Topic: BatzG - Gallipoli
Gallipoli Campaign - 1915-16
16th Infantry Battalion
Roll of Honour
Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra
The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men from the 16th Infantry Battalion known to have given their lives during the Gallipoli Campaign - 1915 - 1916.
Roll of Honour
2281 Private Maurice Lewis AARONS, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.
1451 Private Jack AINSWORTH, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1118 Private Charles AKEHURST, Killed in action, 22 August 1915.
1119 Sergeant Lancelot Reginald ALDERSON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
238 Private Herbert Wright ALDRED, Killed in action, 10 May 1915.
1707 Private John AMOLIN, Killed in action, 23 August 1915.
759 Private Clarence Colin AMOS, Killed in action, 30 April 1915.
Lieutenant Kieran Leopold ANDERSON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
2065 Private Robert Loton ANNEAR, Killed in action, 2 December 1915.
720 Private Frank APPLEQUIST, Died of wounds, 10 May 1915.
760 Private Edward ARCHER, Killed in action, 27 August 1915.
1120 Lance Corporal John Peter ARNOLD, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1235 Lance Sergeant Frederick Allan ATKINS, Died of wounds, 8 August 1915.
1778 Private Charles Neville ATTWOOD, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.
1374 Private Charles AUSTIN, Killed in action, 30 April 1915.
1453 Private Lester Sidney BACON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
370 Private Alexander John BAKER, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
2288 Private Arthur Wilfred BALDWIN, Killed in action, 31 August 1915.
812 Private Frank BALL, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1303 Corporal David BALLANTYNE, Killed in Action, 15 May 1915.
1304A Private William John BANWELL, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1004 Sergeant John BARDEN, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.
811 Private Robert BARR, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
570 Private Horace Albert BARTON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
51 Sergeant Wilfred BATES, Died of wounds, 12 May 1915.
731 Private William Kingsley BATTY, Killed in action, 30 April 1915.
1583 Private Willen Broudus BEHR, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
9 Private Edgar William BELL, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
385 Private Edward James BELL, Died of wounds, 25 May 1915.
334 Corporal Willoughby George BELL, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
814 Private Samuel Richard BISHOP, Killed in action, 10 August 1915.
1129 Private James Henry BLIGHT, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
201 Private Louis Robert BLOOM, Killed in action, 27 April 1915.
1782 Private John BOGGS, Killed in action, 25 August 1915.
1577 Sergeant Percy Roy BOLTON, Killed in action, 9 May 1915.
557 Private Albert Henry BOUNDY, Killed in action, 30 April 1915.
1982 Private William BOUNSELL, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.
2289 Private William BOYD, Died of wounds, 14 September 1915.
2283 Private Charles Thomas BRADDOCK, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.
766 Private Arthur Jesse George BRADFORD, Killed in action, 24 May 1915.
2 Private Alfred Ernest BRADSHAW, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
402 Private Arthur Joseph Lavery BRANLEY, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1590 Private William BRANSON, Died of wounds, 16 June 1915.
Captain Joseph Arthur BRASHAW, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.
684 Corporal Ernest George BRENNEN, Died of wounds, 9 August 1915.
143 Private Frederick Locke BROCKMAN, Killed in action, 9 May 1915.
1242 Private Clarence BROWN, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1787 Private George Vernon BROWN, Killed in action, 27 August 1915.
142 Private Robert Melbourne BROWN, Killed in action, 30 April 1915.
364 Private William BROWNING, Killed in action, 1 May 1915.
Lieutenant Ernest Otto Alfred BRUNS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1598 Private Sylvester BUCKLEY, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.
739 Private Stanley BUGDEN, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1594 Private Joseph Francis BUNWORTH, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
179 Private William Henry BURGESS, Killed in action, 26 April 1915.
Lieutenant Harry James BURTON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
645 Driver Henry BURTON, Killed in action, 10 August 1915.
1245 Private Douglas Austin BYARD, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
813 Private James BYRAM, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1551 Private Thomas Edward BYRNE, Killed in action, 9 May 1915.
367 Corporal Henry Alexander CAMPBELL, Killed in action, 19 November 1915.
Sergeant Reginald Ramsey CANNELL, Killed in action, 9 May 1915.
144 Corporal Arthur CAPPS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1792 Private Joseph John CARROLL, Killed in action, 29 August 1915.
