Topic: AIF - 4B - 4 LHR
4th LHR, AIF
4th Australian Light Horse Regiment
Embarkation Roll, 31st Reinforcement Ulysses Group
4th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF, 31st Reinforcement Ulysses Group, embarked from Melbourne, Victoria on board HMAT A38 Ulysses 22 December 1917.
The HMAT A38 Ulysses weighed 14,499 tons with an average cruise speed of 14 knots or 25.92 kmph. It was owned by the China Mutual SN Co, London, and leased by the Commonwealth until 15 August 1917.
The ensuing individual soldier's embarkation information contains the following details:
Rank on embarkation;
Full name of the soldier
Declared age of the soldier;
The last occupation held;
The last address as a civilian;
Enlistment Date; and,
Embarkation Roll
3988 Private Lionel John Ballinger ALTY, a 27 year old Brass worker from Footscray, Victoria. He enlisted on 5 September 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 1 November 1919.
3986 Sergeant Clive Emerald George BAKER, a 33 year old Rubber worker from Albert Park, Victoria. He enlisted on 18 August 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 22 July 1919.
4013 Private Arthur Wilkie COLLINS, a 37 year old Driver from Wonthaggi, Victoria. He enlisted on 5 October 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 18 January 1919.
3989 Private William Henry CONNELL, a 21 year old Farmer from Port Melbourne, Victoria. He enlisted on 7 August 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 8 July 1919.
3993 Private Simon William DAVEY, an 18 year old Farmer from Auburn, Victoria. He enlisted on 21 September 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 May 1919.
3994 Private John Kay DEWAR, a 21 year old Labourer from Brighton, Victoria. He enlisted on 5 September 1917; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 11 December 1918.
3991 Private Edward Frederick DOIG, a 33 year old Farmer from Wangaratta, Victoria. He enlisted on 30 May 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 June 1919.
3992 Private Keith Harold DRUITT, a 22 year old Bank clerk from Mosman, New South Wales. He enlisted on 4 May 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 3 March 1919.
4017 Private Horton Thomas HENDY, a 31 year old Baker from South Melbourne, Victoria. He enlisted on 19 November 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 22 July 1919.
3996 Private Archibald James HERIOT, a 27 year old Grazier from St Kilda, Victoria. He enlisted on 30 May 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 12 June 1919.
3998 Private Hugh Dudley Alton JOSKE, an 18 year old Student from East Malvern, Victoria. He enlisted on 9 July 1917; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 28 October 1918.
3997 Private Harold Leo JUKES, a 21 year old Driver from Shepparton, Victoria. He enlisted on 19 September 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.
3999 Private Frank Jason LANDVOIGT, an 18 year old Student from Abbotsford, Victoria. He enlisted on 16 August 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 22 July 1919.
4000 Private John Edward MacKAY, a 19 year old Labourer from Portland, Victoria. He enlisted on 12 September 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 14 January 1919.
4016 Private Alfred Ernest McGILLIVRAY, an 18 year old Baker from South Melbourne, Victoria. He enlisted on 19 November 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 12 June 1919.
4002 Private Colin John McWILLIAM, a 19 year old Student from Armadale, Victoria. He enlisted on 18 August 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 22 July 1919.
4003 Private Eric Gordon PEARSON, an 18 year old Clerk from Coburg, Victoria. He enlisted on 24 September 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 8 July 1919.
4014 Private Leonard Angus SMITH, a 35 year old Farmer from Bayswater, Victoria. He enlisted on 12 October 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 8 May 1919.
4005 Private Harold UNSTEAD, an 18 year old Farmer from West Horsham, Victoria. He enlisted on 3 September 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 12 July 1919.
4009 Private John Aubrey Wilson WILLAN, a 20 year old Orchardist from Norval, Victoria. He enlisted on 1 September 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 12 July 1919.
4007 Private Gilbert Nicol WILSON, a 21 year old Farmhand from Bushfield, Victoria. He enlisted on 21 September 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 7 July 1919.
4008 Private Arthur Norman WOODHOUSE, a 21 year old Clerk from Cowwarr, Victoria. He enlisted on 27 August 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 5 July 1919.
4011 Private Ronald Lewis WOTTON, a 21 year old Farmhand from Yarraville, Victoria. He enlisted on 26 October 1917; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 22 December 1918.
Previous: 31st Reinforcement - Ormonde Group
Next: 32nd Reinforcement
Sources Used:
National Archives Service File.
Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.
Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.
Collected Records of Steve Becker.
Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.
Further Reading:
4th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF
4th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920
Citation: 4th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, 31st Reinforcement Ulysses Group