Topic: AIF - DMC - Aus MD
The First Battle of Gaza
Palestine, 26 to 27 March 1917
Imperial Mounted Division Signals
Imperial Mounted Division Signals.
The following are the Signals from the War Diary of the Imperial Mounted Division detailing its role at the First Battle of Gaza, Palestine, 26 to 27 March 1917.
26 March 1917
Impl Mtd Divn
AP 3
Column HQ remaining hill 310 for the present aaa Ca you explain heavy column of dust in direction of Tel el Sheria
Desert Column, 0937
Imp Mtd Bde
WO 3
If you can get touch with motor batteries send them down gaza - saba road in direction of Hareira to ascertain cause of dust clouds
Des Col, 1025
Imp Mtd Div
WO 8
Both cavalry divisions will reconnoitre immediately with view closing in on enemy at Gaza to assist infantry if ordered aaa One Brigade only from each divn will be empl leaving 2 bdes to continue observation aaa No news by aeroplane of any enemy movement from any direction aaa Acknowledge
Desert Column, 1209
Desert Column
OM 3
Division established north of Gaza Saba road near Reseim aaa 5th Brigade operating on right flank reports enemy patrols visible Huj to Sheria cavalry and camelry aaa Enemy infantry about 150 strong holding ridge along 400 contour NE and SW through Kh el Jindy extending to south of Gaza Saba road 1 mile aaa Officers patrol Worcester Yeo reports columns of smoke ab Abu Hareira dust moving north from Sheria aaa Enemy appears to be evacuating stores along Saba road report ends
From Moundiv Kh er Reseim 1245
Imp Mtd Div
WO 10
Column commander considers it most desirable that Mounted Troops should press in to Gaza in assistance of infantry which is ???very ??? present aaa Gen Chauvel is placed in command of both mounted divns aaa The IC Bde will be ordered to area Kh er Reseim aaa General Chauvel should order Impl Division move to the north about Khurbet Kufeih or Beit Durdis to replace the Anzac Divn for attack on Gaza + sandhills from north aaa Aeroplanes report no enemy activity Akra & Hareira area aaa Report action taken aaa addressed Anzac repeated Imperial and 53 Divn
Desert Column, 1310
Imp Mtd Div
A & NZ will move on Gaza to assist Infantry aaa IMD will take over Beit Durdis from A & NZ aaa GOC IMD will be responsible for all observation to east and north now carried out by both Divisions aaa Acknowledge
A & NZ, 1402
Imp Mtd Divn
SK 10
Send both batteries and light car patrol report Anzac Mtd Div HQ at ¼ mile SE of H in Jebalieh at once aaa Co-operate in attack on Gaza from NE
Desert Column 1550
Imperial Mtd Division
GK 140
Please send one Bde to reports to Div HQ at the Hill between K and H of Khamis reference 1/168960 map aaa Bde to move at a trot aaa Ack
Anzac Mtd Div, 1550, Captain J Urquhart
Imp Mtd Div
G 134
Anzac Mtd Div will move on Gaza to assist the infantry aaa Impl Mtd Div will take over Beit Durdis from Anzac Mtd Div aaa GOC Impl Mtd Div will be responsible for all observation to east and now carried out by both divisions aaa ack
Anzac Mtd Divn, 1600
GOC Imperial Mtd Div
GK 145
Patrol observing towards Huj reports large body of Infantry and Cavalry advancing about 3 miles east of my position aaa 2nd message reference first message enemy advancing rapidly aaa Position of this patrol to about 5 miles from Beit Durdis in direction of Huj aaa Enemy reported in 3 Columns moving through Deir Sineid aaa 300 Infantry have moved into sand west of the places aaa Have sent one Squadron to oppose them aaa Please send one Brigade to report my Headquarters aaa Brigade should move at a trot.
General Chauvel, 1610
Desert Column
OM 15
4,000 Infantry 2 Squadrons Cavalry advancing from Huj in south westerly direction.
IMD 1650, A Kavanagh
54th Division, Sheikh Abbas
Aeroplane reports about 8000 Infantry Evidently enemy at town 1 1/2 miles south west of Huj They are marching towards Gaza aaa They are right along the road you are following about 3 miles away aaa Addressed IMD Anzac Mtd Div.
Khirbit er Reseim 1750
Major KM McKenzie
54 Div
Sheikh Abbas
There are about 2,000 mounted troops moving towards Gaza and are about 3 miles from Wadi Sheria movement chiefly between Beersheba - Gaza and Sheria - Gaza Roads
Khirbit er Reseim 1750
Major KM McKenzie
War Diaries
All War Diaries cited on this site should be read in conjunction with the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, AIF War Diaries of the Great War, Site Transcription Policy which may be accessed at:
Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, AIF War Diaries of the Great War, Site Transcription Policy
Further Reading:
Australian Mounted Division, AMD, AIF
Australian Mounted Division, AMD, Australian and British Forces Roll of Honour
The First Battle of Gaza, Palestine, 26 to 27 March 1917
The First Battle of Gaza, Palestine, 26 to 27 March 1917, Allied Forces, Roll of Honour
The Palestine Campaign, 1917 - 1918
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920
Citation: The First Battle of Gaza, Palestine, 26 to 27 March 1917, Imperial Mounted Division Signals