Major Francis Bird CARTER, Killed in action, 27 April 1915.
1136 Private George Frederick Walter CARTER, Killed in action, 16 May 1915.
1549 Private Harold Reginald CARTER, Died of wounds, 4 May 1915.
Captain Francis George CHABREL, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.
691 Private Richard Henry CHASE, Killed in action, 28 April 1915.
1461 Private Andrew CHRISTIE, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1249 Private Charles Leslie CHRISTOPHER, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
99 Lance Corporal John Carlton CLARK, Killed in action, 3 May 1915.
1404 Private Phillip CLARK, Died of wounds, 30 August 1915.
2194 Lance Corporal William CLARKE, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.
2195 Private Roy Kimberley CLIFTON, Killed in action, 15 August 1915.
1601 Private Fred Laurence CLOSE, Killed in action, 4 May 1915.
54 Private Frederick CLYDE, Killed in action, 27 April 1915.
1146 Private Charles William COLE, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1437 Lance Corporal Herbert Selmar CONRAD, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
523 Private John Thomas COOK, Killed in action, 30 April 1915.
180 Private Edward James COOMBS, Killed in action, 26 April 1915.
1251 Lance Corporal William Edward COOTES, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1144 Private Clifford Gordon CORNWALL, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1253 Private Norman COUSENS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1379 Private James COVERLID, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
572 Private Thomas Roy COWARD, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.
1403 Private Harry Stephen COWELL, Died of wounds, 3 May 1915.
449 Private Ernest Sydney COX, Killed in action, 29 April 1915.
1254 Private Alexander Charles CRANSTON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1025 Private Ronald CRAWFORD, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
2199 Private Joseph Michael Smith CRICHTON, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.
1027 Private Kenneth Singleton CROWTHER, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
313 Private John William CULLING, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
Captain Gordon Levason CURLEWIS, Killed in action, 9 May 1915.
6 Corporal Selwyn Lord CURLEWIS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1029 Lance Corporal Lawrence Henry CUTTS, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.
45 Corporal Frank DAVIES, Killed in action, 7 November 1915.
1031 Private George DAVIS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1032 Private Harry Herbert DAVIS, Died of wounds, 5 June 1915.
1154 Private John DAVIS, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.
511 Corporal Martin Russell Mcdonald DAWSON, Killed in action, 27 August 1915.
1155 Lance Corporal Sylvester Sydney DAY, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
690 Private John Hughes DENHOLM, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1257 Private Arthur August Charles DETMAR, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1256 Private Henry DEVINE, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
2110 Lance Corporal Henry Gordon DEWAR, Died of wounds, 15 August 1915.
1990 Private William Jacob DILLISTONE, Killed in action, 10 August 1915.
1316 Private Howard George DODD, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
489 Private Carl DOLLA, Died of wounds, 25 June 1915.
181 Private John Gordon DONALD, Died of wounds, 13 May 1915.
43 Private Robert Henry DONALDSON, Killed in action, 4 May 1915.
1259 Private Patrick DONNELLY, Died of wounds, 18 July 1915.
805 Private Cecil Vernon DOWN, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1151 Private William DRAPER, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1156 Private Clarence Merchison DUDLEY, Killed in action, 1 May 1915.
654 Lance Corporal Arthur Henry DUNKLEY, Killed in action, 9 May 1915.
1153 Private John Edgar DUNLOP, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
36 Private William Joseph DUNSTAN, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
Lieutenant Norman Henry DURSTON, Died of wounds, 9 May 1915.
1913 Private Rudley Ernest DUTHIE, Killed in action, 10 August 1915.
1712A Private Frank Gordon DYER, Killed in action, 9 December 1915.
257 Private William EASTHAM, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
384 Private Alfred Outtrim EDWARDS, Killed in action, 29 August 1915.
1262 Lance Corporal Arthur Thomas ELPHICK, Died of wounds, 6 May 1915.
1263 Corporal Leslie Charles Thomas ELSO, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1466 Private John James EMERY, Killed in action, 1 May 1915.
