Topic: AIF - DMC
The First Battle of Gaza
Palestine, 26 to 27 March 1917
Desert Column, Signals, In and Out Messages, 25 March 1917
The following is a transcription of the Desert Column, Signals, In and Out Messages, 25 March 1917, from the War Diary of the Desert Column detailing the part of the battle plan for the First Battle of Gaza, Palestine, 26 to 27 March 1917.
25 March 1917In and Out Messages
53rd Division
Imperial Mtd D'ivn
HO 2115 24th
Your divisional squadron will take over this evening standing patrols now round 3rd L.H. Bde on line Abasan el Kebir - Wadi Selka aaa Acknowledge aaa Addressed 53rd Division reptd Imp Mtd Divn.
Desert Column 1250 (ad) VM Fergusson
Desert Column
G. 212
Reference your HO 2115 please inform me when standing patrols now being found by 53rd Divisional squadron may be relieved or withdrawn.
53rd Division 0745
53rd Division
HO 2132 G.212
May be withdrawn at once
Desert Column 0810 (ad) CE Grahame
Desert Column
GM 110
Following from N.Z.M.R. Bde begins Have made good crossing over Wadi el Ghuzze aaa Patrol reports enemies infantry holding high ground NE of caves aaa Few enemy also seen in direction of El Sheluf end
A. & N.Z. Mounted Division 1035
Desert Column.
AR 25 /8
R.F.C. reports reconnaissance of Akra Harreira area reports N of Beit Hanun on Jaffa road 20 two horsed wagons and cavalry escort going S.E. of Simsim 4 tents 100 men aaa Akra decreased in tentage 800 to counted work in progress on SW trenches hospital and hospital transport no change aaa 200 horses in wadi east of Akra and further 100 in scattered groups aaa NE of gun emplacements all old and no guns seen aaa about 1000 men in scattered parties Negileh 6 wagons packed 25 to 6 rs in station aaa Harreira area to appear to be reduced very little movement observed 4 wagons stationary near Wadi
Eastforce 1238
Desert Column
GK 109
Following from 22nd Mtd Bde aaa Troops in position as ordered aaa Enemy patrol of eight men seen three miles E of Tel El Jemmi moving N.
A. & N.Z. Mounted Division 1117
Desert Column
AR 15/3
R.F.C. report Gaza reconnaissance reports 200 to and slight increase in general movement 3 gun emplacements square 20 D 59 No guns seen, small outpost strength south of main redoubt on Khalasa road work in progress on trenches NW of Rafa road, trenches in this area shallow new trench at El Mineh facing NW aaa 20 horses watering in town and 50 grazing no movement trenches S of Rafa work chiefly an northern trenches running from El Mineh South aaa Tactical reconnaissance reported no movement except patrol 9 men at Shellal
East force 1125
Desert Column
AR 25/4
R.F.C, report aaa In Akra area a line of seven old trenches about 2½ miles SW of Huj aaa No work in progress and no men seen aaa
Eastforce 1322
Anzac Mtd Division
53rd Division
GG 1
R.F.C. report Gaza rec aaa reports 200 Ta and slight increase in general movement 3 guns emplacements square 20 D 59 no guns seen small outpost trenches south of main redoubt on Khalasa road work in trenches NW of Rafa road trenches in this area shallow new trench at El Mineh facing NW aaa 20 horses watering in town and 50 grazing. aaa work chiefly being carried out on northern trenches running from EL Mineh south
Desert Column 1320 (sd) CE Grahame
Desert Column
GB 801
Following amendments to 0026 bated 25th instant aaa Inf Bdes divnl arty and field amb will march independently aaa Field ambulances under orders of A.D.M.S. and divisional train under O.C. Divisional train aaa 158th and 159th Bdes will be clear of the enclosure by 1600 instead of 1630 aaa reference supplies para 4 third line for tomorrow read today aaa acknowledge
53rd Division 1255
A. & N.Z. Mtd Division
WO 1
Please tell off N.C.O. from your divisional artillery to meet 52 D.A.C. opposite Deir el Belah on Gaza - Rafa main road tomorrow and guide it to Sheikh Neban aaa Camel track will require reconnoitring by guide this afternoon aaa acknowledge.
Desert Column 1445 (sd) VM Fergusson
Desert Column
G.60 WO 1
A. & N.Z. Mtd Division 1516
A. & N.Z. Mtd Division
Imp Mounted Divn
AD of S & T
SK 1
Ref operation order No.24 para 8 1st line transport will not follow divisions but will follow in rear of the Imp Mtd Divn in order of march Anzac Mtd Division transport leading aaa addressed A. & N.Z.Mtd Division, Imp Mounted Divn, Eastforce, AD of S & T, BGRA, DDMS.
Desert Column 1740
Desert Column
AR 25/5 GAZA
R.F.C. report no change t s aaa work on trenches s and SW aaa No movement S.E. or in town aaa 150 horsemen in three parties one mile S. of Gaza and E of Wadi Ghuzze aaa Two troops cavalry aaa 100 infantry leaving Gaza on Sharia road aaa A few camels 3 wagons and 20 horsemen going into Huj from E aaa Akra 800.ts aaa New work on trench aaa
Eastforce 1742
Desert Column
GK 114
Message from East Riding Yeomanry begins aaa Force estimated at two squadrons cavalry is reported 5 miles SE of Tel el Jemmi at 1715 ends
Anzac Mtd Divn 1835
IC Bde
54th Div
SK 2
Anzac reports about 2 sqns cavalry even 5 miles SE of Tel el Jemmi at 1715 addressed IC Bde 54th Divn repeated Eastforce
Desert Column 1940 (sd) SH Kershaw
A. & N.Z. Mtd Divn
Imp Mtd Divn
53rd Div
SK 3
Troops are reminded that patrols and detached bodies not under fire must indicate to our aeroplanes that they are friendly by a few men forming a circle or by wheeling if on the move aaa Our aeroplanes have orders to use M.G. fire on hostile patrols
Desert Column 2030 (sd) SH Kershaw
Desert Column
AR 24/9
R.F.C. report Gaza 50 yards new trenches dug since morning running N.E. aaa No movement town or trenches aa Following roads clear Gaza Burier Gaza Jerga Gaza Beesheba aaa patrol 30 cavalry 3 miles east of Tel El Jemmi aaa 6 mounted men 3 miles NE of Jemmi
Eastforce 2235
War Diaries
All War Diaries cited on this site should be read in conjunction with the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, AIF War Diaries of the Great War, Site Transcription Policy which may be accessed at:
Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, AIF War Diaries of the Great War, Site Transcription Policy
Further Reading:
The Desert Mounted Corps, Roll of Honour
The First Battle of Gaza, Palestine, 26 to 27 March 1917
The First Battle of Gaza, Palestine, 26 to 27 March 1917, Allied Forces, Roll of Honour
The Palestine Campaign, 1917 - 1918
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920