Topic: BatzJ - JV Maps
Jordan Valley 1918
Jordan Valley Maps
Tel el Truny
Tel el Truny
Tel el Truny, during June 1918, was an open area upon which both the Ottomans and Australians occupied depending upon the will to exert authority. No permenant outposts were established upon this mound but it was the site for many proxy contests between the combatants.
For example, the 9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary makes mention of a particular skirmish.
9th LHR AIF War Diary, 12 June
Wednesday, June 12, 1918
9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Ain Ed Duk
9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - Hahn, Lieutenant HJ, with “A” Squadron patrol occupied Tel el Truny. By a quick movement to the right flank he surprised an enemy patrol of four who were proceeding to Wadi Auja ½ mile North West of Tel el Truny, capturing two Turks whilst the remaining two fled into the rough broken ground nearby where it was impossible to pursue. Hahn, Lieutenant HJ and his patrol showed just the right amount of dash and used sufficient caution not to become seriously involved with the enemy holding Tel el Rishem.
On 31 May 1918, Lieutenant RNL Hopkins of the 6th Light Horse Regiment draw a panorama of the area.
[Click on map for enlarged version.]
The following map of the Jordan Valley illustrates the area around which the action took place from May to August 1918.
Jordan Valley Map highlighting the region around Tel el Truny
[Click on map for enlarged version.]
The reason for General Allenby allowing the fluid movement of lines in the Jordan Valley was to give the Ottoman Turks the impression that the break out attack would occur through the Jordan Valley to Amman as a repeat of the previous two failed attacks. By keeping up this pressure, the Ottoman planners were blindsided by the attack in the north where the breakthrough actually occurred. An attack was made in the Jordan Valley by a composite column known as Chaytor's Force which did penetrate to Amman in September 1918.
Further Reading:
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920
Citation: Jordan Valley 1918, Jordan Valley Maps, Tel el Truny