90 Warrant Officer Class I Verner Allen EMMETT, Died of wounds, 27 April 1915.
546 Private John David EVANS, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.
55 Private Charles Henry FAIRBEARD, Died of wounds, 4 May 1915.
1470 Private Ernest Martin FARRELL, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
608 Private Thomas Ince FARRELL, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
58 Private Daniel FEREDAY, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
674 Private Gordon FINK, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
2213 Private Edward Theophilus FISHER, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.
663 Sergeant Arthur FORD, Killed in action, 9 May 1915.
17 Private Fred Burnett FOSTER, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
2069 Private Herbert Leopold Arthur FOWLER, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.
2215 Private John Richard FRANCIS, Killed in action, 29 August 1915.
1036 Private James Leonard FRANKLIN, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
575 Private Jack FRAPPELL, Killed in action, 28 April 1915.
1409 Private Hugh Brown FYFE, Died of wounds, 26 June 1915.
1273 Private Benhart Alfred GABEL, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
Lieutenant Cyril Arthur GEDDES, Killed in action, 3 May 1915.
705 Private Harold GEORGE, Killed in action, 27 April 1915.
623 Private Clarence Gordon GIBBONS, Killed in action, 26 April 1915.
1167 Private James Raymond GIBSON, Killed in action, 28 April 1915.
1165 Private Dudley Frederick Lionel GILES, Killed in action, 28 April 1915.
64 Private John Edward GLEESON, Killed in action, 9 May 1915.
2344 Private Reginald GODDARD, Killed in action, 21 August 1915.
639 Private Rupert Arthur Kent GOODCHILD, Killed in action, 26 April 1915.
1275 Private Robert Patterson GOSDEN, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
266 Sergeant Gerald Harry GOSS, Killed in action, 30 April 1915.
264 Private Mervyn William GRAY, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1040 Sergeant William Frederick GREENHAM, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1276 Private Joseph Patrick GUILFOYLE, Killed in action, 1 May 1915.
396 Private Harold HABBLETT, Died of wounds, 4 May 1915.
2481 Private John HAMMOND, Killed in action, 14 August 1915.
1483 Private Herbert HARRISON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
100 Private Phillip Harry HARRISON, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.
1382 Private Henry Percival HEALEY, Died of wounds, 3 May 1915.
Captain Leslie Duncan HEMING, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.
101 Lance Corporal Benjamin HEMMINGS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
74 Private William Thomas HENDRY, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
70 Private Henry HENLEY, Killed in action, 29 August 1915.
1482 Private John HESTON, Died of wounds, 2 May 1915.
1817 Private Ashworth HILL, Died of wounds, 10 August 1915.
1280 Private Stanley George HILL, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
187 Lance Corporal John Patrick HOGAN, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1179 Sergeant Richard Hubert HOGBEN, Died of wounds, 2 May 1915.
268 Private Lauritz HOJEIN, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
625 Private Ernest Brook HOLDSWORTH, Killed in action, 9 May 1915.
1415 Private Alfred Thomas HOLMES, Died of wounds, 10 May 1915.
1947 Private Claude HOOKER, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.
719 Lance Corporal Cecil John HOWARD, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.
436 Sergeant Frank Rodney HOWARD, Killed in action, 2 September 1915.
107 Lance Corporal Robert HOWCROFT, Killed in action, 9 May 1915.
1541 Private Alfred Thomas HUGHES, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.
1284 Private Thomas HUGHES, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
69 Private James HUME, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
538 Driver William Henry HUME, Killed in action, 10 May 1915.
152 Lance Sergeant Walter HUNDLEY, Killed in action, 28 April 1915.
488 Private Robert HURLEY, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
710 Private James IVISON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
667 Private John IVISON, Killed in action, 27 April 1915.
549 Private James JACKSON, Killed in action, 29 August 1915.
1368 Private Percival Clarence Rodda JAMES, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.
2490 Private Trevor JAMES, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.
2545 Private Harold Anchor JEFFERY, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.
274 Private Karl Alfred JENSEN, Killed in action, 9 May 1915.
1487 Private Sydney Tasman JOHNSTON, Killed in action, 19 May 1915.
2184 Private Arthur JOLLY, Died of wounds, 23 August 1915.
26 Private Charles JONAS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
2669 Private Frederick JONES, Died of wounds, 9 December 1915.
1377 Private James Henry JONES, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1552 Private Laidley Edward JONES, Killed in action, 1 May 1915.
1624 Private William Graham JOSE, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
516 Private Edward William JOYCE, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
2233 Private Thomas James KELLY, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.
1368 Private William KENNERICK, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.
Lieutenant William Buchanan KERR, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1489 Private Erol Rutter KILMINSTER, Died of wounds, 4 May 1915.
