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Monday, 13 June 2011
Australian Service Personnel, Photograph Albums, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen, Contents
Topic: AAC-Photo Albums

Australian Service Personnel

Photograph Albums

2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen, Contents


Lieutenant Colonel Edwin Thomas WATCHORN


The 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen Album contains the photographs of nearly all the men who were listed as having embarked for service to South Africa with this unit. Ten men are listed who did not embark but had their photographs included in the publication.

The 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen embarked from Hobart, Tasmania on 27 March 1901 and returned to Tasmania on 25 June 1902.

The photographs were extracted from John Bufton, Tasmanians in the Transvaal War, Launceston, 1905, pp. 334 – 342.


Notes about the Collection:

* The quality of the pictures vary due to the nature of the original medium which was the printed surface. The page images came directly from a printed image and so tend to be blurry and grainy. That can't be helped but the images are presented as best as possible.

* The original images appeared in the John Bufton, Tasmanians in the Transvaal War, and consequently the art of picture publishing was not as sophisticated as today. So the original source was poor in the first place.

* The presentation of each entry is as follows:

All men - listed with their rank on embarkation, their first names if known or if unknown, the initials followed by the family name which is capitalised. Each name is linked to the photograph entry in the album. 

Officers - Since they were not issued with a Service Number, they have been listed in order of rank.

Other Ranks - Listed in order of Service Number.

An alphabetical listing of Family Names follows the page lisings.

* As additional photographs come into our possession from other sources, they will be added to the end pages. The names will be also added to the alphabetical listing.


Listings per Album Page

Page 1: 

Lieutenant Colonel Edwin Thomas WATCHORN

Captain Carlisle HENDERSON

Captain Thomas Alfred SPENCER

Lieutenant COWELL

Lieutenant Frederic Royden CHALMERS

Lieutenant Harry HALLAM

Lieutenant John Hutton BISDEE

Second Lieutenant Rupert Delamere BRENT

Lieutenant John MCCORMICK

Lieutenant Morton Henry SWAN


Page 2:

Surgeon Lieutenant Charles MATTEI

Lieutenant George Fairbrass RICHARDSON

119 Private Robert George ABERY

120 Private Henry Percy ABERY

121 Private Gordon Cyril ADAMS

122 Sergeant Frederick Vincent BREWSTER

123 Private Archibald Joseph BEVAN

124 Private George Robert BROOKS

125 Private Charles William BURTON

127 Private Alfred BROWN


Page 3:

128 Private Walter George BARKER

130 Private Harry Stanley BLACKBURN

131 Corporal Richard Albert BLACKLOW

132 Private George BREWARD

133 Shoeing Smith Phillip David BILLING

134 Private William John Samuel BYRNE

135 Private George Martin Frederick BREWER

136 Private Arthur BAKER

137 Private Leslie Thomas COX

138 Private William Robert CASSIDY


Page 4:

139 Shoeing Smith Herbert Norman COLEMAN

141 Corporal Henry Douglas CHEPMELL

142 Private William Cameron CARLIN

143 Lance Corporal Charles Ernest CHILCOT

144 Private Newell Hay COLEMAN

145 Private Robert Golding COOLEY

146 Private Herbert COX

147 Private Edward Allan Michael CURTAIN

148 Sergeant John DREW

151 Private William Michael Henry DOBSON


Page 5:

152 Private John William EDWARDS

153 Private Percy Alexander EMERY

155 Private Frederick William FOREMAN

157 Private Albert Ernest FERGUSSON

158 Private Frederick Wilbraham FORD

159 Private Tom Tierney FERGUSON

160 Corporal Wilfred James FACY

162 Private Claude FRENCH

163 Private Harold William GREER

164 Saddler George GLOVER


Page 6:

165 Private Harold William GEE

167 Private Charles Gresham D'Oyley GROOM

168 Private Robert GUTHRIE

169 Trumpeter Frederick Thomas Henry GOUCHER

170 Private Elmslie Fayrer HEWITT

171 Private Albert Ernest HUNTER

172 Private Leonard Percy HUTTLEY

173 Private Robert Edward Morrisby HULL

175 Private Arthur Reginald HEWITT

176 Private Thomas Charles Herbert HOWARD


Page 7:

177 Private George William HILL Picture 1

177 Private George William HILL Picture 2

178 Lance Corporal Cecil Archibald HOLMWOOD

179 Private Ronald Wilberforce HARRISON

180 Private George Francis HARRISON

181 Private Harold Percival JONES

182 Private Thomas Foster JARDINE

183 Private John Martial JOYCE

184 Private JH JOHNSTONE

185 Corporal Roy JOHNSTON


Page 8:

