en route to Standerton to replenish. The enemy was still seen in large numbers, and very daring; at one time charging up to within 250 yards of the pom-yams. Arrived at Standerton on 27th, after having been daily in touch with the Boers. Marched on the 30th; engaged in sweeping operations towards Piet Retief, which was occupied on 9th June. The 4th parted from General Plumer's force here, being under orders foe Australia.

The following individual instances of gallantry in the field ware specially rewarded by the General Officer Commander-in-Chief:

Acting-Sergeant E. H. Shadforth, to be Sergeant. On patrol near Boschkop, Cape Colony, on 12th February, 1901, he brought Private Suter, whose horse had been shot, out of action under heavy fire.

Private J. Alford to be Corporal. At Driekuilen, Cape Colony, on 15th February, 1341, single-handed he took prisoners three armed and mounted Boers and a Kaffir.

Private E. Culliford to be Corporal. Same place and day, he took prisoners four armed Boers.

Private J. H. Rule to be Corporal. Same place and day, single-handed he took prisoners three armed Boers and two Kaffirs.

The 4th, escorted convoy and prisoners to Utrecht, and were involved in a half-day engagement en route at Elandaburg. Arrived at Utrecht on the 18th June, and on the 20th, orders were received to proceed with convoy to Newcastle, Natal, en route to Stormberg, for mobilization. General Plumer addressed the Regiment, and thanked them for their good service during the past 12 months. Arrived at Newcastle on 22nd; handed in all equipment on same day, and entrained for Stormberg on 23rd; arrived 28th, and on 4th July entrained for East London.

Embarked on transport Britannic on 5th July, together with members of Western Australian, Tasmanian, and New South Wales Contingents, with whom the 4th had served the whole time. Called at Albany (20th July), Adelaide, Melbourne, and Sydney, and arrived at Brisbane, 6th August. Disembarked on the following day, and disbanded on the 10th.



Further Reading:

4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen

4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 4th QIB, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Outline

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Tuesday, 21 June 2011 11:43 AM EADT

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