1830 Private Charles Leslie KING, Killed in action, 10 August 1915.
2494 Private Ralph Ezekiah KIPPING, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.
550 Private Frederick KITCHENER, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1291 Private Arthur KLOPP, Killed in action, 10 August 1915.
372 Private Peter KNIGHT, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
Lieutenant Edmund Herman KRETCHMAR, Killed in action, 6 May 1915.
1293 Private Oscar Otto KRUMMEL, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
2127 Private Carl Adolph KUCHENESITER, Killed in action, 5 September 1915.
756 Private John Charles LAILEY, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
190 Private Joseph LAMB, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1294 Private William LAMBERT, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
786 Private James Edgar LAUGHER, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1493 Private William Henry LEEDEN, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1925 Lance Corporal Ernest Vivian LEWIS, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.
437 Private Ernest LINDELL, Died of wounds, 8 May 1915.
83 Private Frederick LITTON, Killed in action, 27 April 1915.
1928 Lance Corporal Job LLOYD, Died of wounds, 8 August 1915.
192 Private Edward John LUKE, Killed in action, 12 May 1915.
1376 Private George Frederick MACK, Died of wounds, 3 May 1915.
718 Lance Corporal David Campbell MacPHERSON, Killed in action, 27 April 1915.
1645 Private Rudolph MAHLIT, Died of wounds, 29 August 1915.
109 Private Lawrence MAHONEY, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
195 Private Gerald Ernest MAKINS, Killed in action, 27 April 1915.
1389 Private Arthur William MALEY, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
789 Private Alexander Victor MANNELL, Killed in action, 29 April 1915.
1637 Private William Clarence MARCHANT, Died of wounds, 23 May 1915.
104 Lance Sergeant William Ernest MARKS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1501 Private Robert MATHEWSON, Killed in action, 9 May 1915.
2239 Private James Webb MATTINSON, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.
281 Private Frank MAUNDER, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
Private Percival Edmund MAY, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.
1370 Private Reuben Ernest McCABE, Died of wounds, 11 May 1915.
1192 Private Henry McCLUSKEY, Killed in action, 10 August 1915.
1302 Private Douglas McDONALD, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1371A Corporal James McEVOY, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.
1929 Private James McINTYRE, Killed in action, 29 August 1915.
1930 Private Archibald Frank McKENZIE, Killed in action, 24 July 1915.
1326a Private Edward James McMURRAY, Died of wounds, 22 May 1915.
350 Private Michael MEEHAN, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
599 Private James MEGAW, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1679 Corporal Reuben MEHEW, Died of wounds, 24 June 1915.
485 Private Thomas Pembroke MELICAN, Killed in action, 27 April 1915.
27 Lance Corporal David MENZIES, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
92 Private William MICHAEL, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
Captain James MILLER, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
282 Private James Edgar MILLER, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
788 Private John Moffat MILLER, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1307 Private William Henry MILTON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.1841 Private Walter Wilton MINCHAM, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.
210 Private Matthews MITCHISON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
2025 Private Robert Alexander MOODY, Killed in action, 16 November 1915.
1502 Private Edward MOOR, Killed in action, 9 May 1915.
211 Corporal George Douglas MOORE, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.
93 Private Ernest William MOORHOUSE, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
2242 Private Arthur MORE, Killed in action, 15 August 1915.
1497 Private Harold Joseph MORRELL, Killed in action, 28 April 1915.
1504 Private Morgan MORRIS, Killed in action, 9 May 1915.
454 Private Richard Ralph MOULTON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
Lieutenant Arthur Henry Torres MOUNTAIN, Killed in action, 27 April 1915.
659 Private William Edward MULLANE, Killed in action, 27 April 1915.
660 Private Thomas MUMBY, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
401 Corporal Allan Shepherd MUNN, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1643 Private Frederick MUNRO, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
28 Private Henry Blaney MURPHY, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
365 Private Richard William MURPHY, Killed in action, 30 April 1915.
671 Private John Henry MURRAY, Killed in action, 30 April 1915.
231 Corporal Charles Henry NAWELL, Killed in action, 30 April 1915.
2301 Private Charles Henry NORMAN, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.
563 Private Walter Herbert NORRIS, Died of wounds, 16 May 1915.
1312 Corporal William NORTON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
116 Private Martin O'DELL, Killed in action, 30 April 1915.
598 Private John O'GRADY, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
734 Private Michael O'HARE, Killed in action, 16 June 1915.
1073 Private David Patrick O'LEARY, Died of wounds, 7 June 1915.
1314 Private John O'LEARY, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1505 Private George O'NEILL, Killed in action, 9 May 1915.