186 Private Tasman JEFFREY

187 Private Joseph Edward KIRK

188 Private Albert Walter Frederick LUTRELL

190 Private Thomas LYALL

191 Private William Henry LYNE

192 Private Thomas Henry LESLIE

193 Corporal Douglas Morton LYNE

194 Lance Corporal Sydney Thomas LAUGHTON

195 Private Malcolm MACDONALD

197 Private Edward R MURRELL


Page 9:

198 Private Raymond Clark MORRISBY

200 Private Albert Joseph MONSON

201 Private Joseph Harland MARONEY

202 Private Walter Archibald MCINTYRE

203 Private David James MURRAY

204 Corporal Gilbert Langdon MCINTYRE

205 Private Thomas Henry MARSDEN

206 Private Cyril Lakeland MADDOX

208 Private John Albert MANSER

209 Private Herbert NATION


Page 10:

210 Private Claude Anthony NICHOLSON

211 Private Allan Henry NEAL

212 Private Frank Hedley C OLDHAM

213 Lance Corporal John ORR

214 Private Frederick PEACOCK

215 Private Francis Neville PAGE

218 Private Richard Arthur PAUL

219 Private Arthur Charles PEGG

221 Quartermaster Sergeant Edward William ROBINSON

222 Private John Temple RILEY


Page 11:

223 Private James Tasman REARDON

224 Private Thomas ROBERTSON

225 Private Ernest Florestan RAMSKELL

226 Private Harold ROSS

227 Private William Charles Stewart SCOLL

228 Private Frank Ernest SIMMONDS

229 Private George SHEARING

231 Private James Robert STREET

232 Private Robert Edward STREET

235 Corporal William SANDISON


Page 12:

236 Private Richard Horace THOMPSON

237 Private Alfred Sorell TUCKER

238 Private Edward Tom TILLEY

239 Private Walter Alfred Charles TAYLER

240 Trumpeter Frank William THOMPSON

241 Private Robert TEMPLETON

242 Private William George TUCKER

243 Shoeing Smith Vernon Samuel THOMAS

244 Private Alfred Henry VINCENT

246 Private Percy Augustus WILLIAMS


Page 13:

248 Private Francis Hyld WILLIAMS

249 Private Frederick WATSON

250 Farrier Sergeant Charles William WINFIELD

251 Private Percy WADE

252 Private John Edwards WARBURTON

253 Private Harry WHILEY

255 Lance Corporal Robert Benjamin WILSON

255 Private Reginald Collins WILSON

257 Private Thomas Arndel YOUL

259 Trumpeter Sergeant Archibald COOMBE


Page 14:

261 Private Rd. Patrick BELL

263 Shoeing Smith Walter BLACKWELL

265 Shoeing Smith Arthur BINGLEY

266 Private Leslie James CORRIGAN

266 Sergeant Major William BRUCE

267 Saddler Edward COOMBE

268 Private Charles CAWTHORN

269 Private Walter James CLEARY

270 Private Thomas DOWD

271 Lance Corporal Alexander Arthur EVANS


Page 15:

272 Lance Corporal William Alfred EDWARDS

274 Private Edmund HIGGS

275 Private Algernon Ashbury HUNT

276 Private George Gerald HILDYARD

277 Private Walter HEWITT

278 Corporal Arthur Erskine HUNT

279 Private Richard John HART

280 Private John HILL

281 Private Richard ILES

282 Private Frederick Nelson IBBOTSON


Page 16:

283 Private James William JOHNSON

284 Private Hedley Mitchell JOHNSON

285 Private Joshua James JOYCE

286 Private Thomas KEARNS

287 Trumpeter Jacob Archibald KING

288 Private Norman Edward LOANE

289 Private Alexander George LYALL

290 Sergeant William James MANNING

291 Private James MAXFIELD

293 Private George MCKERCHER


Page 17:

294 Private William Thomas MOYLE

295 Private George MORLEY

297 Private Aubrey MURRAY

298 Corporal Evan MORGAN

300 Private William Henry NORTH

306 Private Dudley Harold PAGE

307 Private Charles Hale PAGE

308 Corporal Julian Lambert Russell PAGE

310 Private Montague Claude RICHARDSON

311 Private Patrick READING


Page 18:

313 Corporal Oscar Herbert SHERRIN

314 Private Kenneth Henry STEWART

315 Private William Hobart SALTER

317 Private William Edmund SCRITCHLEY

318 Private John Robert SMITH

319 Private Robert William SCADON

320 Private Roland Thomas SUTTON

321 Private Alfred Henry SCOTT

323 Private William THOMPSON

324 Private Albert Edward TURNER


Page 19:

329 Private John William WILSON

330 Private Francis William WRIGHT

331 Private Edward Henry WHITE

333 Private William Albert WALLER

334 Colour Sergeant Alfred James Parnell SUCHE

337 Private Archibald JONES

338 Private Daniel DONNELLY

340 Private Archibald James GRANT

343 Private Walter BARNARD

344 Private Francis Gilbert COWELL


Page 20:

346 Private James MASSEY

349 Private William WHITE

350 Private James Laurence Armitstead MOORE

351 Private Harry LAWLER

352 Private Alban SUITOR

353 Private George MARSHALL

355 Private Stephen Mears IBBOT

356 Private Edward Ernest HAINES

358 Private Joseph Clarence JOYCE

359 Private James PHEGAN


Page 21:


Lance Corporal BRIANT

Lieutenant REID

Private E STREET




Private H LORD




Page 22:





Alphabetical Listing


120 Private Henry Percy ABERY

119 Private Robert George ABERY

121 Private Gordon Cyril ADAMS


136 Private Arthur BAKER

128 Private Walter George BARKER

343 Private Walter BARNARD

261 Private Rd. Patrick BELL

123 Private Archibald Joseph BEVAN

133 Shoeing Smith Phillip David BILLING

265 Shoeing Smith Arthur BINGLEY

Lieutenant John Hutton BISDEE

130 Private Harry Stanley BLACKBURN

131 Corporal Richard Albert BLACKLOW

263 Shoeing Smith Walter BLACKWELL

Second Lieutenant Rupert Delamere BRENT

132 Private George BREWARD

135 Private George Martin Frederick BREWER

122 Sergeant Frederick Vincent BREWSTER

Lance Corporal BRIANT

124 Private George Robert BROOKS

127 Private Alfred BROWN

266 Sergeant Major William BRUCE

125 Private Charles William BURTON

134 Private William John Samuel BYRNE


142 Private William Cameron CARLIN

138 Private William Robert CASSIDY

268 Private Charles CAWTHORN

Lieutenant Frederic Royden CHALMERS

141 Corporal Henry Douglas CHEPMELL

143 Lance Corporal Charles Ernest CHILCOT

269 Private Walter James CLEARY

144 Private Newell Hay COLEMAN

139 Shoeing Smith Herbert Norman COLEMAN

145 Private Robert Golding COOLEY

267 Saddler Edward COOMBE

259 Trumpeter Sergeant Archibald COOMBE

266 Private Leslie James CORRIGAN

344 Private Francis Gilbert COWELL

Lieutenant COWELL

146 Private Herbert COX

137 Private Leslie Thomas COX

147 Private Edward Allan Michael CURTAIN


151 Private William Michael Henry DOBSON

338 Private Daniel DONNELLY

270 Private Thomas DOWD

148 Sergeant John DREW


152 Private John William EDWARDS

272 Lance Corporal William Alfred EDWARDS

153 Private Percy Alexander EMERY

271 Lance Corporal Alexander Arthur EVANS


160 Corporal Wilfred James FACY

159 Private Tom Tierney FERGUSON

157 Private Albert Ernest FERGUSSON

158 Private Frederick Wilbraham FORD

155 Private Frederick William FOREMAN

162 Private Claude FRENCH


165 Private Harold William GEE

164 Saddler George GLOVER

169 Trumpeter Frederick Thomas Henry GOUCHER

340 Private Archibald James GRANT

163 Private Harold William GREER

167 Private Charles Gresham D'Oyley GROOM

168 Private Robert GUTHRIE


356 Private Edward Ernest HAINES

Lieutenant Harry HALLAM

180 Private George Francis HARRISON

179 Private Ronald Wilberforce HARRISON

279 Private Richard John HART

Captain Carlisle HENDERSON

175 Private Arthur Reginald HEWITT

170 Private Elmslie Fayrer HEWITT

277 Private Walter HEWITT

274 Private Edmund HIGGS

276 Private George Gerald HILDYARD

280 Private John HILL

177 Private George William HILL Picture 1

177 Private George William HILL Picture 2

178 Lance Corporal Cecil Archibald HOLMWOOD

176 Private Thomas Charles Herbert HOWARD

173 Private Robert Edward Morrisby HULL

275 Private Algernon Ashbury HUNT

278 Corporal Arthur Erskine HUNT

171 Private Albert Ernest HUNTER

172 Private Leonard Percy HUTTLEY


355 Private Stephen Mears IBBOT

282 Private Frederick Nelson IBBOTSON

281 Private Richard ILES


182 Private Thomas Foster JARDINE

186 Private Tasman JEFFREY

284 Private Hedley Mitchell JOHNSON

283 Private James William JOHNSON

185 Corporal Roy JOHNSTON

184 Private JH JOHNSTONE

337 Private Archibald JONES

181 Private Harold Percival JONES

183 Private John Martial JOYCE

358 Private Joseph Clarence JOYCE

285 Private Joshua James JOYCE


286 Private Thomas KEARNS

287 Trumpeter Jacob Archibald KING

187 Private Joseph Edward KIRK


194 Lance Corporal Sydney Thomas LAUGHTON

351 Private Harry LAWLER

192 Private Thomas Henry LESLIE

288 Private Norman Edward LOANE

Private H LORD


188 Private Albert Walter Frederick LUTRELL


289 Private Alexander George LYALL

190 Private Thomas LYALL

193 Corporal Douglas Morton LYNE

191 Private William Henry LYNE


195 Private Malcolm MACDONALD

206 Private Cyril Lakeland MADDOX


290 Sergeant William James MANNING

208 Private John Albert MANSER

201 Private Joseph Harland MARONEY

205 Private Thomas Henry MARSDEN

353 Private George MARSHALL

346 Private James MASSEY

Surgeon Lieutenant Charles MATTEI


291 Private James MAXFIELD

Lieutenant John MCCORMICK

204 Corporal Gilbert Langdon MCINTYRE

202 Private Walter Archibald MCINTYRE

293 Private George MCKERCHER

200 Private Albert Joseph MONSON

350 Private James Laurence Armitstead MOORE

298 Corporal Evan MORGAN

295 Private George MORLEY

198 Private Raymond Clark MORRISBY

294 Private William Thomas MOYLE

297 Private Aubrey MURRAY

203 Private David James MURRAY

197 Private Edward R MURRELL


209 Private Herbert NATION

211 Private Allan Henry NEAL

210 Private Claude Anthony NICHOLSON

300 Private William Henry NORTH


212 Private Frank Hedley C OLDHAM

213 Lance Corporal John ORR


307 Private Charles Hale PAGE

306 Private Dudley Harold PAGE

215 Private Francis Neville PAGE

308 Corporal Julian Lambert Russell PAGE

218 Private Richard Arthur PAUL

214 Private Frederick PEACOCK

219 Private Arthur Charles PEGG

359 Private James PHEGAN



225 Private Ernest Florestan RAMSKELL

311 Private Patrick READING

223 Private James Tasman REARDON

Lieutenant REID


Lieutenant George Fairbrass RICHARDSON

310 Private Montague Claude RICHARDSON

222 Private John Temple RILEY


224 Private Thomas ROBERTSON

221 Quartermaster Sergeant Edward William ROBINSON

226 Private Harold ROSS


315 Private William Hobart SALTER

235 Corporal William SANDISON

319 Private Robert William SCADON

227 Private William Charles Stewart SCOLL

321 Private Alfred Henry SCOTT

317 Private William Edmund SCRITCHLEY

229 Private George SHEARING

313 Corporal Oscar Herbert SHERRIN

228 Private Frank Ernest SIMMONDS

318 Private John Robert SMITH

Captain Thomas Alfred SPENCER

314 Private Kenneth Henry STEWART

Private E STREET

231 Private James Robert STREET

232 Private Robert Edward STREET

334 Colour Sergeant Alfred James Parnell SUCHE

352 Private Alban SUITOR

320 Private Roland Thomas SUTTON

Lieutenant Morton Henry SWAN


239 Private Walter Alfred Charles TAYLER

241 Private Robert TEMPLETON

243 Shoeing Smith Vernon Samuel THOMAS

240 Trumpeter Frank William THOMPSON

236 Private Richard Horace THOMPSON

323 Private William THOMPSON

238 Private Edward Tom TILLEY

237 Private Alfred Sorell TUCKER

242 Private William George TUCKER

324 Private Albert Edward TURNER


244 Private Alfred Henry VINCENT


251 Private Percy WADE

333 Private William Albert WALLER

252 Private John Edwards WARBURTON

Lieutenant Colonel Edwin Thomas WATCHORN

249 Private Frederick WATSON

253 Private Harry WHILEY

331 Private Edward Henry WHITE

349 Private William WHITE

248 Private Francis Hyld WILLIAMS

246 Private Percy Augustus WILLIAMS


329 Private John William WILSON

255 Private Reginald Collins WILSON

255 Lance Corporal Robert Benjamin WILSON

250 Farrier Sergeant Charles William WINFIELD

330 Private Francis William WRIGHT


257 Private Thomas Arndel YOUL



Further Reading:

2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Australian Service Personnel, Photograph Albums

Australian Light Horse

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Australian Service Personnel, Photograph Albums, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Friday, 2 September 2011 10:00 PM EADT

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900 - 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.

Please Note: No express or implied permission is given for commercial use of the information contained within this site.

A note to copyright holders

The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has made every endeavour to contact copyright holders of material digitised for this blog and website and where appropriate, permission is still being sought for these items. Where replies were not received, or where the copyright owner has not been able to be traced, or where the permission is still being sought, the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has decided, in good faith, to proceed with digitisation and publication. Australian Light Horse Studies Centre would be happy to hear from copyright owners at any time to discuss usage of this item.


Australian Light Horse Studies Centre

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