1392 Private Victor Alan OPIE, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
2512 Private Samuel O'ROURKE, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.
1333 Private Arthur Lucas OXER, Killed in action, 21 August 1915.
196 Sergeant Bernard Fred OXFORD, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1507 Company Sergeant Major Eugene Charles OZANNE, Died of Accident, 19 November 1915.
1384 Private James PARK, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1932 Private Charles PARMITER, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.
288 Private Lionel Eric PARROTT, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1647 Private Percy James PARSONS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
484 Private William PARSONS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1648 Private Thomas Douglas PARTRIDGE, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.
1380 Private James Hart PATON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
517 Private Walter John Wardrop PATRICK, Killed in action, 29 April 1915.
729 Private George PAVITT, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1737 Private Henry John PAVLICH, Killed in action, 29 August 1915.
661 Private Leonard Hugh PEAT, Died of wounds, 3 May 1915.
2152 Private John Young PENGELLEY, Killed in action, 31 August 1915.
85 Private Charles Percy PENNELLS, Killed in action, 27 April 1915.
727 Sergeant Robert PETER, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.
88 Private Reginald Arthur PHEASE, Killed in action, 30 April 1915.
703 Corporal David PHILP, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1376 Private Thomas Sidney PIDGEON, Killed in action, 15 May 1915.
343 Private Frederick PIMM, Killed in action, 9 May 1915.
1318 Private Alfred PLANE, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
753 Private James William PLATT, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
290 Private Edward PLUMMER, Died of wounds, 29 April 1915.
386 Private George PLUNKETT, Killed in action, 30 April 1915.
1319 Private William POLDEN, Killed in action, 1 May 1915.
1851 Private Fred POLLARD, Killed in action, 10 August 1915.
1320 Lance Sergeant Victor PRENTICE, Died of wounds, 5 November 1915.
111 Private Fred Victor PRETTY, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
2693 Private Walter Francis RADFORD, Died of wounds, 17 November 1915.
119 Corporal George RADOSEVICH, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.
1379a Private Sylvester Frederick RICHARDSON, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.
1350 Private Alexander Francis Dawe ROBERTS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1322 Private David ROBERTSON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
128 Private George ROBERTSON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1936 Private John ROBERTSON, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.
1323 Private Thomas RODGERS, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.
1324 Private Richard ROW, Died of wounds, 30 April 1915.
1209 Private Reginald ROWE, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
637 Private William Ronald Leslie ROWLEY, Killed in action, 27 April 1915.
1521 Private Ernest Edward SABBERTON, Killed in action, 1 May 1915.
714 Private William SAMPSON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1347A Private William Edward SANDERCOCK, Killed in action, 27 August 1915.
597 Private Thomas SANDERS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
464 Sergeant Swen Addvin SANDSTROM, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
2821 Private Carl Lauenstein SCHRADER, Killed in action, 20 November 1915.
1388 Private Fred SCHUMACHER, Killed in action, 16 May 1915.
613 Private David SCOTT, Killed in action, 28 April 1915.
154 Private John Sydney SCOTT, Killed in action, 28 April 1915.
2037 Corporal Harold SEABORN, Died of wounds, 6 November 1915.
1389 Private George Henry SEABROOK, Died of wounds, 22 May 1915.
2530 Private Reason Hugh SEINOR, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.
1089 Corporal Thomas Alan SHEPLEY, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1658 Private Peter Wilfred SHIPP, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1369 Private Arthur Burton SHORNEY, Killed in action, 3 May 1915.
1744 Private Arthur Gawler SHORT, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.
1524 Sergeant Herbert Leslie SHORTLAND, Killed in action, 9 May 1915.
1659 Private Charles SKINNER, Killed in action, 9 August 1915.
1327 Private Herbert SKINNER, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1329 Lance Corporal Robert James SLOCOMBE, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
325 Private Michael SMALLS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
631 Private Henry SMART, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.
30 Private Richard SMITH, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
525 Private Samuel SMITH, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1219 Private William Arthur SNOW, Died of wounds, 3 May 1915.
1523 Private Arthur Richard SOUTHERN, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
Captain Harold Alfred SOUTHERN, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
29 Private Frederick William SPARROW, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
360 Private William SPERBER, Died of wounds, 26 April 1915.
1402 Private James Charles SPRATT, Killed in action, 21 May 1915.
1332 Private Roy Kennings STEPHENSON, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.
199 Sergeant William Henry STRAHAN, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.
359 Private Arthur Gilbert SULLIVAN, Killed in action, 26 April 1915.
148 Sergeant Thomas SULLIVAN, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1333 Lance Sergeant Frederick George TAYLOR, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
2261 Private Herbert Stewart TAYLOR, Killed in action, 29 August 1915.
444 Private John TAYLOR, Killed in action, 28 April 1915.
1749 Private Richard Batchelor TAYLOR, Killed in action, 22 August 1915.
2147 Private Bernard Francis George TERNAN, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.
1529 Private Bert Joseph THOMAS, Killed in action, 9 May 1915.
673 Private John Alfred THOMPSON, Died of wounds, 29 April 1915.
473 Private John THORPE, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
Second Lieutenant Walter Harvey THYER, Killed in action, 29 August 1915.
1100 Private James Victor TILL, Killed in action, 10 May 1915.
1101 Private Frederick John TONKIN, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1683 Private Fred James TOWNSEND, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
86 Private Ernest Richard TOWNSHEND, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
Captain Samuel Edward TOWNSHEND, Killed in action, 9 May 1915.
1102 Private Thomas Henry TREVASKIS, Died of wounds, 2 May 1915.
1747 Private Charles TUCKER, Died of wounds, 11 August 1915.
1381 Private William TULLOCH, Died of wounds, 18 July 1915.
304 Private Frederick TYRRELL, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1223 Private Jack Wilfred USHER, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
14062 Private William Evans VIANT, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
183 Private George WALKER, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
746 Private Charles WALLACE, Killed in action, 30 April 1915.
1337 Private Charles Stephen WALLER, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1669 Lance Corporal Henry Holdford WARD, Died of wounds, 3 May 1915.
1433 Private Hugh WARD, Killed in action, 30 April 1915.
2054 Private William Richard WARD, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.
1670 Private Albert Hugh WARNECKE, Died of wounds, 6 May 1915.
305 Corporal Frank Wentworth WATSON, Killed in action, 3 May 1915.
176 Corporal Harold WATTS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
307 Lance Corporal William Edward WAUGH, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
535 Lance Corporal Edwin WEBB, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
308 Private Fancis Russell WEBB, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
2142 Private Joseph WEBSTER, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.
2059 Private Harold WHEELER, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.
2060 Private Herbert WHEELER, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.
414 Private John Wesley WHITE, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
2273 Private Frederick WHITEHEAD, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.
1227 Private Robert WHITEHEAD, Killed in action, 27 April 1915.
41 Private Clarence William Anstruther WILKINSON, Died of wounds, 5 May 1915.
1225 Sergeant David John WILLIAMS, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.
761 Private David Victor John WILLIAMS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
798 Private Henry Wallis WILLIAMS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1344 Private Leonard WILLIAMS, Killed in action, 3 May 1915.
1534 Private Percy James WILLIAMS, Died of wounds, 14 May 1915.
1429 Private Albert Edward WILLMOTT, Killed in action, 9 May 1915.
1430 Private John WINDSOR, Killed in action, 9 May 1915.
456 Private John Albert WOODS, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.
1110 Lance Corporal Robert WOODS, Killed in action, 28 April 1915.
1357 Private Alfred WRIGHT, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
353 Private Thomas WRIGHT, Killed in action, 30 April 1915.
166 Private Herbert William WYLDE, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1226 Private Roy WYLIE, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.
1231 Private William YOUNG, Killed in action, 18 August 1915.
Lest We Forget
Sources Used:
National Archives Service File.
Embarkation Rolls, AWM8.
Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.
AWM Roll of Honour
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
Finding more about a service person.
Further Reading:
Gallipoli Campaign - 1915-16, Unit Casualties, AIF, Roll of Honour
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920
Citation: Gallipoli Campaign - 1915-16, 16th Infantry Battalion, AIF, Roll